The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 22, 1914, Image 5

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" '"' ' !"' M)fi'"i&iniviMi.? fuw&6if!JwWtWtftwOiB
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'' 'VTf- ? SWWCSKflSX..:,.
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"V-v ?
tg5ignyrvfefvfOPaarjmni. ymair
liutlolin of Tho Week's D'olnfii
trrMcifJ.T3rTTvcwjjpnfiWcqc63amMMCinrgi; jntaxacnwu. winaargMMiijtwnjmyiuatPMrtatt&juii n.LinaviaarMi mct-m'q'CX!
'I a' e your orenui to .1 0 Culdwo'l
Horn to Mr. and Mis. Clins.
y oio'iluc n bby Kli'l.
a n m o '
A.T. Waller wns lit Alma Kiiiltiy.
(Jusltoats went to Omaha Tuesday.
Ed. Ciurber was in Guide KoeU Mon
Mrs.. Humes went to IlnstlK 'l,ie'"
Editor EiUou spent Friday In Ilust-
Cluih Starho spout Sunday In Su
perior. See the Chief oflloo for job inlutliic;,
"as you HWo It."
A. E. AtUlns wus u passenger to
HustlusH Monday.
Ed. Uuri- of GnUhi KoeU was In town
tho tlitof tho week.
Alf Suhulon roturneil homo Eihhiy
evening from Florida.
Mrs. Taut l'one was iv passenger to
Superior Tuobday morning.
Ed. Crnry ami Alva Minor of Uulde
Hoe's wore in bmn Momliy.
Tho largest lino of riirs in tho city
on display at. Minor Hrou. Co.
Mrs. Hcrniml MoNeny arrived homo
tho last of tho woi-lc from Ouuha.
Louis Vuvticka ami wlfo 10 turn oil
Iinmn Tluirdav uveilillK from Old.
C. W Kith.y h'lt Sumliiy ovenhiif f'
California whore ho will spuml soino
Harold Ludlow went to Lincoln
Monday to attend tho horticultural
show. '
Mrs. Warren London and Miss Alfa
Lniutoii wore p.isbougorh to Hustings
U. A. Mezger and Hon MoF.iiland
wont to Hustings Tuesday to st'O tho
Miss Gorlruilo Conn is in Lincoln
this woolt attendiiiR a county supoiin
tondent'.i meeting.
I'rof. lSetzV orchestra furnished
music for u dauoo In Inavalo Iasi
Thursday evening
lto:idmasterTio.t hi MeCooU
Tilday uttoiulh'i, an ofllcjuncy meeting
of tho MeCo lt division.
Mr. and Mrs O. N. Gurnoy npi'iit
Monday in Inavale with their sou Joe
Gurnoy, wife and children.
Ed. Cook and children of Nowntu,
Oklahoma, arrived Tlmr-ilny cveulng
t) visit his father, Ur. Cook.
A trial of tho Comet Cigar will con
vince you that It is w.'ll wnith lOeta,
while it Is jld for outs, by all dealer.
Mr. and Mih. Vein Thomas of Sutton
wore hero Tuesday attending the
funeral of her .sister.' Mios iio-Vio
Last Thursday at the wolf hunt
north of town tho citizens dispatched
two wolves to the Jiuppv hunting
Eireuvm P. Howeu of Denver lb now
running on 1 and 11 between lted
Cloud and Hasting. Monday's Mc
Cook Tribune.
Oriu lledgo and family have moved
to this city from Inavalo and are now
residing hi tho U. C Cutter property
on lltli avenue.
Oporator S. C. Ellis is home from
Iowa whore ho had been visiting his
mother who was very ill, but who is
now locovoring.
Hon S.iunder.s ai rived homo the )u-l
o tho week from Lincoln where he
hud boon attending the ntato Lumber
ni m'.s Association, mooting.
I have tho best line in tho county on
farm lemna. Seo me and be convinced
My mot to -prompt service.
A. T. V.i.Ki:n.
nnimtv Clerk E. W. l'.oss was able to
In down town uwhilo Saturday for the
ilrit time In several months. llo will
soon bo able to resumo his dutioh
Mrs. J. S. (lllhaui and Mrs. J. A.
