The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 18, 1913, Image 2
WJiWCl 1 I IIM) lMjfy;lMqW.WII1'TMffWirgtt.,Vaa ..,, . -.. -.. ,.. ., T rM..l ! Si !, g , -frl.... , B t -,.Vif m i' flu ..ti.-'-- RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Ri K flA, a-r I us: 1 1. r Uli.V.1 J eu 1SW ' I MS. k J HI le H? -i A ,v i J' V MMMBK""" " RECOMMENDED BY .THE RURAL CREDIT COMMISSION. BILLIONS FOR GOOD ROADS Many Good Read Bills Pending In Congreit London Newspapers Will Issue No Christmas Editions. Washington Local interest bos been inaiitroHtcd by members of the Nebraska devgntlluii In the statement that the president's rural credit com mission Is to recommend the estab lishment of (arm mortgage bankB un der a federal charter, with the power to make twenty-five year loans on approved real estate securities. Sen ator Norrln approved the principle of the propohed plan, although he sold be had not seen the report itself. Will Issue No Christmas Editions. London. The morning newspapers have reached the unanimous agree ment to suspend publication on Christ mas day, uccordlng to announcement in the Sheffield Telegraph. A major ity of the papers tried the plan last Christmas, hut this year all of the papers, including tho London Times, will close up shop entirely, giving many thotiMind workers engnged In the publication and distribution of newspapers a real Christmas holiday. Tho agreement applies to both morn ing and afternoon papers. GOOD ROADS SERIOUS PROBLEM. Bills Aggregating $5,000,000,000 Pend ing In Congress. Washington. Rood roads hills in volving nn untlmato expenditure of five billion dollars, and yearly appro priations rnnglng nnywhero from two to one hundred millions, are pending In congress. Tho problem of dealing with the good roads movement is a serious one with tho leaders In con gress. At a timo when there is un certainty as to tho vohimo of govern ment revenues and tho coft of or dinary government activities increas ing thero comes a demand for good roads Improvement that may prove ir resistible. Congress Is deluged with bills on tho subject, nnd the Idea Is popular with tho folka back home. Prize Winning Corn Raisers. Washington. Secretary of Agricul ture Houston Saturday presented diplomas of merit to the eighty-two prize winning boys and girls from nil parts of tho United States who raised bumper crops of corn and potatoes and ennned tho largest quantity of to matoes. Tho presentation took place on a sunny knoll In tho spacious grounds of tho department of agricul ture. The group bearing flags of nu merous states included the selected few from nn army of more than 200, 000 boys nnd girls who had competed In corn clubs, potato clubs, canning clubs nnd poultry raising clubs. Women Want Her Reinstated. Chicago. Mrs. Kiln Flagg Young, replaced as superintendent of public schools by Assistant Superintendent Shoop, may bo restored to her office again on a wave of popular demand. Mayor Harrison's office wns besieged by representatives of womon's organi sations, protesting against the loss of Mrs. Young to Chicago's educationnl ystem. Tho mayor promised to aid their fight In every way possible. Want Uniform Compensation Liws. New York. A commission repre senting national organizations of em ployers and wage earners reported to the National Civic Federation at Its annual meeting tho results of six months' investigation of workmen's compensation laws In many stntes. The federation is striving for tho adoption of a uniform law throughout the country. Motives Not .Patriotic. Paris. Detective Nlcausso has made an Important discovery among tho ef fects of Vlncenzo Perugia which seems to throw fresh light on his theft of "Mona Lisa." Tho discovery tends to show that In taking the picture from the Louvre, Perugia was not actuated by patriotic motives, as ho pretended was the case, but from purely merce nary Incentives, and that tho theft was long contemplated. Women Ask to Appeal to Lopez. Bingham, Utah. Two women, Mrs. W. S. Coe and Mrs. A. Alvlda O. Cariz, have sought permission at the Utah Apex mine to enter the workings and appeal to Ralph Lopez, slayer of six men, to give himself up in order that they might secure the $1,000 reward on his head. Lopes took refuge on No vember 27 In the mine, where he killed two deputies In an underground battle two days later, and all attempts since to capture him dead or alive have failed. Discover the Lost "Mona Lisa." Floronco, Italy. Leonardo Da Vin