arnaanHnl Ifttftf VMfWW4i9fMWCfMWt1 XVWfffwM JnH-fiWUW ,isir3t jmerrPWvnMnWaMMtWBttX&rttifrW .tftWWVttJJft'nU' . A RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I id t- fr it 1 i 111 $ Dyfenn4 Correspondents NORTH 1NAVALE O V Harvey shipped .') curs of cattle Bunduv. Iuex Fctty was visiting Iva Uutlcdgo over Sunday. Mis- Beatrice Sln-s was visiting at Iiinvalc Saturday. lluy Mayo went tit Heaver CHy to attend liK uncle's tali!. . MUh Antli'i'-f.ii of Kansas City, Mo., Is visiting VV. II. ClnudV. Kiln.i IMitHpps of Franklin whs visit lug Iut sister Mrs II. C. .Loveiny. Mr. N. It. Monow from Ulvertou was visiting lit hor .soli George's last week. K U Huntor'd aalu was well attend ctl and everything lirciufflit the usual price. A. 10. Wolcott, our ImntlBome butch cr, Is tlio proud father of another son, usual weight. Charley Hunter whipped two ears of cattle to Kansas City Sunday which topped the market. V. II. Cloud and his daughter Nannie have returned from Kansas City, Mo., where they have been living for about, twelve months. Klmer Chimin living north west of Inavale Is loading his stock and ma chinery this week We understand lie expects to loutilo tioar Hi Francis, Kas. (leotgo Morrow and C L. Wlckwire have returned from Florida where everything was green and lovely. We understand they Invested in real estate while I hero. When yon see a young fellow wear ing a hlackoye at Inavale the llrst question asked is, What ulrl were you fornpplng over? Me just haiigH Ids head and looks hilly mid us much us to oay who litis been telling you. Quite it number from Iuavalo at tended the home talent play given at school district ll last Saturday oven- ingaud reported it line. We under stand they uro going to give it at Hutitcr't hall Saturday evening. COWLES John Uose was hi town Saturday for short tlino. fc i Fred Qund whs attending to busi ness in Cowles Tuesday. Uuth Dolphit came lu from the west Saturday on the covered cars. U. It. Thompson whs h Ued Cloud visitor between trains Tuosday. George Hutchison was ou our streets Saturday attending to business. Mrs. Malllck has been on the sick list this week, but is better ut this writing. A Mr. Thayer of Thayer county came in Monday and taken possession of the drug store. Morgau Davis left for Grand Island Tuesday where be is looking up a job as traveling salesman. Ed Chaplin and Otto Portmter ship ped a car of hogs to St. Joe Wednes day. Otto aooompanied them. Ed Scott on Willow Creek has bocn quite sick for a number of days, Dr. Boren of this place Is waiting on him. Charley Scott of Huston, Nobr., came lu Wednesday morning being called here by the illness of his brother. Miss Maud McCuno of Ued Cloud came up Friday and spent a number of duy visiting old friends. She re turned home Tuesday evening. Win. Punger and family are moving into the country this Woek. Ho has rented what is known as the Wilson Wells farm north east of Cowles. Tho following members of tho I. O. 0. P. Lodge No. 313 went to Red Cloud Mondnyto attend tho session of tho Grand Lodgo: S. P. Stark, I. L. aud Ed. Paul, O. E. Putnam, Chas. Har rington, Chas. Francis, Prank Yoariok, Jud White, E. J. Beach aud Chas. C. Bennett. Revival nee tings will commence in tie M. il. church Friday evening led by an evangelist from Lincoln. All the churches in town are joining to gether in this great revival and ex pect to do a great work In the spirit- nnl nnlift of the DBOUlo. Tills is 88 wo like to see it. Where thero Is union there is strength. The Village Board of Cowles met Tuesday evening and attended the usual business. Tlie;vlllage of Cowles 1b out of debt and has something like 137 in the treasury. We consider this a good showing as we have put in slnoe Incorporating the village twenty cross walks, paid for the town ordinances, fees on one law suit, about 9100 a year for dragging tba streets and grading and besides tho small items of expense such as elections, etc. We would like to know bow many people in tho town would caru to go back' under the old plan of running the village. This has been moving woek for the Village of Cowles. 