The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 22, 1914, Image 2

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Preparing the Ground by
F you wero a countryman
whoso farm was not pny
I UK very well and an ag
ricultural export camo
along and said: "Lot mo
show you how you can
doublo aud trlplo your
present Incoino;" If the
man looked sano and in
tolllRont, you would doubt-
lesB jump at tbo chunco.
Furthermore, If ho mado good on
bis assertion ho would win your over
looting gratltudo and porhaps you
would recompenso him with a little
cash bonuB. Now this la just thu op
portunity that tha farm management
department of the Missouri Agricul
tural collcgo Is offering to the farm
ers of the "show mo" Btate.
The department says: "Ask for our
aid aud wo will show you how to tonic
your ulckly bank accounts and how to
lncrctiHo tho profits of every branch of
your farm." Evon tho most skeptical
who, to begin wlth,4mado fun of tho
proposition hnvo bcou slloncod bocauso
tho Missouri farm management depart
ment hns made good on all Its asser
tions. Toduy Homo D00 local farmers arc
annually recording greater profits on
tho orcdlt sldu of their ledgers iib a
result of following tho ndvlco and
plans mapped out for them by tho de
partment. An experiment In growing cow peas
with corn on ono of tho demonstra
tion farms. Tho pcub will fatten
from six to 10 western lambs at a
profit of $10 por acre.
Tho department was orgaulzed In
1906 under tho direction of Prof. W. J.
Splllman of tho United States depart
ment of agrlculturo, and F. 11, Mum
ford, dean of tho Missouri Agricultural
college For four yoars ltB work was
confined to an accurato study of local
farm conditions a resume of tho
knotty problems of tho Missouri farm
er and how ho could bo bcBt aided In
solving them.
Then when the forco was thoroughly
conversant with tho "star boarder"
farms of tho state and had planned an
efficient campaign whose object was to
eradicate the evil features of tho un
profitable farm, they offered to help
the general farmer re-map his Bystom
of management, bis crop rotations, his
methods of marketing his produce ami
to adaDt his line of farming to tbo
region in which be resided.
Confidence In Organization Grow.
It was a case of "first come, first
served," and after those business man
agement doctors had- cured a few se
vere coses of "loafer" farms and made
them profitable and more productive,
Applications requesting aid camo in
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m r8 life
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Taking Out All -the Old Roots.
llko hot cnkeH from countrymen In all
portions of tho state.
As an Illustration of what theso ex
pert farm managers could accomplish
In rehabilitating a good farm which
was run down, duo to mismanagement,
tnke tho case of "Jim" Urown, who woe
considered ono of the best farmers in
Removing With Dynamite
Ills district; yet ho, on thu quiet, ap
pealed to tho department for aid.
A representative visited tho farm
and found it apparently In good condi
tion, supplied with good buildings, and
annually yielding bumper crops of
gruln and roughage, 30 bushels of
wheat, CO bushels of corn and two tons
of liny to tho acre.
It was u different story, howevor,
when tho oxport examined tho live
stock. Tho dairy cows wero scrubs of
tho worot variety, with staring coatB
and every rib showing, and with ud
ders not largor than a man'B two fists.
Tho Bwlno and horses wero also In
foilor epoclmons of tweutloth century
llvo stock, while tho supply of farm
machinery was In no senso modern and
elllclent. Hero was a caso of a coun
tryman who was exerting all hlB ener
gies toward tho production of proflt
ablo crops, only to feed them to un
profitable llvo stock.
From 12 cows ho obtained only
onough milk to supply tho nocd of his
family of bIx persons. Tho department
showed him whoro tho loak was, and
explained to him how ho could har
monize all his operations and render
his farm more fertile and profltablo by
maintaining better llvo stock. Ho ac-
coded to their advlco and today Is
gnlnlug a profltablo livelihood and
yenrly fattening his bank account un
der a standardized syBtcm of manage
ment, Farmers Take Kindly to the Plan.
