The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 11, 1913, Image 2

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Frontier County Boy Wins Corn
Growlnp, Prize Irrigation for
Arid District! In
Washington lie organization of the
department of ngrlcultmo Is fore
shadowed In Secretary HoiiBton's Una
annual report presented to President
Wilson. A plan to be submitted to
congress In the fiscal estimates for
191 C proposes to carry out tho work of
the department In five or six main
groups, such as research, stato rela
tlons rural organization, forest ser
vice," weather and regulation. Such
& plan, Secretary Houston believes
will promote co-ordination.
Irrigation for Arid Lands.
Washington. With a view of aiding
tho people of Nebraska In general and
those of his own district In partlcu
lar, Representative Silas R. Barton
has set the government machinery in
motion. Mr. Barton proposes irriga
tion for the arid lands of Nebraska
and huH called upon tho government
to offer whatever assistance it can.
Jesse Correll of Frontier Gets Trip tc
Lincoln. Jesse Correll, aged six
teen years, Is the champion boy corn
grower In the state of Nebraska. That
honor has been awarded him by the
decision of tho Judges In thoNebras
ka boys' corn growing content, held
under tho supervision of tho depart
ment of agricultural extension nt tho
university farm. Young Correll har
vested eighty-eight bushels of corn
from one acre of ground In Frontier
county. A trip to Washington, D. 0.,
and $60 In caBh is the' prize which the
plucky farmer youth will recelvo for
his summer's endenvors in tho corn
srowing line.
Many Lives Lost In Flood.
Bryan, Tex. A death roll of more
than fifty persons, and possibly a
thousnnd others marooned and suffer
ing from prolonged hunger and cold,
hns been indicated by reports from
the Hooded DrazoB river bottoms ' in
this section of south central Texas.
For over fifty miles tho Brazos wns
thrco to five miles. wldo and running
with mill race speed. Scores of flood
refugees nro believed to bo in peril.
Tho known dead numbered thirty
threo beforo reports from tho inun
dated territory In this district began
coming in.
Iowa Saloonkeepers Get Rehearing.
Des Moines, la. Judge B. W. Pres
ton of tho Iowa supreme court, at his
homo In Oskaloos.a granted an applica
tion by Des Moines saloonkeepers for
a rehearing In tho case in which the
supreme court nearly two weeks ago
decided that local. saloons must close.
A stay In tho execution of the upper
court's decree wns ordered.
Dee Molnee Saloons Open.
Des Moines, la. Every ono of the
Dob Moines' eighty-six saloons opening
Saturday camo after Judge Preston
ruled that they might do so. They had
been closed since November 22, as tho
result of a supreme court decision to
the effect that they had been oporatlng
inder an Insufficient consent petition.
Ancient Mansion Burned.
Glasgow, Scotland. Fire destroyed.
Kelly house, one of the finest mansions-'
at Wemyss bay, a favorite outlying
suburb of Glasgow. Tho fire was the,
work of an arson squad of militant
suffragotB, and was apparently set in
revengo for the government's arrest of
Mrs. Pankhurst.
Indians Predict "No Winter."
Pierre, S. D. Unseasonably warm
weather prevailed over tho Dnkotas,
accompanied by warm rains. Indians
In this vicinity nro predicting there
will bo "no winter" this season. Flow
ers are in bloom In many places in
Ibis state.
Mr. Bryan Will Address Club.
Lincoln. Secretary of State W. J.
Bryan has accepted tho Invitation of
the Lincoln Commercial club to attend
the annual banquet on Tuesday, Janu
ary 6, and to make tho principal ad
dress of that occasion. The banquet
wll be for membera only.
Egg Market Declined.
Chicago. Tho egg market declined
2 to 3 cents Thursday, although re
ceipts showed a falling off. Ordinary
firsts wero quoted nt 31 to 32 cents
'Mrs. Pankhurst Again Arrested.
Exeter, Eng. Mrs. Emmollno Pank
hurst, tho militant suffraget leader,
was arrested here on board tho Majes
tic on hor arrival from Now York by
tho pnllco who QUtwIttcd tho women
sympathizers who had been watching
to reslBt hor arrest.