'I ho following families made moves: L. Hunt moved to tho old Boyce place north of town; Nick Thomas moved into the F, A. Good properly in l-'oe and .McBilde's Addition: J mmi us .MolJiIdc moved Into Ills properly In the son! h part of town and Joe Humidor moved from his farm to the property hu secured from Mo Bride in tliu east part of town. NORTH R1VERTON Not very gooil roads for tho movois. Mr.,, I. Martin's little Infant was buried Saturday. Thero were eleven towns helping Flunk Stanley move Monday. MIsh Kent was sick Tuesday so there was no sehool ut Spring Valley. ilryun Tuppcr add Initio will soon start for their home In Wyoming. Uuiiry Umbo and wile drove down fiom IJplund ami visile I Tom l'lilton's Suudny. Hoy Bennett moved on tho "litttlc Klondike" Funnels Cieek owned by N. U. Harvey. Tony Sllvancd is much elated over the urrival of a sou Sunday. All uou Cerucd doing well. J. M. I'ollurd and family have re turned from Oregon and will try funn ing again this season. The death of Freda lloldon wan a sud tilfalr. There was a largo urowd at tlio fnuerul ut Ulvertou if the roads were bud. Mr. VoinCudy of Guide Rock and Miss Katie Zciglcr of Ulverton were married Monday evening at (i o'olock ami took the train Tuesday morning for Denver oil u trip. LiiHt Friday night, the Chostor and Ulverton boys teams met in u fust game of Dusket Hall on tho Ulvertou lloor. Ulverton has won every game so lur0this season, but ut the end ; of tho jHrat hulf it looked as though they ,iu)gbt be deprived of a cleun record us ;thu .Chester boys outpluyed them. 13ut ,, Iti tho .second hulf Ulvertou brought forth' liolr bull, a largo lop sided pumpkin uffair, which (being ac customed to) tlioy tbrowed thru tho goal with amazing legularlty, until it lodged by chuueo within tlio wire which snrioiiuded the gas light und burst. From that time ou the Chester uuj'h gained, for they had ureal buskot bull with which to play, but as tho change had come too lute in, tho game, time was ualled wueu the acoie btood :i7 to 20 In favor of Ulvertou. LOGAN, KAS., ' Quite u few j are getting ready for spring works ' '" c t - Mrs. A'. Leadabrandiva"nd George Luudabrandt were In Ued Cloud last Saturday transacting business. Jack Shacklotou moved' onto 'tho John Gouldlo place ou Monday last. Herb Barber and J. C. Williams assist ed. Mrs. Elmer Spurrier who was dang erously ill with pneumonia for nearly two weeks is now gradually improv ing. Mrs P. Qouldie was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Everett Myers, one day last week who was down sick with la grippe. Austin Spurrier has rented his place in Sonth Pawueo to his brother-in-law, Harry Brown, aud the latter moved in the other day. I The flue long days and spring like weather now prevailing act as a re minder that something should be a do ing in the farming line. Tweed Shreader moved onto the Harvey Wonderly place near the state Hue a short time ago- The latter is in tending to loave soon for California. Charles Fruit purchased an auto at the administrator's salo of Amos Gust estwtc for tho sum of g935. After the sale he and his brother Arthur drove to Ued Cloud, The blizzard of tho 22nd was the worst experienced in this part of the country for a number of years und the suffering or loss of all furm RUlmuls was but h trifle. Jack Shacklct lost his best driving horse, one muoli uoted for his speed, by having free access in eating too much ground feed aud rune seed after a hard day's drive from town. Fatalities from talk poisoning are quite prevalent in