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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1913)
?imrntwHUir'&M,i3i4 ,rw"fJA.ifyi- v-A-'-VV- o.Wte iuii wif? A', i- ' h H h r .1 t-A III II' ls K -"It rat' i a. 'Pa stes i ff , cf v h 'SLY 1 TPfajfe. ITI fl I !dXLCMnbJnrlr4-t JOL 'WiHT' irTp,TTJtLfiajLJk i a t -. n ,T at ' ffi Vrl J-'i. .ji. . K nHfflf m 17 !T CfT 5JS 5.!f Ju 'tiJHi aUBj QT Ml Jt ii HID CLOUD NEBRASKA -Oi.lll I 1 1 i Ah . usual make n hit thing, a knock doesn't Time to begin to snvo up for thai lummor vncfitlon In It womnn'n dross that needs ro form or the theory of dress? All tho dandelion nsks In chanco i It doesn't need any agcincnt n bare encour In the bright youth thero la unto "kulo." lexicon of modern no such word like Ullll, you ennnot Induco autotuobll Jets to ndrnlro that fablo of tho tor toise and (ho hare. With tho beat of onions at three tents a pound will there bo enough calf's liver to go around? 8 Funny none ot thoso lunch countut proprietors havo over hit-.upon the Idea of serving hasty pudding. Minnesota has a .man who traveled 870, tnUcs without clothes, but .tteft vwa carrying 'dress reform too'tfar.' If Ira to golfors slow every distracting dog that crossed tho green, one would truly sny thoy never sausage links. . Capture .of 'that aoroplane destined for, use In" tho Mexican war doubtlcsj tared tho llfb of at least one aviator. Doctor Prledmann's use of turtli erum has as, yet produced no percep tible effect upon tho terrapin market Time for tho kids to be displaying mjmjmf-WB When we lose a shirt In a Chinese ladfidri nCkaOrcdtrlrfdirBtand whrWfflany oMIreso'CelcBtrals yfWHfrVAV, gna br. iv?fc vU T A Parls-eourt-declded that slnghg It not a cau.seftpr,dilv1orco. Yot It li conceded (hat In many cosea Jtj la. ! a ut?6lerablo cruelty. " ' Ttl .3 '- ' According to breezes from Hrottd way, I1" p'"!""" "" Habitation 'twlxt darkness and dayllglit u not "so longV bjt "oolonrt' Thief steals sllv Jhr 3, silver buckled shoe from Now VqVk glfW foot while she was JatnmmMi n ftAlA-ny train. Why certainly, a footpad. I rThe.'Cltjr'npisBless.-'la-g'Ing hie tMuliln with tlio citizen or cllfitoncsa who Insists -that-he or she docs nbt and never did snoro. Rtnnb nnrt n.n- -two renulsltes demnnded by the house- maids' unlon!3TbJ,oJnptart5 vvGhm havo housem1fi4'sifcc.,J JCD A !0li a'HI WllJllrd Is to mar ry Tt1eautlfuLand.xlovcr nctress It of onnulXiGI .1 10 - jCold Btorngo, arJil)atJolphU orrator' oxplalns.'has kept butter and ckrh at TV reasonable prices, t)iq past, ylntcr. What does ha consider rcai .1 anyhow? ' Ohe'klnd rtf a male flirt Is tho man who pute'ah oxtra nlrkel In Iho tele - i phniin tint 1 "-1 ' '"" -of mldilnr.' i v w; v i i X flffiinTfflBr fdefclared a necessity by a Chicago rSwdrintai.TAI mattrrior iai 3BUl td-tc-NHn all T5 Every Iwdy wlllj agree with octpr" -SOslor tfiat " twenty-Kour ' hours la tenbugh-ofa-day-foranyrnan. -" 5 Tho government expert says bread-maklnBUs-ieaBjr- Qt -braatI'tnht)?H' easily mado may bo douced nara to ieat, all tho saino. '-5 A traction companvAlowered - cat: tstops for tho bonoflt W-tlght-sliffted ,'iwomon. In exchange thoy should faci "Sthe right way In alighting. C C' . aca ' f, A "RusBlan bsrberftJavpragc'.Moo'.ai '.