rffiMFmii'iTi irAWtTAtiifefcxSa tSKTwS&t itauSSviTiiSSSfk flUW1W)WM3Mrt5yMrfWWiJjWlMtwWfcftliAWwitWM I MMIAlAUMIJWl(nWMu MtOftliiiritM'b ti i ti ' itf " wjmvMmrvA i.fa v: 'mam jf A RED CLOUD, mmmtmmmammmmm NEBRASKA, OHIEli' TO ill? W M. ,'J m M- ' m h: t 4 4 I ,t S!" I'f L V A i ' F. ! 1 t'if f I. f jili' P i it : I 4. IKE (RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. 'PUBlIitD EVERY THURSDAY .Catered In the roMcfllce nt Hctl ( haul, Nits as Hccond CI am Mnttor i B. HALE l'um.iHiiKit IB ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPEIl IN WKHSTBIl COUNTY ImisUn. Kespeet fully submitted, .lames 13. Delell, Chilli itinii l-Mltli A. I.athrop, Hoeretaiy N M (Italian) William Kltehle, Jr. Cliurles Arnot P.M. Whitehead K. M.CIinc. Hchool Law IteriMlmi Commislon There In a possibility or tlic editors f the Rcpnbltcnn rlrer valley forming - pntn atworlntinn. This could easily Ifce done and would ho a great benelit (Jo every member of such on association. TWe doubt If there Is a newspper mnn lin the whole valley Hint would not jreadlly booM for such a moro If his direct iittintlnii vmih called lo the nn City Council Net Monday Evening Kei C'L'itnt, Nun., Deo. H, lOtH. The City Council mot In regulur ad join tied session and the following eonnellmen were present: S. W. Foe, ,Ii D. Cian", Paul Stoiey Mayor sjiiundeis was absent and President l W. Cov deli pieslded over the session. The minutes of the lust uueting weio lend mid approved. The i epoi t of S. It. Florniice City 'I'lfasiirer was u-ad and oideied placed -Mnttnmithi Wlm Itnimfttu nt qiittli JMMXI IIIUM V I'vmvu ' ,..... .... , owmlwilloi, n,e nnllmlted ns It ', ""."n.e mailer of Hue.. hi Lights on jwsnrooveiy member boiler seivleo to ;iisl .-ollll, ,n,.nue. The hiium was ills mbscilbers mid iidvei tUeis for t t.tci iril lo I he Waiei and Light Com .JJiero arc ninny privileges that or, misdoner. -nnlxedciroil would biinir thai are, It was moled by Foe and seoon.Ud , , . . i ii i i f v. 'by 1'raiis thai Stieet Cominlssloiiei, ,.lcn led to lis ns Individual. None. u,.i,iiiii.ii ' (Jio. Cli iisoii, mm vices uo illsuoutiniieii should fear Ihat this would be a pi lee ii(l ,ieSlU!ut and Alley commltteo bo boosting association for me sure mnpoweicd to employ him by the ilaj ,Jthat this would r.ot bo the object In J when needed. Cm i lid. -rlw. It Is merelv u move for co-oner- n- uiiu"K '"' " l.tlj .elgle nation among tho newspaper men. Jfebool Commission Calls For Suggestions L'O 00 Clilf.laj "5 00 W. A. Patten 70 ()0 Lloyd legg l0 88 K. II. Weber 7ft O C. Teel Sl r.O S. 11. l'lorance 3()'J ftO tUiaiit Ctuisty J5 10 j2o all citizens of Nebraska Intel osted (!e0 (jBl,h0 SO 00 in the public schools: Tim past few yeius llieio has been a -Jteucral public interest In school affairs CMMtd many valuable suggestions have rt-oetne from nil sointcs proposing Im provements in tchool coiulttioi s. 'I he Jt Icgislalute was so overwhelmed trwitli a Hood of (ehool law bills that ilhpy requisted the governor to appoint Ifk eonuubHli u to umbo a thnioiigh in- .Mk4lMllll.l .l.lfl (llllklllll Ilk III.. .ll.tl - VCB.II.UUII .11.1. JIIL-.IM 1.. UHI .11.11 , i :.,i.. ...... . ... i ..:ui.... .. ii... ....i., ..i J irinim li ic niii.ii . i.-viaiiniiti bii.7rv:ii' ifi Jaw that will lo t imeL the pnsent .jsmy demands. We. the iiudeisltied, membets of Chas. Bennett of Cowles Has Suit Case Stolen In Hastings One of the most pitiful eases which has come to the notice of the local police nuthoiitles for some time de veloped today when lute this after noon W. S. Moise, Hed fift, of Madison, Kans , confe-scd to having stolen early this morning from tho Durllnjton pasentfer station a suit ease contain ing several artio'es of ueaiiuif apparel and owned by Chas. C. llmtiett of Uowlcs. The contents of the suit ease wire collected by the police from all pints of the city wheie Moi'o had distribut. cd them The suit eae was