this part of the country, more no than earlier in the seasou. Del lirown, J. Snow, and P. McCool each lost a horse from that cause also Frank Wolfo lost a cow from tho same cause. SOUTH INAVALE Mrs. Alva Stouer is on the siok list, Louis Jansseu lost a valuable cow one day last week, Uoy Chaillu and wife visited at the Hunsicker homo Sunday. Boyd Munsell 1b preparing to move to Wyoming in the near future. Fred Mayers moved to the Smith place north of Inavale Monday, A fine eight pound boy was born to Ed Borsch and wife last Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Frankv Klncaid visited at the Johu Mitchell home Sunday.. Q, A. Adams was called to Omaha on Tuesday of last weok to attend the funeral of his brother. Miss May Dickerson, Primary teach er at Iuvalo, visited with borne folks Saturday mi I SiAnliiy I' raid. Jl on il V I c k s of Portland, Oregon, was visit ltig iolrttlve in and around Inavale a low das last week. Chas Dlckeisou and Kob't lluiislekur utclidid tho Odd Fellow's meeting urn) banquet at Ked Cloud .Monday nlgit. Mis, Frank Blunhoiilmker gave a dinner lastTliuisday for her i datives in honor of hot brother-in-law, Mr. Hendricks. Miss Jennie (J hurst who has been visiting at the Klncaid homes is assist IngMts Tom Jones with her house hold dutlo". Wo understand there was a little nuirulistlc bout down Walnut Cieek one day last week. We didn't hour the partloulais. I'M Key lias moved to the Coble ranch locuully vacated by Albert Me Guile. Ciuud Kiimlusky Is moving lo tho place vaoutoil by Mr. Fey. Master Dewey Adams is to bo com mended for his rustling ability. While his father is absent ho does all the chorus and work about the place and drives '. , k miles to Ued Cloud to school everwt.i. Soverul from tills neighborhood to k in the program and box supper at Dist. No. 41 last Saturday evening. Tho play was llrst class and roileeted much credit to tho players. They had a full house. The Public Salo of Frank Klucald's held ou Thursday of last week was well utteuded and things sold well Horses Hold rather cheap but cattle sold well and young calves sold from 311 to Sit per head. Mr. Earnest Cuslc who lives ou the Duckworth place decided that this batehelor life was uot one of pleasure aud took uuto himself a cook in the pcrsou of Miss Alice Evuus of Ued Cloud. Here's congratulations. GARFIELD The roads uro In bud shupo for mov ing mid hauling. "Mrs. Clara Sulllvau of MeCook is visiting her mother for a few weeks'. . Mrs. T. W. White got some flue roosters from Soutli Dakota aud they are dandles. Gcorgo Smith bought a mule at the Delauey salo ou Tuesday and Will Smith purchased a hoise. . i Tho stork dropped lu ou Mr. aud4 Mrs. T. W. White last Thursday uud left them a lino boy. Everyone is dp1- iuinvdi, r ' .,; ; t (A gqod, many of the Odd Follows from wind mill row attended lodge ou Monday night. They report as having had a good time. Al Smith moved on Monday to u farm nine miles north of Ued Cloud. Fred Harris, Guy Barnes and Will Fisher helped him. Uoy Kent and wife got a now board er the first of March. He is a big Ne braska boy. All are getting along fine except Dud and he will be all right wheu he gets a bigger bat. Commissioners Proceedings. Red Cloud, Nebr, Feb. 24, 1014. Board met pursuant to adjournment with all members present. Chairman appointed Obmstedo and his bridge committee to appraise Hunter land. On motion H. E. Hersh was appointed road overseer for district 13. Official bond of above approved. Settlements with the following road districts approved; 14, 14J Wm. Mo Cord; too. 12 and Wm. Wegraan 1G. On motion the following road over seers were appointed: Wm. Toupa. 