:v.:wie:: RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i"' 4::: . s .? t;: ?' ft'. r m: n 3SM . Jf$ it- -v I J-- l 4 ir- K paKaBaaRHaaHiinHaaaiHHHHMianMaiaHaaanaB ROYAL BAK1N6 Powder Is the Housewife's Greatest Help. WHAT so tempting to the laggard appetite as a light, flaky, fruit short cake or a delicate hot biscuit? Royal makes the perfect short cake, biscuit and muffin, and improves the flavor and healthf uhiess of all risen flour foods. It renders the biscuit, hot bread and short cake more di gestible and nutritious, at the same time making them more attractive and appetizing, Royal Baking Powder is in dispensable for .the preparation all the year round of perfect foods. VIWWWW'Vr'M ' 625 Pound Hogs Show a Big Profit INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO , Gkntlemkn1 took ono of my Chester White Hops and mndo a s special tost of "International Stock Food" as per your directions, and i nt 18 months of iiro he weighed 02."i pounds. When I dressed him ho f whs the best hog I ever saw, and my neighbors told me the same thing. I would not bo without ".International Stock Food" for my horses, cuttle or hogs Yours. : Sold by CIihs. L. Cottlng on fuctory. Tin co months time on a e.ish. t w'WW''W' A Trip Through, The Big Horn Basin Will be the next land folder issued by the Burlington and will be ready for distribution about February 25th. VALUABLE INFORMATION: This new folder will con tain much valuable information not exaggerated statements about what a few good farmers have produced, but information about what a large number of farmers have accomplished under ordinary conditions, THE NEW RAILROAD just now being completed, to the south, connecting the Big Horn Basin with Denver,, Omaha, and other eastern markets will make this folder especially in teresting. Write for it today. It is free and contains a large jn p of the Big Horn Basin. Babies Will Grow At d w'liilo they are gi owing you should have them photographed often enough to kc p a reootd of yiieli interesting stit 0 of t h 0 I r eh I nootl Y o u will prize the col lection of. baby's pi 'turrs more and more as the years go by, Make an appointment to day. via Stevens Bros. Studio parous? Wm. H. Smith. sitme terms as yon can buy from the 100 pound doil or 5 por cent oh" for 'U'wVwVs' k D. Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent 1004 Far nam Bt., Omaha, Nebraska ' . Dr. J. C Caldwell PHYSICIAN 6 SURGEON Calls Answered Day or Night OIlh'oTclpltoiics: Bell. C8; I nd. 1C0. lten. Telephones: Ilcll, Ited 273; Intl. 100. Office Over N. A- Albrlftht's Store Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska J. i EfcMflGEfl General Auctioneer Recommendations My Former Customers. ... Write or Phone Red Cloud, - Nebr. " HOME NEWS Bulletin of The Week's Doings V.W.VAV.V.W.V.V.V.W.V Take your uruitm to .1. O. Ciildwoll. Kd Paul of (.iwles wits In tho tilty Monday, See the complete line of rugs nt. Miner Hros. Co, It. 13. Camp was in Kraukllu Thurs day on business. Tho county commissioners lire in session this week. (hunt Christy whs in Franklin .Sat urday night ou business. lohu Rose of 11 1 tin Hill was in the city the last of tho week. Al Spiers was down from Hastings Suiimlay visiting his family. 11. C. Wolle Is very ill at the liomu of liis son, Ira Wolfe, this week. Closing out sale of 1 1 unless, See me lor Hal-gains. V. I Hansen, adv. For a short time only 1 will sell good table potatoes for 85 cents per bushel. .1. A. ltuiiloii. Ur. Deardorf Inspector of live stock for shipment to other states. - "At, Uuiley's Tie Darn. SherilT Hedge purchased a Ford auto Saturday which he will use for business and pleasure trips. Kaleb Ormau and wife left ou 10 Sunday morning for lied Cloud to visit fi lends. Monday's MuCoolt Uaette. . Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Trunkoy left Sunday evening for tholr homo in Washington after spending a few days iu this city with Geo. J. Warren and wife. Miss Myrtle Carpenter, who has been visiting Mattie Huudorup and other relatives here, returned to her home at Red Cloud Thursday morning. Saturday's Franklin News. Honry C. Kichmoml editor of the Nebraskan, published at Omaha, was in tho city Saturday visiting friends. Mr. Richmond is getting out one of the best weekly papers in the slate. Miss Allison Co wilen of lied Cloud came In this morning for a visit with Miss Helen Kendall and to attend tho colonial party this evouing given by Miss Helen. Saturday's Superior Ex press. Tile lire boys,vvero called out Sun duy evening on account of h small blaze at the Joliu.Ul'otter residence The lire,' however, was extinguished before -the arrival of tho Ure depart-, tnent. .. .. The girls basket ball teams of llliic Hill ami Red Cloud met Friday even ing iu tho Y. M. C. A. und played a very fust game which resulted In a score of 20 to 10 In favor of tho visit ing team. The treat of tho season will be the concert given by the Heel Cloud Con cert Baud iu tho Opera House on March dth. The concert will bo fol lowed by n 40 minute playette. Tick ets 1250 to nil and will bo ou sale ut Cook's drug store. A surprise birthday party was given Miss Ivn Patten Saturday afternoon, the occasion being her sixteenth birth day, by twenty of her young ludy friends. Everybody present report haying had a good time and wished her mauy more happy birthdays. Alf. MoCall, administrator of the Amos Gust estate, Informed up Friday that the administrator's public sulo held Thursday wus attended byu. large crowd, and that Col. Jake Ellliiger was at his best and received top notch prices for everything. Cows brought from 872 to 891.50 per head and hogs sold at 8' cents per pound. TI10 two automobiles sold for $0.")5 nud iiW euh, Mr. McCall was well 'pleased and is convinced that it pays to ud vortise public sales in the newspapers. CHEESE Good Choose fs Healthy IVc offer the following varieties: Oreaiifcliot'se, pound 25c Uilek chco' 0,1101111 1 - 2Sc Swiss ehetJso, pound 30c Mtnlit'i'gcr choose - 30c McLarens linn. eliec, per j ir ISe B. E. JfieFaiJand All tho Phones ! v 1F Many Hunts is homo from Omaha, Col. Juko Hllluger was in Cowles Friday. Mack Fentress went to Supoilor Tuesday. (ieorgo Falilleld was 11 passenger to Omahii Tuesday. Walter Means arrived home Tuesday from Kansas City. W. Ij. Weesuer arrived homo from Kansas City Tuesday. Kd llurr of tluldo Rock wasln town the Hist tiftlie week. licit Uarhcr came home thu last of the week fiom Lincoln. Kverett Mean and son of Inavule were iu the city (Saturday. The largest line of rugs iu the city on display at Miner Hros. Co. I i, Christ Ian left Sunday evening for Omaha and Lincoln on biiHluess. Mrs, ,las. Sllvey of Imtvulo spent Wednesday in this city with her par ents Attorney L. II. HlacUludgu went to Nelson Tuesday to attend district COtll't. Wire Chief Gecr of tho Lincoln T. Sr. T. Co., went to Itluo Hill Tuesday to repair the toll lines whtch were blown down by the bllp.urtl. We have on hanil now a carload of (li'iuiili.n -Minnesota lied River Karly Ohio Seeif 1'otutoes. These are the best table potato ntul'lhdtiniy.klml for sued. Weesner, Perry &, Co. , uiTV-" Don'L fall to attend the concert and 10 mlnuto pluyettu given by tlio Red Cloud Concert band, at thu Opera House ou tho evening of March (itli Tickets will bo sn salo at Cook's drug store. 'J.c to everybody. Tho silo Is no longer an experiment in Nebraska. It lias been fully tried out and has proven lu be a big money savor. It is estimated that from thirty llvo to sixty-llvo per cent of the crop is saved by tho use of the silo. Worth talking about. As this is the last week of the Union Oospcl Services, a special invitation is given to everybody to attend. Union meetings Thursday, Friday and Sunday night. Tlieso services have proved very helpful and everybody Is'lnvltid t attend these closing ones. Attoruey Blacklcdge of Red Cloud is lu thu city todny in consultation with the Stale Savings bank directors The case of the possession of tho SIO.O'J'J of uccurites is still iu contention, and the other state banks of tho state are in tt; rested iu helping the bank here tight for tho possession of these notes. Sat urday's Superior's Express. U, Wo notice by the Superior lOxpross itiat tho now Stuto liauk of Superior has succeeded to thei business of tho defunct First Natiuunl. Mr. L J. Dunn of Lincoln is prustd.ut mid Mr. W. T. Auld la vice president of the now Institution. This organization will iiiulto a strong anil substantial bunk and wo congratulate our sister city on her success Tho following men would make good timber for the mayorship of Red Cloud: Dr. Dauicroll, J. L. Chilstiau, Wilbur Hamilton, Frank Cowden, F. J. Muuday and Alf McCall. If any one of these men were nominated and elected he would make a good mayor and carry out the wishes of the peo ple in a business like way. According to the reports published by the three banks in this city at the close of business Fobruary 12th the combined deposits amounted to t-188,-048.47. This Is an excellent showing. We have passed the experimental stage safely and may now bo considered on a good substantial footing. This speaks well for the prosperity of this com munity and the industry of our clti zens. This city Is large enough to afford a night watchmaiAit the I ho hall. Some oaj ought U bo employed to stay there at night. Should wo be so un- fortunato as to. havo a big fire much property might bo saved if everything were iu reuditiess ut thu fire hufl for the firemen to use. A little delay at the start might prove to bo very dis astrous. This could all be obviated by having 11 regular wutohinun. George Volland, who ut one tiice worked in this city as an undertaker for Albright Hros., and married Miss Paquita Studebaker, but who now re sides ic Hastings,- wasstruclc by a run away horse, whe crossing the street in tuat city last Thursduy, and re- ceived painful injuries. No bones were broken, however, and while con siderably skinned up, lie is repoitd st this writing to bo rapidly recovering, I3y far tho worst storm of tho winter struck this locality last Sunday and Monday. Trains were delayed, roads blocked, telephone and telegraph lines were put out of commission uutl gient littvou was played generally. Fortu nately the storm was of short dura tion anil the extreme cold boon played Itself out. Catllo feeders generally wero well piepuied for the storm so that there was not much loss except to roads and wires. We have been very fortunate this winter lu escaping many of of the ntorms that have passed around us but t til- one was of such u general character that wo cuino iu for ur bhure, lha bturm was general from tho Rocky mountulits to the Missouri river. )ff. -Vv" THE GREATEST SHIRT ewwww:mw You Ever Heard .00 Worth of 48g - 68g Three Big Assortments 48c Lot Includes Shirts Worth up to $1.00 68c Lot Includes Shirts Worth up to $1.25 88c Lot Includes Shirts from $1.25 to $1.75 These Shirts were bought last week by our buyer who has just returned from the Eastern market. They are the product of one of the best Shirt houses in the west.' We will guarantee every shirt sold to bo perfect in fit and material. This sale starts Thursday Morning At 9 O'clock And Will Last 15 Days You'll Have To Hurry Jhe Qouiden-Kaley frothing Qo. Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers vs- vAvA GHARST & PURE BRED SOW SALE The Messrs J. (ihaisf. and A. N Waeehter will sell at Fublio Auction at the Hut arm Hum iu Uivertou,NcbrM rain or shine, on Thursday, March 5th, 1914 COMMENCING AT J I. M. The following draft of choice Thoroughbred, Poland China" SoWp and Hours: fi matured Sows to farrow, from Muroh 10 to May 10; 8 Kail (litis all bred to rarrow from March IS to April 13. The above Sow and (lilts cholera immune. 27 Spring Gilts bred to. farrow last from. March 10 to May 15; i! August Gilts bred to far row lastof May or llrstof June. All this stuff Is bred to one or the oth'ir of as four as good boars as tho country can produce. Wo tilso offer two August boars of extra good breeding, Cata logue now ready write for one. TERNS OF SALE Cash or bankablo note up to six mouths time. Gharst & Waeehter 12 T. Ilasmusson, Clerk, vAv t Staple WEassure you that pur groceries can be de pended upon for any or all of your meals. Fresh goods added to our stock every week. 5 Are you one of our many satisfied custo mers? If not, we solicit a tijgl o Jer. P. A. WULLBRANDT THE HONE GROCERY CAMP THE ' CHIROPRtGTOK RcdIoud8 s- Nebraska Second Houoo North o! I. O. O. F. Hall -O- Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free Phoie IihJ. 212 .(yAI S TALE Fine Dress Shirts at H rJA( WAECHTER'S S Col. P. G. Kolb, Auot. Groceries m-CHAS-E- CRoss 0ENT1ST over state bank Red Cloud aaa Nebraska I " -"-- w,w DOYLE BROS. Live Steele and General Auctioneer 886 JIOTI! I'HO.NKfl Hod Cloiid Lebanon 17 on 8 K 8 on 16? WM I m S. tr-n m ST: 1 4 1 i .,-!t t VV M TJ! ' , "'si 'm. jaT'wvi. V . , ;'"$!'