The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 15, 1914, Image 3
c--K!EX3SS353vS; Sit?MIE -rt : K-VMfwi'uKyf" '''"'tflCTi lx ..viUtfUX- - -... L!y , "i'J A RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF "T z rnn&n Praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Women from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from all sections of this great country, no city so large, no village so small but that some woman has written words of thanks for health restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. No woman who is suffering from the ills peculiar to her sex should rest until she hasgiven this famous remedy a trial. Is it not reasonable to believe that what it did for these women it will do for any sick woman ? Wonderful Case of Mrs. Stephenson, on the Pacific Coast. Independence, Oreoon. "I was sick with what four doctors called Nervous Prostration, was treated by them for several years, would bo better for a whilo then back in tno old way again. I hiul palpitation of tho heart very bad, fainting spells, and was so nervous that a spoon dropping to tho iloor would nearly kill me, could not lift tho lightest weight without making mo sick; in fact was about' as sick and miscrablo as a person could be. I saw your medicines ad vertised and thought I would try them, and am so thankful I did for they helped me at once. I took about a dozen bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and also used tho Sanative Wash. Sinco then I havo used them whenever I felt sick. vYour remedies aro tho only doctor I employ. You are at liberty to publish this let ter." Mrs. W. Stephenson, Independence, Oregon. A Grateful Atlantic Coast Woman. IIodqdon, Me. "I feel it a duty I owo to all suffering women to tell what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgetablo Compound did for mo. Ono year ago I found myself a terrible sull'orer. 1 had pains in both sides and such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. BIy back ached. I had no appetite and was so nervous I could not sleep, then I would be bo tired mornings that I could scarcely get around. It seemed almost impossible to movo or do a bib of work and I thought I never -would bo any better until I submitted to an opera tion. I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgetablo Compouiyl and soon felt liko a new woman. I had no pains, slept well, had good, appetite and was fat and could do almost all my own work for a fam ily of four. I shall always feel that I owo my good health to your medicine." Mrs. Hayward' Sowehs, Ilodgdon, Maino. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgetablo Compound lias been tho standard remedy for fe male ills. No ono sick with woman's all monts docs justice to herself if slio docs not try this fa mous medlcino made from roots and herbs, it has restored ho many suffering womentohcalth. BMKWrlte to LYDIA E.PINKIIAM MEDICINE CO. fV (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advice. Your letter will ho opened, road and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence SPELLING STUCK THE JURY Point of Information They Wanted In volved No Great Legal Knowl 'edge, If Judge Had It Hero Is ono that wns toltl at n tea Riven by MIbs Geraldlno Farrar, tho singer, when ono of tho party re ferred to tho Judiciary nnd tho pe culiar cases that frequently come be fore tho courts: "Some tlmo ago thcro Was a homi cide caso In a western court In which thoro was considerable doubt as to rtio guilt of tho accused. Tho trial Judgo Bcemcd to sharo tho popular belief. " 'Gentlemen of tho Jury,' said he, in concluding his chargo, 'If tho evi dence, in your minds, shows that pneumonia was tho cause of tho man's death, you cannot convict tho pris oner.' "Whereat tho Jury retired and in about ten minutes the constnblo re turned and presented himself before tho Judge. " 'Your honor,' ho remarked, 'the gcntlemon of tho Jury want sonio In formation.' " 'On what point of evidence? asked the Judge. " 'None, Judgo,' was tho rejoinder of tho constable. "Thoy