The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 12, 1914, Image 8

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    SB, . . i..
C(K5&3&33& WzSSSw 883258 SSE)g
rassraasxEZB KwwrtMOTszBMCTrgcsra
Hnv nrt liief- Kehirned r rom Mar
Where I Personally Selected
A Large Line o
I Nov Have a Complete Line of Rugs
1, In All Sizes and Grades And In
All The Late Patterns
Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer, j
3EM& -vfcSQSw $3E3M5i2$&
ftwA-'WWvV''V '
625 Pound Hogs Show a Big Profit
(Ikntlkmkn1 took ono of my ChoMor White Hops und made a
special tost of "International Stock Food" as per your directions, nud
lit 18 months of ago he weighed 0'.T pnund. When 1 dressed him ho
wis the best hog I ever saw, ami my neighbors told mo the same thing.
I would not bo without "International Stock Food" for my hoi-sun,
cuttle or hogs
Wm. II. Smith.
Sold by Chiis. L. Cutting' cm Mimo tortus as you can buy from tho
factory. Tlnco months time on a 100 pound doil or 5 por cent oil' for
WWW !! WifffWiMM''WWM"MM'l,l",i"","W'"
h k . I I
Miss Philenn Fancett is on tho
John C. Rose was in town on busi
ness Tuesday.
T. W. Sohultz wont to Blue Ulll on
business Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clans ltoso .lr., wore
Hasting-, visitors Tuosdny.
' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Luuipmnn visit
ed at 1). liumptiiun's Sunday.
August Lnntpniiin is helping It. II. j
Allen plaster Ida now hotii-e.
Ron Labough sold Ida lonm last
weok and is now dilvliif a mule.
Mr. and Mis.O. Hudson and children
visited at II. F. Hudson's Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. it. Iloo aio the proud
parents of a baby girl born Monday.
Mr. Frank and Miss Fern Wright
spent Sunday at Mr. 11. C. Wright's.
A. It. Martin has been working in
the Blacksmith simp tho last few days
Mis. Will Leotseh wont to Bladen
Monday evening to visit her sister Mr-.
Ed James.
1'hlllp Lutk and Miss Vema Wright
fipt-nt Sunday with Mr. and M in. Frank
Quite a few young people attended
the dunce given in it. II. t)nlggle's hull
Sutnrdny evoulng.
Mrs. 11. Cure is siting her father in
lHue FIjll nnd her daughter Mrs. S.
Jiiti9j LlO'ir Bluvk'Ui .,
lrtlnif Notrls of Lawroiico spent
Saturday evening and Sunduy with his
undo, Mr. C. Arnold.
Mr. ami Mm. T. W. SohulU, Cora
Kohult. uud Luveda Wright visited at
E. K. Hbub' Sunday.
Mrs. Mitchell and wm or rooraore,
Okla., is visiting her parents Mr. and
Mre. Ueo. lienderson.
Mr and Mrs. Geo. Hudson aroon tho
tiok list. Miss Edna Cook Is staying
with them for a few days.
Mrs. Almo Suck and ohlldren wont
to Blue IliU Friday for a few days
visit with her sister Mrs. L. Glebe.
Mr. M. Kunclo has been suffering
with a brokeu rib whloh was done by
falling on the edge of his counter.
Mrs. Wurdlow nnd children of Paul
ine visited Saturday and Sunday with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henderson.
Tho German Presbyterian Ladies Aid
met at D. Hoppeu's Thursday. They
are doing splendid work and have a
Halllo Robinson, lirucu Laird, Ray
tnond Itoblusou, Mack and Hlarni
Arnold were passcngors to Blue Hill
Thursday evening.
Mr. Fred Blobuum and Herman Gcr
lack left Sumlay morning with Mr.
Blobaum's car of stock and furniture
for the south west purt of Missouri.
Mr Blobuum purchased a farm there
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Krauso and
daughters Ferule and Gladys went to
Omaha last Thursday for a few days
visit with his sister. Mr. Krauso to
turned Saturday evening but Mrs.
Krauso and daughters remained and
will visit ut Belgrade and Shlckley.
Boyd V.uich was ttansuctiinf busi
ness in Hustings Tuwidny
P. It. Long came in from Blooming
ton between Indus Wedne-dny.
It. II. Thompson was an Oiiuilm visit
or the latter pni;tof last week.
Mlkc Duidcii of Blue Hill was on
our streets n few hours Saturday be
twoon trains.
II. 0. Kueney shipped n oar of stock
to Kansas City Monday. Ho accom
panied the shipment.
Thornt Foe Is having an oillco fitted
up In tho A. .1. tiny building on the
north side of the street.