-year In their business." Judging by acxTrT'3 nvn 0 I - .. . To he pictures of tho nicrry-popula.MkdttimorarllB It Is 110 feet long, 2Srfeet r$n Russian scenos, the uatbeabout- two of them. 5 "Ono Who Knows" assures us "It's pL, dry judojd; "oiaFariBorr-on .thoJ ontraryTsayjitlfclBflf, wjk mdjorvJotfl ,3hese two evils, you don't have to Choose either. . iS A veteran of tho Mexican war In $mmmmfMi rBVlin bo mucn yuuug uiuuu Keuyiug ip with the times. D3$tIB & flow to get rid of old tin cans Is a r5lg municipal problem, saystuAb hnnge. Must bo a scarcity aspaUiutx jSnmll boys or dogs. r A "vocational onalyst" says million A A doctor says .talking less and Us to pi jpTuai Waalonco hWofllitoflJnov'tJJiWTlUlki Endl cott, a well-known and highly rcspoct- ed citizen of Uoston, now elKhtv-seven TrBltWTnaTIateTy road" n'papeFof rem iniscence In which ho told this story: Somewhere In tho onrly '30a ru mors had reached Ilevnrly that In Pennsylvania or olsowhoro anthracite coal waB coming Into use as fuel. In order to mnku trial of It live or six gentlemen Joined together and sent to Uoston for a cartload, there being no railway. From my father's quota 1 romomber a lump of about tho size of a peck measure which ho placed in the open ilreplaco and' heaped about It an as sortment of plun and hard woods. These burned vory woll, but had no effect upon tho coal, oven with re peated trials. Considerable) fuel was burned upon that occasion, but It was not coal. Some little time later, when a grate had been installed In, tho flreplaco and a good tiro was burning In It, an old gentleman catno. In to view the novel spectacle After looking at It Intently tor n few mlnutoB ho remarked that "It looked expensive," .and retired from tho scene. Little did ho think that his sago conclusion) would be quoted after tho lapse of three-quarters of a century and then, perchance, .put In typo and possibly read a cen tury or two later. The' Outlook.- ANCIENT STAY-BUSKS The Illustration shows four eight eenth century. English busks.' The busk or "bono," as It was sometimes callod, was Inserted In the front of the stays and appears to havo been vlslblo throughout Its length, being held In position the laces. Objects of this kind are not only of Interest on account of their rarity, but be cause thoy llluBtrato Indigenous of folk art. They are not made by skill pat terns by the of machinery, but fabricated torcd met quring momonis ox .leisuro nrainiy as guts. jj pineir .womaoKtna. Uhey are-' almosvhs