The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 05, 1914, Image 4

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Red Cloud. Nebraska.
Entered In tho I'nfctoflleo nl Ittd Cloud, Ntb.
nil Hccond Clans MatUr'
A. B. McAIlTllUU
Nebraska, according to tlio 1010 con
isnahad 03.150 more nii'ii tliun woiiion.
regarding tho mil road bonds. Tho
present editor hits not looked up the
history of these bond ntid ho does not
know what the circumstances were
when they weio issued but ho (loos
know that thoy nre paid and no longer
stand as obligations of tin county. It
may bo that wo are Justus well pleased
over paying tbeo bonds as were tho
early settlers In voting tlietu, if so the
county is glad twice.
It lias been suggested a number of
times that this city could realize a
good profit from it small investment
by using the exhaust steam from the
power house to malcu artllic'al ice. In
viow of the Improbability of any
natural ice being put up this winter
The Hgrlculturnl.statlttics published
Jby tho state board of nKricultural,cun-
iaitiH tho arcinge range of prices of
eultlvatid and unuulllvaled land In
.Nebraska counties. Tills information
Jhwbconiu fre.juvi.t demand uuri,' this suggestion is meeting with a good
.1.-1.... . ' deal of favor. Wo aio Informed that
uiu junk ! iiiuiiuint
enougli steam escapes to munuiiiciure
all the Ice that this city could con
sume. Tills being the case we believe
that It would be well for the city otll
cliils to investigate It and sec what
can be done.
At the sale of Mousel Bros, at Cam
bridge, Tuesday, January 58, fifty
Mvcn head of Hereford averaged $.111
per head. Buyers from eight states
tvero present at the Bale. The stock
was all Nebraska bred, and tho inn
jjorlty weio under two years of age.
All tho stock was less than 1 years old.
Iho Chief believes that this city
could be made much more attractive
(.tlurlng tho summer months if more
Jlovrers wero planted and cured for.
The school grounds-, tho court house
grounds and even the terraces along
prlvnto residences could be easily
planted so that our city would indeed
be n city beautiful. If we do not take
pride in our own city no one else will.
Go-to-Church Sunday was observed
in this city and all the churches report
Agood'attciidatico lit both the morn
king bihI evening sessions. Whether or
.Sot there will bo any peiniauent in
icrcaso in church attendance owing to
ibis special effort remains to bo Neon,
Jrowevcr, is it good thing to attend
(.church oue Sunday in tho year it cer
tainly would be it benotlt to gooftcuer.
In order to supply tho demands of
soap makers, settleis in Western Kan
sas are cutting and marketing Spanish
bayonet, or soap weed, technically
known as Yuegu baeeata. Manufac
turers are paying 8S.00 pur ton for the
plant f. o b. eats at railway stations,
while the udimiited cost of cutting,
drying, lulling and hauling ranges
from $.i.00 to SU.oO per ton depending
upon tho distance from the railroad.
In the mamifiicluro of soap some
makers utilize tliu tops and others the
roots of the plant. It is said that one
man can cut it ton per day. After cut
ting it is allowed to dry from sixty to
ninety days and is then baled in it
regular broom corn balling machine.
pounds of butter. l'our cows of tho
Unlvorslty herd Lavo even a more re
mitrkublo record. l.aMny, Uoxiinnii,
Yctta Oerbon and ICaty Gerbon have
an average record of i!0,G80 pounds of
milk and tilt) pounds of butter. The
most remarkable cow of the herd,
however, is LuMny with a record for
ono day of D!).l pounds of liilllt: for
ono month, !i,877 pounds; and for one
year, 2C,CC0 pounds. The butter re
cord Is CK57 pounds. Considering the
fact that tho avorago Nebraska cow
gives but '1,000 pounds of milk annual
ly and but 1-7 pounds of butter fats,
tho records in the University herd are
not only remaikablu facts, but show
what can bo douo with proper breed
ing and eare. All of the cows woie
bied and developed at tho state farm.
A Communication
A special session of the grand lodge
fjefOdd Follows will bo hold In this
rjdty on March second. This is tho
Jlrst time in tho history of tho order
lbat lied Cloud bus been favored with
meeting of this kind. Elaborate
preparations at e. being made to enter
tain the grand oilicers and tho visiting
brothers, hi all probability the Be
publican valley degico contest will bo
Jield at tho same time ntid so this
Meeting will be a big one.
