The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 12, 1914, Image 7

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    wifi iiiiiiiiFr ' ' 'WW .. .. ii Hi iJTnr'P-- - -- l- 7" -51
S!"5nS-..HA4U. -! !iir3frsa.iC5u,' jifcfc.iA-L-) v,. .tvt1..! aiiiiniiiwifitV'
I v., ,
Representative Slemp Finds an Agent of Cupid
REPRESENTATIVE HASCOM SLEMP of Virginia waB until recently n bnche.
lor. A fow yenrB ago, however, when ho was "heart wholn anil fancy
free," ho was speaking to a largo assembly nt a political gathering. Tho audi-
onco was full of handsomo women and pretty girls
who were, of course, much Interested in tho tariff
when It 1b explained by a young bachelor who lived
In official Washington.
Slctnp got along famously, carrying with him the
sympathy of tho crowd. Hut at last a fellow In h
back scat roso to mako a statement.
"I llko Stomp," he roared. "Slomp's all right
The only thing I have agin him Is that ho la not
married. Now, I proposo to this honorable gath
ering that we rcftlso to voto for him unions he
promises to t married."
Slemp was oqunl to tho occasion.
"I acknowledge my desolate state," ho exclaim
cd, "yet It Is rot my fault, but that of tho fair onea
who will not Nvo me. If thero Is any one among
tho many lo""ly ladles In this audience who will
accept my hr-art and hand. I nm only too willing to bo led to the altar."
The man Jumped to his feet again excitedly,
v "No. you don't," ho exclaimed. "You'll have to go to foreign parts to git
your bride all tho girls around hero havo got too much aonso to tako you!"
Belting Rapidly Disappearing.
The rapid displacement of tho belt
is a means of transmitting power la
not only resulting In a great saving
of energy In tho work shops of tho
world, but also Is a great saving of
life, for the uho of tho belt haB always
been attended by Injury and loss of
life to a serious degree. The electric
drlvo Is remedying all this, Although
the United Statea was the pioneer In
tho development of motor driven ma
chinery, It appears that Germany Is
at present lending in the extent of Its
use, for anything but an electrically
driven machine Is rarely seen In that
Guantnnamo Is n town on u deep
water harbor on thfj southenst coast of
iCubn. maintained as a naval base by
tho United States. It was granted as
base to this country by arrangement
with Cuba nt the tlmo tho Spanish war
set Cuba free.
Sometimes It In.
Dick, whose father was a candidate
for olllce. one day ran to his mother.
eclaltnlng! "Oh. mamma: Mr. Smith
bays iinpa s got the nomination Is
that worse thru the measles?"
Ufa If Canrl CC Karma tor Rata and rent.
Hiiaiia oeeu o j. Muihau, mom cur, i.
11 v thptturrpl rxistftVHtimnnil rn
i nnt UnVHimn IttWH. iKTimttlni? tin. rn.
talllna of tobacco In Hft natural BUMP wo
art) In n uoslllon to furnish ton with the nlnlii
tobacco, not manufactured but In tho natural Ituf
ItiwL ah It rnniA from Lhn fnrm.
UrnrW of tbo men who bain onco J IhiC
ordered from tixaro now rcutilnr cun- llOa
Autui-Hl .Leaf Tobarro ' S2I
lluuklnavllle, Ivy. r4 r yi
Ii I'OtiUtoIy tlit noil tvprb
and Ltuutlful gudsn flower
known. Blooms profusely
from June, to Nor , tteh riant
t9dttinvttotu$nnt$ctt flow,
tri, larger and more etqulstw
than the fall Cosmos, whit.
Llaah.filnV. rose,trlmstn,etc.
ThtUee anywhere fineii cu
flower for viM,to.Mllvl for
lO eta irr pUl., n
clmdiuaSothtrlfartitiobcn ttlitafrrtfor trial. Us, t
CreRo I'lnU, UrfMlind
naoet or an aimm.
Pnniy Orchid fid, euperb new
orchid colon.
Irlmroa-. KtwQIantVTMu.
