The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 05, 1914, Image 3

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m.S3iWMar$QJ ,.,..
fr-Ss'S- rt
JSr t w
No sick headache, sour stomach,
biliousness or constipation
by morning.
Get a 10-ccnt box now.
Turn tho rascals out tho hoadacho,
biliousness, Indigestion, tho sick, sour
atomnch and foul gases turn them
out to-night and keop them out with
Millions of men and women tako a
Cascnrot now and then and never
know tho misery caused by a lazy
liver, clogged bowels or an upsot stom
ach. Don't put In another day of distress.
Let Cascarets cleanse your stomach;
removo tho sour, fermenting food;
tako tho excess bllo from your liver
and carry out all tho constipated
wnsto matter and poison In tho
bowels. Then you will feel great.
A Cascaret to-night straightens you
out by morning. They work while
you sleep. A 10-ccnt box from
any drug storo means a clear head,
weot stomach 'and clean, healthy liver
and bowel action for months. Chll
drcn lovo Cascarets becauso thoy
never grlpo or sicken. Adv.
About tho only way a woman can
keep a secret Is to keep it going.
Let Dean's Mentholated Cough Drops re
lieve you of that cough and stop the
throat irritation So at Drug Stores.
Even after a man has lost all confl
denco in himself ho may refuso to glv
tho undertaker a show.
To iet the genuine, call (or full mini, LAXA
TIVE HROMO QUlNlNB. Look for signature ol
. W. GKOVK. Cure a Cold to One Day. 25a.
"Does ho know her very well?"
"He must I overheard him telling
her that she is getting fat"
Force of Habit.
"He's always tinkering with hli
"Naturally. He's a vivlscctionist''
Ashamed of Them.
"Why does Drown sometimes go by,
another name?" ,
"Ho used to sign tho popular songs
be writes."
Both Careful.
"Our cook is so careful about
thieves. Sho always locks tho door,
even in tho daytlmo."
"That's nothing. Our cook always
keeps a policeman In tho kitchen."
"So you want to marry my daugh
ter. What Is your financial standing?"
"Well, Bir, I'vo figured out every ex
emption possible, I'vo had tho best
legal advice that money would secure,
I'vo dono everything I could to dodgo
It and I still find that I can't entirely
escapo paying an incomo tax."
"She's yours." Cloveland Plain
His Past
A benevolent lady was feeding a
hungry tramp. Sho expressed her die
favor at his wandering, idle life.
"I was not always in this condition,
mum," said tho tramp. "I came from
a good family."
"You did?" asked tho lady. "Might
I ask your name?",
"Blanklcigh," replied tho tramp.
"Why, that is tho namo of the peo
ple that llvo next door!" exclaimed
tho lady.
"I know it," replied the tramp. "They
kicked mo downstairs just before I
came hero!"
But Telia Facts About Postum.
A Wis. lady found an easy and safe
way out of tho ills caused by coffee.
Bho says:
"Wo quit coffeo and have used Poa
tum for tho past eight yearB, and
drink it nearly every meal. We never
tire of it , '
"For Bovoral years provlous to quit
ting coffeo I could scarcely eat any
thing on account of dyspepsia, bloat
ing after meals, palpitation, sick neaa
acho in fact was in such misery and
distress I tried living on hot water
and toast.
"Hearing of Postum I began drink
ing it and found it delicious. My ail
ments disappeared, and now I can cat
anything I want without trouble.
"My parontB and husband had about
tho namo experience Mother would
often suffer after eating, while yet
drinking coffee. My husband was a1
great coffeo drinker and suffered from
indigestion and headache.
"After ho stopped coffeo and began
Postum both ailments loft him. He
will not drink anything elso now and
wo have It thrco times a day. I could
wrlto moro but am no gusher only
stnto plain facts."
Namo given by Poatum Co., Battle
Crook, Mich. Wrlto for a copy of tho
famous Uttlo book, "Tho Road to Well
ville." Poatum now comos In two forms:
Regular Postum must bo woll
boiled. 15c and 2Gc packages.
Instant Postum la a soluble pow
dor, A tcaspoonful dissolves quickly
In a cup of hot wntor and, with cream
and sugar, makos a delicious boverago
Instantly. 30o and 60o tins.
The cost per cup of both kinds la
bout tho same.
There's a Reason" for PoBtum.
J aold by Grocer.