There seems to be a good deal of
olisconteut up in Franklin county. The
.'jtewspapers assert that tho board of
ueoMuty commissioners are democrats
.and that tboy gavo tho county print
ing to a republican paper at a higher
raio than the democratic press olfercd
Jlo perform the same labor. If those
itbargcB iito true the papers making
,tlie charges have it right to take um
brage but if they are false it will bo
reany for tho commissioners to present'
all the bids.
Attention is called to tho cotnniunl
icatton in this l'-suo ft out an old settlor
Dairy Menus Exhibited
Tho best menus for it dairy cow
formed a portion of the dairy exhibit
at the state dairymen's association last
week at tho University of Nebraska.
Three "tiled and truo" dairy rations
ver exhibited by tho dairy depart
ment. Any one will fuuisli the nu
trients for the production of thirty
pounds of milk dally when fed to a
1,'iOO pound cow of the proper kind.
Ration No. 1 consists of one pound
ot bran, one pound of gluten meal,
throe pounds of cotton seed moal, four
pounds of corn meal, ten pounds of
corn stovor and thirty-llvo pounds of
corn silage, Tho cost is estimated at
nineteen cents.
But ion No. ' consists of ten pounds
of sliolled corn and twenty pounds of
alfalfa hay. The cost is estimated at
twonty-threo cents.
Ration No. .') consists of one pound
of bran, 1 14 pounds of cotton seed
meal, four pounds of corn chop, twelve
pounds of alfalfa hay and fotty pounds
of corn silage. Tho cost of this ration
is estimated at twenty cents.
Champion Records
In College Herd
Uedlnnds, California,
January 31st, 1014.
Editor Chler:-
You say the investment was a good
oue to vote the 17,000 railroad bonds.
It cost Webster county about 8110,000
absolutely uncalled for. In fact when
you consider the money spent for elec
tion mid tho many acres of laud that
were given away one way and another,
wo can't, estimate how much it cost the
taxpayers. For this reason it was un
called for. Tho II. & M Intel to start
out from Hastings to make it pay to
run that short distance. Any man
with common sense knew it would be
only u question of one or two yeais
before some rail road company would
build a rail road up that glorious Re
publican vulley. It was too good a
tiling to let the oppoitunlty lay, and
you bet thoy would have built it with
out bonds.
We did not need a rail road very bad
for a few years, because wo had a good
home market for nil we raised
Another reason was that congress
donated tho county all land from rango
8 to rango 17, if 1 am not mistaken,
free. Now was it not reasonable that
by capturing the grand Republican
valley clear to Denver, heading oil'
any other 'company, and bad tor it
width of'lU miles pararell to do it. A
big profit to tliem to enhance the value
of their lands from sturt. to tluish,
nearly 'J.3,000 acres of land in our
county alone. If 1 am not mistaken it
runs tli rough throe counties.
Was it not it fact Unit it was a ques
tion of had too? If you can dispute
tiiese facts 1 would like for some oue
to do it. If you can dispute the fact
that a certaiu well to do man of Red
Cloud did not sell the igiioiamises out
for what thuy got out, of it, 1 am ghtd
to bo shown. Then regardless of get
ting the bonds, they dictated to i-aeh
vitiligo thai they must nivc them ono
one'half of all vacant lots or they
would put the depots a mdo oi two t. II
on their own laud, and leave them in
the mud.
Yes, surely we must be thankful
that wo weio robbed out of 200,000, if
all was counted. 1 know this to be
true because 1 lived in a dugout then,
right on the nearest cut to Nelson.
That is all theie is to it. It is ull
right to fool tho young generation,
but the poor fellows who settled in
pioneer days know better.
J. J. K.
Druggist Has Noted Effects at the Be
' ginning of Winter Busy Season
for Medicines.
"Hero, doctor," sold a mnn as ho hur
ried Into a drug Btoro, "glvo mo some
thing for a cold quick. Givo me the
bcBt remedy you have In Btock and I
promise you that In futuro steam radi
ators and I will keep far apart. Tho
radiator was tho cause of my present
Tho druggist gavo him tho remedy
and the man hurried off.
