The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 29, 1914, Image 4

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U..MU.IUI mummnm.iw in, iijhiipiiiwiiiiwiiiiiimwi " i i iimmmhm
E?3Tfi I' HUH rHIPJJ fc ' tl- "I - ' U" ' -. "" "''J J"' IIv' i prcftrhhea .----- -"''-.'-.-. .. -,nm, '
KiiU LlUUD LiilLi s,,,!!,,,.,,,.,,... it ,,. h.fe & .e vv-ssss -vw. -vo
RoJ Cloud, NobrnuUo. ' '" ' " "" " ., ... 7 I J fiftS tPfc8 V Ktf 5 ' T
coul.l not. ixo tonic? without him; eho prefer lltirttiHti ttiitl It limy moor j "MV vcuj w i r"",,,mTO,'-"--..-. .-. d
t UBLISUKI) EVEHY TIJUIlSOAY miows more tlnin she writes; whllu lm some one not yet upokcti of, uml ho fiir J BTJ . - mt p lSfijfl f
tTXoTncTc,:; w.ll.M.'u.orotlmii ho fcuoWR.-BTlBi wo know now wo cat, support any f Cfl J JbHilii ' A TkA M-Jrf fa an,, f A
aHcmilt!ia Mattel I'rotfrw. of thoin afteiahe nomination Is n.a.le. aasaMaam -,: fflj fijp BlJSPF KlulQ A S
. , Voa, sio nooks nil ho ! (or she Ilowover,' want it full Hold and a s 0try f ffl V .j t JL I IL O A U I IJfJt UUo 61
- ..... . txriM'rfw ; I j,
i 18 '
Itnoenis nioio like liumo (o law the
tiutos wlilz uroiu il (ho streets uyuln.
The ronilt liuvi- lltinll.v "tilled up."
'Heading his text u minister mild:
'"And I linvo meat Ihoii Ituoivcsl not
f. ' Win reupon ti farmer, whoo
hinolto honsu IihiI hoeii miIiIxmI, prlohcil
.lyi hliK'HPi "U'lI'MV if I'd just lay
Jow strict tny noUiliiK, "1M Ktil ti cltic,"
tlio fiirmor vvhlxpered to IiIr wlfo.
Tho fjrciit problem thut Is eoneeni
,In Iho people ilf,'ht now Is will the
wound lioi; mio hlh hluidow mist Mon
dny? If liodouN will It ninho tiny dlf-,ft!i-cnco?
Some eontend Unit this is n
,kIH thut cm be iibtolulely telled up
on, while otheift hay no ono cuu tell
wlmt Urn weiithor will bo tu Xubriislin,
ground hog oi' no ground ho,'. And
there wo aro "1'ho I,utly or tho Titter,
"I'rcflidcnt Wllsou'h nieswiKo to con
4frt)BS will i;hulen tho heurt of ovury
xm "trust biiHtei" lu tho world. "Pri
vate monopoly is indefensible ivtid In
tolerable," suyH Uie. demoeratlu nnt ton
,al platform, and the president has
.boldly reminded congress of it. What
wc must do is to destroy private mono
poly, mi that lcijftiiuatu business can
havo equal opportunity. Adams Conn
.ty Domourat.
So far as weather conditions are eon-
vcriicd tho pa9t two weeks lmvo eer-
talnly been ideal. With tho temper-
.mturo HtaiuliiiK In the seventy murk
durliiK tho day and barely fulling to
tin-eln during the ulbt, our winter
..JniH been as fair as that of Uallforuia
or Italy. Wo have had hpriutf noarly
cvury day this winter and wu would all
Ujo pleiihed to have a continuation ot
tlio prcfceut policy.
'Olows in ore ilia
Wi lien uioro than ho knows.
, VoO, .she nooks all ho ofciH (or nhv
thlnlcs Miu doen): while lie wuti all stio
cooks- tho hungry oass. He sole fund-
turti into tho lorm; hhu sIr lior (olf)
In thu riiriiltuio; but, enoh iual(o-ui
tho "form" before (,'olnj,' to pruss.
N'tjio'iiPc' llurnM.
It has beuu tho exncrluuu of all
road mullein that the oprlntf of tli"
year Is tho best llni'i In" which to .orli
the toads. U'Iiii f. upply.s to roads in
the country certainly npplics tu city
streets and alleys. Unfortunately we
usually lnioa chanjjo of .ndtiilnls in
itini late in tho hpi'lnff Itlut tlio new
ollluials do not pet into tho Mvini,' of
Ihliiffh until lull. Consequently our
.worlc on the Mreets lias not been done
at tho time of bot lulvdiitiiKc. Why
not. adopt a'syhl em whoreby this work
could be dono lu thu hpiili(,' molitlisV
If tho oiityolntr council would adopt
dollnllu plans for street work (lie now
olllelal.s would bo able to take it up al
most us soon as they take tneir seats.
