The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 01, 1914, Image 8

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I . -
I From The Factory, a nice
Line of Useful
Don't Fail To See
and Inspect Our Line
All The Phones
Itoois Vavrieka
n? Auctioneer N
Terms reasonable and satis
faction guaranteed. I speak
cither Bohemian or the
American language. .'. .'.
R, F. 1). No. 4. Rt! Clond, Nebraska
Red Cloud Nebraska
RedCioud, -:- Nebraska
Second House North o! I. 0. O. F. Hall
Consultation and
Spinal Analysis Free
Lmly Attendant fioin 10 to 12 ii. in.
and 2 to 1 p. in
Phone lnd.212
THE ALARM l n dreadful thin
OF FIRE for tho man without
iusurutico. Every time he sees the
engines racing uIoiik his heart conies
up In ills throat If the lire Is any where
near hi place. What folly, what mis
taken economy.
THE COST OF is so small that It
INSURANCE need hardly be
considered. The freedom fiom wony
alone is worth it many times over
Have us insure you to-day.
Reliable Insurance.
J. fl. EklilflGER
General Auctioneer
Recommendations My
Former Customers. ...
Write or None
Red Cloud, - Nebr.
Furniture and Undertaking
E. A. Creighton,
M. D.
Live Stock and General Auctioneers
norii iito.Ni:s
111 Cloud
IT on 8
, Lebanon
on 187
n r ?
Frame Construction
Is Most Preferable
for home building not only on
account of Us economy, but be
cause of its adaptability to chalie;
iiiK conditions. Home-, built of
wood are easily moved lrom one
location to hiiothei; they can he
altered or enlarged without Injur,
iujr their Kcnoral appearance for
the reason that painting will make
the old look as good as tlio new.
Instead of painting holng cousid
eied an expense it should leally be
held as an improvement because it
freshens up the, wfifu appearance
of your home, and Instead of ulti
mate deoay and deteriorated value
as is the case with substitutes that
can only be renovated by building
a w hole new house, your home be
cumus constantly more valuable
Tills is only ouo of the little things
to consider when building a home
"Little drops of water, etc., make a
a mighty ocean." Come in and
we'll tell vou moio about lumber
.."There's No Place Like Home"
Saunders Bros.
Red Cloud, Nebraska
We Have Aided
In Building Great
- Fortunes For. -Clever
Widow's Pension. ,
i lio recont act of April liltli, IIK13
gives to all soldiers' widows u pension
812 per month. Fred Miiuror, tho at
torney, has al) necessary blanks.
Is un Introduction lu Itself nud Makes
a First Impression That In Valuable.
Call and Sec What We Can
Do For You In This' Line.
Thoy Are Not Too Clean and ihe Con
ductor Makes the Bed.
Describing railroad travel In South
Africa, i:. W. Howe lu his Monthly
"Soon after the train conductor look
ed at oin tickets lie proceeded to lug
two huge bugs of bed clotlila-,' Into our
compartment and make up' two beds.
We paid Sl.'-'O for the use of tliu bed
clothing two nights; the charge would
liavo been the .same for one night. So
tlnir we will have u largo compart
iiienl to om selves two nights and a
dn.v mid pny only l?l."0 above the reg
tiliir line The bed1 were comfortable,
though somewhat narrow, hut we slept
as well. I lii.uglne, as people usually
do on a steeping car. On our door and
on our window were plncaids announc
ing that the compartment was reserv
ed, mid we were not disturbed dining
the Journey. When thin reservation
placard Is not displayed any one lu's
a right to a scat or bed in a compart
ment that Is nut full.
"The South Afrlcjni sleeping cars are
not at all bad, except that the train
conductor has so much to do that he
cannot keep them as clean us they
should bo. The conductor did not pol
ish my shoes at night, but I knew lie
was very busy and overlooked his
"I wldi tlio haughty conductors of
American passenger trains could see
our conductor with his coat off, mak
ing up beds. I wish they could also
Hue our tickets, which cover nearly
3,000 miles of travel and rend from
Durban to Victoria Falls and back to
Helia. 1 am unable to understand
them, but the conductors have no dif
ficulty. "On one or two trains wc have been
on there was a man who helped the
conductor, but on nt least two crowded
trains on which we traveled the con
ductor has had no help whatever In
making up the beds; the most curious
thing I have ever noted lu railroad
travel. Theie Is n guard on the train,
who Is what we call n brakemau. but
he does not assist the conductor In tlio
chamber woik When these conduct
ors me taking the tickets they are as
haughty as are American conductors,
but when they begin lugging in sheets
and pillows and mattresses they are
as humble as the nuM timid traveler
could wish "
Most of Them Unlock by Twisting
Them to tho Riant.
