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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1913)
T -T J$ JU fcfT IT- 'freJWPft-' w ,-r.w. r vavf trrfylTffttT RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF l.J-AMCTWW The Fact Remains No amount cf misrepresentation by the peddlers of alum baking powders, no jug gling with chemicals, or pretended analysis, or cooked-up certificates, or falsehoods of any kind, can change the fact that Royal Baking Powder has been found by the offi cial examinations to be of the highest leavening efficiency, free from alum, and of absolute purity and ivholesomeness. Royal Baking Powder is indispensable for making finest and most economical food. I). ui,i II hit and wife and Miss Ferguson of Guide Hock spent Thanks giving in thUclty Willi Wilbur Hamil ton and family. A good ruin foil Friday night mid Sit in day night which will help the wheat and put the gi ootid in good shape fur spring otl. I have the btht tale in the county on farm loans. See me and he convinced, My motto prompt service. A. T. Wai.kkk ' MISv's Millie Hullisler mid Mutgarct Ileal, who aie attending the statu uni versity at Lincoln, spent. Thanksgiving in this eltv with tlnjlr parents. K. Grainger of Lincoln is in the city in tlio interest of the S'ale Life In siiialiee Co. He Is assisting V. T. .Mount ford in some work lutv. i&'Mm Gbristmas Photos Q It's time to ha e that long promised portrait taken. 3 No need to wait for a fine day, how ever. With the equipment of the modern studio you can be taken one time as well as another. tevens BROS. tadio Turnure Block Sheriff Hedge was in Hide Hill Wednesday. I'M Rurr of Guide Hook was on our streets Tuesday. I !3TSee Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, Monday, Dec. 8th. The largest line of rugs in the city on display at Miner Rros. Co. Will Hailcyatid wife were passengers to Grand Island Wednesday. s Verliu Taylor has accepted A posi tion in the J. C. Mitchell jewelry store. When you want A Short Order or Fresh Ojsters go to Warren's restaurant. mWiWiWiW.W.W.V.V. Mr. mid Mrs. K Igar Cowden spent Sunday in Franklin with Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Itiadeu. Lift Saluidiiy evening the members of the Lutheran ehureli gathered at the home of HeV. Nau and Ifu where they had an oyster supper in honor of them. TEPEE A FINE 4-REEL PROGRAM all the Week i ''""''" """ i i i i in i ... E S3SS h -ii C5iC5ifif5i Friday and Saturday I)KC. ft 15 The HKCIttiT TIlHASUIlti-An In te'Uitlng drama of western life bv I'athe l'ATHK WKKKLV-Wlth views from Omaha Aks'iibcn, from Denver, Paris, Bulgaria, ete. The 1UU:aTII of SOAN'DAL-A Kulum .story Illustrating the speed with which goslp cm tiavel In a. small com inanity. IIKK PUi:Si:XT A good comedy with n seaside aluiicphete. HIS UKWAltD Moto comedy in whieli Annili. uiuitw in intviM.! in.,. euer, who has ui ud her from t he wavt ". Mr. and Mrs Ridge Liggett and daughter spent 'thanksgiving with their daiighter, Mrs. Noni Uut.'er and husband who live near Smith Center, Kansas ' Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, will meet eye, ear, note and throat patients and those needing glasses tltted tit Dr. Sanderson's ofllce In Red Cloud, Mon day, Dec. 8th. "The Tower that transforme Life' will be tho Mihjfcl Sunday mottling at the Congregational church. Sub ject for the evening, "The Character of True-Religion." G. U. Bailey and his orchestra wore in Blue Hill Thanksgiving night where they furnished music for a dance. HOME NEWS Bulletin of The Week's Doings A. II. Carpenter and wife, daughter ,aud son and tluee giaudchildreti spent Thanksgiving in Franklin with his sister Mis M. A. Jones. District Court is in tpsslnu this week. Si'c Warren's restaurant for Fresh ovstets. See the complete lin of rugs nt Miner Bros. Co Bert C. llctison was a Superior visit or last Sunday. Ralph Ileal spent Thanksgiving in this city with his parents. Ev.erton Foe of Sheridan, Wyoming, spent Thanksgiving in