The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 29, 1914, Image 8

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MiVW idftliMinrijTii
SH&Ffit j, 'jfcpftgwWffrS
.lcrry Dunne and his girls (Nora nnd
Eva) also C. McCoalo were tho guests
of Mrs. A. Loadabrand last Sunday.
Frank Ilyan, Jim K" 'd Clyde
Fruit wcro In lied Cloud ono day last
week transacting bualueM, the former
hauling hogs.
.Jack Lcadabrand ""! J"ck Shuck
lot liauli'd n couple of loads of hops to
Kod Cloud last Sal iiuliiy. They brought
back (tome merchandise for the neigh-
Koss.lolinstoii who was thingeroiisly
111 with appendicitis In now gulling
along nicely. Dr. Moiiison of Smith
Center, Kansas, is tlio ntlendlng phy
sician. Tho ingrlppo is quite pievalciit out
In this iinlKl.liorlioritl. Uel ltarber,
wife ami one of his children hud n bad
attack dining tho P't woek. AImi
l-'ied Hooper and fioine of his elilhliou,
besides his wile was nlllng. hut with
mi altogetlier different epidemic, It
Wing pivuouiiecd or teiincdu "tern
porary feminine epidemic." In tw
days a line, health.v 13 pound girl ar
rived, so 1V the aklll, energy and In
strument illty of Dr. Monlson of
Smith Center, Kaunas, all phase or
tho epidemic was completely elimin
ated, besides the joyful event acted lis
a powerful accessory In curing FrodV
eohl, bo now cliuurfulluuss seems to be
the dominant and characteristic feat
ure In the family.
Mrs. Iiiiisa Alles, who was quite sick,
is hotter now.
Will Fisher was doctoring a sick
hoise Sunday. "
Mr. UYailoy liobblns bus been work
ing for (luy Barnes.
Mr. McKlhtinuv has u job hauling
hay for Floyd Christian.
Tom Hawkins was attending a hick
horse Sn inlay and Monday.
IM. Wiggins shipped three loads of
citllu to market on Sunday.
tiny Barnes bought a span of giey
mures at the Wiggln's silo last week.
Fine warm weather for this time of
tho year. Hardly any frost lu the
Pete Manloy was a pleasant falter
at Will Fisher's Sulmtlay ultrlit and
Al Smith took a load of machinery
up to the place north of town, onto
which ho Is moving.
The danco ut Hen Watt's on Satur
day night drew a lingo crowd and
evuiyouo reported u good time.
Mr. Chas. Friable was up from Les
ter Wednesday taking In the Institute.
Fullor , Adamson shipped u car of
cattle to the river market Wednesday.
llonry Ollham was up from Red
Cl6ud Tuesday to attend thu Institute.
Mr. Clins. Adamson shipped a oar of
stock to St. Joo Wednesday. Ho ac
companied tho same.
Mr. und Mrs. W. 1). Kdson of Hod
Cloud was up Wednesday attending
tho Farmer.V Institute.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevo McCoy was visit
ing friends and relatives in Bhulen
the fori) part of tho week.
Mr. W. Heinlngton of Franklin
county came lu Wednesday for a short
stay with friends and relatives.
Harry (ill hum of lied Cloud was on
our streets Tuesday slinking hands
with old friends and attending tho
I'M Koou had two cars of iceshippod
In Tuesday. They unloaded them
after night In oidur to keep tho ice
from melting. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Llpplucott who live
across, tho river was up Tuesday to
attend tho Institute. They seemed
very much ploasedwith tho program
and thu display
J. T. Uutleugo Was hotno over San
dfly. Hay Mayo lost n valuable horse on
Tuesday of this week.
O. 11. Micheals was hauling hogs to
Inavaio one day last week.
Mrs. 0. II, Micheals was n pleasant
caller nt W K. Uoan'sou Monday.
' .1. W. Kelglo sold -lames Vaneo 21
hrrfd of hogs on Saturday of last week.
jnmes Hroomtleld from Alberta,
Canadu, Is visiting old friends at Ina
vale. Van Negloy and wife were calling on
Charles Itohkol and family on Tuesday
of this week.
O. l Harvey bought a nice bunch of
shoats from 'Charles Jeifry one day this
Miss lva Kutlcdgo spent Sunday at
home. She is attending High school
mt Red Cloud.
George Morrow and wife attended
tho basket hall uamo at Ktvcrton on
Friday evonfiig of lust week.
Alox Davison was In this vicinity one
day last week posting sale bills, hu In
tonds moving to Indiana and we are
sorry to loose him.
Inavale Is sure an entertaining little
town, as they have had two ptigiilistlc
bouts on the streets in the last two
weeks, nnd nil free of charge, to the
looker on.
Tho Hrcad contest given by W. It.
