The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 11, 1913, Image 7

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Aotor Found Martyrdom
Whioh He Resigned in
Saintly Manner.
I wu growing stout My useful
ness In life Is limited to being wound
ed In battle every night In a war
drama and rescued by the hero who
dashes past on horseback and bends
down at full gallop to lift me from
the ground In his strong left arm, his
right dangling helplessly In a sling,
and rides triumphantly oft the field
with me.
"By the Lord Harry," said the hero
one night when he had dropped me
after we had achieved our exit, "if
you gain another sixteenth of an
ounce the company will be wrecked."
The prospect threw me Into a state
of extra blueness, which ought to have
relieved me of many pounds. While I
waa In this state of woful, If prosper
ous looking, uncertainty, I recovered
consciousness one evening In the sec
ond act on the hospital cot, where the
hero was In the habit of depositing
me after my rescue, and saw a new
face bending over mo with an expres
sion which must have looked very
sympathetic from the front. Hereto
fore I had been accustomed to open
ing my eyes upon a shock-headed boy
with a pug nose and a habit of Jab
bing me on the forehead when he
ought to have smoothed my pillow af
fectionately. "Where ami?" I wild in the lines of
the play, feebly, but with due refer
once to the pit and gallery. Thon in
an undertone "you are an angel.
Tell mo who you are and how you
"You are safe, rescued by the hero-,
Ism of your noble captain," ebo re
plied for . the Information of the;
audience. To me privately "Don't be
a goose and spoil the play."
I watched her as she performed the
duties which the playwright had pre-'
scribed aa necessary to my restora-j
tion to active .service In my country's
cause, my -heart sinking as I realized
that it was all for the entertainment
of tho soulless public. WhiM her blue'
eyes were turned upon my face In ten
der solicitude, J fell into deep depres
sion, reflecting that it was only In ac
cordance with explicit stage direc
tions. It was not long before the state ,
of my mind began to prey upon me to
an alarming extent
"Dy mo .halldom!" exclaimed the
hero not that the hero knew what
his halldom was any more than 1 did.
He had been reading historic novels of
the middle period with a view to dis
covering a character worthy of his
histrionic ability "me worthy squire,
thou art becoming a lean and hungry
Caosius! Oadrooks! I could circle
.the tower with tine by the strength
of my good right arm!"
After a 'time Lois told monher sor
rowful little .story.
"If people .bad not fancied that I
waa pretty It might not have happen-,
ed," she Bald despairingly. "Why did
they ever think so?"
"I suppose, because they are not
"Don't be stupid in real life. It's
.bad enough on .the stage. I didn't mind
it as long as It was only papa and the
.aunts and uncles who thought so.
Your own people have a right to
think anything .they want about you.
But when Mr. Bracebrook took to
thinking so, It was moro than I could
"Who Is Mr. Bracebrookr'
"Oh, he Is a a mana rich man."
"If 1 were a girl I would rather a
rich man would think mo pretty than
a poor one," 1 said with a sinking of
the heart as I reflected bow Insignifi
cant would be the value of my opinion
of any girl's beauty.
"You never were a girl. You don't
know anything about It. Mr. Brace
brook is sixty-seven years old."
"There Is no law either in nature or
courts .of state that .requires a man
to lose bis sight at sixty-seven."
"No, but I am seventeen."
"Adorable age!"
"And be wanted to marry me and
that Is all, except that papa wanted
.him to and that was the worst
.of all."
0h, so ou ran away and came
.here?" '
"Papa aad your manager are old
.friends? Quae when we wace rehears
ing for a charity play the manager
.came aad watched us and .gave us
.pointers. He .told me that it ever I
should want to jo on the stage In real
.earnest I must mom to him. J thought
than thai I new should, but I reck
oaed wrthoet Mr. Bracebrook,"
However well Adapted I might .have
becoma to my mlaor part the plajr was
fcound jto floats to an tad with the pub
lic. Plays are like Jaumaa lives; they
are bora. taey Um their little tarn,
tasy die, and new eaes take taalr
Then we brought oat that nttls
tains of ditch's wherein I, in ta
character of a desperate villain, lead
a party of freebooters against a castle
in which the princess Is lodged for
safety aad incidentally carry off
Lois as the oriental maid of the
One day at rehearsal she told me
that she bad seen her father.
