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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1914)
tri''r7riew.yvgpMeyt, ,njn T iwiwrffa WMm T4wt1r!w"tL "!"!"" """'j;'"""-' - -i,r .1.. - - -urtTifMr s llmil&VlVnrmm.?r wa.--'y m w - T-ynrn vwt - t5Unmfmmmnf$t,miifVmmnM'm-" , wmmfjie'i$im'i$t.miJmt imijWTl B'lTrinn'T 1 i) ii i !.. i mrr""JJ FV' RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I ' i l ' i; iv ix M Lw i 3L &L' . iK i" tV' w s i FOR REGIONAL BANK PBE8feNT8 LINCOLN'S CLAIM A8 AN AGRICULTURAL CENTER. IN DEFENSE OF CIVIL SERVICE Ptmocrata In the House Opposed to Spoilt System Claims Eugenlo Laws Do More Harm Than Good. "WnshlnKton. The establishment of Lincoln an a regional bank center was urged upon Secretary of Agriculture Houston Sntunlny by Representative Mogulro nt n conference nt tliu depart fnont. Its location nn an agricultural, rather than n conmiorclnl, center was emphasized Id support of tho Impor tance given in the currency bill to pro posed legislation to bo passed later to agricultural punur and rural banks. Mr. Magulro Bald lifter tho conference that be felt that spc.lnl empahlsls should bo given to this feature of tho ultun tlon. "At leat. ono regional bank Bhould bo located with rofcrenco to agricultural sections of the country," Bald Mr. Magulre. "Lincoln ie tho center of tho best agricultural section of tho United Slates, and It scorns to mo Its Importance as a regional bank center Is greater on this account rather than as a commercial center." Thinks Eugenic Laws No Good. Chicago. Eugenic laws would do Inoro harm than good, nnd Juvonllo In stitutions are breeders of criminals, Clarence S. Darrow told members of tho Irish Fellowship club at a meeting here. "You may develop potatoes nnd cat tle by eugenics, but whenever you get abovo tho bruto you must hnvo free dom nnd choice," ho said. "Political philosophers are now trying to regu late birth," Mr. Darrow said. "Per mission to havo offspring would de pend on tho nmount of political 'pull' ono has. Nature does moro than tho eugenic professors enn ever do. Sho Ib every busy building up the strong and tearing down the weak." DEFENSE OF CIVIL 8ERVICE. All Democrats In House Not In Favor of Spoils Program. Washington. Tho fight among houso democrats over tho proposed exemption of 2,400 assistant po?t:.iast sr from civil service ao reposed in tho postofllco appreciation bill took a now turn whin Chairman Moon of tho poijtGiuce committee, Introduced a 'special rule to includo an annual $25, 000,000 good roads appropriation in tho mcasuro nnd provldo for the passage of tho wholo bill, carrying 330.000.000 under a suspension of ruleB. The rulo is expected to bo fnvorably reported. Turn Down 8uffrage Committee. "Washington. Domocrats of the. houso ruleB committee havo refused to report a rulo to crcato a standing com mlttco on woman suffrage in the houso. After much discussion tho democratic majority concluded that tho time- wns not ripo for creation of a soparato committee on tho subject. Tho action comes after a long cam paign of tho woman suffragists in which tho antl-suffrago organization made a spirited fight. Will Form Dairy Association. Beatrice, Neb. At a meeting of the dairymen of Doalrlco nnd vicinity in tho office of Farm Demonstrator. Lleb rs, Friday night plans for tho forming of a dairy association in this country were discussed. Tho purpose- of such an organization is to employ an ox pert to glvo instruction ns to scien tific feeding and systematically check up tho herds in order to ascortain which animals are tho beBt producors and which feeds aro most effective. Women's Suffrage In Germany. Berlin. A petition asking that tho franchise bo given to women and that they bo allowed to vote at the elec tions for tho imperial parllnmont and also to sit ns deputies has beon Intro duced In tho imporlnl parliament by tho German woman's suffrngo union. It wns rcforred to tho consideration of tho government without any recom mendation. Momberi of all partloa took part in tho dobato on tho peti tion. It Pays to Advertise. Burlington, N. J. Beatrice Gordon's advertisement in a matrimonial paper, which wns read by a