' 1 JTVt. ..';i:x!SI"n stio nWwlcnl Sot-l. tj . , V - ' ;" t tr- il Mi (JM, W i" Farmers' Institute, Cowles,Neb., Jan. 27-2 lirWfrn-Trip-nF! '111 I wKX ll bPT" HHfPaH. n,!" "-'' 'Miniilliiii,.. l'-'--fStglffJIPBjM - jBsHpSgpiSlJM.-l I LAwVlBfl l W amwML mmmmmammmmwmMSmm9j fffrBH'KSSRitf! I tfrPctaMMwifB''fcMH BBBBHrBBBffrWBBBillP 4 r1maer That 1vm TIm News Flfty-tw Week Each Year ftr $1.50 VOLUME XXX XI RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, DEGEMHElt 18, 1!M. NIIMBEB51T Its Money j&m $ This Government Won't Put at to 0 h w ib it) In a bank that does not guarantee it against loss. Why Should You? The United States will not deposit a dollar in a National Bank, on any other bank, unless the 1ank furnishes a bond for twice the amount deposited. The United States Government can at any time make an investigation of any National Bank and learn all about its resources. But still the Government de- itt mands a guarantee for its deposits why shouldn't YOU W have protection. ft Your deposits in this bank are protected by the tM State Guaranty Law no matter what happens iii YOU CAN'T LOBE I WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA w 1) to to m to to to to to i) to to to to to to to to to to & Webster Encampment Building Good Roads , Holds Special Meeting Unfits! Way Around Semetlmes Most tconomicai way none in Koaa , 3 vsA ib S : ' V Tl i?f ' li. lUiowmg lue uiiiituuy m X In Choosine Christmas s (Presents For Him I Whether it be for Father, Son, I We list a few of the Novelties outside of our regular Stock of Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Sweaters and Shoes, and suggest perhaps it is a Bath Robe he de sires or a Smoking Jacket, a Collar Bag, a box of fancy Suspenders, or house Slippers, a Necktie or Muffler. What ever It be our Clerks will be very glad to assist you In any way In making your selections. Paul Storey : THE CLOTHIER -""' HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES The largest attendance In years was reported at the meeting of the Woh ster Kucainpiuent No. "i"), I. O, O. F., '..si Friday evening. The mysteries of the Golden Ilule degree were ex emplified for the bent-lit of the tlitee uumlidntcH, Ted llnrrN, Wulter Wnr ren iindllenry 1Mihio-. The meeting was then iidjournel until Wednefidxy I'VL'iiin when (Jrimil Chief Patriarch I'lttniitn of Yorlc was pruient. as we'l us two welcome pat i lutein fmtii Super ior With the asslstaneo of Orniid Chief lMtilaidi l'itttiiHii and I'alrlatcli (Sroves of Superior the Koyal Purple decree was given to tho three aliovo named uandidates. llwas one of tfie best, meetings in years for the loeal eue-tmpmont and there was a niee at teudaiiee. After the. ilujteu woik tile 1 idge ailjourned in a I) idy to the Wan en C.ife where nil elegant oyster supper awaited them. The Wehtter uiieampineiit is being revived and lias a promi-ing develop-1 meiit in tho next few weeks. The iildlHft The average lifo of horses and .tiito tiKdiiles may le increased and the cost of hauling reduced, according to the Olllee of Uouils of- the Department of Agriculture, by leloeatiug many old loads and the more seientillc laying ouL of new lines. Tho natural tend ency in road building is to build a sttaight load, whether it goes over steep gtadts or hills, or not, and pull ing over the-c grades naturally adds to the .wear anil tear on horses mid whicles. The doeliino of the Olllco of Roads U that the longest uay mound may olteii 1)0 the shortest and most eeo iiomlcal uay home, mi I tint fiequeut y by building a highway aroun I a hill or grade but little appreciable (lis tmee Is added and this is more limn olfsct bv tho i educed strain of haul- The chief drawback from tho. faun Cut Glass Costs Money SURE IT DOES o vner's points of view is that the lay- degree team of this encampment goes ing out of roads on this principle of to liluden this evening where they in-! avoiding grade neces-situUs, in some Ktltute u now encampment. eases, running the road through good farmdaU.I or orchards or pasture, In stead of going around the farm lino ond