left by the man nt a local lestmiraut. Aiimiii; the things seatteied about by Moise wiisnfiairof wouimi's hosiery, uhlcli he left on c.v.Mnyoi Miles' lawn. A bundle of feminine apparel was left at the water oilcs ami u diesq at the Piesbytvilan ehuicli Tlieie seems to be u i in Hive for the theft other than tin tiisntie deslro to own the suit eiffe for on c.vinilnntioii of the inn t) If was disenveicil that he has iniiplc meniiH Cei tlllcates of de p. t.lt ui re found on his person a'uimiiit Im,' to 8l,l7A tofjother with about S.'O in ehecUs and money, uiul he owns a fat m near Madison. Duo to the fact, that Moise seemed lo bo in ooi I clroutiistaiices and ills tiibuted the contents of the suit case over a wido territory, as no criminal would do, It is believed that ho it of unsound mind. After paying a Hue Morse assured I'o ice Judge Iteiison that he could and would go to his homo in Kansas. Thuisday's Hastings1 Tiibntie. For The Christmas Shnnn&rdW What To Give & Where To Get It? You will find immediate answer in our $ $ J I). Cuius TO 00 O. 1). Hedge aft 7ft J. W. StocUliian 1 50 Pope Uios, 1'2 Dft A 0." llosiiier 7ft Tiiinuiu & Sou 10 IS (iiico Drug Co 1 l' 1ft IM llaiisun II 8ft WhltitUer A-Uiiuulcs II 0" I.C .Sloss -i ' i.lon ll.ula 11 &" W. Auld, Tie.isiuer !Ji 00 Maier ConlCo -'IIU 07 Mutual Oil .Co 17 .T. Joseph 11 Luhmer UW !H U. It. Lewis 7 10 lite commissii ii, lespectfully asli you j,lSi Mcintosh 178 50 3H public spliited cit.ll'eiiH to give us Ci uiio Co r. Ill 71! yiay Buggesl Ions you limy have for the ' j a. lb'iidfonl " "'0 ..Jjcttoi'ment of the public, fehools, to j . pettier with jour leasons theiefor. 1 have the bist uile in thu county on 1'PJeuse nddiess all comniuiiicntlons to fltllll loans. See urn nii.1 be coiivluced, JMIbh Kdith A. I.nlhrop, M'ciclmy State .. lm,tl(, . pnunpt kei vice. , ttcbool l.nw Comnilsshiu, Liueolu, Ne-1 t. T W.i.Ki:t! 3BSrSLSi 1 Rv bj pt) PxTv-vT's fKS a ,X aT" a I RTte. EV t ra tp m I ru K N I I U K t f We have all the latest designs of staple articles, and can fit you out, from parlor to kitchen. The prices are right too. Come in and see. -s ED. AMACK LICBN?Kn UNDEUTAKEU IN XEHUASICA AND KANSAS ALL THE PMONK9 lJKTi )jJ vJV( lWV S I . Ileal Estate transfers. For the week ending Dec. 0th., lOl.'l. Compiled by M. W. Outer, Bonded Ab stracter. Red Cloud, Nebr Ita Columbia and wife lo Cluls topher L. Columbia, wd. part n w U sec. 1 bl-D, lots 1, !.', nej ne1, l.Vl-0 SIO.000 Claas Koso ind wiiu to Kulpli lb be, wd, lot II, Mill. S, Kobe moiit 100 I let man ZicharHs and wilo to James Veveika, wd, lie,1! se see. 'X !t0 'J.-'Ml. Hugh W. litilliford and wile lo Arnold II. Hochsteiioi', wd, los 111, 11, liik. 1'., Kail Uoad Add to Red Cloud ui'O Jacob (jiiltiu and wite to Coiii'iid I) tinlrlu, wd, seJi Ili-I 1-J ... U'.OiO Mary S. Cmightou mid Hu-ib., to Altiuit llnhersoii, (jed, lot PJ, Ulii. Vfl, Ked i Iciinl :iut I. W. Stevens and wile to Sun uol U. tsliu 'I-, wd, lots IT to '-'l inclusive in lilk, II, Ci.uliei'j Aild to KcdCioiid It. 1) Me lie h to Clueiicu Me IJcih, wd. lots in, lilk, f, Uo o in. ul M.ulin M. .Mapel and wife to C. L. Iliaiititigham, et. ul., wd, lots .., il, lilk ."., Hooveis Add Ulna Hill JL Splendid Stock of Holiday Goods We wait the opportunity to put you in touch with al! the latest and best in Practical ChristmasGifts for 1913 We are offering tho best products cf the most reliable manufacturers and' certain asssurance of High Quality and honest worth in each article Satisfactory Selections For Every Person Altogether the most desirable line of Holiday Goods, insuring an early selection of appro propriate gifts for old and young. We shall deem it a privelege to show you these atrac-tions ?We Offer the Best At Tempting Prices' I The Miner Bros. Co. General Merchants j 7,UUii 10.1 or. Mortgages till d, S7 .rj"i 10 Moitgages lulcused, fl.oOi.OO. w-S3flSSsQE!SEsaD0 s iTUC PUtJKTMHC, tHtVTMR.8 