The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 12, 1914, Image 5

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    tV AJIM f
KVlhom ... lfrtVtlWS'ftWm'Kw'W'. .
. T.'
I i
TO '
Bulletin of Tho Wock'o Dolnf.s
Xext Tue.-diiy will be St. Patrick's
ilny. '
AUeuil the conwiittou lH'xt Monday
L'rod Clutto i)C lllue Hill wis In
town Tuesday.
Koy (Siirbur returned to his homo at
Ilebrou Saturday.
Miss Kdlth McKulghan Is in (irand
Island this week
(leo. .! Warren went toOnuiha Mon
ilivy inoi nini; on business.
Lawrence Medll shlppeil a ear of
cattle tn Kalian- City Sunday.
Miss lluttlo Christian left Monday
for Rockport, Mo., to Wit reltitivrs
llnrvey Rrown uinl wife of Norton,
Kansas, ure visiting her skier. Mrs.
Wiu. Weesner this week.
Conductor Utter of lied Clor.l. spent
Sundiiy In the city with Ills fumllv.
Momliiy'o McCoolc llir.i'tte.
At the hpeelul election hfM in River
ton lust I'rlilay the electric lirht boml
-question was defeated ly u few voles
Will Mlksch, 11. 1-2 Hshulmnn nml C.
,L. CottltiK wero in (Juide Rook l'uen
day attending U.o Sundiiy School
1 am again ready to make farm
loans promptly undon uttnictiio term-,
Solo agent for' Trevett, Miittis &
Baker. - Uah-ey.
(). U. Ferguson left Monday morn
ing for Oberlln, Kansas. Uls family
will leave this week for there. They
will make their homo at that place on
a farm.
Koy .Jones of Clay Center arrived
tho last of tho week to visit at the
homo of John Grill'eth and wife. Mr-.
Jones and baby have been lift -visit-
1 ing her p.uonts (orsoino time.
Wo Ikwo on hand now a carload ol
l.eiiuino Minnesota 111 Hlver Early
Ohio Seed Potatoes. These are the
best table potato and the only kiwi f
seed. .Weesneiv Perry & Co. adv
District Court convenes in this ilty
on Monday, Marc.h lGth, with District
Judge Harry S. Dungan presiding.
The dookot tills term Is a lurgc one,
there being r criminal and ."18 civil
. eases.
"Alfiilfii.Tohn" Franklin, of Heaver
City, Nebr., was heio tills week and
ibonV-hticedfrom MoArthur, CouUon,
.HulVernnd Ua.skiiis. Ho eiir'ne'. the
.above title because he has bough I
18,000 worth of alfalfa sc.ed and sold
S171W worth to an tigeut-of the United
States Department of Agriculture
I am sorry to state that R. L. Avery
due, sold his inl.iK-.sts iiwKiverloti and
will move to lled.Cloiid, where he has
purchased the Saunders Hros. lumber
yard. He has made many friends in
this town and the surrounding eotiutiy
.aiidiluis built upaiCne business, and
will .bo missed by ithe people with
'Whom he dealt and 1 wish him all
Jduds.of auccoss iu his new .busine-s.
Rlvortou Review.
Mr. H. A. Lotsuu, i tlio irm of
Miner Hio. Co., left for .Uie markets o!
Kausas City and .Chkno -the tir-'.t of
the week. Mr Letbon .has proven
hiuieelf to be a vorycapatile lmyor-ind
, nn cxcolleiit judK" f VO0U6 nlul 1K ib
In a position to take advantage of
whatever tho market haMo.ulTer. This
is not only beueiieinl to the iinn but
also to its patrons as well Jie wiU
bo away about ton days.
Couuty Jiultte A. D. R-i-imcy united
In marriiifje on March 5t liomixo
Molei: and Miss Mabel June IVilllsiins
of Smith county, Kaiuas; l-'ied K.
lloborts to Neltna Vundevort, both of
Guide Rock, on March 0th and Louis
O. Bures, of NuckollH county to Miss
Lulu Collins of Orleans; Nebraska, on
March 10, 101 1. A license to wed was
also issued on March 0th to Christ C.
Guy and Miss l'miline Kawliiis' botb
of Guide Hock.
Tho pastor of the Coiigiogatluual
ohurch will (,'lrc two lecture sermons
on Sunday. moruiiiR subject, "The
True Church," its oriKlu, its early
early practice, the one thing necessary
for membership ami the one thing
that makes the differctico between a
dead and a living church today. Even
ing subject, "What Is tho World's
Greatest Need and What is Christian
ities Answer to What Need'.'" or ''Can
Christianity Satisfy tho One Great
Need of the the World?" Ciood music.
Everybody welcomed.
