The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 05, 1914, Image 8

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    S j. iW- wm.-" . Jfm,rrf
E !
.. . r jC
,11 m tiotildlo hauled feed n (civ days
luM. week from the Jerry Dtmnd place.
Clyde Fruit sold u couple of loads of
Mock hotfs to Uio Vonnii Bros, ot
"Winner, Kansas.
The Htoclc In goiiornl tnitch enjoyed
tlm warm iiiul pirn-nut hpiltift llko days
also tlie l)ollo no less ho.
Will lMlluiii, P. MoConl mill F.
Million-were tho gueHtiof .Mm Oouldle
wife mid fiimlly lust Hundny.
.Mim. A. Li'tiihibrniit md (k-oitfc
Lwdtifinuit were In Hod Uiottd lii'it
Satin day transacting business.
Clyde Fruit hus dlttpusod ot 80 ucros
nf his farm to his neighbor, Krimk
Ityun for &l,00i. I rank 1 I" fiivor of
Mulvlu MeUall bought 22 head of
stock hogs t Uio Mile- of Kellliun &
Shreiider lust Thursday also another
Inuiiili from Herb Ilarbur.
I'orey MtiUon who wuh spending a
few weeks vacation with hit brother,
Ucorgo, Ihih roturned to his homestead
In Vuina county, Colorado.
,1 licit Shacklot has routed a house
and worlt shop from John Oouldle in
northeast Pawnee. Ills vocation Is
painting and paper hanging.
Jack Loadabrant mid Clyde Fruit
went up to tlio l'latto country one day
last week- with tho lntontlon,of making
a deal and Intending to locate tlioro.
Harvey Wotiderly lias reutcd IiIh
pluco in North Logan for cash rout to
Tweed Slircnder. Harvey and his
family intend to go west lu the spring.
The stock sale of lie I Hum it Shreudcr
on last Thursday, the 2'Jth, favored
with a good day, was well attended
uud (ill kinds of stock brought good
prices work horses at 8125; cows from
850 to 875; stock hogs at the rate of
'.) cents a pound.
Will ltellhan has rented his pluco in
South Logan to his two sons, Kill mid
I)au, vested with full dlsereutlonary
powers to cither marry or batch. The
former said nothing doing in the
conubial lino with him until he scon u
good crop in sight, but the latter re
plied that no batching for him, or
neither did he need any near or far
sighted glasses to look for u crop, and
would, embrace the that uvnilablu op
poi Utility that presented Itself of
teeming a housekeeper.
Thomas Hose has moved onto O.
Harvey's farm.
W. It. Wotiderly shipped In a car
wild hay last week.
Hoy Copley shipped 11 ear of hogs to
KaiiMis City Sunday.
Italph Hunter mid family were In
lied Cloud Saturday
John Piehlor went to 'Franklin on
busings one day last week.
M. A Mlcheals traded for a valuable
saddle hoi'o one day last wcuk.
Mrs. J. T. ltiuledge mid son Jtoy
woie shopping In lied Cloud on Fri
day of lust week.
Johu Harris and wife from Ashland,
.Neb , yeio visiting his sister Mrs 0.
(.. Tabor last week.
m Will Tuber from Omaha, Neb., was
slinking hands with uld friends in this
vicinity 011 Tuesday.
Frank Kolmel lb able to bo at his
plnee of busltiess ugiiin. Ho has hail
quite a siege of sickness this winter.
The public salo of Fred Smith's was
well attended, Col. JnUo, Elllngcr was
in the best of trim and every thing
sod well.
Friday cf last week was quite an un
lucky day at. Inavalo. The following
is u list or tlio accidents: Josoph Clmf
11,11 sprained his ankle, Paul Pitney
split one of his toes with an nxe ami
tfrank Beau dislocated his knee whllo
Unloading a bloodod white face heifer
Uo bought at Cambridge, Neb.
Mr. Walker of the Red Cloud Auto
Co., was lu Cowlos Wednesday.
Jt. B. Thompson' shellod corn Mon
day, but it was not raised in 1913.
Pro Vnnd 0 Blue Hill wao tfttnsact
lug tmslness In Cowles Wednesday.
Dick Runchey and wife are visiting
John Uarphum and family this week.
