The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 18, 1913, Image 7

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iT-7Z UL J- T" T
fcL? io lls time ,o Iiavc
mai long promised
portrait iaken.
I No need to wait
(or a fine day, how
ever. With the
equipment of the
modern studio you
can be taken one
li.iie as well as an
Turnure Block
Bulletin or The Week's Doings
Will Tabor is In town t liin week.
Chas. ltennott was down fromCowles
Mr. nnd Mrs George Vim C-mip mc
tho proud parents of a baby born tills
Ri'p. Warren'- restaurant for Fresh
See tin; complete line of rugs at
Miner llros. Co
I-'red Sleopor of Lincoln is in town
tills Wl'l'lt.
Kilns T.ockbnit and -on or Illndeu
w-re in town Tni-sclav.
The lnrir.- "'"if f ''"J-"" ", ",: cl,-v
ondispliy at Minor llros. Co,
- -
A. E. Turn, r was a lasH-ii-. r to
Culbert-on SiiiuIm.V eviiilng.
Wee-ncr and Koont. -hipped three
cus of hot's to ICin-us Citv Sued .y.
Col. .lake Ulln g.-r hl'l"-'d a fur of
cattle to tlu ilvur in niseis hituibiy.
all the Week
Friday and Saturday
DKCEMIiiJll I'.t'ji
Tin- TltKAM'ltK ol DKSKKT IS-LA.M)-Viuijfinpli.
lnsMiueliof bid
den liea-uio another 1-, discovered
rtlileh provs the greatest and iiio-t
beauiiliil evi-r t'onn I, A roimuieo told
iiuiiil sn-iies ut M-i-nii! bouity.
IWTIIK NVHBKIiV - World wld.
plot urc lews Including I ho Kutisis Cltj
Stuck Show, Sun hois of tho burnt')
Volt in no at New Vm It, Columbus l).
at San Kraiu-Ne . vie . from the I'.n. !
tna 0 mill. licigiiiui, (icrmaiiv, New
Voik, Lincoln, eto
A DEMAND for .IfSTICi: An at
tempt to iiwr-iiiiii iliu lius of a stats
and the oouiMgo of a young ehainplon
of tin- p0l-- in lim It, is tin
pait of tlili liitoiestiug K ilcni storv
graph eoini-dy
The KM; of WOULD - fuiee .show
ing how iliu Holy (iioitii-rs were Im
posed upon.
First hhow at 7:110, Matinee Satur
day afternoon hi WW p. tn. All
children under 12 years, fie. Adults
-las. Peterson was in Hastings todav,
Kil McAllister was in Hasting-, Wed
Will Muuutford was in Franklin
Dick (Iray of Xuitun, Km., is in
town this wiek.
Sheriff Hedge was in Cowles Wed
nesday on biisint'Si.
. .
1. U. Walk or is very sick at this
wilting at his home.
(July six inure days to Christmas.
Do jour shopping early.
Meredith Hut lor ! ' lesigiwd hi
positluu in Wail Wuiu-n's rcstamnnt.
l:,irl lluiror U the happy daddy ot u
in.o baby bout the bitter putt oi last
When you walit A Short Order or
Fresh Oyster go to Warren res
taurant. ,
A trial of the Comet Cigar will con
vince you that It is will woitb loots,
while it la sold for Outs, by all dealers.
Cottiug tho Diuggist would like your
Ciiiv.-iiiuimis for Magazines and
M'apeis. Call or seud for catalog, udv.
Mrs. A. Leadabrand and Jake Leada
bruud shipped two car loads of cattle
from Iuavalo to Kansas City on last
Claieueo Caldwell of Kansas City
Is In tho city visiting his brother At
torney Caldwell anil wife.
John Schlluf and f-mlly have moved
Into the house- formerly occupied by
Walt Denny on Webster street
Walter Cox liad the misfortune
Thursday to mash his hand while
working with a gasoline engine
Col. C. W. Kaley and tleo. Hutchison
are home from oinaha whero they have
been attending Masonic doings.
STRAYED -l Kod- H weighing
about 100 pouuds. Liberal reward for
any Information or return to
C. F
Mrs. C. C. Cox and son Clare ami wife
left Tuesday morning for Gaiiibville,
Florida where they will spend some
tlmo In hopes of Improving Clare's
The Congregational Sunday school
will give a Christmas cantata on Christ
mas Eve. There will We a Christmas
tree. All cordially Invited. The ex
ercises will begin at 7:30.
W. R. C. will meet December 2oth.,
belug the election of olllcers, owing to
the rainy weather thero was no meet
lug two weeks ago. Every member is
urged to be present.
Two special Christmas sermons will
be preached In the Congregational
church by tho pastor noxt Sunday. In
the morning tho subject will be; "The
Unspeakable Ulft." The evening sub
ject will be; "Tho Oood Tidings of
Oreat Joy,' Speclul music at both
Andrew Chile of Hastings was in
town Wcdi on business.
Nate Illingswoith and wile are
home fioin Iowa whole they havebien
visiting trie. .ds.
Ljinaii E-iiig is showing some ot
his liuu ohioia-us at the llasliug'n
Clnolun Snow this wu.-k.
1j. T. lli-odstouu and W. K. (Jrovis oi
Superior were up Wvdiiesduy evening
attending the Encampment lodyc.
.Iiunus Mclntoah, the popular road
maker, was buny drugging the streets
this week. Jim is the man ihat can
do the woik in A No. shape.
