The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 15, 1914, Image 8
-r ' " " ' llllhh n IMllKMlrUllBV j LJ. . ' ! -. . . . . , - iii.-..i - jv rT' ( J: RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF .'miirvwmiiV'mmmtrtivmn m?tr "lfyriinnmj.i;i(.uT.j,ii1--i I-unii n.V $ Is E t THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebrnsktx. l'UULISHKD EVRKV THURSDAY Enttrtil In the I'oMfifflcc nl lt 1 loud, Ncli. us Second Clnm Mftttcr A. H. MrAKTIIUIt I'UIII.IMU'.IC TllL ONLY DKMOUIIATIU J'AI'KH IN W1CB8 COUNTY The, terms of blxly-elght Ncbnislm pnitiimsroiH ojpir fliirlnp; tho current your, most of llu-m wlllilu t lie JlrM. four montlis. There will bo plenty of excitement until tbo bubo bull hciimiii opens. Omnliu Uxiitniner. llavo you uqUcod tlml sltico the present (lovoinor bus been ut tbo stale helm tbo nnpors arc not filled every other day with effusions from tbo oxecutivo mansion'.' Governor Moore betid bus disappointed bis critics by going nboad with the state's business without noiso und bluster. Thochnngo is very agreeable. No ono questions for n moment but what tbo rural curriers will be plea&od when the rouds got hotter. Anil the auto ownors are as anxious tis a boy with a now pair of skates to got out and talto another spin. However, altbo the going is a bit unpleasant, tbo wheat crop Is booming and tbo farmer smiles at the prospects of the golden harvest that is not very far nwny. Three now business buildings were erected last year which have greatly added to tho appearance of our city. Tho MoFailnnd building, the Peterson building and tho Hall building. Thesu Hew structures have tilled up tho gups that hitherto occurred In our htioets. Several now dwelling houses were built mid inlilly 'niomfro-iudtleU'd qo that as ntwlV wo pui'oiilcttt botfbvnp; pentaiKv than ev'gr before und" to tlui f.vot that wo uro indeed a po:' miiiii nt ijif.w Wo frocpumtly hour the question why a fluuubci' of Commtucei This oiguii ixallou has nmdo It possible for our business and professional men to got acquainted with ouch other and if it never iccnmplNhcs more than Unit "It will n it have- lived lit vain." IJut It bus do lemotu than that and It will continue to bo a bonoflt as long ns It is couduoted along presi'nt plans. What benollth ono, benellts all, and we can not innlco this au ideal city unless wo all work for the common good. The Chamber of Commerce is to muke this city a better city, a good marlcot towu, a fit place in which to live It is about time for talking city politics. The planning for tho year's work should not be delayed until tbo last minute. The plan of having but one party tlckot resulted in good and rte believe that it should bo given another trial. Wo ought to empha size our agreements aud not our differ ences. The get togother spirit is in the air and we have loarnod that iu- Jense partisanship iu city aurs is not, for the best Interests of tho wholo olty. An Open Letter Hiss Edith A. Lathrep. Scc'y .School Law Revision Com.. Lincoln, Neb. licAtlMisS IjAIIIIIOI'! I winto the Sun ders Publishing Co., of Chicago, n week or ro ago, to send you tho holiday number of the Gazette u farm paper, that has au atliclu in by Uovuinir Khurluirtof Minnesota, in rng,ird to the Country .Schools. J liopo the School Law Revision Com mission will lead what the (lovernor has to say In regard to tho Ilural or Central High School. Vou will notice that they have over Mxty consolidated schools that arc doing good work for I hu community Hurt they ate located (a. Yon will notice that tho Governor recommends State Aid for the rural community school. The question arises bow shall we get or raise -file state aid for rural communities. As I wrote you some tltnu ago I bo llevo that the State Superintendent should have all school funds that Is paid in the different couutios from tho railroads, interstate telegraph and tolo phono linesv because all tho ponplo of thu state support interstate or railroad trttjllo. Tbo rural communities should at least have their prorato sharo of the school fund paid iu by interstate cor porations. The rural communities havoHomuch further to take their tralilc to support Interstate or railroad trafllc. 