The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 29, 1914, Image 6

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Revenue Returns Show Increase Over
Those of Year Previous Alaskan
Railway Bill It
Western I'ulon News Hcrvlca.
Bl I'abo, Tex. Appeals for ponco In
Mexico lire coming from Spain In such
numbers as to convince rebel lenders
iu Juarez that nn organized effort Ih
being iiiiulo In Madrid to Influence Gen
eral Villa and General Cnrrnnza to
end hostilities arf Bpcedlly as possl
ble. Rodriguez San Pedro, president
of the Spanish-American union, cabled
General Villa as follows: "Many mem
bers of this society from all over Spain
met here, and for tho lovo of Mexico
implored u speedy ending of the civil
war." A former member of tho Span
ish cabinet cabled a similar messngo
For Government Railway In Alaska.
Washington. Ily a vote of 4G to 1C
the senato has passed tho Alaska rail
way bill, directing tho president to
ptuchnso or construct 1,000 miles of
railroad In Alaska at u cost not to ex
ceed $10,000,000. Fifteen republicans
and Senator Polndexter, progressive,
voted for tho bill. Senators Haconl
Hoke Smith and Williams, democrats,
voted against it. Tho bill places upon
tho president responsibility for tho
selection of tho route from ttdowater
to tho Interior of Alaska and tho con
struction, equipment and operation or
leasing of such lines as ho may con
struct or buy to constltuto this route.
Tho broadest powers aro conferred up
on tho president in carrying out his
Internal Revenue Returns Made For
Six Months Period.
Washington. Tho American pcoplo
drank 70,000,000 gallons of whisky,
smokod 4,090,300 cigars and puffed
8.711,000,000 clgaretB during tho six
months ending December 31, accord
ing to figures announced by Commis
sioner Osborn, of tho internal revenue
bureau. Tho rovenuo collected from
distilled spirits amounted to $85,802,
712, tho whisky tax being $10,142,854;
t6bacco, $41,296,593; corporation tax.
$3,110,720; clgarets, $10,890 000, and
cigars, $12,270,000.
The total collection of taxes for tho
six months totalled $167,647,905, nn In
crease of $4,176,630 over' tho cor
responding period of 1912. Tho in
come tax paid untjer tho now law aggre
gated $1,509. This tax did not have
to be paid until March 1.
Wants Increased Pay For Carriers.
Washington. Congressman Steph
ens haB introduced in tho houso a bill
providing a Balary of $1,400 a year,
for letter carriers in tho rural delivery
service "I believe thero aro no other
public servants as poorly paid as rural
carriers," said Mr. Stephens, who
pointed out that carriers must furnish
horses and wagons and keop them up,
at his own expense. Th'eso faithful
employes aro required to deliver mall
over a twenty-four mile route six days
a week, twelvo months in tho year, at
a net income of a little more than 1b
paid the scrubwomen In the various
public buildings of tho capital. Men
who aro rendering such a scrvleo asi
tbls, through all kinds of weather,
over all sorts of roads and under all
sorts of conditions are entitled to
better pay."
Seize Munitions of War.
Douglas, Arli:. Six thousand Shako
caps and as many cartridge belts,,
said to have been intended for the
uniforming of the Mexican constitu
tionalist army, havo been seized here
by United States officials. A warrant
was Issued for tho arrest of H. Rivers,
a purchasing agent for General Von
.ustlano Carranzn, charging htm with
an attempt to export munitions of
war Into Moxloo.
Arrest Suspected Assassins.
Athens, Greece Two Dulgarians
suspected of a plot to assasslnato
King Constantino of Greeco havo been
arrosted and expelled from Salonlkl.
Insurrection In Haiti.
Capo Haltlen, Haiti. A gonoral re
volt has broken out In tho city of
Gonaivos, capital of tho department
of Artlbonlte. Tho leader of tho In
surrection 1b Oresto Zamor Zamor,
former governor of tho department
and at one tlmo minister of war. Tho
clty,l8 only slxty-flvo miles from Port
Au Prince, tho capital of tho republic.
Gonornl Desormes, who nt the head of
tho rebel forces, took Capo Haltlen
and Fort Llbcrto, Is marching with his
army on Hlnche, forty-five miles Bouth
tast. Arrtl-8aloon Law Illegal.
