i-uwi2fflfiffi ftrpioSmf! lWVrwlWI r J-,mv . , m ,, ,...-- i tVitt imf fTrnf-ntumin-iir riMni "a- !iMmiMiiiMii HriTTHraiWBin nin , ., - - . . : " - -mii-.i - ., .r.y, wnwf iHwn-, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, 0H1EF 1 1 i v l J 1 NU p l J'. li fe 2 OF all tho holliluyn on tho calendnr, St. Valentino's ilny Ih, of course, tho least conspicuous. IJnllko ChtlntninH, Bust er, iiiq i'ourui or .niiy or Memorial lay. It makes no direct nppenl for our HorloiiH coiiHldcrntlon. tiiutond, It 1.4 closely nkln to Halloween a clay of !ranlR and larks. It In, mora or loss of u phantasmagoria of sentiment nnd nonsense combined. It Is, preomlnont ly, tlie day when Cupid reigns supremo and ovory form of celebration ncccnsiirlly harks hack, In ono way or another, to tho little cheruh with tho how and arrow. Tho nttltudo of tho average grownup toward St. Valentino's day lu ono of good-natured tolerance nnd endurance. In tho light of maturor years, tho wholo huslncBs of tho celebration Is apt to look mighty foolish. When ho was younger well, perhaps It wns dlfferont then hut ho has long slnco put aside child ish things. It Is all right for tho youngsters, who consider tho giving nnd receiving of valentines in much tho samo light as they regard Christmas pres ents from Santa Clous. Hut not for him, a grown-up. A modern celebration of St. Valentine's day, con sidered from various standpoints, really makes a difference In tho day's work of n surprising number of people. And not all of these so affected aro Inter ested In Cupid or tho ran dom shots from his bow. In fact, many brentho as when Uio day Is ovor as they do ufter Chrlstmns, tho Fourth of July, or any of tho rush-season holi days. If St. Valentino himself wero alive today, or If, by chanco Eusapla Palladlno could bo persuaded to coax the old man back from tho other sldo of tho Styx, ho would, In all probability, throw up his hands In astonishment and lady of tho Red Skirt In tho fable: "Land sukes! Can this be I?" In tho old days It was a most serious occasion attended by all sorts of superstition and painstak ing observance of quoor formulas and customs that BOoin moro llko fic tion than fact. Young men and young maidens paraded nil ovor country churchyards, by tho light of tho moon, nnd hold serious convcrso with owIb and hobgoblins, in splrjt at least If not In letter. In fact, It was qulto tho propor thing In England for a lovelorn lass to hlo herself Into tho church yard at midnight and ns tho clock struck 12 run around tho church and play tag with herself among tho tombstones, repeating nnon tho en lightening nnd touching llttlo doggerel: "I sow homp seed, hemp seed I sow; ho that loves mo bost co mo after mo now." Imagine Just imnglno If you can a certalu typo of twentieth century maid conducting hersolf In a fashion so violently at varlnnco with tho In structions of tho Ladles' Hum Journal and other Anthony Comstocks of femlnlno propriety! It cannot be Imagined not oven In ono's wildest dreams! It might have boom all right for her ancestors slmplo folk at best but not for hor! Nothing of that sort In hor family! Instead, It's flowers and bonbons nnd "real grown-up" presents for hers tho aforesaid flowers at one dollnr per, tho bon bons dono up In a fancy, sltkllned box and tho presents nnythlng thnt poor William can bo por uaded Into coming across with, from a Jabot to an aeroplane. It would bo pleasant, Indeed, to picture a cer tain Miss St. Valentino of tho present nil in a flutter over what tho patron saint of tho day will bring her. It appeals to tho mental nppotlto to picture all tho fair sex as tho samo gentle, shy, re tiring creatures of former days. Ab a mattor of fact, however, bucIi Is by no means tho case. Of courso, tho average wholosomo, mentally healthy girl Is Interested In St. Valentino's day. Of course, sho believes In It. Hut thoro are, It must bo confessed, many who find but llttlo mys tery about It for them, It Alfred sends u girl of this sort a five-pound box of bonbons, you can bot your last dollar ho Is going to let her know In soma wny that it camo from his, not from Tom or from Will. And If sho, In turn, bonds him a tlo or a package of shaving papers Inclosed In u vnlcu tlno cover you may bo equally euro uho will Inad vertently seo to It that tho young man Is nwaro of tho proper person to thank. Hut not all our girls aro llko that not by a great deal. There aro oomo still who onthuso over tinsel and gnuzo bearing dancing cuplds and bleeding hearts. Tender verses Btlll appeal to them, nnd old favorites aro still popular. "Tho rose Is red, tho violet blue; sugar is sweet and so aro you," still causes ti fluttering of tho honrt and a tell-tale blush. "I had a heart and It was true; It flew from mo and went to you. Treat It as well ns I havo dono, for you have two, and I have none," Is still cortaln of eliciting nn ecstatic sigh from Us fair recipient. But tho lad