"He did not see me, but be may at
any tine."
"He will never recognise you in the
The popular idea of oriental
beauty as dark and lustrous had
completely bidden the blonde Identity
of Lois.
"I can't stay shut up all the time
I'm on the stage."
, I grew bold In the presence of her
, "There Is one way out"
"One way Is enough."
. "If you are willing to take It."
"Anything would be better than go
ing back."
"You would have to marry me."
A look of horrified surprise swept
over her countenance and then she
1 "I should not want you to sacrifice
i "Please don't hesitate on that ac
count I have always longed for a
martyrdom to which I might bo re
signed In a saintly manner."
Then we bofh laughed, I from sheer
happiness, for I knew that she had
seen all these weeks how things stood
Iwith me, and did not approve at
least as compared with Mr. Brace
forook and she well, 1 don't know
why she laughed unless It might have
'been with the hope of escape.
"We'll have to run away between
Jmy carrying you off and your restora
tion to your sorrowing friends at the
end of the play."
That evening when I captured her
we went out into the street. There was
a little church off at the far end of
the town, the pastor of which was a
frend of mine. Ho often exhortod me
to forsake the evil of my way. He
had promised to marry us at tho altar
of his church at ten o'clock.
; I called a cab and In a moment we
were rattling along the street We
had proceeded about halt tho distance
when 1 observed a hansom following
ub around the corner.
As we stopped at the church door
and I assisted Lois to alight the other
cab drovo up and an old gentleman
stepped out. I needed no word to tell
me who he was. He came hurriedly
toward us, his gaze fixed earnestly
upon Lois. Sho turned her face to
ward him, tho light from the street
lamp falling full upon It and her colls
of shining black hair. He drew back
and bowed apologetically.
"I beg your pardon. In mo you see
a broken-hearted father who seeks
his daughter. Something 1 heard at
tho theater mado mo think that this
might be she. 1 am wrong. Sho 1b fair
and has golden curls."
"You need not apologize.' I Bald
""Much as 1 love tho oriental coloring
therein this lady 'walks In beauty Ilka
tho night,' .1 could almost wish that Bho
.rivaled the Illy in fairness and was
-crowned with a wreath of tresses like
the golden flood of Pactolus. Not only
that you might bo pleased with a
daughter, .but that she might have the
comfort of .a futher's prcseuco at thlB
"If there is anything I can do for an
orphan maid it will be a comfort to
my own heart to be permitted to do
"Yqu are very kind, sir. We have
come "to thiB church to bo married. If
;you, a kind-hearted stranger, with a
daughter whom you love, would give
.her away in marriage, it -would bo a
(Pleasant thing -for her .and I should
.feel less like a robber."
"1 do not know you, but I suppose
.sue does, and If she .Is satisfied why
should .1 .refuse?"
".I am Oswald. Svensen of tho Gloria
theater, a player of many parts on tho
istago, and tonly one, that of honest
.man,. off the boards. The lady Is Miss
.Elsio Marclunont of the .eame com
pany." That' really was her stage name, so
.It was true enough.
,1 trembled lest ho should Interrupt
the ceremony at tho name of tho bride,
but he only startled slightly and then
seemed to reflect that ho had .not heard
aright. Tho preacher was wretchedly
Qn tho church steps the old gentle
man turned to us and Bald:
"I wish you .young people all the
happiness that I could wish of my
own (daughter In like circumstances. I
must go elsewhere to find her."
The look of sadness In his face
struck to tho heart of Lois.
"Do not seek her farther," she said,
pulling the wig aft her head and let
ting the waves of fold fall around her.
"I cannot wash oft the paint until I
finish the play, but then you will see
tfto same little white face that has
worried you all my life."
Copyright, by Dally Story Pub. Co.)
, flrestnce of Mind.
-Ta, sir," said the old-time man
ager. "It was a terrible moment. The
theater was on fire and over a thou
sand people sitting there in front.- 1
was afraid of a panic, but suddenly
the teeptratioa came. I sent Miss
Scrawaey out apon the stage to re
cite lOarfew sftull Net Elog To
night.'" "Yes,M sett the excited listener.