want to know how to spoil "pneumonia."'" Phila delphia Tolegraph. Errors of His Ways. "A good Now Year resolution for a middle-aged married man?" said Georgo Ado at a dinner In Chicago. "Well, tho best resolution a mlddlo nged married man could make, accord ing to my view, would bo for him to swear oft telling his wlfo and children about tho girls ho used to kiss In his young days. "I'd say to tho middle-aged married man of this typo: " 'Suppose, friend, your wifo fell Into a reminiscent, Jovial mood some eve ning after suppor and started to tell about tho boys who used to kiss her by the wood stovo in tho dim parlor, wouldn't tho dovo of peace flap her wing? nd light out p. d. q. Just?'" Didn't Suit Small Boy. After upending a few weeks last year at a watoring place, whero ho took his dally swim in tho open air pool of warm sulphur water, a little fellow was this year at tho seaside. In Mb tiny bathing suit he gazed out over tho vast ocean in silence. Then, ho protested: "I'm not goln' in. Dat ain't water for boys; dot's for boats." New Pipe Cleaner. For cleaning pipes used for con voying liquids thero has been Invented a machine that forces crushed quartz through thorn, much ns bottles nrn woshod. Extravagance. Hicks Is it true, then, that you'ro living boyond your station? Wicks Yos; two miles. John Tyler was a member of tho Vlrtfnla leglslnturo at 21 and a con gressman at 2G. BTAtTTfiKiiXTP' No Cure for Cancer Yet. In his annual report Dr. 12. F. Hash ford, general superintendent of re search in the laboratories of tho im perial cancer reasearch fund, told tho members of tho society that during tho paBt year thoro had been 12 claims to tho discovery of a cure for ennccr. All of thesohad been Investigated and no Justification for any ono of theso claims hnd been obtained. Dr. Bash ford also said women wero moro liable to cancer than men. In England and Wales in 1910 tho death rnto from cancer was 8BG per 1,000,000 for mon and 1,070 for women. As tho London Times says editorial ly lu commenting upon this report: "Tho only rcasonablo expectation of curing cancer Btlll rests upon Its com pleto romovnl by tho Burgeon at tho earliest possiblo tlmo after it 1b dis covered." Medical Record. How He Made It Out. Mrs. Jones and Johnny had only a few minutes ago boarded tho train when tho conductor called for "tick ets." Mrs. Jones immediately pro duced hers. "How old Is your boy, madam?" Quick as a (lash Johnny was down between tho sents on his head and the mother replied, "Six years old." As this proccduro was not understood, nnd ns Johnny looked too largo for six years, tho conductor said, "I did not understand you, mndnm." Johnny grinned and spoko out proudly, "Don't you know thnt nlno turned upsldo down it six?'" 8KIN CLEARED. By Simple Change In Food. It has been said by a physician that most discuses are the result of indi gestion. There's undoubtedly much truth in tho statement, oven to tho cause ot many unsightly eruptions, which many suppose can bo removed by applying eomo remedy on the outside Dy changing her food a Kan. girl Vas relieved of an eczema 'which was a great annoyance to her. Sho writes: "For five months I was suffering with an eruption on my face and hands which our doctor called eczema and which caused mo a great deal ot inconvenience. Tho suffering was al mop unbearable. "The medlcino I took only gave mo temporary relief. Ono day I happened to read somcwlwo that eczema was caused by Indigestion. Then I read that many persons had boon relieved of indigestion by eating Grape-Nuts. "I decided to try it. I liked the taste of tho food and was particularly pleased to notico that my digestion was improving and that tho eruption was disappearing ns If by magic. J had at last found, In this great food, something that reached my trouble. "When I llnd a victim of this afflic tion I remember my own former suf fering and advise a trial of arnpo-Nuts I food instead of medicines." j Nnmo given by Postutn Co., Unttle Creek, Mich. Read "Tho Itond to Well- vlllo," in pkgs. "Thore's a