The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 15, 1914, Image 2

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KND 11 (lL'tiicIunout of iunrliu's!"
It may bu n call from almost any
lnrt of tlio 'Aorld, a Hiiininona to turn
out for almost any kind or military
Wlmtlmr It bo to talio part in a
Hoxor uprlsliiB In China or In a NIcn
raguan revolution, to Riiard tlio polls
dttriiiK an election In Panama or to
Ruuicl tlio Arnorlcan consulato at Valparaiso, Chllo,
it Ih tlio Arnorlcan marine, tlio "Unit aid" man of
tlio country's armed service, who rushes to tlui
And "ruolies" la tlio word. For speed Is tlio ele
ment which above all others Is drilled, hammered
and pounded night and day into tlio constitution
of tlio marine. On tlio principle that a lire caught
In its early stages will bo readily extinguished,
tho United States marlno corps is organized to
respond to any call at u moment's notlco nnd
Bmother tlio Incipient blazo. In fact, their hurried
appearance on tho scono has often prevented tho
outbreak of threatened conflagration.
"From tho halls of Jlontozuma to tho shores of
Tripoli" Is tho way tho song startB which they
have inailo known In every part of tho world.
"Tho hallB of Montezuma?" Yes, tho marines
havo seen servlco In Moxlco. It was back in tho
days of 1847 when thoy woro present nt tho storm
ing of Chnpultepec, tho strong castlo on tho forti
fied hill near Mexico City, whero tho ancient Aztec
rulers hold sway.
"To tho shores of Tripoli?" Yes, It was back in
1803 that American marines marched ncrosa tho
desert of northern Africa for COO miles, and after
capturing tho Tripolltan Hag hoisted that of the
United States for tho first tlmo In tho history of
the country on n fortress of tho Old World.
China, Japan, Corea, Egypt, AlglcrB, Tripoli,
Chile, Mexico, Cuba, Sumatra, Formosa, Hawnll,
Santo Domingo, Porto Itlco, Nicaragua no, this
is more than a moro geographical list of countries,
it is a roster of somo of tho countries In which
tho American marines have been called on for
aorvlco. And thoy sing:
"From tho Hell Holo of Cavlto
To tho Ditch at Panama,
You will find them very noody
Of Marines that's what wo arc
Wo'ro tho watch dog of a pile of coal,
Or wo dig a magazine
Though our Job-lots thoy aro manifold,
Who would not bo a Marino?"
UbhiultoiiH they aro In Held of action. Manifold
nro their duties. Amphibious creatures also they
are, lighting by land or sea. Thoy aro called
"soldlors of tho sea." Ready for "fun or frolic,"
they servo on war vessels and land, both In times
of peace and war.
When fighting on tho battleships or cruisers to
which thoy aro assigned thoy man tho six-Inch,
live-Inch nnd three-inch guns, and tho slx-poundors
of tho intermediate and boeondary batteries. They
aro trained and fully equipped for Instant service
as landing parties. When thoy land they tnko
with them if needed ship guns of three, tlvo and
six-Inch caliber. Part of their training Is to mount
theso pieces In aultablo shorn positions. They are
taught tho various methods of slinging and trans
porting ordnance.
Ashore in foreign countries they fight or per
form peaceful duties, according to need. And
when thero Is any lighting to bo done, they nro
generally tho men who start It. They open the
way for bigger fighting, If such should bo neces
sary. Thoy nro tho forerunners of both tho nrmy
ami navy. They nro tho "hurry up, clean 'om up
quick nnd eat 'om nllvo" boys. Except In caso of
big and important lighting, tho marines usually
finish tho Job nlono. As tho marine corps all told
coinprlscB only 10,000 men and 331 olllcers, It could
not f.ght 11 war but for tho dozens of smallor calls
tor military aid, It Is all BUtllclent. If either tlio
army or navy or both aro to como Into action
later on, It Is usually tho marines who havo taken
tho first stop against tho enemy.
"Advance base," work has now be
come ,011 Important, probably the
most Important, pnrt of their serv
ices. This means constant nronnrn-
tlon to pack up nnd bo off nt n mo
ment's notice. It means that in 1M hours or less
after a call comes they will havo all foodstuffs,
personal equipment, guns, ammunition, tents, hos
pital supplies and everything olso that may bo
needed, cither in cold or warm country, aboard
ship and bo rendy to sail for any part of tho world.
