t- ,-. , f. v ,i,ar4ltn'iii-f , . "i a YTe Historical -SdWety !i3 K u lc rv I R h -cjr.f.v:r.sCr s VOLUME XXX XI jp .-j rz rs. ". "V2:r2iVg2s rs --JS $ I his government Won t Put Its Money if: i); iii Hi i& Hi $ li Hi ilt Hi Hi il Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi In a bank that docs not Why Should You? The United States will not deposit a dollar in a National Bank, on any other haul;, unless the bank furnishes a bond for twice the amount deposited. The United States Government cm at any time make an investigation of any National Hank and learn all about its resources. But still the Government de mands a guarantee for its deposits why shouldn't YOU have protection. Your deposits in this bank are protected by the State Guaranty Law no matter what happens YOU GAPl'T LOSC ! WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA w. vS. .......- ..-.. mri Knowing The Difficulty S I In Choosing ) Presents Whether it be ( Brother or Friend. v We list a few oi: the Novelties outside of our regular Stock of Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Sweaters and Shoes, and suggest perhaps it is a Bath Robe he de sires or a Smoking Jacket, a Collar Bag, a box of fancy Suspenders, or house Slippers, a Necktie or Muffler. What ever it he our Clerks will h& very glad to assist you in any way in making your selections. k Paul Storey THE CLOTHIER. HART, SCHAFFNER (1avS-3 WE DO GOOD PRINTING The next time you want a first-class job A printing, just call The Chief, either phone, and we will call, give you estimates on the cost, quality of paper, etc. No job so difficult but what we can do il in a first class manner. If you are not on our already large list of satisfied customers we ask you to give us a trial. That's all that will be necessary to convince you. Our Sale Bills Jg!i!:T-rs"ilBM xjig-'yBjdjjjy. . r& -s r- "9 7 ? ?2 9 W guarantee it against loss. b . r ' fi m jr.; ..v.-. ....... .....m. v" SS0 1 s Christmas 1 For Him for Father, Son, S & MARX CLOTHES s 6SvAli Get the Crowds 4 Newspaper That fllvcs The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $!.SiO. 11E1) CLOUD, 3 IS Kit ASK A. DKUHMltKIt '.", 1SM11. Senior-Junior Banquet. About eight v ynuin; pcopl" iucluil hit; th i lliuli JV'IkkiI Faculty paiUci pn'i'il of llio iiiniiiiil si'iilnr-jiinlor bnn i iut hold l''iiiliiy cvcnlnc nt Ilic Masonic hall In which I Ik- former proved to be very cllleii lit hostn. TIio the utmospliuic condition-, without wciosuch Hi to dl-co Itage I In ,JH' '! curling irons, mid slim poli-h. this tt'ilt 111 l! SeelllCtl tl) thill IMlllcr tllllll lf- tract fioiu tin- imriiiiu'iil within. I.aiid l'oltcr piosiiloil ns mast 1 1 of (cwmmiif-, anil liitur dUliut; iNIum! hiinst'ir lis lilt nivsU'xion nnn from llon 1C" iijt. nIiii !ils on liiui;;in:itiiili A llllll It'pdl't KlM'd L'll'lllMlUl' to tin ! UIIKIt' tll,t III' litis (JOllM'lltl'tl t) pillllt iiu il ;; stnli' on tlu llt'W Unlli t llntlM , (Unillk'iiil ) Tin1 company was. (Ihiiloil in two si - cilnt.s wliiuli wuio ttiUfii iilloi iiiitrl.v to thi) iu ions ontcrUiiimi'iit, wliiclf Wi'fi; roaiiiiiMl oy tin inasti'ifiil