who will car ry off tho cundy this St. Valentino's day and put ono over on tho other chap la tho "broth of a boy" who manages to sccuro a dnlnty bofloworod missive beariug tho words "Oh, you kid!" Maybo tboy havo been manufactured, and may bo Uioy hnvo not. Thoy ought to bo, at all events. And don't forget llttlo Jane, tho dear ton-yoar-old mlto, who won't trust her vnlcntluo oven to tho postman, but Insists on delivering them hor solf in porson. Sho Is In somewhat of n quandary ns to whethor Eho hnd bettor remain lu hor own homo for tho oxqulslto Joy of flying to tho door ut tho first ring of tho boll on St. Valentino's ovo, y er, iiiq I'ourui or .inly or Memorial -Sv I l MU'Av I Sti s A v .'X r ii -a1-! rZr r MdBaBKk -EM Paw 0mMb mim mm iisvmir(Mijiiiilf jrmoir im' mw m ASSi l&- f00 5J j flinging it wide open and rushing wild ly out to detect, If possible, the' Hoeing donor of tho whlto missive lying on tho floor of the vestibule, or whether to Join her little companions In a sim ilar crusade to tho doorsteps of others whose mammas will not let them como out. Nor must wo overlook the comic valentines not because wo aro on the subject of children, be It under stood, for, though It does seem evi dent that thoy aro distributed by the llttlo lads And lassos, It would nover do to accuse them of It outright. No, Indeed, not even for ono slnglo little minute. These comics havo como to bo an im portant feature of tho modern celebration of St. Valentino's day. Some peoplo call them horrible distortions of clodhopper humor; but that de pends on tho condition of development of tho recipient's funny bono. If he's ticklish, ho wilt most llkoly smllo nnd let It go at that. If ho doosn't, you havo found a man without a saving senso of humor. Watch papa when ho gots his on St. Valentino's eve. If ho Just grlnB and makes some remark to tho effect that the manufacturer of the. valentine Is certainly up-to-dato in placing his caricatured tlguro In an aeroplane, you may bo suro he's a pretty good sort of a papa who believes in boys wearing their stockings out at tho knee. But It he doesn't, If Instead ho makes a wry face and wryer remarks ancnt tho unwholesomo Influence of such hideous atrocities upon the Juvenile mind; he Isn't well It might not hurt him to be reminded of tho days when ho was a kid himsolf. Tho real, good natured, beloved papa isn't apt to mind In tho least being labeled by the multi-colored carica ture pushed under tho door a "Nervy Nat," a "Grim Old Money Bags" or a "Walking Jewolry ' Store." Ho Just grins and sort of says to himself with a lump in his throat, "Well, I guess boys will be boys." And Sister Lu? It isn't altogether a pleasant occasion for hor, tho recolpt of a comic portray ing her as a vain vixen who spends most of tho day and a good part of tho evening admiring her solf in her mirror. It's n trlflo trying on one's dignity. Maidens In tho popular romances of the day never havo unplcnsant experiences of thnt sort or, nt least, If thoy do tho author forgets to mention them. But how different It Is when a "really, truly" Valentino arrives! Sister Lu is all Binlles nnd ex citement. Who could It have como from? Stop thnt, you Jane, it isn't yours at all, and you havo no business opening It. My, how beautiful how b-e-n-u-t-I-f-u-1! Violets! Um-u-m! Aren't thoy fragrant!" Papa and mnmma aro called in So boo what a gorgeous valentine Lu has rccolved. Pa makes Bomo remarks about being willing to venture a guess ns to the Identity of tho sender, with tho added Insltuntlon that the 2 tho violets cost might help some, at least, in furnishing an apart ment. But inn Just' smiles and Is pleased. "1 know who It's froml I know who It's from!" cries little Juno, dancing up nnd down and tens ing hor sister, with ono chubby llttlo forefinger working diligently bnck nnd forth In "Pshaw I For shame! " fashion upon the othor. Sister Lu makes a groat show of trying to think who In tho world could havo scut them. And sho appeals to mnmma for hor opinion In the mattor. Yes, mamma agrees, It might havo been Alfred, or It might havo been Will, or It might havo been any ono of a dozen other young men sho knows. But Tom? Why, Tom's name Is tho very last of all mentioned, though both sho nnd mamma know perfoctly well tho violets enmo from him. Humph! Llttlo Jano know It was Tom right away! Just as this moment, porhnpB, tho young hope ful of tho family comes stamping In. He is a sight! His stockings nnd trousers aro dlrtstain ed, whore ho ovldontly fell down, his hair la all tousled and his bunds and face are uanswer ablo testimony to the fact that the rising genera tion occasionally gots back to Mother Earth even In the private city streets, pessimists to tho con trary, notwithstanding. He has been having a great time. St. Valentine's night is almost as much fun as Halloween! Valentines? Sure, he's been giving valentines but they aren't exactly tho' kind Sister Lu or