And off they go singing:
"Our Hags unfurled to every breezo
From dawn to setting sun;
Wo havo fought In every cllino nnd tdnco
Whero wo could tako u gun.
In tho snows of far-off Northern lamia
And In sunny tropic scones,
You will llnd us always on tho Job,
Tho United StateB Marines."
Thoro has been only one year since 1'JOO when
tho marines wero not called on for duty on somo
foreign Bhoro. And during that period only 2fi
of them havo boon killed. Nineteen of these, ono
of them nn olllcer, fell during tho Intornntlonal
relief expedition to protect tho foreign legations
nt Pekln during tho Hoxor rebellion in 1900. In
tho following year two wero killed in tho Samnr
campaign In tho Philippines. Five wero killed In
Nicaragua In October, 1912, whllo fighting against
revolutionists. Tho president of Nicaragua, mem
bers of his cabinet nnd other prominent cltizeiu
of tho Central American republic attended tho
funeral sorvlccs of tho four marines killed in the
light nt Unrrancns Hill, nenr Masaya. In addition. '
as soon bb General Chamorro, then minister of
foreign affairs In Nicaragua, now minister from
that country to tho United Stutes, lenrned of tho
deaths of tho marines, ho called on Amorlcan
Minister Weltzel and expressed his sympathy and
thnt of his government.
In 1900 wo find marines landing In China to
assist snllora and marines from other countries
In relieving tho besieged legations at Pokln. In
It dnys this was accomplished. In 1901 they 'land
ed In Samnr, ono of tho Philippines ; also woro
called to Panama nnd Colon. They wero In Pana
ma again In tho throe- following years.
In November, 1903, a company of marines .had
tho novel experience of riding cnmels across tho
desortB of Africa, as thoy accompanlod n repre
sentative of tho Amorlcan stato department into
tho henrt of Abyssinia to Its capital for a confer
ence with its famous King Menollk. In tho same
year another company went to Seoul, Coren, to
protect the Amorlcan legation during nn Insurrec
tion. Santo Domingo and Panama needed marines in
1905. In tho following year It was In Cuba and
Panntua that they servod In Panama on account
of disturbed conditions Incident to tho holding of
an election, In Cuba ns part of tho "Army of
Cuban Pacification," which succoeded In pacify
ing the Incipient Cuban revolution of 190G, re
maining In tho Hold nnd occupying Cuba for about
two years. In this caso the marines wero first
in tho Held and tho only troops engaged In tho
dlsnrinnment of the insurgent forces.
Panama at election tlmo In June, 1908, saw the
marines again as, poltco at tho polls. Threatened
destruction of American property in Nlcnrngua
sent the marines thoro In December, 1909, nnd In
the following year they saw service In tho sanio
revolutionary country. On account of tho revolu
tion which resulted (n the founding of tho Chinese
republic, marines wero sent there in 1911 to en
largo tho legation guard. Last year they fought
In Nlcnrngua, and this year thoy went to Santo
Domingo, although thoy woro not compelled to go
ashore In t'10 latter country, their prosonco on a
gunboat In tho harbor bolng sufficient for tho
needs of tho occasion. ,
In 1907, tho ono year since 1900 when the ma
rines woro not called on for foreign military serv
ice thoy aided in tho humanitarian work of help
ing tho earthqunko sufferors of tho Island, of Ja
maica. Opportunity for foreign travel 1b ono of tho
inducements hold out to prospective recruits in
the Bervlco. From one-half to tliroo-fourtha qf a
marine's enlistment, it Is pointed out, may bo
lausmze zmwmg m c&s&r
served outside of the United States
or at sen. And tho marine may
travel and see tho world without
expense to himself. Not only nro
all his traveling expenses paid, but
ho receives a salary in addition:
nnd If ho' has a desire to be eco
nomical, It Is shown that a marlno
can lny by ti tidy sum or money,
and that, too. without denying him
self tho necessities of life, whllo
also allowing himself a fow moder
ate luxuries. If h remains lc tho
service 30 years ho can save moro
than $10,000 Then he cni! retire with all this
money to his credit and with a pension in addition
of from $3l.ri0 to ?C7.&0 a month, according to the
rank, ho held nt tho tlmo of retirement. During
tho 28 years moro than 500 marines have been
placed on tho retired list.
Thoro Is not a slnglo vacancy In the marlno
corps. Its quota of 10,000 men nnd 334 olllcers
Is kept filled, le-enlistmcnls or recruits taking up
all tho vacancies ns fast as they occur.