Monday moruiug nine sacks of mail
order catalogeB wore taken out on tho
rural routes. If those who receive
these catalogues will carefully -study
the goods and tho prices therein con
talucd and then will just us carefully
study tho goods and prices or tho
homo merchants they will llnd that
for the present and in tho loug run It
will pay them to patronize their home
merchant. Many times the cataloguo
is tho cause of over buying, articles
iLi-n tmrchased which are not used,
other articles spoil and if a year's ac
count is kept it has been the exper
ience of inauy that there is a consider
able money saving when tho home
merchant furnlshos Ibc goods.
l''rd IhiMMnf un in IIasrinrs MniiJ
Hen MeKarlaiid In In 1uiuoltl this
) I. (iiirber upoiit Monday Iu Guide
Warren l.ongtlu was iu Hastings
liny Zelglur was iu Jlluo Hill Mon
day on bu-dws-i.
1'iof. Mtn-ltK and I. W. Kd-on were
iu Guide Rock Saturday evening.
Clark Stevens has j'uiehaseil a new
Fold unto fiom the Red Cloud Au o
Mis. li, llaiiey loft Tuesday evening
for Denver to visit, her daughtt r, Mr.-.
Mrs. K. S. Gather was in Guide
Hock Tuesday vidtliig fi lends and
Don, llnono Hiid Uiek Saunders left
Monday morning for "Kansas t'lty c u
Mrs. West was a passenger 'I' York
Monday to viit her daughter, Mrs
Nellie O.ister.
Sam Fair arrived home the last of
the, week from Omaha where he had
iiceii working
Mis. Kinily Myer.i has aecopted a
pisition us trimmer lit Mrs. lianett's
utilliiii'i-y store.
L. M. Crahill lias .deeliled not to
ask for u franchise for his street rail
way at this time.
POSTS Some good Walnut posts
for sale, inquire of C. 11. Couluon on
Stonebreaker farm.
Charley Fox retuined to Aurora
Monday morning after spending Sun
day in this city with his parents.
.1 1C. Chancy and wife arrived home
Saturday evening from Superior where
they had been visiting their soils.
Hoone Saiimlors of Hillings, Mont,
arrived here last Thursday to visit his
brothers Don and Dick Snundeis.
Spring opening of at'ractiv j milllii
i-ry al rn. Barrett', llr.-t. door north
of Tepee t heat re, Saturday March II.
Lelatid Caldwell and Frank llerrick
will leave ne.Nt Monday for Havre,
.Montana, where they will look up a
Miss Ada Burden, a niece of .T A.
Iturdun, arrived last week from Kan
shs City anil will make her home in
this. city.
Chas. Bust, Ellas Gohle, A. H.
Pierce, Rev Wright anil Rev. Baync
were iu Guide Bock Monday attend
ing tlio Sunday School convention.
I have the. best inte in the county on
farm loaiin. See mu and bs convinced
My motto prompt service.
A. T. Wai.kiiii.
Mrs. .1. A. Burdeu'.s Spriug Millinery
opening of the latest fnHhtona in Hie
millinery line will be held Saturday,
March UMi. Hef.'s oi chest ra will.plny.
Mr and Mrs. .. R. Simpson and
daughter, Mrs. Leland Caldwell, left
Tuesday morning for Norton, Kansas,
to visit their son, George Simpson and
AL.FAIj FA HAY-I have about r.O
tons of alfalfa hay for 6ale by the
stuck iGond iuality. One mile north
of State Bank, iKcd Cloud.- Daniel
Last Friday night' the Bed Cloud
Concert buud'gnvH its Hist musical of
the season in the opera house. The
house was well, ill led anil the musical
wis very much appieulated. This was
unusideied by tunny who are well quali
fied judges as the best thing of Its
character that has been given iu this
city for years. Ttie followingsolos de
serve creditable mention: Fred 1'hares,
Saxaphone; AL A. Mereer, Cornet;
Glen Foe, Trombone.; Raymond Tur
mire, Bells.
FOR SALE Horses mares and
mules from II to 5 years old; some
ulfclfa hay and eed ud hay tools of
alltiuds. Alsocattlw wanted .to pas
ture. 11. A. Boats.
Good Cheoso Is Hoalthy
Wo offer tho following
Cream cheese, pound - - 2Bo
Brick cheese, pound - 25c
Swiss cheese, pound 30o
Llmbergor cheeso - - 30c
McLarens Imp. choeso, per jar lOc
All the Phones
T I '
C'l'in't'i- Y, P. Fj O ut Its regular
in , ii gat Mis. .1 W, Anld, elected
the following otlUers for the oiimiIiil
year: I'ri-siiletil, Ms .li-ssle M Kel
ax; V en I'ros.. Mih Beiilah Mitchell;
II e. S e.'.v, MlssCeell Taylor; Cor. Sec,
Mrs. Genevieve Morlt; Treasurer, Mr.1-,
.Icssie Mcllilde; .lournalist, Miss Am c
Hieliatils; Guild, Mrs. Lois Cowdcu.