All-Silk Turbans
FOR present wear and for early
spring the draped silk turban Ib to
the fore with moro strength ns n
deml-season hat than over. It Is
nearly always "in the running" when
the race of styles comes on. This
season the vogue of draped hatB and
tho new high-side shapes have made
for the popularity of tho all-silk turban.
Two pretty examples of rather dash
ing modes are shown here. In one of
them a long turban frame with a
moderately small crown Is draped
with moBsallno satin in amuthyst
color. The folds of drapery follow tho
linos of tho frame, swooping upward
at the left. There 1b very little regu
larity In these folds. Two about the
coronet aro fairly even, but otherwise
they aro freely draped, but follow tho
lines of tho Bhapo closely, at that.
Tho turban is finished with two
quills In shades of amethyst. They
aro poised to carry out the upward
sweeping lino at the left side.
a smart luroan or DiacK taneia is
enown in tno second figure, 'ine urim
is covered with irregularTolds of tho
Bilk and tho crown is a largo puff
Full-Dress Coiffure
THE big and too showy hair orna
mentsIntroduced early In tho
season failed to find a following, in
this country, at all events, but the
hair, halrdress and hairbands with
feather ornaments, every one likes.
A stylo suited to both brunettes and
blondes may bo studied in the picture
given hero. Tho hair is waved and
combed high at tho back. It is ar
ranged in long puffs and colls at tho
crown, and Is curled and worn in flat
ringlets over tho 'forehead and ears.
It la notlccablo that the halrdress
nearly alwayB demands that tho fore
head be fairly well covered. A-small
light fringe of hair across tho middle
of tho brow is becoming to most faces
and does away with flying and strag
gling ends of hair in a way that la
most agreeable to those who posses's
fluffy aud obstlnnto hajr.
Two rows of pearl heads strung on
flno wiro nro Joined nt tho back with
an ornament of pearls. Tho orna
ment supports a very full pompon of
uncurled ostrich feathers, This gives
tho finishing touch to a tollotto do
signed for full dress.
Tho eamo halrdrens with band of
narrow velvet ribbon decorated with
rhlnestoncs or studdP'' with stool la
& 4&r ' ""
v !SH v iaw frPA.Jf 'J v fy ' v J
for Early Spring
rained high at tho loft side by an ex
tension of tho Bhapo over which tho'
silk la draped. Little turbans of this
kind aro close fitting and very becom
ing. This particular stylo Is suited to
youthful wearers, whllo the longer
shapes, with a Icbs pronounced tilt In
the poso aro liked for matrons.
There aro so many turbans of silk,
made in so many ways, that tho most
conservative as well as the most dar
ing models aro to bo found among
them. For trimming, Uttlo nosegays
of'smnll flowers, or ornaments of Jot
or bows of velvot or of ribbon, Bccm
most appropriate. Jet, with silk, adds
much to the brilllanco of theso hats,
and small, gay flowers or fruits give
them tho requisite touch of color.
Cleverness In tho management of
drapery Is tho characteristic virtue of
hats of silk for earliest wear. It la
not aB easy as It looks, by any, means,
to drapo a shapo without getting
clumsy effects. That it has been ac
complished In such a variety of ways
speaks well for the Ingenuity of de
signers and trimmers.
and Ornaments
MA I ,fo
pretty for afternoon wear. Black vel
vet bows wired an"d outlined with,'
tiny rhlnestoncs aro conservatlvo andf
always effective
Thero Is much Sharm in tho sparkle,
and glow of the mock-Jewels which
aro used in hair 'ornaments. Llttlo'
jowclcd buckloB and bands and all
sorts of Jewel-en crusted feathers ar
among tho season's offerings to those
who appreciate how much thoy en
banco the appearance.
Pockets Are Promised.
Thanks to skirts becoming moro
voluminous about tho hips, women arc
to have pockets in their dresses again.)
But will tho now pocket relieve them
of the necessity of cnrrylng a bag? Ap-i
parontly not, for fllnco tho pocket wasj
taken from them years ago tho num-i
her of articles they usually carry about)
with them has enormously increased.
Here, for lnstnnco, Is what a woman
gonorally carrleti In her bag:
Two hnndkerchjefs, ono smelling
bottle, ono pencil, ono purso for cop-i
pors, ono purso for silver or gold, ono(
small mirror, ono powdor-puff encased"
In silk bng, or ono leather, and ono
small bottlo of eau-do-cologne, N
- i. ': s.-r-z
Ever feel that you can go no fur
ther that you must have rest for Unit
lamo and aching back relief from that
constant, dead-tired feeling?