1 will send you a clipping from ono of our county papers, stating bow we voted lion lis '2 years ago and have paid Interest to tho amount of $33,375. Tho amount of lfonils wo voted was SiT.GOO.OO, making a total of 8l.'n7."i.00. All tho taxable property iu the county paid Its sharo of tittT bonds and inter est." 1 notice that 'district No. 12 lias a t-cliool levy of :i mills, it Is a rural dis trict but tins a railroad through it. A poison would suppose that the railroad paid a good shaie of their school taxes. Our district No. G.' has a levy 'for school purposes of SIX per 8100. The whole community" tfippdrts tho rail road. I think It iftfrinjusticu f'"1 ti.e other rural eotnmiihlty, etc.,- to flup port) district No. P.!. with railroad tlixos to I'uiifh'eir school with i 1'iVe'fy child of school ago should have au equal chauco foraii education. Now if lMstrlot i'o. 0.1 help1 pay any psrl. of M-liool district, No lti's School Uixes.'it in an injustice U the child of clNtiietNo ii." and every other rural cDiiuuiiuity that suppcut'S tliti railroad. Tho whulo community supports tho railroad. Aud the district that has a railroad thiough it should only get Its prorato sharo for every child of school age in the state. I think that If a school district lias a levy of $;i,50 per S100.00 and gets all of the railroad school taxes from the railroad that runs through it. It is just so much greater of au injustice than the district that lias III) cents per 100.00 because tho wholo community outside and in side of said district has to support tho railroad in order for them to get tho f.'J.CO per 8100. 00 School Levy for said school district. I think Governor Eberhart's article on Rural School Communities is good and should be read by all of tho School Law Revision Commission. Respectfully yours, P. E. Patne. Dated Inavalo, Neb., Jan. 12, 1914. Enjoys A Pleasant Evening The Red Cloud Chamber of Coin morco gave a Smoker In tbo club rooms on Wednesday evening, which was partlclpited iu by some seventy infill tiers, and which was prouomictd h all present as being up to Usual high standard which bus heretofore been cstiblNhe'l by this popiil tr method ol spending mi entertaining ami sociable overling, Mr. llinvo or 'Hustings, who is the seuro'ary of the Hastings Chamber of Commence, was present and gave an interesting mldum, in the ojiiiso of which hu congr.utilutcil the Red Cloud club on bavlii' such a lively bunch nt members. The best of cigars were indulged iu by nil tbi'so having the "habit," games of all kinds were played after which lunch was served by tho iOnlcriain ineiit committee. Webster Encampment No. 25 Elects Officers At the rogular meeting of Wobstor Encampment No. 35, 1. O. O. V , the following olllccrs were olected for the. ensuing term: Chief Patriarch llort Person. Sonior Warden W. (3. Warron. lunior Warden A. It. McArthur. High Priest Ted Harris. Scribe W. O Hamilton. Treasurer S R Florancc. Public Sale I wllloll four miles south and ono half mile wo it of Inuvale on Thursday. Jan. 22. 1914 forty-one head of stock consisting of: Eight good horses; II.'J head of cattle, comprising milk cows, steers, young stock, etc.; also farm machinery. Tonus Ten months at. III per cent inteiost. In.v Tiiukiii.oud, A. I). Woxiiuni.Y. Prod Kolb, Auct. S. R. Plornuoe, Clerk tmmi Perry & Go.'s 1 1 i dig January Ijlearange Saie I V . WWWIWW fcWMn iiwj mail i i MWIIinw .,- Jtat Mj - .,...,.tw , , ... , M..M, , ( . A ad PER CENT DISCOUNT ON All Sweaters - All Blankets All Ladies', Misses' and Children's Winter Coals also all Skirts, Wool Dresses. Furs and All our Red Seal and Toile-Du-Nord Ginghams which sell at 1 2ic and 1 5c will go at 1 Oc yard. All Dress Goods Fable Lines, Napkins, Bed Spreads, Towels Silks 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT . . .ON. . . Knit Hoods,, Etc. Flanette Night Robes,, Winter Under-Wear' Pajamas 'Order To Show t'citiso. Siiilc of Nebrosltii. i ,,, , , ,. , Webster uuiitv. 1 " " v,, ra oinity iinut helit at the Ouhty t (J roart room In aint tors.ilit futility Mint:o ni .I.inuiry Uth . . II. loll. Iv the matter of IIib estate ot .laco1! cliaiilln, I'teeaspil. On ccndliik! nail mini; Uio iietltlon ol 'l'lioinns I. ('hillin. Illul mi tho l'Jth lav ot .limitary, A. J)..;JW . KflyliiK tor tl.o exanilu titton and alirAvnneaoL Jils llniil nceount ol thi same lnte, ii r ill. trllmtlRj the red istati- und .l"ie' upon tin onltr illwlinr :lin: lilm Imin lui tliur liurittn anil ner l e la lit t.nul tit.lee iu.nduiinlstraun. Ouiichcii, That 1'ililny, the !Wlh dny ol January, A. P., lull, at ID o'clock a. m., Is installed for liiarlnt; said petition, when all pi'iiioiiilutcretUd In n:iIi1 matter may apiicir at ft County court to ho held Iu and toruttiil eoualy tiiid Klioweansi) why lira) or ot poll tliiuerBhoiild not be unuitfil; and that nollco ol the pendeney olMilil petition audlheluar tut; thereof be given to all persons Iiitcrcsteil lutntd matter, hy puhllshluu' a eojiy ol thin order la the Ked Cloud Chief, a weekly new- paper printed In said county, (or threo con- Hcuiitlvo weeks prior to H.ild day of hiarlut;. lllALl A. I). ll.VNMJV, CoiuUv JiuIkc Tbo rooent act of April lOtb,' 1008 Rives to all Holdiers' widows a pension Hi per montb. Fred Mauror, tbe at torney, has all necessary blanks. Just As You Are I Wouldn't Change a Thing Tli at is tbo spirit of Modern Photograpby. And wltb tbe fast plates and fast lenses of