Reason." ' Ever rend Hie uIiimc lotli-rf A new I one iiii'iir from lime Iti time Tliej ' arr Kt'iiuluc, (rue, ami full of buuim j Intercut. NO MORE CHANCES By WILLIAM H. OSBORNE. Young Henry t'ouse wiih Just like other pt'oplt only more so. Deeply Imbedded In his luituro win a strong desire constantly to get something far nothing. He did not gamble, but h kept a wary eye upon the lottery mil upon the markets. He hnd anoth er trait. He wiih a devoted admirer ot MIbh Sally Mnuuorlng. Hut It was this admiration that bothered him. "If 1 c'd only get enough of the Btuff together," he Bald to himself, Til pop the quotation Hut hung it, I'm afraid I never will." There was one thing thnt young L'ouso did not understand. That was, that the great way to make money anywhere today, Is to nave It. Small sums never counted with him. Ho wns invariably casting them upon tho waters of fortune, ns a tlHhermun casts a uorm to catch a fish. Hut Henry's bait always left tho hook, and lie never got anything In return. However, It wnB winter, and Honry was hit pretty hard, and ho spent n good many evenings at the homo of Miss Mnuuorlng. He was clerking it, and he said to himself that ho would lay aside a llttlo money all ho could spnro. SI Hopkins was building a llt tlo mite of a house up on the .llll building It to let, und Henry hoped against hope that somehow he could scrape up his courage and propose to Miss Sally; and that he could scrape up enough money by spring at least to set up with Miss Sally In that lit tle house. So he shunned tho news papers nnd nil the literature contain ing alluring offers In tho shape of small Investments; nnd shaved the lottery way back in his mind, nnd only thought about Miss Sally und tho house. Time passed. He nrnnhsed Anally tho Just and full sum or $50. Fifty dollars. Think of It Henry Couso had always mado fair wages; ho was a good worker; he was a clover lad; yet never in his life before hnd he possessed tho sum of $50. "What I ought to do," Henry's hot ter Judgment told him, "Is to take this to Sally nnd let her keep it for mo. That's Just tho thing to do. Hut" Well. Henry didn't. And ho didn't because Instead of thinking .merely of renting Si's llttlo house, he took to building cnstles In tho air. One day n newspaper advertisement caught his eye. It was headed by the words "Fifty Dollnrs." It was signed by A. Agustus Atkinson. Tho adver tisement wns very frunk and -clear and plnin. It stated without any reservation thnt Mr. Atkinson, a largo stock broker, had inside information on threo or four of tho active stocks; that ho know positively what would happen; that ho had never made mis takes and that ho had Just made a small fortune for ono of his clients who had taken his ndvlce nnd hnd In vested only $in. Mr. Atkinson stated clearly that ho would not accept or ders; that ho wodld merely furnish information for tho trifling sum of flvo dollars per weok, and that 1i!b client or customer must Invest his money through tho ordinary channels. Ho stated this, said Mr. Atkinson, to show his good faith. Down in tho city Mr. A. Augustus Atkinson .occupied a part a part only of a deskroom, in a dingy corner of a dingy building. Ho wns not a broker and never hnd been n broker. Ho know something less about tho stock mnrket than did Diana of Mad ison squnro. nut nevertheless ho mado a living nnd n good one with tho drinks thrown in. For Mr. Atkinson had a system; a suro one for him. Tho wholo thing wns very slmplo. When his advertise ment had brought In enough five-dollar bills to pay for itself, and to make it worth Mr. Atkinson's -while to go to work, Mr. Atkinson would sit down and write two sots of letters. These letters would relate to a cer tain stock or commodity, sny X Y. & 55. Mr. Atkinson would advise his western customers to buy X., Y. & 7.. and would ndvlso his eastern custom ers to Boll It. Tho result wns palp able If thoro was any movement whatever In X., Y. & Z., Just one-half of bis customers won, and tho other half lost. Tho half that won would naturally tell all their friends