"You would be amazed." said Fro
fessor I.ookubotit Inforinlngly, as he
started to unlock his desk in prepara
tlon for the morning's classwork. "to
know how many persons arc unable
to tell offhand which way a key turns.
Only tho other day, In u chat with
one of the best iufornled men of my
acipialutiince, I was astonished to
learn Hint he believed most keyturn
cd to the left to unlock1 their locks. II o
was trying to open a typewriter desk,
and he struggled with the key several
moments before lie made the astound
ing discovery that It unlocked by turn
ing to the right
"'Why.' he said to me with a sur
prised air. 'this key works the wrong
" Must what do yon mean by "tlio
wrong way?" ' was my natural query.
" 'It unlocks to the right,' he replied.
" 'So do most keys,' 1 told him,
whereupon he glauced at me skepti
cally. It took mo several minutes to
convince him that, us usual, 1 was
right. The fact Is that, wlierens doo
keys unlock to the left perhaps as of
ten as to the right, depending on which
side of the door you face, tlio key to
almost anything except a door is pretty
sure to turn to the right to unfasten
tlio lid or diawer or roller apron which
it secures. A littlo observation Is all
one requires to prove the truth of
this. It's one of tho little things which
once in a wiuie may he well wortn
Ami the professor ubseiittnlndedly
tried to unlock his desk by turning the
key to tlio left. New York Times.
.Simplified Spelling,
f.overs of slmplilleil spelling should
make a pilgrimage to Neveiidon. In Kn
sex. whore the church waideim' ac
counts In tlio eighteenth century were
quite delightfully phonetic. Under the
date 171'J occurs the entry: "Gave
Geckup Kollliis for his gall too sliellns
and six pens Also his close for tho ln
sewing yere." Tho mysterious word
"gall" seems to signify the girl or
daughter of "Geckup IColllns." And
some of us who have drunk the cup of
feminine militancy to the dregs may
accept gull us the right spelling. Lon
don Mall.
Poetry and Pay,
Poetry, It Is declared. Is alnnit the
worst paid form of writing. That may
be true, regarded from the standpoint
of dollais iiml cents, but the man who
can get a poem out of his system
should feel that ho Is pretty well paid
for ids effort. Toledo Illiule.
One Use For It.
"1 suppose classical music Is all right
in Its place." said Maud. ,.
"I'm sure It Is," replied Mamie. "I
don't care to listen to It inyself, but
sometimes you have to play It In or
der to got a man to go homo." Wash
lugton Star.
On Occasions,
"Are you superstitious about thirteen
at table?" asked Mrs. Ulckcnloopcr.
"1 am when there's hardly enough
food for twelve." wild Mrs. Glddybody.
Magazine of Fun.
He la, 'In my opinion, tho noblest
who has raised himself by his own
merit to a htebei atatlon-Oliara
Vou a 0 that on the -iUu day
ol July. him. Untile N. (llnM lllcil pell
Hon In tliu District t,tn rt of filter ( onmy.
.NenrniKn, nKnlnm yon, iiioohjietiiml prayer
ol which Ih to obtain n ilueno divorce on tho
K'onnil of extreme cruelty.
Vou tiro required luiiiiHiicrtlieKiild petition
on or before tho Huh lny of Jiituinry. I til I. or
mieeriu Mill bociit(.rtiliiunliiiityoiiiiHpr
Cil for In mlil iieiiiiun.
1 alert DtctiiibtrO, IDI.1.
llnlile X. Ulnwt, I'lnlntlll.
