,..flVwiMfli-' M1 !-,, fcUN -"- 1 p. "fcJi RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF tjLLkM.L,Jvi&uBm jtifc .t:m4-A.i.'vy--UJJ w .! 9 ! : -) IV 1 V THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska PUbl IfrllfcU KVKKY T1IUHSDAT Enured In the t'ogtonlco nt II cd i lmul, Net as Hccond Class Matter 0 B. HALE runi.iHiiKH TM ONLY DKMOCUATIC I'AI'KIl IN WKI1HTKH COUNTY J, - Probably very few persons under- -pUnd theexpreMlon, "Comln' Through be Rye." There Is i Scotland a vmall stream called the Kye. The lrls forded it going to church, school jtlhi to mntket, mid hh tho water wnsn iJoot or two deep they had to hold I heir klrts up. The hojs would meet them in midstream ntid kiss them without ,juiy dlfllcnlty as the girls couldn't drop the skirts to ninl.e any resistance. That's what tho poet metit when ho wrote, "Comln' Through the Uyo" but jaost people think lit incut a Held of rye. Kansas Flintier. Why shouldn't It. be u good thing. since people must have things churned, Jor the merchants who for this reason isrc forced to employ bookkeeper and cCAsklers, add a proportionate Hum to iCaoh bill to offset tho necessity and tjcott of keeping these accounts. It. ..would be no more thin fair to the jPierchant in his endeaver to furnish the people honest VHlue for an ordinary price when he is forced to compete a- gainst, the big mall older house who jgsust have cash In advance. Howevei, jwhen we tneutloned this solution to ..one of the Smith Center merchants nly lately he begged us not to advise oyoue to suggest it to him on their bill as bo was lather addicted to heart trouble anyway. Smith Center Pion eer. Egg Circles Did you ever hearof an "egg circle'". Jt isn't anything to eat or drink oi wear. It Is just a new scheme of help ing the farm which produces the eggs to get a fair price for the product, and -assures the man who buys the egg' that ho Is gettlue a llrst cltss product jat only a mull inciease on the pro tjducor's price. At tho piesent time, November '.'() tCohl htornge eggs uio selling In bin eoln for 510 cents per dozen, while atrlellv fresh eggs are minted at 10 c-ents with only a small supply aval' jiblo at that pi'oe To some of us who Jihvo marketed many a half bushel ,tueasuro of eggs at 10 or 12 cents a ,jdozen,'0 eentVhciMiw iUo a big pi lee 'Tbero seems to be not only a scut city cot eggs, but nit active demand foi -.tlicm. The city consumer Is willing to -pay the price providing he gets what -be wishes. inordinary eggs pass through severa1 Jjands before reaching tlo consumer. zMBil be buys without any knowledge of tU Ft history of tho eggs. Tho egg t-fffrelr, formed by farmers of a given "JkcHty, enters hero-' Fjnch member efff tbe circle stamps bis eggs with his jtttmber and the number of his circle EJm: eggs of the entire circle nro shipped .direct to the distributors whose oils tlMners arc as interested In quality as Jlpirice. If an egg Is not all right the :jBjMRber makes It easy 1o locate the rjtara who wts careless In Ontario, ZJBWnbcrs of circles have been recelv JMa bonm of from two to llfteen GMflts a dnzui for their eggs. ,Would the egg circle make the bens Uy? Ceitalnly not, but. the man who cCQuld be assured of receiving the top -price for bin eggs would take mcusntrs to encourage his lions. They will filially rc-pond if ho encourages tliMti in tho right way. A small Incre.ise In price means a ".biff Increase In profit, as the ordinary -price Is very noir to the cost of pro Eduction. Tho Nebraska Agricultural CGallogM is vory sure thnt thiseggclr.de r proposition is not only worth thinking .about but worth trying out. Obituary llonry .1. Sheldon was born In Perry, New York, February l'Jth.lSll. When a boy he removed to West Hloomllcld .if the same state. Thence ho cami to Nebraska In 1878. In March 188.1 he was married to Miss KhiioIc Bright. Five children wore born to this union: Mary, Ocorgc, Walter and Hazel, who still live in the vicinity of Itcd Cloud, and Saldo, who died in childhood. Mr. Sheldon has always been engag ed in farming since Ids residence In this state, part of the time near Cowles, and the remainder of the time near this city. In bis young manhood he spent some time teaching, for which his edu cational qualifications fitted htm. He joined the Congregational church in his youth and remained a faithful, and exemplary member of that denomi nation