Holmesvlllo, Neb., man, wbb the moans of notifying the woman thnt sho waB the missing heir to nn estato worth thousands of dol lars. To Fight Hog Cholera. Columbus, O. A natlon-wldo cam palgn to cradicato hog cholera was expected to rosult from a movement pet on foot by the Ohio Farmers' congress In session hero. Importing Eggs From China. San Francisco, Cal. Six hundred cases of eggs from Shanghai, China, woro Included In tho cargo of tho liner Siberia, whtoh bna arrived from tho orient These eggs were admitted' free ofduty under tho now tariff act. Undor tho 6-cont handicap 4,000 casos of Chlnoso eggs wero received in San Francisco last year. Local merchants say tho total importation will reach 20,000 casos in tho ensuing year. Ser ious Injury to tho home egg Industry is predicted. BRIEF NEW8 OF NEBRASKA Farmers of Buffalo county aro mak Ing nn effort to orgnnlzn a cooperative store nt Kearney. Two paving districts, comprising four miles of streets have beon created in Beatrice. Sterling, In the northwest part ol Johnson county, is likely to havo nn electric lighting plant. A number of boys havo been arrest, cd nt Kearnoy for stealing conl from railroad cars In transit. Omaha Is hooii to havo" a public school room devoted entirely to Italian boys aged from 10 to 18. llontls amounting to $47,000 for two now school buildings wore carried at Norfolk by a large majority. An epidemic which State Hculth Offi cer Wilson has pronounced smallpox has been discovered In Florence. Krncst Hopperbnuer, a former resi dent of Bentrlcc. died at Stutteart. Oennnny, recently, of Hrlght's dlsense. Tho Masonic bodies of Omaha will havo a now temple to cost about $300, 000 nnd probably be eight Btorles high. Over H00 persons engaged in u wolf hunt on a territory four miles square nenr Tecumseh, but failed to make n killing. James I'odany of Clarkson was badly cut nnd bruised when ho got caught in the llywhccl of a corn shelter. Tho next meeting of the Southwest ern Nebraska Checker Players' asso ciation will bo held nt McCook, Janu ary 20. AlcCook business men will organize a company to prospect for oil nnd gas, both of which aro thought to exist in that vicinity. Ovor $713,000 worth of farm mort gages wero filed In Adnms county dur ing 1913, whllo only $000,000 worth wero released. Hugo Chaloupkn, n seven-year-old Omaha boy, died from hydrophobia, the result of n blto from a rabid dog received October 9. Tho vlllngo of Thayer wants to In corporate and has filed n petition with the county board asking that tho town bo allowed to do so. Llttlo Kmll Johnson, 17 months old, whoso mother was convicted of mur der at Wahoo, has been adopted by Rov. B. B. Hall of Nellgh. James Byrne, an elderly man, was asphyxiated when ho Inadvertently turned on n gaB Jot In his room at the homo of a friend In Lincoln. Postmaster Springer of Brady has beon let out of office on uecouut of holding two on" at one time. He was nJcc-a county commissioner. Members of tho Lincoln flro depart ment aro proudly driving a horse lent to them by Secrotiuy of State Bryan. Tho animal Is being trained and will tnko tho place of a horso which has become lame. Four members of tho sonlor class of tho Stanton high school Byron Bacr, Max DoWitt, Walter Fechnor and George McLeod have been presented with sweaters In appreciation of their good work on tho football field laBt rail. Coyotes or small wolves nre so plentiful In southern Lancaster and wostorn Otoo counties and bo destruc tive to poultry that hunters or Bonnet, Palmyra, Panama nnd Douglas will attempt to oxtermlnato them by a big hunt. Mrs. Cnrollno McMlckon, aged 79 years, and for many years a resident of Brock, died Mondny morning from Injuries received Sunday while nt tempting to start a flro In tho kitchen rnnge with conl oil. R. F. Osborn, an AInsworth man, eamo near losing his life when his auto turned over, pinning him under neath. Ho was rescued by hlB two boys, aged eight and ten years, who llnnlly succeeded in raising tho ma chine Preparations aro being made in Cass county for ono of tho biggest wolf hunts ever hold in that part of tho state Tho ovent lu to tnko placo in tho vicinity of Union and flvo hundred