The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 04, 1913, Image 4

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Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Entered In the I'oMolllcc nt Ilttl (loml, Ncli.
ns Hccoml CI am Mnttcr
How muoh better it Is to take the
"brambles out of the path of your
friend than to add thorns to -wound
Jiis feet.
A good housewife never opens the
rCftnued vegetables with her husband's
-tfftzor, nor will a loving husbiuul curry
the horse with the nutmeg grater.
Suppose Hint some ftofitiahitnncc of
your, or hoiiio oiio in the city or coun
try who does not believe on certain
aubiocts just us vou do. or who does
:ot belong to your church or society;
suppose you should go into some groc
sery or dry goods store and toll Mr.
Jlcrchiint not to sell him any goods
even If he hud the cash und was will
ins to pay the usual price for it What
iwould the ineruliiint bo most likely to
tell you? It's just the sumo thing
swhen you try to call thu editor of a
jwwspaper down for running some
.Jtgitlmatc advertising for some society
(0t firm that you do not believe in.
tThe advertising space in n newspaper
J the editor's stock in trade and he
UMiBt sell it or go the route of the mer
ijthsnt who does not sell any goods.
:JJease remember this the next time
you see some item in the paper from
.3ono firm or organization that dilfcis
kWith you in opinion.
.'Many Farmers To
Attend Annual Meeting
ways existed between the two Interests
TliU will be the first time the farmers
of Nebraska will have an opportunity
to hear both sides discussed by men of
national reputation, who have thoroly
studied the question, Inasmuch as
both have personally investigated the
European methods, much of interest
will be offered for the Inter discussion.
More than LVXH) delegates, represent
ing every agricultural organization,
have been appointed from Nebraska.
Inasmuch aH "Tnlverslty Consoldldu
tiou" aud"TriXation "are to be consider
ed, a record attendance is anticipated.
The subjects Included in the program
are of vital moment to every citizen
of the state.
Value of Nebraska's 1913
Output Is Half Million
Greater than in 1912
Dosplte drouth conditions which ma
terially n.'Teotcd the corn yield in Ne
braska this hummer The state's com
bined output of corn, wheat, t, hay
and barley, exceeds that of last year
by more than one-ha'f million doltniH.
Such a lecord cuniiot be sot passed.
Nebraska Is one of the few states that
has succeeded in showing nn increase
lu production this year. As a conse
quence, business has been active all
through the state, and in Omaha, the
activity is more than that of last year
by twenty per cent.
As a rule, prices have been material
ly higher, the producers receiving from
ten to twenty per cent more for their
stuff than last year.
To overcome a loss la Its coin crop,
such as Nebraska did,ls a tribute to
the state, which easily entitles her to
her reputation as the best state in the
Local Unions Form .
County Organization
Wednesday a goodly number of dele
gates arrived in Ked Cloud Wednesday
to perfect a county organization of the
Farmers Kduciitioiiiil and Cooperative
Union of America. The morning
The program of the Nebraska Farm- j session was cancelled and promptly at
rs' Congre'H, which will bo held in 'one o'clock County Organizer John K.
OOnaha, December'.) toll, Is arousing1 Weliiuii'Mcr of Superior, presiding.
.Much interest because of the wide di- Tho following olllcers weru elected;
fatuity of subjects which Mill bo dis. , pie-blent, Qeoige Klckatd of liulde
-cussed. I'lesident (ieonre Counbmd Uoek; Vice I'res., Frank Amuck of
rjwored a tcn-frtrlke when ho secured ltud Cloud; Secretary-Treasurer, Fred
Professor (Itorgu Laumauu of Cornell Copley of Iuavalc; Conductor, Homer
.University and II. (iordon Jones of Crowell of Utirlield; Doorkeeper, Lloyd
Denver to present the fanuer-i' and Amiiulc .of Ib'd Cloud.