Chicago. At tho twenty-third an
nual convention of tho American.
Association or Stato Fairs and Exposi
tions, Just closed hero, September 7
to 12 was selected as the date for the
- Nebraska state fair.
Result of Deliberations en More ln
portent Meesures Given In
Condensed Form.
The Senate. Rati fled tho demo
cratic program for thlrteen-hour ses
sions on tho currency bill.
Senator sheppard introduced a bill
for a good roads commltteo of seven
teen members.
Dill to sanction use of stato election
machinery for election of senators de
layed. Resumed debate on tho Hetch
Hcchty water bill.
Called on Secretary Lane to report
the cost of administering tho land
laws for the last Hvo years.
The House. Discussion of tho
naval holiday resumed.
Commerce commltteo gave hearing
on automatic train stopping devices.
Adjourned at 5:31 p. m.( until noon
Tho Senate Ratification of demo
cratic currency bill program delayed.
Consideration of Hetch Hotchy bill
Interstate commerce committee
postponed consideration of trust bills.
The Houbo Hearing on La Folic tto
seamen's bill set for December 13.
McGIU-Dyer election contest set for
hearing on December 15.
Good roads committee agreed to
begin hearings on many federal aid
bills Monday.
Passed resolutions extending to
February 1 time for classification of
surface lands of Chickasaw and Choe
taw nntlons.
Authorized Chnlrmnn Garrett of the
lobby committee to read his report
Debated southern omnibus claim
bill without reaching n vote.
Adjourned at 4:50 p. m. to noon
Th.e Senate Adoption of democratic
currency bill program went over for
'another day.
Republican scnntorB attacked tbo
democratic caucus.
1 The House Rules committee gave a
hearing to tho anti-suffragists.
Honsley resolution for navnl holiday
gcnernlly discussed.
War department officials urged
aviation and other appropriations be
foro military nffalra commltteo.
Rivers and harbors commltteo con
tinued henrlngs of levco Improve
ments for flood protection along the
Mississippi river.
Action on Honsley naval holiday
resolution went over to Saturday.
Adjourned nt 5:13 p. in. to noon
The Senate. Resumed considera
tion of tho Hetch Hetchy bill.
Democratic leaders failed to ratify
their currency bill program, but forced
long session.
Tho House. Rural credits hearings
conducted before a subcommittee of
the banking committee.
Woman suffragists pleading for" a
suffrage commltteo In the ho"use were
heard by the rules commltteo.
Moro than 1,000 boy corn planters
from Ohio visited the capltol.
Postmaster General Burleson dis
cussed estimates beforo postofflce
Passed bill to provide separate min
isters to Paraguay nnd Uruguay In
stead of one to both as at present.
Many bills Introduced to appropriate
millions of dollars for Improving pub
lic roads. Sandler of Mississippi pro
posed $20,000,000 nnnunlly.
Passed the Hay bill to provide for
raising volunteer forces In time of
Adjourned at 3:38 p. m. to noon
Only Woman Mexican Pensioner Dead,
Santa Barbara, Cnl. Mrs. Mlna
Finger, said, to have been tho only!
woman In the United Stntes pen
sioned for personal service In having'
ministered to the sick nnd Injured',
during tho Mexican wnr, through
which hor husband fought as a United
Mates soldier, Is dead here, at tho
Jgo of 87.
Forced to Leave Penitentiary.
Lancaster, Neb. Tho stato of Ne
braska had to torco James Durkin to
leave tho penitentiary because his
tlmo had been served. Durkin threat
ens to get another sentence If neces
sary to secure food nnd shelter. He
says ho purposely burned a box car to
get the sontcuco Just served. Warden
Fenton pictured tho delights of free
dom and a friend who had known
Durkln's parents in Ireland used his
persuasive powers to induce Durkin to
Chicago. Approximately sixty rep
resentatives of tho various stato and
district fain associations began n two
day session of tho American Associa
tion of Fnira hero Wednesday to nr
rnngo fair dates for tho 1914 season
and to discuss many features of tho
fair buslnoss.