5 H1U UJIIVWIJIIJW .'up Season Is fiooi On And Everybody is Puzzling their Brain to to Know what to Buy SCome in and let Us help you solve is question. A nice Rocker makes a good Service able Present for Father or Mother. A Rug or Library Table will make a nice present for your Wife. . a. St Pictures For Everybody In fact wo have so many things that aro suitable that wo could notoxplaln them all in this spaeo SO COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU TO MAKE YOUR HAIR MORE BEAUTIFUL ROY SATTLEY To give your hair that irloss and lustre mid wavy silky-softness, use Itaimony llsir lleatitllier. It takes away the dull dead look of the hair, and makes it bright turns the stiingi ness into Unfitness overcomes the oily odors and lenves n sweet, true rose fr.v grivneo in.iUes the halrteasler lo put up neatly and easier to keep in plwee. It Is just exactly what it Is named a hair lienutitler, and whether your hair Is ugly now or heautlinl, it will int pmve its iippeiwamv. You'll ln proud of and di llg'il. d uiUi it. i,ul's, m j our m-uiei hiek. Vmj ea'i lo appl siinl spiiiiMo 11 little 011 your leiir eaeli lim. lii'fure l)iiismig it ( mi t iliis no oil; will not eh ingo thee l.u of hair, nor dailteti giay l.,ui. To In 1 p jour hair and seiilpdiiiidri.il fiee and olefin, uso Ilaimony hih.impoe. This- pin f, liipiid sluiiiipon is oust cni vetiicnt to use, lieu.iusu it gives an in stantain'oii'i iteh, fo.imlug lathei th.it imuii'diately peiiutintes to every put of hair and se.ilp, tunning a ipiiul;, thoiough oleausing. Wushtd olY just as cpiiekly, tho entire operation takes only 11 few moments Contains noth ing that can harm the, hair; leaves uo haishiie's or stickiness just a sweet smelliiij' e'eauMuess Moth ptepmatloiis come in odd-shaped, reiv oiniimeiitiil bodies, with spi inkier tops, lliuinoiiv llnir lleati- tiller, Sl.Ol) llaimnuy Shumpoo Hoe. both guaranteed to satisfy j-ou in every vvaj', or your money buck. Sold in this community only lit ourst'iro The le.all Store one of I ho more than 7.OC0 lending diug stoics or the United States, Canada and Great liritalu, which own the big llaimouy laboralor ies in Uoston, where tho many eele hinted Ilai many Perfumes and Toilet Propitiations are made. II B. Clrke Drug Co., Ited (Toml, Nobr. 8 11 Ifcf g W Shop S I Shop- jfitmf in , I phis Week j! I t0 8 farm Loant-l have a limited n inmint of private money to place in Hist moituugo farm securities, short or lung time, nt lowest mtes with optional payments. Wtlte or phone. Danikl Gai;bi:ii, Hivertou, Nebraska. Christmas Shopping Made Easy For You It isn't the PRICE that makes the gift worth while, but flood taste in selection, irrespective of the cost. The idea of combining inexpensiveness and quality is a feature of our holiday merchandise. .'. .'. .'. .'. .'. A FEW SUGGESTIONS dT gihJi n :i For Mother Of SiSterg Handkerchiefs 5c to SI. Mufflers 50c to S1.25. Towels 50c. Linens 10c to 55. Pillows 25c to 75c. Scarfs 50c to $2: Slippers SI to 52. Hosiery 50c 75c. Tablecloths 51.50 to S3. Napkins S2 to S(i. Doilies 50c to SI. Dress Patterns 50c to SI. Lace Curtains SI to 52. Bar Pins 25c. Manicure Sets 50c to $3. Handbags 25c to 51. Back Combs 10c to 25c. Hair Bands 50c. Barretts 18c to 22c. Raincoats S6 to 515. Gloves 35c to 51.75. Aprons 35c to 75c. Sweater Coats 51.50 to 55. For Father, Brother and Baby. Bed suppers G5c tosi.25. Neck ties 25c to 50c. Handkerchiefs 5c to 50c. Suspenders 25c to .50c. Suit Cases $1.50 to $6. Umbrellas $1 to $3. Dress Shirts 75c to 51.50. Gloves 25c. Cuff Links 25c. Tie Clasps 25c, Hosiery 15c to 50c. Dolls 50c to $4. Baby Shoes 50c. Baby Hoods 25c to e5c. Infants Blankets 85c to $1.25. Rompers 35c to 50c. Mittens 15c to GOc. Toques 50c. Knitted Leggips 60c. Free Fred To every child accompanied by an adult, wo will give a pattern of a beutiful doll dress, during tbe coming week. 8 n F. G. Turnure & Son w