The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 29, 1914, Image 7

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Penalty for Restraint of Commerce,
Unfair Business and Interlocking
Directorates Ample Provisions
Made for Trade Commission.
Washington, Jan. 23. Thu adminis
tration's trust bills, embodying the
program laid down by tho president In
his recnt ineBBUgo, have been presum
ed to congress.
The bills have received the approval
of Mr. Wilson and tho Democratic
leaders of both houses of congress.
With llttlo modification they will be
enacted Into law. Their purposes are:
1. Definition of unlawful monop
oly or restraints of trade.
12. Prohibition of unfair trade
3. Creation of ati interstate
trade commission.
4. Regulation of corporation dl
doctorates and prohibition of in
terlocking directorates.
Unlawful Monopoly Defined.
Unlawful monopoly is dutlned as
any combination or agreement be
tween corporations, llrms, or persons
designed for the following purposes:
1. To create or carry out re
strictions in trado or to acquire a
monopoly in any Interstate trade,
business, or commerce.
2. To limit or reduce tho pro
duction or increase the price of
merchandise or of any commodity.
3. To prevent competition in
manufacturing, making, transport
ing, Belling, or purchasing of mer
chandise, produce, or any com
4. To make any agreement, en
ten into any arrangement, or ar
rive at any understanding by
which thoy, directly or Indirectly,
undertake to prevent a free and
unrestricted competition t among
themselves1 or among any pur
chasers or consumers in the sale,
production, or transportation of
any product, article, or commod
ity. The penalty for violation of the law
(s fixed at not more than $5,000 or Im
prisonment for one year or both.
Guilt is made personal through a
ectlon that whenever a corporation
hall be guilty of the violation of the
law the offense shall be deemed to
cover the Individual directors, officers,
and agents of such corporation, as
authorizing, ordering, or doing the
prohibited acts, and they shall bo pun
ished as prescribed above.
A ' paragraph prohibiting 'holding
companies is to be added to this meas
ure. Covert Unfair Trade Practices.
The bill forbidding unfair trade
practices declares that to discriminate
in price, between different purchasers
of commodities, with the purpose or
Intent to injure or destroy a competi
tor, either of the purchaser or of the
seller, shall be deemed an attempt to
monopolize Interstate commerce.
It is specifically declared that, the
law is not Intended to prevent" dis
crimination In price between purchas
ers of commodities "on account of
difference In the grade, quality, or
quantity of the commodity sold, or
that makes only due allowance for
difference In the cost of transporta
tion." Further, it Is prescribed that noth
, lng contained In the act shall prevent
persons from selecting their own cus
tomers, "but this provision shall not
authorize the owner or operator of
any mine engaged In selling Its prod
uct in Interstate or foreign comjnerco
to refuse arbitrarily to sell the same
to a responsible person, firm, or cor
poration, who applies to purchase."
An attempt at monopoly also is de
clared to exist for any person to make
a sale of goods, wares, or merchandise
or fix a price charged therefor, 'or dis
count from or rebate upon such price,
on the condition or understanding
that the purchaser thereof Bhall not
deal In the goods, wares, or merchan
dise of a competitor or competitors of
the seller.
Deals With Damage Suits.
A Judgment against any defendant
In a suit brought under the anti-trust
law the bill provides shall constitute
as against such defendant conclusive
evidence of the same facts and be
conclusive as to tho same Isbucb of
law In favor of any other party In any
other proceeding brought under and
Involving the provisions of the law.
For the benefit of parties Injured in
their business or property, by any per
son or corporation found guilty of vio
lating the law the statute of limita
tions applicable to such cases shall be
Injunctive relief Is accorded against
threatened loss or damage by a viola
tion of tho act under the same condi
tions and principles that Injunctive re
lief against threatened conduct which
will cauBe loss or damage is granted
by courts of equity.
It is required that a proper bond
hall be executed against damages for
an injunction improvldently granted,
and It must be shown that tho danger
of Irreparable loss or damage is im
mediate. Hits Interlocking Directorates.