ci's masterpiece "Mona Lisa," the . mysterious disappearance of which 'i frnm lllA T.nnvrn In Aliirimf 1011 th.nn. the art world Into consternation, lins been found In Florence. Tho man who t itole It was arrested. He Is an Italian. Boston. "Two cent eggs" Is the campaign cry of Boston women, led by Mrs. Edward P. Barry, wife or the lieutenant governor-elect, who has ,,: ?,ptarfd an "endless chain" Movement WHAT LAWMAKERS AT WASHING TON ARE DOING. Result of Deliberations on Mora Im portant Measures Given In Condensed Form. Saturday. Tho Senate Met at 10 a. ui. and resumed currency bill debate. Tho House not in session; meets Monday, Steamship managers heard in oppo sition to seamen's bill. Committee chairmen conferred with Speagcr Clark on cutting appropria tions. Governor Major of Missouri urged god roads committee to vote liberally for federal aid to highways. Immigration committee continued consideration of the literacy test. Representative Stone of Illinois an nounced his willingness to make pub lis his correspondence with Henry M, PIndcll, nominated for ambassador tr Russia, if Mr. Plndoll directs. Friday. Tho Senate Deferred consideration of legislation for machinery for direct election of senators. Resumed currency bill debate, with Senator Newlands defending tho caucus. Senator Lea Introduced n bill pro posing expenditure of $20,000,000 in federal aid for the maintenance of post roads. Tho House Disposed of miscellane ous buslnoss on the calendar. Paymaster General Cowle told n committee It would requlro $7,713,954 to feed tho enlisted men of tho navy tho coming year. Klnkcad of New Jersey Introduced a bill to mnku mountain laurel the national flower. Hearings on a law to require steel cars on nil passenger trains set for next Wednesday. Chief Forester Graves asked for an additional appropriation of $140,000 for extra rangers for the summer months, when forest fires are prevalent. Omnibus pension bill, carrying in-" creases of $20,000 in pensions of sol diers nnd others on account of civil war passed after an all-day debate. Democratic Leader Underwood wns cheered by entire hnuso when ho ns stimcd the chair to preside tempo rarily. Pnssod bill to appropriate one yenr's salary of $14,000 to widow of Lieuten ant Colonel David D. Ralllnrd, Pnnnmn cannl commissioner. Adjourned nt G:54 until noon Mon day. Thursday. Tho Senate Currency debate re sumed, with Senator Burton urging adoption of a central bank plan. Resolution directing tho nttorney general to report whether only white slnvo cases of an international char acter are being prosecuted under the Mann law. Tho House Vocational education bill taken up. National Reservation commission re ported acquiring aggregnto of 713,415 acres for protection of water sheds under Appalachian project. Prohibitionists, before Judiciary committee, urgod constitutional pro hibition amendment. Representative Steenerson of Min nesota, beforo interstate commerce committee, urgod legislation to pro hibit postal transmission of news papers and periodicals publishing nd 'vertlsements of falsely represented articles. Mrs. Johnson Found Guilty. Wahoo, Neb. Mrs. Maggie Johnson, charged with tho killing of her hus band, "Dutch" John Johnson, at Ash land, Neb., early this fall, was carried, white and still, on n prison cot Into tho court room hero Friday afternoon to listen to the rending of tho verdict of tho Jury which hnd heard tho llfo story of tho woman, and which wns to send hor to tho state penitentiary for from ono to ten "years. "Guilty of man slaughter," was the finding .of tho twelve men who heard tho evidence In the case. Food Stuffs Coming In. Washington. Food stuffs coming In free of duty under tho new tariff bill are swelling tho totol of Imports into the United Stntes. Increase in exports and decrease In Imports for tho first four months of the present fiscal year as compared with tho same period last year was shown In statistics just made public by tho department of com merce. Exports this year nmounted In value to $883,994,853, against $771. 041,792 for the first four months last year. The Import figures were $G80,. 