The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 05, 1914, Image 5

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Bulletin ot The Week's Doings
Chas. Hut twits In Omaha this week,,
Fine table potatoes at McFarland's.
Al Spiers was In 'Hastings Tuesday
Ellas (Joble was In Superior Wed
nesday. Roy Hutchison was in Franklin on
Good Alfalfa For Sale: Inquire of
Ned Grimes.
A few Inches of snow fell early Tues
day morning.
See tho complete line of rugs at
Minor llros. Co.
C. J. Cooper and son woro in Su
perlor Wednesday.
J. O. Caldwell -was In Hasting Wed
nesday on business.
Jim Mcintosh shipped in two cars of
cattle tills week to feed.
.lira Mcintosh arrived homo from
Kansas City Wednesday.
Mr. E. 11. Smith is very Mclc at her
home in Lincoln this week.
Attorney L. II. ltluoklodge was In
Superior the (list of the week.
0. A. Mivgor returned home flora
Hastings Wednesday morning.
Miss lva Carter spent the llrst ot
tho week in Nelson with friends.
The W. C. T. U. have postponed
their meeting until further notice.
Grant Chiisty has moved into the
-John Kutledge property in the west
part of town.
C. E. Strong returned homo fiom
. Ohio this week where ho had been for
some time past.
Dr. Deaidorf inspector of live stock
for shipment to other states. At
Bailey's Tie Durn.
ltoy Sattley is carrying his hands
in omul in bandages this week on ao-
count of having them poisoned.
A. II. Meredith's sale was well at-
tcdned Wednesday and everything
. offered for sale brought good prices.
ICd I'latt returned homo Wednesday
from Omaha where he had been at
tending the Cement Dealer's Meeting.
I am again ready to make faim
. loans promptly oud on attractive turin-.
.Solo agent for Trevott,s Mnttis A:
Baker. d--.II. Baii.kv.
The Masonic lodge Is .having a big
meeting boio today and twenty-one
. cmididutuh from the surrounding towns
will be initiated.
The Misses Itcchel Cowden and
(ireta Tufiiuro spent the last of thc
week in Snpeiior with their filuni.
Miss Maiio WooUcy.
Tho Chief learned this week in a
round about way that C. B Hale has
leased a newspaper at Itididnolu and is
now. in chargo of the same.
Geo. .11. Ovoting, who wonttoOmuha
for medical treatment, underwent au
.operation the llrst of lho weul: and is
.getting ulong nicely ut this writing.
Al Spelrs will loavo Monday for
Hastings wliero ho has 4i position in
the shoe. .department of Stein. J3ros.
department store. We ate sorry to
see you go Al, but wish you success.
Tho Parkers' Independent Tele
phone Company will begin thecrostioii
of their, new modern building in the
early part of tho spring and
plnted it will .certainly be a big im
provement to Webster street. '
Claro Wolfe ami Miss (J'udys lllair
two ot lied Cloud's popular young peo
ple, were married at IK-atrice the llrst
.'of tho week. The Chief along with
their many fileuds wish tliem much
joy and happiness. They will inuke
this city their home '
Editor A. 0. Hosmor has been under
the weather tor the past few days,
Hull'cring with what he terms ns an
attack of erysipelas dlnowing A. C.
as we do, wo are rather inclined to the
belief that ho is troubled with the
gout. We extend .our kyinpathy and
trust that ufter his "birthday" he may
rapidly improve.
The business mou held u meeting
Woducs dry af ternooa and elected I)r.
Boles business manager of tho bajid.
At the meeting It was decided to hold
every other concert on Saturday after
, noon subject to the approval of the
' band. A band staud will be provided
or tho Saturday afternoon concerts
down town, while the other concerts
will bo given at tho band staud lu the
Washington school paik.
Tho Rlvorton Village Board, consist
ing of Messrs. It. C. Shuttler, .1 E
Mori Is, John WIckstrom and Cecil
Mat thews came down Tuesday evening
and consulted with our city fathers
on the subject of Rivet ton being fur
nished with electricity from the light
plant hore. At this meeting Supt.
Zeigler submitted ii proposition which
was favorable to our oity dads, and
which will bo used is a babis of the
contract with the Riverton people. If
favorablo to them. Tho proposition
calls for tho furnishing of electricity
to Jllvcrtonites at 4X and 0 cents per
kilowatt hour. 'No deilnlto uctluu.
however, has as yet been taken' iu )th'd
matter. ' . v , v Vvs
Prof. Hot, was lu Conies Tuesdiiy.
I'h II Trout was in MeCook Saturday.
J. A. Kuirlield of Hastings Is lu town
this week.
M. II. Ilorrlg.iu of Hastings is lu
town today.
T. J. Fuise of Alma was lu town on
Idaho Cohler potatoes at McFar
limd'.s stole. adv.
