The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 12, 1914, Image 6

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wmximiaLUJ WftX'wu.CT'V'l1wr
Internal Revenue Collection! 8how Up
Well First Savings Bank
at Superior Cloies
Its Doors.
Western Newspaper Union News Service.
El 1'nRo. Tlio case of Luis Torrazas,
whoso life, In effect, linn been declared
forfeited unless 600,000 pesos nro lm
medintcly forthcoming, Is still In stiitus
quo. Tho ransom hns not been paid,
as Gen. Luis TcrrnznB, father of tho
prisoner, claims that out of his vnBt
fortnno no such sum Is nvallable.
Felix Martinez, prominent politically
In this section, Is reported to have
telegraphed Secretary IJrynii Inviting
him to iiso his Rood ofllccB In behalf
of tho vounger Terrains. Many friends
of tho latter declared that Villa's
thrent of taking his captive south with
him, which Is regarded by tho father
as a death sentence. Js not empty, as
with Lula alive ho may extort money
from tho family If any Is left, while
Luis dend would no longer bo a wea
pon In his hands.
Savings Bank at Superior Closes.
Superior, Neb. Tho First Savings
bank of Superior was closed Friday
toy order of tho state banking board
which hns practically been In posses
sion for two weeks. That tho bank
would be closed at tho end of sixty
days' notlco from depositors was np
parent Immediately after the First Na
tional bank of Superior closed less
thnn sixty days ago. Notlco from de
positors that they would demand their
money from tho savings bank at tho
end of sixty days tied up at least $50.
000 of tho bank'B funds. Doth banks
were conducted by practically tho
amo officers nnd same board of direc
But Internal Revenue Collections Are
Coming Up Well.
Washington. While- customs re-
? ! ill" HaV. fnIIcn off nndor th0 new
larilT, tho Internal rovenuo burenu Is
coming to tho rescue with Increased
collections from Indirect taxes. The
t?. ,,c?"octcd th0 bureau from
iji,ja-7S, nn Increase of $2,fi36 39
Zll corrcspondlng period for "the
previous year. Tho tax on tobacco
brought $47,680,435. an Increase of $?.
,;; 8,,nnd ferncnted liquors $40,276,
JSO, an Incrcaso of $1,412,306. Distilled
bSLhM,nc,u,,,,nB wh,r. "
ofr$MoV,?lSn,y ,M'MMM' a 'J
''Black Tony" Qets Life Sentence.
Omaha, Ncb.-Tony Clarletta, tho
on t n;y(a0I,, boy wh as been
on trial hero for tho murder or Henry
?ho ST f0Un1 BUlI,y of iorS
tho nrat degrco and sentenced to lm-
lTmT fr llf- 0nl-v th yotl. of
rln ""ed him from ho doc-
trio chair. liJg avyen w1, t '
Tor a now trial, darlotta confessed to
of fright when ho was assisting in th0
holdup of tho McVey resort.
Get Pay for Capture of Bandits.
Omaha, Neb.-FIve youths who aid
ed In tho capture of tho Union Paci c
bandits by their discovery of tho ,,
Jelts, etc., nor tho Brow Park
school received tho money awarded
them by tho court Tuesday. Tho rob
hory occurred five years ago. Each of
them received $1,800. They are John
Krulek and Adolph Mornskl.
Huerta Jail, six Editors.
jz rir to th fortrcs or 2;
Juan do Ulna. They wore charged
with cremating false news calculate
tt.u3SdSS2: nn,mo8Uy aKa,nBt
Report on Income Tax.
Wash ngton.-More than two-thlnls
of tho slxty-thrco Internal revenue I
h.Jae,!BP?rt0d theIr ,nco, ta
Teturns to tho treasury department.
Sydney, N. S. W.-Tho worst bllz
wird experienced In fifty years hns de-
J2iC? k !S,and nnd Altutakl
island, In tho archipelago south of tho
Society Islands. A hugo wave swopt
over Mauko Island. In tho samo group
destroying an ontlro village Tho con
dltlon of tho Inhabitants of tho storm
atrlckon islands is pitiable.
