The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 22, 1914, Image 4

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    iil UllJp !
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M rncjn wflutcnonrctJiKxnxos
Uoti Clold,
K.iiltrcil In the 1'oMolllie nl Hut Cloud, NrU.
as Hceond ClnsR Matter'
.A. 11. MeAIlTHUK
wkiihtkk count v
. -. ...i-rnu. ..: i wiegtnc.wMBiiTia8a8twtsw... -- .m---.-.--- - .tt--..-...r..t-. -U3arnu-ii
'r?4iPT?'-B """l, ' ,M:,rtf ,,um! ,u"1. iMr- M"1 "f r,,,""r !'"UM' '!-v ,,,t C-SJ35vv-ffigass- xjssgqg8SB&rfa
NobraaUfx - , , , , . . . .. i Christ Inn church evening to , S
llipae nnioiiimfn is men ui l",iniu",11 upm-i eiaMvo ii'Mllinc- c -..-.-..---.w-,... --......-. ....... .....--.--. c
itirmin V V .i ... ..i-iI.a ........Itn. ..lit.. tiiiiI If Mini . . -. . . .. .. , .. M . -. . 1
.in w n. I'tiiiiinii fm t i a-is" -iitif :k ' i-n.-i ev iik xjzzi
Ilia . V. ......... v..... r V ""V 1 nW -. C V?J ..ft N .1.1 A7 H
A 3 M I vU r i'l m Rim A
uuct WWWWIW !
j urcai jtiiuHAiiiiuai i
1 . W H
Fat Drawing to st CI Be
i I
f Bargains' in all Departments
Irs tm II la w fi"iS If W ? ra r"w rI &
i ffifiBfiral RSftrhante i
f I
- - - . -
Ortf.-.r To fjjjc.v lausc.
Siutd nl Nflmisim. i niTh,. C.n.i iv Cnurl
Onco more It 1ms bcon proven Unit.
WoIibUt cnunlv mny be relied upon
win n ever Mie Is culled upon for men
il)f ability The r.-ek'Ctlon r Mr. K.
A. (3ood of CowIoh to the presldenev
lOftho N'rhmskii Kcliill I.uinbeinuinV
aissocliiliiiii Ii the best bind of cmlorv
jiicnt for bis yoar'hWOiU. Tboolllzeni
pf our felHter elly antl the people of the
county linvo ienlon to be pleased 1 1ml
.Mr. (Jood has iikiiIu been honored with
this position.
Tho ban Iiiih bem taken oir mid now
31 r. Farmer may uho any snrum he
jdeiiBcs on his own bogs or cnttte mid
.may his neighbor If rcniosli'tI
tvitliout being subject to a lluu. The
rule ndoplcd by the btuto lb ns follows;
Rafter fainting restrictions, "provided,
ttiiaCtlils shall not apply to any per
iton wishing to administer null hog
cho1cra scrum tinil virus, or bhiek leg to his own stock or to assist
Mils neighbor.
mcmbeiship has no Intuit"! the goner
ill public will soon forget that nny
nch orgiinliiil'iii- i x'.1
"After Von, JM l hi Unsloii" is tho
wny all I ho deiuociiitlu poislbllltled lor
Congiossinan in the. Klflli District feel
abbut going up against Old Si Dm ton.
Ilaimon suggests Ihingan, Diitifiim
siifgests Sutherland, Siithcrlund sug
gests Pel e Hhcii, and so It goes. Hi
Dm ton will liooiielcd v'ongressuiiiii In
this district next fall lumlbdorth. and
limy all know It, anil Imtu to go tu the
expi'HM) of ootidiic lug a hoplc.s cam
piilgn. Franklin News,
f You had better pull in jour horn
j Klirl and put 1' on low spoed as thoro
Is ninny ii (-Up b('tveen the cup and
the lip Ii'mihermoVo this Is going to
be u deiiuH'.ra'ie year and some one of
ciur aspirants for the ollleoof Congress
man in the Fifth Dlsttict will be o!cct
ud without ii doubt Ibis fall. While
We'rccognl.c the fact, that garden toal
lo good matuiial for political fence
building, vet It Is so plentiful in lhl
bcciion this beasiin wo arc colllldentU
will not stand the strain of binding Si
Ihirlou iignlii In olllce this fit 11.
