The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 25, 1913, Image 5

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."vv'. ve
We Wish You
V "h
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
Don't take the time and
trouble to correspond with
distant agencies if you
want to subscribe l or a i
magazine or other publiea- V
t lion as a ififi or Tor votir-
( self.
( A year's subscription to a
? magazine is. a thoughtful
and valuable gift. If you
( will mnlr n lief if th, n,-r-
Ulll IIIUI1W M lltJV V.. Bt 'W1
sons you wish to favor in
this way and give us a list
of the magazines, we shall
order for you. We will
give you as good service
and as low prices as any
agency can give.
AavA AfW A"A l W V
.M't-s Maude M i.vut
Cow los film .lti.
Kny Saunders and
homo from Lincoln.
W.IS (1 Itt'll fioin
Chan. Sh"rer 'arc
Mri, U. II, Crow returned In lie
home at (iiiuh- nck VVi'ilni's lay mm
lug itfluru two Hrclt's visit with her
tlttlljrlllff Mis .l.'hlt iNiltl.
All I nr .1 i It . .U.S. uli.i I-. pmi't
ii'illg lllW II' lil' 1 1 ' Hi (!, A- llllllll, Ml
rhed hciv Tiii-.iI y mo ulng to visit
his v ilV an I cliiMit'ii u ho lit in tho
C.tlli-I Inn i . in".
- -
Prof. Hctz hits ik't'lilt'il to re locate
hcic ami liilto charge of tho Imml
again. This will Ik' welcome news to
nil our people because tho city us u
wholohusheeu pleased with Professor's
miiiical talent mid It iccooies the
fact he put tho Rod Cloud hand where
It Is. We extend the. glad hand and
trust that 1'iof. Italy, will now ictuuiu
iith ns for all time to come.
i r . ,
Tom LaiU' ciiino in
Wednesday morning.
f i oin Oninhu
(!. I'olfus was up from (inide
Tuesday visiting his children.
Mrs. C. A. Me.gei was n passenger
In Hastings Wedae-day morning
Bulletin of Tho Week's Doings
Atitark was In (Juiile Kock Tues-
The enmity commlssioiieis ucic in
se.ssiou Moiiiiiiv
See Win rcti'-.
restaurant lor Fresh
Mrs (). (J. Teel arriveil home Moil
i day from liidianola.
The largest line of rugs in I ho elt)
I on display at Miner llros. Co.
(Jeoige lbaiMiuw and wife eatne
down fioin lllunmhigtoti Wednesday.
Mr. Myers, a snlieilor for the Kan
sas City -tuck yuid-, was in town Monday.
Mis AiUfsnii li-ft Tues.'ay foi
nut v,U to 'pHiid t lirilliiii.
her eliildu-n.
Seo the i iplole line of il.s :tt
Miner llros. Co
When you want A Short Order or
Fresh Oysters go to Warren's restaurant.
Lawrence McCall was in Trenton the
lust of the week buying cuttle.
Weesner and Konutr. shipped u
of hogs lo Kansas City Sundiij.
lirund Chief l'uti larch, .1. W,rittman
of Yorlc left Fiiduy inoining for
(inide lioek.
A trial of the Comet Cigar will con
vince you thut It is well worth loots,
while It is hold for Tuts, by nil (lenient.
Father Fllxgerald itiforniH us that
"there will be sei vires nt the Catholic
chinch Chrlswuus morning at WW untl
10:30 u. tn.
Attorney F. J. Muuday, wife and
children left Tuesday evening for
Beaver City where they will spend
The I'. O O F. hull has been reoent
ly remodeled, papered and paiutcd
which Btiikes i great Improvement over
its former appearance.
Mr. and Mi-j. Leu Aultz enjoyed a
visit Sunday with his nephew, George
Aultz and family, of A linn. They re
turned Home in the eveuiug.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Uutler (
Smith Center, Kansas ure In the city
this week vibltiug her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. II. U. Leggett.
W N. Rlchnrdson and wife arrived
homo Sunday from Texas, where they
have been for some time In hopes of
improving Mr Itlcuardsou's health.
Miss Ethel Swall, who hus been
vlsiting'tho past week at the home of
E. W. Coplen and wife, hus leturuod
to ner home at Garden Urove, Cull.
STRAYED -1 Ked Uog weighing
about 100 pounds. Liberal reward for
any information or return to
C. V
Robert Itelhor arrived home thu last
of the week from Lincoln where he is
attending the state agricultural
college to spend Christmas with his
Mr. and Mis J. Kroitt, living near
Womor, Kansas weio in town Monday
doing hoiitn trading and also vibltiug
her parents, Mr. anil Mis. .Joe Me
Craukeii. Theo. Sohiilty., of Webster county,
Neb., plneed a shipment of hogs on
tho opening muiket of tho week.