Petunia, Urimanibaaotr.
finnwbull Tomuto.
iMhlUt '
XII tktmt klx leading St ett Xottttita for only lO cts
wgeiner wun nowi OQiuiiure, vimiiiui, rori iimu, tic
Oar Ills Intftloffiin of flowtr and Yfj heeds, llulha.
Plants and rart paw KruiU I HKE to all who apljr. w t ara tha
1 trees t irowtra In tha world of Gladiolus, Csnnsi, Dahlias,
lilies, lrt, ate , and our atocki art t and r)itict
The Typewriter
for the Rural
Business Man
QBg i
Whether you are a
small town merchant
or a farmer, you need
a typewriter. ,
BaltB.arin, " W,"". "B
Long waring your letters and bills
by hand, you are not getting full
It dbesn't require an expert oper
ator to run the L. C. Smith & Bros,
typewriter. It is simple, compact,
complete, durable.
Send in the attached coupon and
we will give especial attention to
your typewriter needs.
L. C. Smith A Bros. Typr write r Co.,
Hjraeime, N.Y,
Pleap Bend uie )uur free book about
State .'.
IK v Ik? it JrBP
Mm Fight On Tholr
Stomachs ?zLA7a
A pretty sore to b a poor fighter. It is difficult
almost impossible for anyone, man or woman,
if digestion is poor, to succeed in business or
socially or toenjoy life. In tablet or liquid form
Dr. Plrcf
Golden Medical Discovery
helps weak stomachs to strong, healthy action
helps them to digest tho food that makes the good,
rich,' red blood which nourishes the entire body.
This vegetable remedy, to a great extent, puts
the liver Into activity oils the machinery of
the human system so that those who spend their working hours at tho desk,
behind the counter, or in the borne are rejuvenated into vigorous health,
Eu brought iwllef to .many tboonndto very year for orr forty year. Item
teller you nnd doobtleai rettore to you your former health txA ctnnath. At
leu tyou owe 1 1 to yourself to frlra It toUL Bold by Uedieina Dealers or send COe for
N fetal box of Tablets Dr.Hrca,sInvallds,noUlBur-icallosUtuta.UuflakjkN.y. (
YtH saa am Br. PlirsVa Csaatm Smm MisIisI AAVtssr sf 10M Passt far Sis.
iil nlnk era. enlmotle.
and all otbers, no mutter bun "eiposed kept from liming anr of tbasa
diseases tilth Hl'OHNVi LIUOIUpiNTEMrElt flUUIS. Tbreo to six
doses often core a case. Ooo to-cent buttle tmaranleed to do so. Mest thing
Tor brood mares. Acts on the blood. 6Uo and II a bottle. I0 and llOjs
doten bottles Druggists and harness shops. Distributors-AUi WOOL
DAhn unuuuisiD
CheoiUts and
.'j i
This Cockatoo Crops Wood.
John Rube, of Klngscllffe, North,
ants, hnH an eighteen-year-old silver
crested Australian cocatoo which not
only talks nnd "sings" but has a ma
nia for "chopping" wood. Each day
tho housekeeper provides her helper
with a starch or tioup bo and the bird
breaks It up with Its beak Into short
nnd thin pieces suitable for firewood,
any nails In the way being drawn
"The amount of labor that bird has
saved In tho way of wood chopping
Is enormous," the housekeeper says
"The only thing I havo to do Is to seo
that thero Is no paint on the boxes "
New York Sun.
Danger In Argument.
"Don't you think peace' would be
promoted If nations could be persuad
ed to talk things over deliberately be
fore going to war?"
"Possibly; but sometimes the more
you tnlk thlngB over the more yon
And to light about."
Light Luncheon.
Macon I seo that tho gum used on
postage stumps is mado largely of po
tato starch.
Egbert That ought to lie very com
forting to tho vegetarians.
Corporation Footballs.
Mayor Mitchell of Now York wa
praising a commuter who, by continual
complaints, had Improved the railway
service of his district.
"Wo are apt to call the klckor a
crank and n nuisance," snld Mr. Mitch
ell, "but It's tho kicker who gets things
done for the community."
He smiled and ended:
"They who nover kick are but too
apt to become footballs."
For sick headache, bad breath,
Sour Stomach and
Get a 10-ccnt box now.