This elly is now iissiucd of the per
jniincncy of our cornet bund. There
,i no question about, tho city'u intcrot
jn herband. This is one organization
tthut mcels Willi the approval of all.
ITIiIh snnimcr as soon as Iho weather
jpcnnlts open air concerts will be given
iiti the school house ytml. Theso iiiitsi
ecul ontortaluments havo been enjoyed
Jin tho past and our band lias progress
(C(l ho fur that it takes a pretty big
(company to out class our playots. We
will look forward with pleasure lo the
time when these entertuinmeul'j are
Mrs, Fisk at liie Tepee
Another of the Famous I'lnyor Co.,
atlriictions, Mr. FNk in "Tess, of tin
D'Urbervllles," a splendid live reel pic
ture f i oin the novel of the same liuuie,
will he given at tho Tcpeo on Monduj
iionI , .lmi. (i, afternoon mid cvuiitig,
at 4 p. in., ?:'0 p. ui. mid 0 p. m
Admission, vciiliig -0 and 10.
Aftelliooii lUaud '.
a nuinljor of lion-oi lo Ued Cloud
Hilur-lay. Mi. Hlarr of lied Cloud
bought them from thd farinois around
The people In Pliiiiiit Hill town
ship had u wolf hunt Wednesday an
suci'cuded In pulling lo death otic
lonely coyote. They let a number gel
(I. A. Wells is putting up a garage
in which to 1hici his Ford car. He
neoiln all of tbe room that he has in
his Implement, houio to show Ins im-ph'mcuts,
Tho ne.t political campaign will
jboon be upon us and it is highly im-
iiorlant, In view of tho fact Unit tho
ideiiiaerntlu parly is on trial, in tho
;fitnle nod In the nation, that the very
aicst material be selected from our
imviy for tho various ( lliccs, The
(jlcmocratlo paity Is In power and the
-Avny for ns to keep In power Is lo have
"j-enl illlelei.t. men In olllce. The time
tluiB gone by when votes can -bofeeiued
jjor a man just because, he wears tho
rjpurty label. What we mod Is to have
jwen of known ablllly seek the tesponsl-
lblo positions and then wo will huvo
clear sailing.
Mr-. (Jhet Cox was InJHiie FI ill
A T. Viuico of llastlng-t is on our
streets this week.
11. II. Thompson was in listings be
tween tr'iini IMihiy. l
Mr. S'.iUdeu of Ued Oloud wnp on
our stioets Saturday.
Prof. Wolf was In lted Cloud be
tweeu tialns Saturday.
Mrs. Cha. Oglyvle xvns in Red Cloud
Mrs. M.iry U.-iin Is visiting W.
Un.iu and f-imily thU week.
K"v. Siiiilh of Inavale Is holding a
serliM of nioetings at District 11.
Deri (.iromuu mid family wore
visiting at .1. W. lloigle's Sunday
V. 11. Piluey bought two span of
mules from lU'ii Heed one day last
Most years we bonst of our corn
pile, but iliisyear can only boast, ot
our vsuod pily
0 P. llftrvoy is liuiilliig com from
Inuvate. He is fenllng utioul J00
l.o id of cattle.
The young people's party L'iveu at
.Mr. llolli'f'fi on Mondny evening was
well attended and all loport a grand
good time.
Tho wolf limit on Monday was quite
well attoii'lc'l and tho result was that
two wolves Were killed and a number
SimiciI out of the country.
Kitstnct) Dean has been calling on
v)!o Utirgmau quilo fuqiieiitly of late.
