The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 08, 1914, Image 1

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-UfUo Hlslorioal Society
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Farmers' Institute, Cowles, Neb., Jan. 27-28
..-jjr-iJL-- -.: i-.saa .,.'f - t-r
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CT!Ht:"-., h- :Ibr:iiia lw-Jrv- -.if?"" S"''il;' m 'vlammEkA
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A Newspaper That fllves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Tear Far SI.
Your Duty To Your Family
is not only save for a rainy day, but
Safeguard Your Savings.
YOU CANT LOSE if you deposit in this
bank, because we operate under the State
Guaranty Law. and every dollar is protect
ed by the State Guaranty Fund.
Besides that, this bank is sound and safe
and conservatively managed-your money
here would be safe without the State Guar
anty, but with the added protection, you
simply can't lose no matter what happens.
School Board
Met Monday
Rkd Gr.ouD. Ned., JanVff, 'H
Hoard met In regular session lu Dr
ktolghton'sofllce. Members present
Blackledge, Gilliam, Storey, Tu'rnnre,
Minutes of previous meetlnir read
and approved without correction.
The Secretary made the following re
port of expenditures and reoeiptc.
Total receipts 813030' 03
July ()30 8.1
August ,TU Oil
September.... 174.101'
October 1)031 20 '
November 1817 30
December 21H0 93
Total 9 n020 13
3&2:3:33a:3.-4'' 4A A A-
20 FOR 0
Per Cent
Per Cent
Will Be Given On
Suits, Overcoats
and Trousers
In addition to this discount I will give on some
special lots of suits and overcoats a discount of
33 1-3 per cent
I am closing out Boys Shoes
and will SAVE YOU SO to 75c a pair on them
Some high tops at $2.25
20 Per Cent off On
Sweater Coats, Flannel Shirts, Sheep Lined
Coats, Duck Coats.
All the Boys and Children's Knee Pant Suits
go at 1 -3d off.
To clean up some odds and ends slightly soiled dress shirts
will sell "Cluett" $1.50 shirts at 75 cents.
Kulimco ou hand 8 431(1 40
Upon motion of Blackledge. second
ed by Gilliam the Cbnir wna ordorcd to
appoint a committee to drnft rnsolu
tlons recommouding certain revision
In our school laws the same to bo sub,
mitted to the stato committee on our
school law revlsiou. The chair ap
pointed lliackledge and Moritz.
The following bills wore read aud
ordered paid:
Dr. E. A.Cielchton. a r. sn
0. P. WhMIu. i(j 30
Orico Drug Co io 87
Cowden-Kaloy Uo 21. 25
C.L. Coiling 401
. u. ivuio vo j 00
Hansen Laundry 450
J. U. Mitchell ', 4 35
F. G. Turnure & Son .'.'.' 4 7;i
Argus o y5
I Smelser dray 3 70
Uoy Sattley... .'' 0-pp
Miner Uros ; , ; , g(j2
Morhart Bros '.'..' 0,1 u
Pope Hros o ,,r.
Saunders Hros 33 15
Hammond & Stephens 3 20
L. U. Smith 3 jjo
Underwood Typewriter Co u 00
Hoard adjourned.
K. D. Moiiitz, Sec'y.
I. 0. 0: F. Lodge
Installs New Officers
Monday evening, Harry T. Gilliam.
District Deputy Orand Muster for the
district of Cowles. fJuldu Itock ami n..,i
Cloud, jras present and Installed thn
following ofllcers in Den Adhem lodge,
No. 18O, for Hie ensuing term: .
A. II. MoArthur, l U.
V. B. Maurer, N (J.
Ted HhitIs, V (1.
W. O. Hamilton, Secretary.
S. H. Klorancc, Treasurer.
The following were tho appointive
olliccrs iusiallod:
K. II. Pharos, Warden.
H. M. Smith, Conductor.
Will Mount foul, Chaplain.
F. C. Arnold, It. S 8.
v. M. MoKlmmev, L. S. S.
h. K Conrad, K. S N. (.
V. (I. Warren, h. S. N. (.
John Martin, 11. S. V. (1.
Fran lc Wash ins, L S. V. O.
ji. H Hnuslcker, 1. O.
Will have the BEST music ONLY when it
has an Edison Phonograph.
Disc, .
$60.00 to $478.00
15.00 to 200.00
Come in and let us prove it;
As Others See Us
Art McArthur, son of ex clioriir Mo
Arthur, Is the now owner of tho Hed
t.'lqud Chief, having taUen it or.,r
January 1 Art has been raised in thn
print shop amfwill mliho good or wo
will set up tho cigars. Charley Haiti
wo understand, got out of the oilloo
with the expectation of being appoint-
ed postmaster at Itod Cloud. Uuido
Uoclc Signal.