Fort Smith, Ark. A law passed by
the Arkansas legislature providing
that a potltlon bearing tho slghaturo
of a "majority of tho white adult resi
dents" of a community must bo pre
sented boforo a liquor llcenso can bo
Issued has been declared unconstitu
tional by Attorney General Mooso on
ho ground that It bars negroes from
tho petition. Tho bill closed all sa
loons In the state January 1. since
then saloon licenses have boo grant
ed in tea town,
Result of Deliberations on More Im
portant Measures Given In
Condensed Form.
Western Newspaper Union News Service.
The Senate. Resumed debate on the
Alaska railroad bill and passed It by
a vote of 46 to 16.
The House. Continued work on tho
poBtoffico appropriation bill and passed
Itadlum hearing continued beforo
mines committee.
Itnllroad men urged tho commcrco
committee to report favorably a bill
requiring electric headllghtB on in
terstate roads. '
Tho Scnote Still working in tho
legislative day of yesterday, resumed
debate on tho Alaskan rnllroad bill.
Democratic leaders continued con
ferences over tho trust legislation pro
gram. Final voto on Alaskan railway bill
deferred until tomorrow.
Recessed at C:35 to noon Saturday.
Tho House Houso mines commit
tees continued hearings on proposed
withdrawal of radium lands from tho
public domain.
Secretary Wilson of tho department
of labor) wroto Speaker Clark, recom
mending legislation for tho exclusion
of Asiatic Immigration nnd proposing
Adjourned at 6:11 p. m. to noon on
Saturday without acting on tho post
offlco appropriation bill.
Tho Senate Foreign relations com
mittee voted to favorably report tho
nomination of Henry M. PIndell of
Peoria, III., for ambassador to Russia.
Military committee voted to fav
orably report tho nomination of Col
onel W. C. Gorgas to bo surgeon gen
eral of tho army.
The House. Resumed dobato on
poBtoffico appropriation bill.
Immigration commlttco deferred
hearings on proposed legislation to
exclude Asiatics.
Chairmen of judiciary .and Inter
state commerce committees worked
out a plan for cooperation on the ad
ministration trust bills.
Mines committee continued its hear
ings on radium.
Democratic caucus prepared to
meet tonight to consider resolutions
for congressional investigations of
the Michigan and Colorado mire
Big Crowd at State Farm.
Lincoln. Meetings of the Nebraska
lalrymen, tho Nebraska Improved live
stock breeders, the rural school pat
rons' conference and tho home econ
omics section were the big features
on the program ot organized agricul
ture at tho state farm Thursday. The
main meeting of the live stock breed
ers' drew crowds nt tho morning and
afternoon sessions at the stock pavil
Hon that filled tho building. Tho dairy
men had morning and afternoon ses
sions in tho plant industry building
that drew almost as large crowds and
tho homo economics and tho rural
school patrons' meetings wero well
Nebraska Postmasters Nominated.
Washington. The president has
sent to tho senato tho following nomi
nations or postmasters In Nebraska
towns: Harrison D. West, Crofton;
S. S. Farrens, Decatur; Hiram B. Cam
cron, Herman; John Boyer, Humph
rey; Charles J. Hultberg. Lyons; J. B.
McDonald.. Pierce; W. S. Gray, Silver
Creek; Clyde L. McCord, Tllden; C.
A. Berry, Wayne; Clinton Fry, Win
Bide. Baby Sent by Parcel Post.
Iloaqulm, Wash. A lusty, kicking
Infant was dellvored by parcel post
here. Tho "package", which weighed
twenty pounds, was sent by Assistant
Postmaster Jcsso Havens, prepaid
from Olympla to tho homo of a rela
tive here. Mrs. Havens having been
token ill. Miss Eva Smith, n postal
clerk, saw to it that tho bundlo reached
its destination. Tho distanco Is about
sixty miles.
Black Hand Letter Writer Captured.
Weeping Water, Nob. Gcorgo 13.