In spite of tho attractions which are held out
for enlistment In tho marlno corps, foreign travel,
great variety of service, comparatively light worb
most of tho tlmo nnd so on, It Is not a mere mat
ter of application followed by a perfunctory exam
ination Which will land a man In this service.
Tho examination Is sovere. This applies especi
ally to physical fitness, although mental and moral
qualifications aro considered also and rank high
In the mind of tho recruiting officers.
Applicants at recruiting stations are rejected
for ninny reasons. Men aro not wanted who aro
morally tinfit uny more than nre those who can
not moot tho desired physical requirements. The
mnrino corps desires to maintain a high standard
and will not accept men who. In tho opinion of the
olllcers In charge, nre likely to prove deserters,
cowards or weaklings In any wny, or who may havo
a bad influence on tho other men.
Recruiting officers are alert In efforts to ptevent
tho enlistment of any men who try to get Into tho
service ns u means of escaping from tho results of
misdoing. Such nion, It Is always feared, will try
deserting when opportunity offers. When n mnn
Is recruited IiIb Hertlllon record Is promptly for
warded to Washington, whero records aro search
ed to see If he has ever before been enlisted in
nny branch of tho Bervlco and discharged for
cause. As tho recruits aro not sworn In for four
or live days, this gives time to catch them If thoy
have tried to get In wrongfully. Criminals nre
sometimes caught In this way trying to escape the
clutches of tho law by enlisting In the government
service. Washington has other Hertlllon records
besides thoso mado In tho recruiting offices.
Enlistment In the marine corps Is for four years
Ixist year thoso who had been In tho service liked
It so well that 40 per cent, of thoso whoso terms
oxplrod, re-enlisted for another four-yenr period.
The training 1b systematic and careful, developing
tho best thnt 1b In a man. There nro special ex
erclses for strengthening weak parts of tho body,
which ennblo tho marines to stand the rigors of
the hardest campaign with n minimum of physical
fatigue. The pay for the newly enlisted man Is $15
a month nnd keep, which Includes food, allow
ances for clothing and so forth. In nddltlon thoro
is extra pay for men who win mnrkmanshlp med
als, who recelvo good-conduct medals and who aro
proficient in various lines of work. It has boon
shown that a marine, after allowing himself a fair
amount each month for extras, can retiro after 30
years' servlco with moro than $10,000 in bnnli
drawing interest at 4 per cent.
Kipling sings of him:
"An' after I mot Mm all over tho world, a-doln' all
kinds of things
Like lnndln' 'issoir with a Gntlln' gun to talk to
them 'eatlien kings;
'E sleeps In nn a'mmlck Instead of a cot, nn' 'e
drills with tho deck on a slew;
There Isn't a Job on top of the enrth the beggar
don't know to do.
You can leavo '1m nt night on a bald man's 'ead
to paddlo Ms own canoe;
'E's n port of a bloomln cosmopolous soldier and
snllor, too."
Tho American murine, "Soldier of tho Sea,"
known all over tho world from Gibraltar to Yoko
hama, has beon a strong factor In helping to main
tain tho prestlgo of tho United States, to fight Its
battles and stand guard on many foreign shores.
This Inlluonco Is not likely to bo lessoned with the
pnsslng years. "Tho mariiicB havo landed and havo
tho situntlon well in hand," will continue to bo the
report heard from thorn.
"A thief is usually somothlng of a philoso
pher." "How do you mako that out?"
"Doesn't he tako an abstract vlw t things V
(By K. O. SMMjUIIH. Director of Kvenlnu
Pffiartinont, tlio Moody Illblo Institute,
T.DHSON' THXT-Lulto 10:23-37.
GOLDDN TlCXT-'-Tlmu Hliult love thy
neighbor ns thyself." Mark 12:31.
Probably no other parable given by
Jesus except posBlbly tho Prodigal
Sou, has made such a deep Impres
sion as this one. It has Inspired al
truistic service, promoted tho Idea ol
tho brotherhood of man, and aerved
to crystnllzo Christian thinking and
I. "What shall I do?" vv. L'5-29.
(1) Tho first question. This lawyer
In his test question implied that eter
nal, life was dependent upon his
works, a well nigh universal Jewish
Idea. With a true teacher's skill,
Jesus drew from his own knowledge
of tho law an nnswer to his question,
viz.: Hint, on tho ground of doing ho
must love tho Father with nn undi
vided heart; with nil his soul, tho
seat of his emotions; with nil his
strength energies; nnd with nil hla
mind his Intellectual powers. The
evidence of such a love is that ho
must lovo his neighbor as himself.