livpimt'u! rwiTS of Glumi Toe. .mil tin roiilistiu rcpivsotitution of, "Old Dntoli uluiiusor," liy llelt'it SuiintliMN A wliolisli! invasion of tin. hi civil pio ciliuts of Cnlni'l Warren, piovml a Howl mill pli'iisint; MirpiiH In till. Afti'f which ii ihreu coiumi repast of tho Kiiiil. vurii'ty whs sL'iVi'il, which iH't'ils no furllinr cluliotiittoii to Kuil Cioniltr.H, A convcl Inlorpietatioii of tho Ainuiicin Taiifro was ih'inoiistratetl liy Allen lilunkl-ili' in which hi wis einliu'iitly .suiii-sfiil This eniicluileil the pi oi am frr (liu cvuiiln, ami till ilupui tcil, with a IccHiik Unit they had . partielpateil in oneof lliumost siiece-s. I till hoeiiil events ot the seiiHoii. j DIED lrvlnK O. Wallcer was I, ,, in Ilu.c-iu County, III., April. , 18M. Ik removed jto this county with l.U paruiitin Ih71.l I His lather suitlid mi Fanner's Creek in Unit year-anil uitainod llio old Mmrl'""- as Deputy Unmity (JleiU ol hoiiiestoad until lio rumoved to ill's ' WoIiskm C unity, N'ub , lie and is here eity whun It bi-c.itiK! tho prbpcity of '' PIi-vcl and aoeupteil ami that Irving, who owned It. at tlio time of his ilcalh. This is one of the Uiioj instances in Urn south vo-t part of the county when parent and child have letaiucil the original homestead until Uih pres- out tunc. Mr WallciM was man led ci'liteon yeaissitfoto Mihs (icoryic Piathcr, a ilaiihler of .ludgo I'liithcr pf Itloom itijHon. Knur children uoie bom to this union Mil th, Finl, Moe and Ollis Tho oldoit is a yiniiiK l"dy of sjvoii Icon and the jount'est a child of throe. Tho widow and children are left to mom n an atVeetionnte husband and a lciml father. . Mr. Walker removed to this city BDout two years bco. While not a inemLor of auv cluiMili. Im wnh n rem,, lar attendant upon the services of the, Christian church and whs exemplary In his cotiduot and morals. In his youth tie was the best all around athlete in the county. Of stab wurt frume ho could jump farther and run faster than any body else-aud ho combined an extraordinary measure ' of strength with his suppleness and activity. In his early manhood ho ( taught school and was hu especially successful and proflciont teacher of vocal music. Ho was ono of tho few men whom wo have beard who could ' render tlio old ballards with true dram'' atlo and musical art. I Last September he was the victim of a paralytic stroke which finally re- suited in his death Dec. If), 1013. Tho burial services were hold from the Chilstlan church Bee. '20, UU.'l, Kov. Hummel ollloliiting. A sister Mrs. Frank Smelscr .mil a iirouiur i. x. waiaor survive mm. An on or slHtor, Mis. Lester and his par - "'Mr.Valker'wtirbo gnuefiilly" mombered by all those who havo re- ccived instruction fiom him and his memory will be pleasant to tho audi- oiiccs h has delighted, and all thoso awSeSnM business dealing. " . T uTJfcir . ''i-nS.-'Zfifyitr-Krs.Hii Commissioners' Proceedings.. I.m1('I-ii1. Vi'li., I)i'i '2J. lOlIl. .MIi., I'iMlllH I'lillllllissIOIIt'lS llli'l 1'iiisiiint to :i Ijniii'iinifiit. .Mi'inbi'is P'i-iMit vl : 'l' .1. ( Iniplln. (i. olun st il.-, V II ll.illin.ui, !'. MrCiUl ntul I'llll . iihi'V. 