Can't say if it i4 Die or the school
inariu, liutihiulc tlio lutte'.
W. P.. Wondorly our (lour and feed
mini K going lo have a bread contest
nisi hjiilurduy and moHt of the womei
Hid bachelors aie going to participate
U'hu ceremonial Installation of olllc-
ccrh ill tho fraternal orgauir.itlioiis is an
tc-ccllcnt thing for any lodge. Itadds
tllignity to tho occasion and makos the
vnftlccifl elect feel as tho they wcie call
tH'A upon to oilleiate for a real live body.
It also adds interest and enthusiasm
'JTor thu work and helps to bring out. the
lJrntornal spirit. There i much good
ttlicsc fralernlties can accomplish pro
vrldeil tlio inteiest of the nienibeis i-i
tJiroused enough so It will result In
activity. A publlo function now and & Sitnnlv Co
Hhcii will do a great deal to ctlmulnte out of the sand
butweeu tiains Wed ic-iday.
Mrs. Abbey and daughter wore puss
enters lo Hustings Haturdny.
Farmers Institute at Cowles Jan
miry -i'-3. K very one come.
11 P,. Thompson was Iriuisteiing
buslmss in Ued Cloud Ualurday.
lieorge II ill manage.r of Hie Cowlis
Auto Co,, was in Hastings Tuesday.
The Uobekab lodgo will hold their
utinuul Installation next Friday oven
lug. Kev. Llnlger pustor of tlio Congre
gational church spent sonic time in
Franklin last week.
A. .1. Grant onino unck from m:
Florida trip Friday. lie seems to
think that country is great.
F-. A. Good Ids Min Walter and
daughter Georgia returned Saturday
whcie they had been on a short va
cation. Thu M, I', 'church poople got buy
Satuidayof hr-l week and erected it
ctml ami fuel house in the rear of the
11. 11 Thomp-oii loaded two c-irs of
sand Im-fid.iy foi tht Hustings Illicit
The fiost is nearly all
TT mmm i - hi i ' - ijhii-w- i - J '" "'
?b$2Sei&4&3 SagflsaEse9i,
Public Sales
Having decided to leave the stuto I will sell at Public Auction at tho
Jus. Mcintosh farm, .1 miles north and .1 miles west of Red Cloud,
ami 3 miles north and I mites east of Innvale, mi
Wednesday, Jan. 28
13 Head of Horses
13 Head of Cows
20 Head of Hogs
Farm Machinery, Etc.
Mr. and Mrs. Fverott Myeis and
Icrry Dunne were the guests of the
McCoolc V.ros., last Sunday.
Mrs. A. Leadabruiiil arrived home
hist week spending Christinas al
St. Lous. She stated that n itvltli
statiding the partial crop failure in
IvaiiRUH It s-pomed a dlllleull tusk In
her travels to II ml a parallel for Smith
County lor general prosperity.
.Icrry Dunne tirtlved home from
Yinim county, Colorado after spending
i moutls vacation witli somo num
bers of his family. Ho says the coun
try looked good to him and was much
surprised to see an abuudiilttsupply of
feed, alsi piles of ooba and straw
stacks dlsemlnated all over the county,
in fict ho says though a new country
It looked like an old country In regards
Lo goneral improvements.
A scries of revival meetings were
hold at the Mount Hope church which
continued every night for two weeks
slosed with wonderful success. The
I'hurcli tho spa'dous was each night
crowded to ovet Mowing. Our resident
clergyman tho Uov. Maker was assisted
by Kev. Sciininu of Clyde, Iuin-as, who
Is a young gentleman of great zeal,
highly talented and possessing great
oiutoiicul power. The indefatigable
exertions of both clergymen meeting
vilh such wonderful success will leave
an liulelluhlo impre-siun and certainly
vlll be long remembered by the young
mil old pcoplo In Logan township.aud
-.tirroiiiuliug vicinity.