Nebraska Cattle Still Taking Prizes.
Chicago, 111. Nebraska university
took first prize In tho International
Live Stock show for fat Galloway
heifers and 2-year-old steers, and third
tor 1-year-old steers.
i''i"Hi"i & tbwV u,tiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 'Rlir'i ,
Boys Advised to Keep Out of Politics
Utah Desperado Believed to
Have Escaped Recall
' Petition Filed.
Mexico City. There la a well au
thenticated report that General
Huerta has been assured a loan of
750,000 pesos by an American corpora
tion with Mexican connections. The
vice president of the corporation, It Is
said, has been personally negotiating
,for the loan In return for which It is
,uudcrstood ho secured promises of
certain concessions for his company.
Tho primary dealings between the of
ficials of the corporation and tho gov
ernment were through the minister of
finance, but us an agreement was im
possible the company's officials took
the matter up through a third party
with President Huerta, who without
loss of tlmo Bent the papers to the
company's agent for signature.
Lopez Thought tc Have Escaped.
Blnghnm, Utnh. After searching a
third of the Utah-Apex mine, tho posse
which penetrated tho stronghold of
Ralph Lopez, slayer of six men, camo
out and announced to the thousands
of expectant minors that they had
found nothing to indicato tho crafty
desperado was dead. Tho places
where his body most likely would have
boon wore carefully gone over. Tho
belief Is growing that onco again the
sheriffs of nine Utah counties and
their hundreds of deputies had been
outwitted by tho mnn who several
times since the pursuit began on No
vember 21 hod risked capturo in
order to Jeer at their efforts.
Champ Clark Advises Boys to Keep
Out of Politics.
Washington. "Stick to tho farm
and keep out of politics," was tho ad
monition given to some twelve hun
dred boy nnd girl corn growers from
Ohio by Speaker Champ Clark at a re
ception tendered the young farm ex
perts hero by tho Ohio congressional
delegation. Speaker Clark declared
that the farm was the proper place
for men and that .legislators who
amounted to anything In this country
wero elthor born or brought, up In
rural districts.
Senator Pomerene told the girls:
"If I wns a girl I would rather be able
to bake a good loaf of bread than
danco the tango. 1 would rather bo
able to put a good'moal of victuals on
tho family tublo than be the queen
of the social world."
For Recall of City Commissioner.
Lincoln. A petition tearing 1,800
nnmes for tho recall of Commissioner
King wns Hied nt tho city clerk's of
fice Bliortly nfter 4 p. m. Friday. Tho
document wns brought to tho city hall
by O. W. Miller nnd Leon Huckins.
Sam Mellck is named as a candldato
for election for the place now held by
Mr. King. The petition charges that
Commissioner King has proven him
self Incompetent, out of harmony with
.the will of tho people of tho city of
Lincoln, extravagant In expending tho
taxpayers' money, has made appoint
ments for his own personal advantage,
and not for tho public good and has
employed police officers who nro a
menace to the public safety.
Yatea Center, KaB. The Yates Cen
tor Nntlonnl bank wns closed Tues
day by ordor of Bank Examiner A. C.
Cutler. Failure to realize on securi
ties was tho cause assigned. Tho bank
wns ono of tho oldest In tho county
and hnd boon regarded as among the
strongest. Its liabilities are said to be
nearly $300,000.
Washington, D. O. With tho repu
tation of being longer In tho govern
ment sorvlco than any other mnn in
Washington, Archie Lewis, In chnrgo
of tho .robing room of tho Justlcos f
tho supremo court, died horn Thurs
day. Ho had beon on the government
pay roll 64 years.