Tulloys returned homo Friday from
Nuponee where they had been visiting
Mrs. Tulloys' daughter Mrs. Ed. Oil
lard and family.
Joo Dentoii, one of Bladen's most
respected citizens died MoudBy even
lugaud will bo buried toduy. Hev.
Hummel wont up Wednesday to preach
tho funeral sermon.
Miss Mablo liucklcs entertained a
number of her friends at a party Fri
day evening at her borne north of
town. Everybody present reports
having had a good tlaie.
Frank Ehlrcdge ami son, Dolmor,
returned to their homo at LaSalle,
Colo., Sunday ovoning after spending
list week in this city with his wife,
M , Coia E dredge and friends.
Last Tuesday morning about 7:30
two strangers camo Into Wecsner,
Perry & Co's sloro and asked Earnest
n .v.iu for fjoino tobacco, While he was
waiting on ouo of Ihom tho other ono
remaiuod iipln the front part of tho
store, and was observod by Earnest ,n
tho act of placing a couple of bj ti of
silk under hh co:it. Ho locked the
frout door then phoned to Koscoo
Weesncr, who immediately camo to tho
store. However, tho thlovcs put buck
tho silk, anJ wero nl'owaJ to go.
A M. Waller.4 wnn iIjwii fiom Uluo
Hill Friday.
Mrs. Piort Lindloy uf I'lvett'in was In
town Fiiilay.
See ilm complete Hue of rugs at
Minor llros. Co.
II. V Cooper of (initio Kock was in
tho city iSiituidny.
Kobt. Mclirldo wont to Hnstliigs
Weiliasday morning.
FianU Mlr was u passenger to
Hastings Wednesday.
Col Juke Ellluger shipped a car ol
cuitle to !st .loo yuudiiy.
Wetsnor Koonlz shipped a car of
hogs to Kansas City Sunday.
Closing out sale of Harness, boo me
for llargains. I'. j llaiwen. adv.
Tho W. U T. I', will moot with Mi.
tJoo. Coon Wednesday, lanuary -Sth.
John Christian shipped 11 oar of .out"
llo to Kansas City Wednesday morn
John Hamilton Jr., and Ik'c Clin
man of thililo Hook wore in the cilj
lu-jl, 1'iiduy.
"Ho Illumed It on Ills Wife," topic
at tho Aiuilunlibl ehuivh next Suudtij
II. J. Wilson of Hastings was in the
islty the lust of the week in tho inter
ests of the M. W. A. lodge.
Deputy sjliorlll Joo Ujohlcr of Alum
brought down a couple of boarders
.Siiiuiuy for the Hotel do Hodge.
For thu best U.'iu diunei, also shuit
orders, pie, sandwiches and Iivsli
oysters go to Warron's restaurant.
Mios ltuby Coleman arrived in the
city Sunday evening from Ashland and
began her duties as teacher of the Uth
grado Monday.
Miss Edith Farmer of Kansas City,
who has been visiting relatives at.
Wray, Colorado, arrived in town Wed
nesday to visit Mis. C. II. Ilule.
' Mr. F. A. Good was elected proMdont
of the Nebraska lletail Lumber deal
ors association for another term this
week ut the state meeting in Lincoln.
What hits become of tho Republican
Vnllev Llvo Stock Skinners and Feed
ers Association. ? Wo have not hoaid
unj thing about it sinco it was organ
ized. "What. Is God," wi'l bo the subject
of the morning sermon at tho Con
grfgutional church. Subject for the
livening; "The l'lacticul Value or
Wo leccivoda card Sunday morning
from Win. Wolfo who is at tho present
time, ut Long lioaeh, California, and
he sayii tho ilowers are in bloom there
and he Is having a good time.
