The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 12, 1914, Image 5

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Bulletin of The Week's Doings
Saturday will bo Saint Valentine's
Fred Wittwor is building a new bam
this week.
See the Chief ofllco for Job piinting,
"us you like it."
Frank Starr was iu Franklin Satur
day on buiitiCKS.
Will Mountford was iu Franklin
Wednesday on business,
- Evorton Foe of Sheridan, Wyoming,
is visiting Ids parents here this week.
Mrs. W R. Kound of (Jiaud Island
Arrived here Sunday to visit relatives.
Hurry lloats left Sunday morning
for Detroit, .Michigan, to visit rela
tives. Will West and family arrived here
this week from Iowa ami will make
this city their home.
llruUeuum I toy Hobiumm was down
.from McCook Monday visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mr.s. Chus. Hobiusoii.
Mrs. J. C. I.ominer of Huntley, Ne
braska, who has been visiting with 1.
Hi Holmes and wife Iuih returned
home. n
Zeke Johnston and sou, Loyd, left
Wednesday for their home in Minne
sota. Mr. Johnston bought two ear
loads of horses while here, '.and taken
them baek witli him.
Every one is interested in an item of
local news. If you know of any local
happening that is not generally known
communicate t ho fact to this otllee.
Wo have both the p'hnnes.
A blizurd struck this part of the
country lust Thursday evening and
lasted until noon Friday, which caused
tlm tetnpeiatuio to drop bel6w zero,
and made the ieo and coal men .smile.
The. Franklin County Xows which is
nbly edited by Karl Spi-noo is now five
years old. Ivarl is a live wiro in tlio
nowpaper business at Franklin and we
wish him many moro years of prospot
y. Wo wish to thank the many friends
and neighbors for the beautiful llnrul
oiTorings and kind assistance extended
during the sickness and death of our
beloved mother. E. Boyd Smith and
Chus. Gust and family of Pittsburg,
. Kansas, arrived heio Wednesday. Mr.
Gust will farm the Sherwood farm
southwest Of this city thib year which
was formerly occupied by his brother,
Amos, who died a few weeks ugo.
Win. A. Colo or Bloomington has
been appointed receiver of thodetunct
First Nutlouul Hunk of Superior. H.
D. Sutherland has been appointed at
torney. No better selections could
have been made. Franklin Couuty
Alf. Saladen, Geo. Hutchison, Geo.
Holllstcr, Wilbur Hamilton, Frank
Abel, T. J. Diamond, A. W. Kaley and
Flavius Grico, were in Guide Roct
Tuesday evening attending the Ma
sonic lodge. They went down by the
.hand. car route and all report as hav
ing had a Que ride.
i Mr. Luman of the Falls City Con-
f structian Company, of Louisville, Ken-
"' . tucky was in the city this week look-
7 ing over .the plans for our new court
' house and also getting prices from our
" local dealers on material. Mr. Luman
has just finished a new tcourt house at
I Lexington, Nebraska, which is the
best in that part of the state.
F. W. Cowdeu, of the firm of Uow-den-Kuley
Clothing Company went Jo
Chicago Monday morning to purchase
goods for the coming summer. For a
i number of years Mr. Cowdcn bus per
sonally inspocted.aU stocks found iu
the eastern markets and the linn's
' customers have been the gainers. He
exppcts to bo gone about a week or
ten duys.
Sauudcrs Dros. have sold their linn
iber yard in thib city to the Mulouo
,Avery Company of Rlverton. During
Abe time the 'tlrm of Siuiuders Bros,
iinre been in business here they have
made mauy warm friends. Mr. Don
' iSauuders has been mayor tt the elty
the past year, au active member of the
Chamber of Commerce and hub been u
lire wire wherever he was placed.
The Malone-Avery company has been
well and favorably'known iu Rlverton
for a number of years and we congra
tulate tlicm on, their ability to extend
their business Interests and we wel
come them to our business circle.
Nelson Leland, who for tho past few
years has held tho lucrative position
of "devil" in tho Com-Ad otllee, ie
signed last Saturday evening. c
learn that the yonng man hus for the
past few weeks been acting in tho
capacity of the Red Cloud correspon
dent to tho Hastings Tribune, and his
resignation was probably iu order that
ho might give his entire time to his
new task, and at the same tlmo fear
ing, no doubt, that he might cause tho
"heavy editorials" to become mixed.
Frank I Hadloy Is tills week holding
down Nelson's old place in the Com
Ad. thus ba)anoiog the boat, which
"Onco more gowforth on n ca1m-ea,
Today is Abraham Lincoln's With
day. Will Tuber left Monday morning for
Fall Held.
