The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 08, 1914, Image 5

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.- t-vtiA ft
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Yt '
Closes Sat. Night, Jan. 17
A few Cloaks left. We have cut
deep in the price.
100 Shirts, black and colors, all sizes
1-2 Price
The Season's latest styles in Furs
25 per cent Cut
Wool Dress Goods
25 per cent Discount
Discount on Shoes and nearly everything in the store
F. G. Turnure 8 Son
Bulletin of The Week's Doings
Itussul Auiaclf returned
to Lincoln
McNeuy was Ui Supetlor
Ralph Boal was a pas-sender to Hast
ing Monday.
Gus Routs was
Omaha Monday.
passenger to
Ralph Can Held was in
business Monday.
Hastings on
Frank Beal .was.
Hastings Monday. -
a passenger to
John' Yost leftTuesduy for vanlon
to visit his fafetiw. 'ft '":.'
James, t'etersou went)to QmalmJ
MQBdaywiausluebSj,.., .j--.
G. L. Canfield woVto'Upaver City
Weducsday morning -
He'rt Benson of Superior spent Strtu
day 'here with friends.
John Wilson was a passenger to
Sargont.Neb., Monday.
Sam Johnston shipped a car of
to Kansas City Sunday.
Harry Buckles went to Omaha Tties
day morning on business.
Shorifr HndirB was a north hound
passenger Monday morning.
Will Robertson was a passenger to
St. Joe Wednesday morning.
Miss Edna Henderson returned home
Friday evening from Lincoln.
Weesner & Koontz shipped. two cais
of hogs to Kansas City Sunday.
Hill Dovle of Amherst was in the
city last week visiting relatives.
C. E. Strong left Saturday moinlug
for Cleveland. .Ohio, and other eastern
Henry Ilassor went to Llncolu Tues
(lav niornlnir to visit his brother Kd
Mifsa Untliilie was a nasscneer to
Omaha MondBV to resume her studios
at school.
Jerome Wright returned to Hebron
Monday after visiting friends here the
past week.
Chos Vox returned to Aurora Friday
aftor spBiidiug New Year's here with
his parents
Miss llornice Heldman and
nunderupp of Franklin were
city Friday.
in the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mlzer are the
proud parents of a baby bjy which was
born Sunday.
Mrs. Dr. Nelson of Winner, 8,. I).,
is here visiting her brother Homer
Boner and family.
Mr3. J. W. Klnsell and daughter
Mrs. Ed Walters returned home from
Campbell Tuesday.
U. Overman wus in Hustings to-
J. II.
F. W
Kelthley went to Ointihn ycstur-
, Cowden was in Lincoln tills
Mrs. Atneson returned home Friday
from I nu vale.
Sen the complete
line of rugs at
Miner Bros. Co.
Riley Carpenter was a passenger
Orleans Sunday evening.
Lee DeTour and wife returned to
their home at Guide Rook Tuesday.
The W. C. T U., will meet with Mrs,
Dow Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 14.
Oris Matkins and Koy Hutchison
were in Frauklln Thursday evening,
Lew Brakev and Andv Hart of Lob.
anon, Kas,, were iu town Monday.
"Why Less Men in the Church than
Women;" Topic t. the i( Methodist
church Sunday evening. .. -ii '
Operator S. C. Ellis was called to
Redfleld, Iowa, Monday on account of
the sickness of his mother
Clarence Mitchell of Franklin was
in town Monday. He was on his way
to Cowles to visit relatives.
Miss Josephine Mizer returned to
Galcsburg, III., after spending the
holidays here with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gvirney who live
west of Inavale arts the parents of a
baby girl which was born Friday.
Alficd Hmlell and wife of Long
Island, Kas., spout Sunday here visit
ing his mother, sister and brother.
John Cochran returned to Grand
Island Monday to resume his studies
at the Grand Island Business College
Miss Mazie Wonderly returned
home Fiidny evening from Lincoln
where she has been visiting relatives
Mrs. Mattie I'arker who has been
visiting her father Postmaster T. C.
Hacker, left Saturday for Colorado,
Mr. Deck and wife left Thursday for
McCook whero they will open up u
notion store. We wish them success.
Jack Waller of Co .vies wus in town
Monday between trains, lie had been
to Franklin and was on his way home.
A if Saladen accompanied by A. J.