Jefferson City, Mo. The right of ex
proas companies to refuse to deliver
O. O. D. shipments of liquor into Texas
has been upheld by tho Missouri bu
promo court.
t Justified Killing of Gangster,
fit Louis. The grand Jury decided
that Henry Znng was Justified in kill
ing Wesley "Rod" Simon, threo hours
latter Simon wont on trial last Monday
Ifor tho murder of another gangster.
, Zang, who was to havo been tho chief
witness ngalnBt Simon, testified that
he ahot the defendant when ho thought
Simon was about to kill him. The
killing occurred in a saloon ncross the
street from the municipal courts build
ing during a ten minute court recess
fja the Simon trial
taim mjw q&oi ' LfffiEsHssi
j&sk -.:s- -siTasgs IuHbbIbbbbbbI
AWTSbA V Vt BMsNKk. KWPHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1
M&9& fzs. TwME6r ( ImpiB
KS&mwrCs L I mmm
IC.mvrUht t
Campaign to Enlist Many Kansas
Boys and Girls Organizing
to Oppose University
Western Newspaper Union Ncwm Service.
El Paso, Tex. Luis TerrazaB has ap
pealed to Marlon Letcher, American
consul at Chihuahua, now in this city
awaiting Instructions, to savo his son
Luis, whoso life has been declared tho
forfeit If 500,000 pesos ransom Is not
paid over to General Francisco Villa,
the rebel leader. Consul Letcher de
clared himself deeply moved by tho
appeal of tho octogennrlan head of tho
great Mexican family whose wldo pos
sessions have been confiscated by tho
constitutionalists, but he had to reply
thnt ho was helpless in tho matter.
"I am eighty years old and neither
llfo or money mean much to me," said
General Terrazas with a tremor In his
voice. "My son LuIb hns thirteen
children, nnd they need him. I would
gladly return to Chihuahua nnd Villa
could kill mo Instead of my son."
Oppose University Removal.
Lincoln. Neb. Following tho organi
zation of forces of tho stato opposing
tho removal of tho university to tho
stnto farm campus, It is announced
thnt tho committee In charge will
open headquarters for tho propaga
tion of tho cause nnd likely hire n man
to tako charge of tho details of the
anti-removal campaign. Tho work
proper Is to bo dono under charge of
former Congressman E. M. Pollard of
Nehawka, assisted by n committee
comprising A. W. Field nnd Charlotte
Worley of this city. Fred Rains and
Vnl Keyser of Fairbury, Fred Hawxby
of Auburn and C. M. Sidles of David
Campaign to Enlist 20,000 Kansas
Boys and Girls.
Manhattnn. Knn. A campaign to
enlist 20,000 KnnBns boys and girls In
agricultural aud homo-making contests
this year has been Inaugurated by the
Kansns stato ngrlculturnl college with
tho appointment of Miss Emma Skin
ner a special organizer to arrange tho
contests. Miss Skinner will visit
towns throughout tho state, urging
boys and girls to tako pnrt In tho
growing of vegetables and tlowcr gar
dens nnd in village and rural contests.
Sho also will nsslst in organizing con
tests in baking, cnnnlng and sowing.
Tho prlmnry object of tho movement
Is to improvo conditions on the fnrm
nnd to mnko rural llfo more satisfying
nnd attractive.
Paris. At a meeting or tho natlonnl
council or minors' unions It wnn decid
ed to cnll off tho strike or coal miners
begun in the southern coal fields Feb
ruary 24. Tho national round! re
quested tho organizations to have their
men resume work nt onre. Tho strike
was called aH a protest against tho
elimination by tho senate of somo
clauses of the underground workers'
pension bill. Forty thousand men
Colquitt Demands Extradition.
Dallas, Tex. Governor O. R Col
qultt or Texns has wired tho Mexican
redornl authorities In Nuovo Leon,
Mexico, for tho extrndltlon of Apolo
nlo Rodriguez and tho five Mexicans
charged Jointly with him of kidnaping
of Clewonto Vergara, an American citl
zen. Tho requisition Is based on n
charge of horso theft. Vergara was
afterwards killed. Governor Colquitt
discussing his action, said: "I have
Just b(K"n "y "Kht to uphold tho
ibuvn vii iuu luuzens or Texns."