Monday's St. doe Stock Vards Dally
Prof. Bet., who bus been at. Kearney
for some limu, is in the city this week.
11.11. I.eggett mid Aithur Kobinsoii
were in Cowles Tuesday on business.
(Icoige Cutter is home from Lincoln
to spend the holidays with his par
The Seniors ami Juniors held a
parly Friday evening in tho Masonic
Vrs. I'.essj,. Aii'lci-cn ('iitiic frulii
Chii'iiv'o 'lm'wl .v cwiilng t vlll her
mother, f.iis. DiieUcr.
Webster Kny VM'lll In
Wi'illlf-diiy nun nii'g lo
mas with his patents.
Grand Island
spend t'lirisl
ll.ivMird Slmps'-u left Wetiipsdi
morning for Armour, .N'ubr, In spend
I'hrlstnins with lel.itwes
ilss Tro,cr of I'slmer, Nebrusku 1
ID the i-:tv Ihls "i k visit ng lift
fr.i'ti.l, .Mis W. I).
l-'iit . i !' .i,i i a piisTiij.e
1. 1 snip -i mi t.iis ,i . . ii i n li ii' hi' vm.'
hold tnu-s ul VI u'cli el tnlligut.
.euas Mcdl I returned home Tues
tlay evening from Hastings, Iowa,
where ho hud been the last few mouths
Earl Foyer wus in the city last week
visiting at the home of Geo. Hutchi
son and wife.
Charley A mack cHine down from
Oxford Tuesday to spend Christmas
with relatives.
B. W. Stewart was passenger to
Lincoln Tuesday to spend Christmas
with his parents.
Will Routs shipped 3 ears of cattle
Sunday and also 3 cars of cuttle Mou
dny to Kansas City.
Lucius Frisbie arrived in the oily
the lust of the week to spend the holi
days with his parents.
Our schools closed Wednesday so the
teachers and 'pupils could enjoy a
much needed vacation.
O. E. Itrttney and wife left Tuesday
morning for Cotcstietd, Neb , to spend
Christmas with relatives.
Miss Dessle Taylor is home from
Boulder, Colo., to spend thu holidays
with her brother and sisters.
Misses Marie Ilolllster and Margaret
Beul are home from Lincoln to spend
the holidays with their parents
Mrs. Cora Eldredgeof La Salle, Colo ,
arrived in the city Tuesday to visit her
brother, Allen Tulleysand wife.
Cecil Kssig is home from Lincoln,
where he U attending Iho state agri
cultural school, to spend the holidays.
The Friday night's snow storm did
considerable damage to the telephono
comnunles' lines by blowing down
C. N. Simpson and wife of Cody,
Wyoming, are in the city visiting with
hh parents, Mr. untl Mrs. N. U.
E. H. Weber and wife were pass
engers to Guide Roek Tuesday where
tliev went to attend thu
funeral of a
Phil Sherwood, Howard Foe, Russel
A mack and Jack Cuther are homo from
several poles nml breaking wiies out ( Lincoln to spend Christmas with their
in the country. parents.
Mr. Mild Mis. Hrnee It'ibinssii came
down from riny Center tlii evening tn
visit Ills puients, ('. I). Robinson uiitl
Mrs. Dr. Jones whs a passenger to
Alma Tuesday evening whoiw she will
spend ('In i-tinas with her duughter,
Mrs. Fred lloitfelt.
Mr. J. F. (rimes and wife ciuie
down from blue Hill Wednesday to
spend Christmas with theirsou. Ned
(rimes and family.
Mrs. Husslnger and duughter wore
passengers to Hustings Wednesday
morning where they will spend Chi 1st
mas with relatives.
Mr. Illii'hciu'k of llnrton, Kns , is
liete vlsitnig Ins sifter Mrs Lining' r
Mr. Walker of the R d Cloud Auto
Co was in Cowles Monday between
1'iof Wolf 'e t Friday evening for
hull. ill. i ,i in spend his v.ieati'iu nt
On ai'eouut of the hn'ldiiys school
closed hist Friday for a two weeks va
cation. Horace Moise is working In S.iiiii
dels Bins', store during tile holiday
Cecil Swigurl who has been attend
ing school ul York came homo or the
Mr. Patterson and family of Camp
bell crtine in Tuesday to attend the
funeral of Mrs. .1. II. Watson.
Norton Wiitsnii mid Orvitl Watson
wele culled to Cowles Tuesday on uc-
c.miiit nf the death of their mother
Mrs. Watnn.
Louis icUehey cuino home Sitliinliiy
fi'uin lieliiiiin ii wheic sin) has been
utle'i'l 'i . In;,li sciu ol. Silie exi'i'Cls In
return ul i-i iliu Inmil ij--.
Miss i'(!, in i) nf u,. r pu'dic
selut'il e'ei-, left for lor li me in
lmi!U" .i M uluv e.( i emu tospiinl
.Uiilrt,ii t ev ems tueie.