C. II. Straycr of Ko l Cloud, has pur
chased the old John . Eriokson bl.iok
smith shop, and has moved to town
with his family ami taken posseislui
of tho shop. "Wednesday's Franklin
The electric light bonds carried
with a whoop at IUoomhigton's special
election Monday. Only 10 votes out
of the 10U cast, wore registered against
tho proposition. Franklin County
l'rogro's. (
Mrs. Margaret Cross, who has been
visiting friends here tho pint week or
two, went down to lted Cloud Thiirs
day morning to visit at the homo of
her sou, C. E. Cross. Saturdays
Fianklln News.
Cottage- prayer uieotlngH will be held
Thursday evening tit the homes of
Mrs. Kobert Mitchell and Mr-..ClilToid
l'opo. Meetings begin at 7:110 and
everybody is cordially invited. Itev.
Wright, and Kcv. Uayne are the
. We rtcelved a letter Tuesday from
Geo. Atkln.ou who is located at No
watit, Oklahoma, mid ho. buys: "Thoy
arc having warm weather and the
formers are plowing and sowing, oats.
The women are making garden and
tlu birds uro warbling their spring
Every mail that has a public sale on
hand wants good attiactivo sale bills
bills that attract tho attention of the
passerby and very materially assist hi
drawing people to the sale. That's
the kind we print at this olllee and
that's tho kind every man holding a
bale should have.
The soliciting committee for tho
support of tho baud report that sutll
clent funds have been pledged to con
tinue this organization for another
year. Not all have been called upon
as yet but tho hearty responso all
along the lino fully substantiates the
report of the committee.
Last Thursday evening John Havel,
the Hulck auto, dealer, started to take,
Louis Vavricka and wife homo and on
getting two miles north of town had
the misfortune to break his auto, and
Ivul to linvo the machine pulled Into
.1, II. Humlltoti and son of Guide
Itoqlc, will hold thoir tenth annual
snlo of Poland Olilua brfd sows and
Shorthorn cilves at Burr's barn in
Unldo Rock, Tuo5d'iy, February 3rd.
There oft'eilng for this sale consists of
35 head, but it suroly is ta grand good
offering of big, smooth Poland China
sows and gllta. Those hogs tiro oil
cholera immune. They will also sell
three Shorthorn bulls and one Pollod
Durham. Sec thoir "ad" elBOwhero In
I'.tl IfiSH".
Sutunl y ovo'iing. n h by girl. Every
mother thinks -he has the sweetest
laby but surely the little lump of
'ovellnes that was laid in this mother's
nuns Is something nioro beautiful thin
the fairest llovver that ever bloomed.
This paper wafts lis best wishes to tho
happy parents.
One of the men who taken p.rt in
the robbory of ti "resort" cuiduet by
Mn.ol McVoy In Ouuhn, la-a Thur-diiy
night, at which time one man was
killed and several valuable iluiuiotids
soenred, has been apprehended hi St.
Joe. The prisoner has, nreoi'ding to
report, made a full confession, and
the arrest of tho other Iwo men who
I alien nart hi the holdup Is hourly ex
The following tranfors wero eopled
f,--in thu ro'ords this week by thlsodl
t ir and were filed Doe. 10, lOl'J, and
had not. been published: Hugh It
Hunter and wife to Howard II. Hunt
er, wd, s)j no,', lots 'J. :i,soo 111, lot 8,
liM-10, 815,00(1; It. 11. Hunter and wife
in Lolo B. Uleknrd, wd, lie'i 1(5-2 1'.
612000; Hugh 11. Hunter and wlfo to
(corgi) E Hunter, wd, neVj 10 'JO,
"Cio to Chure'i Sunlay," will bo
iibsejved the tit -.t Sunday in February
Thu aim is to got, everybody to lUtoiid
chiiroh on that date. If you are not
accustomed to go to church, plan to do
so on that date. "(o to Church
Sunday," has become so popular In
some towns that, tho churches on that
date have not boon tible to accommo
date the people. Let everybody turn
out and mnkoil a groat success in the
city of Uo 1 Cloud.
Unit' Work
Laiuks- Mis. Fied Plumb will make
switches out of combings or cut hair.