Summarized the Law.
(2) Tho second question, (v. 29).
Jesus had not said anything to this
lawyer nbout belief, or faith, for liu
wbb not yet ripe for that Idea. He
had summarized the law nnd by this
law Jesus must teach hlw Rom. 3:19.
20; Matt. 22:37-40. It is one thing to
read and summarize the law, and
quite another to rightly apply it. It
Is qulto possible to bo ultra orthodox
In our teaching and in our statements
of belief, nnd yet to fall far short
of doing. The force of this second
question is then, "Who must I love?"
Ho avoids asking, "Who can I lovo?"
Tho question was not as to who will
bo neighbor to me, but to whom shall
I bo neighbor? In answer to this
Jesus employs this wonderful parable.
(Note: Explain the rinture of a para
ble and tho Master's frequent uso
II. "Go and do thou likewise." vv.
30-37. That this story Is not alono
a parable but a literal experience la
pretty generally believed. "The way
of tho transgressor" Is a Jericho road,
nnd tho traveler therein Is bound to
bo "stripped."' if not always of his
prosperity, then of his character, nnd
will ultimately find himself "half
dead." If left to himself he will sure
ly die, Rom. 5:G; G:23. Jericho meanB
"curse." Who then is the man I can
neighbor? Any wretch that Is pass
ing along tho Jerlco road. Remem
ber thnt Jesus Is dealing' with the sec
ond half of tho Bummnry of tho law.
Three classes of men passed this
man; (1) Tho Priest, of all" men the
most likely to help that fallen one,
created In tho Imago of God In whose
worship ho led. It Is easy to find an
excuso for this exhibition of heart
lessness. The danger of robbers; of
bolng suspected of complicity In tho
crime; the duties of his Important of
fice; tho danger of contamination; a
work not suited to his position in life.
Let us beware of too hastily judging
the priest until we examlno ourselves.
(2) Tho Levlte. Perhaps ho hod
seen his superior in' tho temple wor
ship; ho drew nearer than tho priest,
perhaps for the purpose of investiga
tion, but offers no remedy. (3) The
Samaritan. This ostracized' man
would havo been snubbed and cursed
by the wounded mnn under any other
circumstances. Ho therefore could
certainly have been excused hnd ho
followed tho example of Priest and
Levlte. Ho is a typo of Christ dealing
in grace with ono who had no claim
upon him. Note tho steps : (a) "Ho
Journeyed," aro we to be found visit
ing the places of great need? (b)
"Ho came where ho was," evidently
not from idle curiosity, but to meet
a case of need, (c) "Ho saw him."
Too often our eyes aro blind to tho
misery about us. (d) "Ho was moved
with compassion." The compassion
of JesuB was an active principle.
Does misery move us to action? Does
It send us to cases of need, or do wo
wait for them to knock at our door?
(e) "Ho bound up hla wounds." Not
acting by proxy; not sending him to
a public institution. Real charity is
accompanied by warm, sympathetic,
Christ-like, human hearts In action.
(f) "Ilrought him to an inn and took
care of him."
Love Is Costly.
It cost tho Samaritan much to act
this way. Racial pride, aesthetic re
pugnance, commercial obligations,
perhaps fnmlly duties, to say nothing
of the actual expenditures of tlmo and
money. Hut lovo 1b a costly thing.
Jesus himself fully portrays this pic
ture, John 3:16. Tho road was away
from God's city, Jerusalem.
It is not so much tho doing as the
motive that compelled tho doing. It
was not duty but desire, compelling
love, that Jesuo is exalting. Altruis
tic service never saved any man, I.
Cor. 13. On tho other hand, to make
high sounding professions nnd not to
give a tangible, material evidence
which will affirm that profession, is to
bound tho note of insincerity, Jas.
2:1G-18. Tho teaching of this 3tory 1b
that the true and acceptablo motives
for altrustlc, neighborly services, orig
inate, in a lovo for God that embraces
mnn'a threefold nature, body, mind
and spirit.
'Tape's Diapepsin" settles sour,
gassy stomachs in five
minutes Time It!