men are oxpected to participate In tho hunt. Farmers in the vicinity of Falrbury aro hauling their winter wheat to town to oxchango it for corn. Tho prices of tho two grains nt that point aro almost tho same-. Tho Ohlowa high school 1b prepnrlng to glvo a play on January 30 to raise runds to tnko the hoys' basketball team to Lincoln to participate In the tourna ment to bo hold In Mnrch. Tho poultry show hold by tho Ne maha County Poultry nssoclntlon at AUDurn was ono or the most success ful shows held In that part of tho state for somo years. Thoro woro 410 birds exhibited. Tho Soward Blado is in Its thirty sixth year and E. E. Botzer, Its pres ent publisher, has been connect pd with It In different capacities for over thirty-four years. Tho annual report of Flro Chiof Woolko of Beatrlco shows that thero woro flfty-nlno fires In tho city during 1913. Tho origin of fifteen of theso fires is a mystery. PlanB have beon perfected by the Kearnoy canning factory directors to open tho factory again next year. Last summer was a bad ono for tho factory and tho plant only ran one-half of tho time. Tho suit for $3,000 damages brought by Mrs. Charlos Snpp againBt tho city of Tccumaeh, for injuries caused by a fall on n dorectlvo walk, will be warmly contested by tho defendants. An effort in being made by tho Kearnoy school board to opon a non graded room In tho city schools to provldo for backward and deficient pupils. A "boy farm" project is about to be started by tho Rt. Rov. Goorgo Alien tleocher, bishop of western Nebras ka, in connection with tho Kearney Military academy, of which he is head. EMBARRASSING MOMENTS 'ilil-'ii Wh-'iiniiil what yotf-TuKin A0OUT,AIr voo . wtam6 yovft PAP' fuft-cOAT; anwtO off! Rfl2 t. "" :ii. ' -:. I i iiiinM ...... ... ,RSisK;atii- fll (Copyright.) FOR RURAL CREDIT SYSTEM POSSIBILITY THAT GOVERNOR METCALFE HAS LOST OUT. Governor Glynn Suggests System of Agricultural Credit Earth Shocks Again Terrorize Island People. Washington. Tho adoption by the president of Secretary Garrison's plan for a one-man head of tho Panama canal will eliminate practically nil possibility thnt Richard L. Metilfe, present civil governor of tho zone, hlght bo mado to head tho reorgan ized government. Tho plun now out lined is n strictly military proposition, and no civilian would be fitted to fill tho place, which It Is said Colonel GoethalH has been picked out for. Tho 2,500 employes contemplated In tho present scheme would for tho most part be military of ono kind or an other. Thero Is little doubt expressed here that tho presldont will follow the "Garrison plP.-.," Lauding itie-ip--l'l'iViient or Colonel Ooethals-. In fact It Ib strongly Intimated thnt Col onel Goethals is aware that ho is to be named, though ho docs not admit it to casual friends on the zone. Gov ernor Metcalfo will remain on tho zone until January 1, next, If ho cares to do so, In case tho Garrison plan goes through. Moro Earthshocks in Japan. Kagosh I ma. Although the volcano Sakura-Jima. is not active, soverq earthquake shocks were felt in the towns of Tarimizu and Ushlne, In tho provlnco of Ozuml, which lies across Kagoshlma bay to tho east. The In habitants fled In terror. Thoro wero many casualties. Numerous houses wero destroyed. In various places tho movement of the earth caused large crevasses. Tho largo quantities of lava and rock thrown out by Sakura Jima havo formed a neck which con nects with tho Island on which It Is sltunted with tho provlnco of Ozuml, a dlstanco of about a mile. FOR RURAL CREDIT SYSTEM. New York Executive Favors a System of Agricultural Credit. Albany, N. Y. In an effort to re duce tho high cost of living Gover nor Glynn Boon will recommend In a special message to the legislature that It establish an agricultural credit Bys tern. Ho thinks tho passago of Btich legislation would help solve the prob lem. Tho governor has Invited a score of widely known bankerB and agricultural authorities to confer with him on tho subject. The governor favorH tho system In operation in Ger many. By it "farmers may obtain lonns for both long nnd short periods. Tho slfort term loans help the fnrmer har veHt nnd noil his crops. Tho