Claim Detention Is Unwarranted.
El Pa80. TOX. Assort Inir ),.. i
warrant of international law or troatv
under which tho 5,000 Mexicans who
fled to tho United States after tho bat
tlo of OJInnga nnd who nro Interned nt
Fort D1I88, can bo held, representatives
of tho Huerta government hero nro
proparlng to institute habeas corpus
proceedings to obtnin their liberation
Harris Wnlthal nnd II. R. Gnmblo, law!
yers, are acting for tho Huerta gov
ornment under tho immediate direction
of Miguel E. Diebold, Mexican consul
general at large.
Army of Unemployed to 'tart from
San Francisco Nebraska Will
Celebrate Centenary
of Peace.
Western Newspaper Knlnn News ServWo.
Washington. "The chamber of com
merce of Minneapolis, the largest prl
mnry wheat mnrket of the world In a
prlvato market. Is a monopoly opposed
to the Interests of tho producers It Is
supposed to serve." Benjamin Drnke of
Minneapolis, counsel for a dozen 'grow
ers' associations, asserted before the
house rules committee. Mr. Drak? nnd
representatives or organizations of
northwest wheat growers urged tho'en
actment of laws establishing federal
control of public terminal grain ware
houses, government inspection nnd
grading of grain and prohibition of
denllngs In grain futures where actual
dollvery Is not Intended.
To Celebrate Peace Centenary.
Lincoln. Neb. Steps were taken at
n meeting held here Tucsdny night to
orgnnizo the stato of Nebraska for tho
celebration of the ono hundredth an
niversary of the signing or the treaty
of Ghent, nt tho close of tho present
year and nt the suitable dates In 1915.
Natlonnl committees nre now at work
on this project In tho United States,
Canada, England and Australia. In
each of tho states or this country n
commltteo has been or will bo appoint
ed by the governor to co-operate with
tho nntlonal commltteo In organizing
stato and local celebrations of tho first
century or pence among Engllsh-speak-Ing
Army of Unemployed to Start from
San Franclse.o.
Snn Francisco. An "nrmy of the un
employed" has broken camp on n
vacant lot nt Fifth and Hownrd streeta
and started on a march- to Washington,
D. C. There nre twenty-four compa
nies or ninety men each, and the men
hnvo nil tho officers or n mllltnry regl
mont except n paymaster. "General"
C. T. Kelly Is tho commanding oincor.
The men marched to tho rerry In two
battnllons. lod by buglers and drum
mers. Mexico City. Tnlklng to n few news
paper correspondents. President
Huerta again nsserted that ho has nn
nrmy or 250,000 mon, with which he Is
determined to fight tho rebels until
tnoy nro subjugated or exterminated.
Ho added that ho was about ready to
begin tho construction nlong tho rail
roads of 4.000 block houses, nbout a
mllo nnd n hnlf apart. In ench Gf which
would bo plnced ten men. Orders hnve
been given for wlro strung nlong thf
right or wny or the railroad lines.
Got but Little of the toot.
Omnha. According to testimony
given by Tony CInrlettl. who is on trial
for the killing or Henry Nlckell In n
resort here, while holding up tho place
with Joo Williams and C. V. Roa
tnond, ho realized only $20.50 as his
shnro or the loot. Ho testified that
arter tho shooting. Williams gave him
$2 and severnl pieces of Jewelry,
which ho later turned over to Mrs,
Sadlo Walker or Lincoln for $18.50.
"Blue Sky" Law Upheld In Kansas.
Atchison. Knn. Tho constitutional
ity 6r tho Kansas "blue sky" law was
upheld In a decision by Jndgo W. A.
Jackson In tho district court In tho
case or C. A. Lowis or Muscotah. Knn
Lewis, who was nn ngent for Don A.
Moun Day of Topeka, was charged
with violating tho Innd through land
Bales amounting to $20,000. Lewis' at
torneys sought to quash tho Indict
ment on tho ground that tho law was
unconstitutional. This Is tho first tost
given tho "blue sky" Inw.