Chas Oglivle and wlfo wore trans
acting business in Red Cloud Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDride were lu
Hastings Monday and Tuesday of this
Georgo Hutchison was up from Red
Cloud Wednesday shaking hands with
old friends.
Mrs. Frank Amack of Red Cloud is
hero visiting hor pareuts, Mr. and Mrs.
Jud White.
Tho I. O. O. P., lodge has changed Its
seating nights from Thursday to Tues
day evenings,
Mr Riley and wlfo of Lawrence was
on our streets Monday. He h on a
deal for Humidors Itios. store.
Mrs. John Ileal wits taken to iln't
i igs Monday to the hospttnl where she
expictH to bo operated on. She has
been tilling for some time.
Mrs K, T. Koo mid Mrs. Ida Squint
went to Hastings Friday to visit Mr.
and Mrs Squires formerly of this place.
They returned homo Tuesday evening.
Wo hud about threo Inches of snow
during the storm of Monday night,
It certainly gave us u chill as well as
surprise after so much summer weath
er. lid Hllliir.d family leff for the west
Wednesday whom they expect to intilco
their fiituro home. They are moving
near Wilsonvllle where limy Iiuvh form
erly lived.
Mr. mid Mrs Ilonry Ko.vlerof Tumi
bit! was here attending the f
Abel (C. Fowler Saturday. They do
parted for homo Monday. Mr. and
Mrs. Fowler are well known in and
around Cowlos as they foiiuorly lived
here for a number of years.
Mr. Johnson of Hastings has pur
chased tho barbershop of James (.fil
bert and moved his family into the
village Tuesday. They moved into A.
II. Spracher's house which was vacated
recently ry Henry Smith. Wo wish
them prosperity and welcome them to
our village.
On Sunday, Feb., 1st., at 0:110 o'clock
occurred tho wedding of William
Sterns to Miss Clara Shilliuger at tho
homo of Mrs. Franco. Ho v. Ueakin
performed the ceremony before a small
company of relatives. They will he at
hoiuu to their friends on Mrs. Foyer's
pluco in a few' days. Wo extend con
gratulations and.wlsh'thcm all tho joy
atid happiness possible.
F. A. Good, our dry lumberman,
took tlio covered cars for Washington,
D. 0., Monday evening. What for?
No body knows, we presume as ho Is
president of tho Lumberman's Associa
tion of this state, mid thero Is u bill
up beforo Congress in reference to some
lumber legislation, that this must be
one of tlio drawiug cards which called
hint away. His son Walter is attend
ing to the yard in his absence.
Why Not?
- . -
The matter or oleetrio lights is again
being discussed by our people. The
plan now most favored Is the securing
pr eurrent from lied Cloud for the
purpose. To this end it, is probable
that tho city fathers will make a trip
to lied Cloud mid learn If it is possible
to buy current from them. ir possi
ble, then It will moan that in case
lights arc demanded by the people,
thatatwouty four hour service will
be given. Tills is preferable over any
other plan. To build a Hue and install
such a plant from lied Cloud would
eost about 89,000. Of course Uio uity
can not bond itself for over $7000 nt
tho outside. Thou again the law is
such that the city cannot go outside
tlie corporolo limits to expend the
money. It therefore necessitates a
holding company or an intermediary
dun to buy from Ited Cloud tlie cur
rent mid transput t it to Hiverton.
where we can, buy it and invest, out
money iu the lines mid machinery at
I Ills i;nd ot the line. For this purpose
only four or live thousand dollars
would bo necessary. Tho intcrmodl
ary company would bo limited to a
reasonable ratu ol iuteiest on their
investment, wit It no
rights of
earnings. The consulting engineer
Says that seven dollais a month would
tie thu limit of cost to run our pumps
for the water works t it was used in
stead of gasolene. lu the summer
months it. takes its high as 830 worth
of gusoleno to keep tho pump running.
The saving there would provo of no
small mutter for tlio years to come.
That Rlverlou needs eleolrio lights
and that thoy are coming soon, tlioro
can bo no question. lltvertou Review.
May Go To 100 Pounds.