1-1 lly llemiml MeNeny, htr attorney.
nOllLE OF AUtl.
tilth) District Court of Wihstir County,
Miimiii I). Clr.i mid
.laniCH K. I'liauey,
.lncoh I,. Miller:
Hannah II. Miller, otherwise Utile Mllltr;
Jacob I,. Mllier n Tronic ami Kxieutor of
tho Will of
iniiiiHii. in-own, otlivrn lie, .1. II. llrown, ile-
Hannah llrown, ulilo.vof .latiii-i II. Iiroun:
Clmrlis II. llrown. llrown his wife, first
real name unknown:
.MitrKiirt-toils. Oil her husband, Mrnt
real nniiio unknown;
IniuiN'i. llrown, Clara Iiroun bis wife:
I'rniu-citO, KvmiR, I Ivans her husband,
II rut real name uuknoun;
Kniina A. Ackcrson, Aekeron lur
hiMbaud, llrst real naiiie unknown;
(leorKu W. llrown, llrown his wife, llrm
real iiamu unknown:
Daniel i:dar Winter. Winter hU wife,
llr.t rial uaiiie unknown;
(lenevla Aujelllie Winter, ,her husband,
ruil name unknown;
I'tliFl llrown, , her husband, real
name unknown;
Anna Whiten, , her luiNbaiiit, real
name unknown;
Haul I Winters, Winters hlsu lie, tint
real name unknown;
Charles Akorson. , Akurhon hla wife.
Urn real name unknown;
Koland Akorson, Atirson his wife,
llrst ruil name unknouu;
Sniuuel Akerson, Akcrson bis wife,
llrst real immo unknown;
.MellleAkersou. , her liuslniul, real
llessle Akersoii, , her husband, real
name uu known;
The I'uknoun Itilrs ami DevlMts of each
and atl of the above named Persons,
The snlil alu ti named aiut designated !e
ftndauts,tuidtheuiikiuuvubilrsaiiildevNei.s of each of the persons so named and ili.v
lunalet .11 take notice thai tie- above
mimed plalntllls have fllul In the aliovc
minicil Court their petition against i-ald di
feiidaiits. the olJei;ti intern rot which are
tootniilii tim Jiidsinent and tliertu of N-Ud
court iulelliitc and coivllriulnu In the plain
tills the tltlu to thu (olio wliii; tkht-ctbed rial
estate situated In Welwiter county, Nebrai.Ua,
to-wlt: Lois No. 1.1. 14 ami li,. In lUock 'JTi ot
theorli;liml town of Itcd. Cloud, according to
theiecordul plat Ihcrtuf; asimaliist the said
ileleiid'iuts and all persons above uumid and
ileNlunattd axsucb, aiuL perpetually enjoin
liiKitheiii and all ierons:lnliiiluvcb.v throtmh
or inidir them oi any of them, from sitting
up, claliiiliu-orassorllnminy title, rlijlit or
lutereit in said prunUsis, adverse to plain
tills, and for general equltabln nllW.
You arcroiul cd liMiiwucr n.vtd petition,
now on llleln thuollljLuof the dirk ot a-M
Court, al Hi-d Cloud lahuld comity, miur be
fore the Mth, day of January, mil.
Dated Uu umbel 8vlUi:!.
M'SN II. Cl.Al'l'.
Jami.s K. I'll miv, Plalmlits.
b I,. U. Illueklele, Atturuey.
In the County Court of Wttatcr County
In thu matter of thu estate-of HuixyJ.
hbilclou, Deec.lsuii.
Clti:i)ITlItSl)IvSAII) CSr.VTIO. will take
NnriCK. that the tlnio lluillud for pit scuta
tlon and Ullm;otclaluiKiu:aliist thu same Is
July Kith. lU14;aud for thu payment ol debts
Is Uui ember luth. nil I. that I will sit at the
i-nun y court room. lu said county oa the 17th
day o J uly nil I, at 10 o'clock, A. l., to re
ccle, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims t ud objections duty lllid.
Datid this luth day of I'lcembfc. l'Jt:!.
(SiiU) A. I. ItA.NNBY.ClMUlty JiKlne.
Notice of Probate.