677,062, against $626,230,987. Plu Coulee, Man. A lone masked bandit held up the Bank of Montreal branch here, stole probably $10,000 in currency, shot nnd killed tho bank jmanngor, If. M. Arnold, and escaped in a stolen automobile. Huerta Holds on for Year. Mexico City. The Mexican congress has nullified tho presidential elections, iNow elections are cnlled for next July, jCongress, according to this action, ex pectB General Huerta to romaln In tho ipresldoncy for at least seven months ,more nnd If tho time necessary for ;the selection and installation of his 'successor Is taken into consideration lit will bo well toward l ho end of Sep tember next year before he yield tola ANNUAL vr??rWowH,e-""B rvN iCuDyrlKtiU IS NOT NATION-WIDE TRUST ADMIRAL FLETCHER GIVES MEXI CAN8 GRIM WARNING. Cold Storage Men In Only an Occa sional Combine Nebracka Is Doubly Victorious In De bating Contest. Mexico City. Hear Admiral Flet cher, commander of the American naval forces In Mexican waters, has ordered the rebels and federals fight ing at Tamplco to cease firing, threat ening to open upon them with tho guns of the gunboat Wheeling, If his order was not obeyed. Both sides complied with the order. This infor mation Is contained in n dispatch re ceived by the British ambassador from Hear Admiral Sir Christopher Crad dock of the British cruiser Berwick, which Is lying off Tamplco. Tho fed erals hold the center of the town of Tamplco and the water front. Roar Admiral Fletcher has ordered foreign ers to take refuge on board ships or to congregate on the water front, where they will bo under the protection of his guns. Nebraska Doubly Victorious. Lincoln. Nebraska university was doubly victorious in debate Friday evening. In Lincoln tho Cornhusker debating sqund defeated Minnesota on the affirmative and nt Iowa City de foatcd Iowa university on the negative The victory hero was by a score of two 'votes to one; tho victory nt Iowa was an unanimous decision of the judges. Tho question discussed at both places was "Resolved, that Immigration Into tho United States should bo further restricted by means of a literacy test." NO NATION-WIDE TRU8T. Cold Storage Men Only In an Occa sional Combine. Washington. After several weeks of Investigation over the entire United States, officials of the department of justice have reached the conclusion that there Is little ground for the be lief that a natlon-wldo cold storage trust exists. Every United States at torney In the country was pressed Into service for a quick survey of tho cold storage field, and tfielr reports to Washington Indicate that while com bines hnvo been formed in a few of the lnrger cities, there is no reason to believe there is a cold storage trust controlling tho price of eggs and other products In all parts of tho country. Nebraska Boys at Washington. Washington. Huldah Peterson of Lincoln, Jess Correll of Cnmbrldgo and Wnltor Pllug of Papilllon, prize winners In the various crop growing nnd preserving contests conducted by tho department of agriculture, arrived In Washington Thursday in company with eighty other boys and girls from other states to receive prize certifi cates from Secretary of Agriculture Houston. Mrs. Johnson Attempts Suicide. Wnhoo, Nob. Mrs. Maggie Johnson, on trlnl hore for the murder of her luiBband at Ashland, swallowed car ibollc acid In her coll at the county Jail 'and Is not expected to.llve. Land Suitable for Entry. Washington. Secretary Lane has designated 1,750,000 acres of dry lands In wostern states as suitable for entry (under tho enlarged homestead act. The largest area designated Is In Mon tana, where more than 1,600,000 acres 'were included In a single order. Other (states benefited are North Dakota, In which 80,000 ncres have been deslg-, nnted; Arizona, with 35,000 acres;' 'Now Mexico with about 4,500 acres, ;und Idaho with a little less than 1,000 ncres. Lima, O, A boost for William Jen nings Brynn for president In 1916 was started at tho mcotlng of tho Ohio state grange and endorsed by tho six hundred delegates present. A sensa. .tlon was sprung when Socretnry Free man of tho stato grnngo offered reso lutions condemning Secretary of Agri culture Houston for his recent failure to recolvo and address tho Ohio corn boys. Tho resolution read that "the Ohio stato grange feels It was a shook to the national cranae when PruiMent Wilson appointed Houston to his pre HOLD-UP INCOME TAX TO BE TESTED AT WASHINGTON. Society Will Have Magnificent Head. quarters Mr. Taft Upholds President In Mexican Policy. Chicago. The declination of Judge LundlB to accept Jurisdiction in the suit of Elsie Do Wolf, designed to test the constitutionality of the Income tax law, Is regarded by the attorneys con cerned as tending to expedito a de cision by the supreme court of the United States. W. IJurke