to day, tbo clever pboto- KrupilCl can imm juup "Just As You Arc" In fact, having a pic ture taken iu a modern studio is as pleasant as an informal call on good friends. Make tbe ap pointment today, Stevens Bros. Ol STUDIO J Dr. J. C Caldwell PHYSICIAN 6 SURCEON. Calls Answered Day or Night Ih theCaunty Court of Webster County Nebraska. , In tho matter ot tho estate of UonrJ. Sheldon, Deceased. CHKUITOKHOPSAID EST AT K. will tako N0T1CK, that tho time limited lor preicnta tlonandnilngotclalmiagatnat tbe same la July 18th. 1914; and lor the paymoMtot debt Is December 19th. lM. that I will alt at the county court room In said county atiitho 17th day ot July 1914, at 10 o'clock, A. Rfc, to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly Hied. Dated this 19th day ol December, 1913. (Heal) A. D. Uannev, County Judge. We are making some especially close prices on Canned Goods in our Grocery Department which will pay you to investigate. See our-large circulars for other special prices no t mentioned here. "wmi-tiitsuiaUnfYtw wt ?MwcWM rr.w u TVffe sate vvrbaisMjn cSgsqs Saturday, $aniaai-y 2tfc anti iiso prices are strictly for G ASS'S tjTzl 3m a. 0SSSS' -63S3 OmeoTeliihonos: llell.&H; 1 ml. MO. ltcit. Ttluplumes: Dell, lted'.TJ; Iml.luO. Office Over N. k. Albright's Store Red Cloud, -s- Nebraska E. A. Creighton, M. D. CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second House North ot K 0. 0. F. Hall , O Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free -O- j PhiM lsd.212 Substitution Has Played Havoc wltb many a family's most cherish isbed, long planned home boeanso they followed tho advioo of some one-idea, builder who thought perhaps-bo improve, upon Nature's, own tried and tested, material liuaber. Tb time to guand agatnBb disap pointment is- atr tho start. Look around and Invoatlgato th frame houses that have been standing for as many as. thirty yearsancbeotnpare then with, those constmwted ot other materials. Time alone is the real test othorae bulldlntaaateriais, beeauHO you. don't build u home- ovory ten years,, aud few people can. afford to experiment with fads or theories. Alter making your com. parisouscome in and bee tbe nice, bright lumber wo hiwo in stock and let us tell you. in actual figures what a good, f ramo houbo will oobt you today- Ileal facts ure deadly to substitution. ..-' -"--- - w - , , -..I. mimi .. .11 ., V m m fa m m " : wstjimj sr w jr m&a 3 is; buB's I km I f 9 $Wm U -JL J f) Bulletin of Travel Specialties DEIWK Western Stock Sho-.J-w iyifltllto.g4th,' 191 Special' ratcs.from. East and North-of Denveiv ( Dsraver1 makes, this a gala week for the stock-' en of the Western country- v :i WMTERTtllRIST MiTESf-lBi effect dally'; With, lower hoateseekers?- fares first and third Tuesday of eaaiYmonth. 'treseWt that the nupaber of Northern visitors duuiog the WinteV of) 19)3-11, to.the Soutb,.wlll be'the. greatest in the history ofl the Southland.' , A fMKStNALLY COMOUCTEI-Partles to California sevea. each Mteek vU.Den. ver, Scenic Colorado, Siltv'La'ke,.in through tourist sleepers. Burlington: special conductors are-men especially 'selected to look aftei your eomfort enroute. I can secure you very handsome, illustrated publications of Southern or California Railroads and hotels, if you dosha them.. ''Lour Itatos South," "Calirornb. Tourist I'm-tiesV "Pnclaic Coast Tours." Let me. help you plan any ttvju- you have in.mlud. I?. E. FOE, Tlckot Agent L. IV. WAKELEY, General famonger Agt. ye. nose and throat CONSULTATION FREE DOYLE BROS. Live Stock and General Auctioneers J. fl. EltW IGEH General Auctioneer RecommendationsMy Former Cuftomers. ... BOTH I'lIONKS I & t JU.Tt.wwll FIRiE tell j. "llere'&NftiMMe Like mt" Saunders Bros. Red Cloud, Nebraska Staple. Groceries Hod Cloud 17 on 8 Lebanon a on 187 DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK THE ALARM is a dreadful thing OF FIRE for tbo mau without insurnuco. Every tlmo ho 6eos tbe engines raclup; nloug his heart comes up In his throat If the lire is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OF is so small Unit it INSURANCE noed hardly be considered. Tbo f rooiloni from worry We Have Aided In Building Great - Fortunes For -Clever Advertisers DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY 9URQEON (Irnduato Cblcago Veterlunry College ykaiis i:xrr:itiKxcE WE assure you that our groceries can be de pended upon for any or all of your meals. Fresh goods added to our stock every week. J Are you one of our many .satisfied custo mers? If not, we solicit a trial order. P. A. WULLBRANDT THE HOMi GROCERY t iatedr i 1 'k child l I V I t u it aloue ib worth It many times over Have us Insure you to-dny. O. C. TEEL, Write or Phone Red Cloud. - Nebr. AT 11 AI LEY'S TIE BARN )it ' Nebraska Reliable Inturanc: Ret I Cloud -;- Nebra$ka