The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 22, 1914, Image 7

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iJu-x. iJLS-Jj:
T Tf f " -i. tfr .-. ,,..) Off II., i i n,j -imyl my
It is cruel to force nauseating,
harsh physio into a
sick child.
Look back at your childhood days,
tlonicniber tho "doso" mother Insisted
on cantor oil, calomel, cathartics.
How you hated them, how you fought
gainst taking them.
With our children lt'a different.
Mothers who cllnc to tho old form of
phyBlc simply don't renllzo what thoy
do. Tho children's revolt Is well-found-,
ed. Their tender llttlo "insldea" aro
injured by them.
If your child's stomach, liver and
bowels need cleansing, glvo only dell
elous "California Syrup of Figs." Its
action Is positive, hut gentle. Millions
of mothers keep this harmless "fruit
laxatlvo" handy; they know children
lovo to tako It; that It nover falls to
clean tho liver and bowels and Bwcct
en the stomuch, and that a teaspoonful
given today saves a sick child tomor-
Ask at tho storo for a GO-ccnt bottle
of "California Syrup of Pigs," which
has full directions for babies, children
of nil nges and for grown-ups plainly
on each bottlo. Adv.
Tho things wo covet havo general
ly loat their novelty by the tlmo wo
can afford them.
Dr. Tierce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated,
any to tako as candy, regulate and invig.
oralo stomach, liver and bowels. Do not
gripe. Adv.
What, Again?
"Has your wlfo gone shopping?"
"Alas, I'm afraid not! I'm afrnld
he's gono buying."
The Generally Do.
"Blnks put up a strong fight against
"Yob, but ho Anally had to glvo up."
And for Other Reasons.
"Why do you call Qasper on old
"Because ho hates to bo shut out"
Boston Evening Transcript
Peddlers Not Allowed.
Maid There's man called with a
bill, ma'am.
Mistress Tell him wo havo some
The Point.
"Does the young fellow you have
toped In with you know anything
bout thlB business he is putting his
money into?"
"No; if he did he wouldn't put In
his money."
Looks That Way.
"If wo aro good wo will come back
to earth a number of times."
"Somo people prefer to take no
chances on that possibility."
"How'8 that?"
"They prefer to lead doublo lives
now." Courier Journal.
Onions Are Cheaper.
Mrs. Hetty Green on hor Boventy
eighth birthday anniversary told a re
porter that sho put more faith In on
ions than In doctors. An onion was
her reclpo for colds, coughs, Insomnia,
serves and many othor maladies.
"An onion," sho added, "is a bettor
friend to your pockctbook than a doc
tor, too.
"A young lady was studying to be
nurse, nnd she said ono day to a
popular surgeon:
"'What did you oporato on Mr.
Sods for?'
" 'For $3,000 tho surgeon answered.
"The young nurse smiled.
'"No,' she said; I mean what did
he have?'
"Three thousand dollars,' was tho
surgeon's reply."
Found the Answer Was "Coffee."
Many pale, sickly persons wonder
for years why they have to suffer bo,
and eventually dlscovor that the drug
caffeine In coffee li tho main cause
of tho trouble.
"I was always very fond of coffeo
and drank It every day. I never had
much flesh and often wondered why I
was always so pale, thin and weak.
"About five years ago my health
completely broko down and I was con
fined to my bed. My stomach was In
such condition that I could hardly take
sufficient nourishment to sustain life.
"During this tlmo I was drinking
coffee, didn't think I could do without
"After awhilo I camo to tho conclu
sion that cdffco was hurting mo, and
decided to glvo It up and try Postum.
When it was made right dark and
rich I soon becatno very fond of It
"In one wcok I began to feel better.
I could eat moro and sleep bettor. My
sick headaches woro les3 frequent, and
within flvo months I looked nnd felt
like a new being, headacho spells en
tirely gono.
"My health continued to Improve
and today I am well and strong, weigh
148 lbs. I attribute my present health
to tho llfe-glvlng qualities of Postum."