Concerning directorates, tho bill on
that subject, which Is to beconio ef
fective two years from date of ap
proval of the act, provides:
"No person engaged as an Individ
ual or as a member of a partnership
or as a director or other ofllcer of a
corporation in the business of soiling
i'allronil cars or locomotives, or rail
road rails or structural steel, or min
ing or selling coal, or conducting a
bank or trust company, shnll act us a
director or other officer or employe of
nny railroad or other public servlco
corporation which conducts an Inter
state business.
"No person shall at tho same time
be n director or other ofllcer or em
ploye In two or moro federal reserve
linnks, nntlonnl bunks, or banking as
sociations, or other bunks or tniRt
companies which nre members of nny
reserve hank; nnd a private hanker
and n person who is n director In any
stuto bank or trust company not oper
ating under tho provisions of the re
cent currency law shnll not he eligible
to perve us a director In nny bunk or
banking association or tniBt company
operating under the provlblons of the
Vlolntlon of these sections Is made
punishable by a fine of $100 a day, or
by Imprisonment not exceeding one
year, or both.
If any two or more corporations
have common director or directors,
tho fact shall bo conclusive evidence
that them exists a real competition
between such corporation and such
elimination of competition shall be
construed us u restraint of Interstate
trado and be treated accordingly.
The trade commission bill provides
for commission of five members, with
the commissioner of corporations ns
chairman, nnd transfers all tho exist
ing powers of tho bureau of corpora
tions to the commission.
The principal 'and most Important
duty tho commission besides conduct
ing Investigations will be to aid the
courts when requested In tho forma
tion of decrees of dissolution.
With this In view, the bill empow
ers he court to refer any part of pend
ing ll.tlgutlon to the commission, In
cluding the proposed decree, for infor
mation and advice.
Much Criticism for Bills.
The trust bills as framed will be
the subject or sharp criticism on tho
part of progressives of all parties who
claim they do not go far enough. It
will be declared that the definition of
monopoly remains inadequate that the
prohibition of unfair trade practice
does not cover this evil In our econ
omic life that interlocking stock con
trol is not covered and that the pow
ers of the proposed trade commission
are insufficient.
It Is interesting to note that the
proposal to place the burden of proof
upon a combination believed to be vio
lating the law hus been omitted. No
attempt Is made to prevent or destroy
monopoly based on patents. The great
est difficulty exerienced in the effect
ive enforcement of the law has been
found to be In the unwillingness of
the courts to impose Jail penalty. It
remains optional under the proposed
measures wiht the courts to fine or
Trade Board May Disappoint.
In connection with the trade com
mission President Wilson declared in
his message that the country "de
mands such a commission only as an
Indispensable instrument of Informa
tion and publicity aa a clearing house
for the facts by which both the pub
lic mind and the managers of great
business undertakings should be
The bill prescribes that the commis
sion acts are to constitute a "public
record" but the body Is authorized
to make public the information "in
such form and to such extent as may
be necessary" or "by direction of the
attorney general."
It Is apparent that the publU mind
cannot be guided unless it has the
facts, and then It will not get unless
the commission or the attorney gen
eral deems It politic.
In other words, public hearings will
not bo held as they are held by the
interstate commerce commission.
Settlement of Differences.
The most Important feature of the
bill Is that which legalizes the policy
of the administration of terminating
an unlawful condition by agreement
between tho combination attacked and
tho attorney general.
This feature Is comprehended under
a section which requires the commis
sion, upon the request of the attorney
general or any corporation affected,
to Investigate whether a combination
is violating tho law. In case the com
mission should find the violation to
exist it must teport to the attorney
general a statement of the objection
able acts and transactions and the
readjustments necessary for tho of
fending combination to conform to
the law.
These conclusions are to be "ad
visory to the attorney general in ter
minating by agreement with the cor
poration affected or by suing the said
unlawful conduct or condition."
In other words, whatever may be
the agreement made by the attorney
general with the combination Investi
gated, it will give the reorganized
combination legal standing, so long as
It conforms to the term of the agree
ment. Thus it Is proposed to place by law
a tremendous power In the hands of
the attorney general. This power has
been assumed to attorneya general,
and particularly so by Mr. McRey
nolds; Will Give Courts Advice.