No odds how bad your liver, stomach
or bowels; how much your head
j aches, how miserable and uncomfort
' ablo you aro from constipation, Indiges
tion, biliousness and sluggish bowels
J you always get the desired j-esults
Don't let your stomach, liver and
bowels make you miserable. Take
Cascarets to-night; put an end to the
headache, biliousness, dizziness, nerv
ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach,
backacho and all other distress;
cleanse your inside organs of ell the
bilo, gases and constipated mattor
which 1b producing the misery. '
A 10-cont box means health, happi
ness and a clear head for months.
No more days of gloom and distress
if you will tako a Cascaret now and
then. .All stores sell Cascarets. Don't
forget) the children their llttlo la
sides need a cleansing, too. Adv.
The Attempt.
"Dldthe new actress in tho party
try to do the swoon well?"
' "She made u faint effort."
"What boit ol a man Is I'lckledorf?"
"Absolutely helpless without a cork
dlttcmnar.and all nose i
and throat diseases en tad.
Bacteriologist, (Josbau. Ind., U.S.J
Pretty Utility
TaB?aaaBBMsaw Anf .BBBBlC - V iu.BBsaaaaaBsUOaVc PPPLasTafaWattBfeBsaaBw aarv.ti
1 43x .J jaaw . vVu&fyppppjIJ sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbw mr J
"N f W J0&&J&?. 'JBBsBBBsBsBBBsBbW SPBKlMrBsBsBsW -' f
BV BBBsLx k ' . II I &BsS''.'Jte'W kIbsBsBBBsb,
rWeBBaaasasaSBalaBCS KSMbASJ f t V Ft jLaHalBsBaP
SWSSBBSW C9bBBsBsBsBs1bsBsBsBC ftf CVj3HKsl .
aBsPaaRr iB! .aP
X'ViaaB9Ksn, SsBBsBsBsBsBsBsBBsasHr? w
. BaBBBtBit. lfx S&ErEpPS j
OUT of tho conglomeration of atylcs
which tho beginning of winter
ushered in, many are pausing and a
few ore to remain for BprliiR. Nero
Is a pretty and rather plain cloth
Kown for present wear, which may bo
copied In taffeta Bilk, llgurcd or plain
voile (or both), In whlto embroidered
fabrics In fact, In nny of tho beauti
ful summer materials. It will be found
strictly up to dato when the tlmo
comes for wearing It.
, A very pretty development of It
RhowB a plain aklrt, quite full enough
(o Htop In at tho normal Htrldo, with
tho hip drapery made of llgurcd voilo
having a whlto ground with colored
flowers. Tho bodlco la mndo of this
voile combined with shadow laco.
There la a glrdlo of leaf green messa
line ribbon and u Bash which extends
about the figure under tho drapery
and ties in a bow (at tho right side)
with short hanging ends. These pret
ty voiles sell at a very reasonable
price In the neighborhood of forty
cents a yard and mako up Into aa
elegant looking dresses as those that
cost four or Ave times as much.
We are to have a Bprlngand sum
mer season with everything flower
decked. Small flowers on hata,
IT IS a delight to make tho pretty llt
tlo bonnets and caps which email
'daughters and llttlo Bisters look bo
adorably sweet In, and it is by no
meanB difficult.
Hero Is one mado of chiffon taffetn
silk, with plaited ruffles of moused
leluo and lace. Tbo puffed crown is
simply a clrclo of Bilk about eighteen
inches in diameter, with rows of
shirring at the edge. This is sewed
to a narrow covered bead band or
bandeau, bound with pin shirring
i Underneath tho baud the ruffles arc
placed after being gathered Into ample
fullness. The knife plaiting may bo
mado of t,he same silk aB tho crown
gy-Mg ' v" -wr r
and need not be hemmed at the edge.
It Is poised under tho lace,
Hy way of trimming, a narrow rib
bon rucbing Is placed about the crown
and a rosette of baby ribbon with
hanging ends is placed at tho side.
