''flif RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF f" '-rmpafrrtprm V?"'' GAS, DYSPEPSIA AililGESTl 'Tape's Diapepsin" settles sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes Time It! You don't wont a slow remedy when your stomach Is bad or an uncertain one or n harmful one your stomach is too valuablo; you mustn't Injuro It. Iniio's Diapepsin Is noted for Its spued in giving relief; its harmless ness, its certain unfailing action In regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures In Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach troublo has mado It famous the world over. Keep this perfect stomach doctor in your home keep it handy get a largo flfty-ccnt case from any dealer and then If anyone should eat something which doesn't ngreo with them; If what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes head ache, dizziness and nausea; eructa tions of acid and undigested food remember as soon as l'apo's Diapepsin comes in contact with the stomach nil such distress vanishes, its prompt ness, certainty and ease in overcoming tlio worst stomach disorders is a reve lation to those who try it. Adv. Then the Apparatus Is In Demand. A visitor was being shown through a lid lifting "athletic" dub. The chief attraction seemed to be the liquid 'gymnastic department. However, there yns u cheaply equipped gymnasium which showed evidences of disuse. There was dust on thu Indian clubs and cobwebs on thu dumbbells. "Don't the members ever uso this equipment?" tho visit asked. "Oh, yes, occasionally when a light starts," waB tho reply. WATERY BLISTERS ON FACE Smithville, Ind. "Six months ago our baby girl, one year old, had a fow red pimples come on her face which gradually spread causing her face to become very irritated and a fiery red color. Tho plmple3 on the child's faco were nt first small watery blisters, Just a, small blotch on tho skin. She kept scratching at this until in a few days her whole cheekB were fiery red color and instead of tho little blisters the skin was cracked and scaly looking nd seemed to itch aud burn very much. "We used a number of remedies which seemed to give relief for a short time then leavo her faco worse than over. Finally wo got a cako of Cutl cura Soap and a box of Cuticura Oint ment. I washed the child's face with very warm water and Cuticura Soap, then applied tho Cuticura Ointment very lightly. After doing this about three times a day tho itching and burning seemed entirely gone in two days' time. Inside of two weeks' time lier faco seemed well. That was eight months ago and there has been no re turn of tho trouble." (Signed) Mrs. A. K. Wooden, Nov. 4, 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Samplo of each iree.with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card, "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv. Correction. "My poor husband got mixed up in nocently in that shooting affray, and they brought him homo to mo half dead." "No, madam; only half shot" In this ago cash will keep friends longer than diplomacy. WHAT $10 DID FOB THIS WOMAN The Price She Paid for Lydia Which Brought . Good Health. Danville, Va." I have only spent ten dollars on your medicino and I feel so liKgSS 1 did when the doctor was treating me. I don't suffer any bearing down pains at nil now and I sleep well. I cannot Bay enough for Lydia E. Finkham's Vegeta ble Compound and Liver Pills as they havo done so much forme. I am enjoy ing good health now and owe it all to your remedies. I take pleasure In tell ing my friends and neighbors about them. "-Mrs. Mattib Haley, 501 Col quhono Street, Danville, Va. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should loso hopo un til she has given Lydia, E. Finkham's Vegetable .Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, tho medicinal ingrodionta of which nro derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to bo a mo3t valua blo tonic and Inviprorator of tho fe male organism. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to tho wonderful virtuo of Lydia E. Plnkham'B Vegeta l)lo Compound. ' If you lmvo tho slightest douht tlmt Lydia E.lMnlclinm'sVcffota lilo Compound will help you.writc to Lydia E.PlnlchumModlclneCo. (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad vice. Your letter will bo opened, read and'answered by a woman and held in strict coulldonce. pi Jm SEPARATING COME UNIVERSITY REMOVAL PETITIONS SHORT ON SIGNATURES. GOSSIP FROM STATE CAPITAL Items ot Interest Gathered from Re liable Sources and Presented In Condensed Form to Our Readers. Westrrn Newspaper t'ntmi NVw Servlc Segregation of all state Income, nc cording to Its source, and covering n period of thirteen years past, has Just been completed by Deputy State Treasurer Daniclson for tho bonellt of the state tax commission. For the biennial period of 1001 and 1902 the total Income was RfiOO.tilifi. of which $L,,r2L,,144 was brought In from tax levies. Tho balance was yielded from principal, lease aud Inter est on stato lands. Interest on Invest ments, department fees and earnings, licenses, escheats, federal aid to var ious activities, convict labor and from self-supporting boards. The legislature of the same bicn nluin made appropriations totaling ?