primitive In conception andt, .cxocutToii as a paddlo'vTought by native or, tne'ttQurn-acas.' AVTien a "voujig juian, set. nbout. making a stay-! busk for his sweetheart ho .fell, back" upon llie traditional elements of or jiavjtm JtftYie.tjJlTfc Br$jo be "Stdbs to colublno these elements Into bUttChlViflKinal fbfjns as'Tils 'fancy' dic tated. --s- - 35. &H T L . . I l Tnej fMoMSlJf zi9lRai!lar stone, ,iipw. inho JS'atlpnaJ Museuui a(.aex- Mtoi'lff'n block of baHalt weighing 25 u ima'iiiniTwymnfnr,nf7rT-i tc(jL r n;'diftaciirUGftrrag"merogiypiiics.-roiv uUjraatBi,,tiii nn$ tho aid -tULardlnary. iiaw i m- n . i. e i -1- .v v'jd fc. is LHbBibCbbbV "MJ - SfO'x gakk nsSVQ BBBBBBBBBBmrnii"rrBTTi MClfn iBBBPrWBrR bbbbIKbmbHVHbbVB 3 BflflaPBflflflrVBBBlLlVStk Vl 9m .wpm i wmmm-imm Dss iim : HbbbWiSKbbbbV . ltW9k bbbbbbbbIbbH IMimi c rtmrnWaiimmstciVKri mmWrnM LI H HiiS I , BflUBBflflflf . RIj . BbbbV "" HH I BBflflflflflfll UP"' V iWW NBBflflflflVr? t'HAf' "T Fi .f.WlJ ; 'n fer'..5 A ft " TmW zlec method of numbering tho jltarsJ- Tho number of days xjx thulr eavas I dlf- ferent naiUTnml rope; caidd r veVy four ' year wnj( called years. Thu ff chilLarrabblt:tuo. second. AtSatel. itorTQCd; ,o tlilrd, Teopal, or jlnCtho rourtn, cam, or nouso. inc jears wnro further arranged' "by thirteen, iuur bucu ijuriuun uiukiiik u niuucau ; 'v When'the-Olty ot Mexlfco'was taken by Cortnz In 1521 and tho 'grcatfjem plo destroyed tho calendar stonAVwas loft in tho square. It was burl in .1666aniKuot recovered again '.-uutll 17B0.P6piilar Mechanics. ir " SHIPS OF '"CONCRETE ' I'M. A 600-ton concrete scow, says an ex- cbango, waa recently launched aCIIal- h.fBf-hn'ilhHI.I"t:'-jr.Kri . .1 .1. a A mJT-L to w1doand haB a depth ot 10 feet 6 Inches. Others, built beforo thlsono, have shown a large saving In regains over wooden craft. It Is claimed by JnlkltrrthatJIoncjjaevesBelwill uklfnatcly wrat6"a revolution lnshlp construction. Tho Italians bavT al ready made uso ot concreto vaSsola, and have found them practlcablet Is stated, lutlued, they.aeem to-bo gj ex- them, rammed by a small war crjjteor;, showed no other Injury but n qcjek, r9aYo< was qutto possible to rfipalr successfully. This accidental Qcst gavo tho constructor much satspac- Tigm. uuiiook. jt. , . ir . b COUGHS UP PROOF OF GlSlT fl - 4rAjfK) of stewing Afipi ''Taze (JhrMnod tho UB- pldOIlH Of plclons ot tho poltco by choktngiid fc - My coughing ur . Uvo bank ntpes i nfAX..rjs&XTii; a lEiV Vllllf&t VOW . 4i iS' iTm TCwi aP ! " wiySKfMmvmiW? ! , JBjBUilllllllBBBflflflflBBak3 .S JljiE ' '-'M lBfllBflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflBHBB3F:rfrlPjP'' .W5' jLfcR :.JBflBflflflfla LIsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbMP?' 