"That's strange," remarked tho drug
gist to another customer who was wait
ing for a prescription. "Would you bo
llovo It if I told you ho was the fourth
person who came in hero today buy
ing modlcino for n hold in tho head?
Tho peculiar part of the mattor is that
nil of them complained that steam
heat waB the cause of their colds.
"On reflection, howovcr, that
shouldn't striko me as Btrango, for wo
havo the samo thing happen every
year. Our busy season for cold medi
cines begins at tho timo when the
steam heat is turned on.
"Persons suscoptiblo to colds a
great many are aro affected by tho
heat and boforo they reallzo It thoy
aro sneezing and coughing. Tho steam
heated atmosphere is too much for
them. Thoy sit in rooms altogether
too warm, although somotlmes par
sons uro umiwnro of this condition be
causn tho radiators do tho heating
Blowly, and when they como out In
'ho open tho sudden chango causes
them to take cold."
The Jliner Bros. Go.
General Merchants
California Woman Hac Proved That
Such an Investment May Bo
Made to Pay Well.
Mrs. Annlo Heasloy recently saw tho
possibilities of chicken farming, and
sho turned to Cullfornln for an ideal
cllmiito. Sho started with a small cot
tage and ono aero of ground but sho
started right. Today sho owns a ranch
of several acres and confesses sho hns
an annual Incomo of handsomo propor
tions. Her first flock consisted of ono
roratcr and seven hens, but all wero
puro bred bought nt tho Los Angeles
poultry show. That year she had only
two chicken houses, but the next year
increased them to four, and tho follow
ing to eight. Now she has a big ranch,
but tho strain of hor poultry has al
ways been kept puro, so her prlzo win
ners aro worth tho $25 sho charges for
them and they eat no more corn than
Incubators and brooders aro kept
running all tho year except in July,
August and September, and tho little
flocks, as thoy como along, are ill Id
etl for shows and shops. Tlio perfect
specimens aro ready to bo groomed
wllli washings and bluing, and tho
others receive three times a day all
they will eat of milk, oatmeal and
arain to fatten them. Mrs. Ucasloy
lias found that it is, even more prolt
t'ble to Sell egg at $3 a sotting than at
GO cents a dozen.
to to to k
We I
Have f
. The
Right )
Price A
Always I
to to to ?
P I ........ .., . .,.....,....,., S
to to to
to to to
The North Platte Valley
Government Irrigated I lotnesteud Land, Can-y Act Laud and private
deeded lands are yet available on favorably teinis in this great rich valley, so
close to all the good inurkots.
TIlC New Rail Road This great agricultural valley is on tlio main line
through Central Wyoming now being completed, and this is an important
factor in ootisideiing tho future value of these rich ngiicultural lands. There
,l!i!Li.l"L'r irriKatutl valley so close to all the Ksstern -markets.
ZZZ Beet SuJar Factory Already located in tlio viiIIpj-, and thousands of
acres are planted to beets each vear; other thousands of hens aie growing
alfalfa, but there is lots of room for more people, q
.l'or further pitrtiuiiliu-.&wi-ite mo.
Tho state college of agriculture hits
seven cows producing nioro butter fat
than few other groups In one herd in
the world. LiiMay, Merry lives, Qua
train, Qulnoy, Roxanna, Yottit Oorben
and Katy Gerben have an avenujo re
cord of I7,ti.'tfi pounds of milk and 71H
l i i
Daiong rowa
Saves Health
Suporlot, v v Nebraska.
I'lione 337
Feb. 1. W. h. Denny, & miles north
of Guide Kook.
Keb. K). Lew Smith, '.i miles north Guide Hock.
iTob. 11. U. O. HiggltibiSmiU'siiotth
of Nora.
Feb, 17. Hodiiey Rogers, 5 milts
southeast of Ml. Clare.
Keb. 18 Kil C. Lauoy, 11 miles south-
west of Superior.
Feb. 2." A. T. Cross, Duroe .Jersey
sow sale In Ouido Rock.