Giant I'sher wont to Superior Tues
day inoiulng.
H. It Hunter of Guide Rock was lu
town Monday.
See tho Chief olllco for job printing
"ns you like it."
Lloyd Carpenter wont to Orleans
Sunday evening.
Will Montgomery of Urleaans was In
town Wednesday.
Itlley Cai pouter was In lllvertou
Wednesday evening.
Earl Diokoison returned to Guide
Hock Monday morning.
Mrs. At Sluby went to Concordia,
Kansas, Tuesday morning.
Joe Crow and wife spent Tuesday iu
Guide Hock with ioUties.
Wilbur Hamilton spent, Tuesday lu
Guide Hock with his patent".
Tho largest lino of rugs iu the city
on display at Miner Urns Co.
Dan Harbor of Stella, Xcbr , spent
.Sunday iu town with friends
Hm ley Starr weul to Grand Island
Monday morning on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Scrivnorattd Will
Kent were iu Lebanon Tuesday
Closing out sale of Um noss. See nie
for Bargains. 1'. L Hansen, udv
Ed. Amack uud Giant Turner maite
a trip south of Guide Roi'k'Wednosduy
on business.
Bert Stuukard was iu Guide Uoek
Tuesday attending J. II. Hamilton
Son's hog sale.
For a fthort time only I will sell good
table potatoes for 8.1 cents pvr bushel.
J. A. Burden.
W. I. Pony of Harvard arrived Sat
urday evening to visit, his sou Frank
Perry and family.
Tho farmers livlug near Guide Uoek
will hold a Farmers' Institute, Feb
ruary 11 uud 12th
For the best -Tic dinner, also short
orders, pie, sandwiches and fresh
oysters go to Wan en's restaurant.
.his. Hubatka, who is a prosperous
farmer living near Bladen, wasiiu the
city Satuulay. Willie here ho made
this olllco a pleasant call.-
Dick lluuchcy and wife returned
homo Tuesday morning front Washing
ton whero they had keen visiting his
mother for several mouths.
I have the best late, in tho county on
farm 1 nn. Seo me and lie convinced
.My iiiotlo piompt service.
A. T. Wai.kub. .
Melius McCall and .Frank Jackson
wore taken to .Kansas City by Law
rence JMcCall the tlrst of tho week for
medical treatment Zcuas McC.ill was
opetatud ou Tuesduy for appendicitis
and is getting along all itigut at tliis
Tho Chief desires to secure a good,
live correspondent iu several of tlu,
adjoining towns, which is not already
represented in these coin in us. If jou
aio iutereetcd, or should you know of
any one iu your locality who would
eaiu to ashumo this duty, Ave would
consider it a personal favcr if you
would '"put us next.'
At a session of the .federal .court, iu
Lincoln this week the federal jury in
dicted A. C. Felt late enshier of the
Superior FJtU National Bank. His
shortage i1- put at S11,U22 bcohleu hav
ing had duplicated sietal thousand
dollars woithof notes that weiei signed
by fanners in the vicinity of Superior.
The fedeial sleuths we now .bif-y
hunting for Felt.
There will be a bltr wolf hunt on
Tuesday, February Kith, commencing
ut 10 o'clock sharp and covering twelve
miles mjuuic. The linos commencing
ou tho south of Bladen and running
0 miles cast and 0 miles west nnd 12
miles south of these points. The
rouud-up will be 2 miles south of the
Pluiuvlow church, at which place
lunch will be served.
According to the Auxilliary Mr.,
Hale bus sold the Red Cloud (Xeb)
Chief to A. B. McArthur, its former
foreman, who will conduct the pnper
in the future. The Chief was founded
by C. L. Mather, Ut IST.'J, nnd was
botiL'ht iu 1870 by the present editor
of the Vidottt, who published it for a
number of years, uud who hopes that
the old paper will continue to live uud
prosper. -Grant County Vidotte, Pond
Creek Oklahoma.
At a meeting of a few of the nows
paper boybut Orleans last week ar
langemouts were made for a big meet
ing of the edltois In tho valley fiom
Wynioto to.MoCook at Orleans, Feb
ruary lltli. They plan to have Johns
of Uiaud Island, Parrish of Omaha
and Whitten of Lincoln on lho pro
gram. The teachers of Harlan county
meet there at tho same time and the
cotnmorcitl club has chnrgo of tho en
tertulmuont features. A good time is
assured. and many important business
pionogiUana.wlll be Aliscttssed. It is
"to be.hope'd that thejneeting kyiU bo
Uemll hy.everyemorn u)vfliiey.
Dr. Pine was in lllvertou Tuesday.
M is Mary Arncsoti left Thursday fc r
C. II. Miner went to Llncjln Sunday
Max .Moody went to Guide Rock
A. H. Wolcottof Inviilo was in town
MNs IVarl lieland spent Sunday In
.1. F. Winters of Lincoln was iu town
till" week.
