. jJM..xv.wiii-.Tr,MjtiMAgwfr.irwtfr4g,wmawt RID CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ,,fit4V 4 .-. I .17 M I- . :. INDIGESIll GAS OR BAD pAGH Time it! Pape's Diapepsin ends all Stomach misery in five minutes. Do eoino foods yon eat hit back Uate good, but work badly; ferment Into stubborn lumps uud cause a sick, our, gussy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down: Papo'a Diapepsin digests everything, leaving nothing to sour nnd upset you. There never was anything so safely quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach 1b disordered you will get happy relief in live minutes, but what pleases you most is that it strengthens and regulates your stom ach so you can cat your favorite foods without fear. You feol different as soon as "Papo'a Diapepsin" comes in contact with the tomach distress jnst vanishes your tomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch Ing, no eructations of undigested food. Go now, mako tho best Investment you ever made, by getting a large fifty cent caso of Pape's Diapepsin from any tore. You realize in flvo minutes how needless it la to suffer from indiges tion, dyspepsia or bad stomach. Adr. Then He Escaped. "It's curious," said Brown, "how coming events cast their shadows be fore them. I'll wager a fiver none wf you gontlemen can guess what was the last thing played on the organ at tho time of tho fire." "'The Lost Chord," suggested Smith. Brown shook his head. "'Dies Irae,'" snid the classical gentleman. Brown shook his hend again. "What was it, then?" asked the practical member. Brown got up, reached for bis hat, and went to the door. Then ho re plied: "The hose!" FALLING HAIR MEANS DANDRUFF IS ACTIVE lave Your Halrl Get a 25 Cent Bottle of Danderine Right Now Also Stops Itching Scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy kair la mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruffthat awful acurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs tho hair of its luster, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish nees and Itching of the scalp, which It not remedied causes the hair roots to tbrlnk, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight now any time will surely savo your hair. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any store, and after the first application your hair will lake on that life, luster and luxuriance which ia so beautiful. It will become wavy and fluffy and have the appear ance of abundance; an incomparable gloss and softness, but what will please you most will be after Just a few weeks' use, when you will actual ly aee a lot of fine, downy hair new hair growing all over the scalp. Adv. Had to Be Careful. An old man who had led a sinful life was dying, and his wife sent for a nearby preacher to pray with him. The preacher spent some time pray ing and talking, and Anally the old man said: "What do you want mo to do, parson?" "Renounce the devil! Renouncothe devil!" replied tho preacher. "Well, but parson," protested the dying man, "I ain't In position to make any enemies." DIZZY, HEADACHY, Aini liAiAAinn I , Gently cleanse your liver and sluggish bowels while you sleep. Get a 10-cent box. ' Blck headache, biliousness, dirti ness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath always trace them to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food in the bowels or eour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged in the in testines, Instead of being cast out of the system is re-absorbed Into the blood. When this poison reaches the dellcato brain tissue it causes con gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick ening hcadacho. Cascarets Immediately cleanse the stomach, removo tho sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated wasto matter and poisons in the bowels, A Cascaret to-night will surely straighton you out by morning. Thoy work whllo you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet and your liver and bowels regular for monthB. Adv. Tho man who marries for money often awakons