10 L. Shark 16 0. U. Pituoy 14. Clerk instructed to forward bonds, to these overseers. Settlemout with road overseer for district 3 approved. John Zimmerman on motion appoint Tho following claims were allowed: D. D. Saunders 110.00 F. E. Maurer 0.00 Grant Christy 2.00 J. W. Moranvllle 2.00 O. D. Hedge 2.00 U. U. Leggett 2.06 Miner Bros. Co 15.43 Halley& Son 2.60 A. D. Uannoy 22.S5 G. W. Smolser 21.00 Unl. Public Co 5.00 II. J. Maurer 24 CO Ed Amuck .'. .. 40.00 J.O. Butler 10.94 A. D.Ranuey 21.55 Weesner, Perry Co 14.00 Webster County Argus 15.05 J.C. Caldwell, M. D 45.00 A. C. Hosmor 47.00 Ued Cloud Chief 24.00 HofDman Supply Co 12.10 R. C. Cemetery Assn . '. 10.50 Jas. A. Hurden 70.00 E. A. Crelghton 4.50 Belle Spangole 25.34 Clereuce Klzor 4,00 StateJournal Co 20.50 J. A. Tomllson 18.74 0 F.Catuer 24.00 William Toplmm 73.20 Tho following proposals were tiled with the county clerk for ereotlon of equipment of the coust-bouse: General G, E. Goodhand, Ord, Neb. The Uowles Co., Onaw, Iowa. John Kempd, llits' ink's Neb. C. 1) Hu'hey, Hasting',, Neb. W.M, Serlviier, Ued Cloud, Neb. Falls City Construction Co., Fulls City, Neb Henry ONon & Sou, Loup City, Neb 11. Kllenbergfrr A. Son, Chicago, III, Wiring J. A. Touillsoii, Uud Cloud, Heating mid Plumbing City Plumbing and Heating Co., Moulder, Coforado. P. N. ICJar, Holdrege, Neb. Frank Peterson, Ued Cloud, Neb. It. Qieeuwald, Omaha, Neb. II. S- Lambert, Jr., Kearney. Neb. Wood Fixtures American Furniture Co., Kansas City Newton & Holt; Chicago, 111 A II. Audrows & Co Chicago, III. Steel Fixtures Steel Fixtures Mfg. Co. TopeU, Kan. Van Horn, Chicago, lil.' Moved and seconded thai all bids (Hod up to 10 o'clock am. Feb. 'Jr. lull, bo accepted on account of storms uud delayed trains. Motion lost. On account' of tho consent of I he con tractors who Hied before 2 pm, Feb. 24 tho former motion was reconsidered and it was moved, and seconded that all bids filed boforo 10 am. Feb. 2.r 111 It bo accepted and entered into com petition Carried Moved and seconded that bids be opened. Ued Cloud, Fob. 25 1014 Commissioners all present and tho following business was transacted; Movou and seconded that time for opening bids for moving court house bo postponed until Fob 29th at 0 a. in. Carried. Moved and secouded that time for opening bids for bridges be postponed uutil 10 a. m , Feb. 2Gth. Curried. Upon examination of the bids it was moved ami seconded, that tho bids of the Uowles Co. of Onawa, Iowa, of 8 tu,7J0 be accepted and all others bo rejected, for the general contract and wiring. Ayes, Chaplin, McCall Storey, UotFman audOhmstodc. Nays, none. Moved and seconded that the bid 'of tho City. Plumbing aud Heating Com pany of Boulder, Colorado, of 84, 3(H) be accepted fur heating and plumbing aud all others bo rejected. Curried. . Moved uud secouded thuL.tho bid' of the Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., of TopekH, Ivans., of $2393.70. bo awarded tlio con tract for steel fixtures und all other bids be rejected. Carried. lu regard to bid for wood fixtures it was moved and seconded that certulu iteuis,.be stricken from' the original proposal. Motion carried. It was moved' ajid seconded thai the contract to furnish biick for said build ing bo awarded to Sunderland Bros. Co.' of Omaha, Nobr., said firm to fur nish the brick known as their "Golden rod." Said brick must run uniform in color as shown by sample brick o. 1040, now on exhibit at the clerk's office in Red Cloud. In the matter of considering the bills for moving court house, filed by Bark Icy and Evans, which was postponed from Feb. 2oth to Feb. 20th coming on for hearing, C. F. Evaus was given the contract at 1100. County attorney was IDSirucieu to uraw cuuwhui , The petition of Andrew F. Krause for saloon lloeuseat Uosemout, for the ensulug year, beginning March 2, 1014, and ending March 1, 1(115, signed by the required number of freeholders, was brought before the board. Peti tion was grauted subject to