Try a busliul of eating potatoes at
McFarland's. adv
Geo. Warien and wlfo spent Friday
lu Hluo Hill.
Guy Zeigler spent Monday iu River
ton.wtth his parents.
Dr. Mitchell returned home Sunday
evening from Omaha.
Mr. 0. Doose of Lincoln was In the
city tho lltsl of tho week.
A." II Atkins was a pa-senger to
Lincoln Monday morning.
Jim Sticiiumn teturued homo Sun
day evening from St. Joe.
Fled Templo of Kansas City was iu
town the Hist of tho week.
1M. Hurr and Sam Peifus came up
from Guide Rock Sunday evening.
F.d ward ilaii'-on and Attorney F.J.
.Muuday weio iu Hastings Monday on
Miss Valley Serlvnor left Sunday
evening for her home at, Beuklemau,
Al Turner shipped two cars of hogs
to Kntiius Olry Sunday, llo accom
panied the shipment.
Mr. und Mrs. Geo. Brown of Fair
bury were horo Sunday attending tho
funeral of Mrs. McKoigliau.
Miss Mabel Popo of Alma spent
Saturday and Sunday here with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Popo.
Geo. Atkinson returned Saturday
from Nowata, Oklahoma, wliero he
had been for the past fow mouths.
Mesilames F. W. and Edgar Cowden
chaperoned tho High School Girls'
Basket Ball team to Superior last
Miss Marqucrlte Richardson, who is
teaching school east of Bladen, spout
Saturduy and Sunday iu this city with
her parents.
Zeke Johnston of Minnesota arrived
in tho city tho last of the week to visit
his sous, Sam and Clarence, who ie
side southwest of town.
Tin. business mou held u meeting
last week and decided t( close their
stores at (1 o'clock p. in., beginning
lust .Monday. This will bo In effect,
from February J, Bill, to April 1, 11)11.
Last Saturday Leonard Relher had
the inlsfottiuie to have a luuaway
north of town. The team became
frighteued at an .unto and Leon tin I
was thrown out. of tho wiil-oii and
bruised up considerable.
A series of levlval meetings began
Monday evening and will continue
this week ami nv.xt. The meetings
ure boing held this .week in the Con
gregational church und next week
they will bo held in. the M. K. chuieh.
Last Motiday afternoon Carl Hedge
who Jives uorth of town, came to town
with u smile on his .face that would
not come off, all because ho was papa
.of a baby girl which arrived Monday
morning. Mother and daughter ato
yetting ulong.tliie utthis writing.
Last week tho Chief mentioned u
fe.iv of the great men v. ho weie boru
iu this month, and iu doing so we
neglected, iiccw ding to thoCom-Ad, to
hiolmlo the Ground Ilqy. We also
learned thai all of tho fjir maidens,
with thu ungel like vuIcck, when hiiy
in "number pleace," nt like Farmers
Independent Telephone cential ollleo,
nie entitled to mention as being among
the leading ladies .'JaJmiiin February
as tlicic birth month.
Just Received
.4 Car of Fancy, Eating
M Bushel
30c Peck
B. E. JVI Gpapland
AU the Phones
Dr. Mitchell nnd Gio. Ovi-r'ng wont
to Omaha the last of the week.
G, L. Oanllold and wife spent Satur
day and Sunday In Heaver City.
II. C WHght and Hen Hudson of
Roseuiolit weie lu the city Fihhiy.
A Bouquet For
Dr. Moranville
The attention of the Chief has been
called to the opinion of thosupretuo
court in the case of Rathjiui against
tho Woodmen Accident Association
and thu very complimentary remarks
mode by Judge Barnes concerning Dr.
Moranville and his testimony iu that
caso. Those who heard the trial of
mo caso in mo district court will re
member thai four doctors testified,
uud, of them all, Dr. Morauvlllo was
the only one who testltlod Tor the de
fense, Mis. Rathjeii. Judge Humes
makes theso allusions among others to
Dr. Mot anvllle's testimony:
"One Dr. Moranville, a physician of
more than .1," experience and
practice, who appeal s from his evi
dence on both direct, and cross-examination
to have been familiar with
eases of like nature, etc.
"It is strenuously contended that
tho district couit erred lu iccelving
the testimony of Dr. Moranville over
the defendant's objection. That ob
jection seems to hue boon limited to
the eomK'teiicy of the witness. As
above stated the testimony of Dr.
Moranville settled the question of his
competency us an expuit witness be
yond nil question. He was sklllfully
cross examined at. gteat length by
counsel for the deteiidaut, and acquit
ted himself in au admirable intinuur."