this city with his pareuts Uoy Fearn and wife of Superior spent Thanksgiving in this city with their pareuts. Mrs. J. W. Kinsell enjoyed a short visit with her friend, Mrs, Marshall of Rlverton Saturday. Charley Fox, who Is woiklng at Aurora, spent Thanksgiving in this city with his parents Webster Hay returned Friday from Grand Island where he spent Thanks giving with his parents. M. 1 Frohen and wife of Hnstiugs spent Thanksgiving In this city with J. A. Bradford and family. Carl McArthur returned home from Des Moines, Iowa, Monday where he had been visiting friends. -W. R. C. will meet Dec. Oth. at 3 o'clock p. m. every member be present as there will be election of oftlcers. Kd Chancy icturut'd this morning from Red Cloud where lie has been for a few da) s visiting with relatives and tiaiiMictingsomc business matter Wednesday's Superior K.xpres". Some snealc thief stole a due turkey out of Will Kent's chicken coop the last, of (he week. A good dose of cold lead would teach some of these persons who are up to such ttloks us this a good lesson. A baby daughter was born to M and Mrs. Sid Loiigtiu at Great Falls, Montana, Wednesday November JU The infant died on November 28 and Mr. and Mrs. Loiigtiu have the sympa tlrjr of their many Red Cloud friends in their time of bereavement Rev. S. II. Imell, State Superintend cut of Sunday school woik for the Congregational churches of Nebraska, will give an address in the Co tig re gatloual church on Monday evening, December 8th. at 7:30. The public is cordially invited to hear this able speaker. Mr. Deck, manager pf the Ave and ten cent store have their store win dows nicely decorated for Christmas. A trial of the Comet Cigar will con vince you that it is well worth loots, while it is sold for Outs, by all dealers. Miss Kathrj ne Burke returned the first of the week from Walnut, Iowa, where she has been visiting her par Howard Foe, who is attending the state university at Liucoln, spent Thanksgiving in this city with his parents. The ladies of the Christian church will bold tbeir bazaar and serve din ner at the Woodmen Hall Saturday Dec. I3tb. "Babe" Hunt of Guide Rouk, who started out with the Lyceum Stock Co., as piaiioist, tilled one night's en gagement with the show here and io tinned to his home at Guide Rock Tuesday. Ratio got homo sick and would rather be in his barber shop holding do. vn the toiiborial chair. W. A. Huff and Presley Pool of the Superior Morning Jturual passed through Red Cloud before daylight last Monday morning. These gentlc- men were formerly on Gov. Aldrich's staff as state game wardens and the nature of their transactions at Frank lin so early iu the morning still re mains a mystery to us. On Wednesday of last week nt Nel son Miss Esther Clauson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cluuson of this city, was united in marriage to Mr. Claude (Jarrovv. Rev. Kuan of the Presbyter ian church at that place oflloiatiug. They will make their home in this city and will reside iu the Andy Hart prop erty! Mr. Uurrow is a traveling solicit or for the St. Joseph Stock Yards, The Chief extends 'congratulations. Last Thursday evening the fire de partment was called out on account of an alarm b'eing put in that Bert Garber's suitatorimn iu the Potter block was on fire. The electric sad iron was left turned on and it got hot and set the table on fire. Some of the men who were standing across the street saw tbe fire and went up and put the fire out with a few pails of water. RiiBel Amaek, Jack Cather, Ray Saunders and Chas. Sherer, who are attending the stto university at Lin coln, spent Thanksgiving In this city wltli their parents. Monday and Tuesday DEC. N It THE RIGHT OF WAY-A good two reel drama veiy entertaining. THE GREAT MSCOVKRY-A charming diamu. PICK WICK The "Adventuresof the Hunting Put ly" with John Runny us Pickwick THE RARY ELEPIIANT-A vita graph comedy. s Wednesday and Thursday DEO. lO-ll THE PIRATES-A diverting two reel Vitagraph Comedy with John Bunny iu a leading part-very onjoy ablo. nnrtvnnn mr.i.VM r..iH.. !...... a good Essany drama with Anderson in the leading part. THE HIGHER LAW-A strong offer ing and an instructive drama. You win line ii. Watch This Space NEXT WEEK We are going to have some nice things to offer you for the Nen and Boys for Christmas Gifts. wm '.v.v.w.