Chur!e. Crawford is here funii
Fiuiikliu Msltlng M IS. ISchxw und
f mill v ("mi (iv iicci' uli d some
li.ins f rll.ui' Reeve which he llioiil t
ll nl tin- eli..leru.
Mrs. Uracil (IikhI nml s.iii Arthur in (1
Miss i'i.'i' l''ii'er caiuo liiini" Ir.-m ICv
eylsiur .Sj'iiitus, Mo., Mnuiluy. The
wvnl An ueC'iiiiitof Hi" id he.ittli "f F
A. Ciicil who Is sun ii, ere, but is uuieli
MrV.lMullic'i has had a new will
pul i'iiIui icccim ly. The tools frulii a
'' t.nitti. ! !.' icimye I the old
me. Lt was sit I'. iii. f rnn.s Hi it the
vveliiuiin had in pint the ptpu thru
them with jack .ei,Ms,
Itriihalter Bios., have been lemoi e
lug their blacksmith shop ainl con-
VJitlng the front or it. Hit i a guruge
und they me going to use the buck
room for smithing purpose llieye ,
peel lo keep unto lixtures nml do it
gemiril'lliiu of auto repairing und ex
pert work.
Thu brick masons who have bei n
wotking on our new public soliool
building got thru the. mason work Fri
day und left for their home at Hust
ings. 'The work on the building has
been progressing very slowly on ac
count of the iiiulcitU'iicy of thu weath
er. If we have a few good warm days
the building will be enclosed so they
can uo ahead untl phisture it. Hurry
Duiliiek of Red Cloud got. the job of
plast tiling.
Merry Christmas
And the Happiest Kind
Happy New Year.
he Qowden-Kaley frothing Qo.
Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers
Mrs. Georgia Perkins nml daughter
who have been visiting hur parents, E.
M. Curd und wife, returned to her
home at Lincoln Wednesday.
Wo understand that Dr. Caldwell of
Kansas City, who Is visiting his brother
Attorney Caldwell, has decided to lo
cale here and has i on ted ofliccs over
M. A. Albright's store.
"The House of Three Rooms" will
be the theme of the morning's sermon
at the Congregational church on Sun
day. Subject for the evening; "Tho
Extra Mile." Everybody invited
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Klnsell and
daughters, Mis, (iineo Walters and
Mrs. Cora Cobb were In Cowles Tues
day unending the fiiiitnul of Mrs.
Watson, a sister of Mis. KiuseU's.
FOB RENT--A good KiOfurm 7 miles
from Red Cloud. ( miles south and 1
mil1) west. This is a good place und
will lent for cash. For full particulars
sou or phone VI on !) M 1. Mkiiiuu,.
20 Per Cent Discount
Just Think ol it. We are really
paying you to help us sell out this
stock. Discount sales are frequent
when the merchant wishes to
clean up odds and ends, but we
reserve nothing in this big, clean
stock of Up-to-date shoes. We
are simply changing the line and
the new stock already received is
included in this sale. You need
shoes and we need the room. The
Big Sale is still on. Come early.
Cerpeoteps Shoe Store
Newhouse Block. First-Class Shoe Repairing
Our Christmas Tree
Grand Chief I'utiiuich I'lttmaii of
York and R. II, Nuwhou-c, D.indurber
Ed Hanson, Wilbur II imllton, Fred
Wullln, Wult Win ten, Henry l'hurcs.
ArtMcArthur, Ted Hauls and Rert
lleuson were up to Bladen lust. Thurt
day evening where thoy conferred tl o
three doiees on several candidates
for tho Rlatlen Encampment lodge
which wus instituted that night.
so blight
1 and gieeu,
uwuits Old
Santa Cliiu s.
Ami the chim
ney place all swept
and clean gapes wide
its ponderous jaws.
The little stockings are
all hung up, and baby's
just makes four. Won't
old Santa Claus be surpris
ed when he finds there is
one morel There's au elegant
placo up in tho tree to hung
Johnny's gun, and a place for
May and one for Kate to leave
their dolls upon. Rat for little
baby blue eyes a lower branch lie
must choose, where she may reuuh
and Und thu place lie's hung her Hist
new shoes. Turn down the light a lit
tle now, so Old Santa Claus can tec,
And baby and all must go to lied
and t o us good as can be, ami
tomorrow morn get up early
after u long night's sleep,
u ii d
to the
t r e o
' a a d
Who will get tho first peep.
i& llli.Ull
10 '
From The Factory, a nice
Line of Useful
Xmas Goods
Don't Fail To See
and Inspect Our Line
AH The Phones Furniture and Undertaking
A tasting Bemembranee
A Year's Subscription to The Chief would be
A most acceptable gift to your friend at home
or at a distance. 52 Newsy letters from home
1. 1