Tho popularity of this movement to
rejuvennto sick farms Increased to
such an extent that n year ngo tho de
partment organized tho Missouri Farm
Management association, tho pioneer
society of Us character In Atnorlca, the
members being recruited from among
tho ranks of tho owners of unprofitable
farms who desired to nurso all tho op
erations on their acreages back to a
wage-earning coudltlou,
Tho object of this association was
to organlzo and combine tho farmers
of Missouri who wore Interested In
practical Bystom of farm management
It aided tho department In so much as
tlio countrymen who needed and want
ed holp wero centralized In the organi
zation, whllo It aided tho farmers In so
far ns tho department, exports prom
ised to visit and roplan oach placo In
turn. Two hundred earnestly Interested
farmers Joined the society tho first
year, while at present tho enrollment
Is doublo that number. Each country
man pays 1.25 membership fee the
jtvst.?', s
funds being used to aid tho depart
ment In Its work.
Farmers Co-Operate With Department,
After hie farm lms been Inspected by
tho department, in caso a member of
thu society follows out the suggestions
of tho experts (although ho is not in
nny wny bound to carry out theso sug
gested changes) ho becomes a co-operator.
Tho majority of tho co-operators
adhere strictly to the ndvlco of
tho department.
Each year tho department selects
tho best co-operntlvo farm In ench
county and makes it a demonstration
farm which conducts local experiment
al work under tho direction of tho ex
perts. In tho caso of tho demonstra
tion farm, tho department assumes tho
Initiative and devotes ne much atten
tion to tho placo as Is necessary to
make It pre-eminently successful, and
spares no pains in nnslstlng tho opera
tors of theso farms to bring them to
tho highest possible stato of fertility
and to tho maximum point of profit
ableness. On tho other hand, co-operator must
tko tho lnltlntlvo In nil phases of his
work, although ho receives aid and as
sistance from tho department experts
when ho stumbles onto a knotty prob
lem. At present thoro nro 75 co-opera-tlvo
and live demonstration farms In
tho state, and each summer, public
meetings nro held on tho places of tho
demonstrators, whoro typical and il
lustrative results hnvo been obtained.
Farmers from all parts of tho coun
try aro Invited to attend theso meet
ings at which promlnont agricultural
experts and authorities on farm man
agement discuss tho various lines of
farming practiced in Missouri. At
noon, a basket lunch Is served by tho
ladles of tho county In which tho gath
ering 1b held, and In tho afternoon tho
men visit each Individual field, study
tho crop, and Informally discuss the
efficiency of tho methods of seed bod
preparation, planting and cultivation
which havo been practiced In tho de
velopment of this crop.
Some of the Largest Roots.
Theso meetings havo been fittingly
termed "Show Mo Institutes on Legs,"
mid nro really regular motion plcturo
shows minus tho nickel.
Woman's Work Included In "Doctor
ing." While tho men uro busy with their
Held study, tholr wlveB under tho di
rection of au expert In homo eco
nomics occupy themselves with tho
probloms of tho farmhouse Elllclent
methods of replannlng tho homo, homo
decoration, modern methods of cook
ery, tho elimination of wnsteB and the
utilization of byproducts, handy nidB in
tho kitchen, and tho bcautlflcatlon of
tho farm yard aro explained and dls
cusBcd In dotall.
Tho woman expert In chargo of this
work occupies herself throughout the
year In visiting and remapping tho
systems of home-management prac
ticed by tho housowlvcs who request
her aid. Sho Is a sort of a traveling
homo economics department which
works according to tho theory that If
you cannot bring tho farmer's wife to
tho college then, tako tho collcgo and
science to the kitchen of the house
wife. She plans out tho management of
each home as practically and systemat
ically as the homo pocketbook will per
mit. The Missouri farm management de
partment also maintains a farm ac
counting branch which teaches tho
?ifc 2 i3t sPyitJjttfc ? yy LssffBsLssM s tJv c&a y &n$ a,
uMfi&Jtiiji AjKfesflflsvHHEstjBVBsflB
jyfrjjdsW5flKfo JttJVVsVvrl Pi ssMsisssBPlsMJBssiMswlr
stato farmers how to maintain a prac
tical and buslncss-llko system of rec
ords and accounts,
One Missouri farmer last winter lost
$300 on work stock alone, due to the
fact that ho had more animals than ho
could keep busy. It Is really a ques
tion of each farmer studying out how
many bond of animals ho can profit
ably maintain, and then not exceeding
this number. The snmo thing Is true
of tho Bcrub cows which oat up tho
profits of tho other farm departments.