Optometrist and Jeweler
RED CLOUD. . . . Nebrk,
Tho Red Cloud Chief, which has been
conducted bo successfully tho past few
years by C. U. Halo, was sold this week
to Arthur McArthur, foreman in the
Chief olTlcc. Wo rcgrot very much to
seo .Mr. Hale retire from tho nowspap.
er business in thlsseoltou, but uro glad
to know that our old friend, Art Mc
Arthur takes charge. Wo worked for
several mouths ou tho Rod Cloud Argus
with Mr. McArthur, and ho lias been
in tho newspaper business continually
since ho was a "kid." Franklin News.
Council Proceedings
No goods sold at These prices Except for Cash.
The Clothier
Red Cloud, Neb., Jan. 6, 1914
Council metl'with Msor Saunders,
Bnd Councilmen Foe, Cranu, Storey
present. Cowden, absent.
Minutes of December meeting read.
Report of S. R. Florence read and
Tho following resolution was Intro
duced nv btorey and passed by the
"Be it resolved by the mayor and city
council of the City of Red Cloud,
That Ihe light commissioner is here
by empowered to require any applicant
for Hectrical service from tho city,
when in hia discrelton it is necosanrv.
-l 1 1. - '
unoii uep.,811 10 cover tho estimated
value of tho eervlco said applicant m
require the ensuing month. And said
applicant shall make said deposit with
tho city clork boforo any scrvlcB In'fnr.
niahed. At the time for payment for
service siid applicant shall pay the
amonnt uBBCfsed for the past month
and leave tho deposit with the clerk.
When said service stops the applicant
will be returned tho amount due after
taking out what is due the city."
The following claims were allowed:
Guy Ztdgler $ 20 qq
Clifrjy 7500
v. A. Patten 70 00
Lloyd Pegg 7 83
E.H.Weber r.g g0
-c-Teel C0C3
S. It. Florence 269 52
Grant Christy qq 25
Geo. Clauson ( 39 (J5
Frank ClauBon ', 15 qq
A.B.Sutton iQ 5Q
Saunders Bros .' ....... 4535
Morhart Bros j7 G(j
C F. Wallin 18 2o
K, W. Koonlz ' .. 4111
J A Bradford 350
MayerCoaICo 479 85
KT.. s
iiu tvuiinmg Lo. 14 04
Midwest Elec. Co. . . .' k 1 07
C R. Lewis 3 50
J. W. Auld, TreM
Just as wo go to pics',, wo luarn that
tbe Red Cloud Chief has changed
bunds, C. 11. Halo, editor for tho last
three or four years, retiring, nnd
Arthur B. McArthur, who has been
employed in tho olllco for several years,
becoming the. now proprietor. Wo
have known Art from his boyhood
tmys, huh 110 is a No. 1 voiinc man.
11111I will .... .. i '. . '
. ..... ..... un-iiii up-io-fiaio, un
adulterated democratic paper, aud wo
bespeak for him success, and suroly
wish him tho greatest of prosperity.
Here's our editorial ET ah. i.i.i,..
and may you bo "Chlefest" among tun
tiiousand, and tho best paper in tho
valley, is tho wish of tho Commercial
Advertiser. Wednesday's Commercial
Mary Anna Wolf was born March 25,
1847, aud departed this life Jau. r.,
10H, Sho was CO years,' months aud
10 days old at. the. time of her demise.
Tho deceased was: united In 'marriage
to James Ainack March 8, 180(1, who de
parted this life March i.'.'l, ifloi.
She, leiiros to'inoiirn lier doath elirht
chlldron, twenty-nlno grand-children,
three groat grand-olilldren, a largo
number of othor relatives uud u liost
of friends.
TI10 living chlhlron, two lmvlng
passed to tho great beyond in early
childhood, are as follows: Georgo of
lied Cloud, Ivans of Uostwiclt, William
of North Branch, Kus., Frank R.. Mrs.
K 10. Shlpinaii, Mrs. A. W. Sliipmau
and Loyd all of Oarliold township.
Mrs. Ainack united with tho Christ
iau church at tho age of eighteen and
lived 11 faithful and dovoled christian
during remainder of life.
one was a good neighbor, a Id ml
loving wife and mother.
Funeral services wore hold Wo.l.n..
day afternoon at tho darHcld M. K
church. Rev Hummel conducted the
fervlces. Interment took placo In tho
Wagoner cemetery.
A change was nntdo yesterday after
iioou whoroby Arthur B. McArthur
purchased tho plant and subscription
list of tho Rod Cloud Chief lately own
ed by O. B. Halo, and took possession
at once. Mr. McArthur is a young
man who is well known and hluhlv r.
spected for his honesty and reliability.