Iluulleld & 'riioiniis our stock men
oT this place shipped a en of inl.vnd
stock to St. .loe Wednesday
.Si'v-ial of our Sunday school worl.
eis .itten .i-d llib Hnnilay hCUoo, con
vention at Citlido Bock Monday , and
F. A. tlood Is having a new tar and
sand roof put on tho roatuiiraiit build
lug. The Hastings lirlek it Supply Co ,
is doin , tho work.
butrflit Johnson left for Iilncoln
tho later putt of last week. He ex
pects to iniiko his home at Bethany
Bights where Ids sister resides.
II. F. MoTnggnit, or tho firm of
Wells it MeTuggitrt, left for Omaha
Wednesday to buy tho Hpring stock of
machinery for the linn. Ills son Ward
accompanied him on the trip.
Warren Denny came in from Fre
mont Tuesday evening whore ho had
been attending an auction saloof Hpl
stein cattle. He brought homo three
good looking calves which ho will
build up ids herd with.
As near ns e eau ilnd out there is
going to be about, tliirtytivu or forty
acres of onions put out on tho creel;
this year. This will make some onions
If thoru Is a good crop. This Is ono of
tho most paying crops in the state and
as near as we can learn the soli of this
creel: is the best, there is in tho statu
for this purpose.
Wo think that there is a number one
location for a canning factory at. till-.
nlnco. Thero is plenty of first class
soil for raising nearly all kinds o.
garden truck for canning purposes on
tile creek. You can ruiso the oinning
corn on higher ground if necessury
and savo the lower ground for crops
which n ro more susceptible to drouth.
A canning factory can bo run- for ,it
small ampuiit of money and if run
properly gives goodrdividonds on the
niLMiey invested.
r"r n
emu mil1 11 m, ii . i Wi mgm.mgsmmmMmmsmssm
and wagon
I have a few buggies
The Smdefoaker line which I will
dispose of at cost to close them
"out in he next twemy days.
Will be sold for cash or bankable note
See me before buying elsewhere
Lawrence Shinciuau sawed wood for
Hud D.utker Monday.
Dr. Movers sold Sam Crilley eight
llolslcins hist week
(Uorgu Miirsha'l uiado a business
trip to litiieoln Filday.
(Julte a nunibor ftoni this vicinity
attended tho John Htnkiifs sale.
Chas. Lambert and wlfo and Ed.
Holniberg spent Sunday at 1 O.
Mrs. Alma Murphy enmo in fiom the
wtbt WedtiLS'lay morning te visit a
couple of weeks with relatives and
Charley Stanley was called to Lin
coin Sunday to he with his son, Harold,
who Issuiroriiu' with blood poison in
his hand.
Bud Danker, Ed. Ilolmberg and
Clini. Stanley bought soiiiu hogs at tho
Ohiust and Waechtur stile at lllverton,
Bryan Tupper ivjul llaivu Falling uro
l'uding theii cars and will soon lenvol
for Wyoming wlioro thoy will tnako
their tut tire homes.
Tho marriage of Miss Mabel Will
iams, tho only daughter of Mr. .1. C,
Williams, justice of the peace at Mount
Hope and Mr. Bennett Mohter, sou of
Joseph P. Mohler of Esbou; Kansas,
occurred last Thursday evening in the
court house in Bed Cloud, Couuty
Judirc A. D Hanney performing the
ceremony. An elaborate wedding
supper was served the bridal party at
the homo of Mr. ami Mrs. William J.
Francis, of Duckorville, Kansas.
The brido is a most popular youcg
lady and highly respected by nil her
Mrs. Frank Stokes spent Tuesday at
O. A. Adams returned home from
Omaha Tuesday.
Clyde Mltcholl nnd wife were Red
Cloud visitors Friday.
Clarence Ilecds visited at II. E.
Mitchell's Wednesday.
Mrs. Mary Kamlnskoy visited at her
son, Claud's, Thursday.
Carl Itudd and wlfo autoed oyer to
Bed Cloud last Monday.
Jim Sutton and wife spent Wednes
day ut Hurry Chaplains.
Lloyd Kauilnskey is helping his
brother, Claud, move this week.
Mis. Tom Whitley and daughter,
Berth.i, wore in lllverton Tuesday.
Lou Wonderly is out on his fuiiu
this week getting ready for tanning.
Ira TrueUlood and wife of Bed Cloud
visited over .Sunday at the Whiiloy
home. '
Homer Squirt) returned home from
his western Kansas trip the Hist of
lust week
Mrs. Arnison of Bed Cloud visited
over Sunday with her daughter, Mrs.
B. F Points.
Bos Fern litis moved buck to his
farm which Beed Olckerson occupied
the pistyear.
