The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 19, 1914, Image 8
J(Pli?3 XM J4V w kmfrVMirmff'Hiyv;Mrti . RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEP L I"" , V & .....". Correspondents Cv.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v. - NORTH 1NAVALE Mist .IjmhiIo Miner was vlsitliiK fih-ndsln Inuviilo Haturduv. , Frank Milliner win In Inavulo on business Friday of hist weelt. Miss Dolilo Dloltenson his none to ' MeCooh t attend hleji m'IiooI. Dr. CiIkIumi whs in Iiliivulo mi professional business .Saturdny. Mrs J. T. Rutledno nml son Roy wore hhoppliiK In R'd (Mouil Tuosbiy. Arthur I).ivis fioni Unton, Now Mex 0 , was visiting with his parents h few days.last week. Newton Erhnrt shipped cur of entile and one or hogs to Kansas City, Mo., ou Sunday. Mrs. W. K.Reati was lu Red Cloud on Tuesday ami Wednesday of tills week huvinK some dental work doiie. Among those who iittcndeil the teacher's meeting at Guide Rook on Saturday wore: Miss May Dlekerson, Frank Kilscnbnok, Noble Lund, Miss I'etersoti and Misc. Irtuu Rruco. George .Morrow and C. L. Wlokwlie have gone to Florida and expect to buy a farm a pleeo If it looks good to them. As thoy are both very thorough In ngrleiilltire no doubt they will make a Mieeess of the ptofssloii. GARFIELD Fine w cither again alter two weeks of blustery bad weal her. A nice lot"cif leu was pot up In the .neighborhood last week. Al Smith and family weie pleasant callers at Fred Harris' Sunday. Fete McKlhuucy was on the slo.k list u few davs last, weak but i'l better now. Mrs. Sullivan from McOook U vWlllin; her mothor Mrs. Litlsii Alios this week. lloorgu Smith, (Iny Haines and .Will Fisher attended the. Odd Fellow's lodge Monday night. L (3. King or llibbon, Nebraska, is in Garfield visiting with his folks and old neimuhitancos. V - , ..Frank Aiuaok, who has been sick Tor tho.past two weeks, is able to be out anil urittiud again. 'Uteiiry Wiggins has moved ou the. Kaioy ranch and Will Hun Is has mov ed down by (lulde Rock. Smith Hros., hauled in a ear of hogs Tuesday to Red Cloud and shipped them to til. .loo Wednesday. Will Smith of Iuavale was on wind mill row Tuesday, lie hauled down a load of stuff and is moving ou the George Coon place. Mrs. George Harris left for iv visit with her mother and trlends In Colorado on Saturday evening and now George goes around with a long face. ROSEMONT Phtlcnclo Faucett visited at the Cure home Sunday. Ileury Runt jer was a passenger to . Rlue Hill Thursday. 1 Mrs R. Allen was a pa&seuger to Lawrence Saturday. ' Low Ratigcrt Is helping-John Uoos reshlnglu his house Miss Pearl Sheers was a passenger to Ulue IHU Monday. Miss F.thel Wilght spent Sunday at the W. It. Shirley home. Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. Hudson visited , their son pllver Saturdny. Mr. RutledgK oft ho Raker's Medicine company was lu town Tuesday. Mrs. W. Dcrro returned Tuesday Jiom a two weeks visit in Fairlleld, Mr. nnd Mrs Stiu Junius and Stella visited the former's parents Tuesday. K. K. Haas lud another attack of appendicitis Sunday but Issoino better now. r TJrtico Laird and Oliver Hudson niade it business trip to Blue Hill Frl. -doy. Mr. and Mrs. F. Rurton visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. .Wright, Tucidiiy. Alia and John Room of Rladeu visit- - ed their mothor, Mrs. M. Hargman, Tuesday. Vella Wright, Clause Rose Jr., and xLee Crawford, werepassengovs to Law- "ronce Friday Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. Autuburn vtsluyl the formor's sister Mrs. A. l Krause Tuesday. A. Churches rotnmod to Tecumsoh, Nebr., Monday after a two weeks visit with friends bore, Mr. Uncus of the "Continental Fire Insurance Company was In town on business Thursday. Roll OiiIkkIo went to Wray, Colorado, Thursday for a few weeks visit with his brother Charley. Several of the llluo Illll business men wore visitors Tuesday and also at tended the II. Runtjor sale, 'llarrlson Autuburn, C. Shirley, O jv V'.'