The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 29, 1914, Image 5

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J Bulletin ol Tho Wook'o Doings
Dull Fulton wont to Omaha Wellies
diiy. Xeil (Irlmui whs In Hluw tUM Wed
nesday. Will Sorlvnor whs in Uiisttm?H last
Will Fry nnil wife woio in Cowles
Wat reu London wr's ln Uiistliifs
M. A. llnrtiL'sin of Hitliitfs was in
town Tuesday
See tho Clilof ofllco for Job pi luting,
"as you lllie it." "
Loyd lVy whs u passenger to limt
Iiiks Wednesday.
Sain Sherman roturnoil to Hastings
Monday morning.
elm's. Scln-llak was in Cowles Wed
nesday on buinei".
13d Fhitt was n passenger to Omalia
Wednesday morning.
Mih. C II. Miner relumed homo
Tuesday from Trenton.
Ancll Crablll shipped a ear of MoeU
to Kansas City Wednesday.
Tho largest lino of rugs in tho city
on display at. Miner llros. Co.
Woesner & KoontK -hipped a oar of
hogs to Kansas City Wednesday.
MissGortlo Cnrtwright left Tuesday
for Washington, Kas., to visit relatives.
A. lieinhold of St. Francis, was., whs
visiting fricndH In tho eltj- tho llrst or
the week.
Henry niul Harry Uilham wore fn
Cowles Tuesday attending the Farmers'
Editor Eilsou ami wife wore tak
ing in the Fanners' Institute at Cowles
Miss Gertrude jCoon wont to Cowjos
Tuesday morning to attend tho Farm
ers' Institute.
Chas. Stelllu returned home Sutur
day from Grand Island where ho had
been visiting his sons.
Postmaster S!.ino and wife of Su
petior spont Sunday in this city with
P. W. Cowden and wife.
Mr. Kellet returned home Tuesday
from Illinois where he had been to at
tend tho funeral of a relative.
A trial of the Cumot Cigar will con
vince you that it is wtll worth lOcts,
while it is sold for Hots, by all dealers.
Will ttobortson and wife were pats
vcugers,to Blue Hill Tuesday morning
$o visit his .brother lluuo uouerw.un
and family.
T Ed Hurr, the Guide Rock horse buy
er, was in town Tuesday .ami bought a
horse of Chas. Wolfe which weighed
1800 for 82.r)0.
Dr. C. L. Fahnestock made a pro
fessional trip to lied wCloud, Satin day
night, going down on U. MondnjV
McCoolc Giuette.
The Superior Journal which las
been published us a uiornlng.paper for
BDine time past, ceases publication this
Mis. K. F. Richards .of Ked Cloud,
Nob,, Is visiting her niece, Mrs X. K.
McClure, 1919 Soutli Twonty-ilfth
street. Tuesday's Lincoln Journal.
.' I have the best rate in .tho county on
ifarm loans. See me and .be convinced
' Aly motto prompt service.
' A. T. WAI.KKU.
' The following shipped cattle to St.
Joo Sunday: Ed Wiggins 3 .cars and
J. U. Ellinger 2 cars; Weesuor .&
Kooutzshlppedacarof hogb .to Kau
sas City.
The editors of tlio Republican valley
will hold a meeting in .Orleans Satin-
.day. IJro. Shields of the Chronicle
.oUlee uad the Orleans Commercial
.club will entertalu Uiem.
Mrs. Mercer returned to her home at
.Gibbon, Nebraska, last Thursday af tor
vlsltlng several weeks lu this city with
-persons, M. A. and Lester Mercer.
Jlrs. M. A. Mercer accompanied her as
far,ns Hastings.
Editor Hale, formerly with the Red
Cloud Oulef.-was In the city the latter
partflif the week, going down to Indian
oln, Saturday morning to look over the
Reporter with if viow of leaslug the
plant. Monday's MoCoolc Gazette.
Mrs. Ella Baldwin of Kansas City,
Kas., will speak on Equal' Suffrage In
the Congregational church Monday
afternoon, Feb. 2. AH ludies are urged
toattond'os thoy hope to form an or
' ganlzation. Gontloracu also invited.
Last Monday one of the south ward
citizens was brought before His Houo',
Judge Ranney, and fined for appro
priating coal from tho C. 11. & Q. R. R,
Co. The complaint was sworn out by
u lallroad detectlvo who hasboen hero
for some time In the Interests of tho
,Ed Garher and Attorney L. H.
lllackledge wont to Lincoln Wednes
day mdrnlug to confer with the Stato
U jard of Control at that place in re
gards to the location of tho new state
reformatory. The gentlemen repres
ent our Chamber of Commerce and
are going to ra'ako a strenuous effort
to have tho reformatory located here,
V , Ii)i'iu-o t huh mCowl. s'litcv-
: w
Wolfe lb 111 til? ,! lUt tlll
Munliul Christy
Hint) Hill
Uwuil Alfalfa For Bale: Inquire of
N-il ilrlmea.