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.'.v. w.v.y. 3 5 We received a new Bargain Purchase of ij Men's Overcoats this week. They are All m Wool, Converte Collars, regular J $13.50 fc 16.00 values 41a O 1 0 CA :. Are selling now at plU X lL.oD AVV.V.V.VVniSSWiiVA"V.V.W.V.SS".V.V.V.W. he Qomden-K aley frothing Qo. Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers F ' ! Connie Starke returned homo Friday from Fort Worth, Texas, and other southern points. He brought back 11 ears of Panhandle cattle which the Starke Bros., will feed this winter. The Red Cloud Encampment, branch of the I. O. O. F. held a well attended meeting last Friday' evening and initiated Walt Warren, Henry Pliares and Ted Harris into the iiiy-torlus of the oid"!'. The second degree will he given Filday evening Dee. 11 The Encampment has a largo memhotship hero and a huge. iunrcssu Isimtieipated in the next few months. You in. in bors of I he Encampment who wete. not theie last Fihb.y evening suiely mias ed an e.cellent time. Refreshments were served A largo delegation from Guide Rock was pteseut. One of the real big dinners that weio served Thanksgiving day was eu joyed by forty-four of the relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mountford. One ot the guests iu reporting tho en joyable affair to the Chief loportcr said that even yet he had not fully re covered from the c fleets of over-eat-lug. Tin key, goose, chicken aud all other things that make Thanksgiving a day of feasts were on the bill of fare. Iu the uf tct noon seventeen of the gentlemen went hunting and bagged a few rabbits. It whh a day spent in such u manner that it will long be re membered by all who were there. Relief Association Elects Officers The Red Cloud Relief Association held u meeting Saturday, Nov. 'J'Jih , and elected the following otlicers: President, Geo W. Trine. Vice Piosideut, Mrs. G, V. Hummel. Treasurer, Mix. W, II. Rosoncians. Secretary, Miss Irene Miner. Mrs. J. H. Bailey was appointed Chalrmau uf the soliciting committee aud any one wishing to make donations may notify Mrs. Bailey or Geo. Triue who will call or send for same. Mrs. Geo W. Trluo was appointed Chairman of the Visiting Committee and the committee desires that all cases of charity be reported to Mrs. Trine who will care for same as toon as possible. Tlieio will be regular meetings every Friday afteruoou at 'i o'clock in the west loom over the Postotilce and all Interested are Invited to attend. The organization lias already receiv ed many donations of useful articlis and wish to thank tho donors for the same but are in need of more especial ly children's clothing and shoes. First show at T::iO, Matinee Satur day afternoon at '2;M p. in. All ehildiou under 1'J eafs, Tie. Adults 10c. BE JEALOUS OF THE BEAUTY OF YOUR HAIR In other wind", be caicl ul of it. The beau'y of your hair depends upon its health. If it's beautiful, it's healthy To make it ghiMiy, bright, silky solt to inut-e It fall more easily into the graceful, wavy folds of the coiffure to niliko It May whem you put It use ilaimoiiy Hair lleautllier. This dainty liquid dicssing is just what it Is mimed a beautllier. if your hair Is beauti ful now, use it. to make It even more so, and to preserve Its loveliness. If It is not. beautiful now, Harmony Hair Beautllier will impiove lis appearance in a way to please you, or money back lis rose fragiauco will oveicome the oily smell of your hair. E isy to apply simply sprinkle a little on your hair eaeli time before brushing it Con tains no oil; will tint change color of hair, nor darken gray hair. To keep hair and scalp dandruff-free and cleau, use Harmony Shampoo. ThU pure liquid shampoo gives an In stantaneous rich lather .that im mediately ponetrates to every port of hair and scalp, insuring a quick, thor ough cleansing. Washed off just us quickly, the entire operation takes only a few moments. Contains noth ing that can harm the lmii; haves 10 harshness or stickiness just a sweet cleanliness. Roth preparations come In odd-shaped, very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beau tiller. 