even llttlo Jane received. Ho's presented the almond-eyed Celestial down at the corner with a most touching reminder of how he looks when'ho Irons a shirt and he's hnd a thrilling, hnlr-brcadtjh escape from the aforesaid washee-washee, who couldn't see it as a Joke at all. Pshaw, a Chinaman never eould run anyway! Then thero waB old Peanut Caruse, who kept tho fruit stand on tho opposite corner. Poor, ex cltablo old Dago! If there hadn't have been quite so many little American devils In the gang he might have run one of them down and gotten his revenge. But, If ho did, what would become of his peanuts and his smooth, sleekly-polished ap ples In tho meantime, with all those other llttlo pests swarming around and yelling like Comanche Indians? And grandma uud grandpa. They sit quietly by In their big armchairs and smile complucently nt the enthusiasm of tho youngEtors. In their hearts are memories of other St. Valentino's eves 'way back In other days, In the dim and dis tant past, when they both wero young and the fever of love beat strong In their breasts. Thero are valentines for them now, for they are old and gray and their course of life is almost run, and, somehow, St. Valentine's day Is a day for tho young. But wait. What Is that on grandma's lap? Can It be? Yes It Is It's a valentine! Grandpa has remembered! It is not one of those gaudily-painted modern ones of elaborate manu facture; no, but an old-fashioned one of many layers of carved and curly-cued paper, framing a tiny picture of the Madonna and bearing the slmplo message: "Bo my valentine." It Is the kind grandma knew and learned to love long years ago when grandpa, then as fine a young dandy ns was to be found in all the country round, came sparking her. She smiles happily and nods across at tho old man, who understands all that sho feels and remembers. In tho morning tho mall man comes loaded down with more valentines. Indeed, It seems Just llko another Christmas to little Jane, when she beholds life pouch full to overflowing. But he can't see It In that light at all, or in any other light except thnt ho hns been lugging thnt blumed old pouch for ten squares, leaving something at almost every door, and tho darned old thing Is heavier than when ho first started out with it. Christmas Is bad enough, imd tho people who mndo those fool holiday stuntB ought to bo satis fied with plaguelng mail men once n year; but ' Instead, they don't give him tlmo to recover from tho Christmas avalanche of mall before they Jam all this crazy Valentine foolishness down his throat. After that pouch has gotten to a re spectable, convenient size so thnt It feels moro llko a mall pouch and less like a ton of coal tho mall man may appreciate tho sentimental Bide of the day. Ho may recall tho flushed, eager faces that fairly hurled themselves almost through tho door In their eagerness to snatch the mysterious letters from his hands. Ho may re call his own boyhood when ho himself both gavo nnd received valentines with childish gleo and couldn't understand why In tho world, on this of all mornings tho mall man was so late. If so ho smiles good naturcdly and remembers that every task, however onorous it may bo, has Its own re ward when viewed in tho right light. Watch your nowspapors on St. Vnlontlno'H day for ono particular nows Item eloping couplos who choso tho day because It Is especially Cupid's. Some years thoy nro many In numbor, and some times but few and far between. But thero Is al ways a half-dozen at least. Cupid soes to that himself. And to tho lovers themselves, it Is a day of nil daj-B, for each gives himsolf to tho other ns a renly truly valentine for life. Is Typhoid Conquered7 Vaccination to prevent smallpox Is to genera! In this country and has been so effective In abolishing whnt wns formerly one of tho most destruc tive scourges of the human race thnt nenrly everybody except the small number of people whose temperament predisposes them to "take the other Bide" accepts it nB a mntter of course and recognizes in it one of the great est blesslngB conferred by modern medical advancement. Hut typhoid vaccination Is somewhat comparative ly new, with which the public ns a wholo is not familiar. Yet It will be well for tho public to take heed of tho results that have been obtained by Its ubo In tho United States army. Cleveland Lender. Progress. "I low Is your Shakespearian club getting on?" "Splendidly. We learned two new steps last week." Life. They Mop the tickle l)onn'n Meutlin luted ('nucli Drop Mop cuuglm liv Mop pititf the cite ."it! .it Drug Store. We nro nover too old to learn the things that nro of no use to u. Beauty Is only skin deep. Also lots of modesty is only on tho surfuce. EM LiiitJ IjTST! . m ki w ? i- ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVegdablc Preparalion Tor As -simitating iheFoodandRegula ling the Stomachs and Dowels of i ffr1 .A.A- rA -JS. I ' " . Bears the i i loS K$ rii Signature lW ' w Promotes Digcstion.Cheerful- Mil Si ness and Rest. Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narc otic ftmp, tfOM DrSAMVSWmSIt of l! St limpftiit Stilt MxSfnnm faktlltUth Anin SnJ hyitrmint oiGir4aaUSnii hprm Stid Cnifit Suy -tt'mirfrrt Ztior f? i '? ;.: m ADcrfcct Remedy forConslipa MI lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, U Worms.Convulsions.Feverish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP k m Facsimile Signature of The Centauh Company, NEW YORK. $ s m Guaranteed under the Foodanl Exact Copy of Wrapper, The Sequence. "Just us we wero wondering where tho monoy for a feed was to como from, Billy Smith, who always has his pockets full, blew In -" "Well, what happened?" "A blow-out." JUDGE CURED, HEART TROUBLE. Isn't he?" I took about C boxes of Doddt Kid ney PHIb for Heart Trouble from which I had suffered for G years. I had dizzy spells, my eyes puffed, feur." my breatn was short and I had chills and back ache. I took the pills about a year ago and have had no return of the palpitations. Am now 63 years old, ablo to do lots of manual labor, am and wolgh about Judge Miller, well and hearty 200 pounds. I feel very grateful that I found Dodds Kidney Pills nnd you may publish this letter If you wish. I am serving my third term ns Probate Judge of Gray Co. Yours truly, PHILIP MILLER, Cimarron, Kan. Correspond with Judge Miller about this wonderful remedy, Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box at your dealer or Doddt Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household Hints, also music of National Anthem (English and German words) and re cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free. Adv. lu addition to the love of money there are tho queer ways we have of getting rid of it. i I I I I :V1 i fl At That Weak Back accompanied by pain here or there extreme nervousness aleaplessness may be faint pella or apaams all are aignala of distress (or a woman. She may be growing from girlhood into womanhood passing from womanhood to mothorhood or later suffering from that change Into middle life which leaves so many wrecks of women. At any or all of these periods of a woman's life he should take a tonic and nervine prescribed for just auch cases by a physician of vast experience In the diseases of women. DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription fcaa successfully treated more esses in put forty years than any other known remedy. Ik eon now DO naa in augar-coaiea, taoiei ionn u wen ns tu ua uquiu. duiu iy raouicuisi dealers or trial box by mail on receipt of CO centa In stamps. Mil Elizabeth Lordahl of Berkeley . Cal., In a recent letter to Dr. Plerea said: "I was completely' broken downlnheal tKlwasacblnBanA had pains allovermy body andwat so norvout that Icould : ream If anyone talked to m. but I had the good fortune to meat a nuno who had boen cured by Or. I'lerce'a aTrascrlptlon. 1 bay never had an occasion to consult a phyilcum since am In excellent health." Vtmrrr.'M neatunt Pelleta reanaJate atoaaack. liver jmI horreta ourar-coated. tiny craaiHlaai The old toper's pack of trouble ts always full and slopping ovor. II 1 1 1 1 1 II It's a Pleasure to ,be able to eat your meals without fear of an attack of HEARTBURN BLOATING FLATULENCY NAUSEA OR INDIGESTION To bring about this con dition you should invig orate tho entire digestive system by the use of HOSTETTERS STOMACH BITTERS CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought wtf 111 tx,r In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA tub eiNTAim ooMumr. ftn vo oitt. Complimentary. "Harold, I dreamed about you last night." "You dear girl, did you?" "Yes. I think it was something I ato." Judge. Quite Frenchy. "Your friend is always dialling, "Yes, Indeed: no Is qulto a chaur- "r .magnmceni rw - n m MOOKyjf CrOpS in mJ western utm lAll carta of the Province of Maaitoba, Suluttcfc wan and Alberta, have Dtoduced won derful Vielda of Whaat. Oala. Barlay and Flas. Wheat sraded vfrom Contract to No. 1 Hard. ' welshed heavy add yUldad from 20 to 4B butbala per acre; ZZ bushela wsa bout the total averase. Miaad Farm. I , ina may be conaidered fully aa orofit. able an Industry as sraln raising. The 1 excellent Brasses full of nutrition, am ' the only food required either for beef N or dairy purposes. In I912.andasalnin ' 1913. at Chlcaro. Manitoba carried off i tba Champioiuhip for boar staer. Good schools, markets convenient.climate ex. cellent. For the homesteader, the man V who wishes to farm extensively, or the investor, Canada offer the biggest op portunity oi any place on tne continent. Apply for descriptive literature and I reduced railway rate to Superintendent of Immlaration. Ottawa, Canada, or to W.V.BENNETT Bee Building Omahat Neb. Canadian I Government Agent I mB met 1 Vi iW-.s' '4;j,' ''." WwjLiJ , .aV -.. if- MiaViij n ..i.lr -..j ,-m --..-- -. - - - - -T LJ 1 7. ' Z i4&