The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 01, 1914, Image 3

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It was pretty generally understood
that the Hilly Halloas were drifting
apart. There wns no particular rea
son for this state of affairfl, save the
lack of something bettor to do.
You see, they had Just enough
money so that Hilly did not have to
work, nor Janet to worry about malt'
Ing both ends meet. They had danced
their way through several seasons
into a lazy, good-humored and com
radelike engagement, thenco Into
matrimony. After that Hilly had con
tinued to lead cotillons and Janet to
dance them but generally with other
Matters botween them had reached
the point whero the rumor-laden so
ciety papers had suggested covertly
that when Hilly went to Knglnnd anil
Scotland, whero ho had nothing in
particular to do, Janet would probably
tnko up hor homo in Novado, or South
Dakota, there to remain until Norman
Stanley returned from Africa, whero
lie wns fighting ennui by hunting big
game. It was even whispered that
Hilly Dalton had Insinuated to Stan
ley that It wns rather better taste to
stalk big game than another man's
wife, especially when the other man
was perfectly willing to make It clear
sailing for his wlfo If It would mnke
hor any happier.
Of course this sounds a bit strong
on paper, particularly to the old-fash
loned folk who still beliovo that mar
riage is a contract for life and not. a
mere episode. In tho set to which the
nilly Daltons belonged the situation
was accepted as a matter of course,
and when Janet asked a lot of peo
ple down to their Imib Island place
for tho automobile races and the week
end, no ono thought of refusing just
because tho Daltons might soparato
within a fortnight after tho gather
ing. Such was tho situation when the
Dalton car broko down on tho Jericho
turnpike, and its occupants, Janet,
Mrs. Grconwalt, Joo Jeffreys and
"Marsh" Huntoon, decided to cut
through tho woods to tho Dalton placo
and leave the car for a farmer to guard
until tho mechanic who handled tho
Dalton garage could bo dispatched to
the scene of the accident.
Perhaps It was not entirely Impa
tience which led them to take tho
short cut through tho woods, but the
call of a hundred autumn voices, in
rustling leaves, rich, warm colorings
and the chatter of squirrels laying up
winter stores. And thus It was that
they suddenly stopped In their tracks
nnd listcded to n sound that was not
of tho woods, but of tho nursery, tho
plaintive wn.ll of a child. Janet It
wns who found It a bit of white
faced, stnrlng-eycd humanity rolled up
snugly in a great shawl of Iceland
While sho held tho baby In her
arms nnd tried to silence its walls
with uncertain and awkward little
pottlngs, the qunrtetto held n confer
ence. Tho child wns too young to
have walked there. Mrs. Greonwnlt
said It was not n day over two months
old. It was too far from the road to
bo heard by passing travelers. Ah
there wns tho nnswer a wisp of pa
per, tied to tho end of tho shawl.
"Pleaso tnko caro of little Elsie. It
was not her fault that sho came Into
tho world and I can do no more."
"I've always said that tho govern
ment ought to regulate the question
of marriage among tho poor," re
marked Mrs. Greenwalt soverely.
"Hero Is a caso in point."
"You aro Jumping nt conclusions,"
snld Huntoon dryly. "Lot's tnko It
to tho town mnrshal "
"And what then?" asked Janet, with
out lifting her gazo from tho child's
face. Tho baby had clutched her
finger with Its tiny fist nnd settled
down as if It hnd found anchorage.
"Oh, thoro aro asylums and homes
for youngsters like this. You'd bet
ter hurry along homo with It before It
begins to howl. Ono of your men can
tako it to town beforo dark. Shnll I
carry tho llttlo beggar for you?"
"Oh, no she's not n bit henvy nnd
she Is quiet now. Sho might cry If
wo changed her position."
They trudged on through rustling
leaves and soft Indlnn summer haze,
three of tho party chatting gayly;
two, tho young wlfo nnd tho bnby,
looking Into each other's eyes as if
searching for a now key to the prob
lem of life. Sometimes Jnnet wished
that tho child would closo its eyes.
Sho did not liko to meet their trust
ful, clear-eyed gazo.
"Have you disposed of tho young
ster?" nsked "Marsh" Huntoon, ns
thoy snt down to dinner that night.
