The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 25, 1913, Image 4
"?T?WWW ff Wflwmw . ft (-:. n4jC4 Ki.MA wu RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF A nrgM wiiimim mciIu.iww ihmiiihmwh Winter Short Course w tmm r wtmmm gggsgs as SSS3 (sasaBEazsDCSCS "V i! ROKAL BAKIN6 Powder fie Housewife's Greatest Help. WHAT so tempting to the laggard appetite as a light, flaky, fruit short cake or a delicate hot biscuit? Royal makes the perfect short cake, biscuit and muffin, and improves the flavor and heaithf ulness of all risen flour foods. It renders the biscuit, hot bread and short cake more di gestible and nutritious, at the same time making them more . attractive and appetizing. Royal Baking Powder is in dispensable for the preparation all the year round of perfect foods. The School of Agilcultuie announces that the Winter Short Cotiisc will he gin immediately following Ihe holi days, .latiuaiy tith. This Is neouiM1 of hlx weeks' work, composed of pineticul lectin cs, iinil lulioi ulfiry woik on vin I oils agricultural subjects. It contains tho meat of the com s' given ' the School ami College or Agricultuie. It Is attended by ohl Mini joung farmers alike from all parts of tlio slate Many are writing that they are coming thin year because the lust ''iy season has made the work on the faun it little slack and llifj would like to put In the winter prolltably. The couibo Is much more complete llian the week's Short Com ses which are held out In the state by the Extension Service. The lee tun sure git en by tlin tame teachers who handle tiie work In the School and College of Agiietiltuic. Iiifnima tion as to expenses can tie t-eciircd by writiu ( to the School ol Agricultiim University Farm, Lincoln. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rei Cloud, Nebraska ! I J 1 IM I L' ! I' 10 'IIIUKSim enKrid In tin-t'OKti 11 (i ill INil ( limit. Nell. :ih Siionil fl:ih Matter H. UALK rnii.tiiKii THK ONLY IlKMOUItATIU I'Al'KK IN WKIISTKU COUNTY According to an iiiinouiifeiiH'iit iiiu't'lti the Oi'h'iius ('htntiielc lift week, P. W Slu a of that city has de elded to enter tin coiiup ssiotnil liuv in the lllu- riftli district, in opposition toC II. Ilariiinn, who hits also yaw out, his 1 nt "tit Ion id beinir a candidate for the nominal ion. Many admit r nf. i mice Many S. Diiiigati are endeav oring to pull him into tlin nice nl-o Alma Journal Farm Demonstrators Six More Counties Ask Far Meetings Over forty counties have now nsked for meetings having as their object the discussion of the I 'aim Demonstration plttu. Four Nebiasku counties have Farm Demonstrators and a number of others have raised the money and aro oulv waiting until the Uist of the year to establish the work. Tho Extension Service of the College of Agriculture will not establish a Ucuiuiistrator in anv county un'ess there is a marked interest on the p.u t of the farmers. For tills reason, wherever the work is undertaken they insist on mass meet ings of the fai met s that the work may be explained in detail to them After the explhU'ilioii of the work, if the farmer1; aie enough inteiested to assist In the organization nf a Farm Manage ment Ar social ton and In the pledging of funds for Ihe work, the matter of furnishing a Demniistiiilnr Mill he taken up. These Dciuniist ratio s are hired by the Extension Service in con sultation w'uh the Executive Commit tee of the County Farm ManHgemiiU Association. I''ull information can be seemed ft inn the Agilciillural l!.tcii sion Seivice, L'uii'eisliy Faun, Lincojn. 8 8 To you and yours 9 we send this wish G.& s s "A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year". s s 8 Dr. Caldwell, who litis decided lo locate with us, litis diploma from thu states of Missouri, Kansas and Ne braska and is legulaily iiuslilled to practice In nny of tho-o slates. He wasHgradtiate fiom tlinmedleal college cnc year ago last .lone and s nee that, tine has been holding the position of 'latere in the Ming' ret Hospital in iKaasas City. The Chief is pleased lo welcome Dr. Cithiwell to our city. This llulu touch of winter was very much needed toliold back the buds and btoisom. Some ol the ruse hushes hud already sent forth leaves, the liees were budding and the every present himliliou was blooming. A few days mine of the vvmi in weather and spring 'would huMi put in its appcHiiincc. But the ilnip in temperature will nin send the sap busk hit i the roots, llieie to stay, we hopp, until it is time for spi lug to come. The Chief extends to one and all JI0L Merry Christmas. The stmw on tho jCMnnd will permit old Santa Clans to tM here and we wish that ho will re ;4Mmberyou all plentifully. The spirit .! Christmas is abioad in the land and .any hcarto will be made glid. The Ttaaly ones who get lltt'.u or nothing Mt of this time of rejoicing are those rwko arc unfortunate enough to have tniioh riches. They seldom f'cl i thrill and glow of the Christmas .spirit and they have our sympathy. '"5jo our family of renders we wish to Wresn our hearties gieel lugs ami may 270U all enjoy the season's gladness. 