Ties of ribbon about tlirco Inches
wide complete this pretty piece of
i Uonnets of this kind aro mado up
.In all tho colors that children wear,
and are very practical for almost
every season of tho year. Tiny
boquets of fruit blossoms, little Juno
roses, forget-me-nots, and llttlo daisies
jure added. Flowers and ribbons are
of all things tho best for children's
BBBsaV5' , saaaal
BBBBs ','' ii ',v afJ
bbbbbbbbV Sttit y fr TbbbbbbbbbbI!
bbbT ''--va f i
Dress of Cloth
dresses with sprays or single blossom
of stnull llowers, flowered ribbon gir
dles and vests, parasols with millinery
flowers added for adornment, or with
flowers printed In the coverings. A
little study of the styles will betrny
the tendency to tho quaint old-fashioned
Ideas In which flowers wero the
paramount uieaiiH of expresslonln us
ing color. Nothing prettier has over
been thought out.
The llttlo gown pictured Is not nt
all dllllcult to make. It Is an "enBy
golng" fit but must bo drnped and
hung correctly. Almost any paltoru
house can provldo a paper pattern
for guidance In cutting this drcBS.
Moro material 1b required this season
than for tho past two.
Flounces and hip draperies aro to
tho foro, but it is not likely that wo
shall go to extremes In tho mntter of
growing fond of voluminous skirts.
Tho narrow band of fur which fin
ishes the bodlco on tho gown pictured
enn be omitted for spring or summer
wear, nut If the gown Is mado for
wear In southern winter resorts this
narrow border of fur appears on tho
sheerest of materials as lace, net and
When made of tho darker colors, art
brown or tan, with whlto or cream'
laco ruffles, bonnets of this kind aro
quite durable.
Tho dainty tints aro not very suc
cessfully cleaned and thcroforo euch'
millinery Is for wenr ' on dress-up
New Materials for Toilet Articles.
If you must bo abreast of tho times
throw away t or glvo uway tho toilet
articles in silver, Ivory or celluloid
which havo been your faithful friends!
for years, and got everything now lnt
art glass, which comes in tho most
alluring tints of cream, rose, mauvo
und green and in classically sevcro de
signs. The llttlo boxes for powder,
rougo and soap have square bottoms
llko tho base of a Corinthian pillar
and convex covers like tho dome of;
tho Madelelno. while tho clock cases,
pin trays and mirror backs nro equal
ly plain and ponderous. If you don't
caro for toilet artlcloa In glass, oven
of tho most artistic sort, you may
turn toward thoso in nlabastor, on
what looks llko alabaster. Theso
come In ahapcB similar to tho articles
in glass, but aro puro whlto and prom
ise to be moro durable
Powder Puffs for the Purse.
Llttlo crocheted powder puffs aro
tho latest novelty for tho purse. Thoy
can easily bo mndo at homo.
Crochet two circular pieces about
tho Blze of a silver dollar out of mer
cerized cotton of nny Bhndo desired.
Carefully sew them together, leaving
fimall openings through which to pour
in tho powder. Fill the bag full with
tho powdor, bo that It will sift through
easily when putted gently on tho face.
Then make a pretty edge around tho
circular piece by crocheting a few
rowa of plain chnln stitch, each added
row to be caught Into the mlddlo of
tho preceding one. which elves a sort
of ruffle effect. An opening can safe
ly ho mado by cutting a stitch or two
-Alien It is necessary to roflll tho puff.
Shirt Bosoms.
Tho Bhlrt bosoms which were Intro
duced in chiffon on the chiffon nnd
crepo do chlno blouses this winter
nro evidently to continue ns tho dis
tinguishing feature of the tailored
waists for early spring. There Is ono
dlfforenco, however; they aro now de
veloped In a contrasting material. For
Instance on n model In light wolght
linen tho shirt bosom Is of plaited
handkerchief linen, with a tiny floral
design In color scattered over it, this
color not being repeated on tho Robo
splerrn collar.
Ittms of Interest Gathered from Re
liable Sources and Presented In
Condensed Form to Our
Western Nnwnpitpcr Union Now Horvlca
During the month of February ox
tensive meetlnps will bo held at forty
eight different Nebraska points by th
department of agricultural extension
A stunt course 'will bo In session end
.week. A total of nlnoty-Blx days' work
has already boon scheduled. Probably
more meetings will bo added before
tho month closes.