to And that ho is not boss of tho domestic domain. UAHtto Brocades and Furs bbtt -"P oiBBBBBBBBTaBL v bbbbbf -jbbbbbbt -SbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW. v v -bEBv H zsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? kw S u$f jIbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbV sSw MvV km M jbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIto AW flBB9IBKrWRrikSiiBr v kww iBBBBBBbBBBBbJ mBJBJHB m sMf bbbbbbbbebbbbmb?bbba v i Abb, BBaBBBBBklK!BJBEBBF svsi BvJ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaSSr bbbbbbbbbbbbbbwbbbbbbbB: ggggggSBgBBggggBBgBBga BJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJ' 8 H BBBBBBBBBz nBBBBf 11 gggggggggl . . tggggf M Kg V'l gEflflflflfl&BMBMflBET U N bbbbbbbbHbbbbbt aW v ia, EjgBjgagBlBgBjgE y fl w&Hy''w bbbbbbbbbuBbbbbb . fit SMBa. BJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJgw jrtjp gggggggggggggggEjg 1 ggEflflKr I gEEEEWswl " " . EggggggggggggggggggggggggEPV yjEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEflPf . Jwi rf y y f&WJmm3m f y h EVERYWHERE in fashlonablo ap parel, brocades and furs are fea tured. Whether in coats or gowns or hats, one or tbe other (and oftener both together), tell of tho lovo of luxurious clothing which seems to be inborn in women. Brocades and furs In tho parlance of tho street "talk money." They are rich and beautiful beyond all other materials. In keeping with the richness of su perb fabrics, garments are cut on voluminous linen. Cloaks are big, enveloping, richly trimmed and draped about tho flguro. Fur collars and cuffs, gold and silver laces by way of adornment, add to tholr aumptu ousness. Although many coats, especially those of all fur, are shorter than tho model shown here, many brocaded coats trimmed with fur aro very long. This Is fortunato for the averago woman. It takes n tall figure to wear the shorter coats with any style. All coats, whether long or short, hang in to the figure at the bottom. If you would be in the class of tho ultra fashionable, remember that in all your gowns and cloaks you are to strive for the effect of wrapping your figure with loosely hanging garments. Except about the feet everything is full and roomy. But withal this wrapped up figure, cloaks hang easily, away from the neck and loosely about the shoulders. In fact, garments are cut to produce tho poso of French 'WAivrVvVtaAAArrWvVVvVVVVVVVVWv BEST METHODS OF ARRANGING THE COIFFURE IP you have dark and glossy hair, show the same discriminating tnsto displayed by the beautiful brunetto who Is pictured here. Instead of striving for any of the fluffy or any of tho severely plain styles in coif fures, select thoso which bespeak a rich abundance of shining hair. There is almost no wave in tho balr dressed In this fashion. But it is carefully colled braided and pinned with many small pins into position. There are four coils overlapping across tbe back of tho head, thoso at each sldo being first braided loosoly. Tho ears aro covered except at the lobes, and tho hair is brought out only a llttlo way on the cheek. A few short locks aro Just baroly curled at tho ends at tho sldo and llo flat to tho temples. This colffuro may bo managed by any ono having fairly thick hair, even .attjBBBBam. BBBbBbHbm'' H) laU'4' IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvV Dominate Fashion women in wearing wraps of fur they wear such garments ob If they were slipping off the shoulder. Fox, skunk and martin nro favorei for "collars, cuffs and borders. Whlto fox and furs dyed in fancy shades arc smartest for evening wraps. After all, tho dark furs mako the best com bination with rich brocades. It will not bo hnrd to picture to the mind tho wrnp shown hero, with dark mole-colored ground hnvlng decpj Nattier blue in tho pattern of foliagoi and flowers which covers it. Tlui combination is quiet but very rich.' There is almost no combination moroi elegant. Brocades for such coats are wido and they nro expensive. One must expect them to cost from ten to twen ty dollars a yard. They are moro costly than plain velvet, but such triumphs of the weaver's art must bring a price commensurate with their Bupcrb beauty. Muffs and turbans aro mado of theso rich fabrics, and trimmed with fur. They lond elegance to plain costumes! without requiring a great outlay of money. Fabric muffs aro draped and are larger thnn those of fur. It will bo noticed that tho material Is draped in the seams of tho coat pictured hero and that tho shoulder lino (or the lack of shoulder lino) pre serves the vague outline of tho figure which fashion delights In. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. if it is short. Brunettes are blessed with hair oven in color, and thn colls at tho back are easily managed with short novelties which will match tho natural hair exactly. It is not bo easy for blonds to find a perfect match, as blond hair Is generally somewhat streaked. , In dressing this colffuro nearly all of the Jiulr is combed back to form tho colls. These requiro four strands, and they aro parted off evenly. Dy waving the balr a little It is easior to mako the colls full and light and gives tho back of the coiffure a better fin ish also at the crown of the head. The hair is massed at tho back just below tho crown and above tho nape of the neck. Largo shell pins with a few mock Jewels, and of excellent quality, are flno with this coiffure. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Black Lace Waists. As a refreshing change from white waists, the black lace waist, usually In chantllly, Is mado over flesh color or white lining, which will give equal ly good service with a newer style. They aro Just as suited as whlto, waists for wear with a suit of any color. Thero Is a great variety of styleB in these waists, somo having the foundation of net, chiffon or laco in whlto, with the black chantllly lace in bolero" or Jacket arrangement, with the lower section of tho sleeves and tho front of the waist in whlto. Leather Accessories. Leather and suede uro popular for many of tho accessories of woman's dress. Ono a sort of leather pcplum fitted to tho flaro of tho hips, and twelve or fourteen Inches of tho now est things Is tho wide hip belt .wide. Theso belts nro fastened with ball and Bocket fastenings under llttlo pearl buttons. Thoy aro lined with silk in self color. CREDIT GIVEN TO THE WIFE Good and Sufficient Reasons Why Mar ried Man Lives Longer Than the Bachelor. It Is a 'good thing for n man to hnvn a wlfo to look after his IngolngH ami outcomlng8 to onforco regularity In his moilo of living to see that he is clothed according to tho rcquiri'monts of tho temperature, and takes his uni breltn when there in likelihood of showers, and guts good nit'iils at stated hours. Jacques Hcrtlllon, tho French expert on occupational mortality. Inn found tlint low death intes occur partlcularl.v In occupations In which the workman Is under mom or Ion supervision an icpurils not only health hut ulxo habits of life, and in which he Is surrounded by InlluoneoH tending to pi event ills plpatlon. and conducive to regular bourn and tegular ImliltH, Hank clerks and llduulniy employes who feel their responsibilities aio types of this. Her" llllon atti Unites much the same lullu once to marriage anil family life. The mauled man is supervised for his own good, and, having added Incentives to self-restraint and to the care of his health, he has n lower mortality thnn the bachelor. .Ion run I of the Ameri can Medical Association ERUPTION SPREAD ON FACE 810 East Elm St., Strcotor, 111. "A running soro broko out above my right eye, which spread over my en tiro face. It Btnrtcd ns n small pim ple. I scratched It open and the con tents of this small plmplo ran down my face. Wherever this ran a new soro appeared. They itched and burned terribly; I couldn't touch my faco it burned so. It disfigured my faco terribly and I couldn't be seen for everyono was afrnld of It. It looked like a dlseaso of some kind; It was all red and a heavy whlto crust on It. Everybody kept out of my way, afraid It would spread. I IohJ. reBt at night and I couldn't bear to have any thing touch my face, not even tho pil low. I had to lio on tho back of tho head. I was always glad when morn ing came so I could get up. It was extremely painful. "At last I thought of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and I commenced using them. It took thrco weeks to com plete the cure." (Signed) Miss Caro line Miller, Apr. 30, 1913. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Samplo of each frce.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura, Dept L, Boston." Adv. See 7 Ho stopped before a blind peddler and bought n pencil, putting live pennies Into tholhan'B hand. "How do you know these uro cents I'vo given you?" asked tho purchaser. "Well, sir, I can distinguish the touch of cents by my senso of touch," was tho blind man's prompt reply. . Important to Mothers . Sxamlno carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a saf o and sure remedy for Infants and children, and ase that It Daave 4 a Signature of C&f7&Z&U In Use For Over 30 Tears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria Illustrative. "Tho Comeups want a good shover." "Well, they always were a pushing sort." HIIAKR INTO TOUR SHOES Alton's Voot-Kaiia, the AntUcptlc powder torTlred. tTander, (aollrn, nerruns feet. Utm rrtt and Comfort. Makeawalklngadellght. Boldevcrjwbcre, (to. Dnn't areevt any lubilitut: for KIIBB am ple, address Allen B. Olmsted, ha Bojr, M. T. Adv. He Heard It. She Money talks, you know. Ho Yes, I know. I married money. Albany Evening Journal. The Family Package 25c BBBvfs BBBvbPBBBVB9 ftlttBBBVBVBK FBBBWWBBBTBBBBTf BTBBBTBBBm ' BBamV liBBamr (flaL bW 'HBSKI 'wEBBBaBBal BbbbTbW VP "aBBBBawt ) IbTjJbbTb?1' 4 '' LbbTbVJ bVBBbVbc. tLbm bbbbVbA Twm s BBam. I BBBj BbbbebWBbIbBbbW -K ""fllL'fc, JtrJ.ML7 JJL -KHHL " Bt BBBBBBVa ff. Mu S nHH BBBBBBafcjt9BBBaBV "& Nfifc. aaBBBB-VjBsHMlBBV avBrVr V V.bbVBJVBB'9V BBBBBC: HL k " aBaiSS-SiSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BaBBBBV BBRBb H. a L rijBBB4Mj2BCBtV).BBfcBBBBBBBBBBHH BJBBJftV .aBafrVt ."X BbV? bV C9af!aVaJBfSRfJnBBBBBBBBF BBBaWfi 'HBBBBBBBBBBBBB'ClBl9 BbK W' ' BBBBBBBBBBBrkBBBkSBBBBaMSlBfffi BBbV V fBBBBVBvBBA aBPa9a9a9BVx' IsaLmSBBBBBsffiBBBflBMBattB"" bBbbbBbbbbK. bbV BhVhVhVbVB'tiiv BbbBBbV BHVLJBHVHVHVflBHBLBBHVJBnSBBHaaBHWBBHByar ffaaVA W TbI'" BYaHlBBBBBVB&BBBlBBBniBBBBWBBBBlnP sbbbbbbbbbbbbbI mWk Ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbb! bbbbbI bbbbH bbbbH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbMII bbbbbbTbbbbbbI BBBBU BBBa 1 I BBBBBBBBBBBBbT bbbbbbbbkabbbbbIbVUHbbbbbbbb V Ibbbbi am m Kbb bbbbbtJ bbbbbbI bbsbbbI bb"b What is Woman's Beauty but Health? And the Haslt of Iter Health and Viifor Lies in the Careful Reg- ulation of tho liotvels. If woman's beauty depended upon cosmetics, eve. woman would bo a picture of lovollncHs. But beauty lies deeper than that, it lies In health. In tho majority of cases the basis of health, and tho cause of Blckness, can bo traced to tho action of tho bowelB. The headaches, the lassltudo, the Hallow skin and the lustcrless eyes aro usually dtiu to constipation. So ninny things that women do habitually con duce to this trouble. They do not eat carefully, they eat indigestible roods becatiHO tho foods aio served daintily and they do not exercise enough. But whatever the particular cause may bo It Is Important that the condition should bo conected. An Idenl remedy for women, nnd ono especially suited to their delicate re quirements, In Dr. Cnldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which thousands of women en dorso highly, mining them Mrs. (5. S. Vance, of Gil S. Kny St., New1 Castle, 1'a. At times she had spells of Indi gestion so severe that she thought she would die. Syrup Pepsin regulated her stonmch and bowels, nnd sho attrib utes her excellent health today to this remedy. All tho family can uso Dr. Caldwell'B Syrup Pepsin, for thousands of moth ers give It to babies and children. It Is nlso admirably suited to the require ments of elderly people, In fact to all