Nnmo given by Postum Co., Battle
Crook, Mich. Read "Tho Road to Well
vllle," in pkg3.
Postum now comes In two forms:
Regular Postum must be well
Instant Postum is a soluble pow
der. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly
In a cup of hot water and, with cream
and sugar, makes a dollclous boverag
Instantly. Grocers sell both kinds.
"There's a Reason" for Postum.
Items of Interest Gathered from Re
liable Sources and Presented In
Condensed Form to Our
That efficiency of the food, drug,
dairy, oil and wclgh'M and measures
commission has been vastly improved
by consolidation Is evidenced from u
roport mndo to Governor Morchend by
Commissioner Hurman. Total number
of Inspections made during 1913 wns
13,029, as compared to 10,671 under
the two years of tho old order of sop
arato departments. Under tho new
plan 1,957 sanitary orders were writ
ten during tho year, as compared to
1,628 orders during tho two years 1911
and 1912. In cost of mllcugo for In
spectors, another showing Is mado that
will bring smiles to every pockotbook
In the state. Mileage used by the de
partment in 1912 nmounted to 241,375.
During tho yenr JUBt past moro work
has been accomplished on 165,132
miles. The saving of 76,243 miles is
equivalent to $1,324.80. The total cost
of operation of the department under
tho old regime wns $39,344.83 for tho
year 1912, whllo tho combined depart
ments under the new order cost tho
state just $31,373.35 a saving of $7,
291.48. Recommends Fire Protection.
Despite a $45,000vUeflclcncy and tho
almost complcto depletion of stores of
the Institution, Superintendent Baxter
of the Hustings stnte hospital reports
to Governor Morchend that affairs aro
moving there in bettor fashion than at
any tlmo In the past. Improvements
mado In the medical division havo en
abled many permanent cures to bo
made. At tho present time tho institu
tion has 373 female and 700 male
patients. In addition, there are fifty
three females and forty-one males on
parolo from tho hospital. Female at
tendants numbor sixty-eight and male
attendants seventy-seven. The state,
In the opinion of Superintendent Bax
ter, should look at once to providing
tho institution with moro adequate fire
Cost of Running Public Schools.
There was spent last year for the
running of t,he public schools of Ne
braska, the grades and high schools,
the sum of $9,220,977.61, according to
(the report prepared by State Superin
tendent DelzeJl for the year ending
July 7, 1913. This sum was spent In
educating 284,766 pupils between the
ages of 5 and 21, or a total of $32.38
spent on each pupil enrolled In the
public schools. More than half of tbla
outlay of money wont for teachers'
salaries, there being 11,757 employed,
:at an average wage of $61.21 a month.
Tho fomalo teachers, outnumbering
tho male nearly seven to ono, received
iln wages tho immenso sum of $4,578,
453.21. Tho malo teachers, number
ing but 1,663, received $805,917.06.,
The female teachers numbered 10,094."
The average monthly wage of the
women wns $58.62; of tho men, $80.51.
Other expenses ran as follows: Build
ings nnd sites, $1,134,633.77; repairs,
$404,482.42; fuel. $403,495.41; refer
ence books, etc., $20,214.19; text bookB
and pupils' supplies, $389,915.93; fur
niture. $156,542.58; all other purposes,
Marked Interest In Agriculture.
So Interesting is becoming tho study
of agriculture In the state that Charles
Epperson of Fairfield writes to the
state board of agriculture as follows:
"This teacher, Boehr, is a corker. He
aces most overythlng for text books
in his school work. He uses Imple
ment manufacturers' catalogues, al
manacs, seeds, seed catalogues, plo
(tures of horses, tho stato fair premium
list and many other things which many
of us throw Into the waste basket He
has got my boy, who la taking work
under him, making collections of
wormB nnd moths and birds' nests. I
can't lean up against a radiator In tho
houso anywhere without disturbing nn
agricultural experiment. The boy has
planted seeds In cotton on plates and
In boxes containing dirt, in old pans
,and othor places. Thoso aro distrib
uted all over the houso on tho various
radiators where tho heat will causo
Uiem sprout."