February Is one of tho heaviest
mouths. In addition to the meetings
scheduled, a number of ttie county
demonstrators are planning meetings
for almost overy day of tho month.
Not vomiting tho demonstrators'
meetings, u total for tho llrst four
months In tho season of one hundred
nnd sixty different points reached In
tho state and tlirco hundred nnd five
days' work, will he reached, according
to C. V. riiRstey, superintendent of
agricultural extension.
Tho following Is n list of mooting
itllilinn. February 17.
Wood ttlvnr, Kebru irv 17 unit IS
lliiiiiplim, lVliiuaty IS nnd l'.
Wiiiid, Wbrimiy 1U nnd 20.
IVrn. February lfi and 17.
Ilnx'k, February 17 and 18.
Dunbar. Febrtiaiy 18 and 9.
Simeusn, Febrtiaiy t! and 20,
1'alinvra, February 20 and 21.
TelMinib muntv I'buiib, February 17.
lloMllo, Febtu.iry 1'J.
Maeey, February 20.
.lohnmiii. Febi y 23. 24 nnd 25.
Humboldt. Februaiv 2'i and 20.
HtnlltiR, Feblliaiy 2C.
Adanm. February 27.
Klrtb. Febiu.iry 2S.
I'orll.ind, FebruntV 27 and 28,
K' Motif, February "A,
I.owellen, Febmnry 2.
I.Ihcii, February 2li.
Drnaduater. Febimuy 27.
Short Courses.
Newman drove. Febtuary 2 tn 7.
niepbiun. Febiuarv 9 lo H.
Aniley, Februaiy lfi to 20.
Mlmlcn. Febiuaiy 2.1 to 27.
Meat Show at Lincoln.,
A homo cured meat show was one
of tho features of tho sessions of "Or
ganized Agriculture" hold In Lincoln,
Meat emtio from every section of tho
stnte, nnd tho popularity of tho ex
hibition Indicates pronjiccts for a
larger show next your. I'rof. Charles
I). Leo of the Nebraska College of
Agriculture, In charge of tho exhibi
tion, announces tho following prize
winners nnd prizes:
H. II. Meyer, Fontanollo", Neb , first
prlzo on hams, $20; third prlzo on
tinmo, $10; first prlzo on bacon, $20.
Albert Kllgore, Ewlng, Neb., second
prize on hams, $15. '
W. II. Good, Long Pino, Nob., second
prlzo on bacon, $15; third prize on
bacon, $10.
Each of tho prlze-winnors wns pre
sented with 1280 pounds of tho host
grndo of meat salt as an additional
May Draw $5,000 Salary.
Warm arguments have been In
dulged In nt tho stato house by asser
tions of some officials that tho next
governor would not bo entitled to tho
$5,000 salnry provided for In tho con
stitutional amendment, to' bo voted on
this fall that Is, If that is adopted by
tho pcoplo. A rovlow of tho enact
ment, ns It passed tho legislature,
however, shows that thero Is nothing
therein to Indlcato that tho noxt gov
ernor cannot got It In fact, the
monsuro Is so worded that' It appoarn
that tho successor to Governor More
head will get the boost In salary.
Constitutional amendments becomo
effective, unless, specifically cited
therein, at tho time their adoption if
certified to by tho governor.
Record of Rural Progress.
ninnks for tho compilation of agri
cultural statistics havo been outlined
by Secretary Mellor of tho state board
of agriculture und tho copy has been
Bont to tho printer, A number of de-
I parturcfl from tho old form havo boon
I mndo to keep a record of the progress
of Nebraskn farmers. Tlin statistics
will bo moro detailed thnn over be
fore Tho growtli of tobacco Is offici
ally recognized along with many other
crops. In horticulture much space is
given to tho applo Industry, while the
growing of grapes Is recognized as
probably flecond in importance to tho
tpplo crop.
To Hire Farm Demonstrator.
Tho Madison County Fnrm Manage
ment association has Just boon formed
to cnublo tho county to employ an
agricultural demonstrator. When
hired, he will bo the sixth In the stato,
Tho Madison county association has a
membership of 300 farmers, although
the work of securing members has
just started. The organization has
also raised ample funds with which
to carry on the work. Other counties
In tho stato having agricultural dem
onstrators aro Gage, Seward, Thurs
ton und Merrick.