Chihuahua, Mex. The Benton invoB
tlgntlon was halted nt Juarez by
orders issued by General Carranza,
who has determined to hnndlo nil dip
lomatic subjects himself. Porsons In
a ponitlon to obtnin rcllablo Informa
tion expressed tho opinion that tho
body of William S. Benton, If It Is
burled hero, will hnvo been too long
In tho ground to disclose much to the
commission which Is to cxnmlno it. It
has been hinted in official circles that
tho body hns probably been subjected
to somo chemical action to obliterate
Income Tax Returns Satisfactory to
Administration Cardinal Gib
bons Says No Hope for
Western NruriMper L'nlnn News Servlrn.
New York. George W. WiekcrHhnm,
former attorney general or the United
States, In an address before the Nas
sau County liar association here, snld
that the division or the Standard Oil
nnd Tobacco companies under tho
Sherman law had been effective, de
splto the belief of many to the con
trary. Mr. Wlckershnm said that un
due confidence In the Immediate re
suits or nntl-trust legislation had blind
ed tho public, to what had really been
accomplished against monopolistic cor
porations. ,
"When the Standard Oil nnd To
bacco companies were divided." ho
said, "tho fact that the same persons
vera stockholders in nil of tho dis
tributed corporations was used to sup
port tho contention that the dissolu
tion was not real, nut these compa
nies were sepnrated and forbidden by
iho court to combine nnew and In tho
ense or the tobacco companies forbid
den to have common officers, common
directors, or common agents."
No Hope for Prohibition.
New Orleans. "Prohibition will
never be enforced In a Christian coun
try." said .Tames. Cardinal Gibbons, In
n statement made public here. Card
Innl Gibbons is paying his annual visit
to his brother. John T. Gibbons, of this
city. "While 1 am nn nrdent advocate
or temperance. I am Intuitively per
suaded that prohibition cannot be en
forced In this country," continued
Cardinal Gibbons. "It is calculated to
make hypocrites and lend to tho
manufacture of Illicit whisky, replac
ing the good materlnl with tho bad.
while at the samo time robbing tho
government of tho legitimate tax."
Income Tax Returns Satisfactory to
Washington. The income tax law
bids fair to live up to the expectations
of tho administration by producing
nbout $50,000,000 annually In revenue
paid by close to 425,000 Individuals. Al
though treasury officials havo decided
not to make publje for the present re
ports or Internal r'evenuo collections on
tho Income tax, it became known that
moro than 400,000 Individuals had
mado returns up to Monday night,
when the time limit expired. From
these Individuals. It was understood,
the government probably would collect
more thnn 40,000.000.
No Trace of Young Meeker.
Lincoln. Oll!cer3 from Chicago to
tho Pacific coast nre searching for
Howard L. Meeker, tho young Lewd
Ion. Neb., man who left Chicago on
Februnry 1G, last, for his home, was
traced to Grand Islnnd and has never
slnco been definitely heard of. Lewd
len Is In Garden county. In the ex
treme western part or the state, and
the missing man had been to Chicago
with a shipment or livo stock. Ho left
that city with several hundred dollars
In his possession.
Wolves' Devouring Sheep.
Rome. Hordes of Btnrving wolves,
driven from the Aponnlne mountains
by tho heavy snows, descended into
the valleys of tho AbruzzI provinces
nnd In the vicinity of Rome had de
voured hundreds or sheop. The wolvos
nrterwnrd tool rerugo in the caves or
Mount Soracte, about twenty-five miles
north or Rome. Parties of armed peas
ants -went to Tiunt them nnd. according
to the latest reports, havo killed a
large number of tho animals.
Health Officers at Lincoln.
Lincoln. Tho state nnd local health
officers will hold a conference in Lin
coln on Wednesday and Thursday,
March 11 and 12. A largo reprosentn
tlon from many parts of the state will
attend tho meotlnc. tho oxnr.nnna r
most erf the delegates being met by the
municipalities which employ them.
Want a Nebraska Building.