This is au unusual compliment for a
supt erne com t to pay to a physician's
testimony, nnd tho doctor and his
friends should appieolato it very
- A Citizen Writes
Red Cloud, Nebr., Jan. Hi, Kill
Dear lMltor:
1 will try and write n' few words for
your paper. Tho llrst will ho about
the small boys, agos ruiiiilugtrom tl to
11 years, smoking, cigat.s, pipes and
cigaicttes and eutslng uud swearing
like pirates. It is awful to hear it, in
a town like this.
Is It, right to let them keop it up?
Is it, their fault or their pai cuts'.'
1 think it ought to be looked into
right away. It can bo stopped mostly,
uud I would like very much to see It
looked Into right away. I would like
to'Hoo it stopped as far as nosslble for
tho good of the tlsitu? generation.
One Who Sees und
Hears it Every Day.
Abel C. Fowler
Abel C. Fowler was born iu West
chester county, X V., December 2,"),
IHL'0. Uo was the third of a family of
tour childtcn. Ills father was u na
tive of England. Uo was married to
Mary h. llootho. To this union were
bom livo children, two of whom sur
vive him.
In 1801, lie together with a brothoi,
ans'wercd tho call of his country for
its best blood and enlisted in the
I'nion army. His period of actlvu ser
vice extended to nearly four yearn.
While ho was engaged in the war, Ills
wifetogether with the children moved
to (hant county, Wisconsin. After his
discharge) ho joined them there where
Homo years wete passed. Later ho re
tained to the east and resumed his
tiado as a cariiago maker. He was all
that, could be demanded as far as man
hood and faithfulness to his country
and wiih mi exemplary father, husband,
lrieud andoitieu.
lie resided for some time with his
ion and family while they were icsi
dents of Cowles and muted with them
to Edgar- For homo lime ho has boon
living with a giundsou iu Omaha, .at
which ploco ho died Jahuary Ul), l"n,
itgud 03 year,, l mouth and i days. Ho
wiih tho father of thieo girls and two
boys. But ono of ouch survive him,
II. W. Fowler of Trumbull and Mrs
I'addock of iJouver. Fiiueml services
wera held at the Corgrcgutioual
church iu Oou-los, of which ho was a
mombcr, January 31, 1014, conducted
by the pastor, II. Ellis Lininger. In
tcrmout was made in tho Cowles ceme
tery. University To Exhibit
At County Fairs
For the purpose of developing au
agricultural educational feature at
county fairs over thostato next season,
the Extension Servieo of the Nobraska
College of Agiiculturo will furnish
I ii ge handsome fiuiues und glass cases
containing the latest graphic lnfoi ill
ation upon varied farm problems. A
huge table will also bo piovidetl for
additional exhibits. Steieopticou
slides will bo furnished, whoiu Ihey
crtn bo used to advautago. A todt .'10
by 10 feet to enclose tho exhibit, and
two demonstrators will also be furn
ished. The local advertising, assist
ance, expenses and ptotectiou of the
property are all that uro asked by tho
college, A committee of county fair
managers is working with tho Exten
sion Service in muking up tho first
schedule of the exhibit.
Clearance Sale
Will Soon Come To An End f
And if you want to get in
on the unusual bargains in
JHen's Boy's and Ghildfen's
Saits Pants
Overcoats m-
20 and 33 Per Cent Discount
On Overcoats and have some good
ones left at these reductions.
Jhe (jomden-Kaley (Jlothing (Jo.
Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers
y -
8 fiia - n y !
I WMt&to&0m LJo You
1 wHESsiPB&iL I
IJSmmlwm Want I
S Sir Good
aj&m&hp Harness?' 1
For spring plowing the old reliable kind wear well and
work well and give entire satisfaction. We make them and
buying the best at lowest price from the Old Reliable
5 Harness Store.
(A Headquarters for Harness of every description 23
w i . .:ij: l M L .: r
years experience in uuuuiuy nuuiuss. nuw is uic nine ui
year to oil your harness before sj ring work. Begin it. Keeps
the leather soft and pliable, prevents it from cracking and
renders it water-proof,
69eKt3B99BB SS
I Public
lu bo h.'hl al my tarm ii mill h east and 7 inileH soulli of lnav.ilc, 5
n lies wsi nnd "smith of Uud Cloud, :t miles we-st and 12
ninth of !,'!. iiniiii. 1 mile ninth and lji. east of Womor, ou
J Monday,
Also 100 bu. good 1912 white seed corn in the
ear; 100 bu. shelled corn; household goods.
ItKBS sums ot 91(1 ami under cash. Sums over this
credit of 10 months will be given, purchaser giving
approved socurlty, Mint ten per cent interest.
m co
1, Jake Ellluger, Auet.
S9S3aMMM6S obb3
We Can Please You As To Material, Style And
Workmanship, And Our
Feb. 9th
amount a
note with
W. A. Shor wood, Clerk
Prices Are Very Low.