Clifton, a high school boy ot Lincoln,
who has confessed to writing tho
black hand lottor to Henry Knabo,
tho wealthy farmor of Nohawka, was
arrested hero Wednesday morning. On
him woro found tols of all sorts. When
ho was first seen ho was cooking a
rabbit taken from a wood cutter's
trap. Tho wood cutter saw him and
he started to run. Ho was captured
later and confessed to bolng tho man
who wroto tho letters.
Nebraska Holds Ice Cream Record.
Omaha, Nob. "Moro lco cream Is
consumed por capita In Nebraska than
in any other state In tho union," do
dared State Pure Food Commissioner
Clarence E. Harmon at tho fourth an
nual convention of the Nebraska as
sociation of ioo cream manufacturers.
"Children eat moro than grownups,"
ho continued. He asserted tho popu
larity of tho frozen dainty In Nebras
ka was due to the high quality of the
product as made under the state'
pure food law,
Youthful Blackhander Confesses Send
ing Letter to Sarpy County Farmer
Flege Is Convicted for
Third Time.
Western Newspaper lTnton Nona Service.
Washington. The anti-trust legisla
tlvo programs, nB outlined in bills
mado public is not the last word In
proposed remedial legislation to regit
lato big business. That tho tentatlvo
measures may bo altered or extended
waa emphasized In both branches of
congress and tho president let it bo
known ho did not consider the forms
of tho bills dratted closed. Pursuant
to tho purposo of administration lead
ers to exhaust the subject It was deter
mined by tho houso judiciary and sen
ate Interstate commerce committee
not to introduce at this time the meas
ures relating to interlocking director
ates prohibition, definitions ot re
straint of trado and specifications of
"cut-throat" competition. Hearings on
tho questions aro to be held before the
bills go to congress.
Flege Convicted for Third Time.
Pender, Neb. The jury in the third
trial of William Flege, accused of mur
dering his slater, Loulso Flege, re
turned a verdict finding him guilty of
manslaughter at 10:30 Friday morning.
The crime out of which grew the
charge against Flege was committed
in Dixon county a few miles north
east of Wayne in June, 1910. Flege's
first trial at Ponca resulted in convic
tion and a life sentence In the peniten
tiary. At the second trial which took
place at Pender the jury returned a
verdict of manslaughter. Later the
supreme court granted a third trial.
Tho attorneys for Flcgo filed a mo
tion for a new trial In his case, which
tho judge overruled. Tho motion was
very lengthy and contained eighty
reasons why ho should be alowed a re
Breaks Down and Makes Complete
Plattsmouth, Neb. George E. Clif
ton, tho self-confessed youthful black
mailer, admitted that ho wrote tho
threatening letters received by threo
Sarpy county farmers just before
Christmas. Sheriff Qulnton of Cass
county faced Clinton with the letters
which for the paBt few weekn have
been in tho hands of the Omaha po
lice. Tho boy broke down and made a
complete confession. Clinton shifted
the blame onto a man named Fred
Johnson for the letters of blackmail
received by Hamilton, Gabvllle and
Davis, who live In a radius of a few
miles, near the dividing line of Doug
las and Sarpy counties. Two years
ago Clinton worked on tho Barton
ranch near the threo farmers. Ho
had been reared In that locality and
It was thero his mother died a few
veara ago.
Weeping Water, Neb. At the annual
meeting of their stockholders tho City
nnd tho First National banks of Weep
ing Water voted to become members
of tho federal reserve association.
Peculiar Freak of City Well.
GIrard, Kas. Tho GIrard municipal
well Is yielding water so hot It cannot
bo used. Pumps at tho water works
wero shut down bocaiiBo tho heat had
destroyed their hard rubber valves.
No satisfactory exulnnntlon of tho
phenomenon has been mado. Samples
of tho water wore sent to tho Univer
sity of Kansas for analysis. Tho well
Is 750 feet deep. Ten days ago It was
noticed the water was getting warmer.
Each day tho temperature has in
creased. '
Goethals Will Have Charge.