The Argus feels a particular intorcst
in nun sluee It was in this olllco that
ho llrst began his work as u prlntor,
and wo wish him well. Wo are glad
that as long Us there was to bo n
change, Mr. McArthur is to bo tho
now editor. Mr. Halo, tho i-Atirln
editor, has our best wishes, and wo
hope that ho and his estlmablo wlfo
will continue to inuko this city their
home. Webster County Argus,
A Fruit Item
Mrs. Shannon
There passed away at tho Immn nf
hor son, William O. Shannon on Jan
n, 1014, a woman qnito remarkable.
when the Htory of hor life is known,
and tho value of tho quiet, constant
toiler with high ideals Is appreciated.
She came here from hor homo in On
tarlo, Canada to visit with hor sou
and twoslstors, Mrs. A. D. McMurrayJ
aim airs. 11. U. Potter. Her Illness
lasted about three waoks.
In early marriod llfo sho camo with
her husband to Canada and settled
near Toronto whore they reared a largo
family of children sovon sons daugh
ter, tliroo children having died In In
fancy. Sho iiad high ambitions for
her children and supplementing her
iiiisimuus earnings with tho neodlo,
sho gave them all a college education.
Her son Charles, a lawyer of Duluth,
Minn , came to hor bodsido during her
Illness and accompanied tho body to
Detroit, Mich., where tho final dlsposi
tlou or St will bo made.
A short funeral service was conduct
ed on Tuosday morning at 8 o'clock at
tho homo of Albort Ducker whose wlfo
was a nolco of Mrs. Shannon by Rev.
w. 11. Wright.
Ministerial Union
A meeting of the clorgy ;of tho city
was hold lu Kv. Hates' " rooms last
Monday .QtEornwm for tho purpose oC
oleonrig'offitfoW for the oiisulng year.
Three of tho prominent dlgnitarloa of
tho city wore nominated for tho oflice
or president, Rev, llstos howovor re
ceived the necessary two thirds and
was duly Inaugurated. A spirited con
test for th.iollliio of vlco prosidcut re
sulted lu the election of Rev. Bayno,
Strange io Aay thero was only one
candidate for tho remaining oilloo and
the duties of nflloial scribe, which felt
to the Mothodist msu, Rev. W. II..
Rev. W. H. Wright read for tho i-.U.
Ilcalioii of tho Union a review of Trine-'
recent book "Tho New Alinemcut of
Tho Union concluded to co-operake
w.hthoW.C. T. U., holding
public meeting uoxt Wednesday even-
"igiii the interest of tho proposed:
amendment Io tho constitution pro-
hibitlug tins manufacture nnd sale of
intoxicating liquors.
A very pretty wedding took placo on
NewJYear's day at the homo of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Jay I'opo who live on Locust
street, when their daughter, Miss Dor
Pope, was united Inlmarrliigo to Mr.
.icssojuoyco at high noon, Rev. Bayncu
pronounced tho mystic words that made,
t lie in man nnd wire.
After the ceremony 11 bountiful wed
ding rtitinor was served. Only the Im
mediate relatives were present,
Tho bride is Olio Of our nnmil.r
young ladles ami tho groom is ono of
our respected young moii and a pros
perous young fnrnier.
The Chief along with their many
friends wisli them happiness and suc
cess iu their wedded llfo.
Not Mineless
The Arapahoe Mirror takes except
ion to tho statomont that "Nebraska
Tho Minor
Tho Omaha Fruit Growers' Assoeln.
tion has added an item to Nebraska's stole without a mlno."
production record according to hVures iisks:
on file with the State Baard of Agri- .'What is tl, ,n.o.
culture. Thoaio.fnrim.i i.l. Who,t Is the matter -
872,000, The largest item was Concord C0,,nty'H slllcft m'nV Nebraska Is
grapes nnd in splto of tho drouth sixty ur8t wltu "'most a monopoly of the
3 GO five car loads of first class grapes were production, yet wo can barely supply
81 00. shipped from Douglas county, thodemaud. f
u as
Terms of District
Courf For 1914
Regular terms of I ho District Court,
lu and for Webster County, for the
year 101 1, are to bo hold on tho fol
lowing dates:
Mar. HI, jury; Sopt. !it, jury;-
May 18, equity; Doc. 7, equity,.
Petitions for uaturallzstion will be
heard on March 10, nnd Soptember 31,
at 1:30 p. m and ou those dates only-
Clork ofiDistrict Courts
For Sale or Rent
100 noro farm fl' miles northwest of
Iuavalc. This is a good stock nnd gral
farm. Tliore is Co acres of alfalfa,
fenced hog tight, nlso 4 other field
fenced hog tight, GOJaores under cnl-
tivatiou for com. Inquire of
Plerpolnt, Inavale, Nebr,
Closing out sale of Harness. See
o ;
; !
uor uargaintP, L, 'Hansen, ndX