until his death. Ho was a deacon of the Congiegatlotial church (f this city a number of yoats, and, when his nearness to the city permit ted, he was faithful in his attendance at all lie church and Sunday School services. Few men in the vicinity ImVe enjoyed tho esteem of the people in a greater degree than did Mr. Sheldon. He was a Christian gentleman In the best sense of the words. Ills Integrity was above question and Ids virtues were easily lecoguled A good provider for his home and family, an agreeable neighbor, a public spirited citizen, firm in Ids adherence to the right, jet charitable in his regard of others, lie was oue of those nihil who could be good without giving offense, who could be slnceie in bis own convictions without bigotry, and zealous without intolerance. His own piety increased his charity for Ids neighbors, and his religious earnestness was exhibited in H greater consideration for the feelings of those about him. Something over a year ngo Mr. Shel don retired from his active life upon tiio farm, and took up his residence in the city. He had been Mitierlng from a weak heart, fur some time, and has been con 11 lied to his house for two months, wheie ho gradually grow worse until last Saturday night when be fell into the sleep thai knows no waking this side of the unending morn. Tho f uncial services weie conducted from his homo Wednesday afternoon, tho Rev. Mr. Ilayne, pntor of theCon- gicgiittonal church oiliciuuug. Seveuil instances illustrating tho rectitude of I he deceased hare been cdlcd to our attention, notably one. whore he iisiumed a largo pecuniary obligation, which he could Illy allot d, liecuusi) all hough, theiu was no moral legal responsibility resting upon S3E9Kn3?3S3SS Wodltex Great Coats That Defy . . . The Weather . . . i"AvAvvA' s VwNa Vs" YOOLTEX style correctness is ? ' an accepted fad. The renown of the Wooltex style bureau as the vastest style authority is unquestioned.. Wool tex quality is equally certain. That there may be no doubt of it, there is the Wooltex guarantee of service. two full seasons' satisfactory the woman for in these 3926 CofTflibt 1911 t7 Tbc H. Slick Co. Comfort too, is assured to who buys a Wooltex great coat, coats sturdy fabrics are employed, the coats are cut loose and full, and will surely afford protection in the severest weather. WH&2i t. I 8 8 CopjrlcM 1911 t TLe It. BUck Co. flf0PtPn Clfl'f THE MINER BROS. CO THE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX COATS SUITS SKIRTS CVvsVvNyVs,v SffisaBHHBtt6$$9aB3SS3B3ESa, S3 S3 fBmma&mzai&3&3 rJ lilm, he yi.'t. fot It Id, dutj to share miot lint's burden The cliciiuistances of the case forbid any fartl or details at this lime, but the occuireueo was o o Unit exhibited in a striking way the character of the man; a character, which, if exhibited in tunny otheis, would ensure the harmony and happi ness of u community, so far as upright oitizenship and genuine neigbborliness can asure such results. do not know, ask us to send you sample copies for instance, thosa containing the opening chapters of Arthur S'an wood Pier's lino sei iul-"llls F.itheiV Son." Full ATiuoitncemeut for I'.Ul will be sent willi tho sample copies. For tln 'ear's sid scrlpliou of S2.0) there will be included The Companion Practical Home callcudar and all of tlis issues of the paper for the remain ing weeks ot 1UKI, dating, from the time the subscript Ion is icceived. t Tin: Voinit'.s Companion, 111 Ueikeley St, Huston, Mass. d63' l-SSd !3c US3vr! Notice. ,We wish to install a cash cream re fjKclvlnR station in every town in Neb rwalcH, and desire to secure tbe services efff good, reliable parties to represent Mb agents. We furnish everything mjKl will pay an extraordinary liberal cjwowmlssion. If yon want to, buy aiDrra)t let us hear from you. Kiiischiibaun it Sons Oinaba, Nebraska. Keal Estate IransTers. For the week ending Nov. 2.1th., lUl.'t. Compiled by M. W. Carter, Bonded Ab stracter, Med Cloud, Nebr It. W. Koontz, Comity Treasurer, to I). K. Slawson, Tax Deed, lots 7, 8, Ulk. 1, Uarbers 1st Add to Red Cloud S 005 llcijh W. Uulliford to Margaret Lowder, wd, lots H, 4, lllk. 1, Kaley & Jackson's Add to Red Cloud , .'.'.. .. 000 Mollie Ilupert and Husband to Kllsi.il oth Huppert, wd, lots I, S, 3, II k. 8, MorejHAddtollluo Hill Obed lb Harvey and wife to Dean W. llarvev, wd, swf US-U-l'J.. . Obed U Harvey and wife to Karl K. Harvey, wd, nwJJ lie,1! 