Call.itt residence, 703 North Elm St
ono block east of school house. 2 f
tleanug -bale
rm p&r W W 70
1 JLa J. JLri JLa
ondav, December
And Will Continue Until Jan. 30, 1914.
Wc Will Sell All Our Regular Lines Of
Kuppenheiiner, ClothcrafEt and Society Brands Men's,
Boys' and Children's Suits, Overcoats
and Pants at a Discount of
Or T3 CZ: T3 r m TT r
From our regular niain figure nrices. We will also offer
Special 33 1-3 Per Cent Discount
On Men's Cravenells and Men's Velvet Collar Overcoats, besides
these Clothing Bargains, we offer the people the Greatest
Shoe Buying Opportunity ever offered in Red Cloud
A!! our Men's high grade $4.S0, $4.75, $5.00 and
$5.50 Florsheim Dress Shoes at $3.35 a pair.
SnH ik Moh'c Qteifanftc
iiiiu m vm iuh u tuwvnu, itar& pv, rm
Tiqe? afid Champion Jiats at
wi ruinMMafantu
Friday and Saturday
.UN. 12.T Jl
The 1'iUCE . f HUMAN LIVES-The
lied Cross Soul story lor 101 1, iiroducod
under tho auepieiH of I he National
Society for the I'i'ovoiitioii and Study
of TuberetliOjis
V 'ino ly.
Tho SO V,NAMUULI.-3 L - Comedy.
Monday, Jan. 2G
Aft'iMoon . id Eviiiin '
MRS. Fl-K in TESS of tho UTUU
EUVlEhES This In u .SpeoUil live icol
picture, l'rleo of admission for thi
day only: Afternoon 10 and fi, evening
ilOand 10. Three showh will bo glveti
at 1 p. in , 7:30 p m , and 0 p. in
"Wc arc over-slocked on hats and ofTcr a fine assortment of up-to-date shades and
models at this liberal discount. A fjno buying opportunity for those people
who have waited for Bargains and who need good clothing.
This is a Cash Raising Sale and there is NO use asking us to charge these floods at this
discount. The only object we have in sacrificing goods in this manner is to get cash
which wc need badly.
lilt OTtXplWl fX!KJ
iM 1 I Tlflf Ln
Qua A U i 1 I Bill
Red Clone's Foremost Gloiiilersn
ffh-st Hoor Worth of Poslofflce.
Tuesday, Jan. 27
nodular I'roKiiim and L'rleo.s
splendid two uol drama very enter
liiiuiii. For 11EK (lOVEI5N1ENT-l)-aina.
The bl'EED LIMIT-Comedy.
Wednesday and Thursday
THE DlVEK A flno two icel Teat
uro in which the chief limine of the
story is tho fiimoiis dllnjr woman
Milo. 1(1' al who In u tcinui li;il)'o .swim
mliiK foa' Mivos the life of a child a It
itiibour tobobwepl over Niagara l''al'f.,
in a boat. A remarhiibly realistic pic
ture fu which the Niagara Fall arc
hhown in all their glory
Hue lliogniph drama.
Home ELOl'EKS Comedy.
InleiTiipted COLMlTrilin'-Come ly
Matmco Saturday it p. nu
Special Sale
A quart o! polish
with every mop.
B. E. Jfl epafland
All the Phones
Go. S
AH Sweaters - All Blankets
All Ladies', Misses', and Children's
Winter Coals also all Skirts, furs and
Wool Dresses.
All our Red Seal and Toile-Du-Nord
Ginghams which sell at 1 22c and 1 5c
will go at 1 Oc yard.
All Dress Goods
Table Lines, Napkins,
Bed Spreads, Towels
' . . .ON. . .
Knit Hoods, Etc.
Flanette Night Robes,"
Winter Under-Wear
. Pajamas
We are making some especially close prices on Canned
Goods in our Grocery Department which will pay you to
investigate. See our large circulars for other special prices
not mentioned here.
This sale
closes Saturday, January 24th and the
prices are strictly for CASH
Weesner, Perry & Go.
Si... ... .!.... !Att(?vHl '
isj?'iJ'rTtryya'jninfMwiiiii Mifi ij m '-m