9H W Serious Charge Against Young Man of Lawrence 1 wmm-m -. - 8 1 he niner Bros. Co. 2 (i J u m General Merchants WiflfflWaMBBWgBgiaBBEBaii The hoivy rain fall has visited this section is of great betietlt to the crnpa but Just at present it has put the roads in h bad condition How ever we notice that those roads that Jim Mcintosh built are the most easily traveled because they were made right. The roads that he builds are all crown ed in the center and the surplus rain is tnkeu care of so that they are In a good condition for travel even during adverse conditions. When it comes to making roads Jim Is there with the goods. tiny Doughr, aged 17. committei an ton the ll-yuir-i 1 1 daughter ol Uen lteining dr., Sunday evening la-l nt. about ."i o'clock. The little girl whh her older hmthei weie returning home I mm Lauivnc when they met the Dmighis boy alouu the Uurliiigtnii tiaclc about, one mile west of town. He caught her ml at tempted rape. A doctor wascalk'd in to the cae next day and oil his repoit the condition of thogiil was prououue eii not serious though iirulses wen fouu I that had requite I in the light she made against I or HSvtilauf. Sheriir Jones came hero Tuesday anil took the young man to Nelson, and from there he wus luken to Red Cloud, where he was arranged in count court,. Wednesday. The boy told his version of the at tack to the sheriff and others here ad mitting he was guilty of assault only and that "ho did not know what made him do it." Lawionee Locomotive Out of Dite. One Thing That Holds Uo. Major IJankstick (of the Indian ' J,st of us would ho financially well tinny) "Tell your scotit-mantcr that, : do if we didn't have to pay our now I'm homo, I bhtill be pleased to lebts. St. Joseph News Press. help liim, If he'd like it, with field- work and so on." Horace (of the Hoy Man's Preference Scouts) "Thanks, awfully, dad, hut .,icn In outh. or ago, 'or middlo tr-aro you quite up-to-data? drill's nge, will sooner kiss a pretty mouth last." Punch. 1 have the best rale in thejbpunty on f hi m loans. See me and be convinced My motto - prompt service. A. T. Wai.kkii IWM Nebraska's Opportunity hofore the school days begin. The proper education of children begins from tho cradle, and if It were pur sued as it ought to be the mental force of mankind might be quadrup led in a single generation. ' WWWWWWW I THE CHRISTPS BUYING Season Is Jtoui On And Everybody is Puzzling their Brain to to Know what to Buy CI Come in and let Us help you solve Jl this queslion. A nice Kocker makes a good service able Present for Father or Mother. C A Rug or Library Table will make a nice present for your Wife. Pictures For Everybody in tact we nave so many tmngs that are suitable that we could notexplain them all In this space SO COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. Will M. Muiipiu in Midwest Mngaluc On Match 1st, ll)17-less than three yeai'h ahead-NebrasUu will have been ilftyjoiiis a stale When that day comes Nebrashaiis may looh bach ami point with pride to a state history not equalled by any other state In the sihterhood of states a half century of unparalleled achievement; a half cent ury of development that cannot bv equalled by any equal expanse ut terri tory in the whole wide world. In the short span of Uf ty yeurs-but a moment in the life of nations-Nebraska has de veloped from a ptactlcal desert with a handful of men and women along the eastern border, into ti state with a mill and a quarter of people, and acknow ledged to be the most productive state In the union. Fifty years ago marked upon the school geographies of that period as the " American Desert"; today tli j (ninth largest corn producer, the fourth I invest wheat piuducer, the second largest itlfalla pioducer, the third laigest Migar beet producer, the tli lid largest oats producer and ad iiiittedly the feed yard of thu nation for cattle and hogs. Then a desert, to day ouo of tho greatest dallying stales in till! union. Then without a