Father Fitzgerald was lu Superior
Mrs. A. P. Ely left Tuesday morning
for Lincoln
John Rutledge was n passenger to
Mine Hill Tuesday.
Idaho Colder potatoes at MeFar
land's stoio. adv.
j. 11. Illacklcdgo was in Superior
Tuesday on business.
The largest lino of rugs iu the elty
on display at Miner Urns, Co.
Mis, Hasslugor went to Hastings
last Thursday to visit relatives
Chris Jensen was u passenger
Grand Ilaud Monday morning.
John Ohinstole, who lives south
Guide Rook was in town Tuesday.
Closim; out Rule of Harness. See nie
fur Il.trgalns. P. L Hanson, udv
Omcr Doling and wife ictiirncd to
their home ul Lincoln Monday morn
ing Al Spelrs left Monday morning lor
Hustings to ttik.i up his position In
Stein's store.
For a short time only I will sell gou 1
table potatoes for S.'iuvuls per bushel.
J. A. Burden.
James Gilbert formerly of Cowles is
hero visiting ids parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Gilbert.
Myrl Kellow of llosomout spout
Sunday In this city the guest of the
Rufus Milsch home.
Mrs. Cora Eldredge was n passenger
to Clay Center Wednesday where she
goes to visit relatives.
Mrs. Frank Peterson and Miss Mary
Peterson returned homo Thursday
evening fiotn Hastings.
Jack Cathor returned to Lincoln
Monday morning to resume his studies
at the state university.
J. H. Hamilton of Guide Rock was in
town Tuesday and while here ho inado
this ofllco u pleasant call.
Alex Davison and tamlly left Tues
day morning for Indiana, where they
will make their future home.
R. V. Koontz, county treasurer, is
in Omaha this week iittondiuir the
county treasurer's convention.
For tho best 2.o dinner, nlso short
orders, nie. sandwiches and fresh
oysters go to Wurren's restaurant.
Ed. McAllistor and wifo are the
proud pareuts of a 0JJ pouud girl
which urrivod at their homo on Tues
day. v r'
" ' Ms. Wilson of Denver,? who has
been in the city visiting her daughter,
Mrs. C. D. Robinson left Wednesday
for.Blue Hill.
A. P. Ely returned to McCook" '"I ues
day night after attending the funornl
of Mrs. E. B. Smith, which was held
here on Sunday.
Word received from Geo. Overiug,
who for tho past ten days has been iu
Omaha securing medical treatment, is
tho effect that ho is improving.
Lestor Mercer, tho popular hair
cutter and whisker uinputator, at M.
A. Mercer's barber emporium, spent
Sunday in Superior with his friend(?)
I have tho best rate in the county on
farm loans. See me and be convinced
My motto prompt service.
A. T. Wai.kur.
Wednesday Art Myers sold his pool
hall, known as the "Sunny Side" to
James Gilbert who is now in charge of
the same. Mr. Gilbert recently dis
posed of' his barber emporium at
Cowles. We understand that Mr.
Myers will retire to his farm and lead
the quiet life once moro.
This week Paul Storey is having the
interior of his clothing store remodel
ed in order to secure more floor spaco,
An addition is being built onto the
raised platform in the rear of the store,
and when completed will be a decided
improvement, as well as materially
aid in tho display of tho large lino of
goods carried by this popular clothior.
The Chief desires to secure a good,
live correspondent in several of the
adjoining towns, which is not already
represented iu these columns. If you
are interested, or should you know of
any oue in your locality who would
care to assume this duty, we would
consider it a personal favor if you
would "put us next."
Geo. Warren Is giving the theatre
going public the best in tho motion
picture line that can be had at tho
Tepee lately. Monday uftcmoon and
evening "In The Bishop's Carriage"
was shown to very large audiences and
the pictures were Hue. Tuesday after
noon and evening the play that never
gets old to the American citizens en
titled, "Uncle Tom's Cubin," was shown
to very large audiences and tho pic
tures were very good.
Last Monday night Joe McCailum
had the mlsfortuiio to have his house
and most of tho furniture destruyod
by fire, the blaze being caused by u
defective chimney. Joo was awaken
about 12 o'clock, when some of the
plaster fell from the celling onto the
b;d, when he discovered the roof was
a lire. He immediately summoned
some of bis neighbors, and with their
aid, was able to save some of the fur
niture, i
N T. Caullchl of Burr Oak, Kansas,
was In town Tuesday.
M. P. Woodbnin of Gretna was In
town Tuesday.
J. B. Ivelthley returned homo Mon
day from Omaha
Bob Gllek and Win. M. Hornn of
Hastings were in the elty Tuesday.
