The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 11, 1913, Image 10

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-.-M.- ,-.--:m,...ia..J.u..iW,.-.iitrtrfHL"ffHMIJKl l.,H,.. .11.1. m 'mi ,i irrq .r.
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cam J n,nyw w j wwi i
t&aasEssHBM. i nmmm rtr xu
Nebraska Farmers0 tagress
Omaha, Dec. 9th 12th 1913
The fourth nniiuul session will be Hie greatest fiirmuis tn-t tltiu ever
held In Nebraska for tlio conslderiilloii of the rami economic! questions. Tux
ntion, Rural CivHts, Itiirul School, Consolidation of the Sta'o Univer-it', re
soiiio of tliu van I question. Over one-hundred iikH.mintlons have imiucd dele
gntes. Kitch organization Is entitled to ten delegates. Delegates mo urgid
to bilug along tlielr wives, us tliu women tin- to luive must of the flist .seh!on
for the illsussloii of economics of I ho fiirm Imtiic. Arrangements for looms
can lie innde at I lie Screlar,Js desk, Komo llotfl.
JV. E. FOE, Ticket Agent.
L. W. WAKE LEY, General Fatnenger Agt.
For Sale
I A few l'oluud Chitiii B huh from the
not'-d iierd" of I'hll I)awon mid .1, II.
Tlimii II on Son" Inqtiiionf JoeCiow
i:.-ii com!. ifd:i
I Widow's tension.
' I he ivennt net of April lHlh, I HO
gives to ill' sii1iliei'Hivlilos ti pension
81- ier niontli. I'Yed M nnor. the at-
toniey, litis all meessuiv bluiil"-
. -
How Would You Like To Be
The Washer-Woman?
Do you think you could
make that soiled suit "DO"
for an other season?
Soap and water will fade
and shrink the garment.
You will save your back,
save your garment and save
your money by permitting
us to
Dry Clean Your Clothes
TtyUs once and be convinced.
ft. 6. Hassln&er
v Cleaner and Dyer .
BothPSionts ? 9 Red Cloud, Nbr.
J. H- ElililJlGER
General Auctioneer
Recommendations My
Former. Customers, ...
Write or Phone
Red Cloud, - Nebr.
kouis Vavrieka
Terms reasonable and satis
faction guaranteed. I speak
cither Bohemian or the
American language. .. .'.
R. F. D. No. 4. Red Cloud, Nebraska
Red Cloud ' ' Nebraska
Frame Construction
Is Most Preferable
m 9
F I R E.
WHO: GARFIELD ' 'v-v.vv.v-vavbvv.vav0v.v.v.v.v.v.vav.v- ' J
. t a . I
than has r I
i: :i! Ill s 9 .n'w .Iflltw t. ,
l'n. 'U 'vy -Rn .-& JA. A V ftaTAJLW r.
3 J : r
'inMll.iOS ..l.-t-s-
Yon ui' iMtlllid Hint nir hu ifJiul iln.v
ol Jul), I'JI I, llut,.f N (iltIM l,ll"l II K'tl
lion In tlir IHtirl. 1 1 otiri ol Wcl'i r limit.. .
Ndiiniun rntiil : . ' 't'aei.nje-'f mul pinjir
ol whlcli li tmi'ilaiii n ilier e iltvorie on 1 1 1
ttroiiml ol exUemc I'liiHly
Von iitfictulri(l io niisii'tr tiicr..ili I't'lllkui
mi or htlori'lliii I'j'.li dit.v ol .liunmry, llill, or
ii ill cite will tie i iitrrcit iiLjnliiHt.wnl nt pr y
til tor In mi il cliltiii.
I nti it Dirc-iiilMr.. 11)1.1.
Ilultic N. llhixH, l-Iiilmlir.
11 U.v Itcriuiril Mc-Ni'iiy, Iiit attorne;.
Child! of Probiili:.
In Tim (o'.nty Court ol Welwlir oiiuly.
Htutool .Neliiuiikn, i sk.
Wulwtcr rounty. f
To nil pemoiiM lii'iTfiteil In the titnlo of
Henry .1. Slielilmi licccitietli
TAKH NOTICII, that a iftltlon lian Um
llleil prnyliirf Hint tlio liittriitnent illitl In
tliW court on tliu'J4th ilny ol Noeiul.r, lli:i,
IHirportlMR to Imj the Inst will unit tiHtiiimnt
of mtlil ilcccnswl, m-y lio prived and alloirttl
nmt rcconkil nn the Innt will and testament
of Henry I. Sliolilou, ilcecnHiil: that fahl
Instrument Im: Admitted to prohate, and the
ndinliihtriitlon of hhIiI nHtntc hf Brauted to
Catherine 1. .Sheldon, Hxeeutrlt.