'I li( Imiil nViM' linniNi f till' rul'nwinjr iniiiii'il ollii'i'is hoii1 iippiuwil : DiUvr l. II'ili', SI nrilV; (icilriidi1 I.. '!). C'niiiily MipiMiuti'iidi'iilj A H li'mi u v. (.'i.iiniy .liiilt'c; 10. V. Kii'-fi I'liniv inl,: M. (!. Kli-hiioi, Uci S( CI Ils (.( x , I'., 1 lull iittiTi-l .I'llin IIol'iinili,.Ii , tavs f,' iiM ship mi::.iiivh ' pilil iiniU'i' pioti'st on ni'Ciiiint of lil.s iiitci ! ill ht ill- lit ill liumi; iissi'ssiul no liih. Willi ii'tiii.t to the I oanl to i 1 1 1 1 1 1 a fvittwti iiiiioiin' of Mild la On unit ion miIiI ii('iis' was r Ji'i'H'il. Tin M'ttli'tiiiMits of tin follow 111' iiiiiii-!) road iiwiscois w'i u iiiini ovi'il: .lol.n llinl.-.. ilistii,.i i: M.l.iiu l)iir. mail, ilistiicl I; .liu li'iii', (li-tiiet '.. To tin llniiiirnhlii lloaul ol County Cotiiiiiissinni.s horeliy appoint C. I). Koliins'in Deputy County Tiviisunr at it salary of l Dim per annum l. I. Kouyiz, County I'leasiiier. Moved ami siuniuleil that liic ahovu iiikI loretroiiit; nppointment of Deputy County Tieasuier he anl is her by tic eepti'il anil appro((l ami the u.iltny of saiil deputy lie ami is lureliy IImjiI at 81,(1110 pi i tin it tl in. Motion cari ied To tins Hoiioiuble I'linril of County Ciiiiiiiisiont'is Oi'iillfineii: I heio'iy appoint .I"lin .1 (iuber us Depn'y County Clorl! lor the year mil at n Hiilniy ol Sl.dO'l and ask that thelioaid aipi(ive the appointment. I also alc tor (Mm cleric hlie if ne-'dud for tho "" 11M '' ,)'" )' ' "n"" , , h 1, County Clerk. Moved mil .suconded that the nbovii ami, (oieoini: app ilutmeiit of .1. .1. l'.Ml. VtUV truly iollis, t'" 'niai.V or I lie sani deputy.). .1. ((.iiirlici in and Is heroby HximI at BI,m0 per annum. Motion carriod. To tin Hoiior.ible Hnanl of County Cummissinncis. (icntli'inen: I Innobv appoint I'Yeil A. Hulfro as Deputy County Shi'iHV for the year lOll. Very tiuly yours, 0 I). Iii:tm:. ShciliV of Webster County, Nob. Uu notii'o tho above ami foicL-oInir nppointment of Deputy SherilV ap proved and hiilnry (IkciI st SUoO per year. Ue(itesled that the original plat of Smith & Moore's Addition to Uod Cloud bo it traced in ink. Deputy Cjuntv Cleik was and is instriictod to retrace paid plat in ink. Ou motion the following claims weio audited hikI allowed and the County C,erk "utorze'1 and instructed to draw wurrnnts ou tliolr rchpeotive funds in payment of same. GK.NKnAi, funii. F. C. Buschow 8 20.10 A.C. Hosiner no75 T. J. Chaplin U 05 Dalton Adding Machine Co 2 00 Robert Damerell u.oO Webstar County Argns 43.G0 O. D. Hedge 00.81 Hammond & Stephenu Co 80.9.1 W. G. Hoffman 20.50 Liuln B. Kellogg 10.00 It. B. L'ggett 4.50 Fred Ma'urcr 172.4' Miner Bros. Co 18.58 Miner Bros. Co 11.00 II .1. Mauror 2.00 II J. Maurer 2.25 Klopp & Burtlott Co a.a'l F. K. Maurer 000 Floyd MoC'all 33.50 W.ilr(l Lbn I not It lit fi ljiti L'l.iltl.. , Minii,.,i R, rw CJ OI,nKtt,la. ..:.:..... 86 . William Reeves or,1 Roy Sattlov ' 1250 Paul storei r.i n . ' 07.0'o.s mo asked to assist in giving aD.;:::::::;:;:: SS'aua, demonstrations D.D.Sanderson 10 CO Farmers' Institute, Cowles, Neb., Jan. 27-28 M AU U 9) (0 tr -- W I M tl 0 c w &) r,J-lL. .