Grant of Cowles left Tuesday for FJorl
da 'where they will look over the
Will Wolfe left Tuesday for Call,
forula and other western states where
he will spoud some time seeing the
Mts. Nellie Caster and daughter re
turned to York Monday after spend
Ing the holidays here with her mother
Mrs. West.
Cecil EssIr returned to Llnuoln Sun
day to n'sumt' his Htudies at tho htnte
farm after spending the liolidarH here
with IiIh pirontN.
Miss Kva Foster returned home Mon
day from Republican City where she
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J'os
turn and children.
C. A. Meger was iu Hastings today.
Leu Wllmot went to St. Joe Wednes
day. See Warren's restaurant for Fresh
Warren Longtou was in Hastings
Attorney MeNeny was' In Hustings
Miss Irene Miner was Iti Hustings
I'M Gaiber and Will Mouutfotd were
In Guide Rock today.
Jack Cather Is on the sick li-t with
the mumps this week.
Attorney A. M. Wultetsof Blue Hill
was in town Wednesday.
John Foster and daughter .Miss Kva
wore In Hastings Tuesday.
Ed Crary and O G. Davis were up
from Guide Rock Saturday.
Mrs. Geo. Lludley and daughter
went to Cowles Wednesday.
B. F. Miner went to St. Joe Wedno
'ay with a shipment of stoi'lt.
The largest Hue of rugs iu the city
on display at Miner Bros. Co.
Meredith Butler and "Red'' (leer
wcro in RWerton Sunday evening.
When you want A Short Order or
Fresh Oysters o to Warren's res
A trial of the Comet Cigar will con
vince you that it is well uoith lOcth,
while it is sold for nets, by all dealers.
Mr. A. Phillips of Gooilland, Kas.,
utrhoil in the city Wednesday to visit
his daughter, Mrs. John Maitlu and
R. E. Clark who has been foreman of
the Register olllce at Hebron arrived
Wednesday night and Is now foreman
iu thihotllcc.
Supt. Cluis. Kelloug returned to
Allen, Nebr., Filday to resume Ills
duties as Supeilntendont of the Allen
public school.
The Misses .Mario Hollist-sr and
Maigaret Beal have returned to Lin
coin to lesume their studies at the
state university.
Bhll Sherwood, Howard Foo, Ray
Saunders and Chas Sherer have return
ed to Lincoln to resume their studies
nt the state university. .
Miss Mabel Pope returned to Alma'
Sunday eveulng after spending her
vacation in this city with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vope.
Vatil Vitncy and Frank Lambert of
Inavale were' pleasant calleis at this
otllce Saturday. They had been to
Iowa and were on their way home
I have the, best rilte in'the1 county on
farm loans.'1, See me Hiid'b'o Convinced
My rnoUb-
ttb-prdm'iH's'erv'rcc. ' 'r
, , A. T. WAi.KHn,.-'
8fBAIfD-l iHed. Iloir, weighing
abortt 100 pounds,. Liberal reward tux
any information or returu,to f ,
- m C. K. W41.MN.
Dr. W. C. Ward returned to his borne
at Garden Grove, Iowa, Monday after
spending a few days in the city visit
ing his cousin Mrs. W. G. Warren and
Miss Katheryu Burke, who has been
spending her vacation nt Walnut
Iowa, with her parents, returned Sun
day evening to resume her duties as
teacher iu the Llncolu school.
"The Cheering Cross" will be the
morning subject ut the Congregational
church. Iu tho evening the pastor
will give an address on the subject:
"How to ohtttiu tho Vowcr of God".
FOR RENT-A good 100 farm 7 miles
from Red Cloud. 15 miles south and 1
mil') west. This is u good place and
will tout for-cash. For full particulars
soe or phone 12 on 0 M I. Mkiihili..
Misses Arnold, Suhumaker and Thor
ton returned the tlrst of the week
after spending their vacation with
their parents nud are once more pie
siding over the youngsters In our pub
lie schools.
For sale at a bargain. 1 black Per
oheroii Stallion, ago 7, wt. IMUO In
spected for 1914, passed sound. This
horse can easily be made to weigh 8300.
Must be sold in sidu of 30 dHys. In
quire of W. R. Wonderly Inavale, Neb
The churches of our oltj will hold a
special temperance service at 7:30 p.m.
on Wednesday, January 1 Jth. On Jan
uary l.lth Congress will vote on the
proposed amendment to the constitu
tion prohibiting tho sale, manufacture
for sale, importation for sale and ex
portation for saloof bevcragescoutain
lug alcohol. All over the country
there will be special meetings. The
meeting will addressed by Rev. Bates.