It Ik hereby ordered hy the court, .that nil
persons Interested In said estate appear at
the County Court to he held In nnd for said
county on the lltth day of Dcecmher, ll)i:i, at
two o'clock p. in., to show cauw, If nny there
lie, why the prayer of the petitioner should
not ho ifrnntcit. and that notlreof the pem!
cney of said petition and the hearlnis thereot
he ttlven to all person Intern tod'. In said
matter hy puhllshliiK a copy of this older In
the lied Cloud Chief, a lci?:il weekly mms
paper printed Intnl.! county for tline con
secutive weeks prior to snld day of henrluif.
Wltiiiss my hand and thescnl of said court
thl.:Mh tiny of Novemher, A. I)., IUII1.
dIS A.l. HANNHY, ,
(Seal.) County . I udiie.
ponra cp suit.
In tin UNlilel Court
Susnii It. Clnpp mid
.James K. Chancy,
ol Co'inty
.lacolil.. Mlllir:
Hannah II. Mlilir. otherwise llellu Miller;
liieoh I.. Mllicras Triiitcu nnd Hxeuutor of
the Will of
Janus II. Ilrown, oihcrwlie, .1. II. Drown, d-
Hannah llrown, widow ol. lames II. Uiowu:
Charles II. llrown, Hrown his wife, ilrst
real iiuiiiu uukuowii:
Mnrituret Oils, Otis her lumbaii'!, Itist
real name unknown:
.1 nines 0. llrown, Clara llrown his wife;
Trances O. Kvaus, Kvansher husband,
Ilrst real uiiuiu unknown;
Ciiima A. Ackerson, Aekcrson her
husband, Ilrst real name unknown;
(IcorKo W. llrown, llrown his wife, Ilrst
jenl name unknown:
Hanlel IMxnr Winter. Winter his wife,
llr.t real name uukuowii;
(lenevla Anjellne Winter, ,her husbaiiil.
real name unknown;
Kthel llrown, , her husband, real
name unknown;
Anna Winters, , her husband, real
iuunu unknown; ' ,,,,,,. ,
DaHlul Winters, Winters his wile, ilrst
real name unknown
Chnrlis Akersou,
Thf liver in hlhei' I o v
ll ( II f'l' l I. !
I'll.til I lillsti,,.. ,UI( ()IIV
were ii'itilii.u sir.iw 'n,.s iny
"I'niRi' nn 'is . MU4 mi
llliy Willi!' thf fil.l Im tit) Jro III. .
A I niti' . i,f ' n.lli I-,, hiiicher
llf'lpeil l-l'fil llinrls i I, i, ;r mi Moll
M k K. ii WhHi' wn.s vMiihtf did
in lli'.mih inn! f h'i.iN ii ((!. ,i, e ilvi-r
the fore '; I of t' v w(.i k
The hail mniU uniiirlit some out of
Horn - ml iiihv Uii'.v i ro having a t'n o
iu yet c-uuuli to iiuilie tlieplb's srjtipal.
rini'f rcc l!n ils went in town with
ii loml of lios on MoiniMyiimi gt tstucli
In the on I lie new wot lied hill
John liiiwls nnd .lou Muild tire dl,'K
Inp a w, but tlmr liml to cover It tip
lust week to keep It from KettliiK full
of water.
One or the tliiest rains that ln.s fell
in Ibis pnrtof the country just quit,
Inst Sunday hlcli had lasted for nine
days nnd only quit long enough 1 t
ti follow to do his chores and Ret hi
soiiio wood.
Extended to December 20th
: sacf
(Stupid Doy Finally Tells Teacher
Peculiarities of 8prlnQ He.
Was Not Guilty.
for homo ImlldliiK not only on
account of Uh economy, but bo
OHiiso of Its adaptability to cluing
Iiik condilloiiH. llotnos built of
wood are easily moved from one
location to uother; they call be
altered or enlarged without Injur
lop their Kcnernl appearance for
the reason that palntlug will tnulto
the old. look ns nood us tbe new.
Instead of painting being consid
ered an expanse It should really be
held as an improvement because it
freshens up the whole appearance
of your home, nnd instead of ulti
mate decay nnd deteriorated value
as is the case with substitutes that
can only be .renovated by building
n w hole new house, your home be
comes constantly more valuuble
This Is only one of the little things
to consider wlion building h home
"Little drops of witter, etc., make a
a mighty ocean." Come 'in and
we'll tell you more- about lumber,
THK ALARM is a ilreiutful thing
OF FIHK for the mau without
Insurance. Every time he sees the
engines racing along his heart comes
up in his throat If the (Ire is anywhere
near his place. What folly, what mlF.