Janet stnrted and looked across tho
tablo at hor husband. Ho lifted his
oyobrows Inquiringly.
"What? Don't you know thnt our
party was Increased by ono during our
Tldo this afternoon? Rather a smnll
'one,' but. my! what lungs It hns."
Janet drew In her breath sharply.
"I wish you would not tnlk any
moro nbout it at present, good peo
ple," sho said trying to speak light
ly. "I've started inquiries In a quiet
way. I don't want tho thing to got
Into tho papers because if no ono
claims llttlo Elsio, I think I I shnll
cop her."
"Keop her!" gaspod Mrs. Greenwnlt.
"Why. my dear girl, tho placo for a
child without a nnmo Is a foundling
Janet spoke vnry softly, yot every
word was heard, bo completo wob tho
"I shall glvo her a namo, becauso
once just onco I Bnw a lino of chil
dren walking, rows and rows, by twos,
from an asylum. I enn't send her
Mentally, sho saw again those clear,
trusting, blue eyes.
"And I know jou will all be Ulna
enough to keep this very quiet un
til" there wns just a slight, tense
hesitation, "until wo decide what shall
bo done."
Naturally, It was talked about, how
ever. In boudoirs and at clubs the
question wns raised ns to whnt name
llttlo KIslo would acquire. Wns It not
bad onigh to be facing n dlvorco
residence in tho far weal without ac
quiring an unnecessary incumbrance
nt the cruclnl moment?
Within the Dalton bungalow on
Ixmg Island stranger things wore hnp
penlng. No cluo to the bnby's parents
had been found. When Hilly Dalton
dropped down occasionally, ns ho hnd
boon doing for a yenr past to keep
up nppearances, his first question was
"Anything now?" and this always
meant "anything now about tho baby's
history." And llttlo KIslo would look
up at him with reproachful bluo eyes,
as If asking. "Why do you enro?"
And tho worst of it wns thnt Hilly
Dalton begnn to realize that ho did
caro. Janet nnd changed, ami, wun
tin odd sort of Jealousy, he realized
thnt It wns llttlo KIslo nnd not ho who
hnd brought about tho marvelous and
altogether dcslrablo chnnge. She wnc
no longer bored. How could sho be,
with Klsle cutting a now tooth every
few dnys, and such wonderful hamp
erB of clothes to bo bought, all line
handkerchief linen, narrow Vnl and
convent embroidery? A moro fnstldl
oub customer had nevor entered the
shops which specialize on Inyettes,
nnd, with her own hands, Janet made
covers for down pillows, sllk-tufted
afghann and other foolish things
while the tongue of gossip wagged
gayly ovor tho whole absurd oplsode.
Ono frostly December afternoon
Dalton ran down to tho bungalow and
found Jnnet standing at tho window.
The low spreading evergreens on the
west sldo of the house wero powdered
lightly with snow, und Jnnet turned to
him with kindling eyes."
"Hilly, I shnll have a Christmas tree
for Elsie. She Is so bright for hor
ngo. I do believe sho will ndtlco It."
"Quito likely," responded Hilly with
assumed carelessness, ns bho laid
nsldo his storm coat. "Hut In making
your plans you seem to have over
looked one Important fact. As yet
EIslo Is not really yours. Tho law "
Jnnet turned on him sharply.
"She Is mine by right of every
thing. I found her nnd 1 lovo her."
"Yes but you must formnlly adopt
her. I thought perhnps you'd better
see to that bororu I leave. I'vn
changed my plnns a bit. I'm going to
meet mother nnd Grace in Romo for
Christmas. The mater has not been
feeling very fit. I am not fond of
England In winter and "
Janet crossed to his side and her
hand rested lightly on his arm.
"Don't you think you'd enjoy much
more seeing Elsie have hor first tree?
And nnd I think I need you moro
thnn your mother docs!"
Something rose In Dalton's thront
nnd throntened to choke him. It wns
a sensation ho hnd never foil before
not oven during the good-natured, lazy
run of his wooing. Janet wanted him!
Ho thought ho hnd not cured. Now
he knew that ho had -cared all along.
Hut It was characteristic he did not
express his fierce joy In words. Ho
hold Jnnet vnry close nnd whispered:
"Well. I rather did hopo you'd give
tho llttlo beggar tho nnmo of Dalton.