Beatrice, Nob. Directors or tho Bea
trice Commercial club havo unani
mously adopted this resolution: "Thnt
tho city ot Beatrice, through Its com
mercial club, enthusiastically endorses
thostato-wide movement to have No
braskn represented nt tho pan Amerl
enn Pacific exposition. And rurther.
thnt It Ib the unanimous opinion or
this organization that tho Stato Fed
eration or Commercial Clubs should
act as sponsor for tho movement to
raise tho necessary funds for tho crec
tlon of a, Nebraska building."
For One Cent Postage.
Washington. A commltteo repre
scntlng the. nntlonal 1-cont letter pos
tage association cnlled on President
Wilson with Sonntor Burton or Ohio,
who hns a bill for 1-cont postngo. The
membors of tho commltteo wore
Charles W. Burroughs, president;
Georgo T. Mcintosh, secrotary nnd
treasurer; William Pattlson and James
H. Cassldy, nil or Clevoland. Presi
dent Wilson expressed Interest in the
subject presented nnd asked the com
mlttee to file a brier.
March 29 will be "go to church Sun
day" at Lincoln.
Organization of a farmers' union Is
being perfected nt Western.
The state college conference will be
held nt York, March 13, 14 and 15.
The Sunday baseball question will
Le voted upon nt Kearney In April.
John Cnsscl of Staplcton hnd a leg
broken by the kick or n vicious horse.
Eight or ten houses nt Ainsworth
sre quarantined because or a smallpox
Tho explosion or an incubator lamp
Jeatroyed tho homo or John Yockcl at
Tho Southwest Nebraska Teachers'
association meets at McCook, April 1.
I nnd .1.
The next meeting or the Nebraska
Plumbers' nssoclntlon will bo held in
Lincoln. '
Fanners around Garrison hnve sub
acrlbed $0,400 for tho purposo of build
ing an elevator.
Tho boys and girls of tho Lincoln
high school hnvo organized n civic and
Industrial league.
Hastings club women hnvo raised a
found of $1,500 for un old people's
homo nt that place.
Beatrice business men have passed
resolutions fnvorlng penny postage on
first-class matter.
Tho Burlington shops nt Havelock
are again running full time nnd em
ployes are pleased.
The Elks lodge at Alllanco Is plan
ning to erect n club house, costing
from $15,000 to $20,000.
The Fremont Ministerial association
plans to hold services in the Dodge
county Jail each Sunday.
Eight cars of hogs, tho largest ship
ment ever mado from that plnce, left
Dawson ono day last week.
An epidemic of mumps is enlarging
the facial landscape of a larce nortlon
of the Inhabitants of Edgar.
Wlllard Butler, the Fremont boy con
victed of killing his fnther, was sen
tenced to lire Imprisonment.
The Methodist church at Tecumsch
Is conducting a series or revivals that
may continue for some time.
The city council nt Kearney has re
jected all paving bids because of legal
tangles In the bids submitted.
The triennial convention of tho
Royal Neighbors of America will bo
held In Omaha. March 17 to 19
Ex-Governor George L. Sheldon wns
tendered a banquet by members of the
Masonic fraternity at Tekamnh.
An historic homo erected at Ne
braska City many yenrs ngo by Judge
O. P. Mason has been destroyed by
Farmers around St. Llbory will gc
Into the business of raising water
melons on extensive scales this sum
mer. A high school bnsketball tournament
under tho nusp'cos of the stnte univer
sity will be held at Lincoln March 11
to 14.
J. S. Bonebrlght of Cortland had sev
oral teeth knocked out by tho "kick"
of tho crnnk as he was starting his au
tomobile. Efforts nre being mado by the stato
board of agriculture to got auto races
for the first day or tho fair, Monday,
September 7.
Gust Anderson, near Craig, was bo
badly frozen when ho got lost In tho
storm of last week that ho may lose
his hands and feet.
J. E. Mason, a carpenter, wns at
tacked by a wolf In tlio vicinity of
Plnttsmouth, but by vigorous use or
an nx finally killed It.
The general merchandise store of
Stumpp & Rounds at' Howe wns
broken into nnd n large quantity of
clothing and shoes stolen.
Farmers In some sections of tho
stato who seeded new fields or aKalfa
last fall report that nearly the entire
stand hns been winter killed.
Norfolk hnB purchnsed the Fremont
baseball franchise In the Nebraska
Stato league. Tho entlro Fremont
team was purchased In the deal.