-'. 875,289. Practically all of this went to activities subject to payment with money gathered In the tax, fund. For tire biennial period of I'.Ul and 1012, the last full period of which rec ord Is available, tho total Income leap ed to $7,4U9,49:i, while the appropria tions of 'tho corresponding legislative session aggregated (ClSi.snx During the last bicuulum the total amount gathered by general property taxation was J4.CS4.4C9. Must File Additional Names. Count of the university location petition names by counties has Just been completed by the secretary of state. Of tho 23.3S6 names allowed to remain on the petition which Ih now short just 781 names there are 3,164 names from Douglas county. The re quired 5 per cent of that county is only 1.4fi2, as the total vote, according to the secretary's records, was 29,247 at tho 1912 election. The colectors of names will have until ninety days before the .general election to file additional names and this will be taken up at once, accord ing to the staff connected with the work. Tho names ruled out by tho secretary number 2,877 and were col lected at tho state fair and one or two other places where large crowds wcro present. The fact that tho petitioners signed tho documents without regard to tlie fact that names from many counties appeared on each petition was held by Secretary Walt to be con trary to tho apparent Intention of the law. Counties In which the required C per cent of names has not been collected, are Adams, Bnuner, Blaine, Burt, Cheyenne, Dawes. Deuel, Cage, Oar field. Greeley, Grant, Holt, Hooker, Howard, Keya Paha, Knox, Logan, Loup, McPherson, Morrill, Perkins, Red Willow and York. Under the law the 10 per cent petition is required to contain names of 5 per cent of the total legal voters in each of only two fifths, or thirty-seven counties, of the state, so this action of the law has been complied with in substance. Anti-Removal Organization. The beginnings of an organization with which to oppose university re moval were put on' foot at a meeting in Lincoln in which university alumni largely predominated. An executive committee of seven was' named with plenary powers. It has the right to perfect an organization throughout tho state, to collect and disburse funds, and if it deems necessary, to enlarge its own membership. This committee is to exist until after the election at which the location question is to be settled. The members of this commit tee, as nnnounced by Chairman Pol lard, are as follows: K. M. Pollard of Nehawka, chairman; Fred G. Hawks by of Auburn, secretary; C. M. Sklles of David City, Val Keyser of Nebras ka City. A. W. Field of Lincoln, Frank Rain of Falrbury and Miss Charlotto Worley of Alliance. A draft covering the $1,000 loss which tho state suffered in tho failure of the First National bank at Superior, has been received by State Treasurer Goorgo from the Loon Bonding Co. of Omaha, which Indemnified the stato against loss. Good-natured bandying and rich renditions of songs of his own composi tion In tho minstrel shows at tho peni tentiary' brought attention of local people to Thomas Mclntyrc, sent up from Cheyenne county for murder, and ho has been paroled to Judge W. H. Englnnd of Lincoln. Governor More head signed the parole after he be camo convinced that Mclntyro had no hand in tho murder of tho Sidney watchman, for which he and Harry Ne ville and Con Sullivan were convicted. A confession signed by Neville sintes that Mclntyre was not in the yards Shoes for National Guard. A carload of hiking-shoes, tho first, peace donation of footwear over made to tho Nebraska National guard, has Just beon received at headquarters In Lincoln. Tlio consignment will bo stored in tho armory at present and will likely be given out at tho stato camp this year. If .tho plan to Join with other states In tho maneuvers at Fort Riley, Kas., is followed out, then tho shoes will bo given out previous to tho departuro for that cncRtnpment. Tho shoes, according to Goneral Hall, are of a durable quality IRELAND'S PATRON SAINT Ireland, thanks to the aatnt's