On Wednesday of hint week a luiyo
lumber of men fiom l.ognn and
ueo arrived on tho creek of Mr. .leiry
Dunne's aimed with miwh and as
and out down loads of firewood
which they hauled to his yard nil work
ed up in systematic stylo just ready
for Ihe stove. Mr. Dunne was oil" on
an oxtended visit lo Yuma county,
Colorado, to see some members of his
family, so the good pcoplo of the
neighborhood availed themselves of
the opportunity, dooming it an incumb
ent duty as ueighbois to put up lots of
fuel for tho young ladles so that they
could enjoy n pleasant lire during the
tho winter besides the great consolation
of beating or pulling down tbe coal
trusts. 1 must say they all aimed to
put in a good day's work, which they
oortainly did and more particularly
the young men or bachelors.
s;iiiti nf Nt-hl'tLMtil
U'cli-tter Uomitv. (
At a oimty y oart helil at tlio t.'ouuty
Court room In anil rorsalil county Mo'ulay,
January I2lh , A. 1). lull.
In the iimllor of thu cslatu ot Jacob
Cliiipllu, Hecciiseil.
On ri-nillm; nnl nllnn tlio petition of
Tlioinahl.Cliaiilliiina on tho I'Jtli tlay of
Jimuary, A. !., I0n.iiriiylu forthuexatnln-
atloa ami allowance uf his llnal account of
lliu Mime date, tin orJcr distributing the resi
due uf pergonal citato and Uuto uion an
order dlsclmrulni; lilni 'roni further burden
and Kcrvlco In htiosildollleuaHudmlnlslrator.
UitiiKitKii, That l-'rlilny, the ISO lit day of
January, A. I)., 11)11, at to o'clock a. in.,
isahslmiciUorliearlnu said petition, when nil
liersoiiHlnlciCHtcd In wild mailer may appiar
at a County Court lo beheld In and for said
county nail sliow cause why mayor of peti
tioner snottm not no i;riuiicii; aim umi nuiu-u
of tho poiiilency of ald ielltlon and the htar
lutf thereof bo Klvcn to all persons Interested
lusaldninttir, by publtshliiK a copy of this
order In tlio lted ( 'loud Chief, n weekly news
paper printed In said county, for ihrio con
sruth o week prior lo said d y of hearing.
rsT.AI.l A. I). llANNIIV,
' ,J-i-V : ..Jrn&
, Itlk'il: irm'fii'.Ta.l
Annual Sale of Poland China
Bred Sows
Shorthorn Calves
To Be Held At Burr's Barn, Guide Rock, Nebr., on
Tuesday, February 3rd, 1914
35 Head of Bred Sows all Cholera Immune
3 Shorthorn Bulls 1 Polled Durham
S:ilc beginning at l:nO p. m. and held under cover if stormy,. Thews sows
arc all safe in pig to thu best boars of the big type wo could buy, and all aro
Cholera Proof having pushed through tho disease early in the summer and all
were vaccinated. If von aro looking for Ilroml Sows it will ltv yon to come to
j tho sale as this is tlic best lot of sows we have over elf-md for sale. Uig
rite lor e.tMUog to
Onlcr to Show Causo
Live Stock and General Auctioneers
Htaloof Nobrask.t
Woiistur i.ouniy
lOtlt, A. I). I'.UI.
IK Hie mailer ol tho estate of Amos Oust,
UN reading and tlltntJ Uo petition ol Klltt
belli Steele, and Chailes Oust, prilylnt! thai
administration of bitld estate may bo granted
to Allied Mci.'ull, as Administrator.
OUDKUCI), that I'rlday the (llh day ol
Kobrtiary, A. D. 11)11, at ten o'clock a. in., Is
assigned for hearlni! wild petition, when all
peihons Interested In said matter may a li
near at a County Court to bo held In and for
said County and Hhow cause why prayer of
petitioner should not bo granted; and thai
notice of tho pendency of bald petition and
tho hearing thereof bo given to all persons
Interested In wild matter, by publishing a
copy ot this order lit tho Ilcd Cloud Chief, a
weekly newspaper printed in snui county,
for ihreo consecutive weeks prior to said day
ot hearing.