Mrs Hi ulali Mitchell was elected dole
gate to tun sia'c c invention at Lin
coln Mosdiuucs M.ihul Morhaif and
Nello Grimes wero elected alternato
A Sahuli'ii was in
ni'xs Salnrdav.
O C5. l'iticy was
Inavale on busl
lit Bed C'otnl on
liii-.liiiss Tuesday.
Fred Mjer.s has moved onto Bill
Smith's farm near Inavalu.
Arthur Mveis Is moving onto tho
farm he bought of Mi. Kild,.
Flojd MeCull slilppi'il two cars of
i-attle Sunday to Kaustis City
Mih O H. I'ltn-y shipped a car of
lilies to Kansas Oily Wednesday.
Wesley Austin has moved onto Mrs.
). I!. Filing's farm, north of inavale.
Joseph Clialllu was called to Nevada
Iowa, to attend thu funeral of his
ch .loye. the station agent, h.
taking a few days vacation. He lias,
gone to Alma to visit his father.
We understand that Uy Copley has
purchased Mlllou MieheaVs farm It
looks rather suspieious, doesn't it?
Charley lluntershlpied two cars of
eat lie ami one of lions .Sunday ami was
guilty of topping tho cuttle niaikct
lu.'ain, tint savs lie doesu t know now
it happened.
Our Home Women
Have Beautiful Hair
Next time yon go to the. theater or
to the "movies" just notion, f you
please, how many of our homo Indies
have beautiful hair glossy, lustrous,
and well-ilresied. Tien, If you will
pick out live or ten of those whose hair
seems to l particularly pretty and
will ask them what they use on it, we
feel sure that at least, morn than half
of them will say "Harmony Hair Beau
lilljr". It Is fast, becoming the rage
with both men and women who are
particular about the appearance of
thi-ir hull-
Spi inkle a little Harmony Hair Beau
tiller on your hair each time before
brusliiug'lt. Contains no oil; will not
change color of hair, nor darken gnij
To keep hair and scalp diindrtilwree
mil clean, us,. Hai-mimy Shampoo.
This pure liquid shampoo gives an In
stantaneous rich lather that im
mediately penetrates to every put of
hair and scalp, insuring a quick, thor
ough cleansing. Washed olT just as
quickly, the entire operation takes
only a few moments. Contains noth
ing that can harm the hair; leaves no
harshness or stickiness just a sweet
cleanlln BS
Both preparations come in odd-shaped,
very ornamental bottles, with
sprinkler tops. -Harmony Hair Buauti
Her, SI 00. Harmony Shampoo, fitler
Both gtinranted to Mitlsfy you iu ofery
way, or your iii.nie, bank. Sold only
at tlio'Iiioru than 7 000 He.Mlll Stores,
imd in this i-iwii ' i'v by us. H. E,
Grid Drug Co.. Red C!.oud,-Nebr
Painting, Paper Hanging
and Alabastine
Dr. J. C Caldwell
Calls Answered Day or Night
OllleoTelpiumeii: Hell. Hi; Ind. ttt).
Ites. TclcplioncK: Hell, JtndK;i; Inu.lOO,
Of Nee Over N. A. Albright's Store
Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska
Liv Stock and Central Auctioneers
Red Cloud
17 on 8
3 on 187
Red Cloud " ' " Nebraska
Dr. Nicholson
led CtOMd.
Mrs, ,T. j. nurdeu'i Si ring Mllllueiy
opening will he held Saturday, March .
llth. IMof Bet.'s orcluiitia will fur
nish the music fiom It to I iu the
afternoon ami from 7 to 8 Iu the oven-!
Ing. Everybody Invited.
Red Cloud, Nobr., March , 'II.
The lioaid met pursuant to call of
County Clerk. Members all present,
vl.: Storey, Mcl'all, Olunslede, lloir
mau and T. ,), Chaplin, Chairman of
The following resolution was Intro
dticed by Commissioner Paul Storey,
who moved its adoption. That it is
necessary to erect a new Court House
iu Webster County, Nebraska and
colli r.ii-ts lor Its erect Ion have hereto
fore la on awarded by the Count) Coin-
uiissiuiiers Feb. ti.'i, 101 1 That for the
pin p. ise ot raising the necessary funds, I
i piopnsitluli be submitted to the pen !
pk- of Webster County at a special
o eelion to be held on the 1 I'll day of
Apnl. Ji'll, to levy a special annual
i.i. of four mills on the dollar ou all
tne taxable properly iu said County,
whu-ii together with nil other levies
for County purposes shall not exceed
the total sum of- If. mills on the dollar,
fur tlio year Mil I, ami such levy 111 the
year tOl.'i as may be necessary to ralsu
tlio total amount, in tlio Couit House
1 ti lid to Hie sum of t(JU,U(J0, and no
more, provided the BUG levy shall iu
no instance exceed I mills tior the
total tax for county purposes Includ
ing special Court house levy exceed lf
mills on the dollar, for the purpose of
erecting u new Com I House on the
present Court House grounds at Bed
Cloud, Nebra-ku. Said Com I House to
cost, llulshed, furnished and icaily fur
occupancy not to exceed the sum of
iti ',000.