Feb. 2d. Nato Simpson, 2 miles
northwest of Guide ltock.
Feb. !l..Tns. Martin, ljj miles
southeast of Mt. Clare.
March 7 N. 0. Paulson, bog salo at
March !. linrnard aud UigKius will
make it l'oland China sow sale at Nelson.
Maieli 18. Will Voudorfotch, 1 and
Yi tulles east of Guide Rock.
March '2.V-C. O. Calvin, 2 miles
southwest of Cadonis
Scots Tango-Stricken.
Tanso Is to bo the rngo in Edinburgh
during tlio present dancing season.
Such is n plain statement in conven
tional languago, which is all the mora
emphatic because of its directness.
Iii fact, all Scotland is in tlio grip of
tho tango craze. It has spread to
Scottish ballrooms, and Is supersed
ing tho waltz and tho two-stop. Soon
tho fascinating Importation from the
Argentine, say the authorities, will
blot every other danco out of tho ball
room program.
Tango as taught Iti Edinburgh by all
tho toachera of dancing without ex
coption is a danco of infinite beauty
and charm, and ono requiring a con
siderable amount of talent In which to
be proficient. Tho tcachors of danclns
in Edinburgh aro very conservative in
their methods.
D. Clem Dcaver, Immigration Agent
S004 Farnatn St., Omaha, Nebraska
imwi ffr vrmagtiv umcvtmm 'im r.wra!
vnnuuMi Jif3AWMfUi,nw nr rr ithmhii g lmwuiu u m if ii
Holland's Vicissitudes.
Ono hundred. y?aru ago William
Frederick, pilnco of Orange, arrived
at Tito llapue, after an absence of 19
jcat'3. "William Fuderlck was the son
of William V.. prince of Orange and
hereditary Stadtholder. Ho command
ed tho Dutch army which resisted tho
French Invaders in 179.3-1. Holland
was finally conquered In 1705, and the
prince of orange became nn oxile. But
In the autumn of 1813 a revolution
freed Holland from French control
and the prince of Orango had now re
turned to becomo tho ruler of the
country. He was proclaimed king of
tho Netherlands und ascended the
throno as William I. "Wilholmlna, tho
present queen of Holland, is tho great
granddaughter of this sovereign of a
ceutury ago.
WEas sure you that our
groceries can be de
pended upon for any or all
of your meals. Fresh goods
added to our stock every
weelc. fljj Arc you one of
our many satisfied custo
mers? If not, we solicit
a Irial order.
nwttuM aw jm
Makes Better F
ToMaiiik Williams, Nonmiksidlnt
You uro hereby nollllnt that on the illsi
iliiy ( October IIUJI Walter W. Wlliamx, tiled
a petition iiunliiKt you In tlio district court ot
Wtbhter County, Nebraska, lio object anil
pray i r ol whlcli am to obtain n divorce troin
you on the uround that you have wllKnliy
almmluiU'd mill deserted tho plulnttfl Willi.
out Jii!t e:mu lor tho term ol two yenrs liiht
laht. You are rciiulrcd'to answer snld pen.
Hon mi or bctore Monday tlio ifltli dny nl
Dated this February!!, 1911.
Waltuii W. Williams, plalntlir.
Ily !.. II. lllnckleduo, Ills nttorncy'
Notlco approved.
Harry H. Duugait
Judge ol the District Court.
Tell College by Her Kin.
"You can tell by the way a young
American girl receives or gives a kiss
what college she has attended," says
Erallo Deschanips, tho French author,
in a chapter of his now book, entitled
"Unclo Sam's Women." Ho writes:
"Tho best kisses como from Smith
college, although the Harvard Annpx
girls prefer kisses to bon bons.
"Tho kiss of Vnssar girls Is like a
"Tho graduates of flryn Mawr kiss
without batting nn eye.
"Tho ravlBhing kiss of Mount
Holyoke girls can only bo likened to a
Vote by Post In Australia.
Voting by post hns again becomo
lnw in Australia. Tho house of repre
sentatives, after lively scenes, recent
Jy, adopted' by 37 votes against 36 tho
third reading of tho bill restoring, pos
tal voting. The government had' fre
quent resort to thiio?nro.
! w4as;w-jnfarw