Hovo you suspected jour khlneya?
Kidney dlsraso bIiowb itself in back
ache, nervous troubles and disorders
of tho kidney secretions. If tired,
worried, lamo, rheumatic, dizzy and
nervous don't Jet a possible weakness
of tho kidncya escape attention until
it turns Into a cuao of gravel, dropsy
or llrlght's disease.
Sick kidneys go from bad to worse.
Their useful work of filtering tho blood
Is only partly done. Poisons Hint
should bo passed out with the kidney
secretions are held In tho blood, cir
culating freely, nttneking muscled,
nerves and vital organs. Tho KldneyH
inltann, swell ami throb, and Hint Is
tho rauso of sharp pains In the buck,
or that dull, constant heavy ache.
For quick help uho Doan's Kidney
Pills. No other kldnoy remedy Is used
and recommended so generally. Take
them when you feel tho llrst bad
bnckache, or bpo tho first disturbance
of tho kidney secretions. Doan'n hnvo
Smith' Machine Had the Horse Pow
er All Right, but He Thought
8ome Were Dead.
They wero talking nutomobllo
reminiscences and Congressman Jacob
Johnson of Utah recallod tho expert
enco of Smith along n country road.
The lnexpltcnblo thing had happened
sotno ten miles from a garage, und
Smith waB mauling ovor tho mnchlno
with a monkey wrench, when a farm
er camo along.
For a whllo Hiram stood In silence
watching tho efforts of tho autolst,
and then human naturo asserted it
self and ho broko Into conversation.
"Somo car yo'vo got thero, pard,"
ho remarked, admiringly. "What pow
er Is It?" '
"Forty horso power," nnswored
Smith, continuing to plug away with
tho monkey wrench.
"Forty hoss, oh?" returned Hiram,
etlll working his oyos. "What scorns
tor bo tho troublo with It?"
"Well, ns near as I can llguro It
out," answered Smith, with a sort of
cross between a sigh aud a russ,
"about 39 of tho horses aro dend."
"Pape's Diapepsin" fixes sick,
sour, gassy stomachs in
five minutes.
Tlmo ltl In flvo minutes all stomach
distress will go. No Indigestion, heart
burn, sourness or belching of gas, acid,
or eructations of undigested food, no
dizziness, bloating, or foul breath.
Papo'B Diapepsin Is noted for Its
speed in regulating upset Btomachs.
It is tho surest, quickest and most cer
tain indigestion remedy in tho wholo
world, and besideB It is harmless.
Please for your sako, get a largo
fifty-cent caso of Pape's Diapepsin
from any storo aud put your stomach
right. Don't keep on being ralscrablo
life is too short you aro not hero
long, so mnko your Btay agreeable
Eat what you liko and digest it; en
Joy It, without dread of rebellion in
the stomach.
, Papo'B Diapepsin belongs in your
homo anyway, Should ono of tho fam
ily eat something which don't agreo
with them, or in caso of an tittack of
indigestion, dyspepsia, gaBtritis or
etomach derangement at daytlmo or
during tho night, it Is handy to givo
the quickest rellof known. Adv.
Napoleon's Vain Struggle.
Ono hundred yearB ago tho Emperor
Napoleon, after having fought threo
battles with tho allies In threo suc
cessive days, mot Blucher himself at
Vauchamps, and, after a keenly fought
engagement, drovo tho invaders back
with considornhlo loss. By tho four
engagements with tho SUcslan army,
fought between February 10 and Feb
ruary 14, Napoleon gained 18,000 pris
oners, whom ho at onco sont to Paris
In order to ralso tho depressed spir
its of tho populace In that, however,
he only succeeded Imperfectly, for
whllo Blucher was temporarily hold
In check Princo Schwartzenberg ad
vanced up tho Seine toward Paris, and
the' Russians under tho Emperor Alex
ander wero llkewlso pressing steadily
forward with tho Fronch capital as
their objective.
"But I fall to understand," said tho
medical man, "why you como to mo.
You say your wlfo is a doctor. Why
don't you lot her proscribe for you?"