Cochran, of counsel for the plaintiff, will file an appeal ut Washington three weeks hence upon his return from a vaca Hon In Europe. Monroe Doctrine a Good One. New York. "We are trustees of the prosperity we have and the power we enjoy nnd we are In duty bound to use them when it Is both convenient and proper to help our neighbors." de clared former President William H. Taft In a lecture before the New York Peace society on the Monroe doctrine, which he held should be continued in full force, desplto the hostility to it expressed in some quarters. "We can not be too careful to avoid forcing our own Ideas of government on people, who, though favoring popular govern ment, have such different Ideas as to what constitutes It," continued Mr. Taft. PRAISE FOR THE RED CROS8. President Wilson Declares Himself Convinced of Its Efficacy. Washington. Reviews of the relief work In the Ohio flood zones, the Om aha tornado, the Voltumo disaster and in other emergencies were presented In annual reports here to the yearly meeting of tho American National Red Cross society. President Wilson presided at the afternoon session, when it was announced that Mrs. Russell Sage, John D. Rockefellor, Mrs. E. H. Harrlman and James A. Serymser had pledged a $300,000 fund upon which congress has made a con ditional $400,000 appropriation for a building in Washington In memory of women of tho civil war. It will be used as a headquarters for the Amer ican Red Cross, Final Vote on Currency Bill. Washington. A final vote on the currency bill In the senate next Wednesday. December 17, was the goal toward which democratic leaders have bent their efforts. It was be lieved all speeches could be conclud ed early next week nnd that within a few days an agreement can bo made for a vote. Tho success of this plan would make It posstblo for 'congress to adjourn for the holidays. Partisan squabbles and sharp passages be tweon republlcnn nnd democratic loaders marked the resumption of the currency debate In tho senate. Death for Liquor Violations. Juarez, Mox. The military con, mandor at Juarez has Issued an order imposing n penalty of death before n firing squad on nnyono who violated or attempted to violate the prohibition law. Tho penalty applies as well to those who attempt to purchase liquor as thoso who sell it. Nebraska Farmers Organizing. Fremont, Neb. Five hundred farm era were present at the sessions Tues day of the farmers of Nebraska, whe are members of tho organization known as the Educational and Co-op eratlve Farmers' union. They con vened in Fremont for the purpose ol perfecting a stato organization. Na tional Secretary A. C. Davis of lilt nols outlined the plans nnd objects of the farmers In a speech in which he said: "The age is one of organization and the farmer Is the last to take hit place in the advance movement." Ex-Nebraskan Arrested for Bigamy, Milwaukee, Wis. Because hie mother of Detroit wants to separate him from his second wife, Albert Lukoy, now living in Chicago, hat been arrested for bigamy In his mar riage to Claro Koonlg of this city, while still undlvorced from his formei wife, Edna B. Llvlngstono of Lincoln. Tho bigamy charge Is technical as his former wife secured a divorce three months after Lukey's second marriage to her, and Lukey supposed the decree had already 'been secured whea hs BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA The home rule charter for Lincoln Was defeated. Stockpile suffered a disastrous fire Monday morning. Fire destroyed the Mrtharg hotel and adjoining buildings at Ashland. Tho old Union Stato Bank building at Beatrice Is being converted into an eighty-room hotel. The body of a newly born baby was found by a watchman on the bank of the Missouri river. Over 1,000 birds were entered for tho annual show of the Dodge County Poultry association. Long Pine will hold a special elec tion to vote bonds for extending hei waterworks system. Beatrice had an "everybody go to church" day last Sunday, and the re sults were very gratifying. Tho city council of Albion has au thorized tho Installation of a street number system for that place. A compressed air tank exploded nt Omahn, killing Frank Krltz and seri ously injuring several others. The Superior Baseball association closed up Its season's business with a small surplus in its treasury. Farmers around Toblns have organ ized a Society of Equity, with n mem bership of forty on tho charter. A merchant nt Newman Grove has fitted