Washington. Added ovldonco
President WllBon has accented
plan of Colonel Goothals for a perma
neni government for tho Panama
canal zono is soon In tho dispatch of
Captain Rodman of tho navy to tho
Isthmus to confer with Colonel Gooth
als about tho handling or shipping and
control of tho anchorages, of which tho
captain will havo chargo. President
Wilson has mado no announcement of
what form of government he will ap
prove, and Secretary Garrison declined
Englishman Says Currency and Tariff
Bills are Great Issues General
Mercado In Charge of
Western Newspaper Union News Service
Indianapolis. After several hours
of heated debato tho convention of
uulted mlno workers of America on
Thursday adopted a resolution declar
ing that tho time had arrived, "owing
to tho present cconomlo conditions
nnd the machinations of tho interests
In many places, for tho laboring people
to come together In a political labor
party." No party -was designated and
no preparations for a now party were
contained in tho resolution. Several
socialist delegates, howdver, attempt
ed to obtain an endorsement of their
party for the laboring classes.
General Mercado In Command.
El Paso, Tex. General Salvador
Mercado, who commanded tho Mexi
can federal army, which was routed
from Ojlnaga, Mox has been placed
In command of tho camp of his in
terned soldiers and refugees at Fort
Bliss. As a token of hla continued
loyalty to tho government at Mexico
City, General Mercado at once chris
tened the main street of the camp
"Avenlda General Huerta." Although
himself one of the Interned refugees,
who are not permitted to leave the
reservation. General Mercado was se
lected by the United States army of
ficials as best fitted to have personal
supervision over his men. '
American Tariff and Currency Rank
First According to Englishman.
London The United States tariff
act and the currency bill passed by
the American congress were the most
Important events of tho year 1913 in
tho commercial world, accdrdlng to
Felix Schuster, governor of the Union
of L'ondon and Smith's bank, in a
general review of the financial trade
and outlook.
"These two measures must have
fan-reaching consequences, for they
havo made the United States a more
formidable competitor than ever be
fore, not only as regards international
commerce, but as threatening Lon
don's position as the center of Inter
national banking."
Sir Felix said he had no doubt that
commerce would be stimulated by
these enactments and that Great
Britain's trade with tho United States
would be increased to the advantage
ot both nations.
'Another Bandit Arrested.
Omaha, Neb. C. V. RoBamond, a
Union Pacific dining car cook, was
arrested Thursday at Springfield, Mo.
by Detectives Fleming and Murphy of
Omaha, and has admitted the part he
took In the Nlckell murder and the
McVey robbery. Accordlug to Chief
of Detectives Maloney, Rosamond con
fosses to being the man who guarded
tho door during tho robbery and mur
der, but asserts that hla pals robbed
him of his share ot tho plunder.
Scientific Farm Information.
Washington. Tho agricultural ex
tension bill providing for federal aid
in tho dlssomlnatton of scientific farm
information by practical experiments
and through publications was passed
by tho houso by n voto of 177 to 9.
Under the measure tho various stite
agricultural colleges would receive fed
oral funds to flnanco plans for ac
quainting tho farmers with facts estab
lished by tho department of agricul
ture. As It passed tho house the bill
would provide for tho immediate ap
propriatlon of $480,000.
Business Situation Optimistic,
Washington. President Wilson hat
been receiving opinions and estimates
on tho business situation throughout
tho country which lead him to believe
that a general confldenco In tho future
exists. Tho president told callers that,
whllo ho had no scientific analysis of
tho situation and that his letters woro
ot various colors, in the main condi
tions woro optimistic. The president
Is said to believe that In some indus
tries, especially those dependent on
the railroads, conditions have not been
so satisfactory.
The Presbyterian church at Oxford
oas Installed electric lights.
During a crap game at Alllanco, two
negroes were shot, one fatally.
School enrollment at Lincoln hat
grown COO in tho last two years.
After many years, prospects are de
veloping for a big union depot at Lin
coln. Stlnmeler & McMnnus havo just fin
ished harvesting 3,000 tons of twelve
inch. Ice at Ansley.
Citizens of Erlckson are talking ot
securing power by damming tho Cedar
river at that point.
Rev. John McClusky of Laurel has
accepted a call from tho Presbyterian
church at Plnttsmouth.
Moro than 3,500 blrdB wero exhibit
ed at tho Btato poultry association!!
show at Grand Island last week. '
Sixty conversions resulted from the
revival meetings Just closed at the
Congregational church at Scrlbner.