Wonderly on Saturday of last week
was surely a grand success, the llko of
good bread yo wrltor nover saw, i!8
loaves in till. The results were that
Mis. A. E. Harwell took first premium
that lining ii sack of Hour and (?'J, Mrs.
Hay Iturwell reeelved seconded pie
mitiiii a sack of ilouriiiul ?1, Mrs C A.
Waldo third pieiuluiu a sack of Hour.
The Judges of tlio contest were: Mis
Matkln, Mrs. It. I). Davis and AIim. W.
I'. Bonn
Mid-Winter Advertising
'Pu the man who follows tho iirtvur-
tlsliiL' and real ist ite trade game for a
puiiod of years, (ho buying public re
solves itself hugely Into two classtH,
Klist, there are the people who buy
when ihev feol like it. or run short of
in ticks, without muoli Hstein?Seeoud,
those who wateli thu local trade mark
et as keenly as Uui buyer of a manu
facturing concern watches the cm in
incrciul impei s.
That uiiiv take time, but ll'u ncien-
tlllc biijlng. Tho canny housewife
knows Unit in the mouth of January,
tlie merchant Is up against the proposi
tion of leducing stocks. Not all his
ventures have succeeded. Ho did not
tvxpeot them to. Some chances must
ho taken. 1 1 regularities in weather
and caprices of popular tuMe have left
parts of his stock unsold. Ilo must do
one of two things. Carry stock over,
borrow money to hold It, pay heavier
insurance, take chances of style
changes or deterioration, or cut his
Thu majority of the meichants cut
prices regularly during the hitter half
of tho winter to meet these conditions.
Tho sclent lllc house buyer makos the
hulk of tho winter purchases dining
this period. What Is not needed this
season will be useful another winter
Tills trade is mostly reimheil through
advertising. Hvery advertisement at
this time of year is closely scanned,
not merely with thu casual hope of
some unexpected bargain that may fit
in soino time, but in. pursuance with a
settled policy of buying In thu lowest
As it takes too much time to run
around the stoics and seu what the
merchants are doing the public watch
es thu newspapers, and visits the
places that have made known their
bargains January Is peculiarly a
month when the newspaper is a
dlieotory of economy. Tho people
who don't read the store advertising
tnlsn chances to keep the cost of living
down. Omaha Examiner
Fair Board Elects
At the session of the board of agri
culture hist Wednesday tho following
members wore elected: Charles Mann,
Dawes county; W. It. Mollor, Sherman
county; Peter Youngors, Fillmore
county; V. Arnold, Kichardson county;
Wm. Foster, Lancaster county; It. M.
Wolcott, Merrick county; Joseph
Uobort, Dodge county; Geo. 1 Dick
man, Seward county; W. D. Banning,
Cass county; J. II, Taylor, Douglas
county: Jacob Sus&, Sarpy county; .1.
H. Kyun, Ued Willow comity; H. It. I
Purcell, Coster county; V T. Leftwich,
Howard county; T ll.Keedto, Kearney
county. These men weio elected by
tlm oillcor.s and delegates of the county
fair associations and the members of
the state hoard of agriculture. The
members unaulmously elected the fol
lowing otllcois; Joseph Roboit, presi
dent; J A. Ollls, of Old, first, lice
president; U. M. Wolcott, sec aid vice
president; George V. Dlokman, treas
urer and W. U. Mellor, secretary.
Farmers At Short Course
Itegtitratlou is still In progress for
tboblx weeks' short course of the
School of Agriculture. Lincoln, Ne
braska At tho pres-ont time the en
rollment Is approaching tho two hun
dred mark. TIicm' come from all pai ts
of tho state. Denu llurnott or the
College of Agriculture says that the
number of people taking agricultural!
work In the college at the present time
IsKIj, und that thuro are ptactlcally
GG5 students In tho Agricultural High
School lu its Long and Short Courses
It will be neeoxsary to add to this thu
number who will register for tho but
ter-makers' course which begins Feb
ruary Oth, and the Domestic Science
course to be held during Organized
Agriculture At tho present time the
total number studying agriculture in
tho University of Nebraska at Lincoln
iu i,niit 1000. In addition to this
there are about 1117 enrolled li) the
Agricultural High School ut Curtis.
, Hair Work
LAi)lK8-.Mr. Frtid Plumb will inuko
switches out of combings or cut hair.
Cull at residence, 703 North Kim St.
ouo block east of school house. 3 5
YOU know what that
v aT. V uuu.viwi.iiuB lei tvuu jam your iamuy. its up to you to take care
of yourself. It s up to you, whenever you don't feel right, to take something to make you right, to strengthen
you, build you up,-ward oft worse sickness, protect you ar.d your family! That thing wc have, and fa
offering it to you pimect you against money risk, by personally promising you that if it doesn't protect
you against sickness, woMl givo you back your money without a word cr question. It is
It Is the
i( iyt ' "rurw.Gi.Ti, i
It d.v ii'l jncrt!y ctiniu'a'
lH.itiia1. i uuditicu.