(Seal) County Judge
couittv Judse. smooth out in nice breeding condition
E fir? nun n
(iiiUIc Roclw
i i Sm
l in 1 he County louit:
ATiiCoimy tomt held at tho County CVs ()m ur0Mll01 , (; G. Doniiv and 11 C. Peters. Aiut
Courtroom In and for Mild count January
Kil. Parker, Clerk.
TEDXS Sums of 810 and un lor cash. Sums over this amount a
oredltof 10 mouths' will be given, purnlmser giving note with
approved socurity, and ten per cent. Interest.
iiotii i'iioxi:s
Ued Cloud
17 on 8
NOTICE TO bidders;
Superior, v. " Nebraska.
Phone .137
Jan 270. J. Cowles, 1 mile east of
Feb. !'. S. Iliohurdson, 5 miles north
west of Purr Oak.
Feb. 3.-J. II. Hamilton & Son, bred
sow sale of Poland Chinas, Guide Rock.
Feb. 0. W. L. Denny, fi miles north
of Guide Rock.
Feb. 10. Lew Smith, a miles n6rth
cost of Gttido Rock,
Feb. 11. -U. G. Higglns.T miles uorth
ot Nora.
Feb. 17. Rodney Rogers, 5 miles
southeast of Mt. Clare.
Feb. 18 KdO. Lanoy, 11 miles south-
!; miles east of Guide Rock,
March 25-C. (). Calvin, ii miles
southwest of Cadmus
I Alex Davison S
H Col. Jake EUInijcr, Auct. W. A. Sherwood, Clerk.B
E. A. Creighton,
M. D.
Notlco Is hereby given that scaled proposals
will bo received at the olllco of the County
..I....L. IMf.inl ffir till, itmvltitr
VKin, .I...V.V. - --- --",,., 0l. .
of tho present Court llouso to a point 1W feet "un" "' oujn-i n .
W'estol present location and placed on a Fob. 25 A. T. Cross, Duroc JerbOy
leiiipuuir, luuuunuuu, lu.i,.i, ." .......... fin .In Tlnnb
mm m
to lurnlsli
nialerlal tor foundation, bidder to preform
all labor and lui nlsh all material except as Feb.
herein provided.
Bald court hotisu lo bo removed not later
-Nato Simpson, 2 miles
northwest ot Guldo Rock.
pmti vwmuiiiiiwi" '.j ....w.v.. " ....... . . .... ... ,,
than April 1st, lull, liiddcr to tiirn(sli bond ' l'cb. Jl. Jas. Mnrtln, 1 : miles
lu tho sum ol ?W0.00 to Bccuro and lusuro tho southeast of Mt. Clare
rtra!varde,'r "' l" w,,,lU"0"BO' u,ucol,lrnct , March 7-N. 0. Paulson, hog sale at
All bids lobe on rtlo with tho County Clerk Fremont,
not later than Kouruary 25, l!)l I at 12 noon. m..Pi,i, o ii,.i ,i nii.,Q n,
lly order of tho Comity ConiuiUslouers. w.BH...0 .....
eal) i:. w. uos.s . mike a Poland China sow sale at Ncl
County Clerk. 'SOU.
byJ.J.Uiirber.Dcp.1 March 18. Vlll Vouderfetcb, 1 and
THE ALARM is a dreadful tiling
OF FIRE for the man without
insurance. Evory time lie sees the
engines racing along his Heart comes
up in his throat If tho lire is anywhere
near Ills place. What folly, what mis
taken economy.
THE COGT Or, is uo small that it
INSURANCE need hardly bo
considered. The freedom from worry
alone is worth it, many times over
Have us Insure you to-day.
R&llahla Innurmnom.
" H -.-" ,1T1 V"