Tho German-American bank of Desh
ler has recolved permission to com
monco business as a stnto Institution.
-It is capitalized at $15,000, and its offi
cers nro: President, J. M. Aufderhido;
vlco president, F. W. Kicschmeyer;
cashier, F. K. Hemmcnmover.
"Jumbo" Stiohm, who tutored Ne
braska's stalwart football eleven to a
successful sson last fall, will bo
given n three-year contrnct and a sal
ary raise to $3,500 a year for his sen
vices. The action was decided upon
at a recent nthlotlc board meeting.
Fires to tho number of 1,2C5, Involv
ing a loss of $1,715,(576, were reported
to tho stnto fire commission during
tho year 1913, according to tho roport
handed to Governor Morehead by Com
missioner W. S. Ridgell. During the
year 1912 there were 1,355 fires, with
a loss of $2,251,174. The loss of the
year Just past has been lower than at
any tlmo since the creation of the fire
commission, honce Judge Ridgell 1b
hnpfy In the belief that tho peoplo of
tho state have been taking some of
his prevention doctrine to heart
nilC-CADES in silk and velvet, crepe
D and velvet nnd in satin hnvo had,
,nro having now nnd will contlnuo to
Bmvo n wondorful voguo. They nro
luxurious and beautiful nnd drnpo tho
figure In tho manner of classic dra
pory. Women aro inspired by them;
jthoy embody tho "splendor dear to
women" which Tennyson notod. There
is no gainsaying their effoct upon tho
carriage of their wearers. They aro
queonly garments.
Tho fabrics are wonderful to start
with, as rich looking as tho old,
heavy brocades after which they aro
patterned, and as light and supplo
as crepe. Many of them show raised
velvet flowors or conventional designs
on a crepe ground, tho velvet flowers
weighing the crepo so that It hangs
In lovely lines about the figure.
These garments are cut longer than
plush or cloth coats In order to cover
The Simplest
AN attractive waist mado of all
over laco 1b shown 'hero, which Is
as slmplo as can bo and at tho same
tlmo styllBh and effective. It 1b cut
(by a blouso pattern, having tho
(sleovcs and bodice In one. Tho seams
aro set together with hem-stitching
land frills of not finish them and tho
' Unllko many net and laco waists,
'tho Bleeves are barely olbow length,
for In many of tho new waists thoy
jare long. In fact, ono extreme or
the other seems to bo tho rule cither
very long, coming well down over tho
hands, or else ending Just above the
A waist llko that shown is useful in
many ways. It ia cut on tho right
jllnes by expert cutters. Women buy
.these slmplo lace und net waists and
.use them as a foundation on which
'to build much moro elaborato at
fairs. By adding chiffon drapery em
broldered motifs, fine not or laco
'gulmpa, handsome girdles they work
transformations and lift the waist
from the three dollar class Into the
thirty dollar class.
Or it a lacs and draped bodies Is
moro of tho light ovenlng dresses
worn under them than need bo cov
ered by coats for day wear. Thoy nro
ornamented with fur at tho neck ami
sleeves, and heavy cords and long tan.
sols used for fastenings. Everything
about them is sumptuous.
For lining, plain crepo do chine and
tho thin Eiipplo satins nro likod. Tho
ninttcr of warmth Is not given great
nttontlou, for tho wearers of so much
splendor are supposed to rldo nnd not
walk upon tho occasions thnt call for
tho coat. Still ono may soo plenty of
theso beautiful wraps In tho cafes
and olaowhore, on peoplo who go
about In tho street cars nnd subwayB.