Commissioner Garret Ohmstede
seconded thu motion fm- lulonlimr tho
lesolutiou, Ayes Storey, Ohmstede,
.McCall, llollmau, Chaplin. Nays none.
Ou motion the Couuty Clerk is here
in instructed to publish u legal notice
in all tho newspapers lu Webster
County of calling for special election
ou April 11, 11)11, to vote on Hie Court
Hoiisu proposition.
Ou motion the County Clerk is in
structed to order Ballotts, Poll Books'
an I all necessary things for tho spec
ial election.
Moved and socouded that County
Clerk draw wairant in furor of Ailtli-
e DC ft Off
Wish to Announce the Arrival of the
New Spring Coats, Wool Press Goods
J Silks. White
And many other lines of New Spring Merchandise. All these goods are now
ready for your inspection and we cordially invite all the ladies of Red Cloud
and vicinity to call and sec them.
The Coats never were as pretty as they are this spring, and we have them in all the
new shades such as Tango, King Blue, Mnhagony, Kelly Green, etc. You will
find we are showing you exactly the Coats they arc showing in all the large cities,
and we sell them for about 1-3 less. In the belter Coats we have no two alike.
We have some beautiful new Wool Dress Goods in all the new shades mentioned above
in the Plain Wool Crepes, Crepe Ratines and Brocaded Crepes, etc.
In Silks we have the new Crepe Meteors CrepeDeChene, Silk Poplins and
Poulards in both plain colors and also the dainty flowers and figures that are so
popular this spring. A new stock of Trimming Silks, All Over Laces, Braids, etc.
When we took our Annual Inventory on February 1st, we found many broken
lines of goods which we are going to close out at a big reduclion in price.
One lot of 32-in GiiiRlianiH tlmt were
1 Co per yard, (jo at etc
One lot of Plain Color Shirtings,
worth 10c yard for So
One lot of O ula t ue Cloth worth l.rc
yard, go at tOo
& Pieces Messaline Finlnli Siiteens
which sold at 20c yd, go at 12yxc
(J Pieces Cotton Corduroy, pood lino
of colors, worth 2:ic yd, now fSc
li Plofes of 15c Cropo, yard
We are going to make a general house 'cleaning of our stock and you will find
many other bargains on sale which are not mentioned here.
Weesner, Perry & Co.
? Some New Arrivals At Our Store
i s
s F'or Spring
Made For Particular
"Perfectly Beautiful" is the verdict of
lose who nave seen
you to look now and lay one aside if you
don't want to buy now.
We also make
wits to Order
Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers
i r
v.rwA'-iagaBB Xtr
son Wall, for HO.Oi) iu payment
Htutute fur County Attorney.
Moved and seconded that. Dr. Koch
ler's claim for e.'W be referred to Sold
lei's Relief Committee. Motion carried.
The following claims were allowed:
D. 1). Sanderson 18 00
II. .J.Maurer It) M)
State Journal Co "
Blue III 11 Lender 7 fit)
3'''v letezHbz
Goods. Laces and
Wo Imve exact I v
1! Ladies' Suits lelt
which Hold at 8l5.oO
to .T0,00 a Suit. Wo
arc Kolnj to close
them out at yt price
which inennH
97.30 to 913. OO
The sizes run from
II to 4.1 and the
colors are black, prey
tan and navy blue.
Men and Young Men '
mem. w e wane
II. C. Llndsoy t 2.1
Farmors Institute Guide Buck. '." 0(1
Remington Typewriter 0 03
O.K. Putnam 'Jr. 00
Saunders Bros., , ... ISO 10
Olllelal Bond of W. 10. Toup as Road
Overseer for Hist. No. 1(1 was approv
ed, Board adj ntrucd to call of County
I Clerk.
'JO Pieces of Fanoy Silk Ribbons
nbont 4-ln wide in Rood lino of
colors, worth lOo yd, now - Be
Wo have a few sots of
' which tfo at
furs left
H Prtcm
:5J00 Remnants of ail kinds of goods
from Calico to Silks. These are
all marked except tho Calicos
t H frlem
HPioces of SO-in Silk Poplins and
'Wool Challies, worth r.O yd, - 33c
S..),h -cS. ,?,, u
"tt-i. -r -i iiiiliiPHMMlb