The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 04, 1913, Image 1

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4 rlewsiajer That fltoes The News Firty-twi Weeks Each Year Fer 11.50.
$ This Government Won't Put
Its Money
In a bank
that docs not guarantee t against loss.
Why Should You?
The United Slates will not deposit a dollar in a
National Bank, on any other bank, unless the bank
furnishes a bond for twice the amount deposited.
The United States Government can at any time
make an investigation of any National Bank and learn
all about its resources. But still the Government de
mands a guarantee for its depositswhy shouldn't YOU
have protection.
Your deposits in this bank are protected by the
State Guaranty Law no matter what 'happens
frprrintf In Bad
- r--0
in I Tin ther day I miw something tint
' IOi.tliku to soi bi'iMiise it either
'?. vs slinrtiirlittMliicNN or oiuvlos--
J. R. DUNIiirl
Nebraska Horticulture
tt 9r3a3&393r39&&9 933 3333 ?'
Mackinaw Coats
Sweater Coats
Overcoats , '
Fur Coats
The Best for the Money
Paul Storey
s THE CLOTHIER -Lifcl1 '
11 51 n
Christmas Opening
Our Store is now opened for
Our Annual Holiday trade.
Thousands of useful and most
acceptable articles that would
make appropriate gifts. .
5c & 10c STORE
ms-. I wont, over to u grocei y not, fur
from my home mid bought fcotnu No
hi nk i Jonathans huc.tuso I like llio
lln or of them better thtin any tipple
grown either eiiM or west. 1 t.siw the
giooer opit up tlu Imriel when It whs
delivered lv tin uholesule lion-o to
the grocery. The barrel was nuiikel
No. 1 ami cost tho grocer SI. HO per
hiiriel, Upon removing the lid from
the fiiee em! of the ban el ami examin
ing the f.ieo layer we weio not able to
l'lnl an absolutely perfect iipplo to
that lavr. They ranged in size from
two anil one-fourth Inch in diameter
toll inches and from one-fourth color
to full color. On removing the face
layer we found apple's fiout oiiu ami
throe-fourths inches in diameter to
three Inches in diameter, apples with
worm holes ill the end, worm holos on
the hide and several lot leu specked
ones, apples' with scatcoly any color
and very few that would grade strictly
No. I'm if standard pack was used.
These apples were sold to the grocer
as No. 1 apples and were grown and
packed tv one of our largo orohardUts
of the stato Is it any wouder'that
people are not eating the apples that
they did in years gone by? I don't
think that every No. 1 barrel that goes
out f i oin Nebraska is this kind because
the buyers of the east want our apples
and will pay 11 premium to get the
better grades They know that Nc,
b.iaska apples propel ly packed and
graded will keep better in st irage and
hare a better ibtvor and appeal auce
than apples grown in any other scut
Ion. Our own consumers aie not
acquainted with this fact because they
have not had the opportunity to decide
for themselves. Our growers complain
that the home dealer won't pay ns
much as the eastern buyer and yet our
consumers hae to eat western box
apples or New York apples and pay a
high price for them or culls taken
from our better grades that are ship
ped out of the state. Can you blame
the home dealer from turning down
tho home grown apple and buying a
box apple when ho knows that every
apple iu that box is the same us every
other apple and he can figure exactly
what he can sell the apples for ami his
profit on them. ' Can ho do that with
the average Nebraska growers pack?
The Nebraska grower is standing in
his own light when he puts up a pack
of apples and calls them first grade
and they contain seconds and third
grade apples In the same barrel. Bet
ter to standardize the pack and then
hew strictly to the lino and when your
name goes on & barrel and you call it
No. 1 seo to it that It is strictly that.
How do you expect a good reputation
for your fruit and to get the top prices
that Nebraska fruit Is entitled to when
It Is properly graded and packed? The
remedies that must bo used are first
the proper up-to-date methods in tbo
care of your orchard and crop, then in
the proper grading and packing of
that crop In best manner possible put
ting up only the choicest grades In
barrels or boxos and then using tho
other grades In some by product such
as cider, canned or evaporated apples.
Not all our orchardist are guilty of
putting up such a pack as I found at
the grocers but we all neod to take
heed to our ways and seo 'that no fault
can be found with our packing and
then Nebraska apples will fee put in a
class by themselves as the apples that
have no peer in the consumer's home
in Nebraska. Let's all work together
to Improve the pack that goes out from
our orchards and help sustain the fact
that Nebraska produces the best flavor
ed, best keeping and most uniform
apple grown.
Weather Report For
Month Of November
Temporattire: Mean IS deg; maxi
mum T'J decree on 17. 13, 'Jdlh; mini
mum l(i dei?. on 10th
PiLvipltatlon: Total !?:I2 Inclu's,
Number of days-clear II, partly
e'oudy l, cloudy 'i.
lUtes of-Thuuder-.loi'iiis on 21.
Prevailing wind N. 10. 10 day.
llemiik.H fl days with mom than .01
Inch rain full; U foBgy mornings; tin
iiMtuI iiiiiiilu r of cloudy dajn.
Cns. .S. lii'iil.ow,
School Board
Holds Meeting
lied (Jloud, Nebr,, Doc. 1, liUII.
Hoard met in regular session nt Dr.