The now fifty pound limit for par
cel post packages, which went Into
effect January 1, has not resulted in
any appreciable difference In the aver
ago weight of the parcels mailed. It
is stated that this is perhaps caused by
the fact that business houses havo
scarcely awakened to realization that
achungo In weight stipulations has
bocu made. v
.Although the wolght limit has beeu
changed, tho size nnd shape of the
packages remains tho samo as bofore.
Tills shape is not more than six foot
combined length and breadth. One
difference the change will inuko is
that commibsiou men can now ship
fruit iu this manner, as, for Instance,
a box of oranges will not exceed the
length aud breadth permitted. One
good effect of this will bo to keep the
fifty pound packages in what Is known
as tho "tie-up" bags instead of dis
tributing them at once. It will also
permit tho shipment of bacon and
othr meats.
Tlie department is planning to in
crease the weigh limit from 00 to 7."
pounds ohJuly l&t, and to 100 pounds
the llrst of next year. Smith Center
lira! tstntc Irnnsfcrs.
Heal Estate Transfers for week end
ing February ild, 1011. Compiled by
M. W. Carter, UotuU'd Abstracter, lied
Cloud, Nebr
It. A. Simpson mid wife to I. A.
Hanks, wd, lot 11. 12, Hlk. f,
Sweeps' Add to Illlie Hill, wdS 7f
Charles S. Crabill mid wife to
Leonard II. Itust, wd, lots 21,
22, 23, 21, Hlk. ft, Smith &
Moore's Add, and lots 1, "J, Hlk.
20, Ited Cloud 1
Leonard II. Itust and wife to
Zolln F. Crabill, wd, lots SI,
2a, 2.1, 21, Hlk. r, Smith fc
Mooie's Add mid lots 1, '.', Hlk.
JO, Red Cloud..! 1
Che.'iter O. ltobert'i and wife to
D. 14, W H.& V. ll.Hiuiin.ui.,
Wl.neli ..i-ij. 27 1 11 ,.. Mjl
Wlllhm II. Cloud to SiraliJIir
Cloud, qi'd,i''J7-3-12
William HoM'iiciuns to Iiu Ttue,
blood, wd, lots 21, 2.',' Hlk. U.
Smith & Moore's Add to Keel
Cloud lo:0
Levi M Mend mid wife to John
A. .lf, wd.njij nwf nw 11
MJ 2.'.0(
Willl.miT. Hohror and wife to
James II. Davis, wd, lots 13, 1 1,
Hlk. t0, lied Cloud 1000
State of Ncbrusk.i to Gertrude
Walz, deed, part of ejj nej 10-3-10
Mary 14. Maloucy and husband
to Hdwin K. Hurr, wd, lots II,
12, Hlk. 8, Vanco's Add to
Ottlde llock
Mortgages filed, 8i7r..
Mortgages released, $10,500.
When You're Sick
Your Wages Stop
You know what Unit means misery
worry big bills debt!
You know you can't afford to get
sick. Keeping lu good health means
food and clothing for you uud your
family. It is up to you to take care of
yourself. It is up to you, whenever
you dou't feel right, to take something
to make you right, to strengthen you,
build you up, ward olf worse sickness
protect you mid your family. That
thing wo have in lle.xull Olive Oil
Huiulsiou. In offering it to you, we
protect you against money risk, by
personally promising you that, if it
does not restore your Health, we will
give back your money without, word or
question. We believe i is thu best
builder of health, energy uud strength
you cau get. It is helping many ot
your neighbors. If it don't help, you
wo will give back your money.
ltexull Olive Oil Emulsiuu is' com
posed puncipuiiy ot pure OIlvoOillniKt
the llypopliuspliitcs. Each has iloug
been endorsed by successful physi
cians. Here the are for the Hist lime
combined. The result is a rcinaikuble
nerve, blood and slieiigih building
remedy that is both, food mid medi
cine. Fou all who are nervous, run
down and debilitated -no matter what
the cause; for old people; tor 'conval
escents; for puny children we kilDWOf
nothing that Will give health uuul
stieugth as quickly iih IteXfill Olii'u
Oil KmillMon. It Is a leal Uuildtl4. of
good blood, strong muscles, good
digestion. Pleasant to take, it con
tains no alcohol or li.ibit tunning
drugs. If you don't feel widl, econo
mize both money mid stieugth by
beginning today to take ltexull Olive
Oil Emulsion Sold only at the ltexull
Stoics, ami 111 this town only by us.