I,t is worthy of trlul'at least.
A Kansas editor announced that lie
would try for ono week to print the
truth and he is still lu the hospital,
says the Oxford Standard. He didn't
yet by the llrst day. The following
item appeared in Monday's issue and
and now the boys aro getting 'out thu
paper. This is what he said: "Married
Miss Sylvia Rhode to James Cauahain,
labt .Sunday evening at the Baptist
church. The bride was nil utdiuary
town girl, who didn't know any more
than u rabbit about cooking and never
helped her mother more than three
times in her life. She is not a beauty
by any means, and has a gait like a
duck. The groom is an ordinary' up-
to-date lias been loafer, living oil' thu
old folks all his life and don't amount
to shucks nohow. They will have a
hard life .while they live together."
some on
n wo know now we can support any
of tlunn after the nomination Is made,
flowi'verwo want a full Hold and a
frtlr race In tlio primary that there
limy bu u wider range for choice anil a
more enthusiastic campaign following.
Fianklln Progress.
1914 Boys' Corn Contest
$1000 III Prizes to flcIirasUa Uojs
Aniiouiiconieiit has l-o-n imiilti lint
over ono thousand dollar-- In prize
will bi diMttlbutcd to boys entering
the HUl t orn Cii'iuvlug Contest. The
work l conducted by thu Extension
.Service, College of Agriculture, Uui
voisl.ty Farm, Lincoln, Ncbr. This
oonlusl is a part of the national con
teat under tho direction of the United
.States Department of Agriculture and
Is a part of the regular boys' and gills
club work. Last year there were boO
Nebraska boys who enteied the con
test. Two of them made a trip to
Washington lu No'vcinbcr in company
with Ml'H I'eloiMin, the state assist
ant In charge of the work. A flee trip
to Washington Is ono of tlio prizes oil'
erod each year. In addition to this
there are prizes oliered by distiicts
and by counties. livery boy lias a
chanco tit some prize. The worlc is
especially valuable, for lessons are
sunt from tho Kxtenslon Service of
the College each month calling attent
ion to special points to bo observed in
get'tlng big yields at n smalt cost.
Contests are also conducted In garden
ing (especially emphasizing the growth
of tomatoes for 10H), In potato grow
Iny and in vaiiotis lines ot work for
the girls, such us cooking nnd sewing.
Any resident of Nebraska from 10 to
18 years of ago, inclusive, who is inter
ested, should write to Miss Peterson,
University Parm, Lincoln, Nebraska,
for contest rules. Theie arc no charg
es of any kind connected with tho contest.
Is A Gtory Of
Growth and Change
A 6hangc too gradual and
subtle for even the watchful
eye of a mother to detect, or
for memory to recall.
Only in pictures can the
story bo told and a record of
the childish features and ex
pressions kept for all time.
A good photograph now and
then will mean everything to
yon, and to thorn, "in after
Stevens Bros.
runio fc
'-i!iiiH!2H2,a!5fJ''J! wawBHirr!B wwEmreng
, .....HmBBmM PlulWuiinwiti
&neral hWje.?hsm
"Let your customers know w hat you
Jiavo and tell them the truth about
your goods" was tho advioo of K. S
' JPiirrish, tlio Oinalia publicity man, in
Jiis talk before the implement dealers
, of the statu In session in that city.
"Advei Use when business is good, ad
vertise more when business is bad, and
.ilvcrlUo all the time. You can judge
i town and the activity of its business
nieii through tho ads they carry in
JLholr homo papers." Tins fcatuio of
vtlie entlio program was the advice of
.tlio speakers for the dealers tu use the
..weekly papers iu their home towns.
..Nebraska Hull Moose have establish
vd .headquarters lit thu stato capital in
adranco of the other parties. In re
pird to the proposal to amalgamate
ywitli the Republicans, says the Alma
Journal, chairman of the Pull Moose
!JBUtt) Committee Frank P. Corrick
jjvb: "We aro here to stay. There is
to bu no amalgamation with tho Ke
rfmbllcuu party no absorption by It,
iid nothing fa voting of union witli
mfao forces that used to accompany us
tdownthe political paths. The only
vy the Republicans can proceed iu
MMir direction in the future is by voting
fr our candidates atid supporting our
uiecUred principles "
The executive board of tho Chamber
ot Coiniucice Is making an active catii
paigu to secure the new state refoinia-
tory for this city. Secrutary Gui-bur
mid L. ti. lilackledge are iu Lincoln
presenting to the statu boardiot
control the many advantages which
this if unity possesses' A detailed ac
count of the weathor conditions, crops
of various kinds, the tiveiage laiufall,
tho productiveness of the soil, thu
stability oT thu community will be
given. As u ni..tter of fact, wo are
coiilldeut that the board of control
will be unable to Hud a butter location
for this new purpose anywheru li tlio
.state. This county is not represented,
with any statu institutions as yet and
thuru is no denying the fact that it is
one of the best couutliH in the state.