UiUen economy,
THE COST OF is so small that it
INBUnANCK need hardly be
considered. The freedom from worry
aloue Is worth It many times over
Have us insure you to-day,
Riliablo Insurance,
AUcrsou 'his wife,
Ilrst real name uukuowii;
Itolaud Akerson, Aterson UU wile,
Ilrst reil name uukuowii;
Samuel Akerson, Akurooti his wife,
ilrst rent naiiiu unknown;
MellluAkcmun. , her husband, real
name unknown;
Ilessle Akerson, , her liusband, real
name unknown;
The Unknown Heirs mid HcvIm.cs of each
and all of the above, named Persons,
TImj said, above. unuicd and designated de
fendants, and the unknown heirs and devisees
of each o( tliu persons so named and dcS'
mantel will take notice that tliu nbov
named plalutllls have tiled In the above
mimed Court their petition against said de
fendants, tlio object nnd prayer of which,
to obtain the Judgment and decree ol said
court iiulellng unit conllrinlnu In the plain-
tills the title to the following dcwibcu real
estate situated In Webster county, Nebraska,
to-wlt: Lots No. i:l, 14 and 10, In ltlock ' of
the original town of Hed Cloud, according to
tho recorded plat thereof; as against the said
defendants and all persons above uaiiiod and
designated as such, and perpetually enjoin
lugltlicm and nil persoiiscliiliulug by through
or under them or any of them, from sotting
up, claiming or asscrtliiK tiny title, right or
Interest In said premises, adverse to plain-
tills, and for goncral equitable relief.
You are required to answer said petition,
now on llloVi the ollleo of tlio Clerk ;of said
Court, at Hed Cloud In said county, onVir be.
fore the luth, day of January, I1H I.
Dated December H, IU1X
HlM.VN U. Ul.AI'f,
JAMI'.S K. CllANKY, l'lallltlllS.
l7 L. II. lilncklojge, Attorney.
Tito country school teucllecliad been
tolling her Echolurs about tlio seasons
and their peculiarities, mid to Impress
Uic facts upon their nilnda sbo ques
tioned tlicm upon' the poluts aho had,
Btvon. Siiven'.l quurlea. hud been put,
nnd she finally reached tiui stupid boy
In the" corner,
"Well, .Tohnnny," she said, "liavo
;ou. Ijcpti paying retention?"
"Ycs'ni," ho nnrwcreit promptly.
"I'm clod to hear It. Now, can your
tell me what tharo is In tho spring?"
"Ycs'ni, I can: but I don't wunt to."
"Oh, yes, you do! Don't bo afraid:
You have heard tlio other scholars. Ho
aguod boy now, nnditsll us whntthuro
In in tho spring."
"Wy wy mum, there's a frog, an'
Lizard, an' a dead out in it; but 1. didn't
put 'em thero. It was another,- boy,
for,' I see him do it."
- "There's N Place., Like Hme"
Saunders Bros.
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Improved Alfalfa, Grain and Slock
Farms in The Great Republican
Bought Sold Exchanged
Any desirable Real Estate listed up
and advertised for cash sale or ex
change without expense to owner.
Cash buyers for improved farms
iiud ranches secured through care
ful, liberal uud systematic ndver-
Using. Some of the best farms in
Webster and Franklin Counties Ne
braska now listed Several farms
for sale that will pay good Interest
on the entire purchase price and
enhance greatly in value. Several
good farms for sale on easy pay
ments and special terms worth the
money.. The largest list of local
farms for sale to select from-nnd
situated in the Huckle End of the
Corn Kelt.
FARM LOANS-Mbernl amounts,
optional payments, lowest rates.
Motley always ready,
Daniel Garber
Riverton, - Nebraska
When It Began.
A friend, of. tho family had been
summoned to testify, much a&iinat hlB
will, as to domestic disturbances in a
certain household.
"You saw- thoso blows, administer-
:d?" asked; the counsel.
"Yes, str," replied tho witness.
"Did you witness the beginning of
the quarrel between, ilr, and. Mrs
"I did."
"When was It?"
"Six yeara ago.'
"Six years ago! How Is that possible?"
"I was a guest at their wedding,"
said the witness.
Superior, v v Nebretke.
Phono 337
Feb. 2. S. Klchardsou,r mites north
west of Burr Oak.
Feb. 3. -J. II. Hamilton & Sou, bred
sow sale of Poland Chinas, Guide Hock.
Feb. D, W. L. Denuy, & miles north
of Guide Rook,
Feb. 10. Lew Smith, !l miles north
cast of Gulda Rock
Feb 11. -U. 0. IIigglus3 mllcsnortli
of Nora.
Feb. 17. Rodney Ilogors, 5 miles
soothe ist of Mt Clare.