JbankoiV viewpoint of rural credits. I The executive committed elected was
A wido difference of opinion has al- A. L.tirosMiiHii of Iuavalc, II. Summer-
Wooltex Great Coats That Defy
. . . The Weather ' .5
sJSfs VsaA
J3lf i
WM' I 11
wl I sl
I I j 1 1
I n '
I it
iii l
Coprrlcht 19tl
1 Tbc H. Black C.
VVOOLTEX style correctness is
an accepted fad. The renown
of the Wooltex style bureau as the
vastest style authority is unquestioned. Wool
tex quality is equally certain. That there
may be no doubt of it, there is the Wooltex
guarantee of two full seasons satisfactory
j Comfort too, is assured to the
who buys a Wooltex great coat, for
w a a 1 I 1 111
coais siuray raDncs are employed, the coats
r afa llf lssCA rrr ft ill nn-J ir.ll -..l.. I.-l
wiv. v,m iuuoc auu iuii, x win surciy auora
protection in the severest weather.
"otsT AS vsA &
in these
by TLc II. BUck Co.
rsVsVsv7Vv . VyNA-NyvVv-vVvSwN
6369 taDmsv;z 6S63
Tho commlttqo of Nebraska editors, appointed for tho purpose at tho
'last Stato Convention, held in Omaha during tho summer of ID Hi, is very
IftaairouH of learning tho sentiment of tho newspaper readers of this stato
-jpon tho general subject of taxation, In order to frame an intelligent report
to bo submitted to tho next Stato Convention, and to Influence some lcglsla
.Uon upon tho question. YOUR OPINION IS IMPORTANT. Kindly till out
3be following ballot and forward sumo to L. J. QUINBY, CHAIRMAN,
Do you favor tho adoption of tho amendment submitted by tho last log
iJalaturo giving to tho legislature larger powers in tho matter of tax legla-.JatfenT
liuldfi of Coulus und U. Ailc of'Ued
Cloud Mr. Miner of (.initio Hock was
elec'ed county business silent. .The
next, meeliiif; will be held at Guide
Uoek Juuiiurv 1 1 at 10 . in. Tin
meeting yosterJay closed with a pub
lie addri-ss by Hon A. 0. Davis, the
National Secictiiry-TreuMiior of the
organ!. ttlon. lie gave 'mil- of his
characlnrNtii: aitdi'e-se.s full of humor
but yet telling in all its point-. Ho
gave the fiiriiii'i-.s soiut'lhlug to thiult
over after nriiving hiimeaud I a'libuio
that wiettt good will le-ut'from our
meeting Mhl tlmL in the near future mi
orguiil.aliou will be perfected in the
city of lied Cloud. John K. Weill
inelbter, County K. E. & C.
U. A.
Do you bellovo In tho taxation of farm implements and machinery, farm
provemonts, crops, stock or other products of tho farm?
Tho present constitution gives to tho loglplnturo power to exempt trees
taxation. Do you think It would bo a good thing for tho legislature to
an act exempting from taxation all trees?
Do you bollevo in tho taxation of merchants' or manufacturers' goods or
3els of production?
Do you bellovo in tho taxation of personal property, either in tho form
iJrf .household goods or of moneys?
Do you bellovo lu tho exemption of Improvements from taxation whether
,-aacb Improvements uro in tho form of business blocks, factory buildings or
Do you believe in inheritance or stato Incomo taxes?
"What would you think of tho taxation of franchises according to their
market value?
'Do you favor the practice of levying upon only one-fifth of the assessed
of properties?
If you are in favor of exemption of any oral) of the above oi.norated
rtlca from taxation, from what source would you recommend that rev
for the maintenance of public Institutions should come?
Charley Sehultz's children who have
been slclc with the whooping cough niu
Lon Woiiderly whs out on wind mill
row Monday ami got his mules from
Mr. McElliHiiey.
Mrs. Al Smith and children were
visiting her father and, mother Satur
day and Sunday
Will Fisher and children spent
Thanksgiving day with his sister, Mr.
Ceo. Coon and family.
On account of Tnehday beluga rainy
day there were not very many at the
Hawkins mid Wolfe sale.
Smith Uro-. hid a ear of coin on the
trnelt in Red Cloud and were busy
hauling it the last of the week.
Kay Davis and Carter l.lppeneolt re
turned from Dakota last weok They
look well and are homo to spend tho
A line rain nn Frldny night and more
on Saturday night. The rain all went
into the ground and it will help the
wheat and muke the people feel better.