You don't wnnt a Blow remedy when
your stomach is bad or an uncertain
one or a harmful one your stomach
is too valuable; you mustn't Injure it
Papo'B Diapepsin la noted for Its
speed In giving relief; Its harmless
nesa; its certain unfailing action in
regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs.
Its millions of cures in indigestion,
dyBpopsln. gastritis and other.stomach
trouble has made It famous the world
Keep this perfect stomach doctor in
your home keep it handy get a large
fifty-cent enso from any dealer and
then If anyono should eat something
which doesn't agree with them; If
what they eat layB like lead, ferments
and sours and forms gas; causes head
ache, oMzziness and nausea; eructa
tions of acid and undigested food
remember ns soon as Pape'a Diapopsln
comes in contact with tho stomach all
such distress vanishes. Its prompt
ness, certainty and caso in overcoming
tho worst stomach disorders la a rovo
latlon to thoso who try it. Adv.
First Chinese School Book.
Thoro nre nlbo fragments of the Chi
Chili-Chang vocabulary composed by a
eunlch of the palace In nbout tho yoar
40, A. D. All tho authentic texts ot
this ancient school book, widely usocl
in the yoar 2 to teach Chlneso chil
dren to rend and write, had long since
disappeared. Tho paper manuscripts
nre the oldest examples of such litera
ture in existence. M. ChavannoB has
succeeded in reconstructing from
theso heterogeneous nnd moro or lesa
fragmentary and disconnected mate
rials n fairly probablo plcturo of tho
dally life of tho Chlneso garrisons that
held these frontier posts ugalnst tho
Huns nnd kept open the trado routes
to Farghana nnd Ynrkand. Tho h;
mnn ns well as scientific Interest of
such a picture is manifest.
For sick headache, bad breath,
Sour Stomach ,and
Get a 10-cent box now.
No odda how bad your llvor, stomach
or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable and uncomfort
able you aro from constipation, indiges
tion, biliousness and. sluggish bowels
you always got tho desired results
with Cascarets. '
Don't let your stomach, liver and
bowels make you miserable. Take
Cascarets to-night; put an end to the
headache, biliousness, dizziness, nerv
ousness, Blck, sour, gassy stomach,
backache and all othor distress;
cleanse your insldo organs of, all the
bile, gases and constipated matter
which is producing tho misery.
A 10-cent box means health, happi
ness and a clear head for months.
No moro days of gloom and distress
if you will tako a Cascarot now and
then. All stores sell Cascarets. Don't
forget the children their little in
sides need a cleansing, too. Adv.
Easy Money.
"You can't fool all tho peoplo all th
time," announced tho Investigator.
"I know it." replied the trust mag
nate. "There is plenty of profit In
fooling half of them half tho tlmo."
Same Here.
"Do you object to the Incomo tax?"
"No, I only wish I hnd occasion to."
Roston Transcript.
jwttinynw of WHEAT
on many farms in
western Canada la
1913, tome yield
being reported m
hlfh u 60 biuheU
as 100 bushels were
recoraeu in Borne
l-dlalt! f.M L. . TZIj
j-w irai IWI UWIVf U)U
nuui uiozuDus.toriluu
country 5 yearc ago from
Dcntnark-with very little
means, ne Dcmesteaded,
worked hard, ia now the
in Voivvr r-is " v"izs i
seres, which will realtzA him
l: -i. : aa w; .--
Hiiiiur mm uia .k.B .
WUlir4 Aft 1U nt,l L.l
to ww era.
TriAitBitita i tIt.
iiuuvhiu u on i mar in
nnm(aaiU In kl.ati.L. c I
..wwfcqMV,,, itumuua, Od9- l
cvaiijicwuu una niucna.
TriA tvn st 1M1 ... 1
(Vint nn Atfnnnliara n iir.
Canada. """ u "l"1
Aalf fnrrfoertn!1 V)t.... ..J
- aw uutliuuic IllClillUinilllll
reduced railway rates. Apply to '
oupenmenaent oi Immigration,
Ottawa, Canada, or
Bee Bulldlnc, Omaha, Neb
Canadian Government Agent
writ? lot mi Vn!lSllLS'!K,!"1NE"u"I0N8-".
7.L. . IQr m" rltCfi book. 1HK MUST INS-runriiim
utmcAi. hook rviR wkiitisnVittki i sai Y .T2m .1,..!
T HERAPION ""nd-r.a.