.V.V.V.V.V.W.W.VVW.' Moonls and Charley (lutl rlo were paok lug lee for A F. Krnuiu Wednesday. Jj Arthur Suliley, Vella Wright, Char S" ley Siniicj, 1'oari hlieers, lMd McCliire ami I' ay iSteven.s took supper ni air. au 1 .Mis. F. .Stevens Sunday. Arthur and that ley Shirley hnvo tradeil iiMitfe of their lop huguy for the proiicherVcarrhigc oil iieoouui of only having unu team and two girls, Little Rlhel Hudson, daughter of Mr and .Mrs, O. Hudson, fell from hut' hluh chair on ihu stove and herlously burned her head and hands Friday. A surprise llirthday party was given ou Mrs, Henry Lauipiuau Monday evening. The evening was spent. In playing games. All departed at n lute hour wishing her m my more happy birthdays. There win ii filial (jiitheiing at K. K. Haas' Siiiut'duy evening. The evening was spout lu playing games and dancing. Refreshments were serv ed at twelve o'cioelc and all departed for home after spoudlng a very pleas ant evening. LOGAN. KAS., Frank Graham from Vranklln, Nebr., Is visiting ids boys who lire near Mt. Hope Jim Uouldle's two girls who weie dangerously ill for about ten days are now almost w 1'. , .Mm Oouldio purchased 9 cows nt the Harvey Womlerly sale which cost him the price of 87 a pleeo. Mr. and Mrs. Kveiott Myers and J C. Williams were the guests of the Mo Coole llros , last Sunday. Jo-eph Devlin south east of Womer shipped a earleail of hogs to Kansas City one day last week, lie arrived home last Friday. Sanka Homier fioni llaiitivville. Colo., urilvtd bote last Sunday to'make au extended visit with his folks who loidu southeast of, Womer. Miner Spurrier arrived home from KutiMiHCity last Saturday after selling a carload of hogs which netted him the liiiiuh'Oini! sum of SK!50. Mrs. A. Leidabrand and her sou Jim aio ill with the lagiippe this week, also Johuiu Uoulille's eldest boy ami .Mis. F.iiiinu Dunne. Dr. Mitchell of Red Cloud and Dr. Morrison of Smllh Center are the attending physicians. The Publiu Sale of Ihu voy Wonder- ly'n which onmo oil ou the foro part of last week near the slate line was well attended mid everything sold at good prices. Horses sold frmu $7o to 3150. cows from$0 to $00, brood oow al the rate of 15 cents a pound. The entertainment given at the Fnirviow school house in South Paw ueo ou lasl Friday niht was a great sweets. The young ladles of the Paw nee Aid Society got up u most elabor ate and well arranged program, every element which was carried out in a most creditable maimer. The dia logues and recitations were character istic of much taste and culture and elicited great apnhuiso from the audience. The music, both vocal and Instrumental, in like maimer was lu every instance of high character and containing much melody. The school children also It is woll to note acquitt ed themselves in a most elegant man ner in their methodical style In sing ing and reciting which reflects great credit ou their energetic teacher Miss Ethel Million. . COWLES O. (5. Holt was unending to business In Hastings Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Hurd expects to move back, on the farm in n shoil time. Mrs .las. McOrldu Is spending a few days visiting friends in .llladcn thih week. Fred 'Gund was down from Rlue Illll Tuesday looking ufter business matt urn. John Real was a passenger to Hast ings Monday. His wife N lu the sniiii tarlutn Chore. Jesse France was quite sick the fore part of the week but Is much bettor lit this writing, lie was threatened with Pneumonia. Mrs. Cora Rerry of Rallyvllle, Kas., came in Saturday for a short visit with her mothor Mis. Morse and her sisters Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Rennet t. J. It. Motter left for Staplcton, Ne- biaska, where ho is looking for a location. Wo understand he has sold his property hero to Ren Thomas, P. A. Omul name homo fioni Wash ington, 1). C, Tuenday where bu has been looking after business matters lelatlvu to the Lumbormeu'h Associa tion. Dave Paul and son Rd Paul left for Kansas City Monday where they ex. poet to be gotio a week or ten days, Dave Paul Is taking treatment for his eyes. The Cowlos Rand will give n Concert at tho M. K. churoh Feb. '.'