It's n protty good name, after all, eh?"
Norman Stnnley heard tho news
when ho landed In London. Ho sent a
lion's skin, enptured by his own hand,
for llttlo Elsie to roll upon. Then ho
went to tho Nllo country for tho win
ter. (CopyrlKlit, 1913, ! tlio McCltire News
paper Syndicate,)
City Chamberlain of New York the
Custodian of Large Sums That
Arc Unclaimed.
There Is n plnco In Now York city
where unclaimed fortunes He; hun
dreds of them, ranging from $1 up to
$125,000. They aro waiting thoro for
heirs who havo novor nppenred, for
thoso whom lltlgntlon hns enriched nil
unknowingly to them,
Tho fortunes remain in tho custody
of tho city chamberlain for 20 years:
then thoy aro turned over to tho stato
And there thoy aro held forovor, ac
cumulating year by year, until some
body with an InconteBtlblo right ap
pears to claim them.
Hut hnrdly anyone .does appear. In
spito of tho fact that In 1910 tho city
chamborlnln turned over to tho Btate
$210,G10.0G, and this year $r4,772, and
thnt thoro 1b nbout $200,000 bolng held
there now, It Is a raro occasion when
n contcstnnt docs put lu his claim.
Learn Our Grmes.
Filipinos are taking to Amerlcai
sports so rapidly that chicken fights
aro fast losing favor in tho Islands.
IJnscball, of course, Is tho fancied
sport In tho Islands, as it 1b bound
to bo in any placo that is under tho
influence of tho United States army
and navy, aB well ns that of college
men who fare forth ub civil service
employes, teachers and uplift work
ers, but tho American national gamo
does not possess a monopoly of Fili
pino popularity. Tennis, football, and
oVen golf find favor In tho oycB of
tho far east, and another game played
widely and much ndmlred thero Is vol
ley ball. Thoro aro moro than 4,000
volloy ball equipments in tho Philip
pines, and thoy are pretty wldoly scat
tcred. It Is a lively gamo, and ono In
which tho nntural quIckncBB of tho
reformed head huntors I'h a useful unset.
(Ily E. O SELLEHH, Director of ICvenlng
Department, Tho Moody Mbit? Institute,
LESSON TKXT-Mnrk 9:30-41; 10:13-16. I
GOLDEN TKXT-"(llrl yourselves with i
humility. to srrvo ono nnol irr: for Clo.1 '
tho i umb to" Tvci !"b K
tho numbio. I l etO.6. (
We now return to tho New Testa- i
mont ntwl .lnrlni iiila vnnr tlnlnh Ihnan
studies on tho llfo of Christ which
were followed during tho year 1912.
Almost ns though It were nn answer
to tho question, "who arc for him, nnd
who aro againet him?" that wan asked
In tho last lesson for thnt year, wo
havo presented for our study today,
tho relations of Jesus with children. In
hlB teachings about children, ns nbout
so many other things, Jesus stands
unlquo among nil religious teachers
Tho events of this leBson occurred
during tho summer of A. I). 29, dur
ing tho' tlmo of his Terenn ministry,
which extended from his final depart
uro from Galileo until his triumphal
entry Into Jerucalcm.
Luit for Power.
I. A Wayside Dispute, vv. 30-37. An
though by way of contrast, tho lesson
commltteo has given us this side-light
aB to tho effect, up to this time, upon
the hearts of the disciples of thoso
great truths Jesus had been teaching
them, about tho method whereby ho
was to establish his kingdom. Tho
dlsclpleB lusted for power, a wrangling
which had not yet ceased. Jobub wait
ed until they had nrrlvcd at Caper
naum, and ther heat had cooled some
what beforo taking any notlco of the
dispute In responso to IiIb question
ing they held their pence, for, nfter
reflection, they were nshamed of whnt
had tnken placo, v. 34. Jesus then pre
sented to them a concrete examplo of
what is to bo required of all of thoso
who shall seek to enter into this new
kingdom. That was a moro pertinent
question than the ono they had Just
been discussing. (Luko 18:15-17) tells
ub that these disciples desired to send
tho children away, hence tho words,
Suffer them to come." Ever nfter,
when this mean, low, ambition to bo
"tho greatest" enmo up, thero must
havo arisen boforo them, In memory,
this picture. His appeal to children
meotB a well nigh universal responso
In tho hearts of men. Tho fact that
tho child was bo near at hand 1b sug
gestive of tho attractiveness of Jesus.