But thoso convoynnces aro qulto com
fortablo nowadays nnd tho dlstnncos
to bo walked over aro Bhort
Tho evening coats fnahlonnblo now
nro amplo nnd slmplo In outline. Most
of them nro cut with a yoko and
hnvlng big, roomy hIcovcb In ono
with tho body of tho gnrmont. They
nro easily put off and on. Tho pic
ture shows nn example- which Is n
good typo of tho majority of clonks,
Tho small cap of gold laco trimmed
with n standing spray of silk flbro
aigrettes Is slmplo enough. Tho gold
of tho cap and the black of the
aigrette repeat theso colors ns thoy
appear In tho deep nnd vivid nattier
bluo of the wrap.
Flower Decorations for Muffs.
Flowors nro extraordinarily popular
this Benson ns dvcorntlvn adjuncts for
tho muff. Huge, vivid-toned chrysan
themums and dahlias in velvet, lend
tho way, nnd tho Bplush of color afford
ed by tho tawny shadcH running
through all tho gamut of riotous reds
nnd yellows nppcalB lrrcnlHtlbly to tho
fcmlnlno mind.
Many opportunities for tho dlsplny
of superb peltry aro given this Benson
by tho varied arrangements of fur on
tho winter suits. It seems ns though
women were moro than ever convinced
that fur ninkes tho most fascinating
background for tho complexion und
were determined to loso no chance of
using It for dccoratlvo purposes on
every possible ocenston.
Lingerie Vanity Bag.
Every woman knows tho dainty
squnres of linen oc lawn with elab
orately embroidered corners thnt aro
called glovo handkcrchlofB, but ovory
woman doesn't know thnt thoy may bo
fashioned Into tho most sanitary or
vanity bags. As tho glovo handker
chief is never more than five inches
square, It is easy to renllzo how very
tiny will bo tho bag that Is formed
after a strip of laco beading haB been
run clrcle-wlso between tho corners
nnd thoy havo been drawn in with a
quarter yard length of narrow ribbon
which tics In tho smallest of bows.
When tho bag is closed, tho four em
broidered ends fall over llko th
petals of a white Illy.
of Lace Waists
wanted with a skirt of velvet or
satin or nny other of tho season's
fashlonablo fabrics, ono of theso net
or laco waists is draped with a bit ol
tho material of tho skirt. Sometimes
there Is a drapery over tho shoulders,
and sometimes It is in the form ol
tho glrdlo. Often It is merely a panel
at the back and front with chiffon
over it and d Boparato glrdlo of rib
Tho skirt Is separato usually but
after tho waist is adjusted and the
glrdlo pinned to place tho dress scemi
ull In ono.
Nothing was ever moro UBoful to
tho tourist than theso slmplo blouses
of laco and not. They aro so soft and
light that It is no troublo to carry
them. Ono needs pretty corsot cov
ers of bIUc or laco under them, and
thoy nre mere wlspa of clothing wolgh
ing nothing. With a pretty laco waist,
a ribbon girdle and tho fancy corset
cover, a plain skirt will answer and
still tho wearer may feel "dressed
up" for dlnnecat tho hotel or on the
steamer, or at home, wherever then
is a call for a pretty deml tbllette.
Prof. Dutler Unearths the An
cient Temple of Artemis.
.Inscription In Lydlan and Aramalo
Found on Walls May Help Scient
ists to Decipher Unknown
Lydlan Language.
Now York. Prof. Hownrd Crosby
Butler, head or tho nrchaeloglcal de
partment of Princeton university, has
attained romnrkablo rosultB In his 'ex
peditions to Sardos In ABla Minor. He
and his staff of nsslntants, ono of
whom Is Dr. Enno Llttmnnn of the
University of Strnsburg, havo com
plctoly unearthed and to n Inrgo ox
tent restored tho ancient Templo ot
Artemis. Tho Inscriptions on the
wnllB lenvo no doubt that It was built
early In tho fourth century II. C on
tho site of what wub thou tho city ot
But even moro vnluablo than the
dlecovcry of tho templo is tho unearth
lng of blllngunl InscrtptlnnH in Lydlan
nnd Aramaic, which mukes tho first
consldcrnblo udvnnco townrd decipher
Ing tho unknown Lydlan language
Thin la considered by archaeologists
and classical linguists all ovor the
world as ono of tho most Important ad
ditions to tho dead languagoa ovoi
Tho monument containing tho toxt
of this unknown languago was dis
covered nnd excavated among eoine
tombs not far from tho templo and
nenr tho river Pactolus, tho gold bear
lng Btrcnm of ancient history. The
lnignst Lydlan-Arnmnlo text consisted
of eight lliiPB In each lnngungo, almost
perfectly preserved, nnd dated in the
reign of Artnxerxos. Ncnr tho tomb
containing this toxt wcro a dozen oi
moro smaller inscriptions on start
chiselled from stono nnd built Into a
later Greek or Roman wall. Stan bear
lng theso inscriptions woro nlso found
to have boon set up in pairs on olther
sldo of tho entrances to tho chamber
tombs of tho Lydlans.