Tho work of the Missouri farm man
agement department Is state-wide in
scope and Is elllclent in solving thu
problems of tho flveacro farm, the
C00-ncro furm, or tho farm whose own
er merely desires to keep tho wolf
from tho door, or to save his place
from being burdened with a mortgage
In a word, tho department Is devot
ing JuBt ns much attention and study
to replanting an unprofitable ten-acre
truck or fruit farm as It Is to remodel
ing nn 8,000-acre stock farm.
The Concrete Examples.
Among tho practical results which
tho department has obtained In Its
first aid work to the farmers is tho
caso of a 140ncr8 tatm which, tho
first year It was worked, yielded ten
bushels of corn, 15 bushels of potatoes,
and one-fourth of a ton of hay to tho
Tho managerial exports recommend
ed the uso of bottor seed, tho fall dis
tribution of 15 tons of mnnuro to the
acre, and modern mothods of culturo;
this farmer followed' these directions
and tho second year afterwards ho
harvested 40 bushels of corn, one and
three-quarter tons of hay, and 100 bush
els of potatoes to the aero on tho fields
on which these crops wero grown.
Ho was a man of very limited capital
and tho season ho requested depart
mental assistance his assets amounted
to $2,000, while his liabilities totaled
$1,800. At the ond of tho second year
following, ho was out of all danger of
debt and had a tiny sum stored away
In tho bank.
Another notafilo Illustration of man
agerial efficiency -resulted whore a hog
raiser on a rough, 100-acre farm shift
ed his troubles to the shoulders of tho
expert managers who Bet him right on
his feeding system and got him to
study market conditions and require
ments, so that he last year realized $1,
200 from the sale of his swlno, where
as previously his high mark for hoge
for a single year was $500.
Although ordinary work stock are
not supposed to yield much of an an
nual profit another farmer cleared $3d0
In one year from his work animals sub
sequent to consulting with tho depart
mental experts who advised him to
decrease the number of work animals
which he kept and to work tho horses
und mules more during tho winter.
A city mnn, Inexperienced In farm
ing, struggled along for five years just
about making ends meet and then he
onaployed tho asslstanco of tho farm
exports who diagnosed his troubles as
a poor rotation, the uso of scrub seed,
and tho under-feeding of his market
Ho followed their directions; Improv
ing his mothods, and now Is gaining a
profltablo return from his made-to-or-dor
Tho farm has materially gained in
fertility, it haB Increased In annual
crop production, and this year It paid
off Its back Indebtedness und begins a
now Benson with a clean slate.
. Indian Legend of Interest.
When tho Creek or Muskogee In
dians adopted Into their tribo tho rem
nants of othor tribes which wero
nearly extinct many superstitions
were found among them. Ono of those
tribes was tho Tuckabatches. The
legends of the Creeks stato that the
Tuckabatches brought with them sov
on plates, the origin nnd object of
which, havo puzzled scientific men
for conturles. Tho Tuckabatches
claim that theso plates wero given
them by their ancestors. They woro
not to be handled by all persons, only
by particular men, and thoso chosen
Things Ready.
by the chief or mlcco of the tribe.
Flvo of tho plates were of copper and
two of brass. Tho copper plates were
about 18 Inches long and seven inch
es wldo; tho brass onos bolng round
and 18 Inches In diameter, having
two characters on thorn similar to the
letters A aud E connected. The
plates wero kept burled under the
house of the chief and are believed
to be BtlU In existence. Tallaquah
(Okla.) J emocrat
(By E. O. SKU.KItS. Director of KvenlnR
Department, tho Moody Ulblo Institute,
Chicago.) -
LESSON TEXT-Lulco 8:1-3: :67-C2j
GOLDEN TEXT-"Inn8mueh ns ye did
It unto ono ot theso my brethren, oven
the least, yo did It unto me."-Matt.