Tho disciples wero seemingly afraid
of him (v. 32), not so, however, tho
child. For us to receive ono who per
fectly trusts him Is to receive Jesus
himself, nnd to receive Jesus Is to re
colvo tho Father, for ho came no tho
representative of tho Father, tho full
rovelatlon of God, Col. 2:9. To on
ter tho kingdom Is of course prelim
inary to any question of precedenco
In that kingdom. Jesus taught thcBO
disciples that as a llttlo child is
teachable (Matt. 18:3), bo must all bo
who aro to follow him:
Thus Josus contrasts tho spirit of
humility with that of prldo which they
had Just shown. Tho lower wo put
ourselves tho higher God will exalt us,
Phil. 2:6-11. Jesus rebuked Ills dlscl
pleB and taught them that rather than
seek tho placo of authority and leader
ship, thoy ought to tako tho placo of
a child, that they may bo taught and
bo ruled.
II. Authority Denied, vv. 38-41. The
spirit .manifested by theso disciples
(v. 38) is far from 'having been re
moved from tho earth after nil of theBo
yearB. Tho ability tw cast out devilB
In tho nnmo of Jesus waB evldenco
enough In hlu mind that such persons
woro for, nnd not ngalnBt, him, vv. 39,
40. It Is not, however, tho ability to
cast out tho devils, but rather tho
fact that a service had been perform,
cd "In his name," which bulked largo
in Ills mind. Such Is tho scrvlco that
has its roward, v. 41 nnd Matt. 12:30.
Set Good Example.
III. Angels In Disguise, 10:13-16.
TIiIb attltudo of Jcbub towards thoso
children about hlm (9:30) led othors
to bring their children to hlm, and
among theso woro tho babies, Luko
18:15. Try nnd plcturo tho bcciio as
Jcbub extended his hands In blessed
boncdictlon. What effect this blessing
may havo had upon a baby's heart wo
aro not told, but wo can Imaglno
that a senso of responsibility for Chris
tian nurture must havo remained with
theso parents, Eph. 6:4. Thoso In
charge of theso children havo set us
a good examplo In bringing them thus
early to Jcbub. To allow children to
reach tho "years of undortandlng" be
foro teaching thorn tho way of llfo,
Is as unreasonable as' is neglect teach
ing children tho habits of physical
cleanliness, until thoy aro old, enough
to understand sanitation, hyglcno, or
tho laws of medical science.
As wo look back over these Inci
dents wo aro ImpresBcd by tho fact
that thoso who cngago In such u silly,
nay, oven wicked a discussion' as to
tho matter of pre-emtnenco whether
It bo that thoy had a spiritual or tem
poral Idea of that kingdom stood
dumb beforo hlm whon called upon to
Justify themselves. Thoso who fain
would send tho children away aro re
buked, and It Is rovenlcd to them thut
theao stool nearer to tho Christ than
did tho disciples themselves. Even
thoso not socially nor personally at
tractlvo may bo received "In mj
namo," i. o., for his sako.
Housework is a
The dally cares of keeping houso
nnd bringing up n family aro hnrd
enough for a healthy woman, The
tired, weak mother who struggles
from morn to night with a lame, ach
ing back Is carrying a heavy burden
Mnny women believe that urinary
disorders and backache are "female
tumbles" nnd must bo endured. Hut
men suffer the same nehes and trou
bles when the kidneys arc sick.
Women lire especially subject to kid
ney dlnease. Tight clothing, Indoor
work, tho ordeals of childbirth, tho
worry, and the stooping, straining and
striving of housework nil help to bring
It on. At llrst the trouble, mnv be only
imckache, sick headache, dl.zlness
,, ,lrmvBy, UuU mguld fooling, but
"Ih contllilou Is dangerous to neglect.'
for ,,rol,aV( (;rnve, nmj ,u,(u,,y nrKht'fl
"lBcafl0 B,nrt '" H0' mu'h mn wn''
" t W dlSCOUrngOd. VWlOtl imCK
aeho. nervousness and Irregular or
painful pnssages of the kidney secre
tions beglli to bother yoif, use noun's
Kidney Pills, tho romedy that has
brought new llfo nnd strength to thou
sands of suffering womon. Thero are
no poisonous nor nnrcotlc drugs In
When Your Back b Lame-Remember the Name"
Sold by an Dcalcn. Price 50 cents. roiter-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, M V, Proprlctoo
Wise Johnnie.