!. Kvery onutln4 can possibly come, do so and cticouragn the boys. You will be well repaid for your trouble. NORTH R1VERTON Spring weather now. Leroy Rennetts spent Sunday with Ueo. Marshalls, Theio vill tie a wedding In Jhls com munity .mm", loll u Put ton's children have the mumps at piesetit. Mr. Ri iggs butcheted M o n d a y Floyd Di.nkir helped him. Mr. ami Mrs. Joe Smith aio the proud tmtehti of a baby girl. Lawrence Shliicumu sawed wood for Pony and Roy Buniiutt Tuesday. Mr. Kindig has been on the sick list the lait few days. Rut Is feeling some better. Frank Stanley has began moving machinery over to tho farm he bought list fall.. Charlie Smith Is building a new barn on his farm this week. P O. Dennett Is helping. From all reports tho debut" on "Farmers' Unions" between Matthews and Shitt wus all one sldcd'in favor of Mr. Slatt. Luetic Danker camo home Friday evening from Rlverton where she Is attending school nnd spent the week end with hor parents, Floyd Daggett was the winner In a wrestling match with Sell at Macon Monday. It took him ouo hour and ten minutes to win the first fall and ten minutes for f lie last. The Story o? Every Child Is A Story Of Growth and Chance A change too gradual and subtle for even the watchful eye of a mother to detect, or for memory to recall. Only in pictures can the story bo told and a record of the childish features and ex pressions kept for all time. A good photograph now and then will mean everything to yon, and to them, in after years. Stevens Bros, s m NOTICE TO BIBUSRS. Notlt'o Is hereby Klvcn that sealed proposals will ho received ill the olllco of the County Clerk, lied Cloud, Nebraska tor tho moving of the present Court limine to a point l'J01ect Went ol present location and placed tin a temporary foundation, county to furnish matiria'l (or foaU'datlon, bidder to preform all labor and tarnish all material except as herein provldid. . Said court houso to' bo removed not later than April 1st, I'JI I. lildder to furnish bond la tho sam of 7)0.00 to secure nnd Insure tho preformanceoftliocondltlonsof tbecontract If awarded. All bids to boon lllo with tho County Clerk not later than February Z, 11)1 1 nt 12 noun, Hy order of the County Commissioners. (Sen!) K. W. ItOSS County Clerk. by J.J. Gnrbcr, Dep In the tounty Court of Webster County. Nebraska. State of Nebraska Webster County ' In tho matter of tho estate of Amos Gust, Deceased. CUKMTOHS OKSAIDKSTATB will take NOTICK, that tho tlmo limited for presenta tion nnd mingof claims against tho inino is September &th, 1914; nnd for tho payment of debts Is KebruitryOth 11)15. that I will sit at tho county courtroom In snld county on tho 7th dny of September, UIH, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to receive, oxnmtne, hear, nllow, or adjust all clnlms and objections duly tiled. Dated this Oth dny of February, A. P., 1UI4. (Seal) A. 1). lt.NNKV,County .ludKo NOTICE. ToMaisik Williams, Non-iiksidiint llKI'KNDANr: You are hereby notlilcd that on tho :ilst day of October IIU.'I Walter V. WlllaniK, llled a pi'lltUm imnlnst .vouln the dlsti let court of Webster County, Nebraska, thu object and prayer of which are to obtain n dlvorco from you on I ho ground that you hnvo willfully nlmndonedand deserted tho plulutltr with out Just eausn for thotcrm of two years last past. You nro rniulrctl to answer said poll tlon on or Iwfore Monday tho ICth day of March ltill. Dated this February 3, 1H1 1. W.VI.TKU W. Williams, plalntlir. Hy I.. II. Illackliihie, hit attorney. Notlco apjirovei). Harry H. I)uni;iu' Jmlgool tho District Court. DOYLE BROS. Live Stock uml General Auctioneers IIOTII IMlONKf. Red Cloud 17;on S rTebanou U on 187 E. A. Creighton, . M. EYE, NOSE AND THROAT CONSULT TION I-'REB Widow's Pfnslon. The reoent act of April 10th, 1908 Kives to all soldiers' widows a pension 812 per mouth. Fred Mauror, the at orney, has nil necessary blanks. Substitution Has Pkyed r -S-.vrr aa.vuiu with ninny it family's most cherl-h Ished, long planned home