Trinidad, Colo. Robert Uhlrlch,
president of tho local union of the
united mine workers of America, has
confessed bofore tho mllltnry commis
sion to having supplied strikers at tho
Ludlow tent colony with arms and
Chicago Facing Crisis with Charity
Applicants Anti-Woman Suffra
gists Argue Before House
Denver. Denver Is snow bound, and
the United States weather bureau re
ports from twenty to twenty-four
inches of snow in the city and sub
urbs, with no prospect of a cessation
for several hours. Street car traffic
has been completely blocked. Thou
sands wero marooned in the down
town districts nnd were forced to
plough their- way through two feet of
snow over blocks or miles of almost
trackless streets. On the railroads
suburban trains were reported from
three to eight hours late. Incoming
overland trains wero from four to ten
hours lnte and no attempt wns madi
to send any trains out of Denver.
Anti-Suffragists Have Their Innings.
Washington. Women opposed to
equal suffrage had their Innings before
tho house committee on rules to pro
test against the resolution championed
by the woman suffragists which would
create a suffrage- standing committee
in tho house of representatives. Scores
of women from various parts of the
country, marshaled by Mrs. Arthur
Dodgo of New York, appealed to tho
committee not to grant tho suffragist
plen. Friday tho suffragists wero
given nn opportunity to answer tho at
tack, Mrs. Catherine Waugh of Chi
cago being chosen to sum up the
Chicago Facing Crisis with Long List
of Charity Applicants.
Chicago. Chicago faces a crisis
caused by an army of thousands of un
employed men, according to a report
of the committee of homeless men
submitted at a meeting of representa
tives of charitable organizations.
Theso organizations have been
awamped with applications for work
and shelter and the report demands In
stant action by the city to meet th
A New Era In Mexico.
Juarez, Mez. A new era has began
In northern Mexico. It marks the
peaceful occupation by the rebels of
the territory abandoned "by Huerta
forces. With 2,000 rebels, Gen. Fran
cisco Villa, en route from Juarez to
the evacuated city of Chihuahua,
passed through Ahumada, eighty-five
mites south of the border, and camped
at Montezuma, thirty miles .further
south. Five thousand more rebels will
Join him on tho way and with a com
bined force of 7,000 men ho will enter
tho state capital, there to establish
what will be the temporary military
headquarters of the constitutionalist
Primrose, Neb. A lone robber, un
masked, forced Cashier Will Wicks of
the Primrose State bank to give up
$4,000 In currency Thursday. Tho
money, In bills, was produced at tho
point of n gun, tho robber leaving be
hind on the bank counter $G00 In coin.
Pursuit of the robber was ended a
short time aftor the robbery by dark
ness making further effort before
morning daylight futile.
Nebraska Cattle Capture Prizes.
Chicago. Stock owned by tho Uni
versity of Nebraska carried off a num
ber of prizes at tho International live
stock .exhibition here. Among the In
dividual exhibitors from Nebraska
who received prizes the first day were
II. Reese & Sons of Pllger, Neb. With
more than twVnty-two entries in the
Shorthorn division, cows three years
and over, the Roese firm took third
prize with Lady Cumberland. There
were many In the ring who believed
that the Nebraska cow should havo
been awarded the bluo ribbon.
Washington. Regulations for the
Issuance of licenses to persons or cor
porations collecting Income on foreign
bonds, mortgages, or other dividends,
havo beon Issued by tho treasury de
partment. Licenses will bo Issued by
the collector of Internal revenuo
In the district where tho applicant
does business.
Bochum, Gbrmany. The congress
of German Woman Suffrage associa
tions In session hero, voted down res
olutions disapproving the axcewes of
the British militant suffrajeU.,
Just 407 corporations of tho state
have refused to dig up their taxes
under the provisions of the Potts law.
The board of control naB awarded
k contract for a new laundry building
at the Mllford industrial home for
women, to cost $3,995.
Harry Marowltz, at the age of 23,
was admitted to practice before the
Nebraska bar last week, and 1b Bald
o be the youngest lawyer in the state.
Total receipts of the university dur
ing tho pant six months were $132,079,
according to the "Semi-annual report
made to tho state treasurer by Chan
cellor Avery. Tho Inrgest single Item
won $36,973.14 for hog cholera serum,
a product which is made and sold to
farmers of the Btate at nctual coBt of
Officers of the Sarpy County Mutua.