other assists him In purchasing lands and equipment. London. Tho first woman to tnko up tho diplomatic servlco as a profes sion has Just beon appointed lu Chris tiana, according to a dispatch. Sho is Miss Henrietta Hocgh, 27 years old, nnd Ib to bo first secretary of the Nor wegian legation In Mexico. Sho passed examination in International Inw and political economy two years ngo. - New Comptroller of the Currency. Washington. President Wilson has presented tho nomination of John Skelton Williams of Virginia for comp troller of tho currency nnd ex-ofllclo member of tho federal reserve board. Tho nomination is oxpected to bo con firmed by tho sonnto. Will Leave Government Service, Washington, D. C O. p. Austin, chief of tho bureau or statistics or the department ot commerco stneo 1898, has resigned and will leave tho gov ernment service. Omaha Indians In Council, Wnlthlll, Neb. Upwards of 200 men, roprosentntlve of tho Omaha tribe of Indians, mot In council hero Tuesday. Tho two acres granted by the tribe somo months ago to tho state histori cal society lies In tho center of a forty-acro tract. The land is or little value from an agricultural standpoint, but In part it contains tho old mission cemetery, and thero is a fooling among men of the tribe that the mission site should bo preserved nnd n mnrmmn erected in commemoration of the early Omaha ulriatoa. i i i niinu uuu llJttJUXTVi t - jv 'MBrXLx !""" liiii'iiu OH.'OCC-HES nu USttiG H5 PRome P.CH.KCA5 WANTS GOVERNMENT TO TAKE OVER COAL MINES. Kansas Banker Says Cow Is Better Security than Steer Break in Dam Renders Many Homeless. Washington Government ownership of tho great coal mines of the country as a remedy for strike disturbances is recommended by Senator Martlno of New Jersey in a repprt HUbmittcd to Chairman Swanson of the senate com mittee which Investigated the West Virginia coal strike troubles. Senator Martlne, chnrged particularly with the Inquiry regarding Interferences with the malls and tho employment of con tract labor, reported that the evidence failed to establish either of these con ditions. Tho report attributed much of the violence and bloodshed In West Virginia to the presence of armed guards hired by tho mine operators. Many Homes Swept Away. Cumberland, Md. Huddled In rude shacks and about blazing campflres, hundreds of flood refugees watched and waited in the West Virginia hilla while the northern branch of the Poto mac river, swollen to an icy flood, swopt througli their homes in the towns that dot the valley below. A wall of water, starting from the broken dam of the West Virginia Pulp and Paper company on Stoney creek, moved down to the Potomac, inundat ed the town of Schell. W. Va., where tho two streams meet, and started a flood wave laden with wreckage and lco down tho Potomac river. CONSERVATION OF THE COW. Better Security Than the Steer Says Kansas Banker. Topeka, Kan. E. T. Ransom, a banker of Wichita, Kan., told tho Kan sas Improved Stock Breedors associa tion In session hero that all bankers should change their system of credit from the steer to the cow. He was dis missing tho conservation of tho cow and asserted thnt when a bank extend ed credit to farmers on steers It was credit that meant tho removal of tho steers to a butcher shop. "But when tho bankers glvo a farmer credit with which to buy cows, he does something that means additional ani mals on the farm each year," Ransom said. Killed by Youthful Bandits. Omaha, Neb. Henry E. Nlckell, paying teller at the Omaha National bank, was shot and kilted, and a com panion, whoso name the police havo not obtained, wns shot through tho shoulder, when two youthful bandits held up n rosort on North Fifteenth street Thursday night. After killing Nlckell tho robbers took by force tho diamonds of several womeu who had been forced to congregate In tho dance hall. They secured about $300 In cash and $2,000 worth of diamonds and other Jewelry and escaped. Mulberry, Kan. A cngo carrying six miners In mine No. 7 of tho Sponcor Ncwlins Coal company here dropped a hundred feet when a cnble broke and throe of the miners were killed. For One Cent Postage. KansnsCity, Mo. Tho western .re tail Implement, vehicle nnd hardware association adopted resolutions de manding 1 cent letter postage; ad vised' members to ndvertlse In local instead of form pnpors; viewed with alarm tho "national oxtravsganco," and asked for an amendment to tho constitution that would permit the president to veto parts of a bill with out killing it. In asking for tho amendment to the federal constitution so that the president may veto riders to bills, tho meeting adopted a reso lution blaming congressmen for part of tho high cost of living "by their ex. travagant use of tho public funds," Indicted for Delaying Mall. Chicago. Michael B. Coylo, a mall carrier, was Indicted by the federal grand Jury under the statute which makes loitering by postmen while on their route or dolay by them in deliv ering their mail a criminal offense It was charged that Coyle failed to com plete his route Christmas day, but left his bag, which contained a number ot registered packages, at the home of a friend. Five years' imprisonment and MRS A -VM-MMBW-HMW. r .:JtMtiHlltnii.,.,MirrtTi. ..,. ..,,,, ,. 1a fine of $600 may be Imposed for vio lation of thU law. v THE WORK AT WASHINGTON DAILY GRI8T OF THE NATIONAL LAWMAKERS. Epitome of the Work and Bills Pre. aented and Passed by the Two Houses. Saturday. Tho Senate. Senator Hoko Smltl spoke for early passago of an agrlcul tural extension bill. Elections committee continued work Ing on tho Leo and Glass sanatoria' cases. Sonntor Borah Introduced a bill foi a now government Institution to act as a marketing agency for farm pro ducts. Adjourned nt G:02 p. m. to noon Mondny. The Houec. Rules committee de ferred notion on proposed investiga tions of tho Colorado and Michigan strikes. Consideration of tho postofllco ap propriation blllcontlnued. Representative Moore. Pennsyl vania, and other republicans attacked the postofllco bill's exemptions of 2.400 assistant postmasters from tho civil service. Adjourned at C:18 p. m. to noon Mon day. Friday. Tho Senate. Debate resumed on the Alaska railroad bill. Interstate commerce committee con sidered Senator line's resolution tc investigate alleged rebating by rail roads to the United States Steel cor poration. Earl of Klntore received on thi floor and Introduced by Senators Roo' and Lodge. Arguments for tho seating of Franl P. Glass, appointed a senator from Ala bama by Governor O'Neal, were heare before tho elections committee Adjourned at 2:01 p. m. to noon Sat urday. . Tho House. Debate resumed on thi postofllco appropriation bill. Foreign affairs committee heard Now Yorkers on tho state's right" tc control Niagara river water for power Labor committee recommended cr atlon of a bureau of labor safety. Thursday. The Senate Consideration of the Alaska railway bill continued, with Senator Myers leading the debate. Hearings continued in the banking committee on the nomination of J. S. Williams for comptroller of the currency. Meeting of the interstate commerce committee called for Friday for work on the trust bills. Adjourned at 5:11 p. m. to noon Friday. The House Postofllco appropriation bill debated. Rivers and harbors committee heard advocates of inter-coastal waterway between Boston and Beaufort. Good roads committeo favorably re ported a bill for $25,000,000 federal aid for good roads, conditioned on equal appropriations by tho states. Representative Gardner, Massa chusetts, introduced bill to create a federal corporation commission and to provldo for federal Incorporation of Interstate concerns. Adjourned at G p. m. until noon Friday. Favor Government Operation. Chicago. Government operation oi long distance telephone service was favored In a resolution adopted by tho National Independent Tolephono asso ciation, in convention here. Tho reso lutions also declare for laws prohibit ling nny corporation which furnishes telephone service engaging In tho man ufacturq and sale of telephono appa ratus. Two Arrests Made. Omaha, Neb. Two arrests, that of Tully Buntain, a bartender, nnd his wife, havo been mado In connection with tho robbery nnd murder of Henry 13. Nlckell. a bank tellor, Ina North Fifteenth street resort Thura-' day night. Buntain llvos within a