up a rest room In his store for the convenlcncofof his customers. The body of Otto Guss, a German farm hnnd 60 years old, was found floating In the Blue river nt Seward. Berg Durlnsky, a Russian, was elec trocuted when he went to turn on an electrlcjlght at his home nt Norfolk. The Fremont Gun club has reorgan ized and lenscd acreage adjoining the Country club grounds, south of the city. J. E. Dennlson, a Lyons plumber was seriously burned by tho"exploslon of a gasoline soldering pot which he wns using. J. W. Bryant, president of nn Omaha Implement company, suicided by-drowning In a cistern In the rear of his homo. Clyde Rolston sold ten ncres of land adjoining Ainsworth for $200 per acre. This Is the highest price ever paid fo: land there. The Seward tornado relief commit teo has tendered n report showing thnt $9,450 had been collected and dis bursed, with the exception of about $100. The ladles of tho Altar society of tho Catholic church at York have Just closed a very successful bazaar for tho benefit of the Ursuline Sisters s'chool at that place. Stephen Kcgley. who cut his throat at Lincoln and who has made several efforts while In a hospltnl to reopen tho wounds, is still alive, with favora ble prospects of recovery. Wlllard Butler, the 30-year-old son of the old soldier. James Butler, whose body was found burled In tho cellar of his home nt Fremont, has been form nlly charged with murder In tho first degree. The five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merrton Groff, at Lincoln, was so severely burned by fire started from matches with which she was playing that she died at a hospital a few hours later from her injuries. Dr. I. W. McEachron of Geneva was elected president: Dr. S. I. Alford of Lincoln, vice-president, and Dr. Carl Norden of Nebraska City, secretary treasurer, of the veterinary associa tion at Its session just closed at Lin coln. Little Mario Murkadron, soven years old. and Jole Barnardl, the same age, were run down by an Omaha police department automobile. The boy escaped with a few cuts and bruises, but It Is expected tho girl will die. Soventy-eight boys In convention in Fremont Saturday and Sunday took tho initial steps looking to the forma tion of n permanent association of high school students, to hold annual conferences. The sessions closed with a meeting at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday evening. An epidemic of scarlet fever and diphtheria Is raging at the town of Endicott. and Principal Lloyd Meyers has closed the schools for several weeks. Tho special meetings which have been in progress tho past five weeks at tho M. E. church at Chappoll have closed. Thero wero In the neighbor hood of sixty converts. George S. Burtch, one of the first men to come to Nebraska to live, for sixty years a resident of the state, moBt of tho time at or near Bellevue, Is dead at the homo of his daughter, Dr. C. G. Ernest, at St. Paul. Dr. J. W. E. K. Davis, aged 64, died suddenly on n street car while on his way home at Omaha. Death was caused by heart trouble. Forty-six years ago Joseph Minor came to Saline county and located on a homestead. Today he is living Jn a house constructed of lumber obtained from walnut trees which he planted on his claim. Jesse Con-ell of Frontier county is tho champion boy corn grower In Ne braska, according to the decision of the Judges In the contest at the agrl cultural farm at Lincoln. Ho harvest od eighty-eight bushels from one acre. Clifford Goff, a 16-year-old Gage county boy, raised 140 bushels of corn on flvo acre? of ground, and won a hnndBomo gold watch thereby. Miss Edith Llston of Fremont came near losing her llfo when sho took a spoonrui or Iodine Instead of the liquid sho had been using to relieve a severe hendache. I Appearance of a case of smnllpox at the Lincoln city Jail caused three doctors to get busy at once and begin a vaccination crusade. Beforo it was concluded twenty of the twenty-nine tprisoners were given the virus and re- esea rrom confinement. WAS WORTH WHILE PROGRAM ARRANGED FOR FAIR MANAGERS' MEETING. GOSSIP FROM STATE CAPITAL Items of Interest Gathered from Re liable Sources and Presented in Condensed Form to Our Readers. Consolidation of several stato de partments, a move calculated to make for more efficiency in state govern ment than tho primitive methods which have prevailed for many years, has been shown to bo worth while to the taxpayers. In the past year the associated departments of