Geo. Topluini of Blue Hill was iu
town Wednesday vWiting his puretitSi
Mt Sherman and wife left last oven
ing for California points on an extend
ed visit with relatives.
Monday evening tho exciter belt
broke tit the power house and our city
was in darkness for a short time. '
Mrs. J A. Burden went to Ki.nsus
City Tuesday to puieltnsu her spring
line of millinery of the latest fashions.
J. Evan llutchlns of Cowles was iu
tho city Saturday and while hero Jit'
made this oillee a pleasant' call, lie Is
teaching selioul south east of Cowle.
I. est you forget, "If It happened you
will find it correctly told iu the Chief,
wo call to mind the dilllculty exper
ienced by our cnutcmporuirles, lu do-v
terming tho gender of some of tho
packages recently left by the stork, lit
prominent homes iu this elty. A few
weeks ao Mr. and Mrs. Will Koon
became tho proud parents of u babj
boy. The Com-Ad. in its next issue
made due meiitlened of the same, even
giving tho gender collect ly. The
Aruus announced the event, but be
came :i trllle confused as to tho gender,
saying, "her" for "ho" This caused
Editor Hosmer to become mixed, and
ho proceeded with duo dlligenco to an
nounce iu his next issue, ho had made
a mistake, (altho he had not,) and that
the new arrival was of tho gentler sex.
However, before many days elapsed he
learned of his, mistake, and the fact
that ho was correct the first time, and
in the next issuo he again-told the
anxious publlu of his erjor. Then last
week a baby glil arrived at tho home
of Mr. and Mr.s. Carl Hedge, which
f.ict we were pleased to annouueo in
ohr last Issue, but on reading over
tho exchanges, note thut tho Argus
contained two locals, bothjn the same
column, one sajing, "it was a boy ' the
other, "it was a girl." Whether this
was just mi oversight, u question of
not knowing which, and wishing to
play safe, or whether it was due to
tho editor's inability to distinguished
between the masculine and feminine,
we are tillable to state, but should this
bo tho case, cannot help but note the
great amount of grief which would bo
spared, could tho stork bo prevailed
upon to label each package. ,
Mrs. II. C. Lovejoy is visiting her
pareuts at Franklin.
C. G. Pitney and wife were shopping
iu Red Cloud Monday.
Iloro'd Wilson from St. Joseph, Mo ,
is visiting his sister Mis. Burgess.
Mrs. Charles Jeffrey attended the
Kensington at Inavale Tuesday.
Ray Mayo was called to Beaver City
to attend tho funeral af his aunt.
Miss Blanche Barker was visiting
Mrs. It. Mayo a fow days this week.
C. L. Wick wiro attended tho round
up at the wolf hunt in Batin township
aud reported the killing of G wolves.
Fred Chryst who has been visiting
relatives at Inavale for some time has
returned to his home at Shenandoah,
The Senior bible class of the Christ
ian church entertained the Junior class
at Wm. Iron's Friday evening and all
report a pleasant time.
The social gathering at Otto Skjcl-
ver's on Wednesday evening was quite
largely atteuded, music was furnished
by the Now Virginia orohostra they
tripped the light fautustlc until the
wee small hours of the night.
A Car of Fancy, Eating
$IM Bushel
30c Peck
B. E. (BefaFland
All the Phones
Melvln McCall purchased a nice
bunch uf cattle, 10 head in all, on lat
Fi auk and Jim Uyiin wore busy the
gi eater part of last week hauling
alfalfa and corn fodder.
Jack I.oadabiand hauled seveiul
loads of fodder from his brother's
plaeo the last of the week.
Charley Boyln, who resides near the
line, has a boy sick with pneumonia,
I but who Is some butter at this writing,
Slock did not. suffer much during
the hist sturin, though a bad one, as
the people have had ample tltuu ami
were well preprred for such an emer
gency A week ago at a public salo on the
Smith place near the Jewel county
lino, everything void well except
hoihes which seemed to ben little on
the downwind tuiuloiiey.
Mii. Jim Gouldlo who left here a
few days ago with tho intention of
tuiUngtiti extended visit with her
pan-tils who reside lu Bladen, has
bi'i-ii notified of the Illness of one of
the ehiidien and Is opected home
s mil.
iii-oi'ge l.eadiibiatid was cutting up
wood for several days on tho .tony
Dunne place, mi shares, but it seems
there N some other attraction there
Unit has a tendency to retard his pro
gloss us Is clearly evidenced by the
very small pllo of wood. But tho loss
in this respect will probably more
than be counter balanced by the con
solation of beating somebody's time.