Little Johnnie had been naughty all
day. At last, to cap the climax, he
slapped his small sister.
When father came home from the of
fice the mother told hlm of his son's
"The next tlmo you tense our sis
ter you go to bed without dinner," tho
father said sternly.
Tho klddlo snt In silence for a few
moments. Then nil of a sudden he
turned to his father.
"The next tlmo I want to hit Bister
I'll wait till after dinner." ho remarked.
"California Syrup of Figs" can't
harm tender stomach,
liver and bowels.
Every mother renlles, after giving
her children "California Syrup of
Figs" thot this 1b their ideal laxatlvo,
becauso they lovo Its pleasant tasto
and It thoroughly cleanses tho tender
llttlo stomach, liver and bowels with
out griping.
When cross, Irritable, feverish or
breath is bad, stomach sour, look at
the tongue, mother! If coated, glvo a
teaspoonful of this harmless, "fruit
laxative," and In a fow hourB all tho
foul, constipated waste, Bour bllo nnd
undigested food passes out of the bow
els, and you havo a well, playful child
again. When Its llttlo system Is full
of cold, thront sore, hns Btomachache,
diarrhoea, indigestion, colic remem
ber, a good "Insldo cleaning" should
ulwnys bo tho first treatment given.
MllllcnB of mothers keep "California
Syrup of Figs" hnndy: they know a
teaspoonful today saves a Blck child
tomorrow. Ask nt tho storo for u GO
cent bottlo of "Cnllfornla Syrup of
Figs," which has directions for babies,
children of nil nges and grown-ups
printed on tho bottle. Adv.
Old Adam.
Llttlo Henry, like many other llttlo
boys, was very fond of playing nt bo
lng a railway train. Ho liked to pre
tond to bo the engluo and to dash
around tho houso with a great noise
of pulling and tooting.
Tho other day tho stork brought
Henry a sister.
Ho was tuken in to sco the bnby nnd
regarded her for a tlmo with an ex
pression of grave curiosity. Then his
face lighted up.
"Now," said he, "I shall havo some
body to ho the tender anyhow." New
York Kvcnlng I'ost.
R. P. D. No. 2, Seymour, Mo. "My
icalp broko out with flno pimples at
the start. They Itched and burned so
much that I was compelled to scratch
them nnd thoy would fester and como
to a heud and break out again. Tho
troublo wus attended by such burning
and Itching I could not sleep, also
when I sweat It burned tho samo.
My hair fell out gradually and tho
scalp kept rough and dry with Itching
and burning. After about two yearB
tho plmplos broko out between my
shoulder's. My clothing Irritated thorn.
I was troubled with that eczema live
or six years.
"I tried everything that was recom
mended without any benefit until I
used the Cuticura Soap and Ointment
according to directions, nnd Cuticura
Soap and Ointment cured mo sound
and well in two weeks." (Signed) S.
I Killlnn, Nov. 22, 1912.
Cuticura Soap nnd Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Samploof each
free.wlth 32-p. Skin Hook. Address post
card "Cutlaura, Dept.-ii, lloston." Adv.
When the Battle Began.
Wife (with mngazlno) Hero's an ar
tlclo on "How to avoid war."
Hub What does it say remain sin
tlo? Stubborn Throat troubles arc cnitllv re
lieved by Pcui'h Mentliol.itcd Couch Dropu,
They oct liku uiagia 5c at oil Driif:i:iu.
Tho ltoynl t.ocety of Canada will
hereafter admit womon to its councils.
WEveryPictare$ ZT I
Wells ASfory jl &
"OLf What a pain."
Small Girl Calmly Put Aside the Chid
ing Administered by Her
Paternal Relative.