'lni'18 'JLWOM BBBKPBarv' VP? it W 'KJBBKV; ...dBflfllflflHSWiBBBfli BBBBBBBBBBBBwPPF '' -liBBBBBBfc ' " 4t iIBbK v SHSHsBBBs! bbbiv ' w&BtKftm3i&''-'' ? HF'l'MiHvssB siBiK" -iA ' r t!t- i ff wWlssr6lsWyiiiky; LssrJifeffs" NtWMPW ':"f'' ",- V:v ' v;v; its v rwrwmams UmsssSNM '1 r - iiz v f SKa. ..4jriBllllKt.flllK.vrSBB' 4 . i BBBBK-Xf : .:SBBtfZilK.'41R. 'V. ' J" W ;-: .' .' S u .iBlBtak r ' . mBBBB . . A rriy;ii Al I mMamImm ) WII6I I la krv the n.-JViJ!n tt.,rvaM. -urn unr f.-j-j-Vi lat tfl Itheyi enci,'i itlou ;r; ne nttfTSTiJ . -i - : rtBt mail Kceb4i tint swfl eat f normoutMWrant 1 "'.liAv'' - 'k M ..A.'.nri 'w iui these have,,'pajrtlcula leetb.'i other -injur I mnV e.BridolhiB.4 man- titiluvertrnui Jdoea fr&'v j, i " i . t 1 INOf W hed' aurse' : men WITU ' I'llKHVit'll Wl1 BUHIU MACtlUHPha on1 tho course when they found the ball ab(nimxakifcrbolw rtr&i surfaco 6i iho eVolndl The allasllc. Jlilcli TTTl .TJ . urcd is Inches In- circumference, was ,,. -. L a. i mn t . -"'" - - m of .MelSMbHW uuiKy ana awKwara as xney P"r deeply embeddftd In tho trnp rocfc.rrto:Wo'-fnom,' tout tnctoWotiia not uew ntuVbad.BuJTgri'd.UUltTfronitpxldatlonr 'hhir'bnough'lro to'vttaeli' ffoiH''th4U belnlAtirftTuSHBe'uIiitegratlng earth toour' nearest' planetary' neigh- .. r. I r.,r.o..Hr.. I I L. 1M lUTT MmtttK J lit l.tlfS I" ' W " iT "UulUD '"' rUiJv ' hl i enoif ya -a ''"'it " ""j'-'i J'i : A Ship of thjJrst 1 S L-I r pi niiirit7irtfi J'fl , -""am , V) ... -w. - ;lv i 11 i t i i - it . ..14 r ir . i. t 5idl&1Sn 3?0H. li l'flW'JM I " f I BBflfll I I "" i 1 i r-ibw Crf-J I i a -Li ; f IV y I I Bflflflfli I 11. T-r T I A 1 V5 I I7 rssl-r' Vv ' ; H 1'''---'" x li h :vRl "'VA'.i' .r.r ?,tffx k Ik I m ? VV r.-3i CC&3&& . . I .AV. - BBBTg'BBBVft.llT. JWHyfcMMBliBBBBBW11f?V,1l".- DlkA''' VHHMBBBBstllSBHBWt''lR' i i-i ' -jijc'aBBam:iiaiBjj;- f !fBlBW9rHiBBBlHiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHHiBH - ' - - .7SJ4ilBflflflflflflL:HrilWWViBflflflflflflflflflflflflflnilBflflflflflflflBBflflflflflflfl r1' a- J&Ts . v JHlBflBlBflflflHB9B3!SBr'''Ml2SiL -t ?PCi" 5VI3sBBBBBBHBaBBBSWi.,t rT -V Li$yBBlBBBBSjr.v3riM ' 4liBaS 9 i re olWicIMIIiHsiJ "JflftH-HTittrmi'i u.n anam hm Uta siMnInm lauAllAiis sa aAiBtt ( IIIU p ! fIIHI WHTVIIWIIB - k, A4sm3Th1t'iraCairtfMtlohoflfe1mT)Vael, motfeitMtomqarranWirtfereifrrii. Tnev fortunatsMnTltrf araliDrnanf atone anar little grille covering the small window, lanisldvisfJt)siJPiinrilncVUs7AlovijiT A S tto)Bftwi3jaaiiijnvioii2 fHtJociWti onout d'jwm n bnrt IftiJi rnw U l tiotiiJbf-'O'j i)H -fab IIa -aalhaniil ifA'lhedfpart 5sotfa.4iLa(tei''iraradlCl 4aaK$kf"HttMk tmutdentiydviilted )byoanilUlhAi stnttstfU TltMe aW (ttttaJWrtaWeWB'ttfiberoTWaterikita: Airtocedta dlldtrid'lajitJlngryt white.' Th "ladceil caakprtser.nth'ltty ovatUareT mlMa, 'and jrtJ.'praientna canaldwrabl cand.nqaantttyt'Dfcsoaaj lsfiUaliyi taknfro Utt'.'VhUtj a'raTrar''lB dttObr oWMtru ittttnlfrom'tMelako tothe05ganda'rai wn iWJikn?itknirallaVjlRLflOmn)ete if iavevpootetitthat Baltv MAgatH'iwllN BUdpln'JUdnrtofth3"wor4dBMna fnii rHr. Dfl "tULtONSb,OPTEtEPpiHES 1 e1a ' 4 trVrMq;VittW't,'rf"'Hri.6Wfli::tele? Wdhe Btlrisv,4llJUnlVea, fltatcsr ana xno-nmuunv ui-wiru-uuuu una , Hlal8lS.0ff(J'.Ou''Wir(fB'na'ei5'mb "Idea owhaVhiBT tfttal m,eanB''nfeVbo rrfasn efl h6'nW ekl'durat thaft this 'length 1 o'f "w !ro '-eodrtr-T)o VrVapped-af oufiP tho, i f . T j- I...Vf.X ..