Mrs. Leona Smith and children uro
visiting at the homo of her ptrents,
A. Jauseti anil wife.
Frank Klucaid wife and daughter,
Luliti spent the past, weol; visiting
noi th east of luavnle.
Several from South inavulo attend
el the Fanners' Union uioutlng hold in
Bed Cloud, Tuesday.
Lonti Hunsleker arrived home last
Monday from Burr Oak, Kansas, where
ho has been working.
Frank Klnculd ami family departed
Monday night, for Dayton, Wyoming,
wlioro they will make their future
Mis. Alva Stoner has been quite
sick for the past week but wo aro glad
to report her much better ut this
Miss Bonnie Bluukenbaker was un
able to return to Bed Cloud to school
Monday on account of having trouble
Willi her eyes.
George Jausou. nnd Ray Iluuslckcr
are helping Frank Smith move his
household goods to Inavale where he
will loud his our for the sand hills.
Mrs. Sarah Points entcrtniued -in
Red Cloud,
the young friends of Miss Irene Mun
sell gave her a pleasant surprise.
Games were played after which re
freshments were served and a very en
joyable time was reported by all
,One of the moit enjoyable events of
the season was held lust. Friday even
ing when Miss Vergio Worthon entor
tuincd tho young people of the lua
vnle Christian Sunday School to u
hard time party All were fined who
wore not dressed in hard time stylo
and there were sure sonto rugged cos
litmus displayed. Verdti uud Lorou
lluiisicker taken the prl.o for the
wotst looking costume. Corn btodd
and milk'was served for refreshment.
ShoiId Be Ordered Now
We Have Faith In
This StomachiReraedy
A woman customer said to us tho
other day, "Say, you ought to tell
everyone in town about RcNall Dyspep
sia Tablets. I would myself if 1 could."
That set us to thinning. So many
people have used them uud have so on-
tlitisiastieally sounded their praises
botli to us and their friends, that we
Had an ideu you all ImetV about tlu-m.
But, In tho chance that .some of you
who buffer from indigestion, heart
burn, dyspepsia, or some other sloni
ach complaint, don't know about them
wu ate writing this.
They contain Bismuth and Pepsin,
two of the greatest digestive aids
known to medical science. They
soothe and cjinfort tho stomach, pro
mote llio seciellon of gastric juice,
help to quickly digest the food and
convert it into rich, red blood, and im
prove tho action of tho bowels. Wo
believe them to bo tho best remody
made for indigestion and dyspepsia.
We certainly wouldn't oiler them to
you entirely at our risk utilois we felt
sure thoy would do you it lot of good.
If Kexull Dyspepsia Tablets do not re
lieve your indigestion, check tho heart
bum, and make it possible for you tol
eat what you like whenever you line,
come back aud get your money.
Sold only at tho more than 7,000
Rexall Stores, aud inthis towu only. at
our store. Three sizes, 25c, GOo, and
l.oo. II. E. Grice Drutf Co., Bed
Cloud, S'obr.
inuuur. l - - -
The groom is a prosperous farmor 1 honor of her son, Jesslo's fifth birth
and u very popular youug man, unu
the newlyweds begin their married
life with the best wishes of a host of
day lust Saturday afternoon. Ice
orcam and cake were served and a
very enjoyable time was reported.
On last Saturday evening soveral of
I) F or The Best MighjGradG Memorials
& r-- Consult IS
' OlfERIffG BROS. & GO. 1
j) Red Cloud, Nebraska 95
From March l!Uh to April 15th, there will bo low ono way fares, such as
g:iO from principal Nebraska towns to tho Pacific Coast, and SM to Utah uud
parts of Idaho and Montana. Travelers can easily join tho Burlington's
Personally Coudiictod Tourist Sleeper Parties to California, through their
noirest agent.
WINTER TOUBIST FARES to Southern resorts aro yet avnilable. The
Wintor season of the Southland and Cuba is nt its height during March. Then
later, many Southern tourists oomo homeward by way of Washington, D. C.
The capital city and its, historic environs aro at their best during April nnd
"SEE AMERICA FIRST" Our railroads have such a perfect Interchange '
ot through circuit routes, througli train, tiokot and baggage arrangements as
tiftnake traveling about the most educational and cnjoyublo diversion avail
able to our people.
Just received a car of Fancy Eai"y
Ohio Potatoes. 81.10 per bushel. Tur
nuro & Son.
For the best 25o dinner, also short
orders, pie, sandwiches and fresh
oysters go to Warren's restaurant.
JT. . roc, Ticket Agent.
L.W. WAKKLKY, General aengr Agt.
large organization.