Among other texts found woro sev
eral long documents which nre ox
qulBlto exnmplea of writing in stono
and which appear to represent more
than ono period of Lydlan writing. Dr.
Enno Llttmann la In poBBOBBlon of tho
squeezes or Impressions in clay and
othor material pertaining to the
Ancient Temple Ornaments.
Lydlan inscriptions and will have
charge of that phaso of tho archaeo
logical excavations which denla with
tho Lydlan language. Thore has as
yet been no published account of the
translation of theso anclont docu
ments. When Professor Butler organized
and conducted tho first archaeological
expedition Into Syria the only Indi
cations of the ancient city woro two
stono pillars protruding about fifty
feet out of tho sand. Now, after Pro
fesBor Butlor's fourth expedition, the
greater part of tho old city is oxposod.
Owing to tho depth to which tho tern.
plo was burlod it woe found in a re.
mnrkable stato of preservation. Tho
work waa carried on undor rathor haz
ardous conditions, for tho great mass
es of fallen column drums often
threatened to pitch down somo fifty
foot upon tho natlvo laborers.
At tho end of last season's work the
entire ground plan nnd much of tho
superstructure ot the templo woro vis
ible. A largo part of tho foundation of
tho templo is of pure white marble and
presents an Imposing ruin, gigantic in
ocalo and very beautiful in dotal!. The
templo Booms to havo boon undergoing
repairs when abandoned, for somo ot
tho columns woro beautifully fluted,
with bases decorated In designs that
wcro neither Greek nor Roman, but
showed exqulslto craftsmanship that Is
purely Lydlan, whllo others were un
derrated except for portions where
tho pattern had boon blocked out On
tho buBo of ono of the fluted columns
was found a very cloarly carved Lydl
an Inscription, indicating that tho tern
pie was in uso before the end of the
fourth century B. C.
Flirted With Wrong Woman.
Chicago. Julius Dalcey attempted
to flirt with tho wife of Polico Ser
geant Charles IS. Dudley. Tho police
inan administered a drubbing and ar
rested Dalsey. Tho prisoner told tho
Judgo he was writing a book and triod
to flirt with Mrs. Dudloy to get mate
rial for it
Beeks Nobel Prize for Eating Peanuts.
Chicago. Sixty days on a peanut
,d!ot is the basis for an application
filed by Dr. Thomas J. Allen, presi
dent of Aurora college, for the Nobel
;prlze ot 1914.
v w v fy .....-rijaaM
w V 1 . .-alaBBBBBaBVSl
mmu&MlltriFJb HaaaflHMaFaf' MtGisiS
Hti yl'T aW VW ssssssssssssssssssssss wt.jfrT5ar y
Time it! Pape's Diapcpsin ends
all Stomach misery in five
Do Bomo foods you cnt hit back
tasto good, but work badly; fennont
Into stubborn lumps nnd causo a Hick,
sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or
Mrs. Dyspoptto, Jot this down: Papo'a
DlapopBln digests everything, leaving
nothing to sour nnd upsot you. Thore
nover wns anything so safely quick, so
certainly cffectlvo. No dlfforencohow
badly your Htomach Is disordered you
will 'got hnppy relict in live minutes,
but what pleases you most Is that it
strengthens nnd regulates your stom
ach so you can eat your favorlto foods
without fear.