-. --T- i. .. .i. .. fl . ..i. . . r..a. . . . 1 .r..ri t -ti ujirrf aniMdniindrA ' inoinrmnvrnni rrami. 1... fs ifji Kttj lax :: . ! " - - -- - - t0RSR t,PVl-5yWtBXr.'? pWrflaW!" meaB-"eiiHhi7Mrfnnids': um ithht ift 'Would) . k m ..jTfi' . i t vr OTBMBMM 'B" Ul 1 sailors. The vessels ars.aropwyea chJsfly.Iri ".- -- ----- - Qtl A-teAJi l wtt ii r. in in Most Effectually Done in Bottles . fn Which Received. ' I Good Results May Be Secured by Us ing Ordinary Tin Pall With Pie Plate Inverted to Permit Cir culation of Water. (By J. T. rHANtJSUN.) Milk can bo pasteurized most ef ficiently In tho bottles In which It l received. To do this a small tin pall with a perforated false bottom can bo used. If a special pall Is not at hand, tho same results can be secured by using an ordinary tin pall with an In- d, " iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSS" V. Arrangement for Pasteurizing Milk. verted plo tin placed In the bottom of tho aamn Thla falan Jir.Mr.rr. o nlonarl -Inne-pall so as to permit-circulation 1 f iirT1l1llBft vtJMW'ilBMff1-""lBjr"r "-j-gi'-i" ? bottles. AnTfCcrrrate thWnonterprrtnre4r pTIWroula bo xuWand BlVin wmwi one mm nea ties. Place the bottles ontha thermometer indicates a temperature of from lfcMfelcMilrc& IteU pail and Dottles snoum tnen do re-, moved frSiilUelsQv'WaOod: to! stand 25 mlauteai tt,tho, Jwt OKataTn pall and bottles should then do rev Now rexn'o DVS'the'c'oVer addTpIAa'tHS pall under -4 -cold water faucet-.', allow Ing the water.J:oran Jlgwjy,jnj,thej pan. conuiuai.iinaupi.TflaTiintLgaier: has been replaced wjh the cold-water and the tempjM urelf temirB been reducedntl aWotOJt at the water. Thla is the cheapest and most Efficient Pasteurizing and Cooling of.MllK efficient way of cooling and will also 'prevent breaking of bottles. Tho mule . can then bo tbo.rafrlgerav tor nnd placed on ico until required Wl; UBU. It Is well teurlzeilJnllk tho feeding of 'children iafteriri"'24" hours old. 1 y iTj.Mirj ci P.nltluatlnn Corn. ' -The purposes Vffeufr''tinage la,9,l,1Ac8JwtWlU,'vvecds;.-fscQnd,-.tPrl keop the surface sou receptive to rainfall; third, to provent tho evap? oration,,at.i olsture. Cultivating f&SW p, a&HComparod Pj. mojij'educe thd EVllU T.WI rield to: torVthHMo pruning the ro .'i-- ..Jl-,n u.J 'i.HJ r '" c41 ""if1 ni 4 ns hav not tho compacted rovlded it 1st f red crntn fAPil nlinulil hnvn Rnlt nftnn. igodd way 'is tokeolhlp atvWcM .salt In. thecornor ot cacHToea Ddx- .ihey s.