Daring the fore part of last week
near the state lino there, was quite au
animated lime In mulo deals and horse
trading. Jim Gouldlo sold to Will
liclihun six two year old mules for the
sum of 87CO. The former tiaded
hotses with J. C. Williams, anfl itftor
the deal It was suggested by Bill that
they all should como to town and see
Joe Fogel, whom they could beouro
sonic good battels mid bridles with
new patent bits. J. C. uf (list declined
to go, but finally Bill agreed to have
Jade Williams there on the ground
to judge the quality and durability of
tlm halters, etc. After purchasing
everything In the mules headgear lino
they went around mid purchased con
siderable dry goods, etc., mid after
balancing up their accounts and tak
ing an Inventory, they returned home
moro than satisfied with thulr iluj's
Frank Klllnger was on
Saturday for u short time.
, Win. Edson of the Bed Cloud
was on our streets Tuesday.
Sheriff O. I). Hedge was on our
streets for a shoit time Tuesday.
BeVi II. E, Linigar loft for Lincoln
Monday morning and expects to be
go no a few days.
Mr.s, Jessie Foe aud Ida Squires wont
to Hastings Tuesday for a short vist
with Ij W. Squires aud family.
Miss Freda Simons, who is attending
school at Red Cloud, camo up Saturday
,and spent tho day with lid parents.
i Ed Koon and Guy Scott aro filling
their ice houses this week with ice
shipped from the Blue river near Ayr.
T. J. Chaplin and mother came in
from Colorado Tuesday where they had
been visiting Frank Chaplin near
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Latta left for
Lincoln Tuesday where they expect to
visit their daughter and her family for
a number of days.
II. I). Thompson, T. II. Deakin and
It. Dolpbit went to Bed Cloud Thurs
day to attemd Tho Royal Shriners of
tho A. F. & A. M.
Miss Ada Davis came homo from
Bloomlngton Saturday for a short
visit with her pareuts Mr. and Mr.
Davis. She has a position In the High
School at that place.
Mrs. Ray Scott and son Wiuflcld
came in Saturday from Virginia City
whero they had been visiting relatives
for a number of weeks.
Dean Lacy came in from Blue Hill
Saturday to spend Sunday witli friends
and relatives. Dean purchased a
photograph gallery at Blue Hill and Is
occupying his time athis trade.
Wm. Good, C. E. Putnam, florftco
Morse, Stanley Long. James Sauudcrs,
Willie Thompson and Cltas. Bennett
attended tho school of tho A. F. it A.
M., at Guide Rock this week. Tho
school was held by Robert French.
Mrs. Win. Dow mid Mrs Everett
Beltou camo in Monday from Kearney,
Nebr., to spend u fow days with friends
aud relatives. They formerly lived
out near Eckley church east of Cowles
and woio known as daughleis of John
James Saunders, Horace Morse, T.
II. Duukiu, Stanley Long und Chas. C.
Bennett journeyed to Guido Rock Tues
day evening to uttond u special meet
ing of tho A. F. A. M The were
royally entertained at the hall, but
still better at, tho Hotel Watt whero a
live course luncheon was served to ull
members aud about twenty five pros
pective members.
, Try a bushel of eating potatoes at
McFarland's. adv
Glearance Sale
3 Will Soon Come To An End ;
And if you want to get in
on the unusual bargains in
I IVIen's Boy's and Children's
20 and 33 Per Cent Discount
On Overcoats and have some good
ones left at these reductions.
he (jomden-Kaley glothing Q
Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers
St w KL
I Jiiilllltis
For spring plowing the old reliable kind wear well and
work well and give entire satisfaction. We make them and
buying the best at lowest price from the Old Reliable
Harness Store.
Headquarters for Harness of every description 23
years experience in building harness. Now is the time of
year to oil your harness before s ring work. Begin it. Keeps
the leather soft and pliable, prevents it from cracking and
renders it water-proof.
1vvUi;w GlS
Of tlm I'ei'Niiunl Property Belonging to the Estate of
v A. McCall. Administrator, en tho o'd Sherwood
T'i miles Southwest of Red Cloud, on
Thursday, Feb.
Also one Rambler and one Jackson Automobile.
TERMS Sums of 8l and under cash. Sums ovor this amount a
credit of 10 mouths will bo given, purcluisor glvlnif note with
utmi-nviul H(i.ii.iti. .;.. i... ""
P ,.rr...., huvimljiuuiuii Jur
5 A. McCALL,
Col, Julio Elllnger, A net.
We Can Please You As To fyaterial,Style And
Workmanship, And Our Prices Art Vary LewJ
- syvN
Do You
Amos Gua,
(.T'llt IIIII'IUM.
Administrator U
W. A. Shorwood, Clerk. M
' .
a Jtc, . At .-. 'H&M-r-K