You feel different ns soon as "Pape's
DInpepHlu" comes In contact with the
stomach distress Just vanishes your
stomach getB sweot, no gases, no belch
Ing, no oructntlona of undigested food.
Go now, inako tho best Investment
you ovor made, by getting a largo fifty
cent ensa of Papo'a DlapopBln from any
store. You realize In flvo minutes how
needless It Is to Buffer from Indiges
tion, dyspepsia or bad stomach. Adv.
Skeptical Jamie Was Not to Be Flat,
tered, at Least at That Par
ticular Moment.
"In somo respects," said a Now York
lawyer. "Harry Thaw la as nalvo as a
child, Although his monoy commands
tho country's finest legal talent, ho al
ways InalatH that It Is ho who directs
his cases. Ho la skeptical, too, of all
who approach him."
Tho lawyer laughed.
"Thaw," ho continued, "is as Bkoptl
cal ns Jnmlo. Jamio, a vlHago col
obrlty somewhat lacking In Intellect
sat on tho rncccourso fence tho day
of tho local races, munching away at a
leg of mutton which ho had somehow
procured and of which ho was vory
"A wealthy stool magnate, whose
country houso waa near the village,
rodo by In his flfty-horso power rac
ing car nnd, soctng Jamlo on the fonce,
" 'Ah, Jnmlo, are you here already!
"'Oh,' retorted Jamlo, with a dig
nified and Important air, looking sig
nificantly at tho mutton bono, 'oh,
yes; ye all know a body whon he's
got anything.'"
Tho Rov. Edmund Hoslop ot Wit
ton, Pa., Buffered from Dropsy tor a
year. Ills HmbB and feet were swol
len and puffed. Ho had heart flutter
lng, was dizzy
and exhausted at
the least exer
tion. Hands and
feet woro cold
and ho had such
a dragging Bonsa
tlon across the
loins that it was
difficult to move.
LUnm ....1.... K
Rer. E. Ileslop. - -
Kldnoy Pills the swelling disappears,
ed and he felt himself again. Ho says
he has beon benefited and blessed by,
tho ubo of Dodds Kidney Pills. Sev
eral months later ho wrote: I have
not changed my faith In your remedy
slnco the abovo statement was author
ized. Correspond with Rev. . Hes
lop about thlB wonderful remedy.
Oodds Kidney Pills, COo. per box at
your dealer or Dodds Modtciae Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household
Hints, also music of National Anthem
(English and German words) sad re
cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 seat free.
Of a Wild Nature.
Just outside tho entrance to tha
yard at tho Naval acadomy is aa
apartment houso where many young
officers llvo, and baby carriage are
a not lnfrequont Bight In this vicinity.
Not long ago tho commandor ot the
yard had a notice posted oa oao side
ot tho gate forbidding automobiles to
enter, because thoy frlghteaed the
horsos. Shortly afterwards the fol
lowing unofficial notico appeared oa
tho other side of the gate:
"Baby carrlagea and perambulator
not allowed in this yard. They scan
tho bachelors."
Best of AH Gifts.
A llttlo boy In a big motropolltaa
Bunday school listened eagerly while
the Bupcrintendent talking of missions
urged overy ono present to contribute
to tho causo,
"Glvo what-you can, not what you
want," ho concluded his exhortation,
"Give generously and of your best"
Llttlo Josopl), taking tho exhortatloa
literally and being penniless, wrote
on tho slip passed out tor depositing
In the pledge box:
"Please, sir, I give myself."
important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle off
UASTUitiA, a sare and sure remedy for
Infanta and children, and see that It
Bears th
Signature of Cjjtnrffi&jAr
In Use For Over'90 Years.
Ohildron Cry for Fletcher's Oastorifl
No Trouble at All.
"And I shall want a private bath."
"That'll be all right all onr bath
room doors have looks on them."
And many a man Is sold wKheal
getting bis price.