Hastings Chamber of Commerce has
Inaugurated a "Washday Luncheon,"
to bo served to business men Mondays.
Tho little town of Thayer, near
York, will Incorporate the county
board having given them permission.
Losses by the fire which Bwept over
half a block In the business section
of Greenwood, will reach about $50,000.
Merle Schnnl of Murray was so
badly Injured In a gasoline explosion
a week ago that he died from Its
Isaac Cook, father of W. P. Cook of
Plattsmouth, recently died at Salem,
Iown, at the rige of 102 years and 3
Nebraska City Elks aro already mnk
Ing preparations for celebrating the
glorious Fourth of July in nn elaborate
Tho establishment ol an official or
gan for firemen was recommended at
their annual meeting just closed nt
Tho Jury in the third trial of Wil
liam Flege, at Pender, accused of mur
dering his sister, Iconise Flege, return
ed a verdict of manslaughter.
Otto Whlttaker for many yearB a
resident of Lincoln, was stabbed by a
Mexican on the Texas border line, and
died three hours later In a hospital at
Members of the Boy Scouts at Wa
hoo entertained their fathers nt a ban
quet recently, which was pronounced
by every ono In attendance as a com
plete success.
City health officials are alarmed by
tho pqsslblllty of a serious smallpox
epidemic In Omaha, following 'tho dis
covery of two of the worst infection
spots In years.
Tho Epworth leagues of the stato
are considering the matter o' raising
$50,000 In tho next five years for the
purpose of endowing the chancellor's
chair at Wesleyan University.
Curg Wilson, an elderly man who
has been In the habit of picking up
coal In the railroads yards at Grand
Island, was struck and instantly killed
by a Union Pacific passenger train.
James Leary, an Omaha young man,
attempted sjulclde In tho Western Un
ion telegraph office by shooting him
self with a revolver, but It was knock
ed from his hand as It was discharged.
Tom Lane, one of the convicts killed
In the Oklahoma penitentiary mutiny,
was known to many Seward county
residents unfavorably perhaps as
he was arrested there for horse steal
ing. Among the Inquiries regarding tho
now famous O'Connor estate at Hast
ing, was ono -from Attorney Fleharty
of Enniscorthy. Ireland, who feels cer
tain that his client Is 6 first cousin ot
the dead man.
Four or flvo hundred Jefferson coun
ty farmers took part in a wolf hunt
near Falrbury. When the "circle"
closed In two wolveB were seen but
were not killed. Several hundred rab
bits were killed.
After entering a plea of not guilty,
Andrew Nielsen, a chiropractor of,
Beatrice, was bound over to the dis
trict court by County Judge Walden on
the charge of practicing without a
state medical certificate.
The now M. ,E. church building
erected to replace the one-destroyed
by the tornado at Berlin will be dedi
cated February 1.
Joe Cooper, a Gage county farmer,,,
may loso his eyesight as a result of a'
few stray shot received in that mem
ber in a recent wolf hunt.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Meehan of York was scalded
to death when it stumbled and fell
Into a pan of boiling water.
Farnam suffered a $50,000 fire from
a blazo originating In a department
store, which, together with other build
ings, was entirely destroyed.
Hpsea Norrls, an Adams county
farmer, has succeeded in raising n
race of ddorleas mephitis, from which
he is developing an Industry that
promises a fortune.
Rev. P. C. Johnson, nearly seventy
seven years of ago, chaplain of the
stato penltentinry and for many years
a resident of Johnson county, died at
tho penitentiary Tuesday.
Tho skeletons excavated nnd nearly
destroyed by boys digging for hidden
treasuro near Rulo, have been pro
nounced those of Indinns that In
habited that section from 200 to 600
years ago.
Neighbors called at tho home ol
Mrs. H. C. Klelnschmldt at York Jual
In time to rescue her and her twe
granddaughters from asphyxiation bj
coal gas from a defective stove.
John Way, nn engineer at the powoi
plant at Schuyler, was found dead In
tho engine room there. No ono wit
nessed the accident and it is npl
known how ho came to his doath.
Ernest Bohllng, a farmer living neat
Tecumsoh, fell twenty-flvo foot to th
ground when a ladder on which he wai
working gave way, Although h
landed squarely on his head, he wai
For One Thing, It Is Good o Be Abl
to Turn to Any Recipe Needed
at the Moment.