food, drug,, dairy, oil and weights and measures. Inspections have collected $15,000 more fees than under the old system nnd nt the snme time have operated at a less outlay than under the scheme of diffusing activities. Food and oil inspections for the year of 1912, un der separate departments, brought in fees to the amount of $69,100 while for the present year the total has run up to $84,230. The November report of the department shows that of the $8,771 fees received, the oil division contributed $7,816. Inspections made included 161 cream stations, 203 hotels and restaurants, 177 meat mar kets, 377 grocery stores, thirty milk wagons and dairies, most of them in Omaha, fourteen saloons, fifty-eight bakeries and forty-four confection eries. During the month Just past there were 260 sanitary orders writ ten and 117 chemlcnl analyses made by the state chemist. A totnl of 1,994 weights and measures inspections were made, which brought in a total of $391 In fees. Fair Managers to Meet. The program outlined by W. H. Smith of Seward, secretary and treasurer of the Nebraska Association of Fair Managers, has been an nounced. The gathering will be held during the week of Organized Agricul ture. January 19 to 23. II. Mulenburg of Geneva will speak on the "Relation, of Fair Officers to Horsemen." Henry Pickett of Wahoo will discuss "A Well Balanced Program." L. H. Cheney of" Stockvllle will give a paper on "Awarding Premiums." "State Farm Exhibits at Fairs" will be the theme of Prof. C. W. Pugslcy's address. General discussions will follow thoso addresses and papers. For several ears gambling devices nnd all ques tionable amusements have been "cut out" by the Nebraska state and county fairs, and a sharp lookout has been kept for progressive features. Nebraska's Beet 8ugar Production. Nebraskans will likely have an op portunity during tho Christmav season of enjoying the taste of real Nebraska made sugar. More than 50,000 sacks of the product are com puted in tho 1913 output of the Scotts Bluff 'Biigar beet factory, and the total production at Grand Island will amount to 75,000 sacks, accord ing to statements made by Dr. G. E. Condra at the meeting of the state conservation and public welfare com mission. State officials, university professors and good roads boosters wero in attendance, this being Ne braska's first elaborate portrayal in the movies. The sugar beet and apple raising industries, the production of beef cattle, scenes at the state farm and the "hotter babies" films, which attracted such wide attention at the natlonal conservation gatherings at Washington a couple of weeks age were shown tho visitors. All-of theer were arranged in snappy style. Wins Trip to Washington. Eighty-eight bushels of corn per acre, grown entirely by a boy, is not such a bad record for the dry season Just passed. Master Josb J. Correll of Cambridge, ago sixteen, is the boy,, and ho lives in a western county, too. -Ho left for Washington, December 8th. Twenty other boyB in the corn-growing: contest grow over fifty bushels per ncre, and these boys were from four teen different counties. Jess has won a total of $160 In prizes with his aero of corn this year. He won first in the Western district last year with a yield ,of 109 bushels. Walter Pfiug, age seventeen, of Sarpy county, has won first in the Eastern district with a Yield of eighty-four bushels, According to information received oy the state board of Agriculture, farmers In Arthur county are prepar ing to prevent waste on the farms in' that region by utilizing potatoes that cannot be marketed. Many of the producers of Arthur county are far re moved from a suitable -aarkat. For. this reason thousands of bushels or potatoes are wasted each year. The .farmers have conceived the Idea of. 'manufacturing denatured alcohol from tho waste. Twenty-five farmers have banded themselves together to erect denatured alcohol factory. All Indications point to an increased attendance In tho winter course of the. unlvorslty school or agriculture. This course Is six weeks in length, begin ning January 6 and closing February 17. Many men of nil ages take advan tage of this short courso every winter to gain new knowlodgo along agricul tural linos. Tho school of agriculture will offor lectures and demonstration work In soils, crops, farm machinery, farm motors, animal and dairy hus bandry, animal pathology, farm for estry, entomology, plant physiology. horticulture and fares ssaaaceiMat- 1 II