So iliki (HiinpleU' liHa of rugs at
.Miner Hro. Co.
KliCuX of lllailen w ill thu o'.ly
Friday eveninjr.
Attorney A. M. Walters of llluo Hill
was lu town Tnusiliiy.
Fied Ariiulil of tuuMilu rutuinuil
Satin day from liineolu
.Mons. Thompson of Superior was lu
the city Friday evening. ,
Uoy Satlley was in St Joo the Hist
ot the week un business.
C. il Slrajer was down from Frank
lin tlio tlrst, of tho week.
Mis. Geo Atuack Was a passenger to
Cow leu Tuesday morning.
Mrs. WJilte left Tuesday for Guide
Kock to visit u couple of days.
Closing out sale of Harness. See me
for uaiguins. V. L Hansen, adv.
Mr. Mcrrtm.ui of ftprlngtlold, 111 ,
spent Saturday in the city with friond".
If your cljild has noso or throat
ttoublo see Dr. Wairlek now February
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. John Arm
strong, Filday, u ulno pound baby
Harry Ruckles was in Cowles Wed
nesday attendlug the Fanners' Insti
tute. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waller wore
down from Cowles Sunday visiting her
Fred Mandevlllo of Grand Island
was lu tho city the first of the week
visiting frlende.
Mrs. Eil. Chaney and child of Su
perior are ln tho city visiting J. K.
Chancy and wife.
Mrs. Mario Sawyer of ltoston, Mass.,
arrived lu the city Friday and is the
guest, of Mrs. C. N. Gurnoy.
F. W. Cowden returned home tho
last of tlio week frem a business trip
to the west part of tho state.
Prof. Bet and wife aro home from
Kansas where they went to attend tho
titueral of Mrs. Beta's mother.
Foj-tho best 2!i(! dinner, also shoit
unlets, pie, saiuiwiones aim ncau
oysters go to Wnriou's restaurant.
The ladles ot the Congrogational
chinch will hold a market at V. A.
Wiillbrandt's store Saturday, adv.
Bon Williams, who lias been in tho
ultv vlsitlnc his narents, I. H. Holmes
and wife, left Sunday night for
sas City.
Ed. Cools, who hus.been in tho city
visiting his father, Dr. Cook, left Fii
day night for his homo at Nowata,
Grant. Usher, who lives in Washing
ton, airivedin tho city -Monday even
ing to visit with .las. I'eleisou and ulfo
and other friends.
Mis. Margetot Slmte, nee Craus, of
Sioux Falls, S. I)., arrived in tho city
Saturday evening to visit her father .1.
l. Craus and wife.
Ed. Amack, S. It. Fioranco and
Buruard McNeny were in Hastings
Monday attending tlio luneiil of
Attorney Johu Stevens.
lr. Warrick, Tho Specialist, will
meet .eye, ear, uoso and throat,patlents
and those needing glusses lltted at Ur.
Sanderson's otllce In itcd Cloud, Mon
day, February 2nd.
Rev. J.lM. Bates will hold regular
services in Grace church tho next two
Sundays. This week he will be en
Kuged.vvlth Bishop Bceohor in the
visitation of Bloomligton, Franklin
mid Blue Hill.
E. 11. Wiggins, one ofhe well known
prosperous farmers and stockmeu of
Webster oouut Nebraska, marketed
at Uieso yards today throe carloads of
1145 pound short-fed ftteors at 83 25
Monday's St. Joe .Stock Ywds Daily
Every man that has a public salo on
hand wants good attractive sale bills
bills tiiat attract the attention of the
passerby and very materially assUt in
drawing people to the sale. That's
the kind, we print at this office and
that's the kiud every man holding a
sale should have.
As No. 10 pulled into the city last
nlgbtone of the eccentric couplings
broko and disabled the big engine to
such an extent that she was unable to
start the train. Another engine and
crew were called from Red Cloud and
after a two bouts delay the tralu pull
ed out again with the crippled engine
being towed along by the extra thut
cauio to take its place. Rlv'crton He
view. Allen Tulleys was seen on our
streets Saturday his" face aglow with
"that 6iullo that wont come off." He
was inquiring for tho ceusus takor,
statlug that the population of our
city had been lncicased und he desired
to liuvo It shown Immediately upon the
ennsus ronort. Allen says it is a
promising baby boy. The mothar and
son are doing nicely and the attending
physlclau gives the encouraging re
port that with tho proper care Mr.
Tulleys will speedily reoover from his
'ln'iiy tii i-ream to J C) Caldivei)
'I ho I.O O. V t.i.ltfe will confer the
Inlliitoij degieo nil two Oiuid'i! ites
next Momliiy nlKlit
Had I he spring weather kept on no
doubt. M'vetul of our cittarns vv mid
have inudo their minimi e.)l at tlitf
bmber Pinfioilums to seeiirn a huv
and hale nit.