-aretha. Jjost: '3udgesvotr:the .Amountot saltthey -f equlre,, and jil .nffordod a constanc-Bvppiym ngf.eai w.o,inuiguv ,v .f(vt triil(; ,,h- vc .' 't C-Jtti Care for Colt's Feet. irf ak half'a 'daOt? Wanhrraid ktrlni uPTonr 'colt's HaM JSiWehg horsey naslniurHdr'Uy letting'? tholi jfcet jfrovf wl4,.t ' i-n.v I'ni rf 'TflP Equal Chance for All. IhtlPiligl llrfLtlrer to uWed'bWl thoJ hem ad Iney may oil have an equal chanc chance, oAhe BtBs. BoBtho ttleslf TMlslmKAcs i ,rnade the of; rl II ! orirl Hi nil ift MP AM W rl AevelaiTft thUJuk InKho haf- I .murM M .W i A pall with tho milk I ' , 5 Inri aaJ iLai mill i IW P- iiri'fp"yT T C JBjBBaJAMiikWlsAAJuJualJbBaUlM aW mummmLum minamimmJBa m 1 J sr--AAH fc H' Vv A-sr- iM(ff!,lov' CbRM9MKI . . -'" i '. IT' '.!rjri upyTwiifiWri. BBBflflflTMiBBfeta BflflfllBSiBBfll I Q"VHBjBHHHBmHMtrflBMBW' WHri n lis - iiaWJB-tKsBflflTrrfM'r 1 ' tuWm -M . f V I . . HBBTM. .ldVM a ..TH. Mi WL .aShi i&UKmizamjkr s. i flissw :ffiw ItrfW a' - kirn'. . v - 1 i1 '. WBviptofe-.-pi idi lll ' Bi J- ? U ' Bit'a.l 'Sj ' ' . 1 , '''.rlHfiiS?fesf! ' m s'- "s " '" . 17 U . ' ', ti's t-:rt -T : : 'itfl Jo-" .should not, bQ.uaedUfor inuu" CtlamiSde rxaoiieBBHe DfperijSnt J-Poir ire.uBUBUTsjent.iTO,- seen raan xo (j6eatf vhen thO'BOll isnot unduly torn heavy'ralnfall, p r0ITid8fl3 3 T3 JpltJorJarimWorkea j MIlorlBr ntrhanl. work-flndaT ful! nixpeamnJ. UW ac " roison in miu and nith on cornj:.r. information coming from widely scpard(ed plnc'es1 show that tho corn- ear worm Is causing Injury and death td farm animals' by Infecting thom nnd giving them blind staggers. Pol lowing Is nn extract from nn nrtlclo In Farm and Fireside: For flvo or six years occasional out breaks of blind stnggora In horses hnvo attracted attention. During this tlmo tho Kansas experiment station has been making an experimental study of this disease and Its origin. Its exact cause Is still only partially understood, but" enough has been learned to placo (ho blame safely on poison In tho mold and filth found on ears damaged by tho corn-ear tVOFtla1 wwm ' iw www as in Tlio eggs of tho adult Insect caus ing this, trouble aro laid In tho huBks of tho young car. After hatching the ear-worm burrows through the soft young kernels, leaving its flltn, which, with tho escaping juices ot tho corn,' furnishes tho best possible medium for tho' development of the seed mold and putrid decay. Suffi cient of ' this- poisonous material re mains In the corncobs 'and corn to cause a gradual polkonlng of - the horses consuming any considerable quantity of tho damaged corn. The ,loss of horses in Kansas, . an a number of.