5100. 11. H. Ui-leo l)i ug Co, Red
Cloud, Nebraska
The Farmers' Hired Man
The County Farm Demonstrator is
really thu hired mtiu of the" funnels iu
tlie County Kami Management associa
tions, lie is working under the direct
ion of the executive committee of the
association and of the Kxtetislou Ser
vice of the State College of Agricul
ture, lie works with those who are
interested cuough lu the work of the
Demonstrator to joiu the Farm Man
agement association and to ugreo to
cooperato to detormlue the best agri
cultural practices for the community.
In the county where the work is estab
lished his time is more than occupied.
For example, the, yearly repot t of Mr,
Culver, the Demonstrator in Merrick
Couniv, shows that iu the last' ten
months he has travolod OlUOniiles by
automobile answering culls from farm
ers In Merrick County, lie has visited
upon request 513 farms, had on Satur
days 478 oulco callers, has received
practically U00 lotters and written 800
and litis hud iu the neighborhood of
2000 telephone calls. Besides this he
has been instrumental iu holding
more than 20 meetings with an attend
unco of over 2000. He has held many
Held demonstrations to determine the
best methods nt cultivation nnd variety
of crops. lie has vaccinated over 200o
head of hogs estimated by the owners
us boing worth SI 7000. Tho loss has
been lost, than threo percent, lie lias
weeded out 40 cows which wero not
paying their board. Tho Farm Do
nioiibtintbr Is certainly a hired, mun
who has lots of work to do,
Mrs. Cora Eldredge of LsiSalle, Colo...
arrived hero this inurnluK.
'Wise Parent Can Inculcato Invaluable
Quality at an Extremely
Early Age.
Ono of tho most valuable lessons
that a child can learn Is that of self
reliance. A. great many parents think
ttlint this, characterstic is inborn, but
It is not altogether so. Of course,
eoino children nro moro gifted in thlu
respect than others, as It Is largely a
matter of personality, but at tho eamo
tlnio It Is a trait which tho parent can
do much to help the child to attain.
It Is certainly a characteristic which
will-como Into play In his later llfo
moro than almost any other, and,
therefore, the less self-reliance a child
shows In his early years tho more
careful (ho pnrentn should bo to help
him develop It.
Tltoio aro many wnyo In which this
ra:i bo Inculcated, nnd once tho idea
is given tho child will do much to de
velop It hlmaclr. Teach him to rely
as f:ir ns poaslblo upon his own tal
ents and abilities, nnd help him to
cultivate them uo that as early as poa
slblo ho may depend upon them for
his own support. Lot him loam to
find his way about ulono mid not bo
ufraid to travel without the company
of an older porson. Teach him to
plan thin rb for himself.
Lot him learn to do things. Show
him that you trust him and that you
.know you can depend upon him. This
la very Important, as a child that fceia
that his ciders have not confidence
In himself, and, therefore, seldom ac
complishes anything by himself in
short, ho has not tho quality of eolf
rollanco or sclt-confldence, and is not
in a fair way or acquiring olthor ono.
Pressing Social Problem That In the
Near Future Is Going to Call
Loudly for Solution.
The labor of children In cotton
manufacturing plants presents one of
the most pressing social problems or
the day, for the Industry Is living up
to Its reputation as a large employer
ot children, says a bulletin from tho
census bureau. "Tho average number
of children under sixteen years of ago
employed as wage-earners was 39,30G,
of whom nearly one-half wero girls,"
it states. "Children constituted 10.4
per cent, of the total number of wage
carnerB. In three of tho southern
states, Alabama, North Carolina and
South Carolina, nearly 19 per cent, of
nil wage-earners were children under
sixteen years of age. In Massachu
setts, the leading state in tho Indus
try, however, only 5.7 per cent, were
children. Practically one-half or the
wage-earners cmployod in the cotton
manufacturing industry in 1909 were
in establishments whero tho prevail
ing hours of labor were between C4
nnd CO por week, and nonrly one-third
wero employed in establishments
where' tho hours were CO per week."
About one-fifth of nil tho cotton mill
workers in threo southern states are
children, less than sixteen years old.