Hero Is a "kid" tory which Dr. Oak
ley Smith, president of tho Chicago
College of Naprodathy, enJoyB telling
his friends:
"An eastern iutlmnto of mine," said
Doctor Smith, "has a child of extraor
dinary precocity. She Is only three, but
has a mind of her own which she
sometimes asserts to the consterna
tion of her father nnd mother.
"It became necessary ono day for
the child's father to reprimand her
gently, but llrmly, when hIio miscon
ducted herself at tho tablo. The child's
face boio a pained expression. The
mother wits silent. A guest nt the
table woro the resigned air that guests
always do on such occasions. As tho
father finished his admonition tho si
loncu was electric burdened with
foreboding. And tho strand was broken
only when tho baby looked up at her
mother and asked:
" 'Mamma, did somebody my some
thing?'" Pessimistic Deacon Philander.
Deacon Philander of our church la
so practical that nt tlmoB ho appears
to bo profane, says tho Kansas City
Star. Our minister, a very modest
and well meaning man, approached
Philander tho other day and said:
"Ilrother Philander, we aro to bo con
gratulated. Of course you noticed
whnt mi Immenso congregation wo hnd
at our special services tho other evo
tilng. I am told thut ut tho opera
houso thero was a very smnll crowd
out to sou tho show. The Interest In
our work Ib certainly Increasing won
derfully. "Yes," replied old Philan
der, very solemnly, "I noticed the
things of which you speak, but I much'
fear that things would bo different
IT we charged a dollar admission and
tho show ut thu upoia houso was free."
As church treasurer Philander gets
onto a lot of things.
Testimonial From High Authority
Mrs. U. U Wilson ot Nashville, Tcnn.,
Is famed tho world over for her won
derfully dellcluuH cokes. Thoy aro
shipped to nil parts of tho alobo for spe
cial affairs whuro tho beat of cukt.i aro
Mis. Wilson hns tho distinction of
hakluc Christinas cakes for tho Presi
dents, In which sho uses Culutuct liuk
Intf Powder.
Sho states:
'To havo completo success, with no
fnllures, euro should ho used In tho selec
tion of Uuklmr Powder." , . ,
Calumet Is complimented with tho fol
lowing testimonial from her:
"Soma llttlo tlmo ni?o 1 mnilo a raroful
study nnd Investigation "f tho bakliiB
powder subject and I feel fully repaid. I
am llrmly umvlnceil fioni tho p-sults I
havo received that there Im no hakim; pow
der to epin! t'nlumet for wholesomennsi
and economy, and I also recommend Cnlti
mot linking Powder for Im nuver falling
u-sultH." , ,
Calumet nlzo received the Hicliost
Awards at tho World's Puro Food Impo
sition, riilcaijo; ariinii piizo ami uoiu
Medal, P.ills Imposition, 1915. , .
This will, without a doubt, prove Inter
filing and very gratifying to Im friends
and customers of Calumut Unking Pow
der. It Iiuh always been found that Calu
met la economical to use. Adv.
His Contribution.
A llttlo boy of llvo was Invited to u
children's party. Tho next day ho was
giving un account pf tho fun, und snld
that each of tho llttlo visitors 'had con
tributed cither a song, a recitation, or
music for tho pleasure of tho rest.
"Oh, poor llttlo Juck!" said his
mother "How very unfortunato you
could do nothing!"
"Yes, I could, mother." roplled tho
young hopeful. "I stood up and said
my prayers!"
No Automobile.
"1 mn disappointed in , those new
neighbors of ours. Thoy borrowed u
gallon of gasollno yesterday."
"Then thoy have a car?"
"No; It seems thoy wanted it to
clean gloves."
Mm.Wlnnlow'rt HootUInu Hyrnp for Children
tcetliliitf, softens the kiiuih, minces Inltnmma
tlou.ulluyupaln.ciires wliulcoilcVi'eu UtUojU
If n mnn begins by paying n young
widow attention she may expect hlm
to end by puylng her bills.
Nearly n million divorces hnvu been
granted In thu Inst 20 years.
Ily the tlmn pome pcoplo mnko up
their minds what to do It's too lato.
Donn's Kidney Pills nothing to injuio
nor ciiiisu u liahlt. Delicate women
enn use them with perfect safety
The f(i)l(Hlni enrni U t-lenl ol tin' iiiii
rlTretril t DoniiH Kidney nits. (Ircltlill
tckllmuny In tliu lx-M cfliU-m-r.