rloquonco unil fervor, lxrnm5 a Christian coun try. Ilia Krinul work uccompllHhei) 8t. 1'atrlcU illrrt at Downpiitrlrk, March 17, 405, It la BtilU. HIS GREAT LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE St. Patrick's Confession Shows How Ardently He Longed for Their Welfare. Epistle Has Been Declared Worthy of the Greatest of the Teachers of the Word Breastplate of Prayer a Short Litany His Synod. HOW yearningly St. Patrick loved his people may bo learned from tho following passage In his Confes sion, worthy of St Augustlno or St. Paul: "If I havo over dono any good for the sake of my God, whom I lovo, I beg him to grant mo that I may shed my blood with theso proselytes and captives for his sake, even though I should never receive burial, or each member of my body should bo most horribly thrown to tho dogs and wild beasts, or tho birds of prey should feed upon it." (Par. 24.) His Confession ends with theso words: "And this Is my confession before I die." (Par. 25.) For Its humility, sweetness, faith, love and self-sacrifice It must be ad mired by all who read It The Breastplato of Prayer of St. Patrick is a sort of short litany pro- Pilgrims at St. Patrick's Cross, Saint's Island, Lough Derg. fesslng belief In and invoking tho Blessod Trinity. Our Lord's Incarna tion, resurrection and ascension; calling on tho powers of heaven, of earth, otc, invoking Christ for himself and nil of his. , From other workB not surely com posed by St. Patrick, though probably reflecting tho bollefs and practices of his times or thouo soon after him In Ireland, tho synod ot St Patrick Is composed of 31 canons. Tho twelfth Is entitled: On our obligation toward tho dead, And In tho eighteenth is given an original Interpretation of SBBBflSBBBBBBBBBJBJBJBBBBBBHfiSBM sLHratHl&jLLKSLSiH I'bkjb'bA? Sa'a'a'B'aB'a'a'f '' 'mEILm SSaKMUsLBBHtoSSiMiLLV SfJIro'sfliiwB0X9ELLl s!s&&aBnBBu&&y-v"wSBB sflHSsBK.tlCSBCiZEliS aa&ju&a&a&i&a&ai A PKAYEH. 3! (By St. Patrick, Apostle of Ire land, at Tara's Hill.) 31 At Tnra today L tho strength of God pilot mo; tho power of A God presorve me; tho wisdom of " God Instruct me: tho ova of God watch over mo; tho ear of God hear mo; the word of God glvo mo sweet talk; tho hand of God defond mo; tho way of God guldo mo. Christ bo with mo; Christ before mo; Christ after mo; Christ In me; Christ under me: Christ over mo: Christ on 2 my right hnnd; Christ on my icrt nana; ennst on tins emo; Christ on that Hide; Christ nt my back; Christ in tho heart ot every person to whom I speak; Christ in tho mouth of every person who speaks to mo; Christ In the car of every per son who hears me. At Tara, to day, I invoke tho mighty power of tho Trinity. Salvation la tho Lord's salvation is tho Lord's. Salvation is Christ's. May thy F salvation, O Lord, be always F with us! the three different degreos ot fruit fulness of tho gospol seed, declaring that those who aro to reap a hun dredfold reward are tho bishops and doctors, who aro all things to all men; those who are to havo the sixty fold are tho clergy and widows; the thlrtyfold shall bo received by tho laymen who are faithful. He also places monks and virgins with those who shall have tho hundredfold. lie who does not recclvo commun ion at Easter is declared to bo not a "faithful" (Canon 22). It is Interesting to noto that tho synod forbids a man to tako his dead brother's widow to wlfo, and doclaros that sho shall bo to him only a sister (Canon 25). Little sympathy was given to avar ice among tho clergy; according to decrees IV., VIII. and XIII., whllo de cree XIV. is interesting In showing that for murder, evil living or con sulting auspices tho sinner shall do pennnco for a year and afterward ho shall bo absolved by tho priest After theso follow a fow "other canons attributed to St. Patrick," then tho "Chnrtcr of St. Patrick," on tho antiquity of tho Church of Gastonbury In England, very quaint and enter taining. Next wo havo "Tho Rook of St Patrick the Bishop on tho Thrco Dwellings," a profound yet practical and unctuous sermon on heaven, hell and this world. Saint Knew Persecution. It St Patrick's .conversion of Ireland waa without persecution in tho ordi nary sense of tho word, as usod In tho history of tho church, yet ho assures us: "I went about ovorywhoro for your tsakes in many dangors, oven to tho furthest district, boyond which no body lived, nnd whero no ono had over gono to bnptizo or to ordain ciorlco or to encourage tho peoplo; by tbo holp of tho Lord I havo dono all theso things most falthfuHy and freely for your salvation." Ho tolls us ovon that "on a certain dreadful day thoy tried most earnestly to kill mo . . . and they