Cioighton's nfllce at 1 p. m. Members
present Creigbton, Coon, Tnrnuie,
(iilham, (ico. Coon presiding.
Minutes of previous meeting read
and approved without corieullon.
ijuporiuteudent's and secretary's re
ports received.
Supcilnleudeiit lepnrted that tho
high school building had been eutered
by night, entrance having boon made
by breaking windows and doors and
that private and. public property had
bten destroyed by parties entering the
building. The offense of ;breaking in
has been committed threo times dur
ing the present school year.
Upon motion by (Hlham, seconded
by Crelghtou, the boaid oulered a
standing reward of SSSuOtoniiy person
giving information leadingtothe arrest
and conviction of any person or persons
guilty of foieing an entrance into the
school buildings.
Upon motion tho Christmas vacation
was to begin Dec. 21 and end Jan. fi,
10 H.
Moved and seconded that tho secre
tary bo instructed to notify all mer
chants having accounts with district
No.3, that, after Jan, 1, 1011, all claims
rfgainst the district must bo filed with
the secretary on or before tho first day
of each month and that n duplicate
bill must accompany each purchase
The following bills were read and
ordered paid:
Joe Carr 8 9.40
Mrs. H. IMiares 4.11
S. R. Florauce 4.1.45
A. FlanagHii 0.80
Thomas Charles 4,93
Pope Uros 17.75
II. II. Waite.. 2.00
Chief '. 2.30
Argus 1.25
Commercial Advertiser 7.G0
A. M. Iiarnes 2.0O
Ed. Amack 1O.O0
Current Events 8.00
Piatt & Frees 423.38
Roard adjourned.
R. D. Moiut, Secretary.
Cut Glass
Costs Money
n pA
And tho better it is the mbre
it costs just like everything
else. ih
But cut glass is- bought mainly
for its beauty anyway and
you can't get beauty without
paying for it.
But that needn't frighten any
lover of cut glass away from,
our store.
To tell you that ours is moder
ately priced, doesn't explain
anything for you.
To tell you that we have just
opened a now, clean stock does
not let you know the beauty of
our glass, nor can you appre
ciate the beauty of our new
silver deposit ware till you
seeit. us. ,-,
So we guess you'll just have to
drop in and see for yourself,
Will you?
Optometrist and Jeweler
RED CLOUD, ... Nebraska
) (
The county commissioners are hav
ing the cottonwood trees cut dowu in
the court house park this week so that
the present "temple of justice" can be
moved back when spring opens,
Red Cloud 73
Grand Island 0
On Thanksgiving day the Grand Is
land High school foot ball team came
down and tried to play our boys a
game before a large crowd of enthus
iasts in the afternoon.
In the first half of the game our
boys put up a great game and time
after time mado touch downs and kick
ed goals. The score at the end of the
first half of the game was 53 to 0.
In the second half of the game our
boys made 3 touch downs und kicked
goal twice milking a score of 30 points
Red Cloud played a good game and
In the second quarter of tbo game they
tookbut sevoral of the players so that
thoy could rest for the second half and
put In substitutes to All their places.
Tho Grand Island team did uot put
up a very hard battle and the 'crowd
was disappointed because tho High
school at that place did not send down
a better team.
The Grand Island boys informed us
that the Red Cloud team played tbo
cleanest game that they bad played
this year.
"He That Loveth a Book Will
Never Want a Faithful Friend,
a Cheerful Companion, an Ef
fective Comforter"
Good books are always appropriate gifts. Many people
save themselves time and worry by selecting books. No mistake
can be made in such suleutlons. Hooks meet every condition of
a good gift.
Our stock Includes the latest fiction, beautiful gift
editions, the classics at various pricoi, juvenile books, standard
novels, etc.
Iu no other lino can you getsuoh fine and valuable gifts
for the same amount of expenditure.
In our book department you will also find an attractive
line of diaries, calendars cards, mottoes, etc.
Come In and Look Through Our Shelves
Whit Three Cents Did
A little boy about six years old rush
ed luto a store iu Trenton and asked
if they kept those stamps that had the
picture of Santa Claus on The clerk
said: "Yes, my boy, we do; how many
would you like to have?" Tho little
boy looked earnestly luto tho clerk's
face and asked: "How much are
they?" The clerk answered that they
were only a cent apiece. The child
looked joyfully around and said, "I
heard my mother talking about how
the money was to help the poor sick
people that had consumption. I've
only got threo cents, but I want to help
them by buying stamps."
lie received his three Red Cross Seals
and left the store, proud to think he
had perhaps helped some boy's father
who had that terrible disease,
Red Cloud Will Have
Chautauqua Next Year
The first of the week the committee
composed of Wilbur Hamilton and B.
II. Newhouse made a canvass of the
city and got contracts for 517 season
tickets for the 1014 chautauqua. Tbe
chautauqua will be managed next
season under the auspices of tbe Red
Obud Chamber of Comraero. As tbe
517 tickets sold, only represent a few
hours work by the committee it h
certain that the necessary COO will
easily be taken on their next trip.
This Is a progressive more on the
part of tbe Chamber of Commerce and
every oitUen of Red Cloud and vicinity
should give the 1014 chaaUnqaa their'
loyal support.