The Public Servlco club of Broken
Bow gave Its first monthly banquet to
tho members nnd their wives, there
being Blxty-threo In attendnnce.
One of tho young ladles on the sten
ographic force at tho stato house at
ijincom is getting around on crutches
ns tho result of n misstep during tho
execution of the tnngo' dnnce.
Tho fiddling contest given by the
Improved Order of Red Men at the
opera honse at Plnttsmouth, was list
ened to by n crowded houifc. This
was tho fourth annual contest.
For the first time In n number of
years no nlfaira seed will bo shipped
Into Nebraska rrom Germany. This Is
on nccmint or tho unusually largt sup
ply produced In tho stato this r.
Tho big living house on the Lancas
ter poor form was totally destroyed by
fire, but Its thirty Inmates woro gotten
out In safety.
Grant Macfarland won over thirteen
competitors In tho nnnual contest nnd
will represent Stanton In tho district
oratorical contest.
The town of Eustis, in Frontier
county, Is all worked up over a saloon
fight. For years tho town has con
tinued wet without question.
Fred Fncknltz near Hastings was
awarded $500 damages for farm prop
erty destroyed ny tire originating rrom
a spark from a Union Pacific engine.
Genevn will vote on a $10,000 bond
issue mis spring for tho purposo of
building a town hall.
Thomns Bdckley, n fcmor Nebras
kan, lost his life by tho caving in of a
woll near Iowa City, la.
O. H. Lienors, Gago county's fnrm
demonstrator, has returned from Wis
consin, where ho purchnsed forty-flvo
high grade Holstoln cattle for Gago
county farmers.
George Kargcs nnd Mdvlllo Pope,
two Fairbury boys, nre In a serious
condition ns tho result of colliding
with a tree as they wero coasting
down a long hill
ti '' ma u: i JsV
O soJve
KF solved once
, , for all by Calumet.
For dallv nse In millions of kitchens has
proved that Calumet is highest not only in
quality but In leavening power a well un
failing In results pure to the extreme and
wonderfully economical in use. Ask youi
grocer. And try Calumet next bake day.
Received Highest Awards
Fm4 Eipmitlta.
Oku., Ill
F(ri ExMi
Peace in That Family.
A little girl being lost, wns taken to
tho police station, where the officers
tried to learn her nnmo. At last, after
many vain efforts, ono of thorn asked
"Toll me, dear, what nnmes does
your mother call your rather?"
"She doesn't call him any name,"
the child answered. Innocently. "Sh.
likes him."
Their Breed.
"Your rather has a lot or very fine'
chickens," observed tho young man.
"Hns ho Incubators?" "No," said the
sweet young thing Just home from
boarding school. "I think they're.
Plymouth Rocks." Dallas News.
I? ,,1B SBMiilnp. call for full name LAXA
it. VV. OKOVE. Curcia Cold in Oue Day. JJc.
It Was Ever Thus.
Rirr What Is your son doing these
days? Rnff Mo. Nebraska Awgwan.
Constipation mines ninny eerious dis
enw. it ia thoroiiKliIy cured by Doctor
Pierce'n Pleasant Pe lets. One a laxative
three for cathartic. Adv. ""
His Way.
"Thnt Jockey beat tho record "
"Did ho do It with u whip?" BaVf
moro American.
Your family Doctor can't do more for
rour cough than Dcan'H Mentholated
Cough Drop,; "they cre"-Cc at DriSfifs.
Somo men aro up with tho lark and
Z$r protor a Bwa,,ow bofr
Anybody enn dyo successfully with
Putnnm Fadeless Dyes. Adv.
Tho secret of getting a hearing is,;
In having llttlo to sny.
Nebraska Directory
WILSON STEAM nnn r'unr-""""?e-
mmm - .....r u., urnh
H Sr
m k-4
I Yn ion't ur Konry whea yea liy tki or llc-cia I
C bi'iiii powder. Dsa't I miilej. Bar Cluut. Il' I
I aort caonlcl or wholtMai fiw but rt alu. I
Ctlomet li fir inptrior to war milk od it. "
gg taUan. BoHbrDrM,! iff