about tho advlco and five-dollar bills would pour In upon Mr. A. Augustus Atkin son. Young Couse grubbed away until ho had saved up $55. Then ho wroto to Mr. Atkinson and enclosed a five dollar bill. Ho stood ready with tho $50 to send it down to a good Arm ho know of in tho city, Just as soon as Mr. Atkinson responded. Usually when ho mado up hlB mind to it, it did not tnko Mr. Atklr.Bon long to answer his correspondence. His ndyice would consist of two or threo words only: Huy so and so. or, sell so and so. Rut on a fateful day his correspondence was heavier than usual and ho had selected a long named stock. It was a stock that hnd been remarkably active In tho last fow days. Everybory will recall Its name Tho Universal Confederated American Metallic Consolidation. This was known on 'change ns tho "Uca Mick." Tho long nnmo wearied Mr. Couso, nnd when ho wns half through with IiIh list, ho stopped. Ho had ad Tlsod tho flrst half to sell tho stock. "Geo," ho said to himself, wearily, "geo, I'm tired. ,111 go out and strotch my legs, a bit." Mr. Atkinson's legs took tonio tlmo to strotch; business JiiBtlflod it, bo ho thought; nnd they wero stretched so much that thoy wero iiomewbnt unsteady when ho catno buck. I He picked up the list. Ileiiiy Couse, Kcq " he said to himself, "('oust', eh Country name that. Derived probably from Cows. Henry Couso. Hens unir i Cows, eh? Not bad, All right Mr. Coiiho You'd better--ah, let me seoji which half Is this. Let's see, I mailed those others. What did 1 tell 'em, anyway?" Henry Cause, up In tho Plains store, wns quite unawnre by what n slender thread his fate wA hanging Mr Atkinson's memory usually wae good, but It hnd been Impaired on this occasion by tho stretching process. "The tlrst lot," snld Mr. Atkinson, "why, I told 'em to buy- that's suro. Then this half must sell. All right for you, you can sell, Henry Couso, of Frankfort l'lnlns " I The next day Henry Cause received n plain white envelop with an tin- 1 signed slip Inside of It. TIiIb Is whnt it said: "Sell Univ. Con. Am. Met. Con and do It right away." Mr. Couse sold. Kverybady knows now uhat happened. lu the Micxt three days tho battle royal between the American Iron Concern nnd "Ucn Mick" took place. lOverybody remem bers the crisis when "Uca Mick," which hnd been 170, disappeared from sight and reappeared again at 15. It wan a crash among crashes. Honry Cause contoniplnted It with dlsconi flture. "Gee," ho snld to himself, for he was not nu adept In tho mysteries of Wall street, "gee, but I'm n blamed Idiot. Hero I've been dabbling lu U. C. A. nnd tho wholo bottom has fallen out of tho blamed thing. Serves mo right. I'll never do It ngaln." The next day ho received a check from his brokers for $5,000 on ac count. That was not all, they said there was a llttlo more to come. For Henry Couso hnd not understood the Import of n sale us distinguished from n purchase He had sold at a high price, and delivered at a low price; nnd tho difference belonged to him. Mr Atkinson hnd stretched his legs that day to como purpose, for. through his slip of memory, every customer hnd sold ".Uca Mick" on margin ami every ono had won. He does a liirgot business than over, nnd perhnps It 'i just as well for folks to loso through him ns In any other way. Mr. Henry Couso did not go to see Miss Soil Manncring on the evening thnt ho got the check. Ho was too much uston lulled; ho hnd to sit up half tho night nnd look at tho check steadily for hours. Tho next morning ha went around, however. He wnnted to strike while tho iron was hot. "Sally." ho said, "I've bought S! Hopkins' house and enme around tc sees If 1 could put the title in your name." v Miss Sally Mannnring thought lit wns crazy. Hut ho was rntlonnl enough. For he sat himself at hot side and put his arm mound her wnist nnd Anally ho kissed her And that's no Hjgn of lunacy. Finally lie pulled a roll of bills from his pocket. "Sal ly," ho said, "I want you to take theso and keep them for me for us. I'm nover, never going to speculate an more. Never. I'm