It id n real S'rvp-fooil t'ini n real builder of healthy ncrvrci,
bloo J, Btrona; rr.itsclos, (food c'.Ucn.
It conlnir i tho Hypop!io-t hitej, to (one tlm iiervcs anl pivo cnen,
nn,l puro Olive Oil, to notiri. '- the itervea, tho blood, the entire tiybtuin,
nnd givo vitality, atreiisth and hialth.
It h jiloasanl to take, the greasy flavor of the Olivo Oil having been
For you who arc tired out, nervous, run-tlown, debilitated, weak,
cmscinted for convaloscculH for old people Mm
Oil KiniilRinn nit tlm host merino
niflUn 011(1 Unnn vn., wnll nml .Irnnn
.. ....,, j ..... ... u..u..u.
Dr. J. C Caldwell
Calls Anuwerod Day or Night
OlllcoTolplionui: lloll.W. ltnl. Ti.
Hon. TUoplionwf: Hill. Kfil'JTl; lnu.lA
Office Over . A- Albright's Stan:
Rctflou(l, :- Nebraska
J. (1. EkMflGER
General Auctioneer ,
Former Customers. ,., t
Write or Phone '
fed Cloud. - Nefar.
h'l immWkSm''mmWmWf
Best Rerunedj;
l iatUT t hr.', the fr.uf.c.
..-oil nnd tnr l:o y u iVnl Rood for :v (or
.Kucc.1, ami bu:i-J3 you up to a. healthy,
wo know of In i Sold only nltho70WafflsS
I GfCatCSt DfUg btOrOS
Sold In this
health if it doesn't, tho money is yours, and we want you to
" '" e.-r.vT-1
THE ALARM is u dreadful thiiiR
OF FIRE for tho man without
lusurnmio. Every time be sees t he j
engines racing along ills heart comes j
up lu his throat if tho fire is anywhero
ilpur Ills ulni'iv Wlnit follv. wlnit mis-1
i '
taken economy,
THE COST OF is so small that it
INSURANCE need hardly bo
Considered, The froodom from worry
alone is worth it many times over
Have us insure you to-day.
Rmllabl Insurance.
';-ptmT.: t.r
Bills-Debtsr You know you
out cf tho !rug bus'uess right hero in
.ok! Si A'M.l I H
" Tr Wli i Tiiia
..;2r-jiij,'-iif mimn&imivmymmmmm
! 0 B 1 B 8 Wji Jl &! u
io I " t remedy .o can for whatever ailment voii nmv htivn. nml
bu.'ineus Bensa
:nsa demands that vo recommend nothing unless we know it'a
. o lenow i vexal Ohvo Oil Emulsion in good. Wo belicvo it is tho
I)o?t builder of health, encrpy and Btrein;th there is made. Wc know it w
Krcatly hclpiiiK many of your neighbors. Wc bclievo that it will make
you well and utrong again, and Favc you money nnd worry -n tho end.
Wo feci it is cood business for us to recommend Rcxall Olivo Oil
mulMon and Ret you to use it, because wo know you'll thank us after
ward for making our confidence in it bo plain that you didn't hesitate
io iaKo us nt our
ou havo used it, you'll bo as enthusiastic about it as
io nro nnd will recommend it to vnnr frinnds. Road
Stores thsWorld
$1.00 a bottlo
tovn enly by us
our money-back ouarantoo and net a bottlo today.
4BO ACRES 0222
Uuder tho new homestead law you can file on a free :i20 neroihotuestoad
jn Wyoming at a cost of 8'.2.00 and buy 100 acre:, of Boverninent pusturn land
udjoiulug for S1.23 per acre.
NEW HOMESTEAD FOLDER: Our new homestead folder jast from the press
will tell you all about tlm aereago of Koveriiment laud In each of the.
counties nlong the Burlington in Wyoming, and contains nlot of informa
tion of value o you.
TIMBER AND COAL: You.oun take up the,o lands where timber, coal and'
building stone mav be luil free of charge within reasonablo distance.
Sucli an opportunity ought to inten-st yon. Write mo today for a copy
(of this new Free CJovornnu-'nt Laudi Folder.
WE assure you that our
groceries can be de
pended upon for any or all
of your meals. Fresh goods
added to our stock every
week. C Are you one of
our rnany k satisfied custo'
mers? J If not, we solicit
a trial order. .'
You Can
Try This,
At Our Risk
can't afford to get sick.
your town. It is our duty to give
word. Wc also feci Biiru that onco
have it.
D. Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent
too rarnam Qt., Omaha, Nebraska