-..v ,'51 ( W.!fSKa VOll Sli w Prosperous E. H. NEWHOUSE ( Optometrist w) Den ri nnn (A LXt-ilJ ,uuuwi I rn1CArCA v l ' I liiJl3 " ! 1 Anna llu lie Spiiiu ",'Ic '.'t 0.". University lublls,iii; Ci ..(!() Stale .loiirnal Company . . H'U Farmers' Telephone Co I .Ml Klopp A llirllett Co f.IJ.V.'J I uiiioui: ri'.s'ii. Widdersliein t Kiiuiicy l.-'.i.J John S. KaiHli tl.d.-i, lloluto liarKiiiaii 'JU.S AdatiiAlbor ID.OO , It'ion Ilros lo ui Mike FlosiiiiM ai.nO Mike Klcssner J7'.0 M. S. (Jroat 11.00, (iraut Hmichln O.tiO I'OOIl I'AIDI. Harry Toplmin l.fiO . I'latt & KrcOK !)D.t2.ri Charles Ila.plian 15 00 C. h CottliiK .H.i'"' Saunders liros O.'l.UO Pope Iiros .1.'.H0 On motion board adjourned sine die. The Farm Demonstrator And The Rural School The CoopoMtlvc County Farm Do 0lslrlt0,'(s arcarruuKlnt,' for a series of general agricultural meetings and corn shows in their respectlvo count ius, Some of theso mcotiugs and corn shows will take place in tho rural schools. During the winter months when farm work is uot so pressing these local meetings are held to review the past season's work and plans for tl.r! next year's demonstration work are also takcu up. If other speakers uro desired on tho program they are secured through the Agricultural Ex tension Service and they take up the discussion of agricultural topics of special Interest to those communities. .Meetings of this nature will be con. tlnued throughout tho winter months. In some of the counties Farmers' Clubs and' Rural Lltorary Societies arc form- ' ed which meet at regular Intervals and whose programs the IJomon.trator ii fiequently asked to take a proml- IK'nt Puee Wliero iigilculture is taught In tho schools the Uomonstrat- ... 1....1 i I . I.. ..!....,. ...II.., IHIAI- riculturul cIhmcs. Soli problems, seed testing NlIMKEHBi' Mr- - D vsA fli 1 m. !)) . Q. Merry Chris ft mas New Year. and Jeweler , mi.mi, ih-uiubru UHI m r.iC"ssOs.n;rr Tl I 1 yr "VEkZZOCTiHJ Ghristmas Photos ( It's time to have that long promised portrait taken. 1$ No need to wait (or a fine day, how ever. With the equipment of the' modern studio you can be taken one time as well as an" other. Stevens BROS. todio- Turnure Block iv3 VO-. demonstrations and dairy and fat stock judging are examples of the work taken up. Tho Demonstrator are always ready to aid the rural school teachers iu planulngand giving agricultural work that is best adapted to their local conditions and com munities Kducatlonal sorvlco to th county Is tho Demonstrator's chief oc cupation for the whiter season. Farm LoaitM-i have a limited un mount of privato mpnqy to place in first mortgage farm securities, short or long time, at lowest niton with optional payments Write or phnr.e. DAME! Gauhkii, Riverton, Nebraska. Religion Shown by Sacrifice. In every ago a tost of religion na been its power to call out sacrifice. Tho great temples of tho past could b -built only by individual eolf-Bacrlfle. Tho direction of self-denial must b towards tho nouleist and most unself iHh endB, putting tho good of other In tho placo of self-indulgence. Th Christian Register. t&SmB Ac s?-a li ' IV I M 151