Michigan Woman TrIUof Awful Stiff trlnr
Mrs. OenrKo Dnlsen. Inltnter, Midi..
suyx: 'TollowliiK Hi" Mrtli of mj Itiliil
child, t began to notice Mkiim or Milntty
tiolllile. 1 liitd terillile, lii'.'irlnj.'-ilnwn
pitlliH through Hie miiiiII of my lnu k Mill
my blood was filled with urle tielil Mv
limb, ankles and feet dwelled twlei their
tnitiirat plzo and a llngrr prewtnrn 1 It a
tlent for linurH. My (tight was nfTu'lcil,
my bend dizzy and I would lie for dourH
mii'diipclmiH. I got so thin tluu no ono
would havo recognised me. The kidney
secretions eontnlned white, fatty fide
Htiinees nnd If allowed to stand InnmiK
thick. I had a doctor nnd lie mild mv
kldrmyN weren't interim; the Inipuittiei
from my nylcni. Nothing had the lens!
effect, In fin-t, I was RettfnK wnrt-e My
sinter brought me u box nf Donn's l ni
nes Till and when I found thev wt ro
helping me, I ki pi on taking them I
Kot stronger, my kidneys began lo in t
rlKht nml tho swelling went down Tim
hf-ndnchcM nnd dizzy spells left inn 1
picked up In weight and tho pains tllNiij.
penred. I was able to take raro of my
housework, frcllnt; like n different wo
man. Donn's Kidney Pills deserve ivery
lilt of credit for curing me."
Expert Opinion.
"Whnt'B most liable to got brokti
nbout your nutomobllo?"
"The owner." replied Mr. Chugglnn.
No sick headache, biliousness,
bad taste or constipation
by morning.
Oct a 10-ccnt box. ,
Aro you keeping your bowels, liver,
and stomach clean, puro and Inwli
with CaBcnrets, or merely forcing a
passageway every few days with
Suits, Cathartic Pills, CaBtor Oil or
Purgative Waters?
Stop having a bowel wash-day. lot
Cuscnrcts thoroughly cleanse and reg
ulate tho stomach, rt-movo the sour
and fermenting food and foul gases,
take tho excess bllo from the liver
and carry out of tho system all tho
constipated waBto matter and polsontt
In thu bowels.
A Cascnrct to-night will make you
feel great by morning. They work
whllo you sleep nover grlpo, wlckon
or causo any inconvenience, and cost
only 10 cents a box from your storo.
Millions of men and women take a
Cascaret now und then and never
hnvo Headache, Biliousness, Coated
Tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or
Constipation. Adv.
During the last year about ten pnr
cent, ot nil marriages were terminated
by divorce.
Tmmicrration fleures show that th
nnmilatlon of Canada Increased dur
ing 1 9 1 5. by the addition of 400,000 j
new Bottlers from tho Unitod States
and Europe. Most of these have gon 1
on farms in provinces of Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Lord William Percy, an Engllih Nobleman,
"Tin. nnuihtmia and oDDortunltlM offered i
by ths Canadian We&t aro so Infinitely j
croater than inow wmen ui m !...
that It eemi absurd to think that peopleJ
should be Impeded I'om coming io woi
country whero thoy can mow casuy
certainly Improvo their position.
New districts aro being opened up,
which will mako accessawo a ureai
number of homesteads in oismewi
especially adapted to muea larm-
1ns and grain raising.
For Illustrated literature and,
reduced railway rates, apply to I
Supt. ol Immigration. Ottawa, I
canaaa, or to
Ban Building
Omaha, Nob.
CtuiUta Afml
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome ay
Purely vegetable
act surely and
gently on tne
nvcr. cure
ache, Dizzi
ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
A tullit preparation of tnrilb
For Rfttorintf Color And
Deauty toGrtty or furicd Halr.l
01, nnu ll wui iruKvi.'a.
W. N. U LINCOLN, N.O, 1-1914,
Br ;p
mESim vuTLf
Hm H f-l...
3 UotCoufhHrop. Tutu Hood. Um El B t
fyfl Inuiui. BjU by PrortUU. ft ' I