In tho C'oul'Jy Court pf WubsJer County,
Webster Comity, f
To all persons Interested In thu estate of
M. M. Clark, Deceased:
TAi'K NUI'ICi:. that a petition has tiein
(lied iti Inn that thuliislruiiiiut Ulrd In this
courtou the'JItb. day of DtH-vmbcr, l'JUl, for
merly rohatcd iwri allow id by the I'rotj.ile
Court of Knox ' ouuty, IIILnols ou thu 'Ird
day of May, A. D. lhs.1, may be prov-d nud
allowed and rctorded as thu last will and
testament of M. M. Clark. diciscd;that said
lustriinicni be admitted to protwite, us such.
It Ih hereby ordered by thu court, that all
ptrsouslntcritUid lu wild estate appear at
thu County Court to bv held In nnd for said
county ou the Dili day ol January, Hill, at
leu o'clock. A. M to show cattkc, If any there
buwliy tho prayer ot the petitioner should nul
Wi KrantciV. and that notice of tho pendency
of said petition ami tho henrlnK thcrfof, be
kilveutonll pcrsoas Interested lusald nuviUr
by imbllNb.lm a copy of this order In tho Ucd
Cloud Chief, a leual wiekly uewHpapor print
ed lu said county, for three, consecutive
cokn prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and tho seal ol said
ourt tHW 'Jlth day ol liccuinlvr. A, D.
(SK.V1.) A. D. llt.NKV
ol-8 County J tultcu.
Superior, Nebraska.
Phono 337
Feb, U.S. Hlclumlson, 5 miles north
west of llurr Oak.
Feb. !). J. II. Hamilton Sou, bied
sow sale of Poland Chinas, (iuide Hock.
Feb. !. W, L. Denny, fi miles north
of Guide Hook.
Fob. id. Lew Smith, .'1 mllos north.'
east of Quid o Hock
Feb. 1I.-U.G. HlBRins a miles north
of Nora.
Feb. 17. Rodney Itogers, 5 miles
southeast of Mt. Clare.
Feb. 25 A. T. Cross, Duroc Jersey
sow sale In Guide Rock,
Feb. 2d. Nate Simpson, 8 mites
i , I
WE assure you that our
groceries can be de
pended upon for your big
holiday meals. Fresh goods
added to our stock every
week. C Are you one of
our many satisfied custo
mers? CJ If not, we solicit
a trial order.
B '
WWOiWaiittttf Oi aiOittfOif
3 "
JS Exclusive Designs In Monumsnts. la. Our Specialty 5
Wo constantly have on.
of the very best: of
f &Mavavveed. I
1 Red Gloud,
Organized Agriculture
At Lincoln, Nebraska
January 19th to 23rd
This will be oe of the most instructive eon volitions over held in the
Weit. Besides the eon vriiMmiq of the twentj-otie associations, theio will be
the, Apple show, the Corn Show witli free educational moving ,,olHlll bllow8.
ami exhibit.
Asnoiing oigani. itirins are -
State Board of Agriculture Corn Improvers' Association '
State Live Stock Improvers Assn.
State Horticultural Socity
Nebraska Horse Breeders' Assn.
State Dairyman's Association
State Swine Breeders' Association
northwest of Guide Hock.
Feb. Ml. Jas. Martin, i miles
southeast of Mt. Clare.
M.irch 9. II irnard and lliins wil
milieu a l'oland China sow oale tit Nel
son. Age of Pessimism.
.'I had n talk with a pesalmlstlo
fffend tho other day. I don't think I
eyer met any ono so completely soured
on tho world, Ho told mo he doubted
human honesty that he didn't believe
In the faith ot man, nor tho constancy
ot woman. Life to blm was all graft
and greed. He was very bitter."
"Your friend must bare had a lot of
hard experte-wea, How old to he?"
ttiOiaiitt Of 0.iliOiaiif 0i4&:
T 1
hand a large supply
Marble and Granite.
Dairy Cattle Breeders' Association
Grain and Seedgrowers' Assn.
Good Roads Association
State Florists' Society
State Home Economics Assn.
R. E. FOE, Ticket Agent.
L, W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agt.
Do not lot ub wait to bo Juet or piti
ful or demonstrative toward those we
love until they or wo are struck down
by illness. . . . Life la short, and
we have never too much timo for glad
dening the hearts of those who are
traveling the dark journey with ui.
Ohi be awitt to love, make baste to
U kindt-Amtel.