In a statement accompanying the
bill made by Congressman Clayton,
chairman of tho house Judiciary com
mittee, it is said that the "principal
and most Important duty of tho com
mission, besides conducting Investiga
tions, will bo to aid the courts, when
requested, In tho formation of decrees
of dissolution,
Charming Afternoon
mWJW S- '' v 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
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PAQUIN, who delights In surprising
ub with novel and Intricate gowns,
sometimes charms us with the sim
plest of creations which still embody
the stamp ot Paquin distinction. Ono
of the latter is pictured In the illus
tration here. The skirt Is of black
charmeuse with a little coatee of
black velvet and a bodice of plaited
The skirt is a marvel of clever ad
justment to the lines of the figure by
means ot shaping and the least possi
ble draping. It is made in one with
the corsage which includes the little
coat and bodice effect. A more prac
tical development of the toilette would
manage to make the coat separate,
because It could be removed indoors
or worn as a separate coat with other
gowns. ,
The coat Is trimmed with fashion
able skunk fur in a fine silky grade.
This fur varies bo much In quality that
some sklnB are worth twice as much
and more than others. It la used on
practically every outside garment
which women wear.
This gown should be chosen by
those of plump figure who wish to
wear velvet Like other pile fabrics
velvet must be carefully managed and
APPARENTLY the combination of
white with black crepe haB come
to stay. In those shops that special
ize In this branch of apparel one sees
a great deal ot whlto crepe used In
millinery. In the winter time It ap
pears in facings or borders, or in
made ornaments. It Is In facing hats
of black crepe that It Is best liked.
For summer mourning, white crepe
is used more extensively. All-white
hats, and combinations of black and
white crope, in which the latter pre
dominates, gives ub a new kind of
mourning millinery 'in which it Is pos
sible to be comfortable and to look
cool as well.
The method of draping veils varies
with the season and with Ideas that
eater the realm of fashion and suc
ceed In remaining there. The veil ot
crepe Is only moderately long now
end usually draped In a box plait at
the back. It may bo widened to
hang from the sides of tho shape as
shown In the Illustration, or narrowed
to hang straight down.
Tho cropo veil la, In fact, not worn
VbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBVbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHsbW V
Ml JbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWWbbbbbbbbsbbbbV
Gown by Paquin
Is best made up along plain and s
vero lines, like those shown In the
model pictured.
There Is not much warmth in an
outside garment which leaves th
chest uncovered, and therefore simi
lar little coats are shown with wide,
revers to turn forward when one la
outdoors and away from the chest In?
doors. But the lovely Paquin model,,
which we are studying, was not de
signed so much with reference to Its
practical side as to its picturesque
and novel appearance. The clever banj
dling of tho fastening In front, whero
ribbon is wrapped about the fur and
we arc left to wonder how thq wear
er gets into or out of the gown, is
most attractive.
The standing and full riff of tulle
is a wonderful touch In the finishing
of the costume.
In keeping with it, and not taking
the attention r.t all, the fur trimmed
turban of black velvet with its little
nosegay of gay flowers is just the hat
for this gown. The ensemble leaves
nothing to be desired, It Is simple
enough to please the most quiet taste
and distinctive enough to suit the
most discriminating dresser.
as a veil but as a part ot the com
position of hats for first mourning.
Small face-veils of net, with narrow
border of crepe are supplied on the
models that carry the long crepe veils.
All models in mourning millinery are
made up In the fashionable shops In
either white or black, except In cases
where the character of the design
calls for a combination of the two or
for one color alone.
The manufacture of crepe has been
so perfected that It has become prac
tical for peoplo of moderate means.
The waterproofing processes have
made it among the most durable of
fabrics instead ot fragile, as it uspd
to bo. Wo are Indebted to the Eng
lish manufacturers for this fine
achievement. Crepe used to be a
luxury which only rich people could
really afford.
Comforter Slip.
Make your comforter in tho UBua'i
way, using white cheesecloth next to
the cotton. Take your sllkollne or
other goods; steam it up in tho usual
way, sewing tho edges together to-'
form a slip; now slip It on tho white
comforter and tie enough to hold it in
place. When comforter becomes soiled,
take the slip off and launder; hang
tho cotton on the line. Deat lightly,
with the carpet beater; you will havo
a clean comforter without tho usual'
hard labor of lifting a heavy wet
comforter, and your cotton will stay,
soft and fluffy much longer. Los An
geles Express.
New Chiffon Bags.
