The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 25, 1913, Image 8

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    i ftriiyii&tftyn'
Auctioneer e
Terms reasonable and satis
faction guaranteed. I speak
either Bohemian or the
American language. .. .'.
t. F. II. No. 4. Red Cloud, Nebraska
Red Cloud ' " " Nebraska
x Paste This
In Your Hat!
All 1913 Taxes Due Novem
ber 1,1913.
rr Pci-minl taxes di'llinjueitt December
1st, im:i
Distress Warrants Feb. 1 . lull
Hcitl l-Mule l)ellnqu'-iit May 1,
V I.'. Kooxt,
County Ticitsurcr
hi Creighton,
How Would You Like To Be
The Washer-Woman?
Do you think you could
make that soiled suit "DO"
for an other season?
Soap and water will fade
and shrink the garment.
You will save your back,
save your garmentand save
your money by permitting
us to
Dry Clean Your Clothes
TiyUs once and be convinced.
R. G. Hassfnger
Gleaner and Dyer
Uoth Phones ' tted Cloud. Ncbr.
Charcoal and Quicklime Are Nature's
Remedy How to Get Moit Last
Ing Result.
Charcoal nnd quicklime nro tho best
known purifiers. Tho bent plan for
utilizing charcoal In tho food closet
or In tho cellar bins where fruits or
vegetables aro kept is to suspend It
In a net bag. Any coarse open net
will do. Make a number of bags suf
ficiently largo to hold Beveral largo
lumps of charcoal. Do not powder tho
cliurconl, but fill tho bags with tho
lumps, and after they havo had tin op
portunity to display their marvelous
power to absorb all Borts of bad amelln
nnd nuiHtliH'HH, and lenvo tho ntmos
phcro pure and sweet, their usefulness
'will not bo over, Humombcr that tho
power of charcoal to servo Its purl
ifylng purposes Is proportioned to Itn
freshness, and the freshening process
Is restored by heating. At least onco
a week take tho charcoal bags down,
empty them In a fire pot kept for the
purposo anil heat tho charcoal .very
'hot Tho freshened liynps may thou
bo restored to tho net bags nnd serve
a now period of usefulness.
Iioxes of Hmo and Jars cf piaster
aro very effective In absorbing damp
ness, but their useful properties aro
not fully secured unless theso disin
fecting and purifying tibsorbentr. can
bo placed In tuo bett form to bo effec
tive and easily handled. In tho form
of a pad with tho layers of Hmo or
plaster or ti combination of each even
ly distributed, their absorbent quali
ties will bo more than doubled.
Live Stock and General Auctioneers
uoth riioxus
Ueil Cl.iml
17 on S
:toii 187
RmI Cloud. -:- Nebraska
Secaa.l House North o! 1. O. 0. T. Hall
Consuliation and
Spinal Analysis Free
-o -
Lady Attendant from 10 to 1'J ii. in.
and '1 to 1 p. in
Phonr. Intl. 212
Frame Construction
Is Most Preferable
for home building not only on
iit'cmnt of lis economy, but be
I'Hiise of its tid,ij)taliility to chang
ing umdilioiis, Homo- Iiuilt of
wo d nro easily moved from one
location to iiliotlier; they can be
ulteiod or enlurgid without injur,
ing their gcii"i'.tl appearance for
the reason painting will make
tin old look as go id as the new.
Instead of painting being cou.sid
el d nil epeliH' it .should leally lie
held ns an improvement liecHiise it
fn aliens up the whole appearance
of j our home, and Instead of ultl
unto dui'iiy nnd deteriorated value
is is the Citso with substitutes that
can only lie renovated ny omitting
a whole new house, your hoiue be
comes constantly more valuable
This is only one of the little things
to consider when building a home
"Little drops of water, etc.. make a
a mighty ocean." Come in nnd
we'll tell von more about lumber
You a f nrrtlikd Hint on ttic .Jinl' riny
of July. IKIil. Miiltle X. (ilns llleil n'jvti.
Hon In tliulMKtrtelLourlof WchsterCouiily.
NeliMKkn. ntfnlnst you. ie object nml prnjvr
ol which Into obtaUutd rcc illvort-emi tin
mound nt oxtrrni'i erne ,
You nre required to unswir thi'mild petition
on or before the luili day ntJituiuiry. lull, or
n decrte will be elit'-ikil nwilnslyon ns pr y
eil (or In Mild iuilllon.
1 nU.t Oceeuiberfi, Hill.
Ilnttlr. N.flluss. I'lnlnllll.
!! Ily ll'criinrd McXciiy, her nttormy.
"lherc'sNa Place Like Hams"
Sanders Bros.
Red Cloud, Nebraska
London Institution, Run By and Fcr
the One Sex, Ha3 Proved
a Success.