Everybody invited nud urged to como.
Origin of Preient-Day Games.
Though we got our games of tennis
from the eastern countries, most of
our games of bat and ball-come down
to us from tho ancient north. Ring
games and games In which light ob
jects are thrown come also from for
est countries, whero tho spear was a
familiar weapon, Dut all of them
nllke appear to revert In origin to
enrly experiences of tho rnco by which
they worked out their sulvatlon.
Dally Thouoht. ,
Whether you bo man or -woman you
will never do anything In tho world
without courage. It la the greatest
quality of the mind next to honor.
James Lane Allen.
Monday, December
And Will Continue Until Jan. 30, 1914.
We Will Sell All Our Regular Lines Oi
Kuppenheimer, Clothcraft and Society Brands Men's,
Boys9 and Children's Suits, Overcoats
and Pants at a Discount of
rrom our regular plain figure prices. We will also offer
A Special 33 1-3 Per Cent Discount
On Men's Cravenetts and Men's Velvet Collar Overcoats, besides
these Clothing Bargains, we offer the people the Greatest
Shoe Buying Opportunity ever offered in Red Cloud
All our Men's high grade $4.50, $4.75, $5.00 and
$5.50 Florsheim Dress Shoes at $3.35 a pair.
TitA nil fnr IUTak'c CfnfrAnr
mm an uur jhcii
Tiger and Champion Hats at
v We are over-stocked on hats and ofter a fine assortment of up-to-date shades and
models at this liberal discount. A fine buying opportunity for those people
who have waited for Bargains and who need good clothing.
This is a Cash Raising Sale and there is NO use asking us to charge these goods at this
discount. The only object we have in sacrificing goods in this manner is to get cash
which we need badly.
Red CliidT Foremdit Clothiers.
XV lw i-VBTW ." nr' -Tia:ri ". Yt fi. ".i1! , . i -fc., h 9. 9 .T r
... JM IJJiiwcslMiAl
w:r I
How Would You Like To Be
The Washer-Woman?
Do you think you could
make that soiled suit "DO"
for an other season?
Soap and water will fade
and shrink the garment.
You will save your back,
save your garment and save
your money by permitting
us to
Dry Clean Your Clothes
Tiy Us once and be convinced.
R. G. Hassinger
Gleaner and Dyer
th Phones 9 9 Red Cloud, Nebr.
Grdcr to Shew Cause
Ktntoof NcliniNkti
WelMicr County
j. In The County Court:
Ara County lourt held lit u Couiity
Courl room Iu and (or said county DccciiiUt
Mill, A. I. 10i:i.
iNthu matter ol tho chIiiIo of Mnrlou
l.ovltt, Deceased.
On ruutliiK nml IIIIiik tho imtllloii (
i;llale'tli M. l.ovltt. tiled on tliu.'IOth clny ol
iii'cciiiDcr, a. i)., tats, jirnini: ror tnu ex-1
animation nud allowiiueual lur Until necoiuit !
ol the name date, mi order dUtrlliiitlint tlm
residue nl iuroiml iKtiitoiind Hiiro upon mi
order illNclmrulnic her Iron further burden
find uervlco Iu litr imld olllte ih executrix.
OKIIKKKD, that fridfiy the Hitlidayol
.lununry, A. I). Hill, nt tin o'clock n. in,, In
asslKiuil for liciirlnu KUld ptitltlun, when all
perwinH Interented In wild matter maj-appear
at a County Court to he hi Id In nud (or
iinld County und kIiow caiiHu why pruytr of
liuimouer Hiioiiiu noi iiu Krnntcii; mm that
notice of tho pendency of Mild petition and
tho hearing thereof ho kIwii to nil perroiui
Interested In wild matter, hy pulilMiluu n
copy of this order In tho Ited Cloud Chief, a
weekly uewHpnpe-r printed Iu hiild county,
for three roiiNccuth u w tckK prior to Mild day
of henrlni;.
A. 1). ItANMCY,
Heal) ' County .luduo
d uujioumo, Oi
.We Are
For the excellent trade we have
enjoyed the pa year, and' to
wish you abundant prosperity and
happiness during 1914.
We are better than ever 'able to
supply your needs in Furniture
with larger slock, better prices
and a better acquaintance withf r
our patrons.
Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer.
When You
Job Printing
Think Of
Per Cent
First Door North of Postolffci
Think Of
At m
I 't!
a . til
9 W-