2S ' li Lena M. bong and husband to U. H. Wolf, wd, lots I, a, 3, iij$ lot t, iiik.2:t, Red Cloud Mary A. lleiiuett and husband to Silas A. Fiuuhcr, wd, lots '1$, 21, lllk. S, Rail Ilond Add to Red Cloud Mortgages tiled, S18,350.(H) Mortgages leleased, vMU,9r.0o Ol J(H Kl 11)00 1C00 18(10 00 Similar. ' jXtecon "Huxley said that an oyeter Jt ma complicated as a watch." Eg Irart "Well, 1 know both ot them run JmmB easily." gat'.1..1 For Sale A few Poland China Boats from tbe noted nerds of I'hll Dawson and J. H. Hamilton &, Sou. Inquire of Joe Crow, Red Cloud, I Mil. The Youth's Companion, 1914 jAreYou Going Visiting? 3G41 Us About It So We Can Tell Your Friends and Acquaintances. Seven college presidents and a num ber of college instructors, including ox'-prisideut Taft, will contribute to the Youth's Companion during 191 1. Then tltoro is CoueStratton Potter. whose storries of Indiana woods and swamps have made her famous, and Kate Duoghib Wlggln, who never wrote a dull line in iter life, and Mrs, burton Horrlsson, who Iremembers when con versation was really an art as practised in Washington and in the manor houses of Virginia. And this is just a beginn ing of the list. If yon know The Companion, you have a pretty good Idea of what Is in store for next year's readers. If you Don't Dope A Puny Child Parents don't give that puny ailing, under-weluht child any of those so called "tonics" containing alcohol or dangerous drugs; such stuff won'tglve relief and health to grown people, let alone childi en. Its purpose is tostimu late for a short time after each dose, just as whiskey or morphine does, thus making you believe it is doing rcul good. (live that child something that will really build it up replenish the wast ed tissues feed tho stunted, dwarfed, puny muscles make It lively, strong, well full of tbe animal spirits children arc meant by nature to have. Give it Rexall Olive Oil Kmulslon. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion Is whole some, nourishing, free from alcohol and dangerous drugs. It's tho idotl nerve, blond an 1 body builder. It does the work it N ii'mmcd to do better than ar.v other medicine- we know of, and our faith lit It is so urcit that ue not only urge you to use it and give it to your children but, we guarantee that It will do all we say it will, or cost you nothing Rexall Olive Oil Kmulslon should be given to children who citeh cold easily. Begin right now, and use it to build up the olillds ystem to such strong hoaltb that it can resist colds, croup, grippe, bronchitis, catarrh, pneumonia, and other cold weather dlo:ises You who are weak and run-down, and you who are well now, but are liable to suffer from various cold weather ail ments, uho Rexall Olivo Oil Kmulslon to,get and kep well and strong. For tho tired out, run-down, nervous, emaciated or debilitated the conva-leselng-growing children uweil people it. is a sensible aid to renewed strength, better spirits, glowing health. Rexall Olive Oil Kmulslon king of tho celebrated Re-xall Remedies is for freedom from sickness of you and your family. Pleasant-tasting, containing no alcohol or dangerous drugs, you'll bo as enthusiastic about It as we are when you have noted Its strengthen ing, invigorating, building-up, disease preventing effects. If it does out help you, your money will bo given back to you without argument. Sold iu this community only at our store The Rexull Store one of more than 7,000 leadlug drug stores iu the United States, Canada and Great Britain. H. E. Orice Drug Co., Red Cloud, tyb. onop EavSy A little more than three week's until Xmas. Do your shopping early. Avoid the hurried buying o! the last few days before Xmas. There is nothing more appropriate nor more useful than table-cloths, napkins, a nice handbag, a box of handkerchiefs. We have them from 2c to $1.00 each, from 25c to $1.50 per box. Guaranteed holeproof hosiery for men, momen and children in neat gift boxes at from $1.59 to $3.03 per box. Silks for dresses or waists, kid gloves and other things too numerous to mention. Come in and let us help you pick your gifts. s BHRBHRR PH A RES Ihtttcrick Patterns Warner's and American Ocauly Corsets rvAgS 13-1 ESS ED bbbbbH H H H H H H GRAND ISLAND VS. RED CLOUD at Koontz Park THANKSGIVING jrjSGAME BEGINS PROMPTLY ATS P. Jlf. VWWVW Admission 25 Cents i 1