A II. Meredith, who reside on th
It. W. KoouU farm t inllen wi"-tof Ked
Cloud, will hold a Public Auction Wed
nosdii), Feb. t, commencing at 12.
o'clock and will sell 12 head of horses
and mules, I head of eows and farm
machinery, lc Col. Jako F.llluger
will eiy the sale and .1. Anld will
bo thu clerk.
Tile following 1 1 (infers were copied
iriini the i cords this week bythlsedi
lor ami were tiled Dec. 10, 191!!, and
had not In en' published: Hugh U
Hunter and wife to Howard II. Hind
er, wd, hj ni'lj, lots :.'. .'t,ec 1!, lot S,
13-1-10, Sr.'.OOO; II. B. Hunter ami wile
to I.iUc B. Uiekard, wd, ue4 10
5 0.
fl'ilKlll; Hugh It. iliuiler and
wife to
George E Hunter, wd, tie,1
10 S-H,
WHIM Maupln's Febiuary isme of
Midwest Mi.'galuu, whloh is published
at Lincoln, contains uioio pungent
paragraphs about Nebiaska than ever
he fou put between covers. Vou will
miss ti rate ti eat If you fall to sccute
this popular maga'lue, whitfh is a
ciedit to Nebraska. It can be secured
at all newsdealers for 15 cents a copy
or can bo obtained by mall for 81.61)
per year.
Tho advance in hog prices today
carried toppy grades to 89.S0. Among
those wno sold poikcrs at thN price
was Martin Meeuts, s substantial Ger
man farmer and stockman of Webster
county, Nebraska. His shipment was
made up of 72 butchers of the Duroc
Jersey variety, averaglug 'Jill) pounds.
Mr. Meents was hero with the ship
ment and was well pleased with the
sale. Monday's St. Joe Stock Yards
Daily Journal.
Examiner Scybolt and his clerks arw'
still hard at work on the failed bank of
Superior, says Monday's Hastings Re
publican. Ho says it may pay otit
more than fifty cents on the dollar
the Hist utterance from him giving any
ray of cncouiagemout. There is a
settled conviction now that tho bank
is lu a bad condition. Nothing has
come to the surface to Indicate the
place of hiding of tho cashier who. so
suddenly disappeared.
Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs.'fi.
W. Coplon received an Invitation to
the wedding of their son, Keller N., of
Garden Grove, California, to Miss
Ethel Swnll of that city. Keller is
assistant cashier In tho Bank ol
Garden Uiove. Tho wcddlngfwill take
place February nth, at tho homo of
the bride's parents. The Chief, along
with Kellei's many friends, extend
congratulations in advance, and wish
them a happy voyage over life's matri
monial seas.
Next Sunday, Fobruarv 1st, inaiku
the first day of tho mouth which will,
to all appeal ances, bo u very busy one.
Before more than live days of the new
month has passed, tho theatro going
public will bo called upon- to sit n
and take note of the fact that. A. C
Ilosmer, who for forty odd years has
labored faithfully at the printlngcralt,
has survived tho storms and rough
seas for another twelve months, and is
once again enjoying a birthday. Then
the 12th of the month marks the birth
of Abraham Lincoln, the 1.1th the birth
of C. A. Schellak, (another great man)
and the 14th being St. Valentine's
day. After this comes the birthday of
the noted George Washington, on the
22nd. Strange, it is indeed strange,
how many great men were bom in this
month, and with so many events to
fittingly celebrate,'' surely tho time
until spring and the robin's return
will not seem long.
Special Sale
A quart of polish
with every mop.
B. E. Nepal-land
All the Phones
15hf m---vmM.
T I P P Pi
1 Lt I Lt JLjit.
Friday and Saturday
.1 N. .ii Ul '
'Hie HIlilllMIAN Titer i no mis
tul.e iihoiit it. Til. ih;li.niitn niul tin
nglii f 1 1 1, ami a lmp ending.
II I A WANDA'S ItWNN - picture
wn i liamtxottitt neciieh. An etitcl tnin-
llIC -tiMV I
I.A.N I) -.showing tnaiiy line etlles -lull
.' actum nit i life.
sIl'.EUIAs IIOI.Y LAICK-An inter
csiin sceiiie of an almost unknown
UlilTVIlUlM'lN'uiiil the UAH MAN
Monday and Tuesday
I'KU. 2 ;t
llol'E. lu tw ii ri els, " lope bal Hires
ill. nei'iiiivuees nl time." A mid
iliuiiutlic stor.- in which the gentle
sp.ii. nf helpful Micrillei-s Ucoutuietcd
vmiIi the iiii'MlLT modes til the habit
niiis ol the darksome, stile of a gieat
eil) -holig.