through. Resides," ho ndded, "I own soma real ostnto and I'm going to mnrry you, and thnt'1 lottory enough for any mnn." Whereupon Miss Rally boxed hit ears. And Henry Couso ho Jus! laughed nnd let her do It. (Copyright, by Dully Story I'll'). Co.) FRENCH COLONY IS PR0LIFIQ System of Land Tenure Has Much tc Do With Gratifying Increase In Population. A German writer, Dr. A. Orotjnhn, interested In the Increasing shortagu in births in Franco, hns found a pro lific community at the village of Mar. die, near Dunkirk, says nu exchange. This Is a colony founded moro than 200 years ago by iouls XIV. with a system of lnnd tonuro which doeij not permit prlvnte ownership of the) soil. Doctor Grotjahn says: "Tho men of Mardlc mnrry, on an averago, at twenty-four years of ago, immediately after having passed tho obligatory servlco In tho navy. When a now family has thus been founded It receives for excluslvo use, but not, ns private property, a plot of land of 22 acres and a section of shore foe net Ashing. . . . Tho families, may leave to their children the lnnd handed to thorn In usufruct, but thoy may uot divide or inortgago it. Tho result is that Mardlc possesses a prosperous population, freoof mntcrlnl cares, which does not rack Its brain on bohalf of its children's fate, whllo tho rest of tho peasants and fisher men of Franco nro particularly anxi ous In this respect. Tho births amounted to 43 per 1,000 ot tho in habitants, a flguro which la not sup passed by any civilized people." Matter of Pronunciation. "And what etato did you say you wero from?" asked tho Rritlshor of a gentleman to whom ho had been Intro duced. Your breezy westerner Is always glad to booBt his own territory, and it wns with considerable pride and em phasis that he announced: "I'm from 1-o-wa, sir, tho Uncut state In our Union." "Rally strange, you know, about you Americans laughing nt your cousins across tho eu far tho way wo pro nounce our words, C-h-o-I-m-o-n-d-o-1-o-y, as Chumley, and 13-o-a-u-c-h-a-m-p as Reccham, you know. I'vo ono on you now, you know, old chap.) Only yesterday I mot a gentleman from your stato ut luncheon, you know, and ho said ho was from your state, 'tho finest In our Union,' and nil that sort of thing, only ho pronounced It O-hl-oI Jovo, I think that's ono on you Ameri cans, don't you know." ALBERTA CROP YIELDS At MncU'od, Altn., weather condi tions wero excellent nil through the senson. Ninety pur cent, of tho wheat up to Oct. 1st graded No. 1, tho only No. 2 being fall wheat. Tho ylolil ranged from 20 to -10 bushels per ncro, with an average of 28. Oats yielded well, and barley about CO bushels. lnvcrnry Is u new district In Alber ta. Hero wheat graded No. 2 and eomo of It went .0 bushels to tho acre, onts golpg about 7fi bushels. l.ethbrldge correspondent says: "In the Monarch district tho yield on sum mer fallow In nveraglng thlrty-llvo bushels, a largo porcentnge No, 1 northern." "All spring grains nro yielding hot ter thnn' expected lu tho Milk river district, south. A .1110 ncro field o Mnrquls wheat gnvo II j bushels. "Uxperlnientni farm resultH on grain sown on Irrigated laud plnco 'Red Fifo' wheat lu the banner position, with yield of 50.10 bushels per ncro. Oats yielded 132 bushels to tho acre. "John Turner of I.ethbrldgo grow hurley thnt went CO bushels to tho aero. "Red Fife nvernges In weight from 60 to (18 pounds, and nt Rosthern tho Mnrquls wheat will run ns high as (14 pounds to tho bushel, while n Bnmplo of .Mnrquls wheat nt Areola weighed no less than G8 pounds to tho bushel. This variety Ib grading No. 1 hard." Calgary, Altn., Oct. 8. Tho prob lem of handling Albcrtn's big grain crop Is becoming n serious one, nnd thcro Is n congestion nt mnny polntii In southern Alhertn. One thousand cars could bo used Immediately. Tho C. P. R. prepared for a normal year, while tho yield of grain wiib every where abitormnl, with an Increased acreago of about 23 per cent. Mooso Jaw, Snsk., returns show como rcmnrkablo yields. Rassano, Altn., Sept. 25, '13. Indi vidual record crops grown In Alberta Include 