The great Turkey day, Thanksgiv
ing day, is a tiling of the past and
every one had a good feed and now we
are waiting and longing for Christmas.
the nerves and heaiL leave-.
worse than they weio before
ll.all Olive Oil Emulsion N a real
medluii.e-a splendid body utid sti euglh
.builder, especially tfond for old people,
beeiui-e it furnishes to the sy-teui in
gredliMits neoess try 1. 1 rein-ill wasted
tihSUC-, stllMlgthlMl lIlH lltflVI". yho
new energy and ti yoiingr and livelier
frellin; to the body. It doesn't emit ilu
a drop of alcohol tier any i!aliL"'ntiis
drills Itmxv nut in ik vou f-el heite'1
aflerllie llrst dis(., nor perlMS for
scveial days. Hut if jon don'' f-el
tnoch liettiM ami .stroniser before ou
h.tvu taken a tiuii'tiM' as much its yon
have of o' In-r niedieine-i that didn't
help you, we will e-ladly isivtf you back
your money. That's ceitiul. u-(iu:ire
deal. ' '
The four ff.ipnphosphUes it eoii'iiins
are used by leaditiks plivsicians every-
''liere in debility, weakness and llablll
ty to disease, to tone and streugihen
the nerves, rarest Olive Oil, one of
the most nutriotioiiH, inost-casily di
gested foods known, being taken with
the hypophophites, gives rieli tissue
nourishment to the entire system.
You who ure weak and rundown,
and you who are apparently well now,
but are liable to sulfer from vhiIoiis
cold weather ailments, use Iluxall
Olive Oil Emulsion to g-t and keep
well and s'roug. For the tired-out,
run down, nervous, emaciated or de
bilitatedthe convalescing growing
children aged people It is a sensible
pleasant tasting aid to renewed
Btreinstli, better spirits, glowing
health. If it does not help jon. your
mi.iiiiv ivlll In- irlt'iMi linelc tri vnn with.
I out iiririiiueut. Sold in this commun
ity only at our store The Ke.MiU
Store one of more than 7,000 leading
drug stores In tho United State ,
Canada and ( Hrltain. II. E.
Oriee Drig Co,
them '.......
Farm Loanu-l have a limited n
mouut of private money to place in first
mortgage farm securities, short or
long time, at lowest rates with optional
payments. Write or plmr.e. Daniel
G.vkukii, Rlverton, Nebraska.
'Would you favor local control of taxation?
Strength For Old People
Old people, to overcome the weaken
ing, debilitating effects of increasing
old age, often make a very sad mis
take in using socalled "remedies" that
contain alcohol aud dangerous or habit
forming drugs, Often this stuff be
cause it llveus aud brightens them up
a little just after taking a dose, leads
them to Imagine that it is doing them
good, when it Isn't. Remedies that
plv for tbelr nala nn stioh ... If Art
barm, because the falsa excitement of 1
A Story a Day.
A story a doy for the DtVi daysof 1U11
that Is a part of what you get by sub
scribing 3J.00 for The Youths' Compan
ion new volume. The fifty two weekly
issues of The Companion will contain
at least H05 stories, and all the other
kinds of good reading that can be
crowded between two covois the best
advice on athletics for boys, articles
on dress and recreation for girls, con
tributions by f anions men and women,
suggestions for the care of the health,
For tho year's subscription of 82.00
there is included a copy of The Com
panion Practical Home. Calendar for
1014, and all of the issues for tho re
maining weeks of 1014, dating from the
time the subscription is received.
If you want to know more about the
Oompauion before subscribing, send
for sample coples.containlng the open
ing chapters of Arthur Stan wood Pier's
floe serial of life in a boy's school
"His Father's Son." With them we
will send the full announcement for
i: 'a
Shop Early Sale
December 4 to 13, inclusive :
- Jg
Wm rWmi
'' 114 Berkeley St., Boston, Maes.
In order to have our customers do their
trading early we are offering extra induce
ments for your benefit.
20 per cent discount on all Wool Dress Goods, includ
ing wide wales, serges, diagonals, etc., in all colors
and prices. This is indeed for your benefit com
ing just at the beginning of the winter.
20 per cent discount on my large line of Handbags.
15 per cent discount on all Ginghams. This also is
a remarkable offering at this time.
20 per cent discount on Table Cloths and Napkins'
A very useful Xmas present.
Don't forget the date, Dec. 4 to 13
Every 25 cents paid on
account or every 25-cent
cash purchase entitles
you to a number on the
three large dolls to be
given away December 24
Barbara Phares
Btitterick Patterns
1...MI mi,. wiBnW0yiKi..-fe