"Too exponslvo," ropllod tho in
valid. "Last tlmo I was ill sho or
dered mo to opond Blx weeks at Palm
Beach, aud sho wont with mo hor
olf." The Non-Expert.
"Do you dance tho hesitation stop?"
"It Ib tho only kind I can dnnco."
Baltimoro Amorlcan.
Tho girl who bets sho wouldn't mar
ry tho best man living ought to offer
blx odds.
All Used
"Every Picture
Tells a
'What will htlp my backV
jrorv mK2s
When Your Back Is Lome Remember the Name"
Sold ivy all Dealers. Price 50 cents. Fojter-Mllburn Co Buffalo, ft Y Proprietor,-
8urely Must Be Conceded That Con
demned Man Wat Much Inclined
to Be Finicky.
Ho wasu't oven satlslled when they
tried him for murder and Hontenced
him to bo hnnged. Ho grumbled about
his cell by day and about his mattress
by night, and on the morning fixed for
Ills execution ho grumbled about tho
wny his breakfast had been prepared.
Hn grumbled when thoy led him
forth about tho tllstanco ho hntl to
walk between bin cell and tho scaffold,
and 'ho said ho was suro It wh going
to rain. At last thoy got him Into po
sition, nnd JiiBt ns tho hangman was
about to perform his duty, tho con
demned man grumbled out:
"Sny, gov'nor, this plank don't seem
any too safe to me!"
Olrltl Try Thlut Make Hair Thick,
Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful No
More Itching Scalp.
Within ten minutes ntter an appli
cation of Danderlno you cannot Hud a
qlnglo traco of dandruff or falling hair
and your scalp will not Itch, but what
will please you most will be after a
few weeks' uuo, when you vco now
hair, flno nnd downy nt first yeB but
really now hair growing all over tho
A llttlo Danderlno Immediately dou
bles tho beauty of your hair. No dif
ference how dull, faded, brittle and
Bcraggy. Juht molBtcn n cloth with
Danderlno and carefully draw It
through your hair, taking ouo(j;mall
strand nt a tlmo. Tho effect Is amaz
ing your hair will bo light. Huffy and
wavy, and hnvo an appearanco of
nhundnnco; an incmnpnrablo luster,
softness and luxuriance.
Get a 25 cent bottlo of Knowlton's
Danderlno from any storo, and provo
that your hair Is as pretty and soft
ps any that It has been neglected or
Injured by carelosB treatment that's
all you surely can havo beautiful hair
and loth of It if you will just try a II'
tlo Danderlno. Adv.
Where He Wat.
"If you aro innocent," said a lawyer
to his client, an old dnrkuy, who was
charged with stealing a ham, "wo
ought to bo able to provo an alibi."
"I don' 'specs wo kin," tho darkey
replied, doubtfully.
"At what tlmo was the ham stolen?"
" 'Bout lebben er-clock, doy say."
"Well, where wero you between
eleven o'clock and midnight In bed?"
"No, snh, I was hidin' do ham."
Question of Jurisdiction.
"What's tho discussion?"
"Tho hoys hnd assembled to lynch
a horso thief."
"But now a knotty point of Juris
prudence lain como up. Seems he
stolo an nutomobllo."
Its Kind,
prima donna has
a volvot
"Of courso sho has.
sho gets her pllo."
That Is whero
over 40 years.
Pre PierceFavorite Prescription
is a keen enemy to the physical wetnesses ot woman . A modlcirn brepared by
regular graduated physician of unusHuiexperience In treating woman's diseases
carefully adapted to work in harmony NRh the most delicate fcralnina conatitutloa,
It It now obtainable in llcjuld orvaoftar-coated tablet- form at tho
drug store or aend 50 one-cent
Every woman may write fully and confidentially
ur. riercaana niasuit or pnyiicians anu .ipocinuni
at the InvaluU' IIoUl and Surslral Initltutc, llutTalo,
N. Y.,anJ maybe sure that litrcato will receive care
ful, conscientious, confidentUI consideration, and that
experienced medical advice will bo given to her free.
mna intlgormlt ttomash, finer and fcowee.
If mtm coalaef, tint granmU su to laaa at candr.
brought new life and strciictli to thnn
Bands of despairing men and women,
and there Is nothing in the remedy to
cause any liniiu or start a pill taking
Here's llm best of proof te tlinony
from a grateful utcr
Laid Up in Rtd for Veeht nt u Time.