Year for year it will compare favor
ably with the other counties. We trust
that, tho efforts of this organization
anil those of all our citizens will result
iu the now institution being located
National Church (ioln& Day.
Whereas, Sunday, February 1st,
lias buou set asidu as National Church
Going Day iu tlio United .States and
the people of tho state of Nebraska
are planning to observe that day. All
citizens of Rod Cloud are request od
and urged to observe tiling day by
going to church.
l). K. Saunhciih, Mayor.,
H. J. WonderVs
Public Clean-Up Sale,
Monday, February 9th, 1914
At tho farm r miles wrst and ? south
of Red Uloud, consisting of horses,
cattle, hogs, farm machinery, all house
hold goods and 100 bushels of good
1(112 whito seed corn W. A. Sherwood
Olotk; Jake Kllinger, Auctioneer.
las Played Havoc
with many n family's most cherish
islied, long planned homo because
thi'V followed the advice of somo
one-idea builder who thought per
haps to improve upon Nature's own
tried and tested material lumber.
The time to guard against disap
pointment is at tlio start. Look
around and investigate the frame
houses that have been standing for
us many as thirty years and compare
tlidin with those constructed of
other inatorlals. Tlmo alono is the
renlHest of home building materials,
because you don't build u home
every ten years, uud few people can
afford to experiment with fads or
theories. After making your com.
patisons come in ami sec the nice,
bright lumber we have iu stock uud
let us toll you iu a;tual llgurcs
what a good frame house will cost
you today. Real facts aro deadly to
"There's No Place Like Hftne"
Sawders Brs
Red toml, Nebraska
ib W ito
iti ito iv
$ Hi
t -s 'f
-I I I I ! .. . .1 " I
Annual Sale of Poland China
Bred Sows
Shorthorn Calves
To Be Held At Burr's Barn, Guide Rock, Nebr., on
Tuesday, February 3rd, 1914
35 Head of Bred Sows all Cholera Immune
3 Shorthorn Bulls 1 Polled Durham
Sale beginning nt 1:30 p. m. and held undercover if stormv. -These sows
lire all sate in nig to the best boars of thu big typo wu could buv, and all aro
Uiolera I roof Imviiig passed through tho disease early iu the slimmer and nil
were vaccinated. If you aro looking for Urood Sows it will pay vou to cotno to
tho sa o as this is , ihe best lot of sows wo have ever oiretod for sale. Itie;
smooth ones in nice breeding condition. Write for catalog to
J. H. Hamilton & Son.
r.iiM. i.i, t .
Uo!s. John Brennon, C5. G. Denny aud 11. C. Peters, Auct.
Ed. Parker, Clerk.
Mil oditor and wife disagree with
botch other materially. She sets things
tioilglits, while he wrltos things to
It has been reported that Clarence
K. llarmaii and ex-Cloveruor Shiillen
bergur would both get out of the race
for the democratic iiomluiatiou for
congressman should Judge Diuigaii de
ckle to bo u candidate. Wu rather
doubt the truthfulness of the rumor,
but if it bu true we are going to enter
n vigorous protest. No candidate
should bo expected to step aside for
another. If Judge Dungau Is tho man
and the democratic voters of tho fith
district want him for their candidate
they will give him the nomination,
whether Micro be a dozen usplrauts or
t; she reads what others write, while
rc rltes-what others read; shu keeps one. The party moy prefer Dungau,
Superior, v Nebraska.
I'lmne J37
Feb. L'. S. Kichnrdsoti, fi miles north
west of llurr Oak,
Fob. I!. J. II. Hamilton & Sou, .bred
sow sale of Poland Chinas, Guide Uock.
Feb. D. W. L. Denny, f miles north
of Guido Uock.
Feb. 10. Lew Smith, It miles north
east of Guide' Rock.
Feb. 11. U. O. Higglus3 miles north
of Nora.
Feb. 17. Rodney Rogors, 5 miles
southeast of Mt. Clare.
Feb. 18 Ed C. Lanoy, 11 miles south
west of Superior.
Fob. 25 A. T. Cross, Puree Jersey
sow Riilo iu (itiide Rock.
Feb. 2d. Nato Simpson, 2 miles
northwest of Guide Rock.
Feb. si. Jus. Martin, 1$ miles
southeast of Mt. Clare.