-other states from blind taggers haa been found to be uncur abIe,"evon by a skilled veterinarian, unless the treatment is begun early. TO REINFORCE A DOUBLETREE Can Be Made of Oak Boards Wit Piece of Metal Between Them Hold Strongest Team. A reinforced donbletreo can be made, of two one-Inch oak boards with aj Of ' I pleoe or-rnelal, A, botwoen Tnem.Thej rhajMd ojim and itflvetli together. amo iA?ilL fr noiniqrcca UouDicirco. y manner. They aro not dlmcu)C to Thev aro not .l i n r -JTT. u .A r . . malte ana win uoiatite'strongcst leamj jacaidaaautlastlng , adozen ordinary iktii ra TOO THIOMLY .'Practice- SHdUldlBeDiscouragfl aa L.OyircrQwdlna.Uiidermlne8 Ce n I -J - -r.rTr i-nt.-.. vauun ur rianiivt - ThhA' sowing- must be guarded iBjpufchouJd.aTyMin ofc mVotsB-'crushlfrg or Tnjwing lift .niikhlinr. Over-crowding ubderminea the vatlon of .pufffoa at the start and e they outgrow 1 plants or seed lldkly than thuMatgur junns..,tim.'riflntlTnty they ougl t Mhlly 4M)t.Ml iim miiii iiin;nui. Each nlant should havo EjtnSbnt room to develop its coyledons hni no od leaf before It Is thinned or pr JiV....4 ,.r m . V r -Every yeai vegetable crops a ro VlucIi injured by belngown too thkklwind norlinP5itrtf?blrdli'too much t) dBrm that 'most' 'garcfeners would bo gainers wero ofily half tho sci d ftat fiioroNleCnowrfi As to what to sow tho seed i .lighter-tho seed, bed tho bottsr. ' Few seeds will vegetate In a H tempcraturo than 40 degrees ana in .tharaugo of 20 degrees all seeds IU e ;da ! i 9 grow. Cause of "White Comb." -"Whiter combMn fowls is catisol'by decayed, food, tapiiro water aid oyer tbfbwdlqg In v dark and filthy hotfbos. tTherf J' a scutfy appearance to vtho i'Comb:and3fBttlw. hadndeck, lth -n- fpradupl' loss of feathers fromStho nuuu uuu uuvk. xijeutiuuuv vuuBiDia iu TeoiovlTlg"to'cien3i'TiuarterB and gWng wholes9moJojod-.At night give ajlea fepo1fafoCrcSsttf oil, aftf 'lco3dd ,AlaUy.-Jrmsironful,ot4WP4M)y(a powderto thosoft food, and anoint thoheodl'nd"TflirceH" parts wlln vas elifie' Thiaetor 11 need Tpnly !be glVtooncer 1 JH JL ,Eao-Lavlnai Contest. " Egg laying contests- aro now 'bel lg carried on in many states of the unit n, poultry industry. Whller'thoysinevQrj have and rnevorwlil 'prove that'oie breed for variety' Js Bup7erl6r 'to i ill, oincrs,,mcy ao provg conciusiyeiyxE in careful breeding. In. curtain. strains or familioa ofifowls lncreaJBo-tho,egg p: o- dUctlonraWay above rtliQiiYerttgoivn id ithusvboo8tstho returns to.evea.lare ar propbrtlotfs."j xt" ue: - st v . i.f?'-r c fl ft .T 'iM-r. VRii.CS .vtxr hmck. orpwtn. s, .-, n, Every, clement trequlredt toF,auil;k growth nnd. fnU:dBVok)lQuentr-jnrPpl-' lets iff found 'in milk, oaUiiPai.-clmrip 'clover andbrrir,; nfuMrt tsueh.Well.b nnccd proportions that thedljfenti d." 1- VQ organs wlIP not :bo?vthIAi aty way. . ,..n."?nc ?r- -r-yvrlj -j a v ) waste would hardly stick loug onou :h HdiVkWiaiitrigroirTid nii?03dtWtJ4e i drnnnlnga tnkn flio nlnr-n nf a nan. dally prepared fertilizer. ' f i w M-y Ulti- It is ylalP fS urlejidp snay n ofkJH tUf wn oMhol savor I f -i:..d IH I II ? "iw fi.-4 ftg i nr a I llFjHKrim' jaVa w mi W i wr i j ii i in V v -