1,300 aero Aeld of spring wheat grown near Hassano which went thirty-live bushelB to tho acre and weigh ed sixty-six pounds to the bushel. Noble, Altn., Oct. 1, '13. All records for tho largest slifpiucnt of grain by ono farmer will bo broken UiIb yenr If tho cstlmuto of C. S. Noblo or Noble, Alhertn, provcB correct. Mr. Noblo hns notified tho Canndlnn Pncillc Rail way hero thnt ho will havo 350,000 bushels of grain, chiefly barley and onts, ready for shipment very short ly. L. Anderson Smith, writing to n friend In tho Old Country, located at KUlnm, Alberta, Says: "Anyono tnklng up land will And Al berta an Ideal province. Tho soil Is a rich black loam, varying from 0 to 12 Inches In depth. Tho lnnd hero In this district Is not wholly open prairlo. At Intervals, sometimes closely, somo times widely scattered, there ure small plots of poplar and willows. Theso generally grow round somo small depression In the land, nnd tho Bnow drlftB hero In tho winter nnd mcltn In tho spring Ailing these sloughs (province "bIcwb") with soft water. Nearly all theso sloughs havo old buffalo tracks to them, for It wnB from them that they always got their wator. Tho poplars aro very useful for building bnrnu nnd hen-houses. Wild grasses aro plentiful, whllo tumo grasses, such as timothy, bromo and western ryo grass do remarkably well. Advertisement. He Came Up. Hill Where did ho learn to dive? Jill Oh, bo's u BoH'-mndi! diver. muni you notice tie just canio up from the bottom? mT5jlJ'n;rl ill.T"';iirn-!"i"f";"i"-:"irrrTirrrr ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVegdablc Preparation for As similating Ihe Food and Regula ting Iho Stomachs and Bowels or Promotes Digcslion,Chccrful nessandRcsl.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Nakc otic Fnip tOldDrSAMVUfrnfiEl Iimpk!n on A'lhlUSmlU -,4m'n Sit J ilnrimmUSuln Hirm Sttd Cfotmi Suymn A perfect Itemcdy forConslipci lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrtioea, Worms .Convulsions.Fevcrish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature of The Centaur Company. NEW YORK. BMtEQMJ5Kgfgi Guaranteed under Hie Fooilani Exact Copy of Wrapper. Hzn mmrnmpm licit Coufh Hmp. Tulet uouO. Ull j. la tluit. BM t Druccliti. 3 l.L..wi'y-)f.FuiT-wi r taggSaSufcaW Ut- pii:Ttftnjn;rai;mMH"Ma Mashed Potatoes With Onions. Tn four or Ave cups iiiaaIu'iJ potato) Add one cup boiled onion minced to a! pulp, one tnhli'Hpooti butter, one tea upturn milk, Homo salt and pepper. Heat; lightly together and before serving brown the top for n moment In th oven. Turnips With White Sauce. Peel some small tmnlpd, im nearly ns possiblo tho snmu nl?, boll them In milk nnd wntor till tender, drn In and1 cover with white sauce in liloli n' tnblcspoonful of grated cheese hns' been mixed. Sprinkle it little minced parsley over nnd serve. To Prevent Fat From Sputtering. To prevent fat from spattering, when frying eggs or bacon, put a' pinch of flour lu tho fat. This hclpBl to keep the stovo clean and saves you many a burn from the hot fnt. One of Many. Rrlggs- Rogers claims to bo an ag nostic, doesn't ho? Griggs- Only ns to religion; as to everything eleo he knows It nil Feel Comfortable After eating a Hearty meal? or is there a sense of fullness of bloating- or Nausea. This indicates a weak ened condition of the Stomach which can be materially benefited by a short course of H0STETTERS Stomach Bitters TILTING TABLE FRAME COMPLETE WITH SAW inch 24 $16.00 26 16.50 28 17.00 30 17.50 SAWS 24 inch $3.90 26 " 4.50 28 " 5.10 5.70 MANDREL8, $3,OOAND UP POND ICE 8AW8 $2.00 AND UP X AMERICAN SAW & TOOL WORK8 14th ST. & WESTERN AVE., CHICAQO W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO." 3-1914. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA TH OtNTAUN OOM-JNV, Hurt YORK CITY PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A tullvt preparation of in-jrtt. llolpittoeniuiiutHiUriclruir. for Rt-Ilnrln.f tfTnlnv- t.M.I Beauty loCrayorFadcdlUUv "W 30 " MM m a. ir c-jl Vl B1SS1M ww. j.u j ,... iruBlf tvuw Kv M . i f .'aii; m cM iu 1 s- .TlV v 'mFA