Telephone company nppenred before
tho railway commission recently to
nsk permission for a raise of 50 cents
a month for rental of Instruments.
.The line consIstB of rural subscribers
and only ono business phono Is con
nected, that being at tho Rock Island
depot nt Richland.
Lincoln. Prof. C. D. Lee of the
University of Nebraska experiment
stntlon Is arranging a unique meat
display at the mid-winter meeting of
Organized Agriculture nt Lincoln,
January 19-23. The sum of $90 in
prizes is offered and there will be lec
tures nnd demonstrations concerning
the curing, cutting and purchasing of
Seven railroads doing business in
this state gathered in nearly $2,000,000
more from Nebraska operations dur
ing tho past fiscal year than during
the fiscal year of 1912, according to a
resume made of the reports filed with
the state railway commission. The
total business for the fiscal year of
1913 equaled $52,545,584. while for
1912 it aggregated $50,606,696.
Eleven beaver hides were seized on
Fred Blnck'B large ranch, south of
Thedford, by Deputy Game Wnrden
Bowers. . It Is clnlmed that Black's
permit had expired, but this 19 a ques
tion which will have to bo submitted
to the attorney general for explana
tion. The nnlmala were caught on the
Dismal river and ono of them weighed
seventy pounds. Tho hides are worth
$6.50 to $13 apiece.
Professor Condra of tho conservation-
commission has returned from
Scotts Bluffs county, where "he has
been taking motion pictures of tho
sugar beet industry In tho interests
of the state conservation commission.
It is tho plan of the commission to,
secure pictures of every Industry of
any account In Nebraska and to this
end Mr. Condra has been making fre
quent trips about the state.
Trimary day next yenr comes on Au
gust 18, the last dnyfor filing for
nomination is July 20, .and the gen
eral election day falls on November
3, according to data set out in an
election law analysis worked out by
Secretary of State Walt. The infor
mation Is for inquiring, ambitious
men who are hatching up plans for
next yenr's bottles and who want to
know when they have to announce
The state law prohibiting dining-car
chefs, waiters and conductors from
sleeping In the cars Is being complied
with in full, according to letters writ
ten to the state food commission. On
the Burlington, Bleeping quarte'rs have
,been provided In baggage and smok
ing cars In several Instances and at
Borne transfer stations special sleep
ing cars havo been fitted up for use
of the men.
In the eighth annual debate of the
Central Debating league (Illinois,
Iowa, Minnesotn, Nebraska and Wis
consin universities) the University of
Nebraska representatives meet teams
from Minnesota at Lincoln nnd from
Iowa at Iown City on December 12
the institutions Nebraska did not
moot ln 1912. when It was awarded
the decisions over both Wisconsin
and Illinois. Nebraska's team at
home will defend the affirmative and
her team nt Iowa City the negative of
the following Immigration restriction
proposition: "Resolved, That immi
gration Into thlB country should be
further restricted by means of a liter
acy test."
Energetic lawyers who become am
bitious to light their clients' cases
through the supremo court must make
specific citation of other cases bearing
on their litigation, nccordlng to a rul
ing of the upper tribunal.
National guardsmen at the state
headquarters are planning to install a
wireless telegraph station on the roof
of the state house, Just above their
new oITIcob. A moderate priced outfit,!
they say, can bo procured which will
Bend and receive messages from all
points in n 600-mile zone,
One hundred and fifty-six non-profit
sharing corporal Ions havo sent ln
their dollar bills and been awarded
Immunity from the penalizing clauso,
of tho corporation tax law. Tno in-,'
stltutlons Include churches, lodge
building societies, commercial clubs
bands, athletic clubs and organlza-'
tlons of that character. Thirty-five of
the corporations are from Omaha and
South Omaha. All of those which
have not paid thus far nro being listed)
with the attorney general so that tho
latter official caa proceed agalnstl
t-wifor- -4 ' .