To Gather Shipping Statistics.
It coords of nil 1013 shipments hy
railroads nnd by express companies of
the state will bo gathered by tho stato
labor commission on blanks now being
boiU out. Tho returns which aro to ho
sont not later than March 1, Include
tho num or of cattle, hogs, horses aud
mules; tho number of btisholH of
corn, apples, bnrloy, oats, onions, pop
corn, potatoes, ryo nnd wheat; tho
number of brick; tho gallons of elder,
crenm, Ico croam, milk, syrup and
sorghum nnd vinogar and nil products
raised In the state.
If cross, feverish, constipated,
give "California Syrup
of Figs"
A laxative today saves a sick child
tomorrow, Children simply will not
tako the tlmo from play to empty their
bowels, which becomo clogged up with
wnsto, liver gets, sluggish; stomach
Look at tho tongue, mother! If coat
ed, or your child Is listless, cross, for
erlsh, breath bad, restless, doesn't cat
heartily, full of cold or has sore throat
or nny other children's ailment, give a
teaspoon fut of "California Syrup of
Figs," then don't worry, because it la
perfectly harmless, and In a fow hours
all this constlpntlon poison, sour bits
and fermenting waste will gently
move out of tho bowels, and you havs
a wctl, ptnyful child again. A thor
ough "Insldo cleansing" Is ofttmes alt
that Is necessary. It should bo tho
first treatment given In nny sickness.
Dowaro of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask nt the store for a 50-ccnt bottlo of
"California Syrup of Figs," which has
full, directions for babies, children ot
all nges nnd for grown-ups plainly
printed on tho bottle. Adv.
Milton Relic Once In America.
Among tho Interesting relics of
Milton which are left to us now Is bis
watch, which may be soon In tho Brit
ish museum. This watch was mado
by Wllllnm Hunting of London In 1631.
tho year 'Milton went down from
Somehow, this valuable memorial of
tho pout found Its way during tho
eighteenth century to Baltimore, la
America, whence It roturnod, by way
nt a legacy, to somo woman living
In London, who in tho yonr 1828, pre
sented it to St. Charles Followes, who
in his turn loft It by his will to ths
nation. Liverpool Post.
Girls! Beautify Your Hair! Make It
Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try
the Moist Cloth.
Try as you will, after an application
of Dandorine, you cannot find a slngls
trnco of dandruff or falling hair and
your scalp will not ltcb, but what will
please you most, will bo after a few
weeks' use, whon you see now hair,
line and downy at first yes but real
ly now hair growing all over ths
A llttlo Dandcrlno Immediately dou
bles tho boauty of your hair. No differ
ence how dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with
Dandcrlno nnd carofully draw It
through your hair, taking one smalt
strand nt a tlmo. Tho effect Is im
mediate nnd amazing your hair will
bo light, fluffy and wavy, and have aa
appearance of abundance; an Incom
parable luster, softness and luxuri
ance, tho beauty and shimmer ot trus
hair health,
Got a 25 cent bottlo of Knowlton's
Dnudeiino from nny storo and provs
that your hair is as pretty and soft
as any that It has been neglected or
Injured by careless treatment that's
til. Adv
Accommodating. ,
"Drink to mo only with thlno tye.'
"AH right; here's looking at you!"
Baltimore American.
To set tha genulna. call (or roll nam. LAXA
TIVK IIKOMO QUININE. Look for alftutura of
B. W. GROVU. Curat Cold lo On Day, ate
The small tumbler Is responsible
for many of the slips attributed to the
Restore, the
Assist the
Promote Liver
Induce Bowel
by the daily use of
A toilet preparation of merit
Jlelpa to eradicate dandruff.
Far Raatarltur Cnlar nii
Baau Jjr to Gra y or FadadHaif.
ucl ana vi witfronuift
Lett Coach Sjrrap. Tutea Oood. Uh
la time. Bold br DranltU.
1 P 4 'l
! iBBl
1H 'JM
. m