Tho poKslbllltien of banking as a
career for women havo boon demon
Minted by Farrow's V.anli for A onion,
whlnh wan inaugurated a couple of
years ago '.r T.cnon, and vhii. -.: ti
nged e-utinJy b .omen, piovod so
successful that It .v recently moved
to new nnd";"(l quartern.
Tho bank's ruecc:.:, In the nplhh'.i
of Mrs. Kato Rehly, the i.v.inagr, I'
largely due to tho hearty rapport i
has recehed from women.
"The cngernrsu with which v. o t
of all ekibses and from all parts t
the empire took up tho idea of an In
stitution devoted entirely to their
needs was In Itself a proof that Far
row's novel departure was fulfilling a
long-felt want," Mrs. Itollly said.
"Our bank gives women tho privi
lege of consulting one of their ov.n
sex about their business affaire.
"The business transacted here is
the same as that transacted by :ny
other joint stock bank, and the fact
that all our staff consists of women is
good ovhlonce that one f.ex it not
more gifted tho other Inaccu
racy and n head for figures.
"A feature of our 'establishment
hero is a rendezvous room for our
clients, where they can meet thalr
friends and wrlto letters."
Holiday Groceries
NOIlLE OF sun.
In tint District Com I ot Webitcr County.
.Susan II. I'lapp mid
.Iiuiich K. Clinuey,
.Ineoli 1.. Miller:
llnmmh II. Miller, othcnle Utile Miller:
.Ineoli I.. Mllier ns Trirtee nml Kxccutnr o(
the Will ut
.Itinurfll. Ilrown, otln rwlte. .1. II. Drown, de
ceased! llniinnh llrowu, widow of James It. limit n;
f'h:irlcs II. Ilruwii, llrowu his wife, llrst
leal nnine unknown;
Mmnnrct fills, fills her husband, llrst
real inline unknown:,
.lames (I. llrowu, Clnr.i llrowu his wife:
l'runccso. Hums, - Kvnns her husli:iml,
llrst real iimiiu unknown:
r.iuiun A. Ackcrson, Aekeisun her
liiitlimitl. tliNl real miiiiu unknown;
(iconic V. llrowu lliowu his wile, llrst inune unknoun:
Imnlet Kdijiir Winter, Wlntu- tils wife,
llr.t rent name unknown;
flenevl.'i Anjellne Whiter. ,her hiiKtiand,
real uaiiieuiiknouii;
l-Hliel llrowu. . her hushaud, real
name unknown;
Anna Winters, , her hushaud. real
name unknown;
Daniel Winters, Wlnlers his wile. Ilrxt
Teal name unknown:
Charles A ker-on, , Akersun his wife,
llrsl real name unknown;
Itolaiiil Akersun, A..ersun his wife.
llrt icjI naini) tiiikiiiikVii;
Samui'l Akersun, keriiiu tils wife,
Ihsl rial name unknown;
Mellle kersou. - . her hiithiuil, rcil
nauii unknown;
Itesslc A'jerMin. - , her husliaud, real
mime unknown;
The I'nknouii I li-n - and I'iaImis of each
and all of theaiiove nauie.t 1'eroiins,
'I'liesalil iihiveuatufd and dchtimicd de
fendants, and the uiiX no wn heirs Mint ! iL.:
of e.K'h of the n r-ons so uaiued and du
luualel .11 take notice- tli-it the ahine
uaiued iiiliitills hive llled III the ulxnu
named I'ourl their petition in;aliis: -aid de
fendants, the object and prayer ol which ale
tootiliilu Hie Judgment and decree of said
court iiiletliu and fuullrmlir; la the plalu
t Ill's the title to Hit! followlu,; deserltieil rial
es!ate situated In Welistereounly. Nebraska,
to-wlt: LtitiiNo. i:i. Hand lii. In lllock J. of
tlio original town of lted Cloud, uceordlliu to
the recorded plat thereof; as against the said
ilclendauts nml nil peroas above named and
dcidifiinlid as hiich, and perpetually enjoin
liiii'tlieuinndall persousehilmlii by through
or under them or any of tlium, fiom Kuttlui?
up, cla'linlnijorussertliisnny title, rlnht or
Interest In said rouilses, adverse lo plain
tills, and for general equitable relief.
You nro required to answer said petition'
uowou llltilu thuoltleoof ihu Clerk of said
Court, nt lted Cloud in said county, ouNir be
fore tho Uitli, day of January, 1!H I.
Dated IXeeiubiTH, IUi:i.
Hl'sAX II. Cf, VIM',
J mi;s i:. in m:v, I'lalntiit's.
b I.. II. lr.aeklole, Attorney.
WE assure you that our
groceries can be de
pended upon for your big
holiday meals. Fresh goods
added to our stock every
week. fl Are you one of :
our many satisfied custo
mers? jj If not, we solicit
a trial order.