II Eli FATHEi;. A strong story
ami an Interesting pictuie. Inibon.
An r'dison comedy in which "Spud" un
impiilhivu youth is Mived trout drown
iliif, by tho girl in hid houseboat.
Complications lollow.
Wednesday and Thursday
l' Ell. 4-5
orit NEW MINISTER. In three
reels, the great rural drama by Den
man Thompson, and featuring Joe Con
yorsus Dai ius Startle tlio Village, Con
stable. I hreu million neoplu have
laiighted at his antics and his Inimit
able churacterl.atlons. A special thrco
p. ut. feature picture that is being shown
tu every state in tlio union.
A SENSE of HUMOR. A comedy in
which un Englishman just over, and
who wants to kill grI.lleH and light
Indians, is exploited by his new found
f i lends.
Admission 10 and o.
Matinee Sat Ul
day at .'lii. in.
Wm. Cribill wont to Kansas City
Guy Uoborlson Is visiting his folks
at Cpdur, Kas., this week.
(Sen. Ilollister departed Tuesday
Klorhhi where lie will look over
fo r
Mrs. Seward (larber of N'uw Vol k ar
rived this week to visit her father W
N Richardson.
Miss Edith Fanner left Tuesday for
her home at ICausas City uftur spend
ing sovoial diijs in this cfty visiting
Mis. Nannie Hale.
Mr. anil Mis. Kied Wittwor who
have been living on his fai m soutli of
this city for a number of yeais moved
to town thii week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Komi ate tho
happy parents of a baby boy which
was horn Wednebday.
Tho Chief desires to secure a good,
live coi respondent lu sevoial of the
adjoining towns, which is not already
repieseuted in theso columns. If you
are interested, or should you know of
any one in your locality who would
care to assume this duty, wo would
consider it u pcisonal favor If you
would "put us next."
Last Saturday afternoon being tho
event of her tenth birthday, Naomi
Corner became hostess to ten little
friends. Tho customary birthday on lie
was b glow with ten blue caudles,
which color predominated in tho decor
ations. At the close of n very jolly
afternoon, nil wished Naomi many
birthdays, with the added wish to re
port a good time with her.
Mrs. Fiska-in "Toss, of tho D'Urbcr
villes" was on tho curtain at tho Tepeo
Monday afternoon and evening. The
picture was of a highly colored scenic
feature and was one of tho best that
had been shou by our citi.eni for some
time. Mr. Warren is certainly giving
tho public a No. 1 line of pictures
which ought to bo appreciated by our
Harold Turnure nnd Will Storey
firoved to be very resourceful hosts
ast Friday evening, when a number of
friends were informally Invited to at
tend a stag party at the home of the
latter. The usual formality occasion
ed by the presence of tho opposlto sex
was a misslug quantity, and this fact
lidded to the congeniality of the en
tertainment, prompted the young men
to proffer their hearty congratulations
to the hosts as well as the cook.
. Tte publlo sale of Alex Davison nnd
Jim Mcintosh which was held on the
Mcintosh farm northwestof town, yes
terday, was largely attended and the
stun? offered for sale ,btought fancy
prices. Horses sold from 917.1 toS'JOo;
chickens 1188.00 por dozen; cattle ut
an average of 837 nor head; 200 pound
hogs at$l7 and S18 and hay at 8111.50
per ton The sale was a big success,
and is suUlciont proof that theie Is
still ready uionev in tho county, and
thut "it pas to advertise."
$5.00 i
Will buy any Winter Cloak
in our store. Regular price
of these Cloaks $11 to $30.
Saturday, Jan. 31, Only!
r Mmri imk
i wear
laflBWb l
I w
Hs Will Soon Come To An End g
And if you want to feet in
on the unusual bargains in
4r. a
en s bws ana cm weirs
20 and 33 Per Cent Discount
On Overcoats and have some good
ones left at these reductions.
Jhe Qowden-Kaley Qlothing Qo.
Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers
I From The Factorv. a nice
Line of Useful!
Don't Fail To See
and Inspect Our Line
The Phones
For spring plowing the old reliable kind wear well and
work well and give entire satisfaction. We make them and
buying the best at lowest price from th f)U R.l.'.ki.
Harness Store.
Headquarters for Harness of every description23 C
years experience in buildinc harness. Now i ik. i;, -t vP
w 0
year to oil your harness before
me icaiuci auu ana
renders it water-proof
lie leather 3olt and d table,
SD- -xfr -ssSiiS3'vvN'vrrv(
. 4 i -i
Furniture and Undertaking
- . . w l liltlG J
sj nng work. Begin it. Keeps
nrevents it frnm -rnL;nn ..J
-- Do You I
BfjIBfeS Harness? I
.ul Hit