J. W. l'ittman of York, Grand 1'atrl
aoh of the Grand Encampment of
Nebraska, was in the city Wednesday
evening visiting Webster Encampment
No. 25.
The marriage of Miss Margaret
Gouldie, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Patrick Gouldie cf Inavale, and
Mr Everett Myers, eldest sou of Mrs.
Alexander McDonnell of Winner, Kus ,
occurred hut Wednesday morning at
10:110 o'clock at. the Roman Catholic
church of Ulverton. Father Downey
of Itlooinlngtun performed the cere-ninny.
is-. .Mary (Joulilie, sister if the
liride, was tho maid of honor and Mr.
Liroy .Myers, brother of the groom,
was tho b-st. man.
The biide was (frrssi'd in a charm
lag white satin and the groom wore a
blue serge suit while the bride's maid
wore a pluk silk dress and the best
man wore a conventional black suit
In the evening affer the arrival of
the bridal party a most elaborate and
sumptuous dinner was prepared at the
homo of tho bride's parents, many
relatives and acquaintances participat
ing. The home presented a most attract
ive appearance, being beautifully de
corated with their favorite colors,
green and white, with the American
ling occupying a prominent and char
acteristic feature, so tho ladles of the
district who assisted deserves great
credit for the taste, skill and energy
manifested in their artistic decorations
as well as the assistance rendered In
other respects.
After dinner Gtorgo Leadabrand de
livered an eloquent and cuglestlc ad
dress and spoke a great length on tho
merits and general accomplishments
of brido ami groom.
The evening was enjoyably spent
with music both vocal and Instrument
al as well as some stirring and Inter
esting pieces of recitation all of which
elicited much applause They all (,e
patted for their homrs wishlug the
bride aud groom much joy and happi
ness. ,
Buy HIS Gift
The best
This Is The Place to
1 JAKE this your gift-baying headquarters.
1 -I olace to buv sifts for men is at a Men's Store. W
always been recognized as the leading Xmas Store for Men.
e ve
The season's lalesl creations'dress needs of every
description useful articles dcsircablc as gift? arc here
in large variety. Our merchandise, our prices and our
service are right in every way. If you arc in doubt, we
will help you make your selection.
N dliing would be more appreciated or appropriate
than i K'i"pcniieitncr or Clolhcraft suit or overcoat, A
spleu !id gift at $ 1 0 lo 15, with a guarantee of all-wool,
lasting shape, satisfactory wear and service. Let us send
him a itiit or overcoat for Christnus. We'll exchange
it if it d iesn't fit properly.
Some Good Gift Suggestions
Arc given below: Look through the list carefully. All useful things that men like. Check off the items you desire clip the
lis! and bring it in. It's the most convenient to do your christmas shopping. Choice is best now. Make your selections early.
We'll hold them for you.
t r
Bath Robe
Boxed Holiday Set
Ca, cloth or fur
Clothcraft Suit
Clolhcraft Overcoat
Cuff Buttons
Juiiicj1 Vest
Cloves, dress or street wear
Ifandkercheif st'th or linen
Hosiery, sill,' or lisle
Kuppenheimer Suit v
Kuppeiiheimcr Overcoat
Lounging Robe
Rain Coat
Scarf Bin
Smoking Jacket
Suit Case
Sweater Cvat
Sweater Vest
Traveling Bag
(and many other choice novelties suitable for gijts.
Cowden-Kaley Clottun
Don't take the time and
trouble to correspond with
distant agencies if you
want to subscribe f o r a
magazine or other publica
tionas a gift or for your
self. A year's subscription to a
magazine is a thoughtful
and valuable gift. If you
will make a list of the per
sons you wish to favor in
this way and give us a list
of the magazines, we shall
order for you. We will
give you as good service
and as low prices as any
agency can give.
chas. l. cutting
Christmas Giving
At this seasou of the year the ono
great thought that throbs in tho heart
of every unsclllsh person Ih what ci)ii
l give my friends to increase, their
happiness? It is only a crabbed, sor
did soul at tills crowning summit of
the year who asks what nm I going to
receive. Children expect to receive
and are happy in tho thought, lint,
rightly balnncml adults find their chief
pleasure In giving.
This does not. Include that class of
chronic misers, who by long years of
cultivated stinginess have strangled
every generous impulse, and who suf
fer soat Ihu idea or giving up any-
hing that it N necessary to adminis
ter cocaine to got I hotn inn donative
state but it means and refers to the
overwhelming majority of our people.
Oncn in a while there Is a poor wretch
so stingy that he is constantly in pnln.
xue mere suggestion Unit no gavo up
tho value of a peanut throws him Into
a cramp colic To save expcin-o lie
may raise his family on wild gooseber
ries aud m nuts until his children
develop into physical, mental aud mor
al dwaifn, but forlumitoly such in
Qtaucea in t this "bioad aud .generous
nation 'tire tolerably rare.
20 Per Cent Discount
Just Think of it. We are really
paying you to help us sell out this
stock. Discount sales are frequent
when the merchant wishes to
clean up odds and ends, but we
reserve nothing in this big, clean
stock of Up-to-date shoes. We
are simply changing the line and
the new stock already received is
included in this sale. You need
shoes and we need the room. The
Big Sale is still on. Come early.
Garpenteps Shoe Store
Newhouse Block. First-Class Shoe Repairing
' !;
r v
: 41
LtTflf C T! W! "jjV'' "2