threw mo Into chains. But on tho fourteenth day tho Lord deliv ered mo from their power." WILSON'S MESSAGE ON TOLL QUESTION President Declares Exemption of U. S. Coastwise Shipping a Mistaken Economic Policy. ASKS ADAMSON ACT REPEAL Chief Executlvo Says All World Pow ers Were Unanimous In Judgment Exemption Was In Violation of Treaty Obligations. Washington, Mnrch fi. -Declaring Hint tho exemption of American coast wlso shipping from tho payment of Pananm canal tolls was based upon a "mistaken economic policy" and wns "In contravention of our treaty with Great Britain," President Wilson to day asked congress to repeal tho Ad unison net containing tho exemption clause. Tlio appeal was mado In per son by tho presldont, who appeared before tlio senato and house of repre sentatives In Joint session. Tho presldont declared that all tho world powers were unanimous In Judg ment that tho exemption was In vio lation of our treaty obligations. Only In tho t'nlted States, ho said, was tho exemption clause regarded as debat able or as open to tiucstlon. Ho said ho had not comu to congress to deliver n personal view, but that considera tions of jUBtlco and wisdom led him to bolluvo that tho proviso should bo re pealed without delay. Tho president added that tho United States "ought not to quibble" In tho matter of n treaty obligation. Ho in timated that tho Panama canal tolla question was Involved In all tho other foreign questions now beforo tho Uni ted States, becauso ho would not know how to deal with thorn unless tho ox emptlon Is repealed. President's Message. Tho nddrosB follows: "Gentlemen of tho Congress: "I havo como to you upon an errand which can bo very briefly porformod, but I beg that you will not mcasuro Hb Importance by tho number of sen tences In which I stnto It. No com munication I havo addressed to tho congress carried with It graver or moro far-reaching ImpllcatlonB to the interest of tho country and I now como to speak upon a matter with rccard to which I am charged in a peculiar degrco by tho constitution It self with norBonal responsibility. "I havo como to ask for tho repeal of that provision of tho Tanama canal act or August 21, 1912, which exempts vessels engnged in tho coaatwlso trado of tho United Statos from payment of tolls, nnd to urgo upon you tho Jus tice, tho wisdom, and tho largo policy of such a ropenl with tho utmoHt earnestness of which I nm capablo. Exemption a Mistake. "In my own Judgment very fully considered and maturely formed, that exemption constitutes a mistaken economic policy from every point of lew, nnd 1b, moreover, In plain con travention of tho treaty with Great Britain concerning tho canal conclud ed on November 18, 1901. But I havo not como to you to urgo my personal views. I havo como to stato to you n fact and a situation. , "Whatever may bo our own differ ences of opinion concerning this much debated mcasuro, Its meaning la not debated outside tho United States. Everywhere olso tho languago of the treaty is given but one Interpretation, and that interpretation precludes the exemption Tarn asking you to repeal. Consented to Treaty, "Wo consontod to tho treaty; Us language wo accepted, It wo did not orlglnato it; and wo nre too big, too powerful, too self-respecting a nation to Interpret with- too strained or re fined a reading tho words of our own promises Just becauso wo havo powpr enough to glvo un leave to road them as wo pleaso. Tho largo thing to do is tlio only thing wo can afford to do, n voluntary withdrawal from a posi tion ovorywhoro questioned and misun derstood. Wo ought to roverso our nctlon without raising tlio question whether wo woro right or wrong, nnd bo onco moro doservo our roputatlon for generosity and tho redemption of every obligation without qulbblo or hesitation. "I ask this of you in support of tho foreign policy of tho administration. I shall not know how to deal with other meetings of oven greater doll cocy and nearer consequence If you do not grant It to mo In ungrudging measure." Names Phillips for Malone's Job. Washington, March G. William Phillips of Boston waa nominated by Presldont Wilson third assistant sec retary of stato, succeeding Dudley Field Mnlono, now colloctor of the port of Now York. Phillips served as third assistant secretary of stato during tlio Taft administration. Big Fire In New Orleans. Now Orleans, March 5. Two sheda of tho Iulslana Railway and Naviga tion company, on now Basin canal hero containing 4,G00 bales of cotton and Bovorul freight cars, wero de stroyed by Uro. Tho losa is $250,000. Father Asks Son's Arrest. Lob Angoles, Cnl., March C Ray mond M. Kano, nluotecn years old, was arrested hero