Few women outside of business and
academic circles realtzo tho conveni
ence of the card catalogue system,
tayB the Christian Sclonce Monitor.
Ono energetic woman who had beeu
a very successful secretary made nn
efficient housekeeper nnd homemaker
h'ecauso she remembered In her mar
ried .Mfe tho devices that had helped
her In business. She had a number
of catalogues to Indicate tho Btato
of her household supplies linen, etc.
but tho most Interesting of all was
her card catalogue cook book and
menu Index. It was Just llko a library
catalogue, being composed of a cou
ple of drawers In a llttlo cabinet filled
with cards on which wero typed reci
pes. Those cards woro grouped under
appropriate heads and mado readily
accessible through a number of guide
cards headed, Dinners, Soups, Entrees,
Salads, MeatB and Desserts. When
faced with the problem "What Bhall
wo havo to eat today?" sho Blmply
ran through her curds for tho meal In
question and often found tho recipe
for a dish sho had quite forgotten
For UBe as a cook book this arrange
ment Ib much more convenient than
!tho old book form. Tho collection of
recipes grows rapidly, too, as it is bo
JeaBy to paste on a card a newspaper
(dipping or a recipe from a household
tmagazlno, nnd slip tho card into its
(proper place whero it does not got
jlost, as loose papers havo a habit of
doing. The catalogue outfit Is quite
inexpensive and tho utility of the
scheme will certainly repay tho orig
inal trouble of making.
When making a cako mix tho
spices and baking powder with tho
Hour before it' Is sifted.
To distinguish cotton from linen
moisten a spot of tho material. If
tho material wets through instantly
it is pure linen; cotton does not take
up moisture bo quickly.
Black walnut furniture or furniture
mado of any dark rich wood should
.be cleaned occasionally with a soft
rag dipped In paraffino oil, then pol
ished with another soft rag.
There la always a cause for a flick
ering kerosene oil light. Either the
Itop is clogged, tho wick or chimney
Is a misfit or a draught of wind may
'bo blowing into tho room.
To clean velvet stretch it taut, pile
'upward, over a basin of boiling water.
JAs the steam rises through the velvet
,have a Becond person brush It brisk
ly with a clean brush.
When the eyes ache relieve thero
,by closing them for a few minutes.
If thero 1b a burning sensation bathe
them with hot water, to which a few
drops of witch hazel has been added.
To test silk, fray out tho threads
and break them. It they snap easily,
it is not good. The wrap thread run
ning lengthwise should be of equal
strength with the wool thread running
. When frying doughnuts it is a good
idea to have a dish of boiling water on
the stove. As ench cake 'is done, lift
it out with a fork and dash quickly
into the boiling water and out again.
Useful Relative.
"xes, my mother-in-law can
herself very useful at times."
"Glad you aro fair enough to admit
"Of course I'll admit It Why, just
tho other morning she was so pro
voked at me because I didn't get up
and chop the ice oft the front etepa
tbat she went out herself with a
broom and lco pick. She is a stout
lady, and when sho Blipped on the
top step and bumped herself all the
way to the sidewalk she fell so hard
that she cracked tho Ice on every
step. Then her language regarding
my shortcomings was so warm that
It melted all the fragments and left
tho steps as clean and smooth as they
ever are in July."
Constipation causes and aggravates many
serious diseases. It is thoroughly cured br
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The favorite
family laxative. Adv.
No man ever knows how many
friends ho has lost by banding them
Putnam Fadeless Dyes are the
brightest and fastest Adv.
It's sometimes easier .to discharge
an obligation than a cook.
If you havo to walk, distance doesn't
lend enchantment to tho viow.
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Cur
laiL Purely vegeta-
Die act surely
dui genuy on
tne liver.
Stop after
dinner distress-cure
Improve the complexion, brighten the eyes.
Genuine must bear Signature
.aBsssssV r ' tvrrrye
.BHHsaW ssllTTI r
bbbvbk bbi rills.
aaBiaBk - -" i
in PCoihSrrep. TinwOoodTuifir
l$&','fc'li-''' rfM1UmlfJmil&a