81.00 Harmony Shampoo fine. Both guaranteed to satisfy you in every way, or your money back. Sold in this community only at ourst-jro The Rexall Store one of the more thau 7,0f0 leading drug stores of the United States, Canada and Great Britain, which own the big Harmony laborator ies iu Boston, where the many cele brated Harmony Perfumes aud Toilet Preparations are made. II B. (Jrlce Drug Co., Red Cloud, Nebr. Now that Christmas Time Is Drawing NEAR V Would it not be good policy to do 71 your Christmas shopping early? The t shrewd Christmas buyer does not wait until everything has been picked over and then rush in at the last minute And buy what is left. Why not come in now while wc have time to show ydu our goods and while every line is complete. If it is pictures, music cabinets, Rocking chairs, dinning chairs or small rugs. s We are well supplied in all lines DSYV CATTI rv! Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. A 1 Notice. We wish to Install a cash cream re- celvlng station in every town in Neb raska, and desire to secure the services of good, reliable parties to represent us as agents. We furnish everything and will pay an extraordinary liberal commission, ir you want to buy cream, let us hear from you. KmscHHiAUN & Sons Omaha, Nebraska. G. G. DENNY AUCTIONKCR. Muptrlor, . v Nbrka. Phono 337 Peb. 8. S. Richardson, 5 miles north west of Burr Oak. Feb. .?. J. II. Hamilton & Son. bred sow sale of Poland Chinas, (lulde Rock. Feb. 0. W. L. Denny, 5 miles north of Guide Rock. Feb. ro. Lew Smith, 3 miles north cast of Guld Rock Peb. Jl. U. G, Hlggins 3 miles north of Nora, Feb. 17. Rodney Rogers, 5 miles southeast of Mt. Clare. Feb. 25 A. T. Cross, Duroc Jersey sow sale in Guide Rock. Feb. 2d. Nate Simpson, 3 miles northwest of Guide Rook. Feb. 21. Jas, Martin, 1$ miles southeast of Mt. Glare. Marchp. Bernard and Hlggins wil make a Poland China sow sale at Nelson. 7 20 Per Cent Discount Just Think of it. We are really paying you to help us sell out this stock. Discount sales are frequent when the merchant wishes to clean up odds and ends, but we reserve nothing in this big, clean stock of Up-to-date shoes. We are simply changing the line and the new stock already received is included in this sale. You need shoes and we need the room. The Big Sale is still on. Come early. i nrTinnrnwr vnnn wnvrn oca jjcinsrD jhug jiurs v c Newhouie Block. First-CIus Shoe Repairing pairing Advertising Holiday Goods. Merchants who feel the strain of the Ohrlstm-is holiday rush, and the frequent lack of profit In a big trade concentrated Into a few days should con sider the advantage of beginning early to advertise holiday goods. Trade follows the advertising. Where merchants don't tell th !-. about their holiday stock until December is well under way, the public does not realize that holiday goods are In and make no special effort to bunt for gifts. All the stores are today carrying goods suited in every wav for holidav trade. An early trade can be created by the simple expedient of telling the public what tbey can do at this stage of tbe season. To the outsider at least, it would seem as If tbe merchants would like this tradtt distributed over as many weeks as possible. In that way tbey can avoid hiring extra help, and the public will be better satisfied if it avoids hasty buying. Regular advertising promotes and establishes this regular current of business. s '!: ! t i n $ "I! ! ' k f 1 i 3rl IHVJ m it HI m K m Pi ' i m H4ft i uwummmswiw "! P lHflHJbSMlWW'Sfrlft M