3 '""- n rrrnrTrn-Trriw" i n muni i imn
S a.
1 H p 1 i
tfl fit
I 4'V
i "
:?J Exclusive Designs' In Manumonla Is Our Specialty :
We constantly have on hand a large supply
of the verv best of Marble and Granite.
We Have Aided
In Building Great
Fortunes For
Clever Advertisers
Ip5 I 8m C
THE ALARM is a dreadful thing
OF FIRE for the man without
insurance. Kvmy time he sees the
engines racing along his heart comes
up lu his throat If the tire is anywhere
near his place. What folly, what mis
taken ecouomy.
THE COT OF is so small that it
INSURANCE need hardly be
considered. The freedom from worry
aloue is worth It many times over
Have us insure you to-duy.
Reliable Insurance.
J. H- EliIiltfGEK
Improved Alfalfa, drain and Stock
Warms in The- tireat Republican
Bought Sold Exchanged
Any desirable Heal Hstate listed up
ami advertised for cash salo or exchange-without
expense to owner.
Cash buyers for improved farms
and tauulics seemed through care
ful, liberal and systematic- adver
tising. Some of t lie best farms in
Webster and Franklin Counties No
hrasha now listed Several farms
for sale that will pay good Interest
on the entire purchiti-e price and
enhance greatly In value. Several
good farms fAr sale on easy pay
ments nnd speclnl terms: worth the
money. The largest list tit local
farms for sale to select from and
hltuatod In the ltucklc lhid of the
Corn licit.
FARM LOANS-Ilbcral amounts,
optional payments, lowest rates.
Money always ready.
Daniel Garber
Riverton, - Nebraska
Model Farm Colony.
Tho Urazlllnn "Jornr.l Jo Coramov
clo" nnnonncoa that tho mlnhttr of
finance) or the state of Parana has re
ceived from the MipzU Hallway com
pany a report of tho dnvlupiiKn,t of
tho fa7.eniia at C'ttramhahy, on the
railway north of Ponta ttrossa, which
wan ncqulred by the company to dem
onstrate tho possibility of growing
wheat, tho latobt modern machinery
being imported therefor. Eighty
houses have been built for colonists,
and so far fourteen families havo boon
et?taulisno(i in mem. i no .axeiion
,pusB08Soa pedlgtco stock, Swiss bulls
of puro raco having been imported,
and includes a dairy fitted with most
modern appliances, also from Switzer
land, for making butter and ehce.o.
An agricultural expert la on tho fa
zonda for the purposo of Instructing
.the colonists. An nrrangomer.t has
been mndo for ::.;;Jucing colonists
from Holland, and already 100 pounds
of Dutch checso aro produced weekly,
finding a market In Curltyba, Ponta
Grossa and Sao Paulo.
In the. County Court s! WtbMcr County
IN the matter of the estate of Henry. I.
Sheldon, ieeeaed.
ntKiii'ii(Soi-'..ii win lake
NoTlt'i:. that the time limited for priM ntu
Hon and llliimof eliitmsnualust tho i-uino N
.Inly tilth. I'.llt; nnd for thu payment of di.litK
Is lletember tilth. Illll. that I will sit nt the
eoun y court room liisnld county mi the 17th
day ol. I uly 11)11, at 10 o'clock, A. M., lo re
eehe. examine, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims slid objections duly llled.
Dated this I'.illi day of December, l'.U".
(Seal) A D. ItAN.VKV.t'ounty .huUe.
I SxceVVexvTXlaeva awd"Dovkmausvvv si
c 5xaTawee4 S:
I Red Gloud, - - - Nebraska si
Turkish Womcn'e Strong Point.
TurklBh women are said to havo oris
accomplishment in which they ecel
the women of all other nationalities.
They know how to sit. Hester Don
aldson Jenkins calls attention to tho
(fact that tho Turkish verb to sit 13
used where occidentals would use to
live, or stay, or visit. To tho ques
tion, "Where are you living?" one
gets the reply, "I am sitting In Stam
,boul." Or, to tW question, "Aro you
married?" tho answer will bo "No, I
am Bitting at homo." And when thoy
alt thoy sit quietly, "In the perfect
reposo of a sleeping cat." They don't
havo to keep their hands busy. They
crochet or knit They lust Bit.
Notice, of Probate.
In tho( ouuty i'ourl of Wchitcr County
.Sr.VTP.liK I ,,
Websler t ouuty,
To all persons hilt-rested In the estate of
M. M.t.'lnrk, Deceased:
TAICI'. NOTM'i:. Hint u petition ban bun
tl'til praying that the Instrument llled lu this
court on the'lth. day of December, lUIII, for.
nicrly piobaied and allowed by tho 1'rolmte
Court of Knox ouuty, Illinois on thu ilrd
day of May, A. V. lhl, may ho irovtd nnd
allowed and recordtd as the Inst will nnd
testament of M. M. Clark, decutiHed; that Hald
Instrument hu admitted to probate, as hiicIi.