Still Controls Spirit of Music.
Despite his seventy-eight years,
Salnt-Saens recently appeared beforo
a representative Herlin nudlenco and
played with remarkable lluency, trans
parent clearness and evenness of pas
sages, whilo hio touch was elastic, his
tone full, round and of a beautiful
quality. Moreover, tho ccso nnd non
chalance with which ho played aston
ished his hearers. He exhibited an as
tonishing amount of vitality in other
respects, too. When Clnlre. Dux sans
two voclil numbers- en- aria from tho
opera "llpuiy Vlt" and tho chamon
"La Clocho" Salnt-Sacns sat down nt
the piano and played tlio accompani
ment with cxqulsltn touch and refine
ment, following thq singer with the
greatest fidelity. He played both ac
companiments and also his piano solos
from memory.
Pu2zto In Electricity.
It is amazing what a tremendous
electric shock a limn may recelvo and
yet not bo killed. No less amazing
is It how small a aUocl: will kill. It
nil dopends upon tho circumstances ot
the shock. To kill, tho shock must
pass through tho brain, heart or upper
part of tho spinal cord. A shock from
a weak current, If received over a
large area of the bpdy, will do moro
damage than a shock from a powerful
current that effects only a small and
not vital part of the body.
Dr. H. Zanggcr of Munich, In a re
cent paper, asserts that a 50-volt cur
rent is dangerous If received under
the most favorable conditions.
Law, Aimed at Injustice.
Bank clerks aud matrimony havo
beon the subject or legislation by tho
Australian parliament. The assembly
has approved or a now clause In the
criminal code bill, by which any per
son or corporation, prohibiting, under
threat or dismissal, the marrying of
any employe over ,twoniy-ono yenrs
or nge, will bo liable to a lino or
$1,500, or threo months' imprisonment.
The clause is tho outcome or ovldonco
in tho arbitration court that tho West
ern Australian banks prohibit tho mar
riage ot clerks receiving under $1,000
per annum.
Safety In Submarines.
A new llfc-fiaving dovlco was tried
out at Spczie, Italy, whon a turret In-'
vented hy Capt Ylrglnlo Cavalllnl, for'
fixing on submarines, was experiment'
cd with. Should the Biibmarino sink
to the bottom from any cause, the
sailors can talto reftigo In tho turret,
which, by an ingenious mechanism, is
then detaccd from tho vessel nnd
rises to tho ourface. The experiments
aro said tcf havo given conclusive proof
of tho practicability of tho Invention.
The Story of
Every Ghild
Is A Story Of
Growth and Change
A change too gradual and
subtle for even the watchful
eye of a mother to detect, or
lor memory to recall.
Only in pictures can the
story be told and a record of
the childish features and ex
pressions kej)t for all time.
A good photograph now and
then will mean everything to
yon, and to them, in alter
Stevens Bros, mo
-i -- nil miniuwisiiim
Has Played Havoc
with innnv n family's most cherish
ished, long planned homo because
thoy followed the advice of some
otio-ideii builder who thought per
haps to improve upon Nature's own
ti led uud tested matorial lumber.
The time to guard against disap
pointment is at tho start. Look
around and Investigate the frame
houses that havo beeu standing for
us many as thirty years mid compare
them with thoso constructed or
other materials. Time nlouo is the
real test of home building materiuls,
because you don't build a home
every ten years, atid few people cau
afford to experiment with fads or
theories. After making your com.
parlsons come In and see the nice,
bright lumber we have in stock and
let us toll you in actual figures
what a good frame house will cost
you today. Real facts are deadly to
"There's No Place Like Home"
Saunders Bros.
Red Cloud, Nebraska
', Ortfer lo Show Cause
State of NchrnHlni l i,. T. tnl1tv rnnri
Webster County f ln "n-Jm Court.
At a County Court liolil nt tlio County
Court room In niulfoi' MiUt county .(miliary
15th, A. 1. lllll.
In tho matter of the estate of Amos (Just,
ON rrailiiiK and mint; tlio petition of ICllza
bi'tli Steele, and Cli.'irlM Oust, praying that
administration of t:ilil estate may bcijranted
lo Alfred McCall, as Administrator.