who by reason of ago or Infirmity can not stand harsh salts, cathartics, pills or purgatives. Theso should always bo WORMS. "Wurinj", IIibI'h . lint's llir mnttrr of 'nil. HtomiM'h and B t'Mlnnl worniH .SVntlj nit lml its illhtrinirr. Cont jrou too muoh In fi'i'il 'nil, I.imk liitit-itri liml. Don't iliynn: Vm to ritftlb. Snolin'ii Cure will rrinnvr llir wurniH, Improve thn appetite. waA tout- Yin up ll roiiml, anil ilon'l "ph.VHlc." ApIh on Klandn and blood. Full illrrctlotm nllli rtu'li Ixiltlr, mill kolil liy nil ilmKiflxlFi. SI'OIIN MEDICAL C.O.,CtirmUt. Nuff Ced! Ethel Jack said last night he'd kiss mo or die In the attempt. Kitty Good gracious! And did ho kiss you? Ethel Well, you haven't heard of his death, have you? Stubborn Colds mid Irritated Itrotirhinl Tube me e.imly irlii'cl by Dean's Men tholated CoukIi Drop 6c at DniKKiuU. Why hire a trained nurse to nurse a grievance? Pain in Back and Rheumatism are the daily torment of thousands. To ef fectually cure these troubles ou must re move tbe cause. Foley Kidney Pills begin to work for you from tho first dose, and ex ert so direct and hcnefici.il .in action in the kidneys and bladder that the pain und tor ment of kidney trouble soon disappears. The Army of Constipation I Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are responsible they not only give relief they perma nently cured itiBttioa. Mil lions use them for BiliouMts. laaif titles. Sick Htsiackt, Ssilew Ski. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 48-1913. 3 '! nimHi .nu ku jKr flVER BSBWSSSJSBSB I'lbl.Bj, zuJi?v v - CRACKERS are economical because they come in this big family-size pack age. They're always clean and fresh because the package is triple sealed and air-tight. They're nourishing and digestible because they are light, crisp and flaky. They're appetizing: because their delicious flavor and delicate toasty brown appeal to the eye and taste. oo3E-Ailes Biscuit (pMPANT Bakers of Sunshine Biscuit Tr."lM.Jjfnfi . 1 ttgfjP ' t...i: ' j V ?? . t 1 ?rS MR6. C. S. VANCE avoided, for at best their effect Is only for that day, whllo n gonuino remedy ltko Syrup Pepsin nets mildly but per manently. It can bo conveniently obtained at any drug store at fifty centa or one dollar a bottle. Results aro always guaranteed or money will bo refunded. You will find It gentle In action, pleas ant in taste, and frco from griping, nnd Its tonic properties huvo a distinct vnluo to women. It is tho most widely used laxntive-tonlc in America today and thousands of families aro now nev er without It. Families wishing to try a free sam plo bottle can obtain it postpaid by addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 Washington St.. Montlcello, III. A postal card with your nomo and ad dress on it will do. ;onhen.fiuf.,U.8.A. GO NOW TO WESTERN CANADA The opportunity of securing tree uomesleausor. uu acres eacn,' and the low priced landi of Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta, will soon have passed. Canada offers a hearty weloome to the Settler, to the Baa with a family looking for a home to the farmer's son. to the 1 tenter, to all who wish to live under bettor conditions Canada's Ouain Tid.d ia 1013 la tbe talk. of the world. Luxuriant flraaeea give ebeap fodder for large herds ; oat oi raising ana rattening "or market la a trifle. The sum realized for Beef. Ilutter, Milk and Cheese will fiay llfty per oeal en the nvcstuient. Write for literature and pat Honiara kh to reduced railway rate to Superintend ent ImtnlKratloD, Ottawa, Cauiula, or to W. V. BINNKTT. Baa Building, Omaha, Nab RUPTURE CURED in a few days without pais or a aar- gical operation. Ko pay until cured. Writ UU. WIUV. S07 lie 111.1s;., Omaha, Xb SIGN TACKER WANTED Bo preferred. UoaJ cm. Tons name nn signs I n bl latum, rarttealara laB(l,B?Blll,0 WataaalCOate awaa m infton.u.u. B spa bsbti ap act rati AffHHI FOR RED EYES SORE l'."--" . w S-V..T. VW PEb??ti3l Be-taMZlBEH II PHRa aaB aWStTWffiJ r2STl;llPI Vtili li Hi fl 1 m Ut'l itaHe;'. ESIF'.-'I til v ( , Was. l ! iriii 3 fr II i1 1