.wum'rt ,i. txna wviatrttHtiawiHWJ!a3?W'Wli; 'yl . REDO LOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF M R A iN nt 3N ft A Xf assi on wr Christmas Photos J It's time to have that long promised portrait taken. C Norctdlov.a for a fine day, how ever. With the equipment of the modern studio you can be taken one time as well as'an-other. tevens BROS. tadio Turnure Block s V.V.V.V.V : 2 i HOMENEWS Bulletin of The Week's Doings .WV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V Kev. Itutvs was in Hastings Mond.iy Geo. Overlntf was In Ulue Hill Wednesday. A. K. AtWlps whs in Supet-ior one day this week. Wult Deliney iiud family liuve moved to Salinu, Kansas. See WuirotiS restaurant for Fresh oysteis, Soo this complete Hue of nigs " Ml nop Hpos. Co. .Itilin Mcl'niti"" nt-ilvud home Tuesday evening from I.nvn. Tlio club d.iuco wnt held Wednesday evening nt the hisouic hull Tlio largest line of rugs in Ihf eil on display sit Miner Hros. Co. Alf. Snludoii and C. M. Smith weio in Superior Muinliiy on busincs-s. Deo. Ilollister in in Lincoln this week intending the Slnlnui'-. meeting Mr-, Amos Dillon mid clilldicii of tiuido Koulc were in town this week. Dr. C. l' Dumdorf is lit tending the veteuupy association nt Lincoln this Week. Mr-. Fred Slimheiiy luis le'innul to her homo tit ?eoUblnlK Nelnn-nii iif i'P vMtJiig ii' the home of 1M Amuck nml wife, Tho following 'hipped entile to Kansas City Sunday, 0 II Miner S ens nml J. I MoCull 'J oils. They diaper oneil the shipment. Mp. .Iisse llni low of Itel Cloud. Nek, Is vMllng his -Istep, dis. II. It. Clem inolis"):!3 (Gill St., this ivcfhauil attend lug tin' l.ive Stoek show. - nuglcuivitl Times Chicago. When you want A Short. Order or Fresh Oysters go to Wiirreuls res tmirmit. m m Kd Hiichoiimi of Nemaha wtib In the ity the last of tho week visiting Pust master IlHckor. ,- Mr. Relnliohl of St. Francis, Kansas was in tho city the last or ' tho week vfcltlng friends. P. N. Denno of Norton, Kansas is ill Khe city visiting ut the homo of his anclo.A I). Uoiiuo, Don mid Dick Saunders and Juineh Sllvey ate in Liueoln this week attend' ing n Shrinei-'s meeting. Operator Kills and family have mov d into Mi. 12. H. Smhh's iohleiieo on North Walnut htruet. Mrs. U.ittie. Dedrick leturned this week from a inonth'a visit with re latives in Kdgiir, Nohra.ka. Mrs. Itept Leonard i.s in Wheeler, Kansas visiting hep bister, Mr. .John Wolfe who Is sick, tills week. ' Miss Mary l'eteison arrived home Sunday from Ciillforniu where f-he has been visiting for .some time past. Howard Alles, formerly of this elty, is now express agent on No. 4 ami 11 between Ked Cloud and Hasting. Bay Paul camo up from Superior Wednesday night and played the piano (or tho orchestra nt the club duueo. -- A trial of the Comet Cigar will con vince you Mint It is well worth loots, while it is sold for Huts, by all dealers. -- Cutting the Druggist would like your Subscriptions for Magazines and Papeis. Call or send for catalog, tulv. Mr. Merchant see the Chief olllce for your next order of stationery. Best quality of material und work inanship. m Mrs Cowloy of Mludeu who has been spending n few days In this city with nor mother, Mrs. W. B. Cramer, re turned to her home Monday morning. Tlie Chamber of Commerce are en I'Ugitig their loom this vseek. The partition bet wtci the club room mid the ha'l is being removed thus greatly culatging tlie club rooms "(hid in the Commonplace'' will b" the Mibjeet of tl o seimoii Suudii luoiniuc; at the Cotigicgiitiuiiulcliiii-rli In the evening the pi-til" will giw mi adilit'-s on the siibj-'Cl; "'The Mountain Vision mid the Valley woik" l!iinipluey .li ti"-. who ha- leen iiiuning the Mine Mill Leader fop -nine tiii'O pa-t fop I'o-ttiuistep l.ane, pup cha-ed the s.iiiio of .Mr. Lane last week. Tho Chief wishes tho new editor .success. Will Kent closed a leal estate deal Saturday where by Portnr Hale traded his farm south of Cowles to W. A. Maynard and Mr. Hale taking in e. change IlL'O acres of land near St Francis, Kansas, Will ll.iiley and wife moved this week to Urokeu How, where Mr. Halluy has a position in a general store at that place. The Chkf along with their ninny fi lends are sorry to see them leave this city, but wish them prosperity in their new home. Sophia sdiumaUur of Hermose, South Dakota, is here visiting relatives and f i lends for a few days. She is in i oute to Oklahoma where she will join her father. Her father, Ulchard llovier, is one of the Web-tei" county pioneers having staked his claim here more than thirty year tit-'o. Large Attendance Predicted For Winter Course At The State Agricultural School All Indication!- point to mi increased attendance ill tlie winter cuuifU in the Univeisity School of Agiieultiiie. This C iuie i- six weeks in length beginning .lauiini'.v 0 anil closing Fchiumy 17ih. Many men of all age- taku 'advantage of this short course, eveiy winter to gain new knowledge along iigrleuiluial Lues The School of Agiicul'mo will olior IcutuiTH and dciiio.iStialiiiii woik in Soils, Crop-, Fin m Machliieiy, Faun Motois, Animal mid l)iiy Husbandry, Animal Pathology, Farm Foiestry, lintomology, Plant Physiology, lloitl culture und Faun Management. Herds of pure bled dairy cattle and beef animals will be used for demon .stratlon in the judging classes Thousand of pollars worth of farm miiclilnury and farm motors will be on exhibition for u-e in studying Farm Mechanics. The instructors are all specialists in their various Hues and the lectures will apply directly to the Nebraska farm problems. At the close of the winter course n special train will take the students to South Omaha where day will bo spent in visiting the stock yards ami pack ing house-. The onlv fee chaiged is a registra tion fee of SI. 00. IJoanl and piom may be -edited for four to live dollar.