building the road through old, worn-nut. Mi'ldn iiml nvi-r rneltv knnllH. This, of course, must raise a question Tho county reading ehclo met last , ill tho mind of the individual land Sat unlay. Pee III, at :30 pm.Hiid were owner as to whether the ouftiug up of Teachers Reading Circle Held Meeting Saturday in session lor two hours The meeting was led by J K Hutch ins and proved a very profitable meet Iiil'. Questions pretalnlng to their dally work were discussed as well as 11 thorough discussion of the lesaoiis that the Inconvei.ienco of hr.vlng his lane had been assigned. Tho' "key-note of ,,,,.,, , , . ,.. school room government iimfair play . divided. In this qpnnccf ion the Olllc in the school rooin." proved, very in terostingand much good resulted from the study, ( , The teachers present were A. A. Wolf, J. K. Ilutehins, Mlldi-ed Koon I'Moy Itoien. (trace Holier. Ida Hill. Verna Chaplin, licit ha Chaplin and his property by a load yields him in dividual advantages and to benefits his community us to nlfset the use of such laud for a road, or to oveicoiuc 1 ce of Hoads points out that tho running of a load and the resulting traffic through a good farm, where there are good sheep, cuttle, horses, hogs, grain, fruit, or vegetables, has a certain ad vertising value and in many instances ;n pd IMU1 I I Yam1 im) am I Ii YmW And the better it is the more it costs just like everything else. But cut glass is bought mainly for its beauty anyway and you can't get beauty without paying for it. But that needn't frighten any lover of cut glass awayj from our store. To tell you that ours is moder ately priced, doesn't explain anything, for yu To tell you that we have just opened a new, clean stock does not let you know the beauty of our glass, nor can you appre ciate the beauty of our new silver deposit ware till you see it.) So we guess you'll just have to drop in and see for yourself. Will you? . y . f . WE DO GOOD PRINTING The next time you want a first-class job of printing, just call The Chief, either phone, and we will call, give you estimates on the cost, quality of paper, etc. No job so difficult but what we can do it in a first class manner. If you are not on our already large list of satisfied customers we ask you to give us a trial. That's all that will be necessary to convince you. 'Kvery member of the circhi i is acilvo ! Inkch t,,e l" '0,u valuable. In and all realize the inevitable benefit that results from cooperation Sparks of Jollity. Wliut is that which he who has it not does not wish for, but he who has it would not part witli it' for any money? A bald head. kr Avoid argument with Judles. In spinning yarns among silks u'nd satins, a man will always lie worsted and twisteil ami finally wound up. A fashionable munima's advice to a married daughter. "Never take your husband to' an evening party; there is nothing that is so much in the way. Trying to do business without ad vertising is like winking at n pretty girl through a pair of green goggles. You may know what you are doing, but nobody else does E. H. NEWHOUSE Optometrist qnd Jeweler RED CLOUD, vs-EE Nebraska r 3BE 3 other oases the importance of Mich a level road to the community is so great that it might well repay those using tho road to give the farmer thoequivn lent in laud equally good in place of what ho has sacrillced to the common welfare. At any rate, the Olllee of Roads is now taklug special pains to make clear the economic advantage of avoiding steep grades in their loads, even at some sHcrillco of better land. Iuvesti gatiou shows that tho laying of such roads over hills has resulted more from attention to tho pi enervation of farm linos than from seientillc attent ion to the problem of road building. According to the testimony of farm ers cousultel, where a horse might be able to pull 4,000 pounds on a level road it would have dillloulty in pull ing .1,000 pounds up a steep hill. The size of the load, therefore, tends to bo Our Sale Bills Get the Crowds A cynical man savs the reason worn en are so foud of writing letters 8 measured by the grade of the largest that they rejoice In tho opportunity of '" ou u, rimu lo " "" saying all they wish without the pos. . ber ot ca8es aotual experiment shows ability of au Interruption. that the locatiug of roads around A youug lady recently married to a h,,,s hH beon accomplished either fanner, ono day visited tho cow-houses, I with no addition iu road length In when slid thus interrogated her milk-. 