March 7 N. C. Paulson, hog salo at
March D. lturnard and Higglus will
make a Poland China sow sale at Nel
March 18. Will Vonderfetch, 1 and
Yt miles east of Guido Ro'ck.
March 25 C. O. Calvin, 2 miles
southwest of Cadams
Order To Show Onuse.
StiUo or Netrs!i.i, 1 'i'i,,. .,,,,,. ,-t
At a uimty ' ottrt licltl at tlio I'ounty
Court room lu nnd (orsatil county Moiu'.uy,
.lanuury l'Jtli,.. I). 1311.
In thu mailer ul tlio istute ul Jacob
Chaplin, lHccapul.
UN rcadlni; uml llllnn thu petition nt
ThouitisJ. Cliapllu, llleil on the I'Jth l:iy nt
.Inuuury, A. I)., lull, praying for tlio e.Miiiiln
utlon anil nllow'iuicoot lilt limit account qt
theHiiuiu dine, an or.ter (llslrlliutliii; thu rcsl
duo of personal estate and time upon an
order illscliarKluu liliu (roui (urther Imnlcn
and hervleu in his nilclolllecinsadiulalstrator.
Uiiur.itim, That l-'rlday, thu tJOlli day of
.lamiary, A. I)., ISJ1 1, :it 10 o'clock a. 111.,
U. assigned (or hearing said petition, when all
perhoas Interested In mild matter may appear
at a County court to ho held hi and (orxald
county and Kliowenusu why prayer of peti
tioner should not he granted; ami that notice
of tho pendency of said petition and tho hear
ing thereof ho given to all portions Interested
In mild matter, hy'publlHhtug a copy of this
order In thu lied Cloud Chief, a weekly news
paper printed lu said county, for three, con
secutive week prior to said day of hearing.
skai.1 A. I). Kannky,
County Judge.
Order to Show Cause
No Substitutes
RETURN to the grocer all sub
stitutes sent you for Royal Bak
b ing Powder ' There is no sub
stitute for ROYAL. Royal is a pure,
cream of tartar baking powder, and
healthful. Powders offered , as sub
stitutes are made from alum.
vmrmmiNAny surgeon
Graduate Chicago Veterinary College
State of Nebraska 1 in Tho County Court:
Webster County
At a County Court held at tho County
Courtroom lu and for said county January
15th, A. l. 11)11.
In tho matter ot the cstato of Amos (.lust,
ON reading and illlug tho petition ot lCIIa
betli Steele, and Charles tUist, praying that
aduilulHtralluu ot said estate may bu granted
to Alfred Meruit, as Administrator.
OltliKUKI), thai t'rlday thu nth day of
February, A. 1). ltlil, attcn o'clock a. 111., Is
assigned for hearing said petition, when all
persona Interested lu mild matter may ap
pear at a County Court to bo held In unci for
Bald County and show eauso why prayer of
petitioner should uotjjo granted; and that
notice of tho pendency of said petition and
tho hearing thereof bo given to all persons
Interested in said matter, by publishing a
copy(of this order In tho Ued Cloud Chief, a
weekly newspaper printed lu said county,
tor three consecutive weeks prior to said day
ot hearing.
A. u. Uannky,
(Seal) County Judgo
Bod Cloud -- Nebraska
E. A. Creighton,
M. D.
e Are Grateful..
For the excellent trade we have
enjoyed the pa& year, and to
wish you abundant prosperity and
happiness during 1914.
Wef are better than ever able to
supply your needs in Furniture
with larger slock, better prices
and a better acquaintance with
our patrons.
Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer.
Notice Is hereby given that scaled proposals
will bo received at the ollleo of the County
Clerk, Ued cloud, Nebraska for tho moving
of thu present Court House to a point l'JO feet
West of present location and placed on a
temporary foundation, county tu furnish
material for foundation, bidder to preform
all labor and furnish all except us
herein provided.
Kalil court house to bo removed not later
than April Jst, mil. llldder to furnish bond
lu the sum ot &00.00 to secure and Insure tho
preformaueu of tho eondttlunsof thoeoutract
if awarded.
All bids to ho on lllo with lljo County Clerk
not later thhn i-'ubriuiry 3, tint at I'i noon.
lly order of tho County Commissioners.
(Seal) !:. W. HOSH
County Clerk.
hv I. J. Harbor. Pep.
Live Stock and General Auctioneer
Red Cloud
17 on 8
3 on 187
Red Cloud - Nebraska
WldaM's Pension,
The recent act of April 19th, 1003
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
$1'2 per month. Fred Maurer, the at
torney, hns all nc"(nr'Y Hnnl
Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska
Second House North of I. O. 0. F. Hall
Consultation and
Spinal Analysis Free
Phone lnd.212
We Have Aided
In Building Great
- Fortunes For
Clever Advertisers
. i . A-4 si.