bis filing approval bond aud paying license fee of ffjoo. Moved and-seconded that all bids to furnish wood furniture for the new court-houso be aud is hereby rejected aud be re-advertised for said furniture not later thau May 1st 1014. Cutrled. Tho ttmo for considering bridge bids having arrived, it was moved uud seconded that all bids bo rejected. Curried The boud of Audrow P. Kruuso was upproved and tho license too having beeu paid, the clerk is hereby authoriz ed to issuo license to said Kruuso, be ginning March J, 1014 and eudiug Mar. 1st 1015. lu tho mutter of Mrs. Duckor's com plaint of being assessed on more prop erty thau she owned for year 1013, aud having paid taxes on sumo under pro. teat, with request to refund amount overpaid ou assessment. Said above complaint was referred to the couuty attorney, Moved aud seconded .that chairman appolut ouo of the board to oversee the moving of the vaults attached to the presuut court-house, and see (hat the old brick is used for temporary founda tion for present court-house, aud bal ance placed out of the way, and not to pay more than 91.50 per day for the labor to move said vaults. Carried. Chalrmau appointed Paul Storey to take charge of the moving of vaults at tached to present court-house. The following claims were allowed: W.U. Hoffman I28.0J L.O. Pelslger 25.00 Floyd McCall 30.00, T. J. Chaplin 40,60 U. S. Proudtlt Lumber Co 5.80 Paul Storey '78.00 G. Omstede 54,00 J.W. Morauvlllo U8.09 O. D. Hedge 04.35 W.M. Crublll 37 00 P. Q. Turnure 73.85 Boaul adjourned to call of clerk. SS38S'222552222HDS . FOR SALE DeLaval SLiAd Beatrice Crearrv Separators Qvieen Incubators Flour and Feed of All Kind r. . s Geo. W. Both '625 Pound Hogs Show a Big Profit INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO , Gkntlemkn 1 took one of my Chester White ,Hogs and imido a spenial test of "International Stock Food" as per your' directions, and nt 18 months of into he weighed 02.i pniiniN. When I dressed him he wis the best hog I ever saw, and, my neighbors told me the same thing. 1 would not bo without "International Stock Food" for my horses, cattle or hogs ( Sold by Chas. L. Cotting on factory. Thioo months time ou a cash. FUR.NITUR.E AND UNDERTAKING 8 ERlAMAgK ;j J I ALL THt PHONK'm - - NKWHOUMK JTLK. jl mMstKamimm os7 33 'Wrrft'gifr-,rr.-v',i.'' M-yrtVf.'-.;i-rto,lft',ttv.L I Staple Groceries J I V7Eassure yu tha our M I VV groceries can be de- .pended upon for any or all I of your meals. Fresh goods m added to our stock every week. I Are you one of "" v ' I ' our many satisfied custo- "vm m mers? J If pot, we solicit 'I a trial order. I pTa. wullbrandt" I I THE HONE GROCERY - 1 I "BaaaanHHHHaMHBIIMHIHa"iKiaaaaaHaiiiiiiiMiNBBiiiiiiiiBBi I DO YOU REALIZE HowStrongthe Demand for Cheap Land? If yon have come to know what It means to own a farm, 1 can put you in a liuoiuuu vu nouuro uuu wnoae cosd wm do within your means. THE Hf MDEU UNDS-You can file on a 320 acre Mondell tract In Wyoming or Montana and make It yours at a cost to you of only 122. You can, also, buy 1G0 acres more adjoining for $1.25 per acre; you can become the In! dependent owner of 480 acres of good grazing and farm land for 1232. Onl inquiries iudlcate an extensive settlement of these lands this coming season. The North Platte Valley and The Big Horn Basin There are in these valleys Governmi .nt irrigated homesteads, Carey Aofc and Deeded lands. The Burlington's new :entral Wyoming main line traverses both localities, and will put them in chse touch with Western markets. Write me, telling the kind of land you seek. H, .-. TRY US FOR AUTISTIG JOBPHlflTI!G .-. Vi S3CEE32ffi25B$8S 8 8 Phones $3 Yours. Wm. H. Smith. same terms as you can buy from the 100 pound doil or 5 per cent off for D. Clem Deaver, Immif ration Agent 100 rarnam ., Omaha, Nabraaka D A