-per Wii I,. The espfiise of the cntiie term nm. llit exceed J 10 II'). ToTItc Fanners. CorriNM the nnuoaisr oiui tell you the lNri:ii.N".riiN.n. hrui-iv Food on tin. s. line terms as oVtied diiect fiom tlio faotoi'.v. Give us the chance, adv. Choosing the Right Present Are you in doubt about a certain present? Tho Youth' (.'ompiiuion has proved to be one of the best that can he chosen. Pel Imps jou have not sein it lately, and are not quite sure. Tin n let us setiu you a sample copy or two Suppose you ask for the indues contain ing the opening chapters of Arthur Stanwood l'ier's fine serial story of life in a hoys' school "Ills Father's Son." If you look tlie paperover cric fully, bearing in mind that there are titty-two such numbers for a year's sub-cilptiouof $0,00, we me sure you will say that a better pie-ent could not bo cIiofvh, whether for u jouig person or for an entire family. For the year's subset iption of 3.00 there Is iuoludcd a copy of Tho Com panion Practical Home Caleiidnr for 10H, and all tho Issues for the remain ing weeks of this year, dating flora tho time the subscription Is received, If you ask for suinplo copies we will send lliom with the announcement for Hit, THE YOUTHS' COMPANION, 114 Hcrkeley St.,llobton, Mius, This Is The Place to Buy HIS Gift MAKE this your gift-buying headquarters. The best place to buy gifts for men is at a Men's Store. We've always been recognized as the leading Xmas Store for Men. y The season's latcft crealions---yi'e$s needs of cVerv description useful articles desiteable as gifts are here in large vriely. Our merchandise, our prices and our service are right in every way. If you arc in doubt, we will help you make your selection. ii n 8 esoaw5 N ithing would be more appreciated or appropriate than .1 Muppenhcimcr or Clolhcraft suit or overcoat, A splendid -."'ft at $ 10 to $23, with a guarantee of all-wool, lasting slnpe, satisfactory wear and service. TLcl us send him a .suit or overcoat for Christmas. We'll exchange it if it d icsn't fit properly. Some Good Gift Suggestions Are given below: Look through the list carefully. All useful things that men like. Check off the items you desire clip the lis! and bring it in. It's the most convenient to do your christmas shopping. Choice is best now. Make your selections earl)'. We'll hold them for you. Hath Robe licit Boxed Holiday Set Cane Oaf, cloth or fur Clolhcraft Suit Clothcraft Overcoat Collars v Cuff Hut tons Fancy Vest Garters Cloves, dress or street wear llandkcrchcif silk or linen Hosiery, silk or lisle Kuppenheimcr Suit Kuppenheimcr Overcoat Muffler Lounging Rode Rain Coat Scarf Pin ScarJ Shirt Smoking Jacket Suit Case S'ta tcr Coat Sweater Vest Suspenders Traveling Bag Umbrella Underwear (and viany other choice w7,;,7j suitable for gijts VVWUQl rsa ? sH R U& to m 1&MA& y vwi RED CLOUD'S FOREMOST CLOTHIERS "" VHAMtMlfVManwp yvvly.vvvv-v'vv'''yV MAGAZINES ( Don't take the time and trouble to correspond with distant agencies if you want to subscribe f o r a magazine or other publica tionas a gift or for your self. A year's subscription to a magazine is a thoughtful and valuable gift. If you will make a list of the per sons you wish to, favor in this way and give us a list of the magazines, we shall order for you. We will give you as good service and as low prices as any agency can give. CHAS. L. COTTING THE DRUGGIST. WW 'WW'WAii'WWAW I , R. N. A. Lodge Has Big Time Tlie Hoyal Neighbors of America held nil' iutcrcHtiiig mi'etinf,' in tliolr hull la&t Wfdiiuiiduy niht and Initiated ton new inemboiH. Tlie present ollloois wero re-elected for tho ensuing year. Mrs. Klleu Urn-gets was elected deK- guto to tho bt'ito convention anil Mi". Mury Hall ns nlturnato. After closing tho lodge, tlio third division entertained all present to light refreshments, In honor of tho new members. Notice. Wo wish to instull a cash oreuni re ceiving stiitlau in every town in Neb raska, undek'hiro to seonio tho horvlccH of good, reliable purties to represent us im agents. Wo furnish everything ami will pay an extraordinary liberal commission. If you want to buy cream, let us hear from yon. s KnihCiliiRAUN ,t Sons i Omaha, Nebraska, r--NNA.wvAvSA- 20 Per Cent Discount Just Think o! it. Wo are really paying you to help us sell out this stock. Discount sales are frequent when the merchant wishes to clean up odds and ends, but we reserve nothing in this big, clean stock of Up-to-date shoes. We aro simply changing the line and the new stock already received is included in this sale. You need shoes and we need the room. The Big Sale is still on. Come early. Gappenters Shoe Store Newhouse Block. First-Class Shoe Repairing ftyt s k fit f i ffl 4 tR w?3 a 1 1 il ?4 P1! 1 r 1 fywitrtr T! 4r "" H VSBKff 'd-;.,v.. r.l'Jti, ,or.', J , k v-j;i