What fs Going on Here and There
that Is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Meeting of Nebraska revenue 4t
and tax commission nt Omaha,
December 10 and 11.
Cuming county farmers' in-
8tltuto at Wiener, December
11 to 13.
Banquet to Cornhusker foot-
ball team by Omaha alumni of
Btate university, December 10.
Annual corn show at Central
City, December 10, 11, 12.
Mid-stato poultry show at f
Scottsbluff, December 10, 11, r
County chicken show at Fre-
moat, In December.
Pence Sunday over the world,
December 21.
State corn show at Lincoln,
January 19 to 23.
State Lumbermen's association
at Lincoln, January 14 to 16.
Hastings. The "power of prayer"
was Illustrated at the Nazarene Holi
ness church recently, when, during a
season of supplication in revival ser
vices, Wesley Baker stumbled In In a
half-Intoxicated condition Just at a
tlmo when plendlnglTworo being made
for "the. most wayward sinner."
Though he had been drinking, Baker
knew what he was doing nnd made his
way directly to the "mourners' bench."
A score or more of the revival lead
ers gathered about him and thirty
minutes later Baker sprang to his feet
claiming forgiveness and regenera
tion. He gave a vivid account of his
wayward life and explained how a
feeling he could not resist took bold
of him as he passed the church and
the something told him if ho let the
opportunity go by the pit was his cer
tain fate.
Object to Insurgent Movement.
Nellgh. The M. W. A. members of
Nellgh camp N6. 573 object to tho In
surgent movement In the order now In
evidence throughout the United
States, and especially to the Nebraska
bulletin of the society that is being
freely distributed by tho so-called In
surgent element of tho organization In
this state. They have adopted strong
resolutions to this effect, and are the
first to Isbuo resolutions and give their
views in support of their contentions.
An Ancient Document.
Auburn. S. M. Hnynos of thlB city
has In his possession a very old and
quaint document. It is a license is
sued to his great grandfather under
tho seal of the office of chamberlain
In the city of London and dated May
8, 1765. The license was printed on
parchment and the blanks filled la
with Ink, and It also bears a seal. The
document is nearly 150 years old and
although It hrfs turned brown with age
the writing and printing are still
legible. .
Will Install Wireless.
Falrbury. A wireless telegraphy
station will be erected here by A. D.
Ackerman, who has ordered the equip
ment, and aB soon as the appliances
are received work on tho new station
will be commenced. The receiving
wires for tbo instrument must be 100
feet in the air. Mr. Ackerman expects
to receive United States radio time
signals twlco dally from the- govern
ment's new powerful wireless station
at Arlington, Va near Washington
D. C.
Gift of Prehistoric 8Wullsu
Omaha. A series of three prehis
toric skulls, estimated as ranging from
100 years to at least 20,000 In age, and,
representing the threo races of man
kind which havo lived In tho great
Missouri valley since the advent of
the human rnco upon this continent,
have Just been presented tho new med
ical collego of tho University of Ne
braska by Dr. R. F. Gilder of Omaha,
archaeologist In the field for the uni
versity. Proud of His Luck.
Tecumseh. M. H. McAullff of Ster
ling has returned from Hyannls, where
be selected his farm. Ho drew No. 47
In the recent land letting and this
giyes him a good place. He located
on section 18, fifteen miles south of
Hyannls, and says he thinks bo 1b $3,
000 better off by having beon fortunate
enough to draw a farm. On his sec
tion there Is at least 250 acres of good
hay land. Labor Commissioner C. W.
Pool of Lincoln Is IiIb neighbor, his
claim being near that of Mr. McAullff,
Delusions Cause Attempt on Life.
Lincoln. Stupefied because of delu
sions that tho police wanted him In
connection with tho recent killing of
Georgo Wllmeth here, Stephen Kogley
attempted to commit suicide, and
after slashing his throat with a razor,
staggered out of Ills house and along
tho street for moro than three blocks,
finally falling unconscious on an old
mattreBB that bad been thrown Into
an alley.
Antelope county has expended oven'
128.000. on her roads this yr.
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