Tho first section of our lesson text
has no connection with tho other two
It Ib taken from a tlmo sovcral montht
previous totho tlmo of tho Pcrean
ministry nnd was undoubtedly chosen
ns an Indication of tho company who
traveled with Jesus and his disciples,
and who provided for hla needs. We
must remember that Jesus was not
supported by a board, a church, nor by
some philanthroplcally Inclined fellow
citizen. It Is to tho second two sec
tions therefore that wo devoto our
vhlef attention.
Different Classes.
I. Those who would follow Jesus,
9:57-G2. Read carefully Matt. 8:19-22
Threo different classes aro hero ropre
sentod: (1) The Impulsive follower
(v. 57, 58). This Is tho man who la
moved by a sudden deslro to accom
pany this marvelous Teacher, but like
tho man in tho parable, does not sit
down and count tho cost ore he st&rte
to build his house. This thought is
emphasized when wo read (Matt. 8:19)
that this man was u scribe, ono whe
would not bo expected to make such
a resolve. Ho must havo been deeply
stirred by what ho had seen and heard
In the ltfo of Jesus. Such a resolve
promised well, but it is soon revealed
to him that ho did not realize what
was involved In his promise (v. 58).
Jesus showed the man that to go
"whithersoever" with him means to
sharo his experiences, his fare, his
quarters, and to receive tho samo
treatment he received, 2 Tim. 3:12. It
Is a mistake to tell folk that tho road
of righteousness is a primrose path.
The road of disobcdlcnco is a rough
ono, as tho man who went to Jericho
found, still the road of righteousness
Is a narrow ono, Matt. 7:13, 14. Every
follower of Jesus must be willing to
take what ho took, and to receive
what he received, John 15:20; 1 Pet.
2:21. ,
This sentence (v. 58) has done
more to give us a comprehension of
tho earthly surroundings of our Lord
than any other in tho gospels, 2 Cor.
8:9. (2) Tho procrastinating follower
(v. 59). Jesus did not forbid tho first
man, he simply showed him what was
involved. This man, however, Jesus
invited to a placo as disciple learner.
That he was willing to accept 1b evi
dent, only ho was not yet quite ready,
"I will, but." It is not at all proba
bio that this man's father wus await
ing burial; had his father but JuBt
died, and awaiting burial, Jesus would
not havo prevented. Hnther ho was
Indicating a father about to dlo and
that ho would follow after his father's
death. Hcnco the sharp words of tho
Master, "Let tho dead bury tho dead."
A proper duty, a cacrcd duty, but not
bo proper nor bo sacred as to havo pre
cedence over the claims of Jesus, Matt
0:33; 10:37.
Ever Ready to Serve.
II. Thoso who did follow Jesus
10:38-42. Wo now turn to. consider
this little company who wero over
ready to servo our Master. From v. 58
wo know that "not overy homo was
open to receive Jesus as was this ono
In Bethany, John 11:1. Though this
was Martha's home (10:38), and there
fore nho folt tho burden of hospitality,
yet she did not hear tho word as did
her sister Mary, Mark 4:19. Martha
was occupied with duty and Mary,
with Jesus. Martha was occupied with
many things, Mary wns occupied with
the "ono thing needful." Tho result
was that Martha was "distracted"
(It. V.), whllo Mary was at rest. Jesus
wants his disciples, his followers, to
sit at his feet and to learn of him. Ho
knows all about duty's dull demand,
but tho ono thing needful is, first of
all, to learn of blm. Martha's lovo
prompted tho sorvlco, but thero was
doubtless much prldo that accompa
nied It. Jesus, us wo havo seen, was
not cumbered with much comfort, and
it Is doubtful that he wns desirous ot
a big dinner. Jesus docs, howover
commend communion with himself as
being, "that good part" Afterwards,
when death Invaded that circle, It was
Martha that had tho most intlmato
dealing with our Lord, soo John, chap
ter 11, hcnco wo conclude that sho
learned on this day tho lesson Jesus
sought to tench, viz., that In the Ufa
of quiet communion (Isa. 3Q:15) wo
shall receive that strength that Is ab
solutely essontlal, If wo aro to servo
him acceptably. Wo must not allow
tho daily, legltimato demands ot duty
to Interfere with a life ot full, free, fel
lowship with tho Master.