The House was empty in Jast three
minutes by the watch!'' said the man
ager. Haraer's Weakly.
Aaewt a Weman.
Mr: Oodeman Little boys shoaldnt
fight Won't you let sae help you
Mnggsy Bare! As els is going to
he far blood, you might stand over
der and catch de lady la case she
swoons! Puck.
He Do you think the family will
The Politician's Daughter Well,
they aren't Instructed as yet, but they
are bound by the unit rule, and you've
got na on your side, and what she
says goes I Puck.
Troubles of the Fair.
"That woman looks prosperous and
yet her face Is drawn as though she
;had felt the pinch of poverty."
"It Is the pinch of tight shoes that
she feels, If I am not mistaken," sug
gested (he friend.
Tsssffc TbbbbbT .. ..' WbK:' K
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Means "King of Ail
Advertising Holiday Goods.
Merchants who feci the strain of tho Christmas holiday rush, and the
frequent lack of profit in a big trade concentrated into a few days should con
sidcr tho advantage of beginning early to advertise holiday goods.
Trade follows the advertising. Where merchants don't tell the people
about their holiday stock until December is well under way, the public docs
not realise that holidaygoodsarein and make no speoial effort to hunt for gifts.
All the stores are today carrying goods suited in every way for holiday
trade. Aa early trade can be created by the Bimple expedient of telling the
public what they can do at this stage of the season.
To the outsider at least, it would
this trade distributed over as many
avoid hiring extra help, and the public
hasty buying. Regular advertising
current of business.
Paste This
In Your Hat!
All 1913 Tax Due Novem
ber 1, 1913.
Personal taxes delinquent December
1st, 1013.
Distress Warrants Feb. 1, 1014.
Real Estate Taxes Delinquent May 1,
W. R. Koontz,
County Treasurer
E. A. Creighton,
N. D.
99 l Jmm
seem aa if the merchants would like
weekB as possible. In that way they can
will be better satisfied if It avoids
promotes and establishes this regular
Ufa Steak ana General Aactleneers
Sed Cloud Lebanon
17 on 8 8 on 187
RedCltid, -i- Ifefcruka
loins Haass North el 1. 0. 0. P. Hall
Consultation and
Spinal Analysis Free
Lady Attendant from 10 to 12 a. m.'
and 2 to 4 p. m.
Strengthen Your System
to, Resist
Cold Weather Diseases
Put yourself in shape, now, to successfully com
bat and keep from having colds, grippe, bronchitis,
pneumonia, catarrh, typhoid fever', rheumatism, etc.
Get well and strong. See to it that your blood: and
nerves your entire system are in perfect condition.
Olive Oil
Is designed to prevent as well as to relieve disease, whether
caused by cold weather, overwork or worry. Vaccination
prevents smallpox; inoculation with antitoxin prevents
diphtheria. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion strengthens the
body to resist the growth of disease germs in the blood, and
thus fortifies the system and puts it into a proper healthy
condition to resist disease
Every person not in perfect health has incipient germs
of some distressing ailment in his or her system.
You who are weak and run-down, from whatever
You who are apparently well now, but whom past
experience has taught are liable to catch cold easily and
suffer from the various other effects of cold weather
Take home a bottle of Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion
today and use it as a means to get rotll and fcep well
It Is an Ideal Nerve Food Tonic
The Hypophosphitcs it contains ore recommended by leading physi
cians everywhere as extremely valuable in all cases of debility and
weakness. The pure Olive Oil is one of the most nutritious and most-easily-digested
foods known to science. It helps to rebuild wasting
tissues and restore health and strength in convalescence and
in all conditions of feebleness, debility, wasting, emaciation,
malnutrition, and particularly in throat and lung affections.
It is equally suitable for the child, the adult and the aged. It
contain no alcohol or dangerous or habtt-fotmbtg drugs.
It is very pleasant to take.
Enough for full two weeks' treatment, $1.00.
Sold only at The Rexall Stores the World's Greatest Drug
Stores and always with a full guarantee of satisfaction,
or your money back.
Sold In tfels coasnuMBlty only at
Red Cloud, Nebraska
aTxciay Dtulgna In Monumnt la Our 9potalty
We constantly have on hand a large supply
of the very best of Marble and Granite.
Red Cloud,
Nebraska I
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