UKli:itt:i), tlmt Friday tlie tith day ot
I'obrunryA. D. mil, tit ten o'clock a. in., U for hearing nald petition, when nil
pcrsohs lutcreHtcd In said matter may ap
pear til a County Court to bo held lu and lor
mild County and show cause, why prayer of
liL'tltlunci' (should not be isriiutcd; and that
uotlt-iMr tho pendency of Mild pulltlon and
thu hearing thereof bo given to all persons
Interested In Mild matter, by publishing n
copy ot this order lu the lted Cloud Chlut, n
weekly newspaper printed In t,aM county,
for threo consecutive weeks prior to nald day
of heal Ins.
A. 1). ItAN.NKV,
(Seal) County .ludo
Notice Is hereby given that scaled proposals
will bo received at tho ollluo ot tho County
Clerk, Ited Cloud, Nebraska for tho moving
of the present Court llousutou point 13) feet
West of present location and placed on a
temporary foundation, county to furnish
uintcrlnl for foundation, bidder; to preform
ull labor and fuinlsh nil material except as
herein provided,
Hald court house to bo removed not later
than April 1st, 1UU. Bidder to furnish bond
In the Bum of 7)0.00 to xccuro and Insure thu
preformanco of tho condltlonsof thecontract
It awarded.
Alt Idds to bo on tlio with tho County Clerk
not later than February g, lull nt, 12 noon,
lly order of tho County Commissioners.
(Seal) K. W. H0S3
County Clerk,
by J. J. (Jnrber, l)cp
Notice of First Meetlri of Ct editors
Iu tlio District Court of thu United States tor
tho District of Nebraska. Iu liankruptcy.
In the Matter of 1
KnwAitn Hanho.n V In liankruptcy.
llunkrupt. )
To tho Creditor)) of Edward Hanson of Ited
Cloud In the County ot Webster and district
nforetald, a baukrupt.
Notice Is hereby clven Unit, on tho 2nd day
of February A. 1). 1914, thusuld Kdward Hun-
ho n wns duly adjudicated bankrupt; and
that the first meeting of his creditors will be
heldatthuoillceof Frank J. Mundny In Hed
TJlouil, Nebraska, on tho lath day of February
A. 1). 1UU, at 10 o'clock In the foro noon, at
which tlnio tho nld, creditors may attend,
provo their claims, appoint a trustee, ox
amine tho bankrupt, aud transact such other
huHnessus may properly coiuo l-eforo said
incetlnij. ,
U. Noiuutua, llefereo In liankruptcy
Hair Work
Laiiiks- Mrs. Fred Plumb wllljnuke
switches out of combines or cut -hair.
Cull ut residence, 703 North Elm St
ouo block ciibt of school house, S 0
Dr. J. Caldwell
Calls Answered Do y or Night .
OIllroTelphoiics: Htll.tS: Ind. Iffl.
lies. Telephones: licll. Itrdarj; Iiui.luO.
Office Over M. A- AlbrUht's vSton
Red Cloud, -:- Nebras;
?- h
J. fl. ElihIJMER
General Auctioneer
Recommendations My
Former Cuslomcrs. ...
Write or Phone
Red Cloud, - Nebr.
Red: Cloud, -:- Nebraska
Second House North of I. O. O. F. Hall
Consultation and
Spinal Analysis Free
Phone lnd.212
We Have Aided
In Building Great
- Fortunes For -Clever
Graduate Chicago Veterinary College
twelvk viiaiis KXPtmtKxcn
Red Cloud -:- Nebraska
E. A. Creighton,
M. D.
Live Stock and General Auctioneers
lied Cloud
nro n S
lion 187
Red Cloud a " ' Nebraska
THE ALARM is a dreadful thing
OF" FIRE for the man without
insurance. Every time he sees the
engines racing along bis heart comes
up inhis throat if the fire is anywhere
near his place. What folly, what mis
taken economy. "
THE COBT OF is so small that it
INBURANCE need hardly bo
considered. The freedom from worry
alone is worth it many times over
Have us insure you to-day.
Reliable Insurance.
Widow's Pension.
The recent act of April l'Jth, 1008
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
812 per month, Fred Maurer, tho at
oruey, has all necessary blanks.
' oriiAr'
''' ..