The newest thing in bags to carry
In the afternoon and evening is made
of figured chiffon with a brown back
ground, figured with yellow roses in
an indistinct design.
This Is mounted over cloth of gold
and silver stripes and has a silver
clasp and chain.
Another bag is mado of mauve and
groen chiffon mounted over silver
cloth. Silver cords are used for draw
strings at the top and a silver tasslo
Is fastened to the pointed end of
the bag.
Items of Interest Gathered from Re
liable Sources and Presented In
Condensed Form to Our
Wi'stt'in Nenp.ipor Union News Service.
Is there nn Arthur county In (Nebras
ka? This Is a question which tho bu
promo court of tho statu has been called
upon to decide. Twenty-ono years ago
there was nn Arthur county, it was
adjoining Mcl'hcrson county In tho
sand hills region. At that tlmo an
election was hold to seo If tho voters
In tho two counties wanted to combine
them Into ono county. Residents woro
scarce. Thoro wcro thirteen voters In
Arthur county and cloven voted for
annexation with McPherBon county,
two voting against It. All the fifty
two votors In McPhorson county voted
In the atllrmatlve, no Arthur county
ceased to exist. About a year ago
eomeono dlscocrcd that tho records
show thnt only ono voto Is recorded
ugalnat annexation, nnd It was con
cluded that rIuco thoro were two such
votes cast tho Job of Joining tho coun
ties was not legally done. To settle
tho mutter tho present case was
brought by Attorney General Martin
questioning tho right of a sot of offi
cers selected to govern Arthur county,
tho legislature having authorized tho
organization of it at tho last session
of tho lawmakers.
Historical Society Wants a Home.
An appeal for a building In which
historical material of Nebraska should
bo preserved for ages to como and a
scoring of tho state for not providing
such a structure, wcro delivered uy
John Leo Webstor In his address at
tho annual meeting ot tho Nebraska
State Historical society. Ho declared
that the state, while making largo ap
propriations for hog serum and fish,
soldiers nnd criminals, was Indifferent
to the society which would have died
but for voluntary contributions and
membership fees.
"Tho same legislature appropriated
four times as much money, or $28,000,
to cultivate fish In little ponds," said
Mr. Webster, "and four times as much,
or $30,000, for hog serum, as if both
llsh and hogs wcro four times as
precious In the estimation of our peo
ple bb the history of our pioneers, or
tho founders of our states."
Want Camp Re-established.
A petition Is being circulated among
tho cadets of tho university In tho
causo of reestablishing an annual mili
tary camp. Tho custom of holding a
enmp for tho university cadets In the
spring was disbanded ono year ago,,
because of disorder and disregard -of
rules. Tho officers' club is behind the
movement, and will present the peti
tions to tho university senate In the
hope ot securing permission to hold an
encampment this spring.
Red Cloud After Reformatory.
The city of Red Cloud, which has
noarly 2,000 population, would like to
have the new state reformatory for
Junior criminals located there. Mayor
Saunders called on the board of con
trol recently a.nd mentioned tho ad
vantages of his' town, Including fine
climate, good material for making
brick and concrete, good land for farm
ing and a general record of good crops,
To Head Off Tubucular Cattle.
Steps to prohibit the importation ot
sattlo from New York, and Ulnols may
be taken by tho Nebraska Dairy
Breeders' association. While no offi
cial action has so far been taken on
thlB specific matter, a committee was
appointed to confer with the sanitary
board at tho state house. On this com
mittee E. W. Badger of Coutral City
and L. Tomplln of Palmer were named.
The association members expressed
tho belief that dairymen In New York
and Illinois are attempting to unload
their tuberculosis cattle on Nebraska
and other middle weBt farmers and
thoy Intend that this practice shall be
E. G. Maggl or tho state pardon
ooard has gone to Anamosa, In., to at
tend a session of tho Iowa board of
Announcement has been made that
over ono thousand dollars in prizes
will be distributed to boys entering
tho 1914 com growing contest. Tho
work Is conducted by tho Extension
Servlco, College of Agriculture, Uni
versity Farm, at Lincoln, la a part of
tho national contest under tho direc
tion of tho United Stqtes Department
of Agrlculturo and of the regular boys'
and girls' club work. Last year there
wcro 850 Nebraska boys who entered
the contest. Two of thorn made a
trip to Washington In November In
company with Miss Peterson, the state
assistant in charge of the work. A
free trip to Washington Is one of the
prizes offered each year. In addition
to this, there aro prizes offered by
districts and by counties. Every boy
has a chance at sonio prize. The work
is especially valuablo, for lessons are
sent from tho Extension Service of
tho college each month calling atten
tion to special points to be observed
In getting big yields at a small cost.