80ra0 l"8lauces and with the adding of maid: "By the by, Mary, which of , on,y a few fect to t,,e hiSWtty otl' these cows is it that gives tho butter-1 er8, Tho oUlwknowB of no case,whero milk a properly relocated road which bus An Albany damsel asked ono of her ! cut t grade has led to uny question fellow boarders, a stylish dry goods M to l,H materla reduction of hauling clerk, at the breakfast table, "Why is cosl8 .... ...4K.I.A 111 1 . . Alt ' "" " juur iiiiininuue iiku my obck IIBirr He blushingly gave It up; tho answer caused him to blush still more, "lie- .... I. fn ll .1 II tiiusu iv in nil uuwu, nu .!.. r.. im. 41 "Mother,"sdalttlegirl who was M, w. A. lodge met and elected tho' : . . .. t . , K . wn apron' following olllcers for tho ensuing year: "I believe I will bo a duchess when I v. Consul-Bert Duoker. grow up.- -now uo you ever expect to become a duchess my daughter?" her mother asked. "Why, by marry ing a Dutchman, to be sure," replied the girl. A lady had a favorite lap dog which she called Perchance, "A singular name," said somebody, "for a beauti ful net. madam. U'lmro dlrl vnn fln.1 it?" "Oh," drawled she, "It was named u)ready "ed applications for addltl ?. You remember "P " " t ftvery eiion wm M. W. A. Elects Officers 11 Holiday Greetings A GIFT FOR EVERY MEMBER OF A FAMILY (I One of the special advantagesin selecting holiday goods here is that our line is so complete that time and trouble is saved by choosing gifts for every member of the family from our stock. Our array of goods represents the most practical gifts to be had. We name some of our leading lines below, but it is impossible to give you any hint of the beauty, novelty and real worth of the goods, or of the compelling power of low prices. Fine Toilet Goods. Perfumes, Dolls, Toys, (lamoq. Mlirorp, Books, Leather Goods, Pictures, .Smokers' Goods, China, Box l'apeis, Fountain Pens, Shaving Sets, Traveling Sets, Albums, Bibles, Pocket Knives, Shears, Scissors, Christmas Cnrds and Booklets, Calenders &c. THE FINEST STOCK OF BOOKS IN THE CITY f' You said you were going to f olect holiday gifts early this season aro you living up to your resolution? r If you have not yet been in. don't let another day pass with out taking alook at the splendid array of gifts we have gathered for you. CHARLES L. COTTING THE DRUGGIST foil "Ks?l from liryon's dog. where J10 says, will howl." "Perchauce my dog W. Adviser Bert Leonard. Banker Bert Person. Clerk-C. P. Wallln. Trusteo G. W. Hutchison. After More Space Exhibitors at the last stato fair have Iditloti-. le" made to accommodate them with urn- p'o allotments. I Advertising Holiday Goods. Merchants who feel tho st ralu of tho Christinas holiday rush, anl the frequdnt lack'ot profit In a big trado concentrated into a few days slioul I con stder the advantage of beginning curly to advortise holiday goods: Trade follows the advertising. Where morchants don't tell the peoplr about their holiday stock until December is well under way, tho public doc not realize that holiday goods are in and make no special effort to bunt for gift. All tho stores aro today carrying goods suited In every way for holiday trade. Au early tradeeao.be created by the simple expedient of telling the public what they can do at this stage of the season. To tho outsider at least, It would seem as if the merchants would Ilk this trade distributed over as many weeks as possible. In that way they can avoid hiring extra help, and tho public will bo better satisfied if it avoids lusty buying, Regular advertising promotes and establishes this regular current of business. &- ,. ,, m hi VI fir ll- ll J' k i! Sf'4 i.i a .' ( ft .' M