Feb. 25 A. T. Cross, Duroe Jersey
sow sale In Guide Rock,
Feb. 2d. Nate Simpson, 'i miles
northwest of Guide Rock.
Feb. 31. Jas. Martin, lj miles
southeast of Mt. Clare.
March!). Uirnnrd utid'llliMltis wll
uiaUo a l'olaud China sow hI' at Nelson.
8lmple Enough.
Dlexton Sake entered tho room and
critically examined his surroundings.
Then suddenly his eye lighted on tho
clew for which he sought.
"Aha," he excjalmod. "It was from
a hole somewhero In this room that
the mouse emerged."
His companion opened his eyes
wide In wonderment; then
"Your power of scent," he remark
ed, "Is positively marvelouB, Dlex
ton!" "Power of scent bo bothered!" re
plied the great detective. "Can't you
see the heelmarks of a woman's shoe
on this chair- oh?"
Not Silence, but ADVERTISING. Is
Golden to the Business Man.
The Chief, $1.50 year
Nebraska Boys Are
Good Dairy Judges
The third best dairy judge among
the students of American Agricultural
Colleges Ik tho record held by H. N.
Tlioiivtc, a Nebraska farm boy from
University Place. The Contest occurr
ed 4t the National Dairy Show at Gh,i
on go this fall when forty-eight stud
ents picked as tho best dairy judges In
the Agricultural Colleges lu sixteen
important dairy states mot to contest
for prizes. The entire Nebraska team
tunkol fourth In the list. Our team..
I including tho alternate, wna nindo up
feTT " "Is
Owing to the very inclement weather
during the first half of our sale, preventing,
many who wished to attend from so doing, we.
have decided to extend our sale one week, end
ing Dec. 20th.
20 Pt r fllt Diseoimt on nil
Wool l)i ss binds, including
wlili! wales. Sergi'M, (lliigou
lilt. i'c,. hi all rtilniH .mil
prices This Is i ii(l(o I for
your beiielli eomli g just nt
tlie iR'i.'iimii''.' of the uinti'l.
20 iV.r Cmt Di-iMMiit on m
I j i r line ol lliii)ill,it.
15 Per Cent WNcount. on nil
lirnglinuiN 1'hls nKo is n
renirirkiible oU'eiiug nt time
3&TfT oint Diseont on nl!
'J'ulile Cloths and N'npkilix.
A veiy u-elul Xiiins piesenl
A Partial List of Our Herchandise Suitable
For Christmas Gifts:
Silks for Waists. Banquet Dresses. Evening Dresses
Petticoats. Ready-made Petticoats. Kid Gloves
Mittens. Dolls. Fancy Work.. Coin Purses. Ribbons
Handbags. A Box of Holeproof! Hosiery,, either Silk.
Lisle or Cotton, makes an excellent gift. We haye.
them in neat Holly boxes with.Xmas cards.
Sale Lasts Until December 2Qth
Every 25 cents paid on
account or.e.verv 25-cent
cash purchase entitles
you to a number on the
three large, dolls to be
given away December 24
c '
C given away December 24 .
i ' ' i i, 1 1 J
rtarhaf a Phapfis I .
.wpm. . vp. m. u.. vr -
: irf-'
i. ' S".i
;? nuiwriCK raiier-mr
J 1 m
5 v
I TT 1 fi I
BM I I M r Err M I aV f f r tWfE m Wk Wm
i nurniav uiuocncis i
1 I'll I ll.l I I III ! !
f TIT 7K ikum vnn lhat'Mlir V
grocenes can be de- v
pended upon for your big I
holiday meals. Fresh goods M
H nnrlsi nil. tnrlr fvrv AT
"" week. J Are you one of ""
h uui siiaii aauouvu uw h
M mers? ijl It not, we solicit
a trial order.
lHIWWMHW " ""',lVT"tl'l'Ba'"l h IfV MW ' WW HiqMll'fiwlr"' " fyr'1
,h,jSn.fc .Wn.'.(Wliilf -,'- iwl.iWMMMJI.WW1irtWIWWfc''w'',r'ra'w1
of II. N Thomas, University l'laco, R.
J, Possou, Hayes Center, ,1. B, Shep
herd, Sterling, and F, J Chase, Paw
nee City. All of these hoyH fire farm
boys and all are working their way
through college, either by milking
cows at tho University Farm or In
near-by dairies, or by other jobs in or
near the University, It should be a
source of mnoh satisfaction to Nel)ra.H
kans to know that in a contest in
which all tho lending dairy schools of
tho United States participated the Ne
braska College won firs't one year and
fourth another. It'should also bo a
source of much Inspiration to boys
who desire un agricultural education
to know that all of the boys who made
up tho judging team are YforMnK U'e'
way through school,
m i