C I) KVmlrr, pnlnlrr, 403 I! 1 iftli St.
Mttiitiitu, 111, )! "Kltlnuy trmiti look
linlil nf til" iiImiiii twi'iitj-lwu ynim hi, th
'Ill-Hi asltfptiiiir ImIiik pain ncrriM Hi. mnall
ciT inv liu'k I think Hip complilnt w
ultima li linnl nrk unci heaty lifting I
(.nnltmll) itcil moi-kc until I hml In Klvn up
work Im mi It nl n Utile ninl I wiia Inhl up
In In a I una Irculoit liy prominent plinl
ilnim. Inil liny Oliln't Imlp mo nnd they
frankly mlmltliil Hull I In Iml hiipe
I mm thin, worn mil nml nrrvoun nnd wan
rpulnl to aii lit ny tlim Ihr kidney
oirdloim pirn- il Inn fr-fiiriitly rut I waa
In rniKtmil lulu I win Ri'ttlntt nnru whm
n frlciul tnlii mi" In Irj Dnin'a Klilmy Pllla
I nnlli'nl Iniproviini nl nn pooh na I look
thcin nml Inform Innu I pimfil ai-veral
uruvil alniua I Knlnul In wi-liillt nml n
i nml I run now work orry illy without
I tho Icttit troulilc."
Don't Persecute
Your Bowels
Cut our cnthftrtlcs nnd purnatlvei. Thty are
Druiai, imraii.tinncrciwary. it
Purely vegetable. Art,
gently on tne mc
climinato bile, mid
aoothc the delicate
bowel. Curt
Sick Hhi!.
ich and InllfMtlon, million! knew.
Genuine must bear Signature
: viu, mnniT, ulaiiukki diikasm. bi odd roiton,
riLt. xmim no. URuaoiiilorwAiLtl. ruir 4 cts
Hi. Co, UAVKKiriiGxVD.llAMrfiTiiAn, London, Kt a.
MUT.uovT.RTAur rriito to all oinuihr rACu.
A il!0 of tltl pnfr nlr-
" " nilverlltnl li lt
eotiiinim hIioiiU InRlnt upon ImTlnu' whs1; the
U fur. rediiluu all uubHtlluteit or Imitation.
irllttvm nfn.n M.I l
BP 'a
i nuikut
MK liurrj
m-iHilllllv I bl
r Jnkv4- i
. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 10-1914.
J f
Nebraska Directory m
DIIDTIIDET CORED in a few days
nUr I Ullk without pain or a sur
gical operation. No pay until cured. Write
Ult. WltAY. ao lire lllili;., Onmliii, Neb.
Omaha, Nebraska
llllal llfl IUI1 FIIRDPEAN PLI
nooinn irora iijju up Hingif, vn cemx up uouuio.
(No. 276) FOR SALE
No trades: 960 acrs Mrm S 1-2 mile south ol'Cart
loy, Red Willow Co , Neb. 7C0 acres In cultivation.
Perfect soil. Two sits improvements. Lays beautiful.
Pasture- contly rclllntr. Prlci actually 13 per acra
less than valua. I .vesticale and will pay your ex
penses II not as represented both as to quality and
value. Price $30,43 per acre. Tlmo on 1 8.0OO,
J. A. ABBOTT & CO., 438 Stale Cult tit: , Oath, HA.
MOVING PICTURE, tho money-making
business. We fit you out complete, either
permanent or road show, Sell every make
of motion picture machine made. Fine
line of bargains in rebuilt machines,
fil mi for sale or rent at the right price.
Chairs. If you mean business v. rite us today.
Omaha Film Hxchangu,Dept.L,Omaha,Nob.
Lincoln Sanitarium
MP wwwmiii iiiii ma
Sulpho Saline 8prings
LocaUd on our own premises and used la tho
Natural Mineral Water
Unsurpassed In tho treatment of
Heart. Stomach, Kldnsjand Liver Diseases
MOB M Street Lincoln, Neb.
rPIIE change may be critical and'eaueo antola
x sufTerinR in after-life. The modern yountr
woman is often a "bundlp of nerves'" "hich Btruna?"
fainting spells cmotionnl frequently blue and
i dissatisfied with life. Such girls should bo helped
over this distressing "since in life by a woman'e
1 tonic and nervine that lias proven successful for
atamna for a trial box. to Buffalo..
iVomanhood m