It In hereby ordered by thu courl, that all
peraons Interested lu said eslato appear at
the County Court to be held lu and lor said
eountvonlho Uth day ol .lanuary. lull, nt
480 ACRES $222
Under the new lio-nesteiid law you can tile on a free .VJl) acre hum
stcud in Wyoming at a cost of $2'J.('() and buy 1(50 ncres of government pasture
laud adjoining for 51.25 per iierc.
NftW HoniBStClld Foltlfir: Our new iioniosteinl folder Just, from tht
press will tell you all about tho iioreng of government luiul in each of the
counties along the Uurllngton in Wyoming, nnd contains a lot of information
of value to you.
Timber anrf Tault Vnu ;im Lithe mi tlvttse lands wlieie timber, eoal
ten o'clock A. M., to show cause, l( any there . bulldinir htoiuj may bo lind free of charge within reasonable distauco
bowhythopraycroitnopcuiioncrsnouiaiioi i -
Such an opportunity ought to interest you. Write me today for a
copy of tills new Free Government Lands Folder.
General Auctioneer
Former Customers.
Widow's Pension.
The recent act of April llltli, VMS
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
812 per month. Fred Maui or. the at
torney, has all necessary blanks.
NoqI' Nerve Tonic.
Having boon dedicated to tho pro-
.fesslou ot arniB, General Nogl was
taken, while still a small boy, to soo
.a criminal decapitated, and was re
buked for shuddering at tho specta
cle. After nightfall, when all wub
.darkness and silent, ho was required
to go alone to tho burial ground and
bring back tho culprit's hqaU. The
ordeal was designed to strengthen
his nerves, and teach him to fear noth
ing, living or dead. Frauds E. Leupp,
In tho Atlantic.
bo tunnUd, and that notice nt tho pendency
of said petition and the hearing thereof, bo
given to all persons Interested In said matter
by publishing ft copy ol this order In tho lted
Cloud Chief, a legal weekly newspaper print
ed In unlet county, tor three consecutive
weeks prior to wild day ol hearing.
Witness my hand and tho seal ol sam
court this tillli day ol December, A. I).
ol-H County Judge.
D. Clam Deaver, Immigration Agent
1QQ4 Farnam St., Omaha, Nabraska
Write or Phone
Red Cloud;
Is an Introduction lu Itself and MuUe.s
a First Impression That Is Valuable.
Call and See What We Can
Do For You In This Line.
In the Meeting.
"Who is that man who is. gesticulat
ing so frantically to bo rocogulzcd by
tho chairman'"
"I don't know his name, butibo la
a carpet manufacturer." u
"Then by all incaus lot him have the
tloor." , .
Sup a r lor, Nabraska.
Phone 337
Pub. 3. S. miles north
west of Hurr Oak.
Fob. D.-J. 11. Hamilton & Son, bred
sow sale of Poland Chinas, (luiile ltoclc.
Feb. t. -W. L. Denny, fi miles north
of Guide Hook.
Fob. 10. Lew Smith, II miles north
east of Guidn Hock
'Feb. 11. -U. (5 lligglusll miles north
of Nora.
Feb. 17. Rodney Rogers, ft miles
southeast of Mt. Clare.
Feb. 2ft A. T. Cross, Duroc Jersey
sow sale in (Initio Rock.
Feb. 2d. 'Note Slmpstn, S miles
northwest of Guide Rock.
Feb. Sl.Jiis. Martin, 1j miles,
southeast of Mt. Clare.
March 0. Haruard and Higgius wll
make a Poland China sow sale at Nel
Local News,
General News,
Latest Novels
Not a Universal Emporium.
"Come In nnd havo It charged."
vraB the Inviting sign in front of a
place of business In a Jersey town.
A stranger, bslng somewhat low In
funds, wnlked In briskly. "I under
etand that I can got things chargod
here," ho said, addressing ono ot the,
employes. "Only storago batteries,"
replied tho other man. Judgo. ,
Not Silence, but ADVERTISING. Is
Golden to the Business Man.
Warning to Bores.
When tho man upon whom you nro
calling begins to drum on his desk
with his fingers, ho Is not drumming
"the devil's tattoo" at random. Ho ia
ticking out a clear, emphatic tele
gram, hot from tho wire "Will. this
fellow never go?" Its meaning never
changes, nnd you ought to understand.
It at tho first (lam. '
w i minn lnliMi iiirmiliTrfii rHi'i iwiiir-m V i ,t i, i i
I fifr ! mmW