on tolographic in structions from his fathor, II. S. Kauo of Gates City, Vs., to tho Los Angclea police. I Hoarseness Have you got hoarseness that continues? Or do you got hoarse onco In n while, whunuvon you get tho nllghtoBt uol17 IIonrsencHs Moans a catarrhal condition of tho vocal conls. The vocal conln uro way down in tho larynx and when ulToctcil by hoarseness should causa serious concern. Peruim lins boon found to bu an excellent remedy for such cancM. Wo havo received testimonials from responsible peoplo who lmvo been relieved of hoarseness by l'crunn. Should you want to road a lot of excellont testimonials on nil mibjcctis wrlto for tno "Ills of Life" nent freo by tho 1'oruna Co- Co lumbus, Ohio. ..... Perunn can also bo obtained In tablet form. Aik your drugalst, or send to us direct. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cur CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fall. Purely vegeta ble net surely but gently un the liver. Stop after dinner dis tress-cure Indigestion. Improve the complexion, brighten the cyca. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSK. SMALL PRICK. Genuine must bear Signature PIONEERS OF THE FRONTIER Red-Blooded Men and Women Were Those Who Carved an Empire From Wilderness. No doubt tho "run ot tho contlnont" has Improved tho liber ot tho Ameri can people. Of courso, tho well estab lished and tho lutcllectuulfi hud no mo tive to seek tho west; but in onorgy and vonturosomenoss thouo who sought tho frontier wore superior to the average of thoso in their class who stayed .behind. It wan tho pike rather than tho carp that found their way out of tho pool. Now, in tho main, thoso who pushed through tho open door ot opportunity loft moro chlldron than their fellowe who did not Often themselves members of largo' famlllos. they had fecundity, as It were, in the blood. With land abundant and the outlook encouraging, they married earlier. In tho narrow life of the young west, lovo and family woro stronger interests than In tho older society; henco all married. Thanks to cheap living and to tho need ot helpers, tho big family was welcomed. Living by agriculture tho west know llttlo of cities, manufactures, social rivalry, luxury and a serving class, all fooB of rapid multiplication. Prom "Origins of tho American People," by Prof. Edward A. Ross, In the Century. No Joke. At tho Chicago Athletic club a game had boen put up on a cynical old bachelor. Tho man had waited from eight to ten in tho park on a snowy evonlng In obedlenco to a palo pink, vlolot-scented noto that his friends had faked in order to se4-it ho was really as confirmed a womaa hater as he claimed. Turning up at tho club for a night cap, tho duped and frozen bachelor was very sullen and Bulky when his friends derided him. Ho saw no fun whatever in the fake note. Georgo Ado, noticing his black and lowering looks, gave a loud laugh and said: "What a skinflint you must be! Won't even laugh at a Joko, eh, If lt'a at your own expense!" Sufficient Proof. Prisoner All I want is Justice! Lawyer Then I can savo you from It on the grounds of insanity ! LIFE'S ROAD Smoothed by Change of Food. asii .nuihUN naaw- Bivcrv jsvbv Bjrii.ua. w jh- - -t V&2cJft&?zrz Worry is a big load to carry and an unnecessary ono. When accompanied by indigestion it certainly la cause for tho blues. But tho whole troublo may bo easily thrown off nnd Ilfo's road bo made easy and comfortable by proper eating and the cultivation ot good cheer. Head what a Troy woman says: "Two years ago I made tho acquaint ance of Grapo-Nuts and have used tho food onco a day and sometlmos twice, ever since "At the tlmo I began to uso It Ufa was a burden. I was for years afflict ed with bilious sick headache, caused by indigestion, and nothing seemed to relieve me. "Tho trouble becamo so severe tl had to leavo my work for days at a tlmo. "My norves woro In such a state I could not sleep and the doctor said Z was on tho vorgo of nervous prostra tion. I saw nn adv. concerning Grapo Nuts and bought a packago for trial. "What Grapo-Nuta has dono for me is certainly marvelous. I can now sloop iiko a child, am cntiroly free from tho old troublo and havo not had a heudnclio in over a year. I feci Uko a new person. I havo recommended It to othors. Ono man I know ato prin cipally Grapo-NutB whllo working on tlio ico all winter, and Buld ho novor felt bettor in his llfo." Namo given by Postum Co., Battle Crook, Mich. Read "Tho Road to' Wellvlllo," In pkga. "Thoro'a a Roa. eon." Kvcr rend the abort letter T A n nppear from time to time. They ore icruulur, true, au4 (all of kaauut tntcreat. t n M "v M i& vtt .fl va aa s$ m VJuW'itjUt,