because they followed the advleo of -ome one-Idea builder who thought per haps to Improve upon Nature's own tiled and tested material lumber. The timet to guard against disap pointment Is at the start. Look mound and investigate tho frame houso4 that have boon standing for as many as thlily yoarsnnd compare them with those constructed of other materials Time alone Is the real tst of home building materials, becmiso you don't build a home every ten yeais, and few people can afford to experiment with fads or theories. After making your com. parlsons como in and see tho nice, bright lumber wc have In stock and lot us toll you in actual figures what a good frame house will cost you today. Real facts are deadly to substitution. "There's No Place Like Home" Saucers Bros. Red Cloud, Nebraska DR, DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate Chicago Veterinary College IWELVi: YK.UI3 HXIT.r.lKNCK AT HAII,KY'S TIB BARN fifed Cloud -:- Nebraska FIRE 3- THE ALARM is a dreadrul thing OF FIRE for the man without Insurance. Every time ho sees the cngiuos racing along his heart comes up in his throat if the fire is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OF" is so small that It INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone is worth it many times over Have us insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. Dr. J. C Caldwell PHYSICIANS SURGEON Callo Answered Day or Night OIllroTclphoncs: llell.,:; I ml. mo. lies. Telephones: Jicll, Kfil'iTJ; lml. ICO. Office Over N. A. Albright's Store Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska J. H. EklilflGEK Generar Auctioneer Recommendations- My Former Customers. Write or Phone Red Cloud, - IJebr. CAMP THE s CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -s- Nebraska Socond House North ot I. O. O. P. Htl -O Consultation and Spinal" Analysis Free o ' PhM lnd.212 '" " eivT-' V GHARST & PUBE,BgB) SOW SALE Tho Messis .1. Obftrst and A. N Waeehtcr will lell at Public Auction at the Unison Ram in Rivet ton, Nubr., rain or shtue.-on Thursday, March 5th, 1914 COMMENCING AT 1 f. M. The following draft of cholca Thoroitghbied Poland China Sows t and Hoars: G matured Sows to farrow from March 10 to May 10; 8 Fit 1 (Jilts all bred to tarriNw from March IS to April IS. The above Sow ami (Silts cholera immune. 127 Spring (Jilts bred to lariow last irom March 13 to May IB; 12 August Gilts tired to far low lastof May or Ilrsf of .Jum All this stuff is tired to one or the oib',r of us four i.h good hoars as tho country twin produce. W.. also ollVr two August boar-, of extra good breeding. Catu IngiiM now leiulv unto for one. TERNS OF SALE Cash or bankable Gharst & E T. Rasmu86on, Clerk. CaAW . A Trip Through Th& Big Horn Basin Will be the next land folder issued by the Burlington and will be ready for distribution about February 2oth. VALUABLE INFORMATION: This new folder will con tain much valuable information not exaggerated statements about what a few good farmers have produced, but information about what a large number of farmers have accomplished under ordinary conditions, THE NEW RAILROAD just now being completed, to the south, connecting the Big Horn Basin with Denver, Omaha, and other eastern markets will make this folder especially in teresting. Write for it todav. It is ft nnH mntnino n .im-rtn w map of the Big Horn Basin. Staple WEassure you that our groceries can be de pended uppn for any or all of your meals.' Fresh goods added to our stock every week. ! Are you one of our many satisfied custo mers? If not, we solicit a trial order. P. A. WULLBRANDT THE HONE GROCERY s ', MONUMENTS I -WANTED FOR oration Dee e rrnrrmi iiM ii i i urTirMffii'TiTT-iriMgn Shoild Be For The Best High Grade Memorials Consult - nVFftTNfi fifing (tn Red Gload, WAECHTER'S noto up to dx months time. Waechter Col. P. O. Kolb, Auot. --.. wuitvuillU (A lUlV H- NaAa -fliAAAA D. Clem Denver, Immigration Agent 1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska Groceries Day i rtrTwniRTroeitj! Ordered Now r Nebraska v 96l M VI