block of tho plnco that was robbed, and tho police believe he has somo information which may load to the identity ot tho robbers. . . To Import Foreign Meat Products. Now York. Arrangements for im portation of thousands of tons of beef and other meat products from tho Ar gentine republic, Australia and Now Zealand have Just beon completed by a syndicate of-jVmerlcnn capitalists, whoso identity has not been disclosed. It has become known that thoy have leased for twonty-one years, with priv ilege of renowalB, four largo ware houses from the New York Dock com pany with an extensive water front, giving facilities for steamship piers and railroad connections, No Change In Mexican Policy. Washington. There has been no chance in the policy of tho United States in regard to Moxlco. This was the substance ot the replies made by Secretary Bryan to merabors of the .diplomatic corps who called upon him. The foreign representatives, noting the depressing effect upon Mexican bonds held by citizens of their coun tries on tho default In the semiannual Interest payments, and Inquired as to what action the United States would take im rlew ol the new conditloae. THE MAYOR SAYS: In His Home No Other Ilcmcdy So Effective for Colds as Pe rona. SBBK!iMKt7:-;'flHBBBBBBKkI SBBF:i:i.7:'?lsBBBBBBBBV sKiPiH aHiilelLHsiilH Ril;;iPliilMi!ieel eHlMHHieeRI HeHsMiefsHHsW MAYOR B. 8. IRVIN. Washington, Georgia. "I herewith reiterate my commen dation of Feruna. It certainly boa benefited our daughter In every In stance when she was suffering from cold. I hnvo frequently used Ferunsv ln my family and have found It an excellent remedy for colds and also a a tonic. I often recommend tt to my friends. Peruna seems to be indis pensable In my family, an no other remedy has been bo effective In case of cold." EVERY FAMILY wishing to btV protected from cold should nave Fe runa In tho house constantly. Also a copy ot tho latest edition of the "Bis of Life," sent free by the Peruna, Co, Columbus, Ohio. Those who prefer tablets te tiquhf medicines oan now procure fenma In tablet forn Auk Your Druggist tor Free Perm. Lucky Day Almaaao tor I9M. Rheumatic Twinges geld Immediately to Sloan's Lln lent. It relieve aching end swollen parts instantly. Reduces inflammation andquletathatagon izlna; pain. Don't rub it pene trates. SLOANS LINIMENT Kills Pain fives quick relief from chest and hstat sl?.kAt... ft .. "' uctuuu. jtibvc you mea Sloan's? Here's what others says pf Sloan's Liniment, and although she tJm." Uru B. . LlndtUaf, CUrey, Cat. "a tuSodJ0,p Co,d " Croup A lltUo boy next door had croon. I Rave ths mot ther Sloan'a Liniment to tTV. fill. .Jk Mm " fcu . - .... iiiiu uirceurops on near tefore toTnstobjd. and hefotupwfihl out the croup In tho mnrnlng."-Mr. IT. . .M?"W.C?.? . .. cine tn the wiari'eeS'Sy 2i.5vI,,n P08 Plnt hne all t-ona and I run trnlir ..,,,. t ii r j,T StoDthem.Cirt'iLMhanr;2 nUirr. Mich. 4 -- lallD.aUn. Pri. 28a., Me. 11.00 Sloaa'a lutractlva Boekbt oa IDUM S.S10AN, lac, BOSIOft, MASS. mmmjos WESTERN CANADA NOW Tho opportunity of securing free homesteads of 160 acres each, and the low priced lands of Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta, -wltt' soon nave passed. Canada offers a hearty welcome to the Settler, to the man with a family looking for a home; to the farmer's son, to the renter, to all who wish to live under better condition. Canada's grain yield In 1913 U the talk of the world. Luxuriant Grasses give cheap fodder for large herds; cost of raising and fatUnlng ior mantei is a irnie. The sum roalized for Beef, Butter, miik and Cheese will pay fifty per i cent on ine investment. Write for literature and partic ulars as co reaucea railway raws is superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, I panada, or to W.V. BENNETT a Building Omaha, Neb. Canadian QoTsmmant Ajt Cvtrytnt Should HavtTlris PrtlKtim (l,M tbtol.u uttlf .d . at. P"?' n. sTUeSCI K.Piu.'iSEi'SS: WrltoloM. Op. M4 !. CtMtlaMrfHlllh , C.'lr.l. Bepr lock, Gimi mi muiuKm.tin-rZ, laMICaofbSTnp. Tutu Oood. Um tnuimi. SM Ijr Dractfju. ft Je Tfl Beesl nea jltbj BBeQssBeaaB3- vseiBBT . &xA&. . ' & rt.,7- ... id V.'fL " . w . . .,.ri r'Wf.S LVdW