t-icioi, chimney: today with facioilo with u winking capitalization of mine than jSMl.OJO.tiOl), employing more wage. Uiiruers than thu state had population uhen It was admittod to the union, and liiiniii'f out. finished products worth &ho,(HK,IK.O n year than fifty years ago without a school hmiic; today mulling at thu head of the edu cational column, with u peruituont in teiest school fund of $IO,00(),IK.O, and school pioperty worth scores of mill ions. Less than fifty years ago un known in the murUcts of tho world; now pi-mincing cveiy jeur iigrlculttit al, live stuck and diiiiy pioducli worth more than S .U0,1H)U,0('U. Withotu a mine of precious met. il-, her hens i-wiy war lay eegs wur h uioiu llian the goul and shu-i diiiput of aiii .stale oi te.'llloiy. ilor iilinu.l nI.ciiI ci op V-i VMirln uioie tll.ui Ihe f,ool mid siMt- output ol an tho stttes uii'l lernt mes, .uask.i in eluded. Her annual com ciop is wuilli uioie Hi in tho iittlion's c ppcr olitpiit. giuln cro.s aie woiilimoic ill. in toe ii.itlon'.s ouipiit ot ciuile petto. euui llei iiihil.i1 but ter output is world mote than the iron oieouluutot anysUie. Nobiasha has thut 1b very early. The mind of a ........ miirveniv, m-i- iious.uid ot tuioii- child generally takes its bent loni? lation than any ether suite; mists more com and oats and wheat per capita and per aciu than any oilier state, and spends moie per capita for education than auy other state. Eveiy' year NebiusUu produces moie agiicui t iral wealth per capita tbau auy other state, uud although she does not untie any coal, hr feitilc farms pioduie enough wealth each year to pin chase the Hiiuuiu output of the hat Ion's coal mines, bituminous mil uiilhracite. If NebrasUa'n output of butter for a single year wetu packed in pound carious, ami the cm tuns laid uud to end, the 1 ne wi.uld reach fiom New lotk City to Sdii Francisco. The uuiiuai output of her Ihtui, factories and leed lo.s would, if loaded into stiindaid fielghi cars, make a train leaching fiotu Si, l'etcrshuig, Uti-sia, westwatd until the eiiginn witiiid be a thousand milt-s out In ihe I'.icitli: ocean hcyoud the liouicu Uiite. Less than titty years ago a few scutleied herns grazed upon tho uu fenced praliies; today Nebraska has tho third largest cattle maiket and tho third largest packing industry m all thu world Fitly yeitrs ago Ne- buisk.1 din not huve a single milo uf radium!; toda) moie thau 0,&0o miles. Tho histor) of Nebraska Is the stoiy of progiess that has uo parallel in the world's history. since you wero Iiokio , than a clever brow any day. or every day." "WHfcum," by S. C. Nethereole. Teach Concentrntlon. ( 7c rrentest thing that parents can New Kind of Work, do for their children is to tench them Cynthia, n young negro cook, who concentration of the mind as soon as i had recently given up her mploy thi'ir Intelligence begins to bud and , ment in order that she mlcht try her luck at the easier profession of cater ess, met her former mistress on the Btreet. (This is from Life.) "Good morning. Cynthia," said the lady. "Where are you working now?" "I iBn't workin' nowhere now, ma'am," replied Cynthia, coyly; "I'se capering for a congressman." Ambitious Age. We are ambitious, bo it said, al though the coBt of living's high. We want to earn, besides our bread, our dally pickles and our plo. Dally Thought. Lot your llrst effort bo not for wealth, but Independence Whatever bo your ttdentB, whatever your prow pectB, never be tempted to Bpeculatfc away, on tho chance of a palaco, that which you need as a provision against tho workhouse. Lord Lytton. TO OUR CUSTOMERS:- We desire to thank you one and all for your liberal patronage during the past year. We have striven hard to merit it. We assure you that in the ensuing year our efforts will be even greater to give you better values and better service. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year .1 remain. Sincerely yours tUUUUUILUUUU linrrrlrri rrwTrm JHeFFy GhFistmasl Money and Prosperity. Some of the most nourishing coun tries lu tho world, such as tho United States, Canuda, Argentina, Australia and Franco, havo a lurgo supply of monoy In proportion to their popula tion, but so havo poor Paraguay and Spain. On tho other hand tho per capita supply of money Is notably small in Germany, Chile and Sweden, which are ulsa prosporouo nnd progres sive. Argentina leads the world In tho stock of money relative to tho num ber of inhabitants. i i: Barbara Phares Butterick Patterns l y-V.VWVV.VJVJVV.SVV.V.VV.V.V.V.V.V.V.VVW ! 1 V i 4