Contests aro also conducted In garden
ing (especially emphasizing tho growth
of tomatoes for 1914), In potato grow
ing and In various linos of work for
the girls, such as cooking and sewing,
Make It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxur
iant and Remove Dandruff Real
Surprise for You.
Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluf
fy, abundant and nppcnrs as soft, lus
trous and beautiful as a young girl's
after a "Dandorlno hair cleanBo." JuBt
try this moisten a cloth with a little
Dnnderlno nnd carefully draw It
through your hair, taking ono small
strand at a tlmo. This will cleanse
tho hair ot dust, dirt nnd oxccsslvo oil
and In Just a tow moments you have
doubled the beauty of your hair,
ltasldcs beautifying the hair at once,
Dandorlno dissolves every particle ot
dandruff; cleanses, purlflos and Invig
orates tho scalp, forovor stopping Itch
lug and falling hair.
Hut what will please you most will
be after a few wooks" use whon you
will actually seo new hair fine and
downy at first yes but really new
hair growing all over the scalp. If
you euro for pretty, soft hair and lota
of It, suroly get n 25 cent bottlo of
Knowlton's Dandorlno from any store
and just try It. Adv.
Future John D.
Apropos of compulsory school at
tendance, Superintendent Maxwell
said In Now York:
"A certain Yakublcka, a Hohomlan
urchin, rose suddenly tho other after
noon in tho midst ot tho lesson, plied
his books In nn orderly heap and pro
ceeded to clump out ot tho room.
" 'Ynkublcka, where are you golngY
tho aBtontshod teacher asked.
" 'Teacher,' Yakublcka answered,
gravely, 'exactly fourteen years ago,
at 3 o'clock In the afternoon, I was
born. So I am now entitled to quit
"From tho doorway he waved his
hand at his fellow students.
" 'So long, fellers,' ho Bald. 'I'm off
ito learn pants-making. "
Knew What Would Happen.
Lovely weather. Isn't It? A lady
whom wo know went to soe tho doctor
"Woll, how'oro you today?" said the
physician cheerfully.
"Well, doctor," she replied, "the
cold I caught Tuesday Is a little bet
ter, thanks to your prescription. But
tho ouo I caught Thursday is much,
worse. Tho thlug 1 called to see you
for, however, 1b tho sever cold I
caught last night."
The doctor sat down and wrote a
long lino of hieroglyphics.
"Here," ho said, "Is something for
the one you catch this evening wltk
that V-neck and those skimpy skirts.
Good afternoon!"
Important to Mother .
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure ressedy for
infants and children, aad tee that it
Bears the
In Use For Over 10 Yean.
Children Cry for Flstcher's OaatorU
The sttlement ',
She Did you make papa come to
terms, as you said you would?
He Yes, and they were the very
worst that anyone ever applied to
riist U LAXAT1VS) BROMO QD1RIMB. Look (ot
IboilsnattuoofBlW.auova. OoiwaOoUUOM
Psr,0narlplnTwoDsjs. Me,
Why Is It that it takes a hired girt
four hours longer to mop the front
gallery than the back porch?
The Cough is what hurts, but the tickle b
to blame. Dean's Mentholated Couch Drops
stop the tickle 5c st good Druggists.
A woman's face is her history
though few can read between the lines.
Don't be relegated
to the rear because
of some weakness
of theKinner man'.'
Try a short course of
Stomach Differs
and help your Stom-
ach, Liver and Bow-
els back to normal
strength and activity.
m Get a bottle today.
A lolUI FKparttlos of BwriS,
lUlpa to radlcata dandruff.
9n Raarlaa Color mmA
leautr to Cm ot FmU4 rUfcJ
ttaudlLltu PniCTlrto. I
Nebraska Directory
:&ftaaiJt V.i.ftife'