Summary It has novor been re
corded that Jesus ever complained ot
the hardships of llfo, yet ho had his
Intimates who were glad to minister to
his needs. The call to companionship
with Christ, tho call, "follow mo," is"
tho most stupendous program yet pre
sented to man. Tho perfect dlsclplo,
as well as the Ideal woman, is tho one
who Is a blond of the" divergent char
acters of Martha and Mary. It Is at
the feet of Jesus wo are to receive that
equipment which 1b necessary for ef
fective sorvlco. "Making excuses takes
much time that had better be put into
'making good.'"
Gently cleanse your liver and
sluggish bowels while
you sleep.
Get a 10 cent box.
Sick headache, biliousness, dint
ness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul
breath always trace them to torpid
liver; dclayqd, fermenting food in the
bowels or sour, gassy stomach.
Poisonous matter clogged in the in
testines, instead of being cast out
of tho system Is re-absorbed Into tho
blood. When this poison reaches tho
delicate brain tlssuo It causes con
gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick-,
cniug headache.
Cnscarets immediately cleanse tho
stomach, rcmovo tho sour, undigested
food and foul gases, tako tho excess
bllo from tho liver and carry out all
tho constipntcd wnsto matter and
poisons In tho bowels.
A Cascaret to-night will surely
straighten you out by morning. Thoy
work whllo you sleep a 10-cent box
from your druggist means your head
clear stomach sweet and your liver
and bowels regular for months. Adv.
Aeroplane Kept as Memento.
All that is left of tho historic
Wright biplane with-which Calbralth
P. Rodgers llew from tho Atlantic to
tho Pacific two years ago Is to bo pre
sented to tho Carnegie museum at
Pittsburgh by tho lato aviator's moth
er. Tho machlno was badly damaged
when Itodgors fell to his death In the
Pacific ocean a short tlmo after com
pleting his wonderful flight. Subse
quently It was used by Andrew Drew
until that aviator also was killed with
it. Tho machlno has been restored to
its original condition. Both Rodgers'
and Fowler's Wright machines "tave
motors of but 30-horsopowor, yet they
flow across tho continent in opposite
directions at a time when tho aero
plane had not been equipped with the
lOO-horaopowor motor of today, which
makes It much more stable, nor had
it developed anywhere near the Bpeed
of which it has since shown itself tc
be capable.
Modern Ostentation.
Thornton Fannie Flashloy carries
her bankroll in hor stocking.
Rosemary I'm not surprised She
always seemed fond of flaunting her
wealth. Judge.
Putnam Fadeless Dies do not stain
tho kettle. Adv. -
Don't do any worrying today that
you can put oft till tomorrow.
Tells How She Was Saved
by Taking Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Logansport, Ind. "My baby was
over a year old and I bloated till I was
a Duraen to myself.
I suffered from fe
male trouble so I
could not stand on
my feet and I felt
like millions of
needles were prick
ing me all over. At
last my doctor told
mo that all that
would save me was
an operation, but
told my husband to get me a bottle of
Lydia B. Plnkham'a Vegetable Com
pound and I would try it before I would
submit to any operation. He did so and
I improved right along. I am now doing
all my work and feeling fine.
"I hope other suffering women will try
your Compound. 1 will recommend it
to all I know." Mrs. Daniel D. B.
Davis.IIO Franklin St,Logansport,Ind.
Since we guarantee thnt all testimo
nials which wo publish aro genuine, is it
not fair to suppose that if Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has the
virtue to help theso women it will help
nny other woman who is Buffering in
like manner?
If you aro ill do not drag along until
an operation is necessary, but at once
tako Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
"Write to Lydia E. Pinkham
MedicinoCo., (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Your letter wil bo opened,
read and answered by a woman
and held in strict confidence.
Don't Persecute
Your Bowels
Cut out cathartic and purgative. They
brutal, harsh, unnecessary, Try
Purely vegetable. Act
genuy on I no
eliminate hit
oothe the delicate
Dowel. CUM
filrL H..J '
ch tat Indlltitlon. n million! know.
Genuine must bear Signature
BMTCilTO WatMaJCrolamaaWuh
LiiiBIP it rvrpiVr ,
"ver, BBBBHaVjHrl I t0
. ' . ..... u. . --"-" - - - -- - -