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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1913)
ijAitAmi XxasOL 'MSSlii. "n RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF t fff p 44&.fc4Vtffc )M4 11 i !, it Ha m ,ife l' Sit RU f K tt' fc, ." ,s R ill El .tM ; a si s Pkbraska Farmers' Congress Omaha, Dec. 9th-12th 1913 Tin fourth nnnunl session will be the greatest fiirmoiH iifetiui; ver held In Nebraska for the consideration of the rural economic ricHtiuiis. Tax ation. Ilinal Crc.ills, Kurul Schoolc, Consolidation of the State University, tire home of the vltnl questions. Over one-hundred iisHoelatlotn have named dele gates Kaeh (ii g.uilz.itlon is entitled to ten delegates. Delegates aie urged to tiling along I heir wives, us the women are to have most of the first session for the dlsussloii of economies of the farm home. AriaiigemeiUs for rooms can lo made, lit Hie Secretary's desk, Rome Hotel. R. E. FOE, Ticket Agent. L. W. WAKE LEY, General Painenger Agt. 1 DOYLE BROS. Live Stock and General Auctioneers WITH I'IIoNI'.h Red Cloud 17 on 8 Lebanon Him 18$ T W How Would You Like To Be The Washer-Woman? Do you think you cquld make that soiled suit "DO" for an other season? Soap and water will fade and shrink the garment. You will save your back, save your garment and save your money by permitting us to Dry Clean Your, Clothes TtyMJs once and be convinced. E. A. Creighton, M. D. B9 EYE, NOSE AND THROAT City Treasurer's Statement D.-e. a. 101. Honorable Miiyor aitiK ily Council, J ted Cloud, Neb. (iciHleineii: , I enclose statement envoi lug teeeipts and dlHbiiiseineiits of my olllee for the period from Nov t, li'l!l to Dee -'. 11 11 Occupation Fund Amount on hand Nov. 4, Ti:i..S HO i!1 Receipts .'. 21 Hit) M) D'obursementH 18.1 48 Ualance Dec. 2. 'lit 410 02 Reg. Warrants outstanding glOOoti. Water Fund Amount on hand Nov. t, 'i:t...S OftO 7.1 Receipts none Disbursements 710 07 Ilalanee Dec. 2, ' 214 ' Water Levy Fund Amount on hand Not 4, '1ft.... ,1 8 Receipts 230 00 Ralanco Dec 2, M.t 8 2113 83 Reg. Warrants outstanding $?t?o.4S (icnernl Fund Ain't on hand Nov. 4, overdraft! 10 10 Receipts Clfj 00 Disbursements M)8 .11 128 00 llalanco Dee. 2, Mil 8 170 ft! Reg. Warrants outstanding 55702.81 Kloetrie Lluht Fund Amount on hand Nov. I, '13 ..S 718 3ft Receipts : 8'l 31 Disbursements l.VJ. 70 210 21 liahiucu Dec S, 'KJ 812?' (! Kit utile. I.luht Levy Fund Amount on hand Nov. 4, '13 . . ,S 2 r.P Receipts 3:0 00 Webster County cr&ocl Notes. c. W51 a2E5I2EE2 of ' Dlstrii!' N '.' has ! to" el lilni'ks for teiiuhlim eublo niuiMiie Dl-jtilet No 22 Iiuhh new m-1 of ilr.i ineiiviireinenisaiul a new set or lliilil measiiiviiifiils for to tolling llfjnld mid dry mew-n i o. District N 11 Im-. n n,.iv hen ting and lonitlttitni; iHuiii, loft wtmrle seals Ihu right lifiglu fur small oliililreii ami n now Piippiy i n-il:ite text. ImioIi. The school house has been newly I'lilnleit Inside and out mid wuik has been slatted on llxl'ng tip the play ground. A swing mid four Uniting bins at e now on the guiuniK There lias not been it single case ot tiir.litn.'ss In tills -chiHil this year. Notice oT Probate. In The County Court of Webster County. Nebraska. State ot Ncbrmtkn, t ., Wctwter county, f To all persons Interested In tho estnto of Henry J, Shi I Ion Ueccnstd: ' TAKK NOTICK, that a petition hns licen lllctl praying thnt the Instrument tiled In Mil court on theSSth day nl November, till:), piirportlnic to Im) the Inst will and tiHtntnent ot said ilcciascd, limy lie r. ed and allowed and recorded as the Inst will and testament ot Henry I. .Sheldon, dirensid; thut snld Instrument lie admitted to probate, and the administration iitxiild ostato lu granted to Catherine K. Sheldon, Kxccutrlx. It In hereby ordered liy the court, that nil persons IntcrcsWd In said estiite nppnir at the County Court to ho litld In mid lor said county on the llith day of Decuiubi r, l!U:i, at twoo'clock p. in., totdimr c:tnclt any there be. why tho prayer ot tho petitioner fhould not bOKmntid, and that notice of tho pend ency of said petition mid the lit arlni; thereof bcKlvun to all persons liitefe.tid In h.ild matter by publishing a copy of thl) order In tlie Kid Cloud Chief, a lounl wiekly news paper prlnud lu Mil I county for three con pcctitiveweiks prior to Mild day of hearing. W'ltiuss my hand and thchcal of said court thls'JSth day of Nn ember, A. I.. I'JIlt. d!8 A. II. KANNKV, (Seal.) County .tude. )'vv a v V E SI ETte M I TT HI U k i i H & cJ s (8EE5 'N-r'v k m-m We have all the latest designs of staple articles, and can fit you out, from parlor to kitchen. The prices are right too. Come in and see. -:- -:- -:- ED. AMACK IJICHNSKDrNDERTAKKR IN NEBRASKA AND KANSAS ALL THE PHONES- CONSU LTATION FRKK P, G. Hasslnfier Cleaner and Dyer Belli rhents 9 9 Red Cloud. Nebr. J. fl. ElililHGEH Paste This In Your Hat! All 1913 Taxes Due Novem ber 1, 1913. eliuriietit December Ualance Dec. 2, '1!1 311.13 Reg. Warrants outstanding S13,V.l .Judgment Fund Amount on hand Nov. 4, 'Kl... 4:31 21 Receipts 200 Ot) GS4 21 Disbursements 181 21 2oo 00 WE assure you that our groceries can be de pended upon for your big holiday meals. Fresh goods added to our stock every week. f Are you one of our many satisfied custo mers? CJ If not, we solicit a trial order. s ile - J . t 1'erionBl taxes 1st, 1U13 Distros,l(nr -Real Kstate Taxes Delinquent May 1, 11)11. W R. Koont., County Ti unsurcr 12 45 12 4; General Auctioneer Recommendations My Former Customers. ... Write or Phone Red Cloud, - Nebr. Frame Construction Is Most Preferable . w fix v s FIRE j for home building not only on account of lis economy, but be cause of Its adaptability to chang ing ciuditloiis. Homos built of wood are easily moved from one location to another; they oau be altered or culnrged without Injur, iug their general appearance for the reason that painting will make the old look as good as the new. Instead of painting being consid ered an expense it should really be held as an improvement because it freshens up the whole appearauce of your home, and Instead of ulti mate decay an l deteriorated value as is tho case with substitutes that can only be renovated by building a whole new house, your home be comes constautly more valuable This is only oue of the little things to consider when building a home, "Little drops of water, etc., make a a mighty ocean." Come in and we'll tell you moro about lumber. "There's PU Place Like Hmm" THK ALARM is a dreadful thing OF" FIRE for the man without insurance. Every time he sees the engines racing along his heart comes up in his throat if the fire is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis- tukeu economy, THE COBT OF is so small thnt it INSURANCE need hardly be Considered. The freedom from worry alone is worth It many times over Have us insure you to-day. Balance Dec. 2, Ma Firemen's Fund Amount on hand Nov. 4, '13... No receipts or disbursements ?. lUlflnce Dec. 2, '13 ,S Recapitulation ' Occupation Futub 8 41(1 02 Water Fund 211 0G Water Levy Fund 233 83 General Fund 470 A4 Klectrlo liiglit Fund 12S2 411 Klectrie Light Levy Fund 31J .18 Judgment Fund 200 01) Firemeu's Fund 12 4 Amount on hand Dec. 2, '13... S3202 I4 S. R. Floijanck, City Treasurer. For Sale A few Poland China Boats from the noted herds of Phil Dawson and J. H. Hamilton & Son. Inquire of Joe Crow Red Cloud, rfd 3. Wldtw's PeMlM, The recent act of April Wtb, 1008 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension 912 per month. Fred Mauror. the at torney, has all necessary blanks. , Regular Price Cut. Do you recollect a time in which so many thlnus of vital interest, to every fHtmly weie being nirituti'd and at least, pai tially accomplished 7 Thee public a I lull's closely touuh the incnine and outgo of every oue of us, and a careful reading of the first-class daily newspaper Is most desireable. The children iu the family should be en courased to read current events. Of course, tills makes it necessary to se lect a clean paper, one that i- not tilled with liquor and nasty medical advertisements. The Lincoln State Journal is the kind of paper you wilj want, and just now the publishers are olfering the daily and Sunday until Jttu 1, 11U5 for only SI, or without the Sunday paper only 3, Tills is a spec ial cut-price offer which will not be good after December '.'8. As a special inducement a year's subsci lotion to the Weekly independent Farmer and the Monthly l'outry Topics Is includ- i .... . . . 1.1 V- 1... ed. rni! uew- oi vue worm, buiiwihv affairs in particuUr. reliable markets, and the philosophy of Blxby make The Journal Nebraska's leading newspaper. Order through the local agent or send direct to the State Journul, Lincoln, Neb. Order today and you will receive the papor the remainder of this year. CARBOLIC ACID TOO STRONG But Then, as Hie Partner 8ald, the Dead Man "Never Did Have No Constitution." P. A. WULLBRANDT THE HONE GROCERY WE DO GOOD PRINTING The next1 lime you. want a first-class job of printing, just call The Chief,, either phone, and we- will call, give you estimates on the cost, quality of paper,, etc. No job so difficult but what we can do it in a first class manner. If you are not- on our already large list of satisfied customers we ask you to give us a trial. That's all that will be- necessary to. convince: you. O. C. TEEL, R9llmbl9 Insurance. LAND Improved Alfalfa, drain and Stock Farms lu The Great Republican Valley Bought Sold Exchanged Any desirable Real Kstate listed up and advertised for cash sale or ex change without expense to owner. Cash buyers for Improved farms and ranches secured through eare fill, liberal and systematic adver tising. Some of the best farms In Webster and Franklin Counties Ne braska now listed Several farms for sale that will pay good Interest on the entire purchase price and enhance greatly in value. Several good farms for sale on easy pay ments and special terms worth the money. The largest list of local farms for 'sale to select from and situated in the Ruckle Kud of the Corn Belt. FAtR MANS-Ubcral amounts, optional payments, lowest rates. Money always ready. Daniel Garber Rivtrton, - Ntbratka koois Vavrieka General Auctioneers Terms reasonable and satis faction guaranteed. I speak either Bohemian or the American language. .'. .'. K. F. D. FU. 4. Red Cletd, Nckmkt Our Sale Bills Get the Crowds CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -s- Nebraska Second Heaee North o! I. O. O. F. Hall -O- Coniultttion and Spinal Analysis Frce -o-.' Lady Atteudaut (Jm 10 to 12 a. m. andS'xo 4 p. in. PhfCt It. 212 DR. HAS. E. CROSS X DENTIST Captain Til Huston, the moat Im portant contractor In all Spanish America, goes to New York ao often as possible In the summer to see baseball games. In the winter ho has arranged It bo that American teams play In Cuba. Mb particular little playmato there Is John J. McGraw. "I traded BO-and-Bo," said McGraw, "because his health Is poor." "During tho Spanish war," Bald Car .tain Huston. "I was stationed at a hosnltal camn nt Ybor City. Tour statement, recalls an Incident I wit nessed. Half a mile down the road, thmuah a nalmetto swamp, was a .mule camp. Tho muleteers had" been picked In the United States because 'they were the only things h the that were tougher than an army mule. One day, ae w lay un ,der a tree, wo saw a man galloping a bis mule through the swamp. "'Hurry, Doc.' .this man gasped 'when he eot to ub. 'hurry. Me and another guy was lyln' under a wagon Jub' now, takln' a drink now and then. An we got hold of the wrong bot jtlo, and wo both took a pull at some carbolic acid that I'd been dressing a mule's shoulder with.' ' "The doctor filled him full ot grease and emollients, and then tried to put him to bed. , "'Nix, said he. 'I'm a nusy man. I gotta get back to that camp and make them guys do their work.' ! "So away ho rode, with tho car bolic acid fuming and steaming Inside .him. In another half hour he came charging back through tho swamp, on his big mule. " 'Turn down that bed, doc,' ho yell ed. "I think I'll stick around a while. That other guy's lyln' under the wagon, deader'n h 1.' "I should think you'd be Beared Bald the doctor. , 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 a iJtftttftiriifc: ARTISTIG PP1WEJ1TS ExclueJv Design lo Monument l Our Specialty We constantly have on hand a Urge supply of the very best of Marble and Granite. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 CONSULT US Suav&uUed OVERING BROS. & GO. I I & r. 6 Saunders Bros. Red ClMi. Nebraska tied Cloud, - Nebraska I C; fc v tVEl STATE AM ' "'Aw,' said the mule driver, 'he never did have no constitution!"' A Red Cloud I esse Nebraska '(VMV!MflW(!VtyTV!W?h$$ WJWRft'- PHI a... tk.' .. . .